Deploying OpenWhisk on Kubernetes (work in progress)

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This repo can be used to deploy OpenWhisk to a Kubernetes cluster. To accomplish this, we have created a Kubernetes job responsible for deploying OpenWhisk from inside of Kubernetes. This job runs through the OpenWhisk Ansible playbooks with some modifications to “Kube-ify” specific actions. The reason for this approach is to try and streamline a one size fits all way of deploying OpenWhisk.

Currently, the OpenWhisk deployment is going to be a static set of Kube yaml files. It should be easy to use the tools from this repo to build your own OpenWhisk deployment job, allowing you to set up your own configurations if need be.

The scripts and Docker images should be able to:

  1. Build the Docker image used for deploying OpenWhisk.
  2. Uses a Kubernetes job to deploy OpenWhisk.

Requirements and Limitations


As part of the deployment process, OpenWhisk needs to generate a CA-cert for Nginx and currently it has a static dns entry. Because of this, you will need to connect to OpenWhisk using the insecure mode (e.g. wsk -i). There is future work to make this CA-cert configurable.

For now, OpenWhisk relies on part of the underlying infrastructure that Kube is running on. When deploying the Invoker for OpenWhisk, it mounts the hosts Docker socket. This way OpenWhisk can quickly provision actions and does not have to run Docker inside of Docker.

A couple of components for OpenWhisk on Kube deployment strategy requires custom built Docker images. One such component is Nginx and currently resides at danlavine/whisk_nginx. There is currently and open issue to make a public image and once it is resolved, then we can switch to the public image.

The second Docker image this deployment strategy relies on is the OpenWhisk configuration image. For now, it is hosted at danlavine/whisk_config, but ideally an official images can be built an maintained at some point. If you would like to build your own deployment image, see Manually Build Custom Docker Files

Lastly, since OpenWhisk is configured/deployed via a Kubernetes Pod it requires the correct kubectl version to be built into danlavine/whisk_config. For now, there is only a version for Kube 1.5, and one can be built for 1.6, but there is no CI to test it against at the moment.


Because of the limitations mentioned above, all requirments to deploy OpenWhisk on Kubernetes need to be met.


  • Kube version 1.5.0-1.5.5
  • Kubernetes has KubeDNS deployed
  • (Optional) Kubernetes Pods can receive public addresses. This will be required if you wish to reach Nginx from outside of the Kubernetes cluster's network.


  • Docker version 1.12+

Quick Start

To deploy OpenWhisk on Kubernetes, you will need to target a Kubernetes environment. If you do not have one up and running, then you can look at the Local Kube Development section for setting one up. Once you are successfully targeted, you will need to create a create a namespace called openwhisk. To do this, you can just run the following command.

kubectl apply -f configure/openwhisk_kube_namespace.yml

From here, you should just need to run the Kubernetes job to setup the OpenWhisk environment.

kubectl apply -f configure/configure_whisk.yml

To see what is happening during the deployment process, you should be able to see the logs from the configuration VM.

kubectl -n openwhisk logs configure-openwhisk-XXXXX

Once the configuration job sucessfuly finishes, you should will need to get the auth tokens used to setup OpenWhisk. As part of the deployment process, we store these tokens in Kubernetes secrets. To get these tokens, you can run the following command:

kubectl -n openwhisk get secret openwhisk-auth-tokens -o yaml

To use the secrets you will need to base64 decode them. E.g:

export AUTH_SECRET=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get secret openwhisk-auth-tokens -o yaml | grep 'auth_whisk_system:' | awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode)

From here, you will now need to get the publicly available address of Nginx.

  1. Obtain the IP address of the Kubernetes nodes.
kubectl get nodes
  1. Obtain the public port for the Kubernetes Nginx Service
kubectl -n openwhisk describe service nginx

From here you should note the port used for the api endpoint. E.g:

export WSK_PORT=$(kubectl -n openwhisk describe service nginx | grep https-api | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1)

Now you should be able to setup the wsk cli like normal and interact with Openwhisk.

wsk property set --auth $AUTH_SECRET --apihost https://[nginx_ip]:$WSK_PORT

Manually Building Custom Docker Files

There are two images that are required when deploying OpenWhisk on Kube, Nginx and the OpenWhisk configuration image.

To build these images, there is a helper script to build the required dependencies and build the docker images itself. For example, the wsk cli is built locally and then coppied into these images.

The script takes in 2 arguments:

  1. (Required) The first argument is the Docker account to push the built images to. For Nginx, it will tag the image as account_name/whisk_nginx:latest and the OpenWhisk configuration image will be tagged account_name/whisk_config:dev.

    NOTE: log into Docker before running the script or it will fail to properly upload the docker images.

  2. (Optional) The second argument is the location of where the OpenWhisk repo is installed locally. By default it assumes that this repo exists at $HOME/workspace/openwhisk.

If you plan on building your own images and would like to change from danlavine's, then make sure to update the configure_whisk.yml and nginx with your images.

To run the script, use the command:

docker/build <username> <(optional) openwhisk dir>

Editing the Openwhisk Kube Deployment

Kubernetes Deployments and Services

The current Kube Deployment and Services files that define the OpenWhisk cluster can be found here. Only one instance of each OpenWhisk process is created, but if you would like to increase that number, then this would be the place to do it. Simply edit the appropriate file and Manually Build Custom Docker Files


Local Kube Development

There are a couple ways to bring up Kubernetes locally and currently we are using the common script. Take a look at what travis does to bring everything up with KubeDNS support.

Kubeadm can be deployed with Callico for the network. By default kubeadm runs with KubeDNS already enabled, but please make sure to install Kubeadm for Kube version 1.5.

Minikube is not supported at this time because it uses an old version of docker (1.11.x). See the the Requirements and Limitations section for more info.

Deploying OpenWhisk on Kubernetes

When in the process of creating a new deployment, it is nice to run things by hand to see what is going on inside the container and not have it be removed as soon as it finishes or fails. For this, you can change the command of configure_whisk.yml to command: [ "tail", "-f", "/dev/null" ]. Then just run the original command from inside the Pod's container.


As part of the development process, you might need to cleanup the Kubernetes environment at some point. For this, we want to delete all the Kube deployments, services and jobs. For this, you can run the following script:




When deploying Kubernetes on Ubuntu 14.04 with the scripts, you might need to allow kube pods to communicate with themselves over KubeDNS. To enable this on the Docker network, you will need to run the following command:

ip link set docker0 promisc on