blob: 839bc0a96c16920c26cb14194cfa6536237a988e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.cli.test
import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import com.jayway.restassured.config.RestAssuredConfig
import com.jayway.restassured.config.SSLConfig
import common.TestUtils._
import common.TestUtils
import common.WhiskProperties
import common.{TestUtils, WhiskProperties, WskProps}
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
* Tests for testing the CLI "api" subcommand. Most of these tests require a deployed backend.
abstract class ApiGwCliBasicTests extends BaseApiGwTests {
val clinamespace = wsk.namespace.whois()
val createCode: Int
def verifyBadCommands(rr: RunResult, badpath: String): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include(s"'${badpath}' must begin with '/'")
def verifyBadCommandsDelete(rr: RunResult, badpath: String): Unit = {
verifyBadCommands(rr, badpath)
def verifyBadCommandsList(rr: RunResult, badpath: String): Unit = {
verifyBadCommands(rr, badpath)
def verifyInvalidCommands(rr: RunResult, badverb: String): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include(s"'${badverb}' is not a valid API verb. Valid values are:")
def verifyInvalidCommandsDelete(rr: RunResult, badverb: String): Unit = {
verifyInvalidCommands(rr, badverb)
def verifyInvalidCommandsList(rr: RunResult, badverb: String): Unit = {
verifyInvalidCommands(rr, badverb)
def verifyNonJsonSwagger(rr: RunResult, filename: String): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include(s"Error parsing swagger file '${filename}':")
def verifyMissingField(rr: RunResult): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include(s"Swagger file is invalid (missing basePath, info, paths, or swagger fields")
def verifyApiCreated(rr: RunResult): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include("ok: created API")
def verifyApiList(rr: RunResult,
clinamespace: String,
actionName: String,
testurlop: String,
testbasepath: String,
testrelpath: String,
testapiname: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include("ok: APIs")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"Action:\\s+/${clinamespace}/${actionName}\n")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"Verb:\\s+${testurlop}\n")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"Base path:\\s+${testbasepath}\n")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"Path:\\s+${testrelpath}\n")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"API Name:\\s+${testapiname}\n")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"URL:\\s+")
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + testrelpath)
def verifyApiBaseRelPath(rr: RunResult, testbasepath: String, testrelpath: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + testrelpath)
def verifyApiGet(rr: RunResult, apihost: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include regex (s""""operationId":\\s+"getPathWithSub_pathsInIt"""")
rr.stdout should include regex (s""""target-url":\\s+"https://$apihost""")
def verifyApiFullList(rr: RunResult,
clinamespace: String,
actionName: String,
testurlop: String,
testbasepath: String,
testrelpath: String,
testapiname: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include("ok: APIs")
if (clinamespace == "") {
rr.stdout should include regex (s"/[@\\w._\\-]+/${actionName}\\s+${testurlop}\\s+${testapiname}\\s+")
} else {
rr.stdout should include regex (s"/${clinamespace}/${actionName}\\s+${testurlop}\\s+${testapiname}\\s+")
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + testrelpath)
def verifyApiFullListDouble(rr: RunResult,
clinamespace: String,
actionName: String,
testurlop: String,
testbasepath: String,
testrelpath: String,
testapiname: String,
newEndpoint: String): Unit = {
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + newEndpoint)
def verifyApiDeleted(rr: RunResult): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include("ok: deleted API")
def verifyApiDeletedRelpath(rr: RunResult, testrelpath: String, testbasepath: String, op: String = ""): Unit = {
if (op != "")
rr.stdout should include("ok: deleted " + testrelpath + " " + op.toUpperCase() + " from " + testbasepath)
rr.stdout should include("ok: deleted " + testrelpath + " from " + testbasepath)
def verifyApiNameGet(rr: RunResult, testbasepath: String, actionName: String, responseType: String = "json"): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath)
rr.stdout should include(s"${actionName}")
rr.stdout should include regex (""""cors":\s*\{\s*\n\s*"enabled":\s*true""")
rr.stdout should include regex (s""""target-url":\\s+.*${actionName}.${responseType}""")
def verifyInvalidSwagger(rr: RunResult): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include(s"Swagger file is invalid")
def verifyApiOp(rr: RunResult, testurlop: String, testapiname: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include regex (s"\\s+${testurlop}\\s+${testapiname}\\s+")
def verifyApiOpVerb(rr: RunResult, testurlop: String): Unit = {
rr.stdout should include regex (s"Verb:\\s+${testurlop}")
def verifyInvalidKey(rr: RunResult): Unit = {
rr.stderr should include("The supplied authentication is invalid")
def writeSwaggerFile(rr: RunResult): File = {
val swaggerfile = File.createTempFile("api", ".json")
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(swaggerfile))
return swaggerfile
def getSwaggerUrl(rr: RunResult): String = {
def replaceStringInFile(fileName: String, replacements: Map[Regex, String]): String = {
val encoding = "UTF-8"
val contents = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(fileName), encoding)
var newContents = contents
replacements foreach ((regex) => newContents = regex._1.replaceAllIn(newContents, regex._2))
val tmpFileName = fileName + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".tmp"
val tmpFile = new File(tmpFileName)
if (tmpFile.exists()) {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(tmpFileName), newContents, encoding)
def getParametersFromJson(json: JsObject, pathName: String): Vector[JsValue] = {
def getSslConfig(): RestAssuredConfig = {
// force RestAssured to allow all hosts in SSL certificates
new RestAssuredConfig()
.sslConfig(new SSLConfig().keystore("keystore", WhiskProperties.getSslCertificateChallenge).allowAllHostnames())
def validateParameter(parameter: JsObject,
name: String,
in: String,
required: Boolean,
pType: String,
description: String): Unit = {
parameter.fields("name") should be(name.toJson)
parameter.fields("in") should be(in.toJson)
parameter.fields("required") should be(required.toJson)
parameter.fields("type") should be(pType.toJson)
parameter.fields("description") should be(description.toJson)
behavior of "Wsk api"
behavior of "Cli Wsk api creation with path parameters with swagger"
it should "create the API when swagger file contains path parameters" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val actionName = "cli_apigwtest_path_param_swagger_action"
val apiName = "/guest/v1"
val reqPath = "\\$\\(request.path\\)"
val testRelPath = "/api2/greeting2/{name}"
val testUrlName = "scooby"
val testRelPathGet = s"/api2/greeting2/$testUrlName"
val testUrlOp = "get"
var file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
val hostRegex = "%HOST%".r
assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.action, actionName, confirmDelete = true) { (action, _) =>
