WIP: synchronize with composer master
diff --git a/src/composer/__init__.py b/src/composer/__init__.py
index d0b3c60..7356318 100644
--- a/src/composer/__init__.py
+++ b/src/composer/__init__.py
@@ -1,80 +1,82 @@
 __version__ = '0.1.0'
-from .composer import Composer, ComposerError, parse_action_name
-_composer = Composer()
-def composition(name, task):
-    return _composer.composition(name, task)
+# from .composer import Composer, ComposerError, parse_action_name
-def seq(*arguments):
-    return _composer.sequence(*arguments)
+# _composer = Composer()
-def sequence(*arguments):
-    return _composer.sequence(*arguments)
+# def composition(name, task):
+#     return _composer.composition(name, task)
-def literal(value):
-    return _composer.literal(value)
+# def seq(*arguments):
+#     return _composer.sequence(*arguments)
-def action(name, action=None):
-    return _composer.action(name, action)
+# def sequence(*arguments):
+#     return _composer.sequence(*arguments)
-def task(task):
-    return _composer.task(task)
+# def literal(value):
+#     return _composer.literal(value)
-def function(value):
-    return _composer.function(value)
+# def action(name, action=None):
+#     return _composer.action(name, action)
-def when(test, consequent, alternate=None):
-    return _composer.when(test, consequent, alternate)
+# def task(task):
+#     return _composer.task(task)
-def when_nosave(test, consequent, alternate=None):
-    return _composer.when_nosave(test, consequent, alternate)
+# def function(value):
+#     return _composer.function(value)
-def loop(test, body):
-    return _composer.loop(test, body)
+# def when(test, consequent, alternate=None):
+#     return _composer.when(test, consequent, alternate)
-def loop_nosave(test, body):
-    return _composer.loop_nosave(test, body)
+# def when_nosave(test, consequent, alternate=None):
+#     return _composer.when_nosave(test, consequent, alternate)
-def do(body, handler):
-    return _composer._compose('try', (body, handler))
+# def loop(test, body):
+#     return _composer.loop(test, body)
-def doloop(body, test):
-    return _composer.doloop(body, test)
+# def loop_nosave(test, body):
+#     return _composer.loop_nosave(test, body)
-def doloop_nosave(body, test):
-    return _composer.doloop_nosave(body, test)
+# def do(body, handler):
+#     return _composer._compose('try', (body, handler))
-def ensure(body, finalizer):
-    return _composer._compose('finally', (body, finalizer))
+# def doloop(body, test):
+#     return _composer.doloop(body, test)
-def let(declarations, *arguments):
-    return _composer._compose('let', (declarations, *arguments))
+# def doloop_nosave(body, test):
+#     return _composer.doloop_nosave(body, test)
-def mask(*arguments):
-    return _composer._compose('mask', arguments)
+# def ensure(body, finalizer):
+#     return _composer._compose('finally', (body, finalizer))
-def retain(*arguments):
-    return _composer._compose('retain', arguments)
+# def let(declarations, *arguments):
+#     return _composer._compose('let', (declarations, *arguments))
-def retain_catch(*arguments):
-    return _composer.retain_catch(*arguments)
+# def mask(*arguments):
+#     return _composer._compose('mask', arguments)
-def repeat(count, *arguments):
-    return _composer._compose('repeat', (count, *arguments))
+# def retain(*arguments):
+#     return _composer._compose('retain', arguments)
-def retry(count, *arguments):
-    return _composer._compose('retry', (count, *arguments))
+# def retain_catch(*arguments):
+#     return _composer.retain_catch(*arguments)
-def deserialize(composition):
-    return _composer.deserialize(composition)
+# def repeat(count, *arguments):
+#     return _composer._compose('repeat', (count, *arguments))
-def encode(composition, localcombinators=[]):
-    return _composer.encode(composition, localcombinators)
+# def retry(count, *arguments):
+#     return _composer._compose('retry', (count, *arguments))
-def lower(composition, combinators = []):
-    return _composer.lower(composition, combinators)
+# def deserialize(composition):
+#     return _composer.deserialize(composition)
-def openwhisk(options):
-    return _composer.openwhisk(options)
+# def encode(composition, localcombinators=[]):
+#     return _composer.encode(composition, localcombinators)
+# def lower(composition, combinators = []):
+#     return _composer.lower(composition, combinators)
+# def openwhisk(options):
+#     return _composer.openwhisk(options)
diff --git a/src/composer/composer.py b/src/composer/composer.py
index 57ec5e1..141bbd7 100644
--- a/src/composer/composer.py
+++ b/src/composer/composer.py
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright 2018 IBM Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
 import json
 import os
 import sys
@@ -19,68 +5,19 @@
 import re
 import base64
 import marshal
+import types
+from .composer import __version__ 
+from .fqn import parse_action_name, ComposerError
-from composer import conductor
-from composer import __version__
+undefined = object() # special undefined value
+composer = types.SimpleNamespace() # Simple object with attributes
-# standard combinators
-combinators = {
-    'empty': {'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'seq': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'sequence': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'if': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'consequent'}, {'_': 'alternate', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'if_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'consequent'}, {'_': 'alternate', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'while': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'body'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'while_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'test'}, {'_': 'body'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'dowhile': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'test'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'dowhile_nosave': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'test'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'try': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'handler'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'finally': {'args': [{'_': 'body'}, {'_': 'finalizer'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'retain': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'retain_catch': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'let': {'args': [{'_': 'declarations', 'type': 'dict'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'mask': {'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'action': {'args': [{'_': 'name', 'type': 'string'}, {'_': 'action', 'type': 'dict', 'optional': True}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'composition': {'args': [{'_': 'name', 'type': 'string'}, {'_': 'composition'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'repeat': {'args': [{'_': 'count', 'type': 'int'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'retry': {'args': [{'_': 'count', 'type': 'int'}], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'value': {'args': [{'_': 'value', 'type': 'value'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'literal': {'args': [{'_': 'value', 'type': 'value'}], 'since': '0.4.0'},
-    'function': {'args': [{'_': 'function', 'type': 'dict'}], 'since': '0.4.0'}
