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Apache OpenWebBeans 1.0.0-alpha-1
Welcome! Thanks for downloading and using OpenWebBeans.
This document is a "Getting Started Guide" for OpenWebBeans.
This document is based on the 1.0.0-alpha-1 release of the OpenWebBeans.
NOTE : Final release version of OpenWebBeans will be 1.0.0.
What is Apache OpenWebBeans?
OpenWebBeans is an ASL 2.0-licensed implementation of the JSR-299, Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform.
Project's web page can be found at:
OpenWebBeans 1.0.0-alpha-1 Release Features
- 1.0.0-alpha-1 release supports the following features
* Managed Beans Support
* Session Beans Support (via Embeddable OpenEJB container in Tomcat)
* Producer Method Support
* Producer Field Support
* Java EE Resource Injection Support
* JMS OpenWebBeans Support(OWB Specific)
* Inheritance, Stereotype Inheritances
* Specialization Support
* Event Support
* Decorator and Interceptor Support
* Lookup and Dependency Injection Support
* Java EE Plugin Support (via ServetContextListener interface)
* Portable Integration Support
* Passivation Capability of Beans
* @Alternative support
* OSGi environment support with an own plugable bundle ClassPath scanner
* vastly improved Interceptor performance
* improved Serialization handling
* improved CreationalContext handling
* revised internal logging
* upgrade to JPA-2 and JSF-2 support
* support for direct CDI usage in tomcat-6 and tomcat-7 environments
- 1.0.0-alpha-1 release does not supports the following features
* Does not fully integrate with Geronimo
(You have to configure your application to use OWB functionality,
e.g configure web.xml, adding interceptor to EJBs etc.)
Release Notes - OpenWebBeans - Version 1.0.0-alpha-1
* [OWB-216] - Update pom.xml svn links
* [OWB-231] - exception using abstract decorators
* [OWB-245] - Using parameterized type varaibles fails for Producer Method injection
* [OWB-259] - Implement spec 11.5.5. ProcessModule event
* [OWB-289] - Owb return 2 beans for Indirect specialized producer beans
* [OWB-302] - InjectionPoint injections (both method and field based) in Decorators result in null
* [OWB-312] - Add dopriv's to allow OWB to function with java 2 security enabled
* [OWB-317] - creationalContext in InvocationContextImpl is always null
* [OWB-318] - multiple methods with same EJB @interceptors(foo.class) in same bean class get multiple interceptor instances
* [OWB-327] - annotating an Interceptor with @ApplictionScoped leads to OutOfMemory
* [OWB-329] - Interceptor instances get created each time the interceptor gets called
* [OWB-332] - Destroy Depdent Of Producer Method Beans when Invocation Completes
* [OWB-333] - InjectionTarget and Producer Handling
* [OWB-334] - cid is missing when using redirect for a jsf 2.0 application
* [OWB-336] - injected BeanManager must be Serializable
* [OWB-337] - events must not get broadcasted to beans which have no active Context
* [OWB-339] - Injecting Non-Contextual Beans Causes NPE in WebBeansUtil
* [OWB-340] - BeanManagerImpl.createInjectionTarget() Throws Exception When No Constructor Found
* [OWB-341] - CreationalContext#incompleteInstance should get cleaned after create()
* [OWB-342] - InterceptorHandler crashes with NullPointerException after deserialisation
* [OWB-343] - upgrade JPA spec from 1.0-PFD2 to 1.0 final revision
* [OWB-345] - Remove duplicate dependencies
* [OWB-351] - OWB picks up @SessionScoped contextual instances from expired sessions
* [OWB-352] - Thread Safety Problem in our InterceptorHandlers, aka proxies
* [OWB-353] - NPE in removeDependents@CreationalContextImpl
* [OWB-354] - WebContextService may throw NPE in tiered classloading environmemt
* [OWB-357] - WebbeansFinder should index first on ClassLoader, not singleton type
* [OWB-359] - ownerCreationalContext sometimes causes NPE in InterceptorDataImpl.createNewInstance()
* [OWB-361] - underlying EJB method not actually in our interceptors stack
* [OWB-362] - InvocationTargetException when invoking Stateless SessionBean
* [OWB-363] - Intermittent bug with ApplicationScope disposers not being called
* [OWB-366] - ContextNotActiveException fired from AppScope/NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler when a proxied object finalized
* [OWB-368] - The 299 spec (that I have) uses receive=IF_EXISTS but OWB uses notifyObserver=IF_EXISTS.
