blob: fe7b22e8aef3fd2b155cb58e97fe67f71e0ef051 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
// sdkCmd represents the sdk command
var sdkCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "sdk",
Short: wski18n.T("work with the sdk"),
type sdkInfo struct {
UrlPath string
FileName string
isGzTar bool
IsGzip bool
IsZip bool
IsTar bool
Unpack bool
UnpackDir string
var sdkMap map[string]*sdkInfo
const SDK_DOCKER_COMPONENT_NAME string = "docker"
const SDK_IOS_COMPONENT_NAME string = "ios"
var sdkInstallCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "install COMPONENT",
Short: wski18n.T("install SDK artifacts"),
Long: wski18n.T("install SDK artifacts, where valid COMPONENT values are docker, ios, and bashauto"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: setupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
if len(args) != 1 {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Invalid number of arguments: %d\n", len(args))
errStr := wski18n.T("The SDK component argument is missing. One component (docker, ios, or bashauto) must be specified")
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
component := strings.ToLower(args[0])
switch component {
case "docker":
err = dockerInstall()
case "ios":
err = iOSInstall()
case "bashauto":
err = WskCmd.GenBashCompletionFile(BASH_AUTOCOMPLETE_FILENAME)
if (err != nil) {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "GenBashCompletionFile('%s`) error: \n", BASH_AUTOCOMPLETE_FILENAME, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to generate '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": BASH_AUTOCOMPLETE_FILENAME, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
map[string]interface{}{"name": BASH_AUTOCOMPLETE_FILENAME}))
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Invalid component argument '%s'\n", component)
errStr := wski18n.T("The SDK component argument '{{.component}}' is invalid. Valid components are docker, ios and bashauto",
map[string]interface{}{"component": component})
err = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.DISPLAY_USAGE)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func dockerInstall() error {
var err error
targetFile := sdkMap[SDK_DOCKER_COMPONENT_NAME].FileName
if _, err = os.Stat(targetFile); err == nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "os.Stat reports file '%s' exists\n", targetFile)
errStr := wski18n.T("The file {{.name}} already exists. Delete it and retry.",
map[string]interface{}{"name": targetFile})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if err = sdkInstall(SDK_DOCKER_COMPONENT_NAME); err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "sdkInstall(%s) failed: %s\n", SDK_DOCKER_COMPONENT_NAME, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("The {{.component}} SDK installation failed: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"component": SDK_DOCKER_COMPONENT_NAME, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
fmt.Println(wski18n.T("The docker skeleton is now installed at the current directory."))
return nil
func iOSInstall() error {
var err error
if err = sdkInstall(SDK_IOS_COMPONENT_NAME); err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "sdkInstall(%s) failed: %s\n", SDK_IOS_COMPONENT_NAME, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("The {{.component}} SDK installation failed: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"component": SDK_IOS_COMPONENT_NAME, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
wski18n.T("Downloaded OpenWhisk iOS starter app. Unzip {{.name}} and open the project in Xcode.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"name": sdkMap[SDK_IOS_COMPONENT_NAME].FileName}))
return nil
func sdkInstall(componentName string) error {
targetFile := sdkMap[componentName].FileName
if _, err := os.Stat(targetFile); err == nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "os.Stat reports file '%s' exists\n", targetFile)
errStr := wski18n.T("The file {{.name}} already exists. Delete it and retry.",
map[string]interface{}{"name": targetFile})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
resp, err := client.Sdks.Install(sdkMap[componentName].UrlPath)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "client.Sdks.Install(%s) failed: %s\n", sdkMap[componentName].UrlPath, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to retrieve '{{.urlpath}}' SDK: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"urlpath": sdkMap[componentName].UrlPath, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if resp.Body == nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "SDK Install HTTP response has no body\n")
errStr := wski18n.T("Server failed to send the '{{.component}}' SDK: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": componentName, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_NETWORK, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// Create the SDK file
sdkfile, err := os.Create(targetFile)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "os.Create(%s) failure: %s\n", targetFile, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Error creating SDK file {{.name}}: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": targetFile, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// Read the HTTP response body and write it to the SDK file
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Reading SDK file from HTTP response body\n")
_, err = io.Copy(sdkfile, resp.Body)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "io.Copy() of resp.Body into sdkfile failure: %s\n", err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Error copying server response into file: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
sdkfile.Close() // Don't use 'defer' since this file might need to be deleted after unpack
// At this point, the entire file is downloaded from the server
// Check if there is any special post-download processing (i.e. unpack)
if sdkMap[componentName].Unpack {
// Make sure the target directory does not already exist
defer os.Remove(targetFile)
targetdir := sdkMap[componentName].UnpackDir
if _, err = os.Stat(targetdir); err == nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "os.Stat reports that directory '%s' exists\n", targetdir)
errStr := wski18n.T("The directory {{.name}} already exists. Delete it and retry.",
map[string]interface{}{"name": targetdir})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// If the packed SDK is a .tgz file, unpack it in two steps
// 1. UnGzip into temp .tar file
// 2. Untar the contents into the current folder
if sdkMap[componentName].isGzTar {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "unGzipping downloaded file\n")
err := unpackGzip(targetFile, "temp.tar")
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "unpackGzip(%s,temp.tar) failure: %s\n", targetFile, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Error unGzipping file {{.name}}: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": targetFile, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
defer os.Remove("temp.tar")
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "unTarring unGzipped file\n")
err = unpackTar("temp.tar")
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "unpackTar(temp.tar) failure: %s\n", err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Error untarring file {{.name}}: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": "temp.tar", "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXITCODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// Future SDKs may require other unpacking procedures not yet covered here....
return nil
func init() {
sdkMap = make(map[string]*sdkInfo)
sdkMap["docker"] = &sdkInfo{ UrlPath: "blackbox-0.1.0.tar.gz", FileName: "blackbox-0.1.0.tar.gz", isGzTar: true, Unpack: true, UnpackDir: "dockerSkeleton"}
sdkMap["ios"] = &sdkInfo{ UrlPath: "", FileName: "", IsZip: true, Unpack: false}