support for rewriting rules, plus some code cleanup
diff --git a/client/lib/activations.js b/client/lib/activations.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ab4f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/lib/activations.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+var pollIntervalMillis = 200,
+    openwhisk = require('openwhisk'),
+    ok_ = require('./repl-messages').ok_,
+    errorWhile = require('./repl-messages').errorWhile,
+    api = {
+	host: '',
+	path: '/api/v1'
+    };
+exports.waitForActivationCompletion = function waitForActivationCompletion(wskprops, eventBus, waitForThisAction, activation) {
+    var key = wskprops.AUTH;
+    var ow = openwhisk({
+	api: + api.path,
+	api_key: key,
+	namespace: '_' // special here, as activations are currently stored in the user's default namespace
+    });
+    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+	if (activation && activation.activationId) {
+	    // successfully invoked
+	    /*if (!attachedTo) {
+		console.log('Successfully invoked with activationId', activation.activationId);
+	    } else {
+		// we'll wait for the result...
+	    }*/
+	    //
+	    // wait for activation completion
+	    //
+	    var pollOnce = function() {
+		ow.activations.list({ limit: 10 }).then(list => {
+		    var allDone = false;
+		    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+			var activation = list[i];
+			if ( === waitForThisAction) {
+			    ow.activations.get({ activation: activation.activationId })
+				.then(activationDetails => {
+				    console.log(JSON.stringify(activationDetails, undefined, 4));
+				    eventBus.emit('invocation-done', activationDetails);
+				    resolve(activationDetails);
+				}).catch(errorWhile('fetching activation detais', reject));
+			    allDone = true;
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (!allDone) {
+			setTimeout(pollOnce, pollIntervalMillis);
+		    }
+		}).catch(errorWhile('listing activations', reject));
+	    };
+	    setTimeout(pollOnce, pollIntervalMillis);
+	}
+    });
diff --git a/client/lib/commands/fire.js b/client/lib/commands/fire.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e7a91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/lib/commands/fire.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+var inquirer = require('inquirer'),
+    _list = require('./list')._list,
+    ok = require('../repl-messages').ok,
+    ok_ = require('../repl-messages').ok_,
+    errorWhile = require('../repl-messages').errorWhile,
+    setupOpenWhisk = require('../util').setupOpenWhisk;
+exports.created = {};
+ * Fires a trigger
+ *
+ */ = function fireTrigger(wskprops, next, name) {
+    var ow = setupOpenWhisk(wskprops);
+    function doFire(name) {
+	return ow.triggers.invoke(name)
+	    .then(ok(next))
+	    .catch(errorWhile('firing trigger'), next);
+    }
+    if (!name) {
+	_list(ow, function(L) {
+	    inquirer
+		.prompt([{ name: 'triggerName', type: 'list',
+			   message: 'Which trigger do you wish to fire?',
+			   choices: =>
+			 }])
+		.then(doFire)
+		.catch(next);
+	}, 'triggers');
+    } else {
+	doFire({ triggerName: name });
+    }
diff --git a/client/lib/repl.js b/client/lib/repl.js
index d399199..9f1a985 100644
--- a/client/lib/repl.js
+++ b/client/lib/repl.js
@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@
     needsEventBus: true,
     synchronous: true
+var fire = {
+    handler: require('./commands/fire').fire,
+    description: 'Fire a trigger',
+    synchronous: true
 var list = {
     handler: lister.listToConsole,
     description: 'List available actions',
@@ -103,6 +108,9 @@
     invoke: invoke,
     i: invoke,
+    fire: fire,
+    f: fire,
     attach: attach,
     a: attach,
diff --git a/client/lib/rewriter.js b/client/lib/rewriter.js
index 95c278d..0bc22db 100644
--- a/client/lib/rewriter.js
+++ b/client/lib/rewriter.js
@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
 var uuid = require('uuid'),
+    fs = require('fs'),
+    path = require('path'),
     inquirer = require('inquirer'),
     openwhisk = require('openwhisk'),
     setupOpenWhisk = require('./util').setupOpenWhisk,
+    waitForActivationCompletion = require('./activations').waitForActivationCompletion,
     lister = require('./commands/list'),
     Namer = require('./namer'),
     ok = require('./repl-messages').ok,
@@ -30,6 +33,9 @@
     api = {
 	host: '',
 	path: '/api/v1'
+    },
+    debugBroker = {
+	host: ''
 /** the dictionary of live attachments to actions */
@@ -64,16 +70,29 @@
