blob: dd45c93c15818554dfebb20fb7c50f4bfdddaaa2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.meecrowave.gradle;
import org.apache.meecrowave.gradle.classloader.FilterGradleClassLoader;
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static;
// Note we can nest inputs objects, if you think it is better (jsonb, jsonp, jaxrs etc..) send a mail on the list ;)
public class MeecrowaveTask extends DefaultTask {
private Configuration classpath;
private int watcherBouncing;
private int httpPort = 8080;
private int httpsPort = 8443;
private int stopPort = -1;
private String host = "localhost";
private String dir;
private String sharedLibraries;
private File serverXml;
private boolean keepServerXmlAsThis;
private boolean tomcatWrapLoader = false;
private Map<String, String> properties;
private boolean quickSession = true;
private boolean jaxrsLogProviders = false;
private boolean useTomcatDefaults = true;
private boolean skipHttp;
private boolean tomcatNoJmx = true;
private boolean injectServletContainerInitializer = true;
private boolean ssl;
private String keystoreFile;
private String keystorePass;
private String keystoreType;
private String clientAuth;
private String keyAlias;
private String sslProtocol;
private String webXml;
private String tomcatFilter;
private String loginConfig;
private Collection<String> securityConstraints = new LinkedList<>();
private Map<String, String> users;
private Map<String, String> roles;
private Map<String, String> cxfServletParams;
private boolean http2;
private String tempDir;
private boolean webResourceCached;
private boolean useLog4j2JulLogManager = System.getProperty("java.util.logging.manager") == null;
private String conf;
private boolean deleteBaseOnStartup = true;
private String jaxrsMapping = "/*";
private boolean jaxrsProviderSetup = true;
private String jaxrsDefaultProviders;
private boolean loggingGlobalSetup = true;
private boolean cdiConversation;
private boolean skip;
private boolean tomcatScanning = true;
private boolean tomcatAutoSetup = true;
private boolean useShutdownHook = true;
private List<File> modules;
private Collection<String> applicationScopes = new HashSet<>(asList("compile", "runtime"));
private Collection<String> classloaderFilteredPackages;
private String context = "";
private File webapp;
private String jsonpBufferStrategy = "QUEUE";
private int jsonpMaxStringLen = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
private int jsonpMaxReadBufferLen = 64 * 1024;
private int jsonpMaxWriteBufferLen = 64 * 1024;
private boolean jsonpSupportsComment = false;
private boolean jsonpPrettify = false;
private String jsonbEncoding = "UTF-8";
private boolean jsonbNulls = false;
private boolean jsonbIJson = false;
private boolean jsonbPrettify = false;
private String jsonbBinaryStrategy;
private String jsonbNamingStrategy;
private String jsonbOrderStrategy;
private String scanningIncludes;
private String scanningExcludes;
private String scanningPackageIncludes;
private String scanningPackageExcludes;
private String tomcatAccessLogPattern;
private boolean jaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation = true;
private String meecrowaveProperties = "";
private boolean jaxwsSupportIfAvailable = true;
public void bake() {
final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
final ClassLoader tccl = thread.getContextClassLoader();
try {
} finally {
private void doRun() {
final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
final ClassLoader loader = thread.getContextClassLoader();
final AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Thread hook = null;
AutoCloseable container;
try {
final Class<?> containerClass = loader.loadClass("org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave");
final Class<?> configClass = loader.loadClass("org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$Builder");
final Object config = getConfig(configClass);
container = AutoCloseable.class.cast(containerClass.getConstructor(configClass).newInstance(config));
final AutoCloseable finalContainer = container;
hook = new Thread() {
public void run() {
if (running.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
final ClassLoader old = thread.getContextClassLoader();
try {
} catch (final NoClassDefFoundError noClassDefFoundError) {
// debug cause it is too late to shutdown properly so don't pollute logs
