blob: e96feaf586738cdc9e609423ed70672de2b0f0d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 IBM Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
composition = {} # will be overridden
import functools
import json
def conductor(args):
compiler = args['compiler']()
def chain(front, back):
front[-1]['next'] = 1
return front
def sequence(components):
if len(components) == 0:
return [{ 'type': 'empty' }]
return functools.reduce(chain, map(compile, components))
def compile(json):
path = json.path
type_ = json.type
if type_ == 'sequence':
return chain([{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], sequence(json.components))
elif type_ == 'action':
return [{ 'type': 'action', 'name':, 'path': path }]
elif type_ == 'function':
return [{ 'type': 'function', 'exec': json.function['exec'], 'path':path }]
elif type_ == 'finally':
body = compile(json.body)
finalizer = compile(json.finalizer)
fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{'type': 'try', 'path': path}], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }], finalizer])
fsm[0]['catch'] = len(fsm) - len(finalizer)
return fsm
elif type_ == 'let':
body = sequence(json.components)
return functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'let', 'let': json.declarations, 'path':path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
elif type_ == 'mask':
body = sequence(json.components)
return functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'let', 'let': None, 'path': path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
elif type_ == 'try':
body = compile(json.body)
handler = chain(compile(json.handler), [{ 'type': 'pass' }])
fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'try', 'path':path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
fsm[0]['catch'] = len(fsm)
fsm[-1].next = len(handler)
return fsm
elif type_ == 'if_nosave':
consequent = compile(json.consequent)
alternate = chain(compile(json.alternate), [{ 'type': 'pass' }])
fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.test), [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': len(consequent) + 1 }]])
consequent[-1].next = len(alternate)
return fsm
elif type_ == 'while_nosave':
consequent = compile(json.body)
alternate = [{ 'type': 'pass' }]
fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.test), [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': len(consequent) + 1 }]])
consequent[-1].next = 1 - len(fsm) - len(consequent)
return fsm
elif type_ == 'dowhile_nosave':
test = compile(json.test)
fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.body), test, [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': 2 }]])
fsm[-1]['then'] = 1 - len(fsm)
fsm[-1]['else'] = 1
alternate = [{ 'type': 'pass' }]
return fsm
fsm = compile(compiler.lower(compiler.label(compiler.deserialize(composition))))
isObject = lambda x: isinstance(x, dict)
def encodeError(error):
return {
'code': error['code'] if isinstance(error['code'], int) else 500,
'error': error['error'] if isinstance(error['error'], str) else (error['message'] if 'message' in error else (error if isinstance(error, str) else 'An internal error occurred'))
# error status codes
badRequest = lambda error: { 'code': 400, 'error': error }
internalError = lambda error: encodeError(error)
def guarded_invoke(params):
return invoke(params)
except Exception as error:
return internalError(error)
def invoke(params):
''' do invocation '''
# initial state and stack
state = 0
stack = []
# wrap params if not a dictionary, branch to error handler if error
def inspect_errors():
nonlocal params
nonlocal state
nonlocal stack
params = params if isObject(params) else { 'value': params }
if 'error' in params:
params = { 'error': params['error'] } # discard all fields but the error field
state = None # abort unless there is a handler in the stack
while len(stack) > 0:
first = stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]
if isinstance(first['catch'], int):
# restore state and stack when resuming
if '$resume' in params:
if not isObject(params['$resume']):
return badRequest('The type of optional $resume parameter must be object')
if not 'state' in params['$resume'] and not isinstance(params['$resume']['state'], int):
return badRequest('The type of optional $resume["state"] parameter must be number')
state = params['$resume']['state']
stack = params['$resume']['stack']
if not isinstance(stack, list):
return badRequest('The type of $resume["stack"] must be an array')
del params['$resume']
inspect_errors() # handle error objects when resuming
# run function f on current stack
def run(f):
# handle let/mask pairs
view = []
n = 0
for frame in stack:
if frame['let'] is None:
n += 1
elif 'let' in frame:
if n == 0:
n =- 1
# update value of topmost matching symbol on stack if any
def set(symbol, value):
lets = [element for element in view if 'let' in element and 'symbol' in element['let']]
if len(lets) > 0:
element = next(lets)
element['let']['symbol'] = value # TODO: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
def reduceRight(func, init, seq):
if not seq:
return init
return func(seq[0], reduceRight(func, init, seq[1:]))
# collapse stack for invocation
env = reduceRight(lambda acc, cur: acc.update(cur['let']) if isinstance(cur['let'], dict) else acc, {}, view)
main = 'def f(*args):'
main += '\n try:'
for name in env:
main += '\n '+name+'= args[1]["'+name+'"]'
main += '\n return eval(('+f+'))(args[0])'
main += '\n finally:'
for name in env:
main += '\n args[1]["'+name+'"] = '+name
return eval(main, params, env)
for name in env:
set(name, env[name])
while True:
# final state, return composition result
if state is None:
print('Entering final state')
if 'error' in params:
return params
return { 'params': params }
# process one state
jsonv = fsm[state] # jsonv definition for current state
if 'path' in jsonv:
print('Entering composition'+jsonv['path'])
current = state
state = current + jsonv['next'] if 'next' in jsonv else None # default next state
if jsonv['type'] == 'choice':
state = current + (jsonv['then'] if params['value'] else jsonv['else'])
elif jsonv['type'] == 'try':
stack.insert(0, { 'catch': current + jsonv['catch'] })
elif jsonv['type'] == 'let':
stack.insert(0, { 'let': jsonv['let'] }) # JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonv.let))
elif jsonv['type'] == 'exit':
if len(stack) == 0:
return internalError('State '+current+' attempted to pop from an empty stack')
stack = stack[1:]
elif jsonv['type'] == 'action':
return { 'action': jsonv['name'], 'params': params, 'state': { '$resume': { 'state': state, 'stack': stack } } } # invoke continuation
elif jsonv['type'] == 'function':
result = None
result = run(jsonv['exec']['code'])
except Exception as error:
result = { 'error': 'An exception was caught at state '+current+' (see log for details)' }
if callable(result):
result = { 'error': 'State '+current+' evaluated to a function' }
# if a function has only side effects and no return value (or return None), return params
params = params if result is None else result
elif jsonv['type'] == 'empty':
elif jsonv['type'] == 'pass':
return internalError('State '+current+ 'has an unknown type')
return guarded_invoke