+composer.util = {
+    'version': __version__
-class ComposerError(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, message, *arguments):
-       self.message = message
-       self.argument = arguments
-def serialize(obj):
-    return obj.__dict__
-class Composition:
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        items = obj.items() if isinstance(obj, dict) else obj.__dict__.items() if isinstance(obj, Composition) else None
-        if items is None:
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', obj)
-        for k, v in items:
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return json.dumps(self.__dict__, default=serialize, ensure_ascii=True)
-    def visit(self, f):
-        ''' apply f to all fields of type composition '''
-        combinator = combinators[getattr(self, 'type')]
-        if 'components' in combinator:
-            self.components = [f(c, str(idx), True) for idx,c in enumerate(self.components)]
-        if 'args' in combinator:
-            for arg in combinator['args']:
-                if 'type' not in arg:
-                    setattr(self, arg['_'], f(getattr(self, arg['_']), arg['_'], False))
+# Utility functions
 def get_value(env, args):
     return env['value']
@@ -120,453 +57,418 @@
     env['count'] -= 1
     return 'error' in result and count > 0
-class Compiler:
+# lowerer 
-    def empty(self):
-        return self._compose('empty', ())
+lowerer = types.SimpleNamespace()
+lowerer.literal = lambda value: composer.let({ 'value': value }, lambda env, args: env['value'])
-    def literal(self, value):
-        return self._compose('literal', (value,))
-    def seq(self, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('seq', arguments)
-    def sequence(self, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('sequence', arguments)
-    def action(self, name, action=None):
-        return self._compose('action', (name, action))
-    def when(self, test, consequent, alternate=None):
-        return self._compose('if', (test, consequent, alternate))
-    def when_nosave(self, test, consequent, alternate=None):
-        return self._compose('if_nosave', (test, consequent, alternate))
-    def loop(self, test, body):
-        return self._compose('while', (test, body))
-    def loop_nosave(self, test, body):
-        return self._compose('while_nosave', (test, body))
-    def doloop(self, body, test):
-        return self._compose('dowhile', (body, test))
-    def doloop_nosave(self, body, test):
-        return self._compose('dowhile_nosave', (body, test))
-    def ensure(self, body, finalizer):
-        return self._compose('finally', (body, finalizer))
-    def retain(self, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('retain', arguments)
-    def retain_catch(self, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('retain_catch', arguments)
-    def mask(self, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('mask', arguments)
-    def let(self, declarations, *arguments):
-        return self._compose('let', (declarations, *arguments))
-    def task(self, task):
-        '''detect task type and create corresponding composition object'''
-        if task is None:
-            return self.empty()
-        if isinstance(task, Composition):
-            return task
-        if callable(task):
-            return self.function(task)
-        if isinstance(task, str): # python3 only
-            return self.action(task)
-        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', task)
-    def function(self, fun):
-        ''' function combinator: stringify def/lambda code '''
-        if fun.__name__ == '<lambda>':
-            exc = str(base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(fun.__code__)), 'ASCII')
-        elif callable(fun):
-            try:
-                exc = inspect.getsource(fun)
-            except OSError:
-                raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', fun)
-        else:
-            exc = fun
-        if isinstance(exc, str):
-            if exc.startswith('def'):
-                # standardize function name
-                pattern = re.compile('def\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*\(')
-                match = pattern.match(exc)
-                functionName = match.group(1)
-#                exc = pattern.sub('def func(', exc)
-                exc = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exc, 'functionName': functionName }
-            else: # lambda 
-                exc = { 'kind': 'python:3+lambda', 'code': exc }
-        if not isinstance(exc, dict) or exc is None:
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', fun)
-        return Composition({'type':'function', 'function':{ 'exec': exc }})
-    # lowering
-    def _empty(self, composition):
-        return self.sequence()
-    def _seq(self, composition):
-        return self.sequence(*composition.components)
-    def _value(self, composition):
-        return self._literal(composition)
-    def _literal(self, composition):
-        return self.let({ 'value': composition.value }, get_value)
-    def _retain(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'params': None },
+def retain(*components):
+    return composer.let(
+        { 'params': None },
+        composer.ensure(
-            self.mask(*composition.components),
-            retain_result)
+            composer.seq(composer.mask(*components), retain_result)))
-    def _retain_catch(self, composition):
-        return self.seq(
-            self.retain(
-                self.ensure(
-                    self.seq(*composition.components),
-                    set_nested_result)),
-            retain_nested_result)
+lowerer.retain = retain
-    def _if(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'params': None },
+def retain_catch(*components):
+    return composer.seq(
+        composer.retain(
+            composer.ensure(
+                composer.seq(*components),
+                lambda env, args: { 'result' : args })),
+        retain_nested_result)
+lowerer.retain_catch = retain_catch
+def when(test, consequent, alternate):
+    return composer.let(
+        { 'params': None },
+        set_params,
+        composer.ensure(
+            lambda env, args: { 'params' : args },
+            composer.when_nosave(
+                composer.mask(test),
+                composer.ensure(get_params, composer.mask(consequent)),
+                composer.ensure(get_params, composer.mask(alternate)))))
+lowerer.when = when
+def loop(test, body):
+    return composer.let(
+        { 'params': None },
+        composer.ensure(
-            self.when_nosave(
-                self.mask(composition.test),
-                self.seq(get_params, self.mask(composition.consequent)),
-                self.seq(get_params, self.mask(composition.alternate))))
+            composer.seq(composer.loop_nosave(
+                composer.mask(test),
+                composer.ensure(get_params, composer.seq(composer.mask(body), set_params)),
+            get_params))))
-    def _while(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'params': None },
+lowerer.loop = loop
+def dowhile(body, test):
+    return composer.let(
+        { 'params': None },
+        composer.ensure(
-            self.loop_nosave(
-                self.mask(composition.test),
-                self.seq(get_params, self.mask(composition.body), set_params)),