* [OWB-369] - Static ContextsService in ContextFactory causes wrong webContextService used for multiple applications
* [OWB-370] - Intransient Conversation context get rdestroyed randomly by destroyWithRespectToTimout
* [OWB-371] - no lifecycle interceptors for non-contextual EJB
* [OWB-372] - creational context not cleaned up for non-contextual EJB interceptions
* [OWB-373] - build crashes with missing artifact error
* [OWB-374] - migrate jsf2sample from sun to MyFaces
* [OWB-376] - [patch] Guess example broken with Jetty plugin 6.x due to EL 2.2
* [OWB-377] - revise logging
* [OWB-378] - ejb at bottom of decorator stack doesn't handle changed method
* [OWB-380] - NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler throws NPE when handling 3rd party Contexts
* [OWB-381] - NPE thrown from AbstractInjectable if dependent producer returns null
* [OWB-382] - injecting a @Dependent bean into a passivatation scoped bean causes a NonSerializableException
* [OWB-387] - DependentContext Interceptor Double Call for PostConstruct
* [OWB-390] - fix broken links in our 'site'
* [OWB-396] - fix poms to work with maven 3
* [OWB-398] - DelegateHandler cached too agressively
* [OWB-399] - Proxy objects could not be correctly deserialized by using javassist 3.11. we need to update to 3.12
* [OWB-400] - starting OWB as part of an EAR in geronimo causes a exception due to missing 'bundle' protocol
* [OWB-116] - Update Business Method Definition
* [OWB-118] - Supports Decorators for Other Delegate Injections
* [OWB-136] - fix 'broken' license headers in our java files
* [OWB-170] - Address findbug issues in webbeans-impl
* [OWB-183] - Improve webbeans-doc module to get a documentation more user friendly
* [OWB-214] - get rid of jakarta.transaction.Transaction dependency in webbeans-impl
* [OWB-237] - NoSuchElementException when WebBeansConfigurationListener is absent
* [OWB-275] - remove unused imports and cleanup code
* [OWB-286] - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/validation/Validator
* [OWB-313] - create caching strategies for resolving Bean<T> for BeanManager and EL invocations
* [OWB-314] - cache resolved instances in NormalScopedBeanMethodHandlers of @ApplicationScoped beans
* [OWB-315] - cache resolved instances in NormalScopedBeanMethodHandlers of @SessionScoped beans
* [OWB-319] - Strange logging when writing non-Serializable SessionScoped bean
* [OWB-320] - Remove Java EE Dependencies from WebBeans Core
* [OWB-322] - Create new EJB project and separate common EJB classes from OpenEJB plugin
* [OWB-325] - Relocate SPI Classes to SPI Module. Change JSR299, JSR330 as optional pom dependency.
* [OWB-326] - improve producer tests
* [OWB-328] - improve logger performance
* [OWB-330] - reduce BeanManagerImpl#getManager() calls inside the same functions
* [OWB-331] - Cache Interceptor & Decorator Stack oon Interceptor Handler
* [OWB-346] - Make EJB samples running
* [OWB-347] - Using InjectableBeanManager in TCK
* [OWB-349] - ignore exception during type hierarchy scan
* [OWB-350] - Support Interceptor for non-contextual EJBs
* [OWB-355] - OpenEjbBean should look for @Remove methods
* [OWB-356] - EjbPlugin only looks for DeployementInfo once, so new deployed application won't be discovered
* [OWB-358] - provide property to skip injection in @PostConstruct of OpenWebBeansEjbInterceptor
* [OWB-360] - Add BeanManager to a ServletContext attribute
* [OWB-364] - Reduce the amount of info level logging
* [OWB-365] - make injection optional in OWBEJBInterceptor
* [OWB-375] - Performance: OWB logging performs operations when logging disabled.
