blob: 799e383306fb60caeeb68189324d66b442df1def [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "rangelst.hxx"
#include "xlcontent.hxx"
#include "xladdress.hxx"
#include "xerecord.hxx"
#include "xeroot.hxx"
#include "xestring.hxx"
#include "xeformula.hxx"
/* ============================================================================
Classes to export the big Excel document contents (related to several cells or
globals for the sheet or document).
- Shared string table
- Merged cells
- Hyperlinks
- Label ranges
- Conditional formatting
- Data validation
- Web Queries
============================================================================ */
// Shared string table ========================================================
class XclExpSstImpl;
/** Provides export of the SST (shared string table) record.
@descr Contains all strings in the document and writes the SST. */
class XclExpSst : public XclExpRecordBase
explicit XclExpSst();
virtual ~XclExpSst();
/** Inserts a new string into the table.
@return The index of the string in the SST, used in other records. */
sal_uInt32 Insert( XclExpStringRef xString );
/** Writes the complete SST and EXTSST records. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
typedef ::std::auto_ptr< XclExpSstImpl > XclExpSstImplPtr;
XclExpSstImplPtr mxImpl;
// Merged cells ===============================================================
/** Represents a MERGEDCELLS record containing all merged cell ranges in a sheet. */
class XclExpMergedcells : public XclExpRecordBase, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpMergedcells( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
/** Appends a new range to the list of merged cell ranges. */
void AppendRange( const ScRange& rRange, sal_uInt32 nBaseXFId );
/** Returns the XF identifier of the top-left cell in a merged range. */
sal_uInt32 GetBaseXFId( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
/** Writes the record, if it contains at least one merged cell range. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
ScRangeList maMergedRanges; /// All merged cell ranges of the sheet.
ScfUInt32Vec maBaseXFIds; /// The XF identifiers of the top-left cells.
// Hyperlinks =================================================================
class SvxURLField;
class INetURLObject;
/** Provides export of hyperlink data. */
class XclExpHyperlink : public XclExpRecord
/** Constructs the HLINK record from an URL text field. */
explicit XclExpHyperlink( const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
const SvxURLField& rUrlField, const ScAddress& rScPos );
virtual ~XclExpHyperlink();
/** Returns the cell representation text or 0, if not available. */
inline const String* GetRepr() const { return mxRepr.get(); }
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
/** Builds file name from the passed file URL. Tries to convert to relative file name.
@param rnLevel (out-param) The parent directory level.
@param rbRel (out-param) true = path is relative. */
String BuildFileName(
sal_uInt16& rnLevel, bool& rbRel,
const String& rUrl, const XclExpRoot& rRoot ) const;
/** Writes the body of the HLINK record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
typedef ::std::auto_ptr< String > StringPtr;
typedef ::std::auto_ptr< SvStream > SvStreamPtr;
ScAddress maScPos; /// Position of the hyperlink.
StringPtr mxRepr; /// Cell representation text.
SvStreamPtr mxVarData; /// Buffer stream with variable data.
sal_uInt32 mnFlags; /// Option flags.
XclExpStringRef mxTextMark; /// Location within mxRepr
::rtl::OUString msTarget; /// Target URL
typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpHyperlink > XclExpHyperlinkList;
// Label ranges ===============================================================
/** Provides export of the row/column label range list of a sheet. */
class XclExpLabelranges : public XclExpRecordBase, protected XclExpRoot
/** Fills the cell range lists with all ranges of the current sheet. */
explicit XclExpLabelranges( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
/** Writes the LABELRANGES record if it contains at least one range. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
/** Fills the specified range list with all label headers of the current sheet.
@param rRanges The cell range list to fill.
@param xLabelRangesRef The core range list with all ranges.
@param nScTab The current Calc sheet index. */
void FillRangeList( ScRangeList& rScRanges,
ScRangePairListRef xLabelRangesRef, SCTAB nScTab );
ScRangeList maRowRanges; /// Cell range list for row labels.
ScRangeList maColRanges; /// Cell range list for column labels.
// Conditional formatting =====================================================
class ScCondFormatEntry;
class XclExpCFImpl;
/** Represents a CF record that contains one condition of a conditional format. */
class XclExpCF : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpCF( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScCondFormatEntry& rFormatEntry,const ScAddress& rSrcPos = ScAddress());
virtual ~XclExpCF();
virtual void SaveXml(XclExpXmlStream & rStrm);
/** Writes the body of the CF record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
typedef ::std::auto_ptr< XclExpCFImpl > XclExpCFImplPtr;
XclExpCFImplPtr mxImpl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScConditionalFormat;
/** Represents a CONDFMT record that contains all conditions of a conditional format.
