blob: d0dda75cc0a0b95eb7ece6cd1b12e15e1b5c35b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <oox/export/vmlexport.hxx>
//#include <tokens.hxx>
#include "oox/token/tokens.hxx"
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <cstdio>
using rtl::OString;
using rtl::OStringBuffer;
using rtl::OUString;
using rtl::OUStringBuffer;
using namespace sax_fastparser;
using namespace oox::vml;
/// Implementation of an empty stream that silently succeeds, but does nothing.
/// In fact, this is a hack. The right solution is to abstract EscherEx to be
/// able to work without SvStream; but at the moment it is better to live with
/// this I guess.
class SvNullStream : public SvStream
virtual sal_Size GetData( void* pData, sal_Size nSize ) { memset( pData, 0, nSize ); return nSize; }
virtual sal_Size PutData( const void*, sal_Size nSize ) { return nSize; }
virtual sal_Size SeekPos( sal_Size nPos ) { return nPos; }
virtual void SetSize( sal_Size ) {}
virtual void FlushData() {}
SvNullStream() : SvStream() {}
virtual ~SvNullStream() {}
VMLExport::VMLExport( ::sax_fastparser::FSHelperPtr pSerializer, sal_uInt32 nShapeType, sal_uInt32 nShapeFlags )
//: EscherEx( *( new SvNullStream ), 0 ),
: EscherEx( EscherExGlobalRef(new EscherExGlobal(0)), *( new SvNullStream ) ),
m_pSerializer( pSerializer ),
m_pShapeAttrList( NULL ),
m_nShapeType( nShapeType ),
m_bHasFill( true ),
m_bHasLine( true ),
m_nFillColor( -1 ),
m_nLineWidth( -1 ),
m_nLineColor( -1 ),
m_pShapeStyle( new OStringBuffer( 200 ) ),
m_pShapeTypeWritten( new bool[ ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT ] )
mnGroupLevel = 1;
memset( m_pShapeTypeWritten, 0, ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT * sizeof( bool ) );
delete mpOutStrm, mpOutStrm = NULL;
delete m_pShapeStyle, m_pShapeStyle = NULL;
delete[] m_pShapeTypeWritten, m_pShapeTypeWritten = NULL;
void VMLExport::OpenContainer( sal_uInt16 nEscherContainer, int nRecInstance )
EscherEx::OpenContainer( nEscherContainer, nRecInstance );
if ( nEscherContainer == ESCHER_SpContainer )
// opening a shape container
if ( m_nShapeType != ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning! VMLExport::OpenContainer(): opening shape inside a shape.\n" );
//m_nShapeType = ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil;
m_pShapeAttrList = m_pSerializer->createAttrList();
if ( m_pShapeStyle->getLength() )
m_pShapeStyle->ensureCapacity( 200 );
// postpone the ouput so that we are able to write even the elements
// that we learn inside Commit()
void VMLExport::CloseContainer()
if ( mRecTypes.back() == ESCHER_SpContainer )
// write the shape now when we have all the info
sal_Int32 nShapeElement = StartShape();
EndShape( nShapeElement );
// cleanup
m_nShapeType = ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil;
m_pShapeAttrList = NULL;
sal_uInt32 VMLExport::EnterGroup( const String& rShapeName, const Rectangle* pRect )
sal_Int32 nShapeId = GenerateShapeId();//zhaosz_xml,just function replacing
OStringBuffer aStyle( 200 );
FastAttributeList *pAttrList = m_pSerializer->createAttrList();
pAttrList->add( XML_id, ShapeIdString( nShapeId ) );
if ( rShapeName.Len() )
pAttrList->add( XML_alt, OUStringToOString( OUString( rShapeName ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
// style
if ( pRect )
AddRectangleDimensions( aStyle, *pRect );
if ( aStyle.getLength() )
pAttrList->add( XML_style, aStyle.makeStringAndClear() );
// coordorigin/coordsize
if ( pRect && ( mnGroupLevel == 1 ) )
pAttrList->add( XML_coordorigin,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( sal_Int32( pRect->Left() ) )
.append( "," ).append( sal_Int32( pRect->Top() ) )
.makeStringAndClear() );
pAttrList->add( XML_coordsize,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( sal_Int32( pRect->Right() ) - sal_Int32( pRect->Left() ) )
.append( "," ).append( sal_Int32( pRect->Bottom() ) - sal_Int32( pRect->Top() ) )
.makeStringAndClear() );
m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_v, XML_group, XFastAttributeListRef( pAttrList ) );
return nShapeId;
void VMLExport::LeaveGroup()
m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_v, XML_group );
void VMLExport::AddShape( sal_Int32 nShapeType, sal_Int32 nShapeFlags, sal_Int32 nShapeId )
