blob: 57beb81c78206bccabfe3ccb55d390523297b660 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_basic.hxx"
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
#include "errobject.hxx"
#include "runtime.hxx"
#include "sbintern.hxx"
#include "iosys.hxx"
#include <sb.hrc>
#include <basrid.hxx>
#include "sbunoobj.hxx"
#include "image.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchOptions.hdl>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <unotools/textsearch.hxx>
Reference< XInterface > createComListener( const Any& aControlAny, const ::rtl::OUString& aVBAType,
const ::rtl::OUString& aPrefix, SbxObjectRef xScopeObj );
#include <algorithm>
#include <hash_map>
SbxVariable* getDefaultProp( SbxVariable* pRef );
void SbiRuntime::StepNOP()
void SbiRuntime::StepArith( SbxOperator eOp )
SbxVariableRef p1 = PopVar();
SbxVariable* p2 = GetTOS();
// This could & should be moved to the MakeTempTOS() method in runtime.cxx
// In the code which this is cut'npaste from there is a check for a ref
// count != 1 based on which the copy of the SbxVariable is done.
// see orig code in MakeTempTOS ( and I'm not sure what the significance,
// of that is )
// here we alway seem to have a refcount of 1. Also it seems that
// MakeTempTOS is called for other operation, so I hold off for now
// until I have a better idea
if ( bVBAEnabled
&& ( p2->GetType() == SbxOBJECT || p2->GetType() == SbxVARIANT )
SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( p2 );
if ( pDflt )
pDflt->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
// replacing new p2 on stack causes object pointed by
// pDft->pParent to be deleted, when p2->Compute() is
// called below pParent is accessed ( but its deleted )
// so set it to NULL now
pDflt->SetParent( NULL );
p2 = new SbxVariable( *pDflt );
p2->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
refExprStk->Put( p2, nExprLvl - 1 );
p2->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
p2->Compute( eOp, *p1 );
checkArithmeticOverflow( p2 );
void SbiRuntime::StepUnary( SbxOperator eOp )
SbxVariable* p = GetTOS();
p->Compute( eOp, *p );
void SbiRuntime::StepCompare( SbxOperator eOp )
SbxVariableRef p1 = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef p2 = PopVar();
// Make sure objects with default params have
// values ( and type ) set as appropriate
SbxDataType p1Type = p1->GetType();
SbxDataType p2Type = p2->GetType();
if ( p1Type == p2Type )
if ( p1Type == SbxEMPTY )
p1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
p2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
// if both sides are an object and have default props
// then we need to use the default props
// we don't need to worry if only one side ( lhs, rhs ) is an
// object ( object side will get coerced to correct type in
// Compare )
else if ( p1Type == SbxOBJECT )
SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( p1 );
if ( pDflt )
p1 = pDflt;
p1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
pDflt = getDefaultProp( p2 );
if ( pDflt )
p2 = pDflt;
p2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
static SbxVariable* pTRUE = NULL;
static SbxVariable* pFALSE = NULL;
if( p2->Compare( eOp, *p1 ) )
if( !pTRUE )
pTRUE = new SbxVariable;
pTRUE->PutBool( sal_True );
PushVar( pTRUE );
if( !pFALSE )
pFALSE = new SbxVariable;
pFALSE->PutBool( sal_False );
PushVar( pFALSE );
void SbiRuntime::StepEXP() { StepArith( SbxEXP ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepMUL() { StepArith( SbxMUL ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepDIV() { StepArith( SbxDIV ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepIDIV() { StepArith( SbxIDIV ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepMOD() { StepArith( SbxMOD ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepPLUS() { StepArith( SbxPLUS ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepMINUS() { StepArith( SbxMINUS ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepCAT() { StepArith( SbxCAT ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepAND() { StepArith( SbxAND ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepOR() { StepArith( SbxOR ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepXOR() { StepArith( SbxXOR ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepEQV() { StepArith( SbxEQV ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepIMP() { StepArith( SbxIMP ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepNEG() { StepUnary( SbxNEG ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepNOT() { StepUnary( SbxNOT ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepEQ() { StepCompare( SbxEQ ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepNE() { StepCompare( SbxNE ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepLT() { StepCompare( SbxLT ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepGT() { StepCompare( SbxGT ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepLE() { StepCompare( SbxLE ); }
