blob: e985bfbb33b1fac4bd15dfa23db01052da53c0f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.cli.test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import common.JsHelpers
import common.StreamLogging
import common.TestUtils
import common.TestUtils.ANY_ERROR_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.DONTCARE_EXIT
import common.TestUtils.SUCCESS_EXIT
import common.Wsk
import common.WskActorSystem
import common.WskAdmin
import common.WskProps
* Tests for basic CLI usage. Some of these tests require a deployed backend.
class WskApiGwTests extends BaseApiGwTests with WskActorSystem with JsHelpers with StreamLogging {
val systemId: String = "whisk.system"
override implicit val wskprops = WskProps(authKey = WskAdmin.listKeys(systemId)(0)._1, namespace = systemId)
val wsk: common.Wsk = new Wsk
it should "reject apimgmt actions that are invoked with not enough parameters" in {
val invalidArgs = Seq(
("/whisk.system/apimgmt/getApi", ANY_ERROR_EXIT, "Invalid authentication.", Seq()),
"Invalid authentication.",
Seq("-p", "basepath", "/ApiGwRoutemgmtActionTests_bp")),
"basepath is required",
Seq("-p", "__ow_user", "_", "-p", "accesstoken", "TOKEN")),
"When specifying an operation, the path is required",
"apidoc is required",
Seq("-p", "__ow_user", "_", "-p", "accesstoken", "TOKEN")),
"apidoc is missing the namespace field",
Seq("-p", "__ow_user", "_", "-p", "accesstoken", "TOKEN", "-p", "apidoc", "{}")),
"apidoc is missing the gatewayBasePath field",
Seq("-p", "__ow_user", "_", "-p", "accesstoken", "TOKEN", "-p", "apidoc", """{"namespace":"_"}""")),
"apidoc is missing the gatewayPath field",
"apidoc is missing the gatewayMethod field",
"apidoc is missing the action field",
"action is missing the backendMethod field",
"action is missing the backendUrl field",
"action is missing the namespace field",
"action is missing the name field",
"action is missing the authkey field",
"swagger and gatewayBasePath are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together",
"apidoc field cannot be parsed. Ensure it is valid JSON",
Seq("-p", "__ow_user", "_", "-p", "accesstoken", "TOKEN", "-p", "apidoc", "{1:[}}}")))
invalidArgs foreach {
case (action: String, exitcode: Int, errmsg: String, params: Seq[String]) =>
val cmd: Seq[String] = Seq(
wskprops.authKey) ++ params
val rr = wsk.cli(cmd, expectedExitCode = exitcode)
rr.stderr should include regex (errmsg)
it should "reject an API created with a non-existent action" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST15"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
val rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include("does not exist")
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "reject an API created with an action that is not a web action" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST16"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must NOT be a "web-action" action for this test
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT)
val rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include("is not a web action")
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "reject API export when export type is invalid" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST18"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath), format = Some("BadType"), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
rr.stderr should include("Invalid format type")
it should "list api alphabetically by Base/Rel/Verb" in {
val baseName = "/BaseTestPathApiList"
val actionName = "actionName"
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo-web-http.js")
try {
// Create Action for apis
var action =
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT, web = Some("true"))
println("action creation: " + action.stdout)
// Create apis
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
val base = s"$baseName$i"
var api = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(base),
relpath = Some("/relPath"),
operation = Some("GET"),
action = Some(actionName))
println("api creation: " + api.stdout)
val original = apiList(nameSort = Some(true))
val originalFull = apiList(full = Some(true), nameSort = Some(true))
val scalaSorted = List(s"${baseName}1" + "/", s"${baseName}2" + "/", s"${baseName}3" + "/")
val regex = s"${baseName}[1-3]/".r
val list = (regex.findAllMatchIn(original.stdout)).toList
val listFull = (regex.findAllMatchIn(originalFull.stdout)).toList
scalaSorted.toString shouldEqual list.toString
scalaSorted.toString shouldEqual listFull.toString
} finally {
// Clean up Apis
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = s"${baseName}$i", expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "successfully export an API in YAML format" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST19"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val responseType = "http"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
responsetype = Some(responseType))
rr.stdout should include("ok: created API")
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testapiname), format = Some("yaml"))
rr.stdout should include(s"basePath: ${testbasepath}")
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "successfully export an API when JSON format is explcitly specified" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST20"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val testrelpath = "/path"
val testnewrelpath = "/path_new"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testName + " API Name"
val actionName = testName + "_action"
val responseType = "http"
try {
// Create the action for the API. It must be a "web-action" action.
val file = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename(s"echo.js")
wsk.action.create(name = actionName, artifact = Some(file), expectedExitCode = SUCCESS_EXIT, web = Some("true"))
var rr = apiCreate(
basepath = Some(testbasepath),
relpath = Some(testrelpath),
operation = Some(testurlop),
action = Some(actionName),
apiname = Some(testapiname),
responsetype = Some(responseType))
rr.stdout should include("ok: created API")
rr = apiGet(basepathOrApiName = Some(testapiname), format = Some("json"))
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath)
rr.stdout should include(s"${actionName}")
rr.stdout should include regex (""""cors":\s*\{\s*\n\s*"enabled":\s*true""")
rr.stdout should include regex (s""""target-url":\\s+.*${actionName}.${responseType}""")
} finally {
wsk.action.delete(name = actionName, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "successfully create an API from a YAML formatted API configuration file" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST21"
val testbasepath = "/bp"
val testrelpath = "/rp"
val testurlop = "get"
val testapiname = testbasepath
val actionName = "webhttpecho"
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename(s"local.api.yaml")
try {
var rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath))
println("api create stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("api create stderror: " + rr.stderr)
rr.stdout should include("ok: created API")
rr = apiList(basepathOrApiName = Some(testbasepath))
rr.stdout should include("ok: APIs")
rr.stdout should include regex (s"/[@\\w._\\-]+/${actionName}\\s+${testurlop}\\s+${testapiname}\\s+")
rr.stdout should include(testbasepath + testrelpath)
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)
it should "reject creation of an API from invalid YAML formatted API configuration file" in {
val testName = "CLI_APIGWTEST22"
val testbasepath = "/" + testName + "_bp"
val swaggerPath = TestUtils.getTestApiGwFilename(s"local.api.bad.yaml")
try {
val rr = apiCreate(swagger = Some(swaggerPath), expectedExitCode = ANY_ERROR_EXIT)
println("api create stdout: " + rr.stdout)
println("api create stderror: " + rr.stderr)
rr.stderr should include("Unable to parse YAML configuration file")
} finally {
apiDelete(basepathOrApiName = testbasepath, expectedExitCode = DONTCARE_EXIT)