blob: 786cf1af124e2cece28d2ec455e99d890a030ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
#* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
#* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
#* distributed with this work for additional information
#* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
#* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
#* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
#* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
#* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
#* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
#* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
#* specific language governing permissions and limitations
#* under the License.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: AOO-4-xx\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: genLang (build process)\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: genLang\n"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PREVIOUS
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Til baka"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NEXT
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Áfram"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CANCEL
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Hætta við"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_FINISH
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Ljúka"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_DECLINE
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "Hafna"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALL
msgid "Install now"
msgstr "Setja upp núna"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALL
msgid "Remove Now"
msgstr "Fjarlægja núna"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_HELP
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjálp"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_OK
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Í lagi"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ERROR
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Villa"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_FILE_NOT_FOUND
msgid "Error: File not found"
msgstr "Villa: Skrá fannst ekki"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_APPLICATIONTITLE
msgid "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Installation Wizard"
msgstr "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Uppsetningarforrit"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_APPLICATIONTITLEUNINSTALLATION
msgid "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Uninstallation Wizard"
msgstr "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Fjarlægingarforrit"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CANCEL_DIALOG_TITLE
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Hætta"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CANCEL_DIALOG
msgid "Do you really want to exit the Installation Wizard?"
msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir hætta í uppsetningarforritinu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CANCEL_DIALOG_UNINSTALLATION
msgid "Do you really want to exit the Uninstallation Wizard?"
msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir hætta í fjarlægingarforritinu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_STOP_DIALOG
msgid "Do you really want to abort the installation process?"
msgstr "Viltu örugglega hætta við uppsetninguna?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_STOP_DIALOG_TITLE
msgid "Abort installation?"
msgstr "Hætta við uppsetningu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_STOP_DIALOG_UNINSTALLATION
msgid "Do you really want to abort the uninstallation process?"
msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir hætta við fjarlægingu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_STOP_DIALOG_TITLE_UNINSTALLATION
msgid "Abort uninstallation?"
msgstr "Hætta við fjarlægingu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE
msgid "Accept License"
msgstr "Samþykkja notkunarskilmála"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE1
msgid "Software License Agreement"
msgstr "Hugbúnaðarleyfissamningur"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE2
msgid "Please read the following license agreement carefully."
msgstr "Lestu eftirfarandi notandaleyfi (leyfissamning) gaumgæfilega."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE3
msgid "If you have read and accept all the terms of the entire Software License Agreement, click 'Accept License' to continue with the installation."
msgstr "Ef þú hefur lesið og samþykkt alla skilmála hugbúnaðarleyfissamningsins, smelltu á 'Samþykkja notkunarskilmála' til að halda áfram með uppsetninguna."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY1
msgid "Select Installation Directory"
msgstr "Veldu uppsetningarmöppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY1_UPDATE
msgid "Update the Installed Version"
msgstr "Uppfæra uppsetta útgáfu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY1_MAINTAIN
msgid "Adding Components to the Installed Version"
msgstr "Bæta einingum við uppsettu útgáfuna"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY2
msgid "Install ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} in this directory"
msgstr "Setja ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} upp í þessa möppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY3
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Velja..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY4_QUESTION_TITLE
msgid "Create New Directory"
msgstr "Búa til nýja möppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY5_QUESTION_MESSAGE
msgid "The directory '${DIR}' does not exist.\\nDo you want to create it now?"
msgstr "Mappan '${DIR}' er ekki til.\nViltu búa hana til núna?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY5_QUESTION_MESSAGE2
msgid "The directory '${DIR}' does not exist.\\nDo you want to create it now or choose another directory?"