 		if (counter === 0) {
 		    return resolve(toClean.length);
-		function countDown() {
+		function _countDown(resolver) {
 		    if (--counter === 0) {
-			resolve(toClean.length);
+			resolver(toClean.length);
+		var countDownError = _countDown.bind(undefined, reject);
+		var countDown = _countDown.bind(undefined, resolve);
 		toClean.forEach(function(entity) {
 		    var params = {};
 		    params[type + 'Name'] =;
-		    ow[types].delete(params).then(countDown,
-						  errorWhile('cleaning ' + types, countDown));
+		    function clean() {
+			ow[types].delete(params)
+			    .then(countDown)
+			    .catch(errorWhile('cleaning ' +, countDownError));
+		    }
+		    if (type === 'rule') {
+			ow.rules.disable(params)
+			    .then(clean)
+			    .catch(errorWhile('disabling rule ' +, countDownError));
+		    } else {
+			clean();
+		    }
 	    }, types);
@@ -85,90 +104,90 @@
 	.then(() =>
-		.then(ok(next),
-		      errorWhile('cleaning rules', next)),
-	      errorWhile('cleaning actions and triggers', next));
+	      .then(ok(next))
+	      .catch(errorWhile('cleaning rules', next)))
+	.catch(errorWhile('cleaning actions and triggers', next));
-function createUpstreamAdapterNames(continuationName) {
-    return {
-	ruleName:'continuation-rule'),
-	triggerName:'continuation-trigger'),
-	continuationName: continuationName ||'continuation-action'),
-	createContinuationPlease: !continuationName,
-	debugStubName:'stub')
-    };
-function createUpstreamAdapter(ow, actionBeingDebugged, actionBeingDebuggedNamespace, names) {
-    try {
-	var work = [
-	    ow.triggers.create(names),
-	    ow.packages.create({ packageName: names.debugStubName,
-				 package: {
-				     binding: {
-					 namespace: invokerPackageNamespace,
-					 name: invokerPackageName
-				     },
-				     parameters: [{ key: 'action', value: actionBeingDebugged },
-						  { key: 'namespace', value: actionBeingDebuggedNamespace },
-						  { key: 'onDone_trigger', value: names.triggerName }
-						 ]
-				 }
-			       })
-	];
-	if (names.createContinuationPlease) {
-	    work.push(ow.actions.create({ actionName: names.continuationName, action: echoContinuation(actionBeingDebugged,
-												       actionBeingDebuggedNamespace) }));
-	}
-	return Promise.all(work)
-	    .then(() => ow.rules.create({ ruleName: names.ruleName, trigger: names.triggerName, action: names.continuationName }),
-		  errorWhile('creating upstream adapter part 1'))
-	    .then(() => names, errorWhile('creating upstream adapter part 2'));
-    } catch (e) {
-	console.error(e);
-    }
- * Create a rule splice
- */
-function splice(ow, entity, entityNamespace, next) {
-    try {
-	var names = attached[entity] = {
-	    debugStubName:'stub'),
+var UpstreamAdapter = {
+    createNames: function createUpstreamAdapterNames(continuationName) {
+	return {
+	    ruleName:'continuation-rule'),
-	    continuationName:'continuation-action'),
-	    ruleName:'continuation-rule')
+	    continuationName: continuationName ||'continuation-action'),
+	    createContinuationPlease: !continuationName,
+	    debugStubName:'stub')
+    },
-	Promise.all([ow.triggers.create(names),
-		     ow.actions.create({ actionName: names.continuationName, action: echoContinuation(entity, entityNamespace) }),
-		     ow.packages.create({ packageName: names.debugStubName,
-					  package: {
-					      binding: {
-						  namespace: invokerPackageNamespace,
-						  name: invokerPackageName
-					      },
-					      parameters: [{ key: 'action', value: entity },
-							   { key: 'namespace', value: entityNamespace },
-							   { key: 'onDone_trigger', value: names.triggerName }
-							  ]
-					  }
-					})
-		    ])
-	    .then(function onSuccessOfPart1() {
-		ow.rules
-		    .create({ ruleName: names.ruleName, trigger: names.triggerName, action: names.continuationName })
-		    .then(function() { next(names); },
-			  errorWhile('attaching to action', next));
-	    }, errorWhile('attaching to action', next));
+    invokerFQN: function(entityNamespace, names) {
+	return '/' + entityNamespace + '/' + names.debugStubName;// + '/' + invokerActionName;
+    },
+    invokerName: function(names) {
+	return names.debugStubName;// + '/' + invokerActionName;
+    },
-    } catch (e) {
-	console.error(e);
-	next();
+    createInvoker: function createUpstreamAdapterInvoker_withActionClone(ow, names, actionBeingDebugged, actionBeingDebuggedNamespace) {
+	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+	    fs.readFile(path.join('..', 'invoker', 'owdbg-invoker.js'), (err, codeBuffer) => {
