blob: 1bdb879e6228acee00a6d7f73544443cf3771c0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk
import (
type ActionService struct {
client *Client
type Action struct {
Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
Exec *Exec `json:"exec,omitempty"`
Annotations KeyValueArr `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
Parameters KeyValueArr `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
Limits *Limits `json:"limits,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
Publish *bool `json:"publish,omitempty"`
type Exec struct {
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
Init string `json:"init,omitempty"`
Main string `json:"main,omitempty"`
Components []string `json:"components,omitempty"` // List of fully qualified actions
Binary *bool `json:"binary,omitempty"`
type ActionListOptions struct {
Limit int `url:"limit"`
Skip int `url:"skip"`
Docs bool `url:"docs,omitempty"`
// Compare(sortable) compares action to sortable for the purpose of sorting.
// REQUIRED: sortable must also be of type Action.
// ***Method of type Sortable***
func (action Action) Compare(sortable Sortable) bool {
// Sorts alphabetically by NAMESPACE -> PACKAGE_NAME -> ACTION_NAME, with
// actions under default package at the top.
var actionString string
var compareString string
actionToCompare := sortable.(Action)
actionString = strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", action.Namespace, action.Name))
compareString = strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", actionToCompare.Namespace,
if strings.Contains(action.Namespace, "/") && !strings.Contains(actionToCompare.Namespace, "/") {
return false
} else if !strings.Contains(action.Namespace, "/") && strings.Contains(actionToCompare.Namespace, "/") {
return true
} else if strings.Contains(action.Namespace, "/") && strings.Contains(actionToCompare.Namespace, "/") {
return actionString < compareString
} else {
return action.Name < actionToCompare.Name
// ToHeaderString() returns the header for a list of actions
func (action Action) ToHeaderString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", "actions")
// ToSummaryRowString() returns a compound string of required parameters for printing
// from CLI command `wsk action list`.
// ***Method of type Sortable***
func (action Action) ToSummaryRowString() string {
var kind string
publishState := wski18n.T("private")
for i := range action.Annotations {
if action.Annotations[i].Key == "exec" {
kind = action.Annotations[i].Value.(string)
return fmt.Sprintf("%-70s %s %s\n", fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", action.Namespace, action.Name), publishState, kind)
Determines if an action is a web action by examining the action's annotations. A value of true is returned if the
action's annotations contains a "web-export" key and its associated value is a boolean value of "true". Otherwise, false
is returned.
func (action Action) WebAction() (webExportValue bool) {
webExport := action.Annotations.GetValue("web-export")
webExportValue, _ = webExport.(bool)
Debug(DbgInfo, "Web export value is '%t'\n", webExportValue)
return webExportValue
Returns the URL of an action as a string. A valid API host, path and version must be passed. A package that contains the
action must be passed as well. An empty string must be passed if the action is not packaged.
func (action Action) ActionURL(apiHost string, apiPath string, apiVersion string, pkg string) (string, error) {
baseURL, err := GetURLBase(apiHost, apiPath)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "GetURLBase(%s, %s) failed: %s\n", apiHost, apiPath, err)
return "", err
webActionPath := "%s/%s/web/%s/%s/%s"
actionPath := "%s/%s/namespaces/%s/actions/%s"
packagedActionPath := actionPath + "/%s"
namespace := strings.Split(action.Namespace, "/")[0]
namespace = strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(namespace), "+", "%20", -1)
name := strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(action.Name), "+", "%20", -1)
pkg = strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(pkg), "+", "%20", -1)
var actionURL string
if action.WebAction() {
if len(pkg) == 0 {
pkg = "default"
actionURL = fmt.Sprintf(webActionPath, baseURL, apiVersion, namespace, pkg, name)
Debug(DbgInfo, "Web action URL: %s\n", actionURL)
} else {
if len(pkg) == 0 {
actionURL = fmt.Sprintf(actionPath, baseURL, apiVersion, namespace, name)
Debug(DbgInfo, "Packaged action URL: %s\n", actionURL)
} else {
actionURL = fmt.Sprintf(packagedActionPath, baseURL, apiVersion, namespace, pkg, name)
Debug(DbgInfo, "Action URL: %s\n", actionURL)
return actionURL, nil
// Action Methods //
func (s *ActionService) List(packageName string, options *ActionListOptions) ([]Action, *http.Response, error) {
var route string
var actions []Action
if len(packageName) > 0 {
// Encode resource name as a path (with no query params) before inserting it into the URI
// This way any '?' chars in the name won't be treated as the beginning of the query params
packageName = (&url.URL{Path: packageName}).String()
route = fmt.Sprintf("actions/%s/", packageName)
} else {
route = fmt.Sprintf("actions")
routeUrl, err := addRouteOptions(route, options)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "addRouteOptions(%s, %#v) error: '%s'\n", route, options, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to add route options '{{.options}}'",
map[string]interface{}{"options": options})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, nil, whiskErr