* [OWB-379] - upgrade to final atinject-spec artifact
* [OWB-386] - upgarde CDI TCK to 1.0.2.CR1
* [OWB-389] - atinject-tck upgrade to final 1.0 release
* [OWB-397] - Add helper method and some debug to WebBeansFinder
New Feature
* [OWB-316] - Implement a generic TestContainer for CDI implementations
* [OWB-323] - Provide methods to pass classloader into ServiceLoader and WebBeansFinder for use in tiered classloader situations
* [OWB-324] - Add Tomcat Plugin
* [OWB-348] - Adding Interceptor and Decorator Support for EJB Beans
* [OWB-395] - OpenWebBeans Tomcat 7 Support
TCK Challenge
* [OWB-388] - Pass TCK 1.0.2 CR1 Web Profile
* [OWB-6] - Scope passivation
* [OWB-14] - Update WebBeans Lifecycle for Servlet Beans
* [OWB-46] - Injection into non-contextual objects
* [OWB-204] - Update Samples for JSF2 Usage
* [OWB-220] - Update site.xml links and bread crumbs to point to non-incubator.
* [OWB-310] - Drop dom4j and use jre builtin xml parsers for processing beans.xml
* [OWB-391] - create a owb-build-tools project to maintain project specific checkstyle rules, etc.
* [OWB-56] - Integrate the official JSR-299 TCK test suite
* [OWB-222] - Update website download link, and fix relative URL translation
* [OWB-367] - Add a unit test for IF_EXISTS
Required Platform
Java Version : Java SE >= 6.0
Java EE Must : Java EE >= 5.0
How to Configure OpenWebBeans
This section explains a content of the distribution bundle, OWB plugins and its
dependent libraries.
1.0.0-alpha-1 Distribution Content
There are several jars in the OpenWebBeans 1.0.0-alpha-1 distribution;
- openwebbeans-impl-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> Includes Core Dependency Injection Service.
- openwebbeans-ejb-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> EJB Plugin(Supports EJBs in OpenEJB embedded in Tomcat).
- openwebbeans-openejb-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> OpenEJB specific Plugin SPI implementations as extension to openwebbeans-ejb
- openwebbeans-jms-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> JMS Plugin(Supports injection of JMS related artifacts,i.e, ConnectionFactory, Session, Connection etc.)
- openwebbeans-jsf-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> JSF-2.0 Plugin(JSF Conversation Scoped Support).
- openwebbeans-jsf12-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> JSF-1.2 Plugin(JSF Conversation Scoped Support).
- openwebbeans-resource-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> Java EE Resource Injection for Web Projects (Includes @PersistenceContext,@PersistenceUnit
and @Resource injection into the Managed Beans. @Resource injections use java:/comp/env of the
Web application component. @PersistenceContext is based on extended EntityManager.
- openwebbeans-spi-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> OpenWebBeans Server Provider Interfaces. They are implemented by runtime environments that would
like to use OpenWebBeans as a JSR-299 implementation.
- samples --> Includes source code of the samples. Samples are mavenized project therefore you can easily build and run
them from your environment that has maven runtime.
- openwebbeans-osgi-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> ClassPath ScannerService SPI implementation for OSGI environments like Apache Geronimo-3
- openwebbeans-web-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> Basic Servlet integration
- openwebbeans-tomcat6-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar --> Support for deeper integration into Apache Tomcat-6
How OWB Plugins Work
OpenWebBeans has been developed with a plugin architecture. The Core dependency injection service
is provided with openwebbeans-impl. If you need further service functionality,
you have to add respective plugin jars into the application classpath. OpenWebBeans
uses the Java SE 6.0 java.util.ServiceLoader mechanism to pickup plugins at runtime.
Current Plugins:
Look at "1.0.0-alpha-1 Distribution Content" above.