+		if (err) {
+		    reject(err);
+		} else {
+		    ow.actions.create({
+			actionName: names.debugStubName,
+			action: {
+			    parameters: [{ key: 'action', value: actionBeingDebugged },
+					 { key: 'namespace', value: actionBeingDebuggedNamespace },
+					 { key: 'broker', value: },
+					 { key: 'onDone_trigger', value: names.triggerName }
+					],
+			    exec: {
+				kind: 'nodejs:6',
+				code: codeBuffer.toString('utf8')
+			    }
+			}
+		    }).then(resolve);
+		}
+	    });
+	});
+    },
+    createInvoker_usingPackageBinding: function createUpstreamAdapterInvoker_usingPackageBinding(ow, names, actionBeingDebugged, actionBeingDebuggedNamespace) {
+	return ow.packages.create({ packageName: names.debugStubName,
+				    package: {
+					binding: {
+					    namespace: invokerPackageNamespace,
+					    name: invokerPackageName
+					},
+					parameters: [{ key: 'action', value: actionBeingDebugged },
+						     { key: 'namespace', value: actionBeingDebuggedNamespace },
+						     { key: 'onDone_trigger', value: names.triggerName }
+						    ]
+				    }
+				  });
+    },
+    create: function createUpstreamAdapter(ow, actionBeingDebugged, actionBeingDebuggedNamespace, names) {
+	try {
+	    if (!names) {
+		names = UpstreamAdapter.createNames();
+	    }
+	    var work = [
+		ow.triggers.create(names), // create onDone_trigger
+		UpstreamAdapter.createInvoker(ow, names, actionBeingDebugged, actionBeingDebuggedNamespace),
+	    ];
+	    if (names.createContinuationPlease) {
+		work.push(ow.actions.create({ actionName: names.continuationName, action: echoContinuation(actionBeingDebugged,
+													   actionBeingDebuggedNamespace) }));
+	    }
+	    return Promise.all(work)
+		.then(() => ow.rules.create({ ruleName: names.ruleName, trigger: names.triggerName, action: names.continuationName }),
+		      errorWhile('creating upstream adapter part 1'))
+		.then(() => names, errorWhile('creating upstream adapter part 2'));
+	} catch (e) {
+	    console.error(e);
+	    console.error(e.stack);
+	}
  * Does the given sequence entity use the given action entity located in the given entityNamespace?
@@ -199,9 +218,9 @@
     rewrite: function cloneRule(ow, ruleEntityWithDetails, entity, entityNamespace, names) {
 	return ow.rules.create({ ruleName:'rule-clone'),
 				 trigger: ruleEntityWithDetails.trigger,
-				 action: names.debugStubName // FIXME we need to copy the invoker into the user's namespace :(
-			       });
-	    //.then((newRule) => chainAttached( = newRule
+				 action: names.debugStubName
+			       })
+	    .then(newRule => chainAttached[] = names);
@@ -231,9 +250,9 @@
     var fqn = '/' + entityNamespace + '/' + entity;
     var afterSpliceContinuation ='sequence-splice-after');
-    var upstreamAdapterNames = createUpstreamAdapterNames(afterSpliceContinuation);
+    var upstreamAdapterNames = UpstreamAdapter.createNames(afterSpliceContinuation);
-	var beforeSpliceUpstream = '/' + entityNamespace + '/' + upstreamAdapterNames.debugStubName + '/' + invokerActionName;
+	var beforeSpliceUpstream = UpstreamAdapter.invokerFQN(entityNamespace, upstreamAdapterNames);
     //var afterSpliceContinuation = '/' + entityNamespace + '/' + upstreamAdapterNames.continuationName;
     return Promise.all([
@@ -246,9 +265,9 @@
 			       afterSpliceSplitter.bind(undefined, fqn, finalBit)) // after: -\__continuation
-    ]).then((beforeAndAfter) => { // a destructuring bind would clean this up
+    ]).then(beforeAndAfter => { // a destructuring bind would clean this up
 	// after the breakpoint, continue with the afterSplice
-	return createUpstreamAdapter(ow, entity, entityNamespace, upstreamAdapterNames)
+	return UpstreamAdapter.create(ow, entity, entityNamespace, upstreamAdapterNames)
 	    .then(() => {
 		// this sequence splice uses its own downstream trigger, not the generic one from the action splice
@@ -271,14 +290,14 @@
 function doPar(ow, type, entity, next, each) {
     var types = type + 's';
     ow[types].list({ limit: 200 })
-	.then((entities) => {
+	.then(entities => {
 	    var counter = entities.length;
 	    function countDown(names) {
 		if (--counter <= 0) {
-	    entities.forEach((otherEntity) => {
+	    entities.forEach(otherEntity => {
 		if ( === entity) {
 		    // this is the entity itself. skip, because
 		    // we're looking for uses in *other* entities
@@ -288,7 +307,7 @@
 		    var opts = { namespace: otherEntity.namespace };
 		    opts[type + 'Name'] =;