void SbiRuntime::StepGE() { StepCompare( SbxGE ); }
bool NeedEsc(sal_Unicode cCode)
String sEsc(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(".^$+\\|{}()"));
return (STRING_NOTFOUND != sEsc.Search(cCode));
String VBALikeToRegexp(const String &rIn)
String sResult;
const sal_Unicode *start = rIn.GetBuffer();
const sal_Unicode *end = start + rIn.Len();
int seenright = 0;
while (start < end)
switch (*start)
case '?':
case '*':
case '#':
case ']':
case '[':
seenright = 0;
while (start < end && !seenright)
switch (*start)
case '[':
case '?':
case '*':
case ']':
seenright = 1;
case '!':
if (NeedEsc(*start))
if (NeedEsc(*start))
return sResult;
void SbiRuntime::StepLIKE()
SbxVariableRef refVar1 = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar2 = PopVar();
String pattern = VBALikeToRegexp(refVar1->GetString());
String value = refVar2->GetString();
com::sun::star::util::SearchOptions aSearchOpt;
aSearchOpt.algorithmType = com::sun::star::util::SearchAlgorithms_REGEXP;
aSearchOpt.Locale = Application::GetSettings().GetLocale();
aSearchOpt.searchString = pattern;
int bTextMode(1);
bool bCompatibility = ( pINST && pINST->IsCompatibility() );
if( bCompatibility )
bTextMode = GetImageFlag( SBIMG_COMPARETEXT );
if( bTextMode )
aSearchOpt.transliterateFlags |= com::sun::star::i18n::TransliterationModules_IGNORE_CASE;
SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable;
utl::TextSearch aSearch(aSearchOpt);
xub_StrLen nStart=0, nEnd=value.Len();
int bRes = aSearch.SearchFrwrd(value, &nStart, &nEnd);
pRes->PutBool( bRes != 0 );
PushVar( pRes );
// TOS und TOS-1 sind beides Objektvariable und enthalten den selben Pointer
void SbiRuntime::StepIS()
SbxVariableRef refVar1 = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar2 = PopVar();
SbxDataType eType1 = refVar1->GetType();
SbxDataType eType2 = refVar2->GetType();
if ( eType1 == SbxEMPTY )
refVar1->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
eType1 = refVar1->GetType();
if ( eType2 == SbxEMPTY )
refVar2->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
eType2 = refVar2->GetType();
sal_Bool bRes = sal_Bool( eType1 == SbxOBJECT && eType2 == SbxOBJECT );
if ( bVBAEnabled && !bRes )
bRes = ( bRes && refVar1->GetObject() == refVar2->GetObject() );
SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable;
pRes->PutBool( bRes );
PushVar( pRes );
// Aktualisieren des Wertes von TOS
void SbiRuntime::StepGET()
SbxVariable* p = GetTOS();
p->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATAWANTED );
// #67607 Uno-Structs kopieren
inline void checkUnoStructCopy( SbxVariableRef& refVal, SbxVariableRef& refVar )
SbxDataType eVarType = refVar->GetType();
if( eVarType != SbxOBJECT )
SbxObjectRef xValObj = (SbxObject*)refVal->GetObject();
if( !xValObj.Is() || xValObj->ISA(SbUnoAnyObject) )
// #115826: Exclude ProcedureProperties to avoid call to Property Get procedure
if( refVar->ISA(SbProcedureProperty) )
SbxObjectRef xVarObj = (SbxObject*)refVar->GetObject();
SbxDataType eValType = refVal->GetType();
if( eValType == SbxOBJECT && xVarObj == xValObj )
SbUnoObject* pUnoObj = PTR_CAST(SbUnoObject,(SbxObject*)xVarObj);
if( pUnoObj )
Any aAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny();
if( aAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRUCT )
SbUnoObject* pNewUnoObj = new SbUnoObject( pUnoObj->GetName(), aAny );
// #70324: ClassName uebernehmen
pNewUnoObj->SetClassName( pUnoObj->GetClassName() );
refVar->PutObject( pNewUnoObj );
// Ablage von TOS in TOS-1
void SbiRuntime::StepPUT()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
// Store auf die eigene Methode (innerhalb einer Function)?
sal_Bool bFlagsChanged = sal_False;
sal_uInt16 n = 0;
if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth )
bFlagsChanged = sal_True;
n = refVar->GetFlags();
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
// if left side arg is an object or variant and right handside isn't
// either an object or a variant then try and see if a default
// property exists.
