blob: fcfbfea1ef2ccbe3c2f327d8a57a67315ff91577 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# standard combinators
import json
combinators = {
'empty': {'since': '0.4.0'},
'seq': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'sequence': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'if': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'consequent'}, {'_': 'alternate', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'if_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'consequent'}, {'_': 'alternate', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'while': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'body'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'while_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'body'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'dowhile': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'test'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'dowhile_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'test'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'try': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'handler'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'finally': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'finalizer'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'retain': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'retain_catch': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'let': {'args': [{'_': 'declarations', 'type': 'object'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'mask': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'action': {'args': [{'_': 'name', 'type': 'string'}, {'_': 'action', 'type': 'object', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'composition': {'args': [{'_': 'name', 'type': 'string'}, {'_': 'composition'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'repeat': {'args': [{'_': 'count', 'type': 'number'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'retry': {'args': [{'_': 'count', 'type': 'number'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
'value': {'args': [{'_': 'value', 'type': 'value'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'literal': {'args': [{'_': 'value', 'type': 'value'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
'function': {'args': [{'_': 'function', 'type': 'object'}], 'since': '0.4.0'}
class ComposerError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, *arguments):
self.message = message
self.argument = arguments
def serialize(obj):
return obj.__dict__
class Composition:
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.__dict__, indent=2, default=serialize)
class Compiler:
def empty(self):
return self._compose('empty', ())
def seq(self, *arguments):
return self._compose('seq', arguments)
def sequence(self, *arguments):
return self._compose('sequence', arguments)
def action(self, *arguments):
return self._compose('action', arguments)
def task(self, task):
"""detect task type and create corresponding composition object"""
if task is None:
return self.empty()
if isinstance(task, Composition):
return task
# if (typeof task === 'function') return this.function(task)
if isinstance(task, str): # python3 only
return self.action(task)
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', task)
def _compose(self, type_, arguments):
combinator = combinators[type_]
skip = len(combinator['args']) if 'args' in combinator else 0
if 'components' not in combinator and len(arguments) > skip:
raise ComposerError('Too many arguments')
composition = Composition(type_)
# process declared arguments
for i in range(skip):
arg = combinator['args'][i]
argument = arguments[i] if len(arguments) > i else None
if 'type' not in arg:
setattr(composition, arg['_'], self.task(argument))
elif arg['type'] == 'value':
# if (typeof argument === 'function') throw new ComposerError('Invalid argument', argument)
setattr(composition, arg['_'], argument)
setattr(composition, arg['_'], argument)
if 'components' in combinator:
setattr(composition, 'components', tuple(map(lambda obj: self.task(obj), arguments)))
return composition
def parse_action_name(name):
Parses a (possibly fully qualified) resource name and validates it. If it's not a fully qualified name,
then attempts to qualify it.
Examples string to namespace, [package/]action name
foo => /_/foo
pkg/foo => /_/pkg/foo
/ns/foo => /ns/foo
/ns/pkg/foo => /ns/pkg/foo
name = name.strip()
if len(name) == 0:
raise ComposerError("Name is not specified")
delimiter = '/'
parts = name.split(delimiter)
n = len(parts)
leadingSlash = name[0] == delimiter if len(name) > 0 else False
# no more than /ns/p/a
if n < 1 or n > 4 or (leadingSlash and n == 2) or (not leadingSlash and n == 4):
raise ComposerError("Name is not valid")
# skip leading slash, all parts must be non empty (could tighten this check to match EntityName regex)
for part in parts[1:]:
if len(part.strip()) == 0:
raise ComposerError("Name is not valid")
newName = delimiter.join(parts)
if leadingSlash:
return newName
elif n < 3:
return delimiter+"_"+delimiter+newName
return delimiter+newName
# class Composer(Compiler):
# def action(self, name, options):
# """ enhanced action combinator: mangle name, capture code """
# name = parseActionName(name)
# let exec
# const composition = { type: 'action', name }
# if (exec) composition.action = { exec }
# return new Composition(composition)