m_nShapeType = nShapeType;
m_nShapeFlags = nShapeFlags;
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_id, ShapeIdString( nShapeId ) );
static void impl_AddArrowHead( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, sal_uInt32 nValue )
if ( !pAttrList )
const char *pArrowHead = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineNoEnd: pArrowHead = "none"; break;
case ESCHER_LineArrowEnd: pArrowHead = "block"; break;
case ESCHER_LineArrowStealthEnd: pArrowHead = "classic"; break;
case ESCHER_LineArrowDiamondEnd: pArrowHead = "diamond"; break;
case ESCHER_LineArrowOvalEnd: pArrowHead = "oval"; break;
case ESCHER_LineArrowOpenEnd: pArrowHead = "open"; break;
if ( pArrowHead )
pAttrList->add( nElement, pArrowHead );
static void impl_AddArrowLength( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, sal_uInt32 nValue )
if ( !pAttrList )
const char *pArrowLength = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineShortArrow: pArrowLength = "short"; break;
case ESCHER_LineMediumLenArrow: pArrowLength = "medium"; break;
case ESCHER_LineLongArrow: pArrowLength = "long"; break;
if ( pArrowLength )
pAttrList->add( nElement, pArrowLength );
static void impl_AddArrowWidth( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, sal_uInt32 nValue )
if ( !pAttrList )
const char *pArrowWidth = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineNarrowArrow: pArrowWidth = "narrow"; break;
case ESCHER_LineMediumWidthArrow: pArrowWidth = "medium"; break;
case ESCHER_LineWideArrow: pArrowWidth = "wide"; break;
if ( pArrowWidth )
pAttrList->add( nElement, pArrowWidth );
static void impl_AddBool( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, bool bValue )
if ( !pAttrList )
pAttrList->add( nElement, bValue? "t": "f" );
static void impl_AddColor( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, sal_uInt32 nColor )
if ( nColor & 0xFF000000 )
fprintf( stderr, "TODO: this is not a RGB value!\n" );
if ( !pAttrList || ( nColor & 0xFF000000 ) )
nColor = ( ( nColor & 0xFF ) << 16 ) + ( nColor & 0xFF00 ) + ( ( nColor & 0xFF0000 ) >> 16 );
const char *pColor = NULL;
char pRgbColor[10];
switch ( nColor )
case 0x000000: pColor = "black"; break;
case 0xC0C0C0: pColor = "silver"; break;
case 0x808080: pColor = "gray"; break;
case 0xFFFFFF: pColor = "white"; break;
case 0x800000: pColor = "maroon"; break;
case 0xFF0000: pColor = "red"; break;
case 0x800080: pColor = "purple"; break;
case 0xFF00FF: pColor = "fuchsia"; break;
case 0x008000: pColor = "green"; break;
case 0x00FF00: pColor = "lime"; break;
case 0x808000: pColor = "olive"; break;
case 0xFFFF00: pColor = "yellow"; break;
case 0x000080: pColor = "navy"; break;
case 0x0000FF: pColor = "blue"; break;
case 0x008080: pColor = "teal"; break;
case 0x00FFFF: pColor = "aqua"; break;
snprintf( pRgbColor, sizeof( pRgbColor ), "#%06x", static_cast< unsigned int >( nColor ) ); // not too handy to use OString::valueOf() here :-(
pColor = pRgbColor;
pAttrList->add( nElement, pColor );
static void impl_AddInt( sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList, sal_Int32 nElement, sal_uInt32 nValue )
if ( !pAttrList )
pAttrList->add( nElement, OString::valueOf( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nValue ) ).getStr() );
inline sal_uInt16 impl_GetUInt16( const sal_uInt8* &pVal )
sal_uInt16 nRet = *pVal++;
nRet += ( *pVal++ ) << 8;
return nRet;
inline sal_Int32 impl_GetPointComponent( const sal_uInt8* &pVal, sal_uInt16 nPointSize )
sal_Int32 nRet = 0;
if ( ( nPointSize == 0xfff0 ) || ( nPointSize == 4 ) )
sal_uInt16 nUnsigned = *pVal++;
nUnsigned += ( *pVal++ ) << 8;
nRet = sal_Int16( nUnsigned );
else if ( nPointSize == 8 )
sal_uInt32 nUnsigned = *pVal++;
nUnsigned += ( *pVal++ ) << 8;
nUnsigned += ( *pVal++ ) << 16;
nUnsigned += ( *pVal++ ) << 24;
nRet = nUnsigned;
return nRet;
void VMLExport::Commit( EscherPropertyContainer& rProps, const Rectangle& rRect )
if ( m_nShapeType == ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil )
// postpone the output of the embedded elements so that they are written
// inside the shapes
// dimensions
if ( m_nShapeType == ESCHER_ShpInst_Line )
AddLineDimensions( rRect );
AddRectangleDimensions( *m_pShapeStyle, rRect );
// properties
bool bAlreadyWritten[ 0xFFF ];
