| ==== ./content/owbsetup_tomcat.md |
| ==== ./content/testing_arquillian.md |
| ==== ./content/misc/contact.md |
| ==== ./content/misc/legal.md |
| ==== ./content/examples.md |
| 18c18 |
| < [2]: https://openwebbeans.apache.org/source.html |
| --- |
| > [2]: /source.html |
| ==== ./content/owbconfig.md |
| ==== ./content/testing_test-control.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-ee.md |
| ==== ./content/owbsetup_ee.md |
| 80c80 |
| < [4]: download.html#maven-dep |
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| > [4]: /download.html#maven-dep |
| 87c87 |
| < [12]: /download.html#plugins-version |
| --- |
| > [11]: /download.html#plugins-version |
| ==== ./content/community.md |
| 9c9 |
| < If you have troubles to find the information you are looking for, you can also ask in our [IRC-Channel](#IRC). |
| --- |
| > If you have troubles to find the information you are looking for, you can also ask in our [IRC-Channel](#irc). |
| ==== ./content/testing_general.md |
| ==== ./content/owbsetup_se.md |
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| < :::java |
| 89c88 |
| < [6]: /openwebbeans/samples.html |
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| > [6]: /samples.html |
| ==== ./content/owbtest.md |
| ==== ./content/news.md |
| ==== ./content/samples.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-junit5.md |
| ==== ./content/owbinternalunittests.md |
| ==== ./content/source.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-tomcat.md |
| 18c18 |
| < [1]: https://openwebbeans.apache.org/owbsetup_ee.html |
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| ==== ./content/testing_cdictrl.md |
| ==== ./content/owb-eecontainers.md |
| ==== ./content/faq.md |
| 7c7 |
| < - [Does OWB differ from the CDI-2.0 specification](#Does OWB differ from the CDI-2.0 specification) |
| --- |
| > - [Does OWB differ from the CDI-2.0 specification](#does-owb-differ-from-the-cdi-20-specification) |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-web.md |
| ==== ./content/modules.md |
| ==== ./content/cdi_explained.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-resource.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-jms.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-el.md |
| 17c17 |
| < [1]: https://openwebbeans.apache.org/owbsetup_ee.html |
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| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-osgi.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-spi.md |
| 9,10c9 |
| < > extension and replaceable components. |
| < - [wikipedia][1] |
| --- |
| > > extension and replaceable components. - [wikipedia][1] |
| ==== ./content/comingsoon.md |
| ==== ./content/release-checklist.md |
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| ==== ./content/documentation.md |
| 19c19 |
| < - [Apache Meecrowave](https://openwebbeans.apache.org/meecrowave/) |
| --- |
| > - [Apache Meecrowave](/meecrowave/) |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-ee-common.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-ejb.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-impl.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-jsf.md |
| 29c29 |
| < [1]: https://openwebbeans.apache.org/owbsetup_ee.html |
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| ==== ./content/download.md |
| ==== ./content/openwebbeans-20-effort.md |
| ==== ./README.md |