getLogger().debug("can't stop Meecrowave", noClassDefFoundError);
} catch (final Exception e) {
getLogger().error("can't stop Meecrowave", e);
} finally {
final String fixedContext = ofNullable(context).orElse("");
if (webapp == null) {
containerClass.getMethod("deployClasspath", String.class).invoke(container, fixedContext);
} else {
containerClass.getMethod("deployWebapp", String.class, File.class).invoke(container, fixedContext, webapp);
getLogger().info("Meecrowave started on " + configClass.getMethod("getHost").invoke(config) + ":" + configClass.getMethod("getHttpPort").invoke(config));
} catch (final Exception e) {
ofNullable(hook).ifPresent(h -> {
try {;
} finally {
throw new GradleException(e.getMessage(), e);
try {
String line;
final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
while ((line = scanner.nextLine()) != null) {
final String cmd = line.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
switch (cmd) {
case "exit":
case "quit":
try {;
} finally {
getLogger().warn("Unknown: '" + cmd + "', use 'exit' or 'quit'");
} catch (final Exception e) {
} finally {
private Object getConfig(final Class<?> configClass) throws Exception {
final Object config = configClass.newInstance();
for (final Field field : MeecrowaveTask.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
try {
final Field configField = configClass.getDeclaredField(field.getName());
if (!configField.getType().equals(field.getType())) {
getLogger().debug("Skipping " + field.getName() + " since type doesnt match");
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
final Object value = field.get(this);
if (value != null) {
if (!configField.isAccessible()) {
configField.set(config, value);
getLogger().debug("using " + field.getName() + " = " + value);
} catch (final NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
// ignored
} catch (final Exception e) {
getLogger().warn("can't initialize attribute " + field.getName(), e);
if (securityConstraints != null) {
configClass.getMethod("setSecurityConstraints", Collection.class).invoke(config,
.map(item -> {
try {
final Class<?> recipeType = configClass.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.xbean.recipe.ObjectRecipe");
final Class<?> builderType = configClass.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$SecurityConstaintBuilder");
final Object recipe = recipeType.getConstructor(Class.class).newInstance(builderType);
.map(v -> v.split("="))
.forEach(v -> {
try {
recipe.getClass().getMethod("setProperty", String.class, String.class).invoke(recipe, v[0], v[1]);
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getCause());
return recipe.getClass().getMethod("create", ClassLoader.class).invoke(recipe, configClass.getClassLoader());
} catch (final Exception cnfe) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(item);
ofNullable(loginConfig).ifPresent(lc -> {
try {
final Class<?> recipeType = configClass.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.xbean.recipe.ObjectRecipe");
final Class<?> builderType = configClass.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.meecrowave.Meecrowave$LoginConfigBuilder");
final Object recipe = recipeType.getConstructor(Class.class).newInstance(builderType);
.map(v -> v.split("="))
.forEach(v -> {
try {
recipe.getClass().getMethod("setProperty", String.class, String.class).invoke(recipe, v[0], v[1]);
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getCause());
configClass.getMethod("setLoginConfig", Collection.class)
.invoke(config, recipe.getClass().getMethod("create", ClassLoader.class).invoke(recipe, configClass.getClassLoader()));
} catch (final Exception cnfe) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(loginConfig);
return config;
private ClassLoader createLoader(final ClassLoader parent) {
final Collection<URL> urls = new LinkedHashSet<>(64);
addFiles(modules, urls);
for (final Configuration cc : getProject().getConfigurations()) {
if (applicationScopes.contains(cc.getName())) {
addFiles(cc.getFiles(), urls);
addFiles(classpath.getFiles(), urls);
// use JVM loader to avoid the noise of gradle and its plugins
return new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), new FilterGradleClassLoader(parent, classloaderFilteredPackages));
private void addFiles(final Collection<File> files, final Collection<URL> urls) {
