blob: 9585f33c89512ca2a5f203b0701101589874f859 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
set -x
SCRIPTDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
echo "Gathering logs to upload to"
mkdir logs
# Logs from all the pods
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=couchdb >& logs/couchdb.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=zookeeper >& logs/zookeeper.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=kafka >& logs/kafka.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=controller >& logs/controller.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=invoker -c docker-pull-runtimes >& logs/invoker-docker-pull.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=invoker -c invoker >& logs/invoker-invoker.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=nginx >& logs/nginx.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs jobs/install-packages >& logs/install-packages.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs jobs/init-couchdb >& logs/init-couchdb.log
kubectl logs -n openwhisk -low-testpod=true >& logs/helm-tests.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=alarmprovider >& logs/kafkaprovider.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=cloudantprovider >& logs/cloudantprovider.log
kubectl -n openwhisk logs -lname=kafkaprovider >& logs/kafkaprovider.log
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --show-all >& logs/all-pods.txt
# System level logs from kubernetes cluster
$HOME/ dump >& logs/dind-cluster-dump.txt