blob: 626a183606477064910df7f1b1d19a9e98b02a4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.cli.test
import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured
import common.{TestUtils, Wsk}
import common.TestUtils._
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import spray.json._
* Tests for basic CLI usage. Some of these tests require a deployed backend.
class ApiGwCliTests extends ApiGwCliBasicTests {
override lazy val wsk: common.Wsk = new Wsk
override lazy val createCode = SUCCESS_EXIT
behavior of "Cli Wsk api creation with path parameters no swagger"
it should "fail to create an API if the base path contains path parameters" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val basePath = "/mybase/{path}"
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName, confirmDelete = true) { (action, _) =>
action.create(actionName, Some(file), web = Some("true"))
val relPath = "/bad/{path}/value"
val rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(basePath),
relpath = Some(relPath),
operation = Some("GET"),
action = Some(actionName),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include(
s"The base path '${basePath}' cannot have parameters. Only the relative path supports path parameters.")
it should "fail to create an Api if path parameters are specified but http response type is not given" in withAssetCleaner(
wskprops) { (wp, assetHelper) =>
val actionName = "CLI_APIGWTEST_PATH_param_fail1_action"
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName, confirmDelete = true) { (action, _) =>
action.create(actionName, Some(file), web = Some("true"))
val relPath = "/bad/{path}/value"
val rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some("/mybase"),
relpath = Some(relPath),
operation = Some("GET"),
action = Some(actionName),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include(s"A response type of 'http' is required when using path parameters.")
it should "create api with path parameters for the verb" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) { (wp, assetHelper) =>
val testBasePath = s"/${testName}_bp"
val testUrlName1 = "scooby"
val testUrlName2 = "doo"
val testRelPath = "/path/{with}/some/{path}/params"
val testRelPathGet = s"/path/${testUrlName1}/some/${testUrlName2}/params"
val testUrlOp = "get"
val testApiName = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val reqPath = "\\$\\(request.path\\)"
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName, confirmDelete = true) { (action, _) =>
action.create(actionName, Some(file), web = Some("true"))
try {
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testBasePath),
relpath = Some(testRelPath),
operation = Some(testUrlOp),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testApiName),
responsetype = Some("http"))
val swaggerApiUrl = getSwaggerUrl(rr).replace("{with}", testUrlName1).replace("{path}", testUrlName2)
//Validate the api created contained parameters and they were correct
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testApiName))
rr.stdout should include(testBasePath)
rr.stdout should include(s"${actionName}")
rr.stdout should include regex (""""cors":\s*\{\s*\n\s*"enabled":\s*true""")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"""target-url.*${actionName}.http${reqPath}""")
val params = getParametersFromJson(rr.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject, testRelPath)
params.size should be(2)
validateParameter(params(0).asJsObject, "with", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'with'")
validateParameter(params(1).asJsObject, "path", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'path'")
//Lets call the swagger url so we can make sure the response is valid and contains our path in the ow path
val apiToInvoke = s"$swaggerApiUrl"
println(s"Invoking: '${apiToInvoke}'")
val response = whisk.utils.retry({
val response = RestAssured.given().config(getSslConfig()).get(s"$apiToInvoke")
response.statusCode should be(200)
}, 6, Some(2.second))
val jsonResponse = response.body.asString.parseJson.asJsObject
jsonResponse.fields("__ow_path").toString should include(testRelPathGet)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testBasePath)
it should "create api with path parameters and pass them into the action bound to the api" in withAssetCleaner(
wskprops) { (wp, assetHelper) =>
val testBasePath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testRelPath = "/path/{with}/some/{double}/{extra}/{extra}/{path}"
val testUrlName1 = "scooby"
val testUrlName2 = "doo"
val testUrlName3 = "shaggy"
val testUrlName4 = "velma"
val testRelPathGet = s"/path/$testUrlName1/some/$testUrlName3/$testUrlName4/$testUrlName4/$testUrlName2"
val testUrlOp = "get"
val testApiName = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val reqPath = "\\$\\(request.path\\)"
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName, confirmDelete = true) { (action, _) =>
action.create(actionName, Some(file), web = Some("true"))
try {
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testBasePath),
relpath = Some(testRelPath),
operation = Some(testUrlOp),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testApiName),
responsetype = Some("http"))
val swaggerApiUrl = getSwaggerUrl(rr)
.replace("{with}", testUrlName1)
.replace("{path}", testUrlName2)
.replace("{double}", testUrlName3)
.replace("{extra}", testUrlName4)
//Validate the api created contained parameters and they were correct
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testApiName))
rr.stdout should include(testBasePath)
rr.stdout should include(s"${actionName}")
rr.stdout should include regex (""""cors":\s*\{\s*\n\s*"enabled":\s*true""")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"""target-url.*${actionName}.http${reqPath}""")
val params = getParametersFromJson(rr.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject, testRelPath)
// should have 4, not 5 parameter definitions (i.e. don't define "extra" twice
params.size should be(4)
validateParameter(params(0).asJsObject, "with", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'with'")
validateParameter(params(1).asJsObject, "double", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'double'")
validateParameter(params(2).asJsObject, "extra", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'extra'")
validateParameter(params(3).asJsObject, "path", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'path'")
//Lets call the swagger url so we can make sure the response is valid and contains our path in the ow path
val apiToInvoke = s"$swaggerApiUrl"
println(s"Invoking: '${apiToInvoke}'")
val response = whisk.utils.retry({
val response = RestAssured.given().config(getSslConfig()).get(s"$apiToInvoke")
response.statusCode should be(200)
}, 6, Some(2.second))
val jsonResponse = response.body.asString.parseJson.asJsObject
jsonResponse.fields("__ow_path").toString should include(testRelPathGet)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testBasePath)