memset( bAlreadyWritten, 0, sizeof( bAlreadyWritten ) );
const EscherProperties &rOpts = rProps.GetOpts();
for ( EscherProperties::const_iterator it = rOpts.begin(); it != rOpts.end(); ++it )
sal_uInt16 nId = ( it->nPropId & 0x0FFF );
if ( bAlreadyWritten[ nId ] )
switch ( nId )
case ESCHER_Prop_WrapText: // 133
const char *pWrapType = NULL;
switch ( it->nPropValue )
case ESCHER_WrapSquare:
case ESCHER_WrapByPoints: pWrapType = "square"; break; // these two are equivalent according to the docu
case ESCHER_WrapNone: pWrapType = "none"; break;
case ESCHER_WrapTopBottom: pWrapType = "topAndBottom"; break;
case ESCHER_WrapThrough: pWrapType = "through"; break;
if ( pWrapType )
m_pSerializer->singleElementNS( XML_w10, XML_wrap,
FSNS( XML_w10, XML_type ), pWrapType,
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_WrapText ] = true;
// coordorigin
case ESCHER_Prop_geoLeft: // 320
case ESCHER_Prop_geoTop: // 321
sal_uInt32 nLeft = 0, nTop = 0;
if ( nId == ESCHER_Prop_geoLeft )
nLeft = it->nPropValue;
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoTop, nTop );
nTop = it->nPropValue;
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoLeft, nLeft );
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_coordorigin,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( sal_Int32( nLeft ) )
.append( "," ).append( sal_Int32( nTop ) )
.makeStringAndClear() );
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_geoLeft ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_geoTop ] = true;
// coordsize
case ESCHER_Prop_geoRight: // 322
case ESCHER_Prop_geoBottom: // 323
sal_uInt32 nLeft = 0, nRight = 0, nTop = 0, nBottom = 0;
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoLeft, nLeft );
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoTop, nTop );
if ( nId == ESCHER_Prop_geoRight )
nRight = it->nPropValue;
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoBottom, nBottom );
nBottom = it->nPropValue;
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_geoRight, nRight );
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_coordsize,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( sal_Int32( nRight ) - sal_Int32( nLeft ) )
.append( "," ).append( sal_Int32( nBottom ) - sal_Int32( nTop ) )
.makeStringAndClear() );
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_geoRight ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_geoBottom ] = true;
case ESCHER_Prop_pVertices: // 325
case ESCHER_Prop_pSegmentInfo: // 326
EscherPropSortStruct aVertices;
EscherPropSortStruct aSegments;
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pVertices, aVertices ) &&
rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_pSegmentInfo, aSegments ) )
const sal_uInt8 *pVerticesIt = aVertices.pBuf + 6;
const sal_uInt8 *pSegmentIt = aSegments.pBuf;
OStringBuffer aPath( 512 );
sal_uInt16 nPointSize = aVertices.pBuf[4] + ( aVertices.pBuf[5] << 8 );
// number of segments
sal_uInt16 nSegments = impl_GetUInt16( pSegmentIt );
pSegmentIt += 4;
for ( ; nSegments; --nSegments )
sal_uInt16 nSeg = impl_GetUInt16( pSegmentIt );
switch ( nSeg )
case 0x4000: // moveto
sal_Int32 nX = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nY = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
aPath.append( "m" ).append( nX ).append( "," ).append( nY );
case 0xb300:
case 0xac00:
case 0x0001: // lineto
sal_Int32 nX = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nY = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
aPath.append( "l" ).append( nX ).append( "," ).append( nY );
case 0x2001: // curveto
sal_Int32 nX1 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nY1 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nX2 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nY2 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nX3 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
sal_Int32 nY3 = impl_GetPointComponent( pVerticesIt, nPointSize );
aPath.append( "c" ).append( nX1 ).append( "," ).append( nY1 ).append( "," )
.append( nX2 ).append( "," ).append( nY2 ).append( "," )
.append( nX3 ).append( "," ).append( nY3 );
case 0xaa00: // nofill
aPath.append( "nf" );
case 0xab00: // nostroke
aPath.append( "ns" );
case 0x6001: // close
aPath.append( "x" );