Dependent Libraries
Third Party jars:
They are necessary at runtime in the Core Implementation.
javassist : Version 3.12.0.GA
scannotation : Version 1.0.2 (if not running in an OSGi environment like Apache Geronimo-3)
Java EE APIs jars(Container Provider Libraries) :
Generally full Java EE servers provides these jars. But web containers like Tomcat or Jetty
does not contain some of them, such as JPA, JSF, Validation API etc. So, if you do not want to bundle
these libraries within your application classpath, you have to put these libraries into your
server common classpath if it does not contain.
jcdi-api (JSR-299 Specification API)
atinject-api (JSR-330 Specification API)
servlet-2.5 or servlet 3.0 (Servlet Specification API)
ejb-3.1 (EJB Specification API)
el-2.2 (Expression Langauge Specification API)
jsf-2.0 (Java Server Faces API)
jsr-250 (Annotation API)
interceptor-1.1 (Interceptor API)
jta-1.1 (Java Transaction API)
jsp.2.1 or jsp-2.2 (Java Server Pages API)
jpa-2.0 (Java Persistence API)
jaxws-2.1 or jaxws-2.2 (Java Web Service API)
jms-1.1 or jms-1.2 (Java Messaging Service API)
validation (Validation Specification)
Dependencies of OpenWebBeans Maven Modules&Plugins
openwebbeans-impl :
Third party : javassist, scannotation, openwebbeans-spi
Container Provided : jcdi-api, at-inject, servlet, el, jsr-250, interceptor, jta, jsp, validation
Third party : openwebbeans-impl and its dependencies
Container Provided : OpenWebBeans EJB plugin is based on OpenEJB in Tomcat. Therefore, if you install OpenEJB
within Tomcat correctly, there is no need to add any additional libraries. Look at the
OpenEJB in Tomcat configuration section.
Third party : openwebbeans-impl and its dependencies
Container Provided : jms
Third party : openwebbeans-impl and its dependencies
Container Provided : jsf
NOTE : We are trying to decrease dependent libraries of the our core, i.e, openwebbeans-impl.
At 1.0.0, dependent third party libraries will be decreased. We have a plan to create profile
plugins, therefore each profile plugin provides its own dependent libraries. For example, in
fully Java EE Profile Plugin, Transaction API is supported but this will not be the case
for Java Web Profile Plugin or Java SE Profile Plugin. Stay Tune!
Currently, as you have seen above, openwebbeans-impl depends on some Java EE/Runtime
provided libraries (servlet, jsp, el etc). In the future, with OpenWebBeans profiling support,
openwebbeans-impl will not depend on any Java EE APIs. Those APIs will be provided
by OpenWebBeans profiles/plugins that openwebbeans-impl will be used. Therefore,
you will able to use OpenWebBeans in your own runtime environment easily by writing
your own plugins and contributing it to OpenWebBeans :)
Library Configuration
To run openwebbeans applications in the Java EE based application server,
you could add JSR-299 API and JSR-330 API into the server common classpath, and
implementation, plugins and dependent jars into your "WEB-INF/lib" directory
of the Java EE Web Application.
In this release, we can not support the OpenWebBeans as an integrated
functionality of the Java EE Application Servers. So, you have to manage the
configuration of the OpenWebBeans within your application's "web.xml" file. A sample "web.xml"
file can be found in the "config" directory. To use EJB functionality, you also have to
add OWB specific interceptor into your EJB beans. Look at the EJB section of this readme
for further details.
OpenWebBeans Properties File
OpenWebBeans uses a default configuration file to configure some of its
properties. Default configuration file is embedded into the OWB implementation
jar file. Instead of opening this jar file and changing configuration properties, simply add
"" file into a "META-INF/openwebbeans" folder of your application
classpath. This will override the default configuration.
Belows are default configuration properties of the OpenWebBeans that is embedded into openwebbeans-impl jar file.
Each plugin or developer can provide its own SPI implementation class and its own configuration values. If you woud like
to use those implementation classes or configuration values, you have to override default configuration file as explained
in the above paragraph, i.e, putting "" file into "META-INF/openwebbeans" folder of your application.
For example : You add "META-INF/openwebbeans/" in your application classpath. And you add the following
key-value pair to use. And this service implementation is provided by your plugin, for example OpenWebBeans OpenEJB plugin.
Override default value of ResourceInjectionService
OpenWebBeans uses the "OpenEjbResourceInjectionService" class to inject resources into the managed bean instances.
Configuration Names and Their Default Values :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.ContainerLifecycle"
Description : Implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.ContainerLifecycle. All magic starts from here.
Values : org.apache.webbeans.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycle, OR CUSTOM
Default : org.apache.webbeans.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycle
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.JNDIService"
Description : Configures JNDI provider implementation.