-            get_params)
+            composer.seq(composer.dowhile_nosave(
+                composer.ensure(get_params, composer.seq(composer.mask(body), set_params)),
+                composer.mask(test)),
+            get_params)))
-    def _dowhile(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'params': None },
-            set_params,
-            self.doloop_nosave(
-                self.seq(get_params, self.mask(composition.body), set_params),
-                self.mask(composition.test)),
-            get_params)
+lowerer.dowhile = dowhile
+def repeat(count, *components):
+   return composer.let(
+      { 'count': count },
+      composer.loop(
+        dec_count,
+        composer.mask(*components)))
-    def _repeat(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'count': composition.count },
-            self.loop(
-                dec_count,
-                self.mask(self.seq(*composition.components))))
+lowerer.repeat = repeat
-    def _retry(self, composition):
-        return self.let(
-            { 'count': composition.count },
-            set_nested_params,
-            self.doloop(
-                self.ensure(get_nested_params, self.mask(self.retain_catch(*composition.components))),
-                retry_cond),
-            get_nested_result)
+def retry(count, *components):
+    return composer.let(
+        { 'count': count },
+        set_nested_params,
+        composer.dowhile(
+            composer.ensure(get_nested_params, composer.mask(composer.retain_catch(*components))),
+            retry_cond,
+        get_nested_result))
-    def _compose(self, type_, arguments):
-        combinator = combinators[type_]
-        skip = len(combinator['args']) if 'args' in combinator else 0
-        composition = Composition({'type':type_})
+lowerer.retry = retry
-        # process declared arguments
-        for i in range(skip):
-            arg = combinator['args'][i]
-            argument = arguments[i] if len(arguments) > i else None
+def prepare_payload(env, args):
+    envs = env['req'].copy()
+    del envs['action']
+    return { 'action': env['req']['action'], 'args': envs, 'payload': args['payload'] , 'timeout': envs['timeout'] }
-            if 'type' not in arg:
-                setattr(composition, arg['_'], self.task(argument))
-            elif arg['type'] == 'value':
-                if type(argument).__name__ == 'function':
-                    raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', argument)
-                setattr(composition, arg['_'], argument)
-            else:
-                if type(argument).__name__ != arg['type']:
-                    raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', argument)
+def invoke (req, timeout=None):
+    return composer.let(
+      { 'req': req, 'timeout': timeout },
+      prepare_payload,
+      composer.execute())
-                setattr(composition, arg['_'], argument)
+lowerer.invoke = invoke
-        if 'components' in combinator:
-            setattr(composition, 'components', tuple(map(lambda obj: self.task(obj), arguments[skip:])))
+def sleep(ms):
+    return composer.invoke({ 'action': 'sleep', 'ms': ms })
-        return composition
+lowerer.sleep = sleep
-    def deserialize(self, composition):
-        ''' recursively deserialize composition '''
+def merge (*components):
+    return composer.seq(composer.retain(*components), lambda env, args: args['params'].update(args['result']))
-        composition = Composition(composition)
-        composition.visit(lambda composition, name, ignore=False: self.deserialize(composition))
-        return composition
+lowerer.merge = merge
-    def label(self, composition):
-        ''' label combinators with the json path '''
+# == Done lowerer
-        if not isinstance(composition, Composition):
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
+def visit(composition, f):
+    ''' apply f to all fields of type composition '''
-        def label(path):
-            def labeler(composition, name, array=False):
-                nonlocal path
-                composition = Composition(composition)
-                segment = ''
-                if name is not None:
-                    if array:
-                        segment = '['+name+']'
-                    else:
-                        segment = '.'+name
+    combinator = getattr(composition, '.combinator')
+    if 'components' in combinator:
+        composition.components = composition.components.map(f)
-                composition.path = path + segment
+    if 'args' in combinator:
+        for arg in combinator['args']:
+            if 'type' not in arg and arg.name in composition:
+                setattr(composition, arg.name, f(getattr(composition, arg.name), arg.name))
+    return Composition(composition)
-                # label nested combinators
-                composition.visit(label(composition.path))
-                return composition
+def label(composition):
+    ''' recursively label combinators with the json path '''
+    def label(path):
+        def labeler(composition, name=None, array=False):
+            nonlocal path
+            segment = ''
+            if name is not None:
+                if array:
+                    segment = '['+name+']'
+                else:
+                    segment = '.'+name
-            return labeler
-        return label('')(composition, None, None)
-    def lower(self, composition, combinators = []):
-        ''' recursively label and lower combinators to the desired set of combinators (including primitive combinators) '''
-        if not isinstance(composition, Composition):
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
-        if combinators is False:
-            return composition # no lowering
-        if combinators is True or combinators == '':
-            combinators = [] # maximal lowering
-        # no semver in openwhisk python runtime
-        # if isinstance(combinators, str): # lower to combinators of specific composer version
-        #     combinators = Object.keys(this.combinators).filter(key => semver.gte(combinators, this.combinators[key].since))
-        def lower(composition, name, ignore=False):
-            composition =  Composition(composition) # copy
-            # repeatedly lower root combinator
-            while composition.type not in combinators and hasattr(self, '_'+composition.type):
-                path = composition.path if hasattr(composition, 'path') else None
-                composition = getattr(self, '_'+composition.type)(composition)
-                if path is not None:
-                    composition.path = path
-            # lower nested combinators
-            composition.visit(lower)
+            p = path + segment
+            composition = visit(composition, label(p))
+            composition.path = p
             return composition
-        return lower(composition, None)
+        return labeler
-def parse_action_name(name):
+    return label('')(composition)
+def declare(combinators, prefix=None):
+    ''' 
+        derive combinator methods from combinator table 
+        check argument count and map argument positions to argument names
+        delegate to Composition constructor for the rest of the validation
-      Parses a (possibly fully qualified) resource name and validates it. If it's not a fully qualified name,
-      then attempts to qualify it.