// to use e.g. Range{"A1") = 34
// could equate to Range("A1").Value = 34
if ( bVBAEnabled )
if ( refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT )
SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVar );
if ( pDflt )
refVar = pDflt;
if ( refVal->GetType() == SbxOBJECT )
SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVal );
if ( pDflt )
refVal = pDflt;
*refVar = *refVal;
// lhs is a property who's value is currently null
if ( !bVBAEnabled || ( bVBAEnabled && refVar->GetType() != SbxEMPTY ) )
// #67607 Uno-Structs kopieren
checkUnoStructCopy( refVal, refVar );
if( bFlagsChanged )
refVar->SetFlags( n );
// VBA Dim As New behavior handling, save init object information
struct DimAsNewRecoverItem
String m_aObjClass;
String m_aObjName;
SbxObject* m_pObjParent;
SbModule* m_pClassModule;
DimAsNewRecoverItem( void )
: m_pObjParent( NULL )
, m_pClassModule( NULL )
DimAsNewRecoverItem( const String& rObjClass, const String& rObjName,
SbxObject* pObjParent, SbModule* pClassModule )
: m_aObjClass( rObjClass )
, m_aObjName( rObjName )
, m_pObjParent( pObjParent )
, m_pClassModule( pClassModule )
struct SbxVariablePtrHash
size_t operator()( SbxVariable* pVar ) const
{ return (size_t)pVar; }
typedef std::hash_map< SbxVariable*, DimAsNewRecoverItem, SbxVariablePtrHash > DimAsNewRecoverHash;
static DimAsNewRecoverHash GaDimAsNewRecoverHash;
void removeDimAsNewRecoverItem( SbxVariable* pVar )
DimAsNewRecoverHash::iterator it = GaDimAsNewRecoverHash.find( pVar );
if( it != GaDimAsNewRecoverHash.end() )
GaDimAsNewRecoverHash.erase( it );
// Speichern Objektvariable
// Nicht-Objekt-Variable fuehren zu Fehlern
static const char pCollectionStr[] = "Collection";
void SbiRuntime::StepSET_Impl( SbxVariableRef& refVal, SbxVariableRef& refVar, bool bHandleDefaultProp )
// #67733 Typen mit Array-Flag sind auch ok
// Check var, !object is no error for sure if, only if type is fixed
SbxDataType eVarType = refVar->GetType();
if( !bHandleDefaultProp && eVarType != SbxOBJECT && !(eVarType & SbxARRAY) && refVar->IsFixed() )
// Check value, !object is no error for sure if, only if type is fixed
SbxDataType eValType = refVal->GetType();
// bool bGetValObject = false;
if( !bHandleDefaultProp && eValType != SbxOBJECT && !(eValType & SbxARRAY) && refVal->IsFixed() )
// Getting in here causes problems with objects with default properties
// if they are SbxEMPTY I guess
if ( !bHandleDefaultProp || ( bHandleDefaultProp && eValType == SbxOBJECT ) )
// Auf refVal GetObject fuer Collections ausloesen
SbxBase* pObjVarObj = refVal->GetObject();
if( pObjVarObj )
SbxVariableRef refObjVal = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pObjVarObj);
// #67733 Typen mit Array-Flag sind auch ok
if( refObjVal )
refVal = refObjVal;
else if( !(eValType & SbxARRAY) )
refVal = NULL;
// #52896 Wenn Uno-Sequences bzw. allgemein Arrays einer als
// Object deklarierten Variable zugewiesen werden, kann hier
// refVal ungueltig sein!
if( !refVal )
// Store auf die eigene Methode (innerhalb einer Function)?