msgstr "Mappan '${DIR}' er ekki til.\nViltu búa hana til eða velja aðra möppu?"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY6
msgid "Select root directory"
msgstr "Veldu rótarmöppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY_NO_WRITE_ACCESS
msgid "You do not have write access in the directory"
msgstr "Þú ert ekki með skrifaðgang að þessari möppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY_NOT_ALLOWED
msgid "You are not allowed to create the directory"
msgstr "Þú hefur ekki leyfi til að búa til möppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY_NO_SUCCESS
msgid "Failed to create the directory"
msgstr "Ekki tókst að búa til möppu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS1
msgid "Select Components"
msgstr "Velja einingar"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS1_MAINTAIN
msgid "Select Additional Components"
msgstr "Veldu auka einingar"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS2
msgid "Marked components will be installed. Please mark them accordingly"
msgstr "Merktar einingar verða settar upp. Vinsamlega merkið þær eins og ætlunin er"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS3
msgid "Feature Description"
msgstr "Aðgerðarlýsing"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS4
msgid "Size (kB):"
msgstr "Stærð (kB):"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE1
msgid "Select the Type of Installation"
msgstr "Veldu tegund uppsetningar"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE2
msgid "Select the type of installation that best suits your needs:"
msgstr "Veldu þá tegund uppsetningar sem hentar þínum þörfum best:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE3
msgid "Select the Type of Installation"
msgstr "Veldu tegund uppsetningar"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE4
msgid "The main components will be installed. Recommended for most users."
msgstr "Aðaleiningarnar verða settar upp. Mælt með þessu fyrir flesta notendur."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE5
msgid "You choose the components you want to install and where they are stored. Recommended for advanced users."
msgstr "Þú velur hvaða einingar verða settar upp og hvar þær verða vistaðar. Mælt með þessu fyrir vana notendur."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE6
msgid "Typical"
msgstr "Venjuleg"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE7
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Sérsniðin"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONIMMINENT1
msgid "Ready to Install"
msgstr "Tilbúinn að setja upp"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONIMMINENT1_UPDATE
msgid "Ready to Update"
msgstr "Tilbúinn að uppfæra"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONIMMINENT2
msgid "The following ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} components will be installed:"
msgstr "Eftirfarandi ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} einingar verða settar upp:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONONGOING1
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Uppsetning..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONONGOING3
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stöðva"
msgid "ERROR: Path with installation packages not found!"
msgstr "VILLA: slóðin á uppsetningarpakkana fannst ekki!"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE1
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Velkominn"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE2
msgid "This Installation Wizard will install ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} on your computer."
msgstr "Þetta uppsetningaforrit mun setja ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} upp á tölvuna þína."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE3
msgid "To continue, click 'Next'."
msgstr "Til að halda áfram, smelltu á 'Áfram'."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE4
msgid "Note: This installation will be done without root privileges. Therefore you will have a reduced functionality (Java Runtime Environment (JRE) not installable, system integration not possible).\\nClick 'Cancel' and change your privileges to root privileges, if you want to use the complete functionality."
msgstr "Athugaðu: Þessi fer fram án kerfisstjóraheimilda (root privileges). Þar með mun hugbúnaðurinn hafa takmarkaðri eiginleika (Java Runtime Environment (JRE) verður ekki uppsetjanlegt, kerfisaðlögun ekki möguleg).\nSmelltu á 'Hætta við' og byrjaðu uppsetninguna aftur með kerfisstjóraheimildum, ef þú vilt nýta alla eiginleika til fulls."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1
msgid "Installation Completed"
msgstr "Uppsetningu lokið"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1_ABORT
msgid "Installation Aborted"
msgstr "Hætt við uppsetningu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1_ERROR
msgid "Installation Failed"
msgstr "Uppsetning mistókst"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2
msgid "The Installation Wizard has successfully installed ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} on your computer."
msgstr "Uppsetningarforritið hefur lokið uppsetningu ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} á tölvunni þinni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2_ABORT
msgid "The Installation Wizard was aborted. ${PRODUCT_NAME} is not installed on your computer."
msgstr "Hætt var í uppsetningarforritinu. ${PRODUCT_NAME} er ekki uppsett á tölvunni þinni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2_ERROR
msgid "An error has occurred. Thus the Installation Wizard could not install ${PRODUCT_NAME} on your computer successfully. Click 'Details...' for more information."
msgstr "Villa kom upp. Þar með náði uppsetningarforritið ekki að setja ${PRODUCT_NAME} upp á tölvuna þína. Smelltu á 'Nánar...' til þess að sjá ítarlegri upplýsingar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED3
msgid "Click 'Finish' to exit the Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'Ljúka' til að fara út úr uppsetningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONCOMPLETED_BUTTON
msgid "Details..."