+    if not isinstance(combinators, dict):
+        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "combinators" in "declare"', combinators)
+    if prefix is not None and not isinstance(prefix, str):
+        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "prefix" in "declare"', prefix)
-      Examples string to namespace, [package/]action name
-        foo => /_/foo
-        pkg/foo => /_/pkg/foo
-        /ns/foo => /ns/foo
-        /ns/pkg/foo => /ns/pkg/foo
-    '''
-    if not isinstance(name, str):
-        raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
-    name = name.strip()
-    if len(name) == 0:
-        raise ComposerError('Name is not specified')
+    composer = types.SimpleNamespace()
+    for key in combinators:
+        type_ = prefix + '.' + key if prefix is not None else key
+        combinator = combinators[key]
-    delimiter = '/'
-    parts = name.split(delimiter)
-    n = len(parts)
-    leadingSlash = name[0] == delimiter if len(name) > 0 else False
-    # no more than /ns/p/a
-    if n < 1 or n > 4 or (leadingSlash and n == 2) or (not leadingSlash and n == 4):
-        raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
+        if not isinstance(combinator, dict) or ('args' in combinator and not isinstance(combinator['args'], list)):
+            raise ComposerError('Invalid "'+type_+'" combinator specification in "declare"', combinator)
-    # skip leading slash, all parts must be non empty (could tighten this check to match EntityName regex)
-    for part in parts[1:]:
-        if len(part.strip()) == 0:
-            raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
+        if 'args' in combinator:
+            for arg in combinator.args:
+                if not isinstance(arg['name'], str):
+                    raise ComposerError('Invalid "'+type_+'" combinator specification in "declare"', combinator)
+        def combine(*arguments):
+            composition = { 'type': type_, '.combinator': lambda : combinator }
+            skip = len(combinator['args']) if 'args' in combinator else 0 
-    newName = delimiter.join(parts)
-    if leadingSlash:
-        return newName
-    elif n < 3:
-        return delimiter+'_'+delimiter+newName
-    else:
-        return delimiter+newName
+            if 'components' not in combinator and len(arguments) > skip:
+                raise ComposerError('Too many arguments in "'+type_+'" combinator')
+            for i in range(skip):
+                composition[combinator['args'][i]['name']] = arguments[i]
+            if 'components' in combinator:
+                composition['components'] = arguments[skip:]
+            return Composition(composition)
-class Compositions:
-    ''' management class for compositions '''
-    def __init__(self, wsk, composer):
-        self.actions = wsk.actions
-        self.composer = composer
+        setattr(composer, key, combine)
+    return composer
-    def deploy(self, composition, combinators=[]):
-        if not isinstance(composition, Composition):
+def serialize(obj):
+    return obj.__dict__
+class Composition:
+    def __init__(self, composition):
+        '''  construct a composition object with the specified fields '''
+        combinator = getattr(composition, '.combinator')()
+        # shallow copy of obj attributes
+        items = composition.items() if isinstance(composition, dict) else composition.__dict__.items() if isinstance(composition, Composition) else None
+        if items is None:
             raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
-        if composition.type != 'composition':
-            raise ComposerError('Cannot deploy anonymous composition')
-        obj = self.composer.encode(composition, combinators)
-        if 'actions' in obj:
-            for action in obj['actions']:
-                try:
-                    self.actions.delete(action)
-                except Exception:
-                    pass
-                self.actions.update(action)
-        return obj
-class Composer(Compiler):
-    def action(self, name, options = {}):
-        ''' enhanced action combinator: mangle name, capture code '''
-        name = parse_action_name(name) # raise ComposerError if name is not valid
-        exec = None
-        if hasattr(options, 'sequence'): # native sequence
-            exec = { 'kind': 'sequence', 'components': tuple(map(parse_action_name, options['sequence'])) }
-        if hasattr(options, 'filename') and isinstance(options['filename'], str): # read action code from file
-            raise ComposerError('read from file not implemented')
-            # exec = fs.readFileSync(options.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' })
-        # if (typeof options.action === 'function') { // capture function
-        #     exec = `const main = ${options.action}`
-        #     if (exec.indexOf('[native code]') !== -1) throw new ComposerError('Cannot capture native function', options.action)
-        # }
-        composition = {'type':'action', 'name':name}
-        if hasattr(options, 'action') and (isinstance(options['action'], str) or isinstance(options['action'],  dict)):
-            exec = options['action']
-        if isinstance(exec, str):
-            exec = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exec }
-        if exec is not None:
-            composition['exec'] = exec
-        return Composition(composition)
-    def openwhisk(self, options):
-        ''' return enhanced openwhisk client capable of deploying compositions '''
-        # try to extract apihost and key first from whisk property file file and then from os.environ
-        wskpropsPath = os.environ['WSK_CONFIG_FILE'] if 'WSK_CONFIG_FILE' in os.environ else os.path.expanduser('~/.wskprops')
-        with open(wskpropsPath) as f:
-            lines = f.readlines()
-        options = dict(options)
-        for line in lines:
-            parts = line.strip().split('=')
-            if len(parts) == 2:
-                if parts[0] == 'APIHOST':
-                    options['apihost'] = parts[1]
-                elif parts[0] == 'AUTH':
-                    options['api_key'] = parts[1]
+        for k, v in items:
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+        if 'args' in combinator:
+            for arg in combinator.args:
+                if arg.name not in composition and optional and 'type' in arg:
+                    continue
+                optional = getattr(arg, 'optional', False)
+                if 'type' not in arg:
+                    try:
+                        value = getattr(composition, arg.name, None if optional else undefined)
+                        setattr(self, arg.name, composer.task(value))
+                    except Exception:
+                        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "'+arg.name+'" in "'+composition.type+' combinator"', value)
