blob: 9c7b8f5a4c149ba3730902b0188c6edb8df30088 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
#include <filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx>
#include "xcl97rec.hxx"
#include "xlescher.hxx"
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
namespace script { struct ScriptEventDescriptor; }
} } }
// DFF client anchor ==========================================================
/** Base class for DFF client anchor atoms used in spreadsheets. */
class XclExpDffAnchorBase : public EscherExClientAnchor_Base, protected XclExpRoot
/** Constructs a dummy client anchor. */
explicit XclExpDffAnchorBase( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0 );
/** Sets the flags according to the passed SdrObject. */
void SetFlags( const SdrObject& rSdrObj );
/** Sets the anchor position and flags according to the passed SdrObject. */
void SetSdrObject( const SdrObject& rSdrObj );
/** Writes the DFF client anchor structure with the current anchor position. */
void WriteDffData( EscherEx& rEscherEx ) const;
/** Called from SVX DFF converter.
@param rRect The object anchor rectangle to be exported (in twips). */
virtual void WriteData( EscherEx& rEscherEx, const Rectangle& rRect );
virtual void ImplSetFlags( const SdrObject& rSdrObj );
virtual void ImplCalcAnchorRect( const Rectangle& rRect, MapUnit eMapUnit );
protected: // for access in derived classes
XclObjAnchor maAnchor; /// The client anchor data.
sal_uInt16 mnFlags; /// Flags for DFF stream export.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Represents the position (anchor) of an object in a Calc sheet. */
class XclExpDffSheetAnchor : public XclExpDffAnchorBase
explicit XclExpDffSheetAnchor( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
virtual void ImplSetFlags( const SdrObject& rSdrObj );
virtual void ImplCalcAnchorRect( const Rectangle& rRect, MapUnit eMapUnit );
SCTAB mnScTab; /// Calc sheet index.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Represents the position (anchor) of a shape in an embedded draw page. */
class XclExpDffEmbeddedAnchor : public XclExpDffAnchorBase
explicit XclExpDffEmbeddedAnchor( const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
const Size& rPageSize, sal_Int32 nScaleX, sal_Int32 nScaleY );
virtual void ImplSetFlags( const SdrObject& rSdrObj );
virtual void ImplCalcAnchorRect( const Rectangle& rRect, MapUnit eMapUnit );
Size maPageSize;
sal_Int32 mnScaleX;
sal_Int32 mnScaleY;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Represents the position (anchor) of a note object. */
class XclExpDffNoteAnchor : public XclExpDffAnchorBase
explicit XclExpDffNoteAnchor( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const Rectangle& rRect );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Represents the position (anchor) of a cell dropdown object. */
class XclExpDffDropDownAnchor : public XclExpDffAnchorBase
explicit XclExpDffDropDownAnchor( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScAddress& rScPos );
// MSODRAWING* records ========================================================
/** Base class for records holding DFF stream fragments. */
class XclExpMsoDrawingBase : public XclExpRecord
explicit XclExpMsoDrawingBase( XclEscherEx& rEscherEx, sal_uInt16 nRecId );
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
XclEscherEx& mrEscherEx; /// Reference to the DFF converter containing the DFF stream.
sal_uInt32 mnFragmentKey; /// The key of the DFF stream fragment to be written by this record.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The MSODRAWINGGROUP record contains the DGGCONTAINER with global DFF data
such as the picture container.
class XclExpMsoDrawingGroup : public XclExpMsoDrawingBase
explicit XclExpMsoDrawingGroup( XclEscherEx& rEscherEx );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** One or more MSODRAWING records contain the DFF stream data for a drawing
class XclExpMsoDrawing : public XclExpMsoDrawingBase
explicit XclExpMsoDrawing( XclEscherEx& rEscherEx );
// ============================================================================
/** Provides export of bitmap data to an IMGDATA record. */
class XclExpImgData : public XclExpRecordBase
explicit XclExpImgData( const Graphic& rGraphic, sal_uInt16 nRecId );
/** Writes the BITMAP record. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
Graphic maGraphic; /// The VCL graphic.
sal_uInt16 mnRecId; /// Record identifier for the IMGDATA record.
