blob: 6dbde790f9a4949e265d018081ab4950c0d2d270 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
const (
PollInterval = time.Second * 2
Delay = time.Second * 5
var activationCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "activation",
Short: wski18n.T("work with activations"),
var activationListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "list [NAMESPACE or NAME]",
Short: wski18n.T("list activations"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 0, 1, "Activation list",
wski18n.T("An optional namespace is the only valid argument.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
// Specifying an activation item name filter is optional
if len(args) == 1 {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Activation item name filter '%s' provided\n", args[0])
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
options := &whisk.ActivationListOptions{
Name: qualifiedName.GetEntityName(),
Limit: Flags.common.limit,
Skip: Flags.common.skip,
Upto: Flags.activation.upto,
Since: Flags.activation.since,
Docs: Flags.common.full,
activations, _, err := Client.Activations.List(options)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Activations.List() error: %s\n", err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to obtain the list of activations for namespace '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": getClientNamespace(), "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL,
return werr
// When the --full (URL contains "?docs=true") option is specified, display the entire activation details
if options.Docs == true {
} else {
printList(activations, false) // Default sorting for Activations are by creation time, hence sortByName is always false
return nil
var activationGetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "get (ACTIVATION_ID | --last) [FIELD_FILTER]",
Short: wski18n.T("get activation"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var field string
var err error
if args, err = lastFlag(args); err != nil { // Checks if any errors occurred in lastFlag(args)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "lastFlag(%#v) failed: %s\n", args, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get activation: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 1, 2, "Activation get",
wski18n.T("An activation ID is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if len(args) > 1 {
field = args[1]
if !fieldExists(&whisk.Activation{}, field) {
errMsg := wski18n.T("Invalid field filter '{{.arg}}'.", map[string]interface{}{"arg": field})
whiskErr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errMsg), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL,
return whiskErr
id := args[0]
activation, _, err := Client.Activations.Get(id)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Activations.Get(%s) failed: %s\n", id, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get activation '{{.id}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"id": id, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if Flags.common.summary {
wski18n.T("activation result for '/{{.namespace}}/{{.name}}' ({{.status}} at {{.time}})\n",
"namespace": activation.Namespace,
"name": activation.Name,
"status": activation.Response.Status,
"time": time.Unix(activation.End/1000, 0)}))
} else {
if len(field) > 0 {
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} got activation {{.id}}, displaying field {{.field}}\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"), "id": boldString(id),
"field": boldString(field)}))
printField(activation, field)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, wski18n.T("{{.ok}} got activation {{.id}}\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"), "id": boldString(id)}))
return nil
var activationLogsCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "logs (ACTIVATION_ID | --last)",
Short: wski18n.T("get the logs of an activation"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
if args, err = lastFlag(args); err != nil { // Checks if any errors occurred in lastFlag(args)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "lastFlag(%#v) failed: %s\n", args, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get logs for activation: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 1, 1, "Activation logs",
wski18n.T("An activation ID is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
id := args[0]
activation, _, err := Client.Activations.Logs(id)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Activations.Logs(%s) failed: %s\n", id, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get logs for activation '{{.id}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"id": id, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if !Flags.activation.strip {
} else {
return nil
var activationResultCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "result (ACTIVATION_ID | --last)",
Short: "get the result of an activation",
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
if args, err = lastFlag(args); err != nil { // Checks if any errors occurred in lastFlag(args)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "lastFlag(%#v) failed: %s\n", args, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get result for activation: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 1, 1, "Activation result",
wski18n.T("An activation ID is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
id := args[0]
result, _, err := Client.Activations.Result(id)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Activations.result(%s) failed: %s\n", id, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to get result for activation '{{.id}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"id": id, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
return nil
// lastFlag(args) retrieves the last activation with flag -l or --last
// Param: Brings in []strings from args
// Return: Returns a []string with the latest ID or the original args and any errors
func lastFlag(args []string) ([]string, error) {
if Flags.activation.last {
options := &whisk.ActivationListOptions{
Limit: 1,
Skip: 0,
activations, _, err := Client.Activations.List(options)
if err != nil { // Checks Activations.List for errors when retrieving latest activaiton
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Activations.List(%#v) error during lastFlag: %s\n", options, err)
return args, err
if len(activations) == 0 { // Checks to to see if there are activations available
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "No activations found in activation list\n")
errStr := wski18n.T("Activation list does not contain any activations.")
whiskErr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.DISPLAY_USAGE)
return args, whiskErr
if len(args) == 0 {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Appending most recent activation ID(%s) into args\n", activations[0].ActivationID)
args = append(args, activations[0].ActivationID)
} else {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Appending most recent activation ID(%s) into args\n", activations[0].ActivationID)
args = append(args, activations[0].ActivationID)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Allocating appended ID to correct position in args\n")
args[0], args[len(args)-1] = args[len(args)-1], args[0] // IDs should be located at args[0], if 1 or more arguments are given ID has to be moved to args[0]
return args, nil
var activationPollCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "poll [ NAMESPACE | ACTION_NAME ]",
Short: wski18n.T("poll continuously for log messages from currently running actions"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var name string
var pollSince int64 // Represents an instant in time (in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970)
if len(args) == 1 {
name = args[0]
} else if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 0, 1, "Activation poll",
wski18n.T("An optional namespace is the only valid argument.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
fmt.Println(wski18n.T("Poll terminated"))
fmt.Println(wski18n.T("Enter Ctrl-c to exit."))