+                elif arg.type == 'name':
+                    try:
+                        setattr(self, arg.name, parse_action_name(getattr(composition, arg.name)))
+                    except ComposerError as ce:
+                        raise ComposerError(ce.message + 'in "'+composition.type+' combinator"', getattr(composition, arg.name))
+                elif arg.type == 'value':
+                    if arg.name not in composition or callable(getattr(composition, arg.name)):
+                        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg.name+'" in "'+ composition.type+'combinator"', getattr(composition, arg.name))
+                elif arg.type == 'object':
+                    if arg.name not in composition or not isinstance(getattr(composition, arg.name), Composition):
+                        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg.name+'" in "'+ composition.type+'combinator"', getattr(composition, arg.name))
+                else:
+                    if type(getattr(composition, arg.name)) != arg.type: 
+                        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg.name+'" in "'+ composition.type+'combinator"', getattr(composition, arg.name))
+        if 'components' in combinator:
+            self.components = map(composer.task, getattr(composition, 'components', []))
-        if '__OW_API_HOST' in os.environ:
-            options['apihost'] = os.environ['__OW_API_HOST']
+    def __str__(self):
+        return json.dumps(self.__dict__, default=serialize, ensure_ascii=True)
-        if '__OW_API_KEY' in os.environ:
-             options['api_key'] = os.environ['__OW_API_KEY']
-        import openwhisk
-        wsk = openwhisk.Client(options)
-        wsk.compositions = Compositions(wsk, self)
-        return wsk
-    def composition(self, name, composition):
-        ''' enhanced composition combinator: mangle name '''
-        if not isinstance(name, str):
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', name)
-        name = parse_action_name(name)
-        return Composition({'type':'composition', 'name':name, 'composition': self.task(composition)})
-    def encode(self, composition, localcombinators=[]):
-        ''' recursively encode composition into { composition, actions }
-            by encoding nested compositions into actions and extracting nested action definitions '''
-        if not isinstance(composition, Composition):
-            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
-        composition = self.lower(composition, localcombinators)
+    def compile(self):
+        '''  compile composition. Returns a dictionary '''
         actions = []
-        def escape(str):
-            return re.sub(r'(\n|\t|\r|\f|\v|\\|\')', lambda m:{'\n':'\\n','\t':'\\t','\r':'\\r','^\f':'\\f','\v':'\\v','\\':'\\\\','\'':'\\\''}[m.group()], str)
-        def encode(composition, name, ignore=False):
-            composition = Composition(composition)
-            composition.visit(encode)
-            if composition.type == 'composition':
-                code = '# generated by composer v'+__version__+'\n\nimport functools\nimport json\nimport inspect\nimport re\nimport base64\nimport marshal\nimport types'
-                code += '\n\n' + inspect.getsource(ComposerError)
-                code += '\ncomposition=json.loads(\''+escape(str(encode(composition.composition, '')))+'\')'
-                src = inspect.getsource(conductor)
-                code += '\n'+ src[src.index('def conductor'):]
-                code += '\ncombinators ='+ str(combinators)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(serialize)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(Composition)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(get_value)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(get_params)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(set_params)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(retain_result)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(retain_nested_result)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(dec_count)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(set_nested_params)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(get_nested_params)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(set_nested_result)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(get_nested_result)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(retry_cond)
-                code += '\n' + inspect.getsource(Compiler)
-                code += 'def main(args):'
-                code += '\n    return conductor()(args)'
-                composition.action = { 'exec': { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code':code }, 'annotations': [{ 'key': 'conductor', 'value': str(composition.composition) }, { 'key': 'composer', 'value': __version__ }] }
-                del composition.composition
-                composition.type = 'action'
-            if composition.type == 'action' and hasattr(composition, 'action'):
+        def flatten(composition, _=None):
+            composition = visit(composition, flatten)
+            if composition.type == 'action' and hasattr(composition, 'action'): # pylint: disable=E1101
                 actions.append({ 'name': composition.name, 'action': composition.action })
-                del composition.action
+            del composition.action # pylint: disable=E1101
             return composition
+        obj = { 'composition': label(flatten(self)).lower(), 'ast': self, 'version': __version__ }
+        if len(actions) > 0:
+            obj['actions'] = actions
+        return obj
+    def lower(self, combinators = []):
+        ''' recursively lower combinators to the desired set of combinators (including primitive combinators) '''
+        if not isinstance(combinators, list) and not isinstance(combinators, str):
+            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "combinators" in "lower"', combinators)
+        def lower(composition, _):
+            # repeatedly lower root combinator
+            while getattr(getattr(composition, '.combinator')(), 'def', False):
+                path = composition.path if hasattr(composition, 'path') else None
+                combinator = getattr(composition, '.combinator')()
+                if isinstance(combinator, list) and combinator.indexOf(composition.type) >= 0:
+                    break
+                # no semver in openwhisk python runtime
+                # if isinstance(combinator, str) and getattr(combinator, 'since', False):
+                #     break;    
+                # map argument names to positions
+                args = []
+                skip = len(getattr(combinator, 'args', []))
+                for i in range(skip): 