sal_Bool bFlagsChanged = sal_False;
sal_uInt16 n = 0;
if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth )
bFlagsChanged = sal_True;
n = refVar->GetFlags();
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
SbProcedureProperty* pProcProperty = PTR_CAST(SbProcedureProperty,(SbxVariable*)refVar);
if( pProcProperty )
pProcProperty->setSet( true );
if ( bHandleDefaultProp )
// get default properties for lhs & rhs where necessary
// SbxVariable* defaultProp = NULL; unused variable
bool bLHSHasDefaultProp = false;
// LHS try determine if a default prop exists
if ( refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT )
SbxVariable* pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVar );
if ( pDflt )
refVar = pDflt;
bLHSHasDefaultProp = true;
// RHS only get a default prop is the rhs has one
if ( refVal->GetType() == SbxOBJECT )
// check if lhs is a null object
// if it is then use the object not the default property
SbxObject* pObj = NULL;
pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,(SbxVariable*)refVar);
// calling GetObject on a SbxEMPTY variable raises
// object not set errors, make sure its an Object
if ( !pObj && refVar->GetType() == SbxOBJECT )
SbxBase* pObjVarObj = refVar->GetObject();
pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pObjVarObj);
SbxVariable* pDflt = NULL;
if ( pObj || bLHSHasDefaultProp )
// lhs is either a valid object || or has a defaultProp
pDflt = getDefaultProp( refVal );
if ( pDflt )
refVal = pDflt;
// Handle Dim As New
sal_Bool bDimAsNew = bVBAEnabled && refVar->IsSet( SBX_DIM_AS_NEW );
SbxBaseRef xPrevVarObj;
if( bDimAsNew )
xPrevVarObj = refVar->GetObject();
// Handle withevents
sal_Bool bWithEvents = refVar->IsSet( SBX_WITH_EVENTS );
if ( bWithEvents )
Reference< XInterface > xComListener;
SbxBase* pObj = refVal->GetObject();
SbUnoObject* pUnoObj = (pObj != NULL) ? PTR_CAST(SbUnoObject,pObj) : NULL;
if( pUnoObj != NULL )
Any aControlAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny();
String aDeclareClassName = refVar->GetDeclareClassName();
::rtl::OUString aVBAType = aDeclareClassName;
::rtl::OUString aPrefix = refVar->GetName();
SbxObjectRef xScopeObj = refVar->GetParent();
xComListener = createComListener( aControlAny, aVBAType, aPrefix, xScopeObj );
refVal->SetDeclareClassName( aDeclareClassName );
refVal->SetComListener( xComListener, &rBasic ); // Hold reference
*refVar = *refVal;
*refVar = *refVal;
if ( bDimAsNew )
if( !refVar->ISA(SbxObject) )
SbxBase* pValObjBase = refVal->GetObject();
if( pValObjBase == NULL )
if( xPrevVarObj.Is() )
// Object is overwritten with NULL, instantiate init object
DimAsNewRecoverHash::iterator it = GaDimAsNewRecoverHash.find( refVar );
if( it != GaDimAsNewRecoverHash.end() )
const DimAsNewRecoverItem& rItem = it->second;
if( rItem.m_pClassModule != NULL )
SbClassModuleObject* pNewObj = new SbClassModuleObject( rItem.m_pClassModule );
pNewObj->SetName( rItem.m_aObjName );
pNewObj->SetParent( rItem.m_pObjParent );
refVar->PutObject( pNewObj );
else if( rItem.m_aObjClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pCollectionStr ) )
BasicCollection* pNewCollection = new BasicCollection( String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(pCollectionStr) ) );
pNewCollection->SetName( rItem.m_aObjName );
pNewCollection->SetParent( rItem.m_pObjParent );
refVar->PutObject( pNewCollection );
// Does old value exist?
bool bFirstInit = !xPrevVarObj.Is();
if( bFirstInit )
// Store information to instantiate object later
SbxObject* pValObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject,pValObjBase);
if( pValObj != NULL )
String aObjClass = pValObj->GetClassName();
SbClassModuleObject* pClassModuleObj = PTR_CAST(SbClassModuleObject,pValObjBase);
if( pClassModuleObj != NULL )
SbModule* pClassModule = pClassModuleObj->getClassModule();
GaDimAsNewRecoverHash[refVar] =
DimAsNewRecoverItem( aObjClass, pValObj->GetName(), pValObj->GetParent(), pClassModule );
else if( aObjClass.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "Collection" ) )
GaDimAsNewRecoverHash[refVar] =
DimAsNewRecoverItem( aObjClass, pValObj->GetName(), pValObj->GetParent(), NULL );
// lhs is a property who's value is currently (Empty e.g. no broadcast yet)
// in this case if there is a default prop involved the value of the
// default property may infact be void so the type will also be SbxEMPTY
// in this case we do not want to call checkUnoStructCopy 'cause that will
// cause an error also
if ( !bHandleDefaultProp || ( bHandleDefaultProp && ( refVar->GetType() != SbxEMPTY ) ) )
// #67607 Uno-Structs kopieren
checkUnoStructCopy( refVal, refVar );
if( bFlagsChanged )
refVar->SetFlags( n );
void SbiRuntime::StepSET()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
StepSET_Impl( refVal, refVar, bVBAEnabled ); // this is really assigment
void SbiRuntime::StepVBASET()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
// don't handle default property
StepSET_Impl( refVal, refVar, false ); // set obj = something
// JSM 07.10.95
void SbiRuntime::StepLSET()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
if( refVar->GetType() != SbxSTRING
|| refVal->GetType() != SbxSTRING )
// Store auf die eigene Methode (innerhalb einer Function)?