case 0x8000: // end
aPath.append( "e" );
fprintf( stderr, "TODO: unhandled segment '%x' in the path\n", nSeg );
if ( aPath.getLength() )
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_path, aPath.getStr() );
fprintf( stderr, "TODO: unhandled shape path, missing either pVertices or pSegmentInfo.\n" );
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_pVertices ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_pSegmentInfo ] = true;
case ESCHER_Prop_fillType: // 384
case ESCHER_Prop_fillColor: // 385
case ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor: // 387
case ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest: // 447
sal_uInt32 nValue;
sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList = m_pSerializer->createAttrList();
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillType, nValue ) )
const char *pFillType = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_FillSolid: pFillType = "solid"; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillPattern: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillTexture: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillPicture: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillShade: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillShadeCenter: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillShadeShape: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillShadeScale: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillShadeTitle: pFillType = ""; break;
// TODO case ESCHER_FillBackground: pFillType = ""; break;
fprintf( stderr, "TODO: unhandled fill type\n" );
if ( pFillType )
pAttrList->add( XML_type, pFillType );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillColor, nValue ) )
m_nFillColor = nValue;
impl_AddColor( pAttrList, XML_color, nValue );
// add for fill transparency
if (rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillOpacity, nValue ))
OString sOpacity = OString::valueOf((sal_Int32)nValue) + "f";
pAttrList->add( XML_opacity, sOpacity.getStr());
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor, nValue ) )
impl_AddColor( pAttrList, XML_color2, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest, nValue ) )
// if fill is none, ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest will be set as 0x100000
if(0x100000 == nValue) m_bHasFill = false;
impl_AddBool( pAttrList, XML_detectmouseclick, nValue );
m_pSerializer->singleElementNS( XML_v, XML_fill, XFastAttributeListRef( pAttrList ) );
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fillType ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fillColor ] = true;
// If new prop is added in function, please set flag as below. Or repeat record will be written into xml file.
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fillOpacity ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest ] = true;
case ESCHER_Prop_lineColor: // 448
case ESCHER_Prop_lineWidth: // 459
case ESCHER_Prop_lineDashing: // 462
case ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowhead: // 464
case ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowhead: // 465
case ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowWidth: // 466
case ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowLength: // 467
case ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowWidth: // 468
case ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowLength: // 469
case ESCHER_Prop_lineJoinStyle: // 470
case ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle: // 471
case ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash: //511
sal_uInt32 nValue;
sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList *pAttrList = m_pSerializer->createAttrList();
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineColor, nValue ) )
m_nLineColor = nValue;
impl_AddColor( pAttrList, XML_color, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineWidth, nValue ) )
m_nLineWidth = nValue;
impl_AddInt( pAttrList, XML_weight, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineDashing, nValue ) )
const char *pDashStyle = NULL;
//(1)Modify lower to upper for the second word and after. Or import can not recognize it.
//(2)Modify shortDot to "1 1". Or import can not recognize it.
