blob: 44ee2406d8e85c5f330cdaaab6109da203b0dda2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Minimal OpenWhisk Client for Python """
import urllib.parse
import os
import requests
import base64
import json
class Client:
def __init__(self, options=None):
self.options = self.parse_options(options if options is not None else {})
self.actions = Action(self)
def parse_options(self, options):
api_key = options['api_key'] if 'api_key' in options else (os.environ['__OW_API_KEY'] if '__OW_API_KEY' in os.environ else None)
ignore_certs = options['ignore_certs'] if 'ignore_certs' in options else False
# if apihost is available, parse this into full API url
api = options['api'] if 'api' in options else self.url_from_apihost(options['apihost'] if 'apihost' in options else (os.environ['__OW_APIHOST'] if '__OW_API___OW_APIHOST' in os.environ else None))
if api_key is None:
raise Exception(invalid_options_error, 'Missing api_key parameter.')
elif api is None:
raise Exception(invalid_options_error, 'Missing either api or apihost parameters.')
namespace = options['namespace'] if 'namespace' in options else None
return {'api_key':api_key, 'api': api, 'ignore_certs':ignore_certs, 'namespace': namespace }
def url_from_apihost(self, apihost):
if apihost is None:
return apihost
url = apihost+'/api/v1/'
# if apihost does not the protocol, assume HTTPS
if not url.startswith('http') :
url = 'https://' + url
return url
def request(self, method, path, options):
url = self.path_url(path)
params = options['qs'] if 'qs' in options else None
body = options['body'] if 'body' in options else None
serializer = options['serializer'] if 'serializer' in options else None
payload = json.dumps(body, default=serializer)
headers = { 'Authorization': self.auth_header(), 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
verify = not self.options['ignore_certs']
resp = requests.request(method, url, params=params, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=verify)
if resp.status_code >= 400:
# we turn >=400 statusCode responses into exceptions
error = Exception()
error.status_code = resp.status_code
error.error = resp.reason
raise error
# otherwise, the response body is the expected return value
return resp.json()
def path_url(self, url_path):
endpoint = self.api_url()
return urllib.parse.urlunparse(urllib.parse.ParseResult(endpoint.scheme, endpoint.netloc, urllib.parse.urljoin(endpoint.path, url_path), endpoint.params, endpoint.query, endpoint.fragment))
def api_url(self):
return urllib.parse.urlparse(self.options['api'] if self.options['api'].endswith('/') else self.options['api'] + '/')
def auth_header(self):
return 'Basic '+ base64.b64encode(self.options['api_key'].encode()).decode()
default_namespace = os.environ['__OW_NAMESPACE'] if '__OW_NAMESPACE' in os.environ else '_'
class BaseOperation:
def __init__(self, client, resource):
self.client = client
self.resource = resource
def request(self, params):
namespace = self.namespace(params['options'])
path = self.resource_path(namespace, params['id'])
return self.client.request(params['method'], path, params['options'])
def resource_path(self, namespace, id=None):
path = 'namespaces/'+namespace+'/'+self.resource
if id is not None:
path += '/'+id
return path
def namespace(self, options=None):
if options is not None and isinstance(options['namespace'], str):
return urllib.parse.quote(options['namespace'].encode('utf-8'))
if 'namespace' in self.client.options and isinstance(self.client.options['namespace'], str):
return urllib.parse.quote(self.client.options['namespace'].encode('utf-8'))
return urllib.parse.quote(default_namespace)
def qs(self, options, names):
filtered = {}
for name in names:
if name in options:
filtered[name] = options[name]
return filtered
class Resource(BaseOperation):
def __init__(self, client, resource):
super(Resource, self).__init__(client, resource)
self.identifiers = ['name']
self.qs_options = {}
def list(self, options):
return self.operation('GET', options)
def get(self, options):
return self.operation_with_id('GET', options)
def invoke(self, options=None):
options = options if options is not None else {}
if isinstance(options, dict):
options['qs'] = self.qs(options, self.qs_options['invoke'] if 'invoke' in self.qs_options else [])
options['body'] = self.payload(options)
return self.operation_with_id('POST', options)
def create(self, options):
return self.operation_with_id('PUT', options)
def delete(self, options):
return self.operation_with_id('DELETE', options)
def update(self, options):
options = self.parse_options(options)
options['overwrite'] = True
return self.create(options)
def operation(self, method, options):
options = self.parse_options(options)
id = options['id']
return self.request({ 'method':method, 'id':id, 'options':options })
def operation_with_id(self, method, options):
if isinstance(options, list):
return list(map(lambda i: self.operation_with_id(method, i), options))
options = self.parse_options(options)
options['namespace'] = self.parse_namespace(options)
options['id'] = self.parse_id(options)
return self.operation(method, options)
def parse_options(self, options=None):
if isinstance(options, str):
options = { 'name': options }
return options if options is not None else {}
def parse_id(self, options):
id = self.retrieve_id(options)
return parse_id(id)
def parse_namespace(self, options):
id = self.retrieve_id(options)
if id.startswith('/'):
return parse_namespace(id)
return options['namespace'] if 'namespace' in options else None
def retrieve_id(self, options=None):
options = options if options is not None else {}
id = next((x for x in self.identifiers if x in options))
if id is None:
raise Exception('Missing resource identifier from parameters, supported parameter names: '+', '.join(self.identifiers))
return options[id]
def payload(self, options):
if not 'params' in options:
return {}
if isinstance(options['params'], dict):
return options['params']
raise Exception('Invalid payload type, must be an dictionary.')
