blob: 65dce5aaa6272a87e5f0ffaddab53651f32e3f9e [file] [log] [blame]
# detect local ip of host as this is needed within containers to find the openwhisk API container
LOCAL_IP ?= $(shell ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2 | head -1)
# if no IP was found, fallback to "localhost"
ifeq ($(LOCAL_IP), )
LOCAL_IP = "localhost"
DOCKER_HOST_IP ?= $(shell echo ${DOCKER_HOST} | grep -o "[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}" || echo ${LOCAL_IP})
PROJECT_HOME ?= ./openwhisk-master
WSK_CLI ?= $(PROJECT_HOME)/bin/wsk
DOCKER_KERNEL ?= $(shell docker version --format "{{.Server.KernelVersion}}")
RUNC_BINARY ?= $(shell if [[ $(DOCKER_KERNEL) == *-moby || $(DOCKER_KERNEL) == *-boot2docker ]]; then (docker run --rm --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh -c "which runc || which docker-runc"); else (which runc || which docker-runc); fi)
DOCKER_BINARY ?= $(shell if [[ $(DOCKER_KERNEL) == *-moby || $(DOCKER_KERNEL) == *-boot2docker ]]; then (docker run --rm --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh -c "which docker"); else (which docker); fi)
ifndef VERBOSE
# Quick-Start is a simple way to get started with OpenWhisk locally
# 1. at start it builds the project and the docker containers
# 2. then it starts all components using docker-compose
# 3. it runs a sample hello-world function
# To stop and cleanup the environment use: make destroy
quick-start: download build-cli run quick-start-pause hello-world quick-start-info
.PHONY: download
rm -rf ./openwhisk-master*
if [ "$(PROJECT_HOME)" = "./openwhisk-master" ]; then \
curl -O ./openwhisk-master.tar.gz -L > ./openwhisk-master.tar.gz; \
mkdir openwhisk-master; \
tar -xf ./openwhisk-master.tar.gz --strip 1 -C openwhisk-master; \
else \
echo "Skipping downloading the code from git as PROJECT_HOME is not default:" $(PROJECT_HOME); \
.PHONY: quick-start-pause
echo "waiting for the Whisk invoker to come up ... "
until $$(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):8085/ping); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
sleep 30
.PHONY: quick-start-info
echo "$$(tput setaf 2)To invoke the function again use: $$(tput setaf 4)make hello-world$$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$$(tput setaf 2)To stop openwhisk use: $$(tput setaf 4)make destroy$$(tput sgr0)"
echo "building the docker images ... "
cd $(PROJECT_HOME) && \
./gradlew distdocker -x :core:swift3Action:distDocker -x :core:swiftAction:distDocker
echo "building the CLI tool ... "
cd $(PROJECT_HOME) && \
./gradlew :tools:cli:distDocker
.PHONY: run
run: print-host check-required-ports setup start-docker-compose init-couchdb init-whisk-cli
echo "host ip address: ${DOCKER_HOST_IP}"
.PHONY: check-required-ports
echo "checking required ports ... "
for port in 80 443 2888 5984 8085 8888 9092 2888; do \
pid=`lsof -Pi :$$port -sTCP:LISTEN -t` ; \
if [ ! -z "$$pid" ]; then echo "$$(tput setaf 1)Port $$port is taken by PID:$$pid.$$(tput sgr0)"; exit 1; fi; \
echo " ... OK"
.PHONY: setup
mkdir -p ~/tmp/openwhisk/apigateway/ssl
cd $(PROJECT_HOME)/ansible/roles/nginx/files/ && ./ $(DOCKER_HOST_IP) server
cp $(PROJECT_HOME)/ansible/roles/nginx/files/*.pem ~/tmp/openwhisk/apigateway/ssl
cp -r ./apigateway/* ~/tmp/openwhisk/apigateway/
> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
printf "DOCKER_BINARY=$(DOCKER_BINARY)\n" >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
printf "RUNC_BINARY=$(RUNC_BINARY)\n" >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
printf "DOCKER_COMPOSE_HOST=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP)\n" >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
printf "DOCKER_REGISTRY=$(DOCKER_REGISTRY)\n" >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
printf "DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX=$(DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX)\n" >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env
.PHONY: restart
restart: stop rm start-docker-compose
.PHONY: restart-controller
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk stop controller
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk rm controller
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk up controller 2>&1 >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/docker-compose.log &
echo "waiting for the controller to see the invoker is 'up' ... "