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineSolid: pDashStyle = "solid"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDashSys: pDashStyle = "shortdash"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDotSys: pDashStyle = "shortdot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDashDotSys: pDashStyle = "shortDashDot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDashDotDotSys: pDashStyle = "shortDashDotDot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDotGEL: pDashStyle = "dot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDashGEL: pDashStyle = "dash"; break;
case ESCHER_LineLongDashGEL: pDashStyle = "longDash"; break;
case ESCHER_LineDashDotGEL: pDashStyle = "dashDot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineLongDashDotGEL: pDashStyle = "longDashDot"; break;
case ESCHER_LineLongDashDotDotGEL: pDashStyle = "longDashDotDot"; break;
if ( pDashStyle )
pAttrList->add( XML_dashstyle, pDashStyle );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowhead, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowHead( pAttrList, XML_startarrow, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowhead, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowHead( pAttrList, XML_endarrow, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowWidth, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowWidth( pAttrList, XML_startarrowwidth, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowLength, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowLength( pAttrList, XML_startarrowlength, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowWidth, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowWidth( pAttrList, XML_endarrowwidth, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowLength, nValue ) )
impl_AddArrowLength( pAttrList, XML_endarrowlength, nValue );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineJoinStyle, nValue ) )
const char *pJoinStyle = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineJoinBevel: pJoinStyle = "bevel"; break;
case ESCHER_LineJoinMiter: pJoinStyle = "miter"; break;
case ESCHER_LineJoinRound: pJoinStyle = "round"; break;
if ( pJoinStyle )
pAttrList->add( XML_joinstyle, pJoinStyle );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle, nValue ) )
const char *pEndCap = NULL;
switch ( nValue )
case ESCHER_LineEndCapRound: pEndCap = "round"; break;
case ESCHER_LineEndCapSquare: pEndCap = "square"; break;
case ESCHER_LineEndCapFlat: pEndCap = "flat"; break;
if ( pEndCap )
pAttrList->add( XML_endcap, pEndCap );
if ( rProps.GetOpt( ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash, nValue ) )
if(0x90000 == nValue)
m_bHasLine = false;
m_pSerializer->singleElementNS( XML_v, XML_stroke, XFastAttributeListRef( pAttrList ) );
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineColor ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineWidth ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineDashing ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowhead ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowhead ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowWidth ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineStartArrowLength ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowWidth ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineEndArrowLength ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineJoinStyle ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_lineEndCapStyle ] = true;
bAlreadyWritten[ ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash ] = true;
case ESCHER_Prop_fHidden:
m_pShapeStyle->append( ";visibility:hidden" );
fprintf( stderr, "TODO VMLExport::Commit(), unimplemented id: %d, value: %d, data: [%d, %p]\n",
it->nPropId, it->nPropValue, it->nPropSize, it->pBuf );
if ( it->nPropSize )
const sal_uInt8 *pIt = it->pBuf;
fprintf( stderr, " ( " );
for ( int nCount = it->nPropSize; nCount; --nCount )
fprintf( stderr, "%02x ", *pIt );
fprintf( stderr, ")\n" );
m_pSerializer->mergeTopMarks( sax_fastparser::MERGE_MARKS_POSTPONE );
OString VMLExport::ShapeIdString( sal_uInt32 nId )
return OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( "shape_" ).append( sal_Int64( nId ) ).makeStringAndClear();
void VMLExport::AddLineDimensions( const Rectangle& rRectangle )
// style
if ( m_pShapeStyle->getLength() )
m_pShapeStyle->append( ";" );
m_pShapeStyle->append( "position:absolute" );
switch ( m_nShapeFlags & 0xC0 )
case 0x40: m_pShapeStyle->append( ";flip:y" ); break;
case 0x80: m_pShapeStyle->append( ";flip:x" ); break;
case 0xC0: m_pShapeStyle->append( ";flip:xy" ); break;
// the actual dimensions
OString aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom;
if ( mnGroupLevel == 1 )
const OString aPt( "pt" );