msgstr "Nánar..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE2
msgid "The ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} Uninstallation Wizard will remove ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} from your computer."
msgstr "${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} uppsetningaforritið mun fjarlægja ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} af tölvunni þinni."
msgid "Sorry, wrong privileges. Installation was done with User privilges, but you have Root privileges."
msgstr "Því miður, rangar aðgangsheimildir. Uppsetningin var framkvæmd með notandaheimildum (user), en þú hefur kerfisstjóraheimildir (root)."
msgid "Sorry, wrong privileges. Installation was done with Root privilges, but you have User privileges."
msgstr "Því miður, rangar aðgangsheimildir. Uppsetningin var framkvæmd með kerfisstjóraheimildum (root), en þú hefur bara notandaheimildir (user)."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE1
msgid "Select the Type of Uninstallation"
msgstr "Veldu tegund fjarlægingar"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE2
msgid "Select the type of uninstallation that best suits your needs:"
msgstr "Veldu þá tegund fjarlægingar sem hentar þínum þörfum best:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE3
msgid "Partial"
msgstr "Hlutafjarlæging"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE4
msgid "Completely removes ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} and all its components from your system."
msgstr "Fjarlægir algerlega ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} og alla hluta þess úr tölvunni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE5
msgid "You choose the program features you want to remove."
msgstr "Veldu þá hluti sem þú vilt fjarlægja."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE6
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "Heildarfjarlæging"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONCOMPONENTS2
msgid "Components marked with an X will be removed. Mark the components you want to remove."
msgstr "Einingar sem merktar eru með X verða fjarlægðar. Merktu þær einingar sem þú vilt fjarlægja."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONIMMINENT1
msgid "Ready to Remove"
msgstr "Tilbúinn að fjarlægja"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONIMMINENT2
msgid "The following ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} components will be removed: "
msgstr "Eftirfarandi ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} einingar verða fjarlægðar: "
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONONGOING1
msgid "Uninstalling..."
msgstr "Tek út uppsetningu..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1
msgid "Uninstallation Completed"
msgstr "Fjarlægingu lokið"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1_ABORT
msgid "Uninstallation Aborted"
msgstr "Hætt við fjarlægingu"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED1_ERROR
msgid "Uninstallation Failed"
msgstr "Fjarlæging mistókst"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2
msgid "The Uninstallation Wizard has successfully removed ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} from your computer."
msgstr "Uppsetningaforritið hefur fjarlægt ${PRODUCT_FULLNAME} af tölvunni þinni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2_PARTIAL
msgid "The Uninstallation Wizard has successfully removed the selected components of ${PRODUCT_NAME} from your computer."
msgstr "Uppsetningaforritið hefur fjarlægt valdar einingar ${PRODUCT_NAME} af tölvunni þinni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2_ABORT
msgid "The Uninstallation Wizard was aborted before completely removing ${PRODUCT_NAME} from your computer."
msgstr "Hætt var í uppsetningaforritinu áður en því tókst að fjarlægja ${PRODUCT_NAME} fullkomlega af tölvunni þinni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONCOMPLETED2_ERROR
msgid "An error has occurred. Thus the Uninstallation Wizard could not remove ${PRODUCT_NAME} from your computer successfully. Click 'Details...' for more information."
msgstr "Villa kom upp. Uppsetningaforritinu tókst því ekki að fjarlægja ${PRODUCT_NAME} fullkomlega af tölvunni þinni. Smelltu á 'Nánar...' til að sjá ítarlegri upplýsingar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLERFACTORY_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED
msgid "Sorry, this Operating System is not supported yet."
msgstr "Því miður, þetta stýrikerfi er ekki stutt - ennþá."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_OLDER_VERSION_INSTALLED_FOUND
msgid "An older version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} was found on your system in:"
msgstr "Eldri útgáfa af ${PRODUCT_NAME} fannst á kerfinu þínu í:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_OLDER_VERSION_INSTALLED_REMOVE
msgid "You have to remove the older version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} before you can install the newer one."