sal_uInt16 n = refVar->GetFlags();
if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth )
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
String aRefVarString = refVar->GetString();
String aRefValString = refVal->GetString();
sal_uInt16 nVarStrLen = aRefVarString.Len();
sal_uInt16 nValStrLen = aRefValString.Len();
String aNewStr;
if( nVarStrLen > nValStrLen )
aRefVarString.Fill(nVarStrLen,' ');
aNewStr = aRefValString.Copy( 0, nValStrLen );
aNewStr += aRefVarString.Copy( nValStrLen, nVarStrLen - nValStrLen );
aNewStr = aRefValString.Copy( 0, nVarStrLen );
refVar->PutString( aNewStr );
refVar->SetFlags( n );
// JSM 07.10.95
void SbiRuntime::StepRSET()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
if( refVar->GetType() != SbxSTRING
|| refVal->GetType() != SbxSTRING )
// Store auf die eigene Methode (innerhalb einer Function)?
sal_uInt16 n = refVar->GetFlags();
if( (SbxVariable*) refVar == (SbxVariable*) pMeth )
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
String aRefVarString = refVar->GetString();
String aRefValString = refVal->GetString();
sal_uInt16 nPos = 0;
sal_uInt16 nVarStrLen = aRefVarString.Len();
if( nVarStrLen > aRefValString.Len() )
aRefVarString.Fill(nVarStrLen,' ');
nPos = nVarStrLen - aRefValString.Len();
aRefVarString = aRefVarString.Copy( 0, nPos );
aRefVarString += aRefValString.Copy( 0, nVarStrLen - nPos );
refVar->SetFlags( n );
// Ablage von TOS in TOS-1, dann ReadOnly-Bit setzen
void SbiRuntime::StepPUTC()
SbxVariableRef refVal = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
*refVar = *refVal;
refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
refVar->SetFlag( SBX_CONST );
// DIM
// TOS = Variable fuer das Array mit Dimensionsangaben als Parameter
void SbiRuntime::StepDIM()
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
DimImpl( refVar );
// #56204 DIM-Funktionalitaet in Hilfsmethode auslagern (step0.cxx)
void SbiRuntime::DimImpl( SbxVariableRef refVar )
SbxArray* pDims = refVar->GetParameters();
// Muss eine gerade Anzahl Argumente haben
// Man denke daran, dass Arg[0] nicht zaehlt!
if( pDims && !( pDims->Count() & 1 ) )
SbxDataType eType = refVar->IsFixed() ? refVar->GetType() : SbxVARIANT;
SbxDimArray* pArray = new SbxDimArray( eType );
// AB 2.4.1996, auch Arrays ohne Dimensionsangaben zulassen (VB-komp.)
if( pDims )
refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_VAR_TO_DIM );
for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i < pDims->Count(); )
sal_Int32 lb = pDims->Get( i++ )->GetLong();
sal_Int32 ub = pDims->Get( i++ )->GetLong();
if( ub < lb )
Error( SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE ), ub = lb;
pArray->AddDim32( lb, ub );
if ( lb != ub )
pArray->setHasFixedSize( true );
// #62867 Beim Anlegen eines Arrays der Laenge 0 wie bei
// Uno-Sequences der Laenge 0 eine Dimension anlegen
pArray->unoAddDim( 0, -1 );
sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = refVar->GetFlags();
refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
refVar->PutObject( pArray );
refVar->SetFlags( nSavFlags );
refVar->SetParameters( NULL );
// TOS = Variable fuer das Array
// argv = Dimensionsangaben
void SbiRuntime::StepREDIM()
// Im Moment ist es nichts anderes als Dim, da doppeltes Dim
// bereits vom Compiler erkannt wird.
