blob: 48f0c32ce9bbb99ad8d4a60f72c4331e51eacbd5 [file] [log] [blame]
= Components
:jbake-date: 2016-10-24
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
:jbake-meecrowavetitleicon: icon icon_puzzle_alt
:jbake-meecrowavecolor: body-orange
:icons: font
== Meecrowave Core
Core component is the backbone of Meecrowave. It is based on Tomcat embedded for
Servlet container, CXF for JAX-RS, OpenWebBeans for CDI and Log4j2 for the logging.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-core/configuration.html[Read about Meecrowave configuration]
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-core/cli.html[Read about Meecrowave command line]
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-core/deploy-webapp.html[Read about Meecrowave and webapp/wars]
== Meecrowave JPA
Meecrowave JPA provides a thin layer on top of JPA to make it easier to use JPA
without requiring to use a full container like JavaEE or Spring. It is just a
CDI extension.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-jpa/index.html[Read More]
== Meecrowave Maven
Meecrowave provides a Maven plugin to run meecrowave with your preferred build tool.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-maven/index.html[Read More]
== Meecrowave Gradle
Meecrowave provides a Gradle plugin to run meecrowave with your preferred build tool.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-gradle/index.html[Read More]
== Meecrowave and the Testing
Meecrowave provides two main testing integration: a JUnit one and an Arquillian Container.
link:{context_rootpath}/testing/index.html[Read More]
== Meecrowave and Monitoring
For monitoring, link:[Microprofile] can be a neat companion of Apache Meecrowave.
You can have a look to link:[Geronimo] implementation.
== Meecrowave and JTA
This is an experimental integration of geronimo-transaction and meecrowave.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-jta/index.html[JTA module]
== Meecrowave and OAuth2
This is an experimental module integrating CXF OAuth2 server in Meecrowave
through an embeddable dependency or a directly executable jar.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-oauth2/index.html[OAuth2 module]
== Meecrowave Let's Encrypt
This is an experimental module integrating with Let's Encrypt to provide you
free and easy SSL support on your HTTPS connectors.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-letsencrypt/index.html[Let's Encrypt module]
== Meecrowave Websocket
This is an experimental module wrapping `tomcat-websocket` to make it CDI friendly for server endpoints.
link:{context_rootpath}/meecrowave-websocket/index.html[Websocket module]
== Going further
Meecrowave scope is not the full scope of microservices (whatever it means) or at least enterprise needs
cause several Apache projects cover part of them in a very good way.
See link:companion-projects.html[Companion Projects] for more information.