Cleanup the API for the hello world action (#162)

The make hello-world command created a hello world action and associated
it with the action that was created before. However, this API was not
deleted afterwards.
diff --git a/docker-compose/Makefile b/docker-compose/Makefile
index 7f15bdd..7a3b23e 100644
--- a/docker-compose/Makefile
+++ b/docker-compose/Makefile
@@ -334,13 +334,16 @@
 	    && echo "invocation result:" $$res \
 	    && (echo $$res | grep "Hello, World") || ($(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello && tail -n 200 ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker/logs/invoker-local_logs.log ~/tmp/openwhisk/controller/logs/controller-local_logs.log && exit 1)
-	echo "$$(tput setaf 4) creating an API from the hello function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
+	echo "$$(tput setaf 4)creating an API from the hello function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
 	$(WSK_CLI) -i action update "/guest/hello" --web true
 	web_action=`$(WSK_CLI) -i api create /hello /world get hello --response-type json | tail -n 1` \
 	    && echo "invoking: " $$web_action \
-	    && (echo $$web_action | xargs curl -sS | grep "Hello, World") || ($(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello && echo "Error invoking the web action" && tail -n 200 ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker/logs/invoker-local_logs.log ~/tmp/openwhisk/controller/logs/controller-local_logs.log && exit 1)
+	    && (echo $$web_action | xargs curl -sS | grep "Hello, World") || (echo "Error invoking the web action" && tail -n 200 ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker/logs/invoker-local_logs.log ~/tmp/openwhisk/controller/logs/controller-local_logs.log && exit 1)
 	$(WSK_CLI) -i api list /hello
+	echo "$$(tput setaf 1)deleting the API ...$$(tput sgr0)"
+	$(WSK_CLI) -i api delete /hello
 	echo "$$(tput setaf 1)deleting the function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
 	$(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello
 	rm hello.js