action.create(actionName, Some(file), web = Some("true"))
try {
//Create the API
var rr: RunResult = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(apiName),
relpath = Some(testRelPath),
operation = Some(testUrlOp),
action = Some(actionName),
responsetype = Some("http"))
//Get the api so we can create the swagger from the returned output
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(apiName))
rr.stdout should include regex (s"""target-url.*${actionName}.http${reqPath}""")
val swaggerFile = writeSwaggerFile(rr)
//Delete the api so we can re-create it using the swagger
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = apiName)
//Create the api using the swagger file.
rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerFile.getAbsolutePath()), expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT)
val swaggerApiUrl = getSwaggerUrl(rr).replace("{name}", testUrlName)
//Lets validate that the swagger we get from the create contains the correct info.
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(apiName))
rr.stdout should include regex (s"""target-url.*${actionName}.http${reqPath}""")
val params = getParametersFromJson(rr.stdout.parseJson.asJsObject, testRelPath)
params.size should be(1)
validateParameter(params(0).asJsObject, "name", "path", true, "string", "Default description for 'name'")
//Lets call the swagger url so we can make sure the response is valid and contains our path in the ow path
val apiToInvoke = s"$swaggerApiUrl"
println(s"Invoking: '${apiToInvoke}'")
val response = org.apache.openwhisk.utils.retry({
val response = RestAssured.given().config(getSslConfig()).get(s"$apiToInvoke")
response.statusCode should be(200)
}, 6, Some(2.second))
val jsonResponse = response.body.asString.parseJson.asJsObject
jsonResponse.fields("__ow_path").toString should include(testRelPathGet)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = apiName)
it should "reject an api commands with an invalid path parameter" in {
val badpath = "badpath"
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some("/basepath"),
relpath = Some(badpath),
operation = Some("GET"),
action = Some("action"),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyBadCommands(rr, badpath)
rr = apiDelete(
basepathOrApiName = "/basepath",
relpath = Some(badpath),
operation = Some("GET"),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyBadCommandsDelete(rr, badpath)
rr = apiList(
basepathOrApiName = Some("/basepath"),
relpath = Some(badpath),
operation = Some("GET"),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyBadCommandsList(rr, badpath)
it should "reject an api commands with an invalid verb parameter" in {
val badverb = "badverb"
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some("/basepath"),
relpath = Some("/path"),
operation = Some(badverb),
action = Some("action"),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyInvalidCommands(rr, badverb)
rr = apiDelete(
basepathOrApiName = "/basepath",
relpath = Some("/path"),
operation = Some(badverb),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyInvalidCommandsDelete(rr, badverb)
rr = apiList(
basepathOrApiName = Some("/basepath"),
relpath = Some("/path"),
operation = Some(badverb),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyInvalidCommandsList(rr, badverb)
it should "reject an api create command that specifies a nonexistent configuration file" in {
val configfile = "/nonexistent/file"
val rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(configfile), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include(s"Error reading swagger file '${configfile}'")
it should "reject an api create command specifying a non-JSON configuration file" in {
val file = File.createTempFile("api.json", ".txt")
val filename = file.getAbsolutePath()
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
val rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(filename), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
verifyNonJsonSwagger(rr, filename)
it should "reject an api create command specifying a non-swagger JSON configuration file" in {
val file = File.createTempFile("api.json", ".txt")
val filename = file.getAbsolutePath()
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
| "swagger": "2.0",
| "info": {
| "title": "My API",
| "version": "1.0.0"
| },
| "BADbasePath": "/bp",
| "paths": {
| "/rp": {
| "get":{}
| }
| }
val rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(filename), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
it should "verify full list output" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST_RO1"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
println("cli namespace: " + clinamespace)
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
println("api create: " + rr.stdout)
rr = apiList(
basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
full = Some(true))
println("api list: " + rr.stdout)
verifyApiList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
it should "verify successful creation and deletion of a new API" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST1"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path/with/sub_paths/in/it"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
println("cli namespace: " + clinamespace)
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
verifyApiGet(rr, wskprops.apihost)
val deleteresult = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify successful creation and deletion of a new API when apihost specifies the protocol" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST2"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path/with/sub_paths/in/it"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
println("cli namespace: " + clinamespace)
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
val explicitProtocol = if (wskprops.apihost.startsWith("http")) "" else "https://"
val wskpropsOverride = WskProps(apihost = explicitProtocol + wskprops.apihost)
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))(wskpropsOverride)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
verifyApiGet(rr, wskprops.apihost)
val deleteresult = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify get API name " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST3"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testapiname))
verifyApiNameGet(rr, testbasepath, actionName)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify delete API name " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST4"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testapiname)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify delete API basepath " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST5"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify adding endpoints to existing api" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST6"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path2"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val newEndpoint = "/newEndpoint"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(newEndpoint),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify successful creation with swagger doc as input" in {
// NOTE: These values must match the swagger file contents