if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) {
for (final File f : files) {
final String name = f.getName();
if (name.startsWith("slf4j-api") || name.startsWith("slf4j-jdk14")) {
continue; // use gradle
try {
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
private void fixConfig() {
final Project project = getProject();
// defaults
if (classpath == null) {
classpath = project.getConfigurations().getByName(MeecrowavePlugin.NAME);
if (dir == null) {
dir = new File(project.getBuildDir(), "meecrowave/run").getAbsolutePath();
// extension override
final MeecrowaveExtension extension = MeecrowaveExtension.class.cast(project.getExtensions().findByName(MeecrowavePlugin.NAME));
if (extension != null) {
for (final Field f : MeecrowaveTask.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (f.isAnnotationPresent(Input.class)) {
try {
final Field extField = MeecrowaveExtension.class.getDeclaredField(f.getName());
if (!extField.isAccessible()) {
final Object val = extField.get(extension);
if (val != null) {
if (!f.isAccessible()) {
f.set(this, val);
} catch (final IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
getLogger().debug("No field " + f.getName() + " in " + extension, e);
public Configuration getClasspath() {
return classpath;
public void setClasspath(final Configuration classpath) {
this.classpath = classpath;
public int getHttpPort() {
return httpPort;
public void setHttpPort(final int httpPort) {
this.httpPort = httpPort;
public int getHttpsPort() {
return httpsPort;
public void setHttpsPort(final int httpsPort) {
this.httpsPort = httpsPort;
public int getStopPort() {
return stopPort;
public void setStopPort(final int stopPort) {
this.stopPort = stopPort;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public void setHost(final String host) { = host;
public String getDir() {
return dir;
public void setDir(final String dir) {
this.dir = dir;
public File getServerXml() {
return serverXml;
public void setServerXml(final File serverXml) {
this.serverXml = serverXml;
public boolean isKeepServerXmlAsThis() {
return keepServerXmlAsThis;
public void setKeepServerXmlAsThis(final boolean keepServerXmlAsThis) {
this.keepServerXmlAsThis = keepServerXmlAsThis;
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
return properties;
public void setProperties(final Map<String, String> properties) { = properties;
public boolean isQuickSession() {
return quickSession;
public void setQuickSession(final boolean quickSession) {
this.quickSession = quickSession;
public boolean isSkipHttp() {
return skipHttp;
public void setSkipHttp(final boolean skipHttp) {
this.skipHttp = skipHttp;
public boolean isSsl() {
return ssl;
public void setSsl(final boolean ssl) {
this.ssl = ssl;
public String getKeystoreFile() {
return keystoreFile;
public void setKeystoreFile(final String keystoreFile) {
this.keystoreFile = keystoreFile;
public String getKeystorePass() {
return keystorePass;
public void setKeystorePass(final String keystorePass) {
this.keystorePass = keystorePass;
public String getKeystoreType() {
return keystoreType;
public void setKeystoreType(final String keystoreType) {
this.keystoreType = keystoreType;
public String getClientAuth() {
return clientAuth;
public void setClientAuth(final String clientAuth) {
this.clientAuth = clientAuth;
public String getKeyAlias() {
return keyAlias;
public void setKeyAlias(final String keyAlias) {
this.keyAlias = keyAlias;
public String getSslProtocol() {
return sslProtocol;
public void setSslProtocol(final String sslProtocol) {
this.sslProtocol = sslProtocol;
public String getWebXml() {
return webXml;
public void setWebXml(final String webXml) {
this.webXml = webXml;
public String getLoginConfig() {
return loginConfig;
public void setLoginConfig(final String loginConfig) {
this.loginConfig = loginConfig;
public Collection<String> getSecurityConstraints() {
return securityConstraints;
public void setSecurityConstraints(final Collection<String> securityConstraints) {
this.securityConstraints = securityConstraints;
public Map<String, String> getUsers() {
return users;
public void setUsers(final Map<String, String> users) {
this.users = users;
public Map<String, String> getRoles() {
return roles;
public void setRoles(final Map<String, String> roles) {
this.roles = roles;
public Map<String, String> getCxfServletParams() {
return cxfServletParams;