// ============================================================================
/** Helper class for form controils to manage spreadsheet links . */
class XclExpControlHelper : protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpControlHelper( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
virtual ~XclExpControlHelper();
/** Tries to get spreadsheet cell link and source range link from the passed shape. */
void ConvertSheetLinks(
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > xShape );
/** Returns the Excel token array of the cell link, or 0, if no link present. */
inline const XclTokenArray* GetCellLinkTokArr() const { return mxCellLink.get(); }
/** Returns the Excel token array of the source range, or 0, if no link present. */
inline const XclTokenArray* GetSourceRangeTokArr() const { return mxSrcRange.get(); }
/** Returns the number of entries in the source range, or 0, if no source set. */
inline sal_uInt16 GetSourceEntryCount() const { return mnEntryCount; }
/** Writes a formula with special style only valid in OBJ records. */
void WriteFormula( XclExpStream& rStrm, const XclTokenArray& rTokArr ) const;
/** Writes a formula subrecord with special style only valid in OBJ records. */
void WriteFormulaSubRec( XclExpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, const XclTokenArray& rTokArr ) const;
XclTokenArrayRef mxCellLink; /// Formula for linked cell.
XclTokenArrayRef mxSrcRange; /// Formula for source data range.
sal_uInt16 mnEntryCount; /// Number of entries in source range.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//delete for exporting OCX
/** Represents an OBJ record for an OCX form control. */
class XclExpOcxControlObj : public XclObj, public XclExpControlHelper
explicit XclExpOcxControlObj(
XclExpObjectManager& rObjMgr,
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > xShape,
const Rectangle* pChildAnchor,
const String& rClassName,
sal_uInt32 nStrmStart, sal_uInt32 nStrmSize );
virtual void WriteSubRecs( XclExpStream& rStrm );
String maClassName; /// Class name of the control.
sal_uInt32 mnStrmStart; /// Start position in 'Ctls' stream.
sal_uInt32 mnStrmSize; /// Size in 'Ctls' stream.
/** Represents an OBJ record for an TBX form control. */
class XclExpTbxControlObj : public XclObj, public XclExpControlHelper
explicit XclExpTbxControlObj(
XclExpObjectManager& rObjMgr,
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > xShape,
const Rectangle* pChildAnchor );
/** Sets the name of a macro attached to this control.
@return true = The passed event descriptor was valid, macro name has been found. */
bool SetMacroLink( const ::com::sun::star::script::ScriptEventDescriptor& rEvent );
virtual void WriteSubRecs( XclExpStream& rStrm );
/** Writes an ftMacro subrecord containing a macro link, or nothing, if no macro present. */
void WriteMacroSubRec( XclExpStream& rStrm );
/** Writes a subrecord containing a cell link, or nothing, if no link present. */
void WriteCellLinkSubRec( XclExpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId );
/** Writes the ftSbs sub structure containing scrollbar data. */
void WriteSbs( XclExpStream& rStrm );
ScfInt16Vec maMultiSel; /// Indexes of all selected entries in a multi selection.
XclTokenArrayRef mxMacroLink; /// Token array containing a link to an attached macro.
XclTbxEventType meEventType; /// Type of supported macro event.
sal_Int32 mnHeight; /// Height of the control.
sal_uInt16 mnState; /// Checked/unchecked state.
sal_Int16 mnLineCount; /// Combobox dropdown line count.
sal_Int16 mnSelEntry; /// Selected entry in combobox (1-based).
sal_uInt16 mnScrollValue; /// Scrollbar: Current value.
sal_uInt16 mnScrollMin; /// Scrollbar: Minimum value.
sal_uInt16 mnScrollMax; /// Scrollbar: Maximum value.
sal_uInt16 mnScrollStep; /// Scrollbar: Single step.
sal_uInt16 mnScrollPage; /// Scrollbar: Page step.
bool mbFlatButton; /// False = 3D button style; True = Flat button style.
bool mbFlatBorder; /// False = 3D border style; True = Flat border style.
bool mbMultiSel; /// true = Multi selection in listbox.
bool mbScrollHor; /// Scrollbar: true = horizontal.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XclExpChart;
/** A chart object. This is the drawing object wrapper for the chart data. */
class XclExpChartObj : public XclObj, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpChartObj(
XclExpObjectManager& rObjMgr,
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > xShape,
const Rectangle* pChildAnchor );
virtual ~XclExpChartObj();
/** Writes the OBJ record and the entire chart substream. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
typedef ScfRef< XclExpChart > XclExpChartRef;
XclExpChartRef mxChart; /// The chart itself (BOF/EOF substream data).