+                    args.append(getattr(composition, combinator.args[i].name))
+                if 'components' in combinator:
+                    args.extend(composition.components)
+                composition = combinator['def'](args)
+                # preserve path
+                if path is not None:
+                    composition.path = path
+            return visit(composition, lower)
+        return lower(self, None)
+# primitive combinators
+combinators = {
+  'sequence': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'if_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'consequent' }, { 'name': 'alternate', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'while_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'body' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'dowhile_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'try': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'handler' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'finally': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'finalizer' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'let': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'declarations', 'type': 'object' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'mask': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'action': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'name', 'type': 'name' }, { 'name': 'action', 'type': 'object', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'function': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'function', 'type': 'object' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
+  'async': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.6.0' },
+  'execute': { 'since': '0.5.2' },
+  'parallel': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.6.0' },
+  'map': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.6.0' },
+  'composition': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'name', 'type': 'name' }], 'since': '0.6.0' }
+# derived combinators
+extra = {
+  'empty': { 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': composer.sequence },
+  'seq': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': composer.sequence },
+  'if': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'consequent' }, { 'name': 'alternate', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.when },
+  'while': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'body' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.loop },
+  'dowhile': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.doloop },
+  'repeat': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'count', 'type': 'number' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.repeat },
+  'retry': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'count', 'type': 'number' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retry },
+  'retain': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retain },
+  'retain_catch': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retain_catch },
+  'value': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'value', 'type': 'value' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.literal },
+  'literal': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'value', 'type': 'value' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.literal },
+  'sleep': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'ms', 'type': 'number' }], 'since': '0.5.0', 'def': lowerer.sleep },
+  'invoke': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'req', 'type': 'object' }, { 'name': 'timeout', 'type': 'number', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.5.0', 'def': lowerer.invoke },
+  'par': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.8.2', 'def': composer.parallel },
+  'merge': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.13.0', 'def': lowerer.merge }
+# add or override definitions of some combinators
+def task(task):
+    ''' detect task type and create corresponding composition object '''
+    if task is undefined:
+        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument in "task" combinator', task)
+    if task is None:
+        return composer.empty() 
+    if isinstance(task, Composition):
+        return task
+    if callable(task):
+        return composer.function(task)
+    if isinstance(task, str): # python3 only
+        return composer.action(task)
+    raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "task" in "task" combinator', task)
+composer.task = task
-        composition = encode(composition, None)
-        return { 'composition': composition, 'actions': actions }
+def function(fun):
+    ''' function combinator: stringify def/lambda code '''
+    if fun.__name__ == '<lambda>':
+        exc = str(base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(fun.__code__)), 'ASCII')
+    elif callable(fun):
+        try:
+            exc = inspect.getsource(fun)
+        except OSError:
+            raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', fun)
+    else:
+        exc = fun
+    if isinstance(exc, str):
+        if exc.startswith('def'):
+            # standardize function name
+            pattern = re.compile(r'def\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*\(')
+            match = pattern.match(exc)
+            functionName = match.group(1)
+            exc = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exc, 'functionName': functionName }
+        else: # lambda 
+            exc = { 'kind': 'python:3+lambda', 'code': exc }
+    if not isinstance(exc, dict) or exc is None:
+        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "function" in "function" combinator', fun)
+    return Composition({'type':'function', 'function':{ 'exec': exc }, '.combinator': lambda: combinators['function'] })
+composer.function = function
+def action(name, options = {}):
+    ''' action combinator '''
+    if not isinstance(options, dict):
+        raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "options" in "action" combinator', options)
+    exc = None
+    if 'sequence' in options and isinstance(options['sequence'], list): # native sequence
+        exc = { 'kind': 'sequence', 'components': tuple(map(parse_action_name, options['sequence'])) }
+    elif 'filename' in options and isinstance(options['filename'], str): # read action code from file
+        raise ComposerError('read from file not implemented')
+        # exc = fs.readFileSync(options.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' })
+    elif 'action' in options and callable(options['action']):
+        if options['action'].__name__ == '<lambda>':
+            exc = str(base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(options['action'].__code__)), 'ASCII')
+        else:    
+            try:
+                exc = inspect.getsource(options['action'])