class Action(Resource):
def __init__(self, client):
super(Action, self).__init__(client, 'actions')
self.qs_options['invoke'] = ['blocking']
def list(self, options=None):
options = options if options is not None else {}
options['qs'] = self.qs(options, ['skip', 'limit'])
return super().list(options)
def invoke(self, options=None):
options = options if options is not None else {}
if 'blocking' in options and 'result' in options:
return super().invoke(options)['response']['result']
return super().invoke(options)
def create(self, options):
options['qs'] = self.qs(options, ['overwrite'])
options['body'] = self.action_body(options)
return super().create(options)
def action_body(self, options):
if 'action' not in options:
raise Exception(missing_action_body_error)
body = { 'exec': { 'kind': options['kind'] if 'kind' in options else 'python:default', 'code': options['action'] } }
if isinstance(options['action'], bytes):
body['exec']['code'] = base64.encodebytes(options['action'])
elif isinstance(options['action'], dict):
return options['action']
if 'limits' in options:
body['limits'] = options['limits']
if 'annotations' in options and isinstance(options['annotations'], dict):
annotations = []
for key, value in options['annotations']:
annotations.append({ 'key':key, 'value': value})
return body
def parse_id_and_ns(name):
name = name.strip()
if len(name) == 0:
raise Exception('Name is not specified')
parts = name.split('/')
n = len(parts) - 1
leadingSlash = name[0] == '/' if len(name) > 0 else False
if n == 0 or (n == 1 and not leadingSlash):
return { 'namespace': default_namespace, 'id': name }
# checking for `/namespace/resource_name` and `namespace/package/resource_name`
if n == 2:
if leadingSlash:
return { 'namespace': parts[1], 'id': parts[2] }
return { 'namespace': parts[0], 'id': parts[1]+'/'+parts[2] }
# checking for `/namespace/package/resource_name`
if n == 3 and leadingSlash:
return { 'namespace': parts[1], 'id': parts[2]+'/'+parts[3] }
raise Exception(invalid_resource_error)
def parse_id(name):
return parse_id_and_ns(name)['id']
def parse_namespace(name):
return parse_id_and_ns(name)['namespace']
missing_feed_name_error= 'Missing mandatory feedName or id parameters from options.',
missing_feed_trigger_error= 'Missing mandatory trigger parameter from options.',
missing_action_error= 'Missing mandatory actionName parameter from options.',
invalid_action_error= 'Invalid actionName parameter from options. Should be "action", "/namespace/action" or "/namespace/package/action".',
invalid_resource_error= 'Invalid resource identifier from options. Should be "resource", "/namespace/resource" or "/namespace/package/resource".',
missing_action_body_error= 'Missing mandatory action parameter from options.',
missing_rule_error= 'Missing mandatory ruleName parameter from options.',
missing_trigger_error= 'Missing mandatory triggerName parameter from options.',
missing_package_error= 'Missing mandatory packageName parameter from options.',
missing_activation_id_error= 'Missing mandatory activation parameter from options.',
missing_rule_action_error= 'Missing mandatory action parameter from options.',
missing_rule_trigger_error= 'Missing mandatory trigger parameter from options.',
missing_trigger_body_error= 'Missing mandatory trigger parameter from options.',
missing_package_body_error= 'Missing mandatory package parameter from options.',
missing_namespace_error= 'Missing namespace from options, please set a default namespace or pass one in the options.',
invalid_options_error= 'Invalid constructor options.',
missing_basepath_error= 'Missing mandatory parameters: basepath or name.',
invalid_basepath_error= 'Invalid parameters: use basepath or name, not both.'