msgstr "Þú verður að fjarlægja eldri útgáfuna af ${PRODUCT_NAME} áður en þú getur sett upp þessa nýju."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NEWER_VERSION_INSTALLED_FOUND
msgid "A newer version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} was found on your system in:"
msgstr "Fann nýrri útgáfu af ${PRODUCT_NAME} í tölvunni á:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NEWER_VERSION_INSTALLED_REMOVE
msgid "You have to remove the newer version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} before you can install the older one."
msgstr "Þú verður að fjarlægja nýrri útgáfuna af ${PRODUCT_NAME} áður en þú getur sett upp þessa sem er eldri."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NEWER_VERSION_DATABASE
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Gagnagrunnur"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NEWER_VERSION_TIP
msgid "Please choose another installation directory."
msgstr "Veldu aðra uppsetningamöppu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ROOT_PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_1
msgid "The user you are logged in as cannot run the Installation Wizard."
msgstr "Notandinn sem þú ert skráður inn á getur ekki keyrt uppsetningarforritið."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ROOT_PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_2
msgid "Please log out and log back in as a user with system administrator rights."
msgstr "Vinsamlega skráðu þig út og skráðu þig aftur inn sem notanda sem hefur kerfisstjóraréttindi."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_DISCSPACE_INSUFFICIENT
msgid "Not enough discspace available for installation."
msgstr "Ekki nægilegt diskpláss til uppsetningar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_DISCSPACE_REQUIRED
msgid "Required disc space"
msgstr "Nauðsynlegt diskpláss"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_DISCSPACE_AVAILABLE
msgid "Available disc space"
msgstr "Laust diskpláss"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_DISCSPACE_TIP
msgid "Please use another directory for installation or change your module selection."
msgstr "Notaðu aðra möppu til uppsetningar eða breyttu valinu á einingum."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ANALYZING_DATABASE1
msgid "Analyzing ..."
msgstr "Greining ..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ANALYZING_DATABASE2
msgid "Analyzing database\\nPlease wait a moment ..."
msgstr "Greini gagnagrunn\nBíddu aðeins ..."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_1
msgid "Welcome to the Installation Wizard.<p>This wizard asks you to supply configuration settings.<p>At the bottom of each page are navigation buttons that let you move through the Installation Wizard:"
msgstr "Velkominn í uppsetningarforritið.<p>Þetta leiðbeiningarforrit mun biðja þig um að slá inn upplýsingar fyrir uppsetningu. <p>Neðst á hverri síðu eru flakkhnappar sem þú getur notað til að flakka áfram í uppsetningunni:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_2
msgid "'Back' returns you to the previous page."
msgstr "'Til baka' fer aftur á fyrri síðu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_3
msgid "'Next' takes you to the next page. "
msgstr "'Áfram' fer yfir á næstu síðu. "
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_4
msgid "'Cancel' ends the Installation Wizard without installing this software."
msgstr "'Hætta' hættir í uppsetningarforritinu án þess að setja upp hugbúnaðinn."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_5
msgid "'Help' displays the Help with further information about the page currently displayed."
msgstr "'Hjálp' birtir hjálpina með ítarlegri upplýsingum um síðuna sem er verið að skoða."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PROLOGUE_6
msgid "'OK' exits the Help page and returns you to the Installation Wizard."
msgstr "'Í lagi' lokar hjálparsíðunni og fer aftur í uppsetningarforritið."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_1
msgid "Welcome to the Uninstallation Wizard.<p>This wizard asks you to supply configuration settings.<p>At the bottom of each page are navigation buttons that let you move through the Uninstallation Wizard:"
msgstr "Velkominn í uppsetningarforritið.<p>Þetta leiðbeiningarforrit mun biðja þig um að slá inn upplýsingar fyrir ýmsar stillingar. <p>Neðst á hverri síðu eru flakkhnappar sem þú getur notað til að flakka áfram í ferlinu:"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_2
msgid "'Back' returns you to the previous page."
msgstr "'Til baka' fer aftur á fyrri síðu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_3
msgid "'Next' takes you to the next page. "
msgstr "'Áfram' fer yfir á næstu síðu. "
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_4
msgid "'Cancel' ends the Uninstallation Wizard without removing this software."
msgstr "'Hætta við' mun loka uppsetningarforritinu án þess að fjarlægja hugbúnaðinn."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_5
msgid "'Help' displays the Help with further information about the page currently displayed."