// ============================================================================
/** Represents a NOTE record containing the relevant data of a cell note.
NOTE records differ significantly in various BIFF versions. This class
encapsulates all needed actions for each supported BIFF version.
BIFF5/BIFF7: Stores the note text and generates a single or multiple NOTE
records on saving.
BIFF8: Creates the Escher object containing the drawing information and the
note text.
class XclExpNote : public XclExpRecord
/** Constructs a NOTE record from the passed note object and/or the text.
@descr The additional text will be separated from the note text with
an empty line.
@param rScPos The Calc cell address of the note.
@param pScNote The Calc note object. May be 0 to create a note from rAddText only.
@param rAddText Additional text appended to the note text. */
explicit XclExpNote(
const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
const ScAddress& rScPos,
const ScPostIt* pScNote,
const String& rAddText );
/** Writes the NOTE record, if the respective Escher object is present. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
void WriteXml( sal_Int32 nAuthorId, XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
const XclExpString& GetAuthor() const { return maAuthor; }
/** Writes the body of the NOTE record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
XclExpString maAuthor; /// Name of the author.
String maOrigNoteText; /// Original main text of the note.
ByteString maNoteText; /// Main text of the note (<=BIFF7).
ScAddress maScPos; /// Calc cell address of the note.
sal_uInt16 mnObjId; /// Escher object ID (BIFF8).
bool mbVisible; /// true = permanently visible.
Rectangle maCommentFrom;
Rectangle maCommentTo;
XclExpStringRef mpNoteFmtConts; /// The note content and format
// ============================================================================
class XclExpComments : public XclExpRecord
typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpNote >
XclExpComments( SCTAB nTab, XclExpNoteList& rNotes );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
SCTAB mnTab;
XclExpNoteList& mrNotes;
// object manager =============================================================
class XclExpObjectManager : public XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpObjectManager( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
virtual ~XclExpObjectManager();
/** Creates a new DFF client anchor object. Caller takes ownership! May be
overwritten in derived classes. */
virtual XclExpDffAnchorBase* CreateDffAnchor() const;
/** Creates and returns the MSODRAWINGGROUP record containing global DFF
data in the DGGCONTAINER. */
ScfRef< XclExpRecordBase > CreateDrawingGroup();
/** Initializes the object manager for a new sheet. */
void StartSheet();
/** Processes a drawing page and returns the record block containing all
related records (MSODRAWING, OBJ, TXO, charts, etc.). */
ScfRef< XclExpRecordBase > ProcessDrawing( SdrPage* pSdrPage );
/** Processes a collection of UNO shapes and returns the record block
containing all related records (MSODRAWING, OBJ, TXO, charts, etc.). */
ScfRef< XclExpRecordBase > ProcessDrawing( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes );
/** Finalizes the object manager after conversion of all sheets. */
void EndDocument();
inline XclEscherEx& GetEscherEx() { return *mxEscherEx; }
XclExpMsoDrawing* GetMsodrawingPerSheet();
bool HasObj() const;
sal_uInt16 AddObj( XclObj* pObjRec );
XclObj* RemoveLastObj();
explicit XclExpObjectManager( const XclExpObjectManager& rParent );
void InitStream( bool bTempFile );
ScfRef< ::utl::TempFile > mxTempFile;
ScfRef< SvStream > mxDffStrm;
ScfRef< XclEscherEx > mxEscherEx;
ScfRef< XclExpObjList > mxObjList;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class XclExpEmbeddedObjectManager : public XclExpObjectManager
explicit XclExpEmbeddedObjectManager(
const XclExpObjectManager& rParent,
const Size& rPageSize,
sal_Int32 nScaleX, sal_Int32 nScaleY );
/** Creates a new DFF client anchor object for embedded objects according
to the scaling data passed to the constructor. Caller takes ownership! */
virtual XclExpDffAnchorBase* CreateDffAnchor() const;
Size maPageSize;
sal_Int32 mnScaleX;
sal_Int32 mnScaleY;
// ============================================================================