// Helper function for StepREDIMP
void implCopyDimArray( SbxDimArray* pNewArray, SbxDimArray* pOldArray, short nMaxDimIndex,
short nActualDim, sal_Int32* pActualIndices, sal_Int32* pLowerBounds, sal_Int32* pUpperBounds )
sal_Int32& ri = pActualIndices[nActualDim];
for( ri = pLowerBounds[nActualDim] ; ri <= pUpperBounds[nActualDim] ; ri++ )
if( nActualDim < nMaxDimIndex )
implCopyDimArray( pNewArray, pOldArray, nMaxDimIndex, nActualDim + 1,
pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds );
SbxVariable* pSource = pOldArray->Get32( pActualIndices );
SbxVariable* pDest = pNewArray->Get32( pActualIndices );
if( pSource && pDest )
*pDest = *pSource;
// TOS = Variable fuer das Array
// argv = Dimensionsangaben
void SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP()
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
DimImpl( refVar );
// Now check, if we can copy from the old array
if( refRedimpArray.Is() )
SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject();
SbxDimArray* pNewArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj);
SbxDimArray* pOldArray = (SbxDimArray*)(SbxArray*)refRedimpArray;
if( pNewArray )
short nDimsNew = pNewArray->GetDims();
short nDimsOld = pOldArray->GetDims();
short nDims = nDimsNew;
sal_Bool bRangeError = sal_False;
// Store dims to use them for copying later
sal_Int32* pLowerBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims];
sal_Int32* pUpperBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims];
sal_Int32* pActualIndices = new sal_Int32[nDims];
if( nDimsOld != nDimsNew )
bRangeError = sal_True;
// Compare bounds
for( short i = 1 ; i <= nDims ; i++ )
sal_Int32 lBoundNew, uBoundNew;
sal_Int32 lBoundOld, uBoundOld;
pNewArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundNew, uBoundNew );
pOldArray->GetDim32( i, lBoundOld, uBoundOld );
/* #69094 Allow all dimensions to be changed
although Visual Basic is not able to do so.
// All bounds but the last have to be the same
if( i < nDims && ( lBoundNew != lBoundOld || uBoundNew != uBoundOld ) )
bRangeError = sal_True;
// #69094: if( i == nDims )
lBoundNew = std::max( lBoundNew, lBoundOld );
uBoundNew = std::min( uBoundNew, uBoundOld );
short j = i - 1;
pActualIndices[j] = pLowerBounds[j] = lBoundNew;
pUpperBounds[j] = uBoundNew;
if( bRangeError )
// Copy data from old array by going recursively through all dimensions
// (It would be faster to work on the flat internal data array of an
// SbyArray but this solution is clearer and easier)
implCopyDimArray( pNewArray, pOldArray, nDims - 1,
0, pActualIndices, pLowerBounds, pUpperBounds );
delete[] pUpperBounds;
delete[] pLowerBounds;
delete[] pActualIndices;
refRedimpArray = NULL;
// TOS = Array-Variable, Reference to array is copied
// Variable is cleared as in ERASE
void SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP_ERASE()
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType();
if( eType & SbxARRAY )
SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject();
SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj);
if( pDimArray )
refRedimpArray = pDimArray;
// As in ERASE
sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = refVar->GetFlags();
refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
refVar->SetType( SbxDataType(eType & 0x0FFF) );
refVar->SetFlags( nSavFlags );
if( refVar->IsFixed() )
refVar->SetType( SbxEMPTY );
void lcl_clearImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, SbxDataType& eType )
sal_uInt16 nSavFlags = refVar->GetFlags();
refVar->ResetFlag( SBX_FIXED );
refVar->SetType( SbxDataType(eType & 0x0FFF) );
refVar->SetFlags( nSavFlags );
void lcl_eraseImpl( SbxVariableRef& refVar, bool bVBAEnabled )
SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType();
if( eType & SbxARRAY )
if ( bVBAEnabled )
SbxBase* pElemObj = refVar->GetObject();
SbxDimArray* pDimArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pElemObj);
