issue #197 restructure ansible deployment. using modes for deploy, clean, initdb.
adding roles for prereq and postdeploy as well as db role for local CouchDB.

issue #197 introduce deploy and clean mode for each role

issue #197 ignore errors on cleanup. invoker mounts provoke some device busy errors.

issue #197 remove logs on cleanup.

issue #197 don't create retry files

issue #197 merge loadbalancer into controller. remove loadbalancer role.

issue #197 createImmortalDBs, generate, env for travis

issue #197 install ansible via pip on travis.

issue #197 travis does not like us using port 53. changing back to 8600. we are not using consul dns anyway atm.

issue #197 fix cli test

issue #197 fix and

issue #197 fix db prefix if hostname has uppercase letters

issue #197 add db role to launch CouchDB if needed.

issue #197 generate db env file to make ant build happy.

issue #197 re-add CLI Dockerfile for now

Signed-off-by: Hoang Anh Le <>

issue #197 replace with playbook to reduce dependency on code.

Signed-off-by: Hoang Anh Le <>

issue #197 add openwhisk.home to

Signed-off-by: Hoang Anh Le <>

issue #197 disable ansible on travis for now. enable when team decides to go with ansible.

Signed-off-by: Hoang Anh Le <>

issue #197 applied code review feedback: modularize deployment into individual playbooks, factored out initdb mode into db role, created separate roles for db providers which allows us to add more providers in the future, added user prommpt before dropping immortal db (can be overriden via cmd line param for travis)
2 files changed
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  1. tools/