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#Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# The default configuration for OpenWebBeans
# The default configuration is intended for a JDK and a simple ServletContainer
# like jetty, resin or tomcat.
################################### DEFAULT SPI CONFIGURATION SECTION ##########################
# this is the basic configuration, thus it has a very low ordinal of 10
################################### Default Container Lifecycle ################################
#Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.corespi.ContainerLifecycle.
################################### Default JNDI Service #######################################
#Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.corespi.JNDIService.
################################### Default Bean Definition Archive Service ####################################
########################### Default ApplicationBoundary Service ################################
# Default implementation of the ApplicationBoundaryService.
# This service defines the 'outer boundary' classloader of each Application.
# For a WAR it is the WebAppClassLoader, for EARs it is the Ear ClassLoader.
# This is to e.g. prevent a producer method for a @RequestScoped EntityManager to use the
# shared tomcat/tomee/etc ClassLoader to be used for loading the generated proxy class
# as this would create mem leaks.
################################### Default Scanner Service ####################################
#Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.corespi.ScannerService.
################################### Default Contexts Service ####################################
#Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.corespi.ContextsService.
################################### Default Contexts Service ####################################
# Default SecurityService implementation which directly invokes underlying classes
# without using a SecurityManager
################################ Default Implementation-Loader Service ###########################################
# Service which encapsulates the Service-Loader of Java 1.6+ to allow custom implementations to support Java 1.5
#################################### SEVERAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ##########################
#################################### Use Embedded OpenEJB Discovery ############################
#If it is true, it checks every bean class whether or not represent EJB Bean
################# Force not having Checked Exceptions in lifecycle methods ####################
# If it is true, OWB forces that lifecycle methods like @PreDestroy and @PostConstruct must not
# throw any checked exceptions. This is the behaviour which is defined in the EE interceptor
# spec. Since this is sometimes way too restrictive, we allow to relax this rule by configuration
# The default value is 'true' internally.
# ATTENTION: this property works container wide!
# org.apache.webbeans.forceNoCheckedExceptions=true
################################# Conversation Support #########################################
################################### Default Conversation Service ###############################
# Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.corespi.ConversationService.
# This one does not support conversation propagation. It's basically a no-op implementation
# This will get overwritten in the web and jsf plugins
####################### Archive Centric Beans.xml Scanning #####################################
# If true, will enable decorators, interceptors and alternatives based on the beans.xml
# of the appropriate archive.
########################### Proxy Implementation Mapping ######################################
# This allows mapping a Scope Annotation class to a specific InterceptorProxy which are
# typically sub classes of NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler
# org.apache.webbeans.proxy.mapping.javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped=org.apache.webbeans.intercept.NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler
############################ Eager Session Initialisation ######################################
# By default we do _not_ force session creation in our WebBeansConfigurationListener. We only create the
# Session if we really need the SessionContext. E.g. when we create a Contextual Instance in it.
# Sometimes this creates a problem as the HttpSession can only be created BEFORE anything got written back
# to the client.
# With this configuration you can choose between 3 settings
# * true: the Session will _always_ eagerly be created at the begin of a request
# * false: the Session will _never_ eagerly be created but only lazily when the first @SessionScoped bean gets used
# * any other value will be interpreted as Java regular expression for request URIs which need eager Session initialization
######################### Java version for generated proxy classes #############################
# The Java Version to use for the generated proxy classes.
# If "auto" then we will pick the version of the current JVM.
# The default is set to "1.6" as some tools in jetty/tomcat/etc still
# cannot properly handle Java8 (mostly due to older Eclipse JDT versions).
# org.apache.webbeans.generator.javaVersion=1.6
############################# Ignored CDI Extension class names ################################
# A comma separated list of CDI Extension class names which should get ignored.
# Each listed class name must be fully qualified.
# org.apache.webbeans.ignoredExtensions=org.acme.FooExtension
######################### Bean Scanning ########################################################
# A list of known JARs/paths which should not be scanned for beans
# if they don't have an explicit META-INF/beans.xml
org.apache.webbeans.scanExclusionPaths=/jre/lib, \
/Contents/Home/, \
/dt.jar, \
/tools.jar, \
/bootstrap.jar, \
/asm, \
/javassist, \
/xbean-, \
/jconsole.jar, \
/geronimo-, \
/commons-, \
/arquillian-, \
/bsh-, \
/shrinkwrap-, \
/junit-, \
/testng-, \
/openjpa-, \
/bcel, \
/hamcrest, \
/mysql-connector, \
/testng, \
/idea_rt, \
/eclipse, \
/jcommander, \
/tomcat, \
/catalina, \
/jasper, \
/jsp-api, \
/myfaces-api, \
/myfaces-impl, \
/servlet-api, \
/javax, \
/annotation-api, \
/el-api, \
/mojarra, \
/sisu-guice-, \
/sisu-inject-, \
/aether-, \
/plexus-, \
/maven-, \
/guava-, \
/openwebbeans-, \
/bcprov-jdk14-, \
/bcmail-jdk14-, \
/bctsp-jdk14-, \
/bcmail-jdk14-, \
/ss_css2-, \
/itext-, \
/pd4ml-, \
/xmlpull-, \
/log4j-, \
/slf4j-, \
/logkit, \
/gson-, \
/xstream-, \
/httpclient-, \
/httpcore-, \
/backport-util-concurrent-, \
/xml-apis, \
/xpp3_min-, \
/bval-core, \
/bval-jsr, \
/hsqldb, \
/quartz-2, \
/jetty-, \
/plexus-, \
/surefire-, \
/byte-buddy-, \
/cglib-, \
/okhttp-, \
/htmlunit-, \
/wagon-http-, \
/wagon-provider-, \
/wagon-file-, \
/phantomjsdriver, \
/error_prone_annotations-, \
/j2objc-, \
/xalan-, \
/aopalliance-, \
/owasp-, \
/jdom2-, \
/jfreechart-, \
/stax-api-, \
/jboss-logging-, \
/barcode4j-, \
/poi-, \
/selenium-, \
/graphene-, \
/httpmime-, \
/cssparser-, \
/animal-sniffer-annotations-, \
/objenesis-, \
/xercesImpl-, \
/neko-htmlunit-, \
/checker-compat-qual-, \
/awaitility-, \
/okio-, \
/jsr305-, \
/guice-, \
######################### Bean Scanning ########################################################
# A list of known classes which might contain final methods but should be proxyable nonetheless
# Some of those classes are from the JDK and have been proxyable in older versions.
# This setting can be overridden as jvm param via -Djavax.enterprise.inject.allowProxying.classes=...
# or an environment key with the name JAVAX_ENTERPRISE_INJECT_ALLOWPROXYING_CLASSES=...
java.util.HashMap, \