-			.then((otherEntityWithDetails) => each(otherEntityWithDetails, countDown))
+			.then(otherEntityWithDetails => each(otherEntityWithDetails, countDown))
 			.catch(errorWhile('processing one ' + type, countDown));
@@ -318,7 +337,10 @@
 	var ow = setupOpenWhisk(wskprops);
 	console.log('   Creating action trampoline'.green);
-	splice(ow, entity, entityNamespace, function afterSplice(names) {
+	UpstreamAdapter.create(ow, entity, entityNamespace).then(names => {
+	    // remember the names, so that we can route invocations to the debug version
+	    attached[entity] = names;
 	    if (options && options['action-only']) {
 		// user asked not to instrument any rules or sequences
@@ -404,28 +426,33 @@
     if (names) {
 	try {
 	    var ow = setupOpenWhisk(wskprops);
-	    ow.rules.disable(names).then(function() {
-		try {
-		    // first delete the action and rule and debug package
-		    Promise.all([ow.triggers.delete(names),
-				 ow.actions.delete({ actionName: names.continuationName }),
-				 ow.packages.delete({ packageName: names.debugStubName })
-				])
-			.then(function(values) {
-			    // then we can delete the rule
-			    ow.rules.delete(names).then(function() {
-				try {
-				    delete attached[entity];
-				    ok_(next);
-				} catch (err) {
-				    errlog(5, true)(err);
-				}
-			    }, errlog(4));
-			}, errlog(3));
-		} catch (err) { errlog(2, true)(err); }
-	    }, errlog(1));
-	} catch (e) {
-	    console.error(e);
+	    ow.rules.disable(names)
+		.then(() => {
+		    try {
+			// first delete the action and rule and debug package
+			Promise.all([ow.triggers.delete(names),
+				     ow.actions.delete({ actionName: names.continuationName }),
+				     ow.actions.delete({ actionName: names.debugStubName }) // keep in sync with UpstreamAdapter
+				    ])
+			    .then(() => {
+				// then we can delete the rule
+				ow.rules.delete(names)
+				    .then(() => {
+					try {
+					    delete attached[entity];
+					    ok_(next);
+					} catch (err) {
+					    errlog(5, true)(err);
+					}
+				    }).
+				    catch(errlog(4));
+			    })
+			    .catch(errlog(3));
+		    }
+		    catch (err) { errlog(2, true)(err); }
+		}).catch(errlog(1));
+	} catch (err) {
+	    errlog(0)(err);
@@ -485,8 +512,15 @@
     if (!attachedTo) {
 	var seq = chainAttached[action];
 	if (seq) {
-	    invokeThisAction = seq.before;
-	    waitForThisAction = seq.after;
+	    if (seq.before) {
+		// sequence
+		invokeThisAction = seq.before;
+		waitForThisAction = seq.after;
+	    } else {
+		// rule: invoke the rule's action
+		invokeThisAction = seq.debugStubName;
+		waitForThisAction = seq.continuationName;
+	    }
 	} else {
 	    invokeThisAction = action;
@@ -494,7 +528,7 @@
     } else {
-	invokeThisAction = attachedTo.debugStubName + '/' + invokerActionName;
+	invokeThisAction = UpstreamAdapter.invokerName(attachedTo);
 	// these are now part of the debug stub binding
 	// params.action = action;
@@ -510,48 +544,10 @@
 	return next();
-    var key = wskprops.AUTH;
     var ow = setupOpenWhisk(wskprops);
-    var owForActivations = openwhisk({
-	api: + api.path,
-	api_key: key,
-	namespace: '_'
-    });
-    ow.actions.invoke({
-	actionName: invokeThisAction,
-	params: params
-    }).then(function onSuccess(activation) {
-	if (activation && activation.activationId) {
-	    // successfully invoked
-	    if (!attachedTo) {
-		console.log('Successfully invoked with activationId', activation.activationId);
-	    } else {
-		// we'll wait for the result...
-	    }
-	    //
-	    // wait for activation completion
-	    //
-	    var timer = setInterval(function waitForResponse() {
-		owForActivations.activations.list({ limit: 10 }).then(function(list) {
-		    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
-			var activation = list[i];
-			if ( === waitForThisAction) {
-			    clearInterval(timer);
-			    owForActivations.activations.get({ activation: activation.activationId }).then(function(activation) {
-				console.log(JSON.stringify(activation, undefined, 4));
-				eventBus.emit('invocation-done', activation);
-				ok_(next);
-			    });
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		});
-	    }, 300);
-	}
-    }, function onError(err) {
-	console.error('Unable to invoke your specified action');
-	next();
-    });
+    ow.actions.invoke({ actionName: invokeThisAction, params: params })
+	.then(waitForActivationCompletion.bind(undefined, wskprops, eventBus, waitForThisAction))
+	.then(ok(next))
+	.catch(errorWhile('invoking your specified action', next));