msgstr "'Hjálp' birtir hjálpina með ítarlegri upplýsingum um síðuna sem er verið að skoða."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_6
msgid "'OK' exits the Help page and returns you to the Uninstallation Wizard."
msgstr "'Í lagi' lokar hjálparsíðunni og fer aftur í uppsetningarforritið."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE_1
msgid "Before you install this product, you must read and accept the entire Software License Agreement under which this software is licensed for your use."
msgstr "Áður en þú setur upp þennan hugbúnað verðurðu að lesa allt notandaleyfið (leyfissamninginn) sem skilyrðir notkun þína á hugbúnaðinum."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE_2
msgid "If you have read and accept all the terms of the entire Software License Agreement, click 'Accept License' to continue with the installation."
msgstr "Ef þú hefur lesið og samþykkt alla skilmála hugbúnaðarleyfissamningsins, smelltu á 'Samþykkja notkunarskilmála' til að halda áfram með uppsetninguna."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ACCEPTLICENSE_3
msgid "If you do not accept all the terms of the Software License Agreement, click 'Decline' to end the Installation Wizard without installing this product."
msgstr "Ef þú samþykkir ekki alla skilmála hugbúnaðarleyfissamningsins, smelltu á 'Hafna' til að hætta í leiðbeiningarforritinu án þess að setja upp hugbúnaðinn."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE_1
msgid "Select the type of product installation to perform from the following choices. This will determine how much information you need to provide for product configuration."
msgstr "Veldu tegund uppsetningar samkvæmt eftirfarandi valmöguleikum. Þetta ákvarðar hversu mikið af upplýsingum þú þarft að gefa upp til að stilla hugbúnaðinn rétt."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY_1
msgid "It is recommended that you install this product in the directory suggested by this Installation Wizard. <p>To choose a different location, click 'Browse...' or specify the full path of the directory to use in the text box below. <p>If this product is already installed, you cannot change the destination directory."
msgstr "Það er mælt með því að hugbúnaðurinn sé settur upp í möppunni sem leiðbeiningarforritið stingur uppá.<p>Til að velja aðra staðsetningu, smelltu á 'Velja...' eða settu inn alla slóðina sem nota á í reitinn hér fyrir neðan. <p>Ef þessi hugbúnaður er þegar uppsettur, geturðu ekki breytt úttaksmöppunni."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSECOMPONENTS_1
msgid "Components marked in color will be installed. Click the icon of a component to mark or unmark the component.<p>All already installed components cannot be selected for installation."
msgstr "Einingar sem merktar eru með lit verða settar upp. Smelltu á táknið fyrir einingu til að merkja eða afmerkja eininguna.<p>Einingar sem þegar er búið að setja upp er ekki hægt að velja til uppsetningar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONIMMINENT_1
msgid "The listed components are ready for installation based on your configuration settings. <p>If you are satisfied with your selection, click 'Install Now' to begin. <p>To check or modify your settings on the previous pages, click 'Back'."
msgstr "Eftirfarandi einingar eru tilbúnar til uppsetningar miðað við þær breytingar sem þú gerðir. <p>Ef þú ert ánægð(ur) með valið, smelltu 'Setja upp núna' til að hefja uppsetningu. <p>Til að yfirfara eða breyta stillingum frá fyrri síðum, smelltu á 'Til baka'."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONIMMINENT_1
msgid "The listed components are ready for uninstallation based on your configuration settings. <p>If you are satisfied with your selection, click 'Remove Now' to begin. <p>To check or modify your settings on the previous pages, click 'Back'."
msgstr "Eftirfarandi einingar eru tilbúnar til fjarlægingar miðað við þær breytingar sem þú gerðir. <p>Ef þú ert ánægð(ur) með valið, smelltu 'Fjarlægja núna' til að hefja fjarlægingu. <p>Til að yfirfara eða breyta stillingum frá fyrri síðum, smelltu á 'Til baka'."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_INSTALLATIONONGOING_1
msgid "This page indicates the progress of the installation with the aid of a progress bar. To abort the installation process, click 'Stop'."