public void setCxfServletParams(final Map<String, String> cxfServletParams) {
this.cxfServletParams = cxfServletParams;
public boolean isHttp2() {
return http2;
public void setHttp2(final boolean http2) {
this.http2 = http2;
public String getTempDir() {
return tempDir;
public void setTempDir(final String tempDir) {
this.tempDir = tempDir;
public boolean isWebResourceCached() {
return webResourceCached;
public void setWebResourceCached(final boolean webResourceCached) {
this.webResourceCached = webResourceCached;
public String getConf() {
return conf;
public void setConf(final String conf) {
this.conf = conf;
public boolean isDeleteBaseOnStartup() {
return deleteBaseOnStartup;
public void setDeleteBaseOnStartup(final boolean deleteBaseOnStartup) {
this.deleteBaseOnStartup = deleteBaseOnStartup;
public String getJaxrsMapping() {
return jaxrsMapping;
public void setJaxrsMapping(final String jaxrsMapping) {
this.jaxrsMapping = jaxrsMapping;
public boolean isJaxrsProviderSetup() {
return jaxrsProviderSetup;
public void setJaxrsProviderSetup(final boolean jaxrsProviderSetup) {
this.jaxrsProviderSetup = jaxrsProviderSetup;
public boolean isLoggingGlobalSetup() {
return loggingGlobalSetup;
public void setLoggingGlobalSetup(final boolean loggingGlobalSetup) {
this.loggingGlobalSetup = loggingGlobalSetup;
public boolean isCdiConversation() {
return cdiConversation;
public void setCdiConversation(final boolean cdiConversation) {
this.cdiConversation = cdiConversation;
public boolean isSkip() {
return skip;
public void setSkip(final boolean skip) {
this.skip = skip;
public boolean isTomcatScanning() {
return tomcatScanning;
public void setTomcatScanning(final boolean tomcatScanning) {
this.tomcatScanning = tomcatScanning;
public List<File> getModules() {
return modules;
public void setModules(final List<File> modules) {
this.modules = modules;
public Collection<String> getApplicationScopes() {
return applicationScopes;
public void setApplicationScopes(final Collection<String> applicationScopes) {
this.applicationScopes = applicationScopes;
public Collection<String> getClassloaderFilteredPackages() {
return classloaderFilteredPackages;
public void setClassloaderFilteredPackages(final Collection<String> classloaderFilteredPackages) {
this.classloaderFilteredPackages = classloaderFilteredPackages;
public String getContext() {
return context;
public void setContext(final String context) {
this.context = context;
public File getWebapp() {
return webapp;
public void setWebapp(final File webapp) {
this.webapp = webapp;
public boolean isTomcatAutoSetup() {
return tomcatAutoSetup;
public void setTomcatAutoSetup(final boolean tomcatAutoSetup) {
this.tomcatAutoSetup = tomcatAutoSetup;
public boolean isUseShutdownHook() {
return useShutdownHook;
public void setUseShutdownHook(final boolean useShutdownHook) {
this.useShutdownHook = useShutdownHook;
public String getTomcatFilter() {
return tomcatFilter;
public void setTomcatFilter(final String tomcatFilter) {
this.tomcatFilter = tomcatFilter;
public boolean isUseTomcatDefaults() {
return useTomcatDefaults;
public void setUseTomcatDefaults(final boolean useTomcatDefaults) {
this.useTomcatDefaults = useTomcatDefaults;
public boolean isJaxrsLogProviders() {
return jaxrsLogProviders;
public void setJaxrsLogProviders(final boolean jaxrsLogProviders) {
this.jaxrsLogProviders = jaxrsLogProviders;
public boolean isTomcatWrapLoader() {
return tomcatWrapLoader;
public void setTomcatWrapLoader(final boolean tomcatWrapLoader) {
this.tomcatWrapLoader = tomcatWrapLoader;
public String getJaxrsDefaultProviders() {
return jaxrsDefaultProviders;
public void setJaxrsDefaultProviders(final String jaxrsDefaultProviders) {
this.jaxrsDefaultProviders = jaxrsDefaultProviders;
public String getSharedLibraries() {
return sharedLibraries;
public void setSharedLibraries(final String sharedLibraries) {
this.sharedLibraries = sharedLibraries;
public boolean isUseLog4j2JulLogManager() {
return useLog4j2JulLogManager;
public void setUseLog4j2JulLogManager(final boolean useLog4j2JulLogManager) {
this.useLog4j2JulLogManager = useLog4j2JulLogManager;
public String getScanningIncludes() {
return scanningIncludes;
public void setScanningIncludes(final String scanningIncludes) {
this.scanningIncludes = scanningIncludes;
public String getScanningExcludes() {
return scanningExcludes;