// Map used to track activation records already displayed to the console
reported := make(map[string]bool)
if Flags.activation.sinceSeconds+
Flags.activation.sinceDays ==
0 {
options := &whisk.ActivationListOptions{
Limit: 1,
Docs: true,
activationList, _, err := Client.Activations.List(options)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgWarn, "Client.Activations.List() error: %s\n", err)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgWarn, "Ignoring Client.Activations.List failure; polling for activations since 'now'\n")
pollSince = time.Now().Unix() * 1000 // Convert to milliseconds
} else {
if len(activationList) > 0 {
lastActivation := activationList[0] // Activation.Start is in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970
pollSince = lastActivation.Start + 1 // Use it's start time as the basis of the polling
} else {
pollSince = time.Now().Unix() * 1000 // Convert to milliseconds
// ParseDuration takes a string like "2h45m15s"; create this duration string from the command arguments
durationStr := fmt.Sprintf("%dh%dm%ds",
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(durationStr)
if err == nil {
pollSince = pollSince - duration.Nanoseconds()/1000/1000 // Convert to milliseconds
} else {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "time.ParseDuration(%s) failure: %s\n", durationStr, err)
fmt.Printf(wski18n.T("Polling for activation logs\n"))
whisk.Verbose("Polling starts from %s\n", time.Unix(pollSince/1000, 0))
localStartTime := time.Now()
// Polling loop
for {
if Flags.activation.exit > 0 {
localDuration := time.Since(localStartTime)
if int(localDuration.Seconds()) > Flags.activation.exit {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Poll time (%d seconds) expired; polling loop stopped\n", Flags.activation.exit)
return nil
whisk.Verbose("Polling for activations since %s\n", time.Unix(pollSince/1000, 0))
options := &whisk.ActivationListOptions{
Name: name,
Since: pollSince,
Docs: true,
Limit: 0,
Skip: 0,
activations, _, err := Client.Activations.List(options)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgWarn, "Client.Activations.List() error: %s\n", err)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgWarn, "Ignoring Client.Activations.List failure; continuing to poll for activations\n")
for _, activation := range activations {
if reported[activation.ActivationID] == true {
} else {
wski18n.T("\nActivation: '{{.name}}' ({{.id}})\n",
map[string]interface{}{"name": activation.Name, "id": activation.ActivationID}))
reported[activation.ActivationID] = true
if activation.Start > pollSince {
pollSince = activation.Start
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
return nil
func init() {
activationListCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.common.skip, "skip", "s", 0, wski18n.T("exclude the first `SKIP` number of activations from the result"))
activationListCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.common.limit, "limit", "l", DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_LIMIT, wski18n.T("only return `LIMIT` number of activations from the collection with a maximum LIMIT of {{.max}} activations",
map[string]interface{}{"max": MAX_ACTIVATION_LIMIT}))
activationListCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.common.full, "full", "f", false, wski18n.T("include full activation description"))
activationListCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&Flags.activation.upto, "upto", 0, wski18n.T("return activations with timestamps earlier than `UPTO`; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01, Jan 1970"))
activationListCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&Flags.activation.since, "since", 0, wski18n.T("return activations with timestamps later than `SINCE`; measured in milliseconds since Th, 01, Jan 1970"))
activationGetCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.common.summary, "summary", "s", false, wski18n.T("summarize activation details"))
activationGetCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.activation.last, "last", "l", false, wski18n.T("retrieves the last activation"))
activationLogsCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.activation.last, "last", "l", false, wski18n.T("retrieves the last activation"))
activationLogsCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.activation.strip, "strip", "r", false, wski18n.T("strip timestamp and stream information"))
activationResultCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.activation.last, "last", "l", false, wski18n.T("retrieves the last activation"))
activationPollCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.activation.exit, "exit", "e", 0, wski18n.T("stop polling after `SECONDS` seconds"))
activationPollCmd.Flags().IntVar(&Flags.activation.sinceSeconds, "since-seconds", 0, wski18n.T("start polling for activations `SECONDS` seconds ago"))
activationPollCmd.Flags().IntVar(&Flags.activation.sinceMinutes, "since-minutes", 0, wski18n.T("start polling for activations `MINUTES` minutes ago"))
activationPollCmd.Flags().IntVar(&Flags.activation.sinceHours, "since-hours", 0, wski18n.T("start polling for activations `HOURS` hours ago"))
activationPollCmd.Flags().IntVar(&Flags.activation.sinceDays, "since-days", 0, wski18n.T("start polling for activations `DAYS` days ago"))