msgstr "Þessi síða sýnir framvindu uppsetningarinnar með hjálp framvinduvísis. Til að hætta í uppsetningunni, smelltu á 'Stöðva'."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_UNINSTALLATIONONGOING_1
msgid "This page indicates the progress of the uninstallation with the aid of a progress bar. To abort the uninstallation, click 'Stop'."
msgstr "Þessi síða sýnir framvindu fjarlægingarinnar með hjálp framvinduvísis. Til að hætta í ferlinu, smelltu á 'Stöðva'."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONTYPE_1
msgid "Complete: This will remove all installed components of your version.<p>Partial: This removes only the components you will choose out of the components list."
msgstr "Heildarfjarlæging: Þetta fjarlægir allar uppsettar einingar hugbúnaðarins.<p>Hlutafjarlæging: Þetta fjarlægir bara þær einingar sem þú velur af einingalista."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHOOSEUNINSTALLATIONCOMPONENTS_1
msgid "Components marked with an X will be removed. Click next to a component to mark or unmark it with an X."
msgstr "Einingar sem merktar eru með X verða fjarlægðar. Smelltu við einingar til að merkja þær með X eða afmerkja."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PACKAGEFORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED
msgid "This package format is currently not supported for your operating system!"
msgstr "Þetta pakkasnið er ekki ennþá stutt af stýrikerfinu þínu!"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_OPERATING_SYSTEM
msgid "Operating system"
msgstr "Stýrikerfi"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_PACKAGEFORMAT
msgid "Package format"
msgstr "Pakkasnið"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NOTHING_TO_INSTALL
msgid "Nothing to install"
msgstr "Ekkert að setja upp"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_COMPONENTS_SELECTED_1
msgid "No components have been selected for installation."
msgstr "Engar einingar hafa verið valdar til uppsetningar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_COMPONENTS_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more components for installation or to exit the Installation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'Í lagi' til að velja eina eða fleiri einingar til uppsetningar eða til að hætta í uppsetningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_LANGUAGE_SELECTED_1
msgid "No languages have been selected for installation."
msgstr "Engin tungumál hafa verið valin til uppsetningar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_LANGUAGE_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more languages for installation or to exit the Installation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'Í lagi' til að velja eitt eða fleiri tungumál til uppsetningar eða til að hætta í uppsetningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_APPLICATION_SELECTED_1
msgid "No applications have been selected for installation."
msgstr "Engin forrit hafa verið valin til uppsetningar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_APPLICATION_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more application for installation or to exit the Installation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'Í lagi' til að velja eitt eða fleiri forrit til uppsetningar eða til að hætta í uppsetningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NOTHING_TO_UNINSTALL
msgid "Nothing to uninstall"
msgstr "Ekkert að fjarlægja"
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_UNINSTALLCOMPONENTS_SELECTED_1
msgid "No components have been selected for uninstallation."
msgstr "Engar einingar hafa verið valdar til fjarlægingar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_NO_UNINSTALLCOMPONENTS_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more components for uninstallation or to exit the Uninstallation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'Í lagi' til að velja eitt eða fleiri forrit til að fjarlægja eða til að hætta í uppsetningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ALL_LANGUAGECOMPONENTS_SELECTED_1
msgid "All language components have been selected for uninstallation."
msgstr "Allar tungumálaeiningar hafa verið valdar til fjarlægingar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ALL_LANGUAGECOMPONENTS_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more language components not for uninstallation or to exit the Uninstallation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'í lagi' til að velja eina eða fleiri tungumálaeiningar sem ekki ætti að fjarlægja eða til að hætta í leiðbeiningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ALL_APPLICATIONCOMPONENTS_SELECTED_1
msgid "All application components have been selected for uninstallation."
msgstr "Allar forritseiningar hafa verið valdar til fjarlægingar."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_ALL_APPLICATIONCOMPONENTS_SELECTED_2
msgid "Click 'OK' to select one or more application components not for uninstallation or to exit the Uninstallation Wizard."
msgstr "Smelltu á 'í lagi' til að velja eina eða fleiri forritseiningar sem ekki ætti að fjarlægja eða til að hætta í leiðbeiningarforritinu."
#: src/Localization/setupstrings.ulf#STRING_CHANGE_SELECTION
msgid "Please change selection"
msgstr "Vinsamlega breyttu vali"