Able to fully deploy OpenWhisk on Kube (#31)

* Deploy OpenWhisk Nginx to Kube

* Build custom nginx image that include wsk cli and blackbox
* Can only deploy with nginx certs for 'localhost'

* Able to deploy routemgmt to Kube

* Add extra configurations for zookeeper and kafka.
Able to deploy kafka properly

* Add troubleshooting section for Kafka

* Update deployment for controller to mach new master configurations

* give more time for pods to deploy

* set docker0 to promiscuous mode in travis

* Print logs for configure pod in ci when it passes or fails.

* wait until nginx is up and running

* update timeout for travis and remove extra comments

* Create secrets for kube users after deployment

* Update nginx image to have proper wsk location

* Update CI to perform wsk actions

* use sudo when setting ip link and Sleep before performing action

* Update pull policy to always pull images

* Fixup travis CI timeouts

* Update README
29 files changed
tree: d810dfd5eb6f6649a29d27e5c0ccbb3d93e3006e
  1. docker-compose/
  2. kubernetes/
  3. node-local/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  7. LICENSE.txt

Developer tools for OpenWhisk

Installing OpenWhisk

  • Using Docker-Compose. See the README for more details.

    Build Status

    cd docker-compose
    make quick-start

    This is useful for creating local development environments. The build downloads by default the latest code from the master branch, but it also allows developers to work with their local clones by providing the local path to the OpenWhisk repo:

    PROJECT_HOME=/path/to/openwhisk make quick-start

Travis builds

Each tool in this repository has to provide travis build scripts inside a .travis folder. The folder should define 2 scripts:

  • - invoked during before_install phase
  • - invokes during script phase

For an example check out docker-compose/.travis folder.