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST7"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename("testswaggerdoc1")
try {
var rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
println("list stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("list stderr: " + rr.stderr)
verifyApiFullList(rr, "", actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify adding endpoints to two existing apis" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST8"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testbasepath2 = "/" + testName + "_bp2"
val testrelpath = "/path2"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val testapiname2 = testName + " API Name 2"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val newEndpoint = "/newEndpoint"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath2),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname2))
// Update both APIs - each with a new endpoint
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(newEndpoint),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName))
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath2),
relpath = Some(newEndpoint),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath2))
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath2, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify successful creation of a new API using an action name using all allowed characters" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST9"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "a-c@t ion"
try {
println("cli namespace: " + clinamespace)
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
val deleteresult = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify failed creation with invalid swagger doc as input" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST10"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename(s"testswaggerdocinvalid")
try {
val rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
println("api create stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("api create stderr: " + rr.stderr)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify delete basepath/path " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST11"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
var rr2 = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testnewrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, relpath = Some(testrelpath))
verifyApiDeletedRelpath(rr, testrelpath, testbasepath)
rr2 = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testnewrelpath))
verifyApiFullList(rr2, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testnewrelpath, testapiname)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify delete single operation from existing API basepath/path/operation(s) " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST12"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path2"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testurlop2 = "post"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop2),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop2, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop2))
verifyApiDeletedRelpath(rr, testrelpath, testbasepath, testurlop2)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify successful creation with complex swagger doc as input" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST13"
val testbasepath = "/test1/v1"
val testrelpath = "/whisk_system/utils/echo"
val testrelpath2 = "/whisk_system/utils/split"
val testurlop = "get"
val testurlop2 = "post"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = "test1a"
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename(s"testswaggerdoc2")
try {
var rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath))
println("api create stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("api create stderror: " + rr.stderr)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
verifyApiFullList(rr, "", actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
verifyApiFullList(rr, "", actionName, testurlop2, testbasepath, testrelpath2, testapiname)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify successful creation and deletion with multiple base paths" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST14"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testbasepath2 = "/" + testName + "_bp2"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val testapiname2 = testName + " API Name 2"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath2),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname2))
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath2), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath2, testrelpath, testapiname2)
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath2)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), relpath = Some(testrelpath), operation = Some(testurlop))
verifyApiFullList(rr, clinamespace, actionName, testurlop, testbasepath, testrelpath, testapiname)
rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath2, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "verify API with http response type " in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST17"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val responseType = "http"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
responsetype = Some(responseType))
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testapiname))
verifyApiNameGet(rr, testbasepath, actionName, responseType)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "reject deletion of a non-existent api" in {
val nonexistentApi = "/not-there"
val rr = apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = nonexistentApi, expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include(s"API '${nonexistentApi}' does not exist")
it should "successfully list an API whose endpoints are not mapped to actions" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST23"
val testapiname = "A descriptive name"
val testbasepath = "/NoActions"
val testrelpath = "/"
val testops: Seq[String] = Seq("put", "delete", "get", "head", "options", "patch", "post")
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename(s"endpoints.without.action.swagger.json")
try {
var rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath))
println("api create stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("api create stderror: " + rr.stderr)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
println("api list:\n" + rr.stdout)
testops foreach { testurlop =>
verifyApiOp(rr, testurlop, testapiname)
verifyApiBaseRelPath(rr, testbasepath, testrelpath)
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), full = Some(true))
println("api full list:\n" + rr.stdout)
testops foreach { testurlop =>
verifyApiOpVerb(rr, testurlop)
verifyApiBaseRelPath(rr, testbasepath, testrelpath)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "reject creation of an API with invalid auth key" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST24"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = createCode, web = Some("true"))
// Set an invalid auth key
val badWskProps = WskProps(authKey = "bad-auth-key")
val rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)(badWskProps)
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)