aLeft = OString::valueOf( double( rRectangle.Left() ) / 20 ) + aPt;
aTop = OString::valueOf( double( rRectangle.Top() ) / 20 ) + aPt;
aRight = OString::valueOf( double( rRectangle.Right() ) / 20 ) + aPt;
aBottom = OString::valueOf( double( rRectangle.Bottom() ) / 20 ) + aPt;
aLeft = OString::valueOf( rRectangle.Left() );
aTop = OString::valueOf( rRectangle.Top() );
aRight = OString::valueOf( rRectangle.Right() );
aBottom = OString::valueOf( rRectangle.Bottom() );
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_from,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( aLeft )
.append( "," ).append( aTop )
.makeStringAndClear() );
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_to,
OStringBuffer( 20 ).append( aRight )
.append( "," ).append( aBottom )
.makeStringAndClear() );
void VMLExport::AddRectangleDimensions( rtl::OStringBuffer& rBuffer, const Rectangle& rRectangle )
if ( rBuffer.getLength() )
rBuffer.append( ";" );
rBuffer.append( "position:absolute;" );
if ( mnGroupLevel == 1 )
rBuffer.append( "margin-left:" ).append( double( rRectangle.Left() ) / 20 )
.append( "pt;margin-top:" ).append( double( rRectangle.Top() ) / 20 )
.append( "pt;width:" ).append( double( rRectangle.Right() - rRectangle.Left() ) / 20 )
.append( "pt;height:" ).append( double( rRectangle.Bottom() - rRectangle.Top() ) / 20 )
.append( "pt" );
rBuffer.append( "left:" ).append( rRectangle.Left() )
.append( ";top:" ).append( rRectangle.Top() )
.append( ";width:" ).append( rRectangle.Right() - rRectangle.Left() )
.append( ";height:" ).append( rRectangle.Bottom() - rRectangle.Top() );
void VMLExport::AddShapeAttribute( sal_Int32 nAttribute, const rtl::OString& rValue )
m_pShapeAttrList->add( nAttribute, rValue );
extern const char* pShapeTypes[];
sal_Int32 VMLExport::StartShape()
if ( m_nShapeType == ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil )
return -1;
// some of the shapes have their own name ;-)
sal_Int32 nShapeElement = -1;
bool bReferToShapeType = false;
switch ( m_nShapeType )
case ESCHER_ShpInst_NotPrimitive: nShapeElement = XML_shape; break;
case ESCHER_ShpInst_Rectangle: nShapeElement = XML_rect; break;
case ESCHER_ShpInst_RoundRectangle: nShapeElement = XML_roundrect; break;
case ESCHER_ShpInst_Ellipse: nShapeElement = XML_oval; break;
case ESCHER_ShpInst_Arc: nShapeElement = XML_arc; break;
case ESCHER_ShpInst_Line: nShapeElement = XML_line; break;
if ( m_nShapeType < ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT )
nShapeElement = XML_shape;
// a predefined shape?
const char* pShapeType = pShapeTypes[ m_nShapeType ];
if ( pShapeType )
bReferToShapeType = true;
if ( !m_pShapeTypeWritten[ m_nShapeType ] )
m_pSerializer->write( pShapeType );
m_pShapeTypeWritten[ m_nShapeType ] = true;
// rectangle is probably the best fallback...
nShapeElement = XML_rect;
// add style
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_style, m_pShapeStyle->makeStringAndClear() );
// For fill color of text box. This attr should be set first.
// It will associated with the attr "color2" which will set in commit function. The two are
// used to set the text box fill color.
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_filled, "f" );//If not fillcolor, set filled as false
//Even if no fill, a comment can have fill color
if(-1 != m_nFillColor)
impl_AddColor( m_pShapeAttrList, XML_fillcolor, m_nFillColor );
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_stroked, "f" );
//Even if no line, a comment can have line color
if(-1 != m_nLineColor)
impl_AddColor( m_pShapeAttrList, XML_strokecolor, m_nLineColor );
if(-1 != m_nLineWidth)
//lijiany_ms_2007_comments here tranlate emu to pt. Or import cannot work for our export result.
//Actually import should do this according to stardard doc. We can just write the emu value to xml file.
double fLineWidth = (double)m_nLineWidth/12700;//from emu to pt
OString sLineWidth = OString::valueOf((double)fLineWidth) + "pt";//add unit
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_strokeweight, sLineWidth.getStr() );
if ( nShapeElement >= 0 )
if ( bReferToShapeType )
// modify "shapetype_" to "_x0000_t".
// In ECMA doc, latter prefix is used. Former prefix cannot be found. Now this functin only called by comments
m_pShapeAttrList->add( XML_type, OStringBuffer( 20 )
.append( "#_x0000_t" ).append( sal_Int32( m_nShapeType ) )
.makeStringAndClear() );
// start of the shape
// Modify this or will crash on exporting
// m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_v, nShapeElement, XFastAttributeListRef( m_pShapeAttrList ) );
m_pSerializer->startElementV( FSNS( XML_v, nShapeElement), m_pShapeAttrList );
return nShapeElement;
void VMLExport::EndShape( sal_Int32 nShapeElement )
if ( nShapeElement >= 0 )
// end of the shape
m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_v, nShapeElement );