Values : OR CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.conversation.ConversationService"
Description : Implementation of conversation.
Values : org.apache.webbeans.spi.conversation.jsf.DefaultConversationService OR CUSTOM
Default : org.apache.webbeans.spi.conversation.jsf.DefaultConversationService
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.ScannerService"
Description : Default implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.ScannerService. It is used for scanning application deployment
for finding bean classes and configuration files.
Values : OR CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.SecurityService"
Description : Implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.SecurityService. It is used for getting current "Principal".
Values : or CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.ValidatorService"
Description : Implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.ValidatorService. It is used for getting "ValidatorFactory" and "Validator".
Values : or CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.TransactionService"
Description : Implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.TransactionService. It is used for getting "TransactionManager" and "Transaction".
Values : or CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.ResourceInjectionService"
Description : Implementation of org.apache.webbeans.spi.ResourceInjectionService. It is used for injection Java EE enviroment resource into the
Managed Bean instances.
Values : or CUSTOM
Default :
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.JNDIService.jmsConnectionFactoryJndi"
Description : Configures JMS ConnectionFactory object jndi name
Values : Server specific JNDI name
Default : ConnectionFactory
- "org.apache.webbeans.conversation.Conversation.periodicDelay"
Description : Conversation removing thread periodic delay
Values : Configured in millisecond
Default : 150000 ms
- "org.apache.webbeans.spi.deployer.useEjbMetaDataDiscoveryService"
Description : Use EJB functionality or not. If use OpenEJB configures to true
Values : false, true
Default : false
EJB Support via Embeddable OpenEJB Container in Tomcat 6.X
Configuration Steps:
1* Download Tomcat 6.X version
2* Configure OpenEJB. Look at URL for installation.
3* Copy JSR-330 API to Tomcat /lib folder.
4* Copy JSR-299 API to Tomcat /lib folder
5* Put all dependent libraries of the OpenWebBeans OpenEJB Plugin
- openwebbeans-ejb
- openwebbeans-impl and its dependencies
You could look at ejb-sample.war for "WEB-INF/lib" libraries to develop custom application.
You can also look at a source of the project.
To use EJB functionality, you will use OpenEJB collapse-ear support. In this configuration,
your EJB beans live within your "war" bundle.
How to Develop EJB Applications
1* Add "META-INF/" into your application classpath.
2* Add "org.apache.webbeans.spi.deployer.useEjbMetaDataDiscoveryService=true" to use EJB functionality.
So OWB container looks for EJBs.
3* Add "org.apache.webbeans.resource.spi.ResourceService=org.apache.webbeans.ejb.resource.OpenEjbResourceInjectionService to
use OpenEJB Resource injections.
4* Add "openwebbeans-ejb", plugin into your web application classpath.
5* If you want to use other plugins, add respective plugins into your application classpath. For example, if you wish to use
JSF framework, you add "openwebbeans-jsf" plugin.
6* Add OWB related interceptor into your EJB Beans. This is called "org.apache.webbeans.ejb.interceptor.OpenWebBeansEjbInterceptor"
This is needed for OWB injections.
7* Update your application's "web.xml" to add OWB specific configuration.
How to Run Samples
In this release, there are several sample applications located in the "/samples" directory
of the distribution. You can run those samples via simple maven command.
1) "Guess Application" : Simple usage of the OWB + JSF.
It can be run in the jetty web container via maven jetty plugin from source.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section.
2) "Hotel Reservation Application" : Show usage of JSF + JPA + OWB
It can be run in the jetty web container via maven jetty plugin from source.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section.
3) "EJB Sample Application" : Shows the usage of EJBs with embeddable OpenEJB in Tomcat. Firstly
configure OpenEJB with Tomcat as explained above.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section.
4) "EJB Telephone Application" : Shows the usage of OpenEJB resource injection service.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section.
5) "JMS Injection Sample" : Show JMS injections. JMS injection currently uses
ConnectionFactory as JMS connection factory jndi name. You can change this
via configuration file. Look above explanation for how to configure JMS jndi. Also,
JMS injection requires to use of a JMS provider. Generally Java EE servers contains
default JMS provider. It can be run on JBoss and Geronimo. It uses Queue with jndi_name = "queue/A".
