Fix all parts of the docker skeleton action which were completely broken.
Check clientApp returns a JSON parsable object and if not, report error and log a message.
Update example to show how params are received and return a proper JSON.
Fix space in path in various build scripts.
Add gradle build for docker skeleton - to enable testing locally.
Replace broken docker action tests with test that verifies the docker skeleton can tolerate an init message and can receive/respond with JSON objects. This test suite is not complete in that the docker skeleton hardcodes an example and the tests are specific to that example so cannot test that failure modes are correct yet.
Add CLI tests to download sdks and verify them.
Move sdk/docker/dockerSkeleton to sdk/docker.
Renamed clientApp to action.
Moved SDK tests.
3 files changed
tree: f18fc34cf6931649b0df92564450c0823a289462
  1. tools/