+            except OSError:
+                raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "options" in "action" combinator', options['action'])
+    elif 'action' in options and (isinstance(options['action'], str) or isinstance(options['action'],  dict)):
+        exc = options['action']
+    if isinstance(exc, str):
+        exc = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exc }
+    composition = { 'type': 'action', 'name': name, '.combinator': lambda: combinators['action']}
+    if exc is not None:
+        composition.action = exc
+    return Composition(composition)
diff --git a/src/composer/conductor.py b/src/composer/conductor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 139212d..0000000
--- a/src/composer/conductor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2018 IBM Corporation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import functools
-import json
-import marshal
-import base64 
-import types
-# dummy composition and compiler
-composition = {} # will be overridden
-class Compiler:
-    def lower(self, composition, combinators = []):
-        pass
-    def deserialize(self, composition):
-        pass
-    def label(self, composition):
-        pass
-def conductor():
-    global composition
-    compiler = Compiler()
-    def chain(front, back):
-        front[-1]['next'] = 1
-        front.extend(back)
-        return front
-    def sequence(components):
-        if len(components) == 0:
-            return [{ 'type': 'empty' }]
-        return functools.reduce(chain, map(compile, components))
-    def compile(json):
-        path = json.path if hasattr(json, 'path') else None
-        type_ = json.type
-        if type_ == 'sequence':
-            return chain([{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], sequence(json.components))
-        elif type_ == 'action':
-            return [{ 'type': 'action', 'name': json.name, 'path': path }]
-        elif type_ == 'function':
-            return [{ 'type': 'function', 'exec': json.function['exec'], 'path':path }]
-        elif type_ == 'finally':
-            body = compile(json.body)
-            finalizer = compile(json.finalizer)
-            fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{'type': 'try', 'path': path}], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }], finalizer])
-            fsm[0]['catch'] = len(fsm) - len(finalizer)
-            return fsm
-        elif type_ == 'let':
-            body = sequence(json.components)
-            return functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'let', 'let': json.declarations, 'path':path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
-        elif type_ == 'mask':
-            body = sequence(json.components)
-            return functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'let', 'let': None, 'path': path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
-        elif type_ == 'try':
-            body = compile(json.body)
-            handler = chain(compile(json.handler), [{ 'type': 'pass' }])
-            fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'try', 'path':path }], body, [{ 'type': 'exit' }]])
-            fsm[0]['catch'] = len(fsm)
-            fsm[-1]['next'] = len(handler)
-            fsm.extend(handler)
-            return fsm
-        elif type_ == 'if_nosave':
-            consequent = compile(json.consequent)
-            alternate = chain(compile(json.alternate), [{ 'type': 'pass' }])
-            fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.test), [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': len(consequent) + 1 }]])
-            consequent[-1]['next'] = len(alternate)
-            fsm.extend(consequent)
-            fsm.extend(alternate)
-            return fsm
-        elif type_ == 'while_nosave':
-            consequent = compile(json.body)
-            alternate = [{ 'type': 'pass' }]
-            fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.test), [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': len(consequent) + 1 }]])
-            consequent[-1]['next'] = 1 - len(fsm) - len(consequent)
-            fsm.extend(consequent)
-            fsm.extend(alternate)
-            return fsm
-        elif type_ == 'dowhile_nosave':
-            test = compile(json.test)
-            fsm = functools.reduce(chain, [[{ 'type': 'pass', 'path':path }], compile(json.body), test, [{ 'type': 'choice', 'then': 1, 'else': 2 }]])
-            fsm[-1]['then'] = 1 - len(fsm)
-            fsm[-1]['else'] = 1
-            alternate = [{ 'type': 'pass' }]
-            fsm.extend(alternate)
-            return fsm
-    fsm = compile(compiler.lower(compiler.label(compiler.deserialize(composition))))
-    isObject = lambda x: isinstance(x, dict)
-    def encodeError(error):
-        if isinstance(error, str) or not hasattr(error, "__getitem__"):
-            return {
-                'code': 500,
-                'error': error
-            }
-        else:
-            return {
-                'code': error['code'] if isinstance(error['code'], int) else 500,
-                'error': error['error'] if isinstance(error['error'], str) else (error['message'] if 'message' in error else 'An internal error occurred')
-            }
-    # error status codes
-    badRequest = lambda error: { 'code': 400, 'error': error }
-    internalError = lambda error: encodeError(error)
-    def guarded_invoke(params):
-        try:
-            return invoke(params)
-        except Exception as err:
-            return internalError(err)
-    def invoke(params):
-        ''' do invocation '''
-        # initial state and stack
-        state = 0
-        stack = []
-        # wrap params if not a dictionary, branch to error handler if error
-        def inspect_errors():
-            nonlocal params
-            nonlocal state
-            nonlocal stack
-            params = params if isObject(params) else { 'value': params }
-            if 'error' in params:
-                params = { 'error': params['error'] } # discard all fields but the error field
-                state = None # abort unless there is a handler in the stack
-                while len(stack) > 0:
-                    first = stack[0]
-                    stack = stack[1:]
-                    if 'catch' in first:
-                        state = first['catch']
-                        if isinstance(state, int):
-                            break
-        # restore state and stack when resuming
-        if '$resume' in params:
-            if not isObject(params['$resume']):
-                return badRequest('The type of optional $resume parameter must be object')
-            if not 'state' in params['$resume'] and not isinstance(params['$resume']['state'], int):
-                return badRequest('The type of optional $resume["state"] parameter must be number')