until (curl --silent http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):8888/invokers | grep "up"); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
.PHONY: restart-invoker
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk stop invoker
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk rm invoker
echo "waiting for the invoker to be marked 'down' ... "
until (curl --silent http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):8888/invokers | grep "down"); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk up invoker 2>&1 >> ~/tmp/openwhisk/docker-compose.log &
echo "waiting for the invoker to be marked Healthy ... "
until (curl --silent http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):8888/invokers | grep "up"); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
.PHONY: start-docker-compose
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk up 2>&1 > ~/tmp/openwhisk/docker-compose.log &
.PHONY: stop
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk stop
.PHONY: rm
$(shell cat ~/tmp/openwhisk/local.env) docker-compose --project-name openwhisk rm
.PHONY: init-couchdb
echo "waiting for the database to come up ... "
until $$(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):5984/_all_dbs); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
echo "initializing the database ... "
# make sure the src files are in a shared folder for docker
mkdir -p ~/tmp/openwhisk
rm -rf ~/tmp/openwhisk/src
rsync -a $(PROJECT_HOME)/* ~/tmp/openwhisk/src --exclude .git --exclude build --exclude tests
docker run --rm -v ~/tmp/openwhisk/src:/openwhisk -w /openwhisk/ansible \
--network="host" -t \
ddragosd/ansible: \
ansible-playbook setup.yml initdb.yml wipe.yml \
-e db_host=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) -e openwhisk_home=/openwhisk -e db_prefix=$(OPEN_WHISK_DB_PREFIX)
.PHONY: init-whisk-cli
echo "waiting for the Whisk controller to come up ... "
until $$(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://$(DOCKER_HOST_IP):8888/ping); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done
echo "initializing CLI ... "
$(WSK_CLI) -v property set --namespace guest --auth `cat $(PROJECT_HOME)/ansible/files/auth.guest` --apihost $(DOCKER_HOST_IP):443 -i
.PHONY: destroy
destroy: stop rm
echo "cleaning other openwhisk containers started by the invoker ... "
docker ps | grep whisk | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs docker stop | xargs docker rm
echo "cleaning dangling docker volumes ... "
docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm
rm -rf ~/tmp/openwhisk
rm -rf ./openwhisk-master*
# This task runs a hello-world function
# 1. It creates the function
# 2. It executes it
# 3. At the end it deletes it
.PHONY: hello-world
hello-world: create-hello-world-function
echo "invoking the hello-world function ... "
echo "$$(tput setaf 4)adding the function to whisk ...$$(tput sgr0)"
$(WSK_CLI) -i action create hello hello.js
echo "$$(tput setaf 4)invoking the function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
res=`$(WSK_CLI) -i action invoke hello --blocking --result` \
&& echo "invokation result:" $$res \
&& (echo $$res | grep "Hello, World") || ($(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello && tail -n 200 ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker/logs/invoker-local_logs.log ~/tmp/openwhisk/controller/logs/controller-local_logs.log && exit 1)
echo "$$(tput setaf 1)deleting the function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
$(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello
rm hello.js
.PHONY: create-hello-world-function
echo "$$(tput setaf 2)creating the hello.js function ...$$(tput sgr0)"
echo 'function main(params) {var name = || "World"; return { payload: "Hello, " + name + "!" }; }' > hello.js
# Using the hello-world function this task executes a performance test using Apache Benchmark
.PHONY: hello-world-perf-test
hello-world-perf-test: create-hello-world-function
$(WSK_CLI) -i action create hello-perf hello.js
docker run \
--net openwhisk_default \
--link controller jordi/ab ab -k -n 2000 -c 20 \
-m POST -H "Authorization:Basic MjNiYzQ2YjEtNzFmNi00ZWQ1LThjNTQtODE2YWE0ZjhjNTAyOjEyM3pPM3haQ0xyTU42djJCS0sxZFhZRnBYbFBrY2NPRnFtMTJDZEFzTWdSVTRWck5aOWx5R1ZDR3VNREdJd1A=" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
$(WSK_CLI) -i action delete hello-perf
rm hello.js