blob: d6171e58c4c7e35d64d411112cafb7da4a13cc8f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# Clone OpenWhisk to get the ansible playbooks needed to initialize CouchDB
git clone /openwhisk
pushd /openwhisk
git checkout $OW_GIT_TAG_OPENWHISK
# Install the secrets whisk.auth.guest and whisk.auth.system into the cloned tree
# after removing the defaults inherited from the checkout of openwhisk
rm -f /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.guest /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.whisk.system
cp -f /etc/whisk-auth/guest /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.guest
cp -f /etc/whisk-auth/system /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.whisk.system
# Sanity check: all subjects must have unique keys
if cmp -s /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.guest /openwhisk/ansible/files/auth.whisk.system; then
echo "FATAL ERROR: unable to initialize the OpenWhisk subjects database."
echo "Cannot use identical keys for whisk.auth.system and whisk.auth.guest."
exit 1
# generate db_local.ini so the ansible jobs know how to access the database
pushd /openwhisk/ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/local setup.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/local couchdb.yml --tags ini \
-e db_prefix=$DB_PREFIX \
-e db_host=$DB_HOST \
-e db_username=$COUCHDB_USER \
-e db_password=$COUCHDB_PASSWORD \
-e db_port=$DB_PORT \
-e openwhisk_home=/openwhisk
# Wait for CouchDB to be available before starting to configure it
until $( curl --output /dev/null --silent $DB_PROTOCOL://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/_utils ); do
echo "waiting for CouchDB to be available"
sleep 2
# Enable single node mode (this also creates the system databases)
echo "Enabling single node cluster"
curl --silent -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "$COUCHDB_USER:$COUCHDB_PASSWORD" $DB_PROTOCOL://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/_cluster_setup -d '{"action": "enable_single_node"}' || exit 1
# disable reduce limits on views
echo "Disabling reduce limits on views"
curl --silent -X PUT -u "$COUCHDB_USER:$COUCHDB_PASSWORD" $DB_PROTOCOL://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/_node/couchdb@$NODENAME/_config/query_server_config/reduce_limit -d '"false"' || exit 1
# initialize the DB tables for OpenWhisk
pushd /openwhisk/ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/local initdb.yml \
-e db_prefix=$DB_PREFIX \
-e db_host=$DB_HOST \
-e db_username=$COUCHDB_USER \
-e db_password=$COUCHDB_PASSWORD \
-e db_port=$DB_PORT \
-e openwhisk_home=/openwhisk
ansible-playbook -i environments/local wipe.yml \
-e db_prefix=$DB_PREFIX \
-e db_host=$DB_HOST \
-e db_username=$COUCHDB_USER \
-e db_password=$COUCHDB_PASSWORD \
-e db_port=$DB_PORT \
-e openwhisk_home=/openwhisk
echo "Creating ow_kube_couchdb_initialized_marker database"
curl --silent -X PUT -u "$COUCHDB_USER:$COUCHDB_PASSWORD" $DB_PROTOCOL://$DB_HOST:$DB_PORT/ow_kube_couchdb_initialized_marker || exit 1
echo "successfully initialized CouchDB for OpenWhisk"