bool bClearValues = true;
if( pDimArray )
if ( pDimArray->hasFixedSize() )
// Clear all Value(s)
bClearValues = false;
pDimArray->Clear(); // clear Dims
if ( bClearValues )
SbxArray* pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxArray,pElemObj);
if ( pArray )
// AB 2.4.1996
// Arrays haben bei Erase nach VB ein recht komplexes Verhalten. Hier
// werden zunaechst nur die Typ-Probleme bei REDIM (#26295) beseitigt:
// Typ hart auf den Array-Typ setzen, da eine Variable mit Array
// SbxOBJECT ist. Bei REDIM entsteht dann ein SbxOBJECT-Array und
// der ursruengliche Typ geht verloren -> Laufzeitfehler
lcl_clearImpl( refVar, eType );
if( refVar->IsFixed() )
refVar->SetType( SbxEMPTY );
// Variable loeschen
// TOS = Variable
void SbiRuntime::StepERASE()
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
lcl_eraseImpl( refVar, bVBAEnabled );
void SbiRuntime::StepERASE_CLEAR()
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
lcl_eraseImpl( refVar, bVBAEnabled );
SbxDataType eType = refVar->GetType();
lcl_clearImpl( refVar, eType );
void SbiRuntime::StepARRAYACCESS()
if( !refArgv )
SbxVariableRef refVar = PopVar();
refVar->SetParameters( refArgv );
PushVar( CheckArray( refVar ) );
void SbiRuntime::StepBYVAL()
// Copy variable on stack to break call by reference
SbxVariableRef pVar = PopVar();
SbxDataType t = pVar->GetType();
SbxVariable* pCopyVar = new SbxVariable( t );
pCopyVar->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
*pCopyVar = *pVar;
PushVar( pCopyVar );
// Einrichten eines Argvs
// nOp1 bleibt so -> 1. Element ist Returnwert
void SbiRuntime::StepARGC()
refArgv = new SbxArray;
nArgc = 1;
// Speichern eines Arguments in Argv
void SbiRuntime::StepARGV()
if( !refArgv )
SbxVariableRef pVal = PopVar();
// Before fix of #94916:
// if( pVal->ISA(SbxMethod) || pVal->ISA(SbxProperty) )
if( pVal->ISA(SbxMethod) || pVal->ISA(SbUnoProperty) || pVal->ISA(SbProcedureProperty) )
// Methoden und Properties evaluieren!
SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable( *pVal );
pVal = pRes;
refArgv->Put( pVal, nArgc++ );
// Input to Variable. Die Variable ist auf TOS und wird
// anschliessend entfernt.
void SbiRuntime::StepINPUT()
String s;
char ch = 0;
SbError err;
// Skip whitespace
while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 )
ch = pIosys->Read();
if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' )
if( !err )
// Scan until comma or whitespace
char sep = ( ch == '"' ) ? ch : 0;
if( sep ) ch = pIosys->Read();
while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 )
if( ch == sep )
ch = pIosys->Read();
if( ch != sep )
else if( !sep && (ch == ',' || ch == '\n') )
s += ch;
ch = pIosys->Read();
// skip whitespace
if( ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' )
while( ( err = pIosys->GetError() ) == 0 )
if( ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' )
ch = pIosys->Read();
if( !err )
SbxVariableRef pVar = GetTOS();
// Zuerst versuchen, die Variable mit einem numerischen Wert
// zu fuellen, dann mit einem Stringwert
if( !pVar->IsFixed() || pVar->IsNumeric() )
sal_uInt16 nLen = 0;
if( !pVar->Scan( s, &nLen ) )
err = SbxBase::GetError();
// Der Wert muss komplett eingescant werden
else if( nLen != s.Len() && !pVar->PutString( s ) )
err = SbxBase::GetError();
else if( nLen != s.Len() && pVar->IsNumeric() )
err = SbxBase::GetError();
if( !err )
pVar->PutString( s );
err = SbxBase::GetError();
if( err == SbERR_USER_ABORT )
Error( err );
else if( err )
if( pRestart && !pIosys->GetChannel() )
BasResId aId( IDS_SBERR_START + 4 );
String aMsg( aId );
//****** DON'T CHECK IN, TEST ONLY *******
//****** DON'T CHECK IN, TEST ONLY *******
// ErrorBox( NULL, WB_OK, aMsg ).Execute();
//****** DON'T CHECK IN, TEST ONLY *******
//****** DON'T CHECK IN, TEST ONLY *******
pCode = pRestart;
Error( err );
// pIosys->ResetChannel();
// Line Input to Variable. Die Variable ist auf TOS und wird
// anschliessend entfernt.