Debug(DbgError, "Action list route with options: %s\n", route)
req, err := s.client.NewRequestUrl("GET", routeUrl, nil, IncludeNamespaceInUrl, AppendOpenWhiskPathPrefix, EncodeBodyAsJson, AuthRequired)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "http.NewRequestUrl(GET, %s, nil, IncludeNamespaceInUrl, AppendOpenWhiskPathPrefix, EncodeBodyAsJson, AuthRequired) error: '%s'\n", routeUrl, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to create HTTP request for GET '{{.route}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"route": routeUrl, "err": err})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, nil, whiskErr
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, &actions, ExitWithSuccessOnTimeout)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "s.client.Do() error - HTTP req %s; error '%s'\n", req.URL.String(), err)
return nil, resp, err
return actions, resp, err
func (s *ActionService) Insert(action *Action, overwrite bool) (*Action, *http.Response, error) {
// Encode resource name as a path (with no query params) before inserting it into the URI
// This way any '?' chars in the name won't be treated as the beginning of the query params
actionName := (&url.URL{Path: action.Name}).String()
route := fmt.Sprintf("actions/%s?overwrite=%t", actionName, overwrite)
Debug(DbgInfo, "Action insert route: %s\n", route)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PUT", route, action, IncludeNamespaceInUrl)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "http.NewRequest(PUT, %s, %#v) error: '%s'\n", route, err, action)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to create HTTP request for PUT '{{.route}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"route": route, "err": err})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, nil, whiskErr
a := new(Action)
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, &a, ExitWithSuccessOnTimeout)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "s.client.Do() error - HTTP req %s; error '%s'\n", req.URL.String(), err)
return nil, resp, err
return a, resp, nil
func (s *ActionService) Get(actionName string) (*Action, *http.Response, error) {
// Encode resource name as a path (with no query params) before inserting it into the URI
// This way any '?' chars in the name won't be treated as the beginning of the query params
actionName = (&url.URL{Path: actionName}).String()
route := fmt.Sprintf("actions/%s", actionName)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", route, nil, IncludeNamespaceInUrl)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "http.NewRequest(GET, %s, nil) error: '%s'\n", route, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to create HTTP request for GET '{{.route}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"route": route, "err": err})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, nil, whiskErr
a := new(Action)
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, &a, ExitWithSuccessOnTimeout)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "s.client.Do() error - HTTP req %s; error '%s'\n", req.URL.String(), err)
return nil, resp, err
return a, resp, nil
func (s *ActionService) Delete(actionName string) (*http.Response, error) {
// Encode resource name as a path (with no query params) before inserting it into the URI
// This way any '?' chars in the name won't be treated as the beginning of the query params
actionName = (&url.URL{Path: actionName}).String()
route := fmt.Sprintf("actions/%s", actionName)
Debug(DbgInfo, "HTTP route: %s\n", route)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", route, nil, IncludeNamespaceInUrl)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "http.NewRequest(DELETE, %s, nil) error: '%s'\n", route, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to create HTTP request for DELETE '{{.route}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"route": route, "err": err})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, whiskErr
a := new(Action)
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, a, ExitWithSuccessOnTimeout)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "s.client.Do() error - HTTP req %s; error '%s'\n", req.URL.String(), err)
return resp, err
return resp, nil
func (s *ActionService) Invoke(actionName string, payload interface{}, blocking bool, result bool) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error) {
var res map[string]interface{}
// Encode resource name as a path (with no query params) before inserting it into the URI
// This way any '?' chars in the name won't be treated as the beginning of the query params
actionName = (&url.URL{Path: actionName}).String()
route := fmt.Sprintf("actions/%s?blocking=%t&result=%t", actionName, blocking, result)
Debug(DbgInfo, "HTTP route: %s\n", route)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("POST", route, payload, IncludeNamespaceInUrl)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "http.NewRequest(POST, %s, %#v) error: '%s'\n", route, payload, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to create HTTP request for POST '{{.route}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"route": route, "err": err})
whiskErr := MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, DISPLAY_MSG,
return nil, nil, whiskErr
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, &res, blocking)
if err != nil {
Debug(DbgError, "s.client.Do() error - HTTP req %s; error '%s'\n", req.URL.String(), err)
return res, resp, err
return res, resp, nil