public void setScanningExcludes(final String scanningExcludes) {
this.scanningExcludes = scanningExcludes;
public String getJsonpBufferStrategy() {
return jsonpBufferStrategy;
public void setJsonpBufferStrategy(final String jsonpBufferStrategy) {
this.jsonpBufferStrategy = jsonpBufferStrategy;
public int getJsonpMaxStringLen() {
return jsonpMaxStringLen;
public void setJsonpMaxStringLen(final int jsonpMaxStringLen) {
this.jsonpMaxStringLen = jsonpMaxStringLen;
public int getJsonpMaxReadBufferLen() {
return jsonpMaxReadBufferLen;
public void setJsonpMaxReadBufferLen(final int jsonpMaxReadBufferLen) {
this.jsonpMaxReadBufferLen = jsonpMaxReadBufferLen;
public int getJsonpMaxWriteBufferLen() {
return jsonpMaxWriteBufferLen;
public void setJsonpMaxWriteBufferLen(final int jsonpMaxWriteBufferLen) {
this.jsonpMaxWriteBufferLen = jsonpMaxWriteBufferLen;
public boolean isJsonpSupportsComment() {
return jsonpSupportsComment;
public void setJsonpSupportsComment(final boolean jsonpSupportsComment) {
this.jsonpSupportsComment = jsonpSupportsComment;
public boolean isJsonpPrettify() {
return jsonpPrettify;
public void setJsonpPrettify(final boolean jsonpPrettify) {
this.jsonpPrettify = jsonpPrettify;
public String getJsonbEncoding() {
return jsonbEncoding;
public void setJsonbEncoding(final String jsonbEncoding) {
this.jsonbEncoding = jsonbEncoding;
public boolean isJsonbNulls() {
return jsonbNulls;
public void setJsonbNulls(final boolean jsonbNulls) {
this.jsonbNulls = jsonbNulls;
public boolean isJsonbIJson() {
return jsonbIJson;
public void setJsonbIJson(final boolean jsonbIJson) {
this.jsonbIJson = jsonbIJson;
public boolean isJsonbPrettify() {
return jsonbPrettify;
public void setJsonbPrettify(final boolean jsonbPrettify) {
this.jsonbPrettify = jsonbPrettify;
public String getJsonbBinaryStrategy() {
return jsonbBinaryStrategy;
public void setJsonbBinaryStrategy(final String jsonbBinaryStrategy) {
this.jsonbBinaryStrategy = jsonbBinaryStrategy;
public String getJsonbNamingStrategy() {
return jsonbNamingStrategy;
public void setJsonbNamingStrategy(final String jsonbNamingStrategy) {
this.jsonbNamingStrategy = jsonbNamingStrategy;
public String getJsonbOrderStrategy() {
return jsonbOrderStrategy;
public void setJsonbOrderStrategy(final String jsonbOrderStrategy) {
this.jsonbOrderStrategy = jsonbOrderStrategy;
public String getScanningPackageIncludes() {
return scanningPackageIncludes;
public void setScanningPackageIncludes(final String scanningPackageIncludes) {
this.scanningPackageIncludes = scanningPackageIncludes;
public String getScanningPackageExcludes() {
return scanningPackageExcludes;
public void setScanningPackageExcludes(final String scanningPackageExcludes) {
this.scanningPackageExcludes = scanningPackageExcludes;
public boolean isTomcatNoJmx() {
return tomcatNoJmx;
public void setTomcatNoJmx(final boolean tomcatNoJmx) {
this.tomcatNoJmx = tomcatNoJmx;
public boolean isInjectServletContainerInitializer() {
return injectServletContainerInitializer;
public void setInjectServletContainerInitializer(final boolean injectServletContainerInitializer) {
this.injectServletContainerInitializer = injectServletContainerInitializer;
public String getTomcatAccessLogPattern() {
return tomcatAccessLogPattern;
public void setTomcatAccessLogPattern(final String tomcatAccessLogPattern) {
this.tomcatAccessLogPattern = tomcatAccessLogPattern;
public boolean isJaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation() {
return jaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation;
public void setJaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation(final boolean jaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation) {
this.jaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation = jaxrsAutoActivateBeanValidation;
public String getMeecrowaveProperties() {
return meecrowaveProperties;
public void setMeecrowaveProperties(final String meecrowaveProperties) {
this.meecrowaveProperties = meecrowaveProperties;
public int getWatcherBouncing() {
return watcherBouncing;
public void setWatcherBouncing(final int watcherBouncing) {
this.watcherBouncing = watcherBouncing;
public boolean isJaxwsSupportIfAvailable() {
return jaxwsSupportIfAvailable;
public void setJaxwsSupportIfAvailable(final boolean jaxwsSupportIfAvailable) {
this.jaxwsSupportIfAvailable = jaxwsSupportIfAvailable;