So you have to create a queue destination in your JMS provider with name "queue/A" to run example.
If you want to change queue jndi name, then look at source and change it from "WEB-INF/beans.xml" file.
6) "Conversation Sample" : Shows usage of JSF conversations.
It can be run in the jetty web container via maven jetty plugin from source.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section.
7) "JSF2 Sample" : Shows usage of JSF2 Ajax.
It can be run in the jetty web container via maven jetty plugin from source.
Look at "Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin" section. It requires
to use JSF2 runtime.
8) "Standalone Sample" : Shows usage of OpenWebBeans in Stadnalone Swing Application.
Look at "OpenWebBeans in Java SE" section.
Configuring and Running the Applications:
See section Compile and Run Samples via Jetty&Tomcat Plugin.
Maven Install and Package From the Source
Maven Version : Apache Maven 2.2.1 or later
Firstly you have to download the "source" version of the OpenWebBeans project that
contains the all source codes of the OpenWebBeans.
To install the Maven artifacts of the project from the source, Maven must be installed
in your runtime. After Maven installation, just run the following command in the top level
directory that contains the main "pom.xml" :
> mvn clean install
This command will install all the Maven artifacts into your local Maven repository.
If you wish to package all artifacts of the project, just run the following command
in in the top level directory that contains the main "pom.xml" :
> mvn clean package
This command will package the project artifacts from the source and put these artifacts into the each modules
respective "target" directory.
Compile and Run Samples via Tomcat&Jetty Plugin
This section shows how to run samples in Jetty or OpenEJB Embedded Tomcat.
Samples Run within Jetty Plugin
You can compile and run "guess","jsf2","conversation-sample" and "reservation "samples via maven Jetty plugin.
Go to the source bundle "samples/" directory. In the "guess/" or "reservation/" directory, run
the following maven commands. It will start up maven Jetty container. It bundles all of the
required jars into the WEB-INF/lib folder. You are not required to add any jar to the classpath.
Samples : Guess and Reservation
Go to the source folder of projects and run
> mvn clean install -Pjetty
> mvn jetty:run -Pjetty
Guess URL : http://localhost:8080/guess
Reservation URL : http://localhost:8080/reservation
Samples : Conversation Sample and JSF2
Go to the source folder of projects and run
>mvn clean install
>mvn jetty:run
Conversation Sample URL : http://localhost:8080/conversation-sample
JSF2 Sample URL : http://localhost:8080/jsf2sample
Samples Run within Tomcat Plugin
OpenEJB samples are run with Maven Tomcat Plugin.
Tomcat Plugin uses http://localhost:8080/manager application to deploy war file
into your embeddable EJB Tomcat container. There must be an tomcat-users.xml
file in the "conf" directory of the server that contains manager role and username.
>Start Tomcat server if not started
>mvn tomcat:deploy
Ejb Sample URL : http://localhost:8080/ejb-sample
Ejb Telephone URL : http://localhost:8080/ejb-telephone
Example tomcat-users.xml file
<role rolename="manager"/>
<user username="admin" password="" roles="manager"/>
Deploy JMS Sample
Simple drops jms-sample.war file into your application deploy location.
JMS Sample Example URL : Hit the url http://localhost:8080/jms-sample/sender.jsf for sending JMS messages
Hit the url http://localhost:8080/jms-sample/receiver.jsf for receiving JMS messages
OpenWebBeans in Java SE
OpenWebBeans can perfeclty use in Java SE environment like Java Swing
applications. Standalone Samples is provided to show how to use OpenWebBeans
in Java SE.
Go to the source directory of the standalone sample:
>mvn clean package;
>cd target;
>jar -xvf standalone-sample.jar
>java -jar standalone-sample-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>Enjoy :)
OpenWebBeans User and Development Mailing Lists
Please mail to the user mailing list about any questions or advice
about the OpenWebBeans.
User Mailing List : []
You can also join the discussions happening in the dev list
Dev Mailing List : []
OpenWebBeans JIRA Page
Please logs bugs into the "".
OpenWebBeans Wiki and Blog Page
Introduction to OpenWebBeans :
Blog :
OpenWebBeans Web Page
You can reach the OpenWebBeans web page at
Your OpenWebBeans Team