void SbiRuntime::StepLINPUT()
ByteString aInput;
pIosys->Read( aInput );
Error( pIosys->GetError() );
SbxVariableRef p = PopVar();
p->PutString( String( aInput, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ) );
// pIosys->ResetChannel();
// Programmende
void SbiRuntime::StepSTOP()
// FOR-Variable initialisieren
void SbiRuntime::StepINITFOR()
void SbiRuntime::StepINITFOREACH()
// FOR-Variable inkrementieren
void SbiRuntime::StepNEXT()
if( !pForStk )
if( pForStk->eForType == FOR_TO )
pForStk->refVar->Compute( SbxPLUS, *pForStk->refInc );
// Anfang CASE: TOS in CASE-Stack
void SbiRuntime::StepCASE()
if( !refCaseStk.Is() )
refCaseStk = new SbxArray;
SbxVariableRef xVar = PopVar();
refCaseStk->Put( xVar, refCaseStk->Count() );
// Ende CASE: Variable freigeben
void SbiRuntime::StepENDCASE()
if( !refCaseStk || !refCaseStk->Count() )
refCaseStk->Remove( refCaseStk->Count() - 1 );
// Standard-Fehlerbehandlung
void SbiRuntime::StepSTDERROR()
pError = NULL; bError = sal_True;
pInst->aErrorMsg = String();
pInst->nErr = 0L;
pInst->nErl = 0;
nError = 0L;
void SbiRuntime::StepNOERROR()
pInst->aErrorMsg = String();
pInst->nErr = 0L;
pInst->nErl = 0;
nError = 0L;
bError = sal_False;
// UP verlassen
void SbiRuntime::StepLEAVE()
bRun = sal_False;
// If VBA and we are leaving an ErrorHandler then clear the error ( it's been processed )
if ( bInError && pError )
void SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL() // TOS = Kanalnummer
SbxVariableRef pChan = PopVar();
short nChan = pChan->GetInteger();
pIosys->SetChannel( nChan );
Error( pIosys->GetError() );
void SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL0()
void SbiRuntime::StepPRINT() // print TOS
SbxVariableRef p = PopVar();
String s1 = p->GetString();
String s;
if( p->GetType() >= SbxINTEGER && p->GetType() <= SbxDOUBLE )
s = ' '; // ein Blank davor
s += s1;
ByteString aByteStr( s, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
pIosys->Write( aByteStr );
Error( pIosys->GetError() );
void SbiRuntime::StepPRINTF() // print TOS in field
SbxVariableRef p = PopVar();
String s1 = p->GetString();
String s;
if( p->GetType() >= SbxINTEGER && p->GetType() <= SbxDOUBLE )
s = ' '; // ein Blank davor
s += s1;
s.Expand( 14, ' ' );
ByteString aByteStr( s, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
pIosys->Write( aByteStr );
Error( pIosys->GetError() );
void SbiRuntime::StepWRITE() // write TOS
SbxVariableRef p = PopVar();
// Muss der String gekapselt werden?
char ch = 0;
switch (p->GetType() )
case SbxSTRING: ch = '"'; break;
case SbxBOOL:
case SbxDATE: ch = '#'; break;
default: break;
String s;
if( ch )
s += ch;
s += p->GetString();
if( ch )
s += ch;
ByteString aByteStr( s, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
pIosys->Write( aByteStr );
Error( pIosys->GetError() );
void SbiRuntime::StepRENAME() // Rename Tos+1 to Tos
SbxVariableRef pTos1 = PopVar();
SbxVariableRef pTos = PopVar();
String aDest = pTos1->GetString();
String aSource = pTos->GetString();
// <-- UCB
if( hasUno() )
implStepRenameUCB( aSource, aDest );
// --> UCB
DirEntry aSourceDirEntry( aSource );
if( aSourceDirEntry.Exists() )
if( aSourceDirEntry.MoveTo( DirEntry(aDest) ) != FSYS_ERR_OK )
implStepRenameOSL( aSource, aDest );
// TOS = Prompt
void SbiRuntime::StepPROMPT()
SbxVariableRef p = PopVar();
ByteString aStr( p->GetString(), gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
pIosys->SetPrompt( aStr );
// Set Restart point
void SbiRuntime::StepRESTART()
pRestart = pCode;
// Leerer Ausdruck auf Stack fuer fehlenden Parameter
void SbiRuntime::StepEMPTY()
// #57915 Die Semantik von StepEMPTY() ist die Repraesentation eines fehlenden
// Arguments. Dies wird in VB durch ein durch den Wert 448 (SbERR_NAMED_NOT_FOUND)
// vom Typ Error repraesentiert. StepEmpty jetzt muesste besser StepMISSING()
// heissen, aber der Name wird der Einfachkeit halber beibehalten.
SbxVariableRef xVar = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
xVar->PutErr( 448 );
PushVar( xVar );
// ALT: PushVar( new SbxVariable( SbxEMPTY ) );
// TOS = Fehlercode
void SbiRuntime::StepERROR()
SbxVariableRef refCode = PopVar();
sal_uInt16 n = refCode->GetUShort();
SbError error = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( n );
if ( bVBAEnabled )
pInst->Error( error );
Error( error );