@descr Contains the conditions which are stored in CF records. */
class XclExpCondfmt : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpCondfmt( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScConditionalFormat& rCondFormat );
virtual ~XclExpCondfmt();
/** Returns true, if this conditional format contains at least one cell range and CF record. */
bool IsValid() const;
/** Writes the CONDFMT record with following CF records, if there is valid data. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
/** Writes the body of the CONDFMT record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpCF > XclExpCFList;
XclExpCFList maCFList; /// List of CF records.
XclRangeList maXclRanges; /// Cell ranges for this conditional format.
String msSeqRef; /// OOXML Sequence of References
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Contains all conditional formats of a specific sheet. */
class XclExpCondFormatBuffer : public XclExpRecordBase, protected XclExpRoot
/** Constructs CONDFMT and CF records containing the conditional formats of the current sheet. */
explicit XclExpCondFormatBuffer( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
/** Writes all contained CONDFMT records with their CF records. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpCondfmt > XclExpCondfmtList;
XclExpCondfmtList maCondfmtList; /// List of CONDFMT records.
// Data Validation ============================================================
class ScValidationData;
/** Provides export of the data of a DV record.
@descr This record contains the settings for a data validation. In detail
this is a pointer to the core validation data and a cell range list with all
affected cells. The handle index is used to optimize list search algorithm. */
class XclExpDV : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpDV( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, sal_uLong nScHandle, const ScRange& rRange );
virtual ~XclExpDV();
/** Returns the core handle of the validation data. */
inline sal_uLong GetScHandle() const { return mnScHandle; }
/** Inserts a new cell range into the cell range list. */
void InsertCellRange( const ScRange& rPos );
/** Converts the Calc range list to the Excel range list.
@return false = Resulting range list empty - do not write this record. */
bool Finalize();
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
/** Writes the body of the DV record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
ScRangeList maScRanges; /// Calc range list with all affected cells.
XclRangeList maXclRanges; /// Excel range list with all affected cells.
XclExpString maPromptTitle; /// The prompt title.
XclExpString maPromptText; /// The prompt text.
XclExpString maErrorTitle; /// The error title.
XclExpString maErrorText; /// The error text.
XclExpStringRef mxString1; /// String for first condition formula.
XclTokenArrayRef mxTokArr1; /// Formula for first condition.
::rtl::OUString msFormula1; /// OOXML Formula for first condition.
XclTokenArrayRef mxTokArr2; /// Formula for second condition.
::rtl::OUString msFormula2; /// OOXML Formula for second condition.
sal_uInt32 mnFlags; /// Miscellaneous flags.
sal_uLong mnScHandle; /// The core handle for quick list search.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This class contains the DV record list following the DVAL record. */
class XclExpDval : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpRoot
explicit XclExpDval( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
virtual ~XclExpDval();
/** Inserts the cell range into the range list of the DV record with the specified handle. */
void InsertCellRange( const ScRange& rRange, sal_uLong nScHandle );
/** Writes the DVAL record and the DV record list. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
virtual void SaveXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm );
/** Searches for or creates a XclExpDV record object with the specified handle. */
XclExpDV& SearchOrCreateDv( sal_uLong nScHandle, const ScRange& rRange );
/** Writes the body of the DVAL record. */
virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpDV > XclExpDVList;
typedef XclExpDVList::RecordRefType XclExpDVRef;
XclExpDVList maDVList; /// List of DV records
XclExpDVRef mxLastFoundDV; /// For search optimization.
// Web Queries ================================================================
/** Contains all records for a web query (linked tables in an HTML document).
@descr mode 1 (entire document): mpQryTables==0, mbEntireDoc==true;
mode 2 (all tables): mpQryTables==0, mbEntireDoc==false;
mode 3 (custom range list): mpQryTables!=0, mbEntireDoc==false. */
class XclExpWebQuery : public XclExpRecordBase
/** Constructs a web query record container with settings from Calc. */
explicit XclExpWebQuery(
const String& rRangeName,
const String& rUrl,
const String& rSource,
sal_Int32 nRefrSecs );
virtual ~XclExpWebQuery();
/** Writes all needed records for this web query. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
XclExpString maDestRange; /// Destination range.
XclExpString maUrl; /// Source document URL.
XclExpStringRef mxQryTables; /// List of source range names.
sal_Int16 mnRefresh; /// Refresh time in minutes.
bool mbEntireDoc; /// true = entire document.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Contains all web query records for this document. */
class XclExpWebQueryBuffer : public XclExpRecordList< XclExpWebQuery >
explicit XclExpWebQueryBuffer( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
// ============================================================================