-            state = params['$resume']['state']
-            stack = params['$resume']['stack']
-            if not isinstance(stack, list):
-                return badRequest('The type of $resume["stack"] must be an array')
-            del params['$resume']
-            inspect_errors() # handle error objects when resuming
-        # run function f on current stack
-        def run(f, kind, functionName=None):
-            # handle let/mask pairs
-            view = []
-            n = 0
-            for frame in stack:
-                if 'let' in frame and frame['let'] is None:
-                    n += 1
-                elif 'let' in frame:
-                    if n == 0:
-                        view.append(frame)
-                    else:
-                        n -= 1
-            # update value of topmost matching symbol on stack if any
-            def set(symbol, value):
-                lets = [element for element in view if 'let' in element and symbol in element['let']]
-                if len(lets) > 0:
-                    element = lets[0]
-                    element['let'][symbol] = value # TODO: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
-            def reduceRight(func, init, seq):
-                if not seq:
-                    return init
-                else:
-                    return func(reduceRight(func, init, seq[1:]), seq[0])
-            def update(dict, dict2):
-                dict.update(dict2)
-                return dict
-            # collapse stack for invocation
-            env = reduceRight(lambda acc, cur: update(acc, cur['let']) if 'let' in cur and isinstance(cur['let'], dict) else acc, {}, view)
-            if kind == 'python:3':
-                main = '''exec(code + "\\n__out__['value'] = ''' + functionName + '''(env, args)", {'env': env, 'args': args, '__out__':__out__})'''
-                code = f
-            else: # lambda
-                main = '''__out__['value'] = code(env, args)'''
-                code = types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(bytearray(f, 'ASCII'))), {})
-            try:
-                out = {'value': None}
-                exec(main, {'env': env, 'args': params, 'code': code, '__out__': out})
-                return out['value']
-            finally:
-                for name in env:
-                    set(name, env[name])
-        while True:
-            # final state, return composition result
-            if state is None:
-                print('Entering final state')
-                print(json.dumps(params))
-                if 'error' in params:
-                    return params
-                else:
-                    return { 'params': params }
-            # process one state
-            jsonv = fsm[state] # jsonv definition for current state
-            if 'path' in jsonv:
-                print('Entering composition'+jsonv['path'])
-            current = state
-            state = current + jsonv['next'] if 'next' in jsonv else None # default next state
-            if jsonv['type'] == 'choice':
-                state = current + (jsonv['then'] if params['value'] else jsonv['else'])
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'try':
-                stack.insert(0, { 'catch': current + jsonv['catch'] })
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'let':
-                stack.insert(0, { 'let': jsonv['let'] }) # JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonv.let))
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'exit':
-                if len(stack) == 0:
-                    return internalError('State '+str(current)+' attempted to pop from an empty stack')
-                stack = stack[1:]
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'action':
-                return { 'action': jsonv['name'], 'params': params, 'state': { '$resume': { 'state': state, 'stack': stack } } } # invoke continuation
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'function':
-                result = None
-                try:
-                    functionName = jsonv['exec']['functionName'] if 'functionName' in jsonv['exec'] else None
-                    result = run(jsonv['exec']['code'], jsonv['exec']['kind'], functionName)
-                except Exception as error:
-                    print(error)
-                    result = { 'error': 'An exception was caught at state '+str(current)+' (see log for details)' }
-                if callable(result):
-                    result = { 'error': 'State '+str(current)+' evaluated to a function' }
-                # if a function has only side effects and no return value (or return None), return params
-                params = params if result is None else result
-                inspect_errors()
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'empty':
-                inspect_errors()
-            elif jsonv['type'] == 'pass':
-                pass
-            else:
-                return internalError('State '+str(current)+ 'has an unknown type')
-    return guarded_invoke
diff --git a/src/composer/fqn.py b/src/composer/fqn.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6dfef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/composer/fqn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+def parse_action_name(name):
+    '''
+      Parses a (possibly fully qualified) resource name and validates it. If it's not a fully qualified name,
+      then attempts to qualify it.
+      Examples string to namespace, [package/]action name
+        foo => /_/foo
+        pkg/foo => /_/pkg/foo
+        /ns/foo => /ns/foo
+        /ns/pkg/foo => /ns/pkg/foo
+    '''
+    if not isinstance(name, str):
+        raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
+    name = name.strip()
+    if len(name) == 0:
+        raise ComposerError('Name is not specified')
+    delimiter = '/'
+    parts = name.split(delimiter)
+    n = len(parts)
+    leadingSlash = name[0] == delimiter if len(name) > 0 else False
+    # no more than /ns/p/a
+    if n < 1 or n > 4 or (leadingSlash and n == 2) or (not leadingSlash and n == 4):
+        raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
+    # skip leading slash, all parts must be non empty (could tighten this check to match EntityName regex)
+    for part in parts[1:]:
+        if len(part.strip()) == 0:
+            raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
+    newName = delimiter.join(parts)
+    if leadingSlash:
+        return newName
+    elif n < 3:
+        return delimiter+'_'+delimiter+newName
+    else:
+        return delimiter+newName
+class ComposerError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, message, *arguments):
+       self.message = message
+       self.argument = arguments
\ No newline at end of file