blob: f7b40f700a63697cf656820003dc783c24ea19e0 [file] [log] [blame]
#TODO: Propgroups below UserMacros, ClCompile, Link, & Lib stuff, pre and postbuild events, custom compiler directives
# parsed from makefiles
import os
import string
import random
import sys
outputDir = 'converted-module-projects'
libProj = 'libProj.vcxproj'
sourceExtensions = ['c', 'cpp', 'cxx','l','y','ll','yy', 'crc']
headerExtensions = ['h', 'hxx', 'hrc']
libExtensions = ['lib']
#The path to the main OO directory
#If this isn't working on a new machine, this
#is probably why
mainPath = "C:/steve/TestARea/main"
#Use this to figure out which step we are in
#Most modules will end with the same string
#that they began with
findModuleStr = "Making:"
#These commands are in the output but should not be part
#of the resulting input
skipCommands = ["Microsoft", "Copyright", "-------", "using:"]
badMapStr = "-map:"
outStr = "/OUT:"
moduleName = ""
buildFolder = ""
curDir = ""
it = 0
#Keep track of everywhere we have seen a source file at
#and automatically add it as an include directory
#This fixes some issues with include directories
#not being detected properly when we have changed into that
#directory via cd
extraIncludeDirs = []
outputString = ""
includeDebug = False
postBuildName = 'postbuild.bat'
def main(moduleDir, mainDir):
print (moduleDir)
name = moduleDir.rsplit('\\',1)
outputFile =(mainDir+'\\' + outputDir + '\\'+name[len(name)-1] + ".vcxproj","w+")
file = open('prj/d.lst')
except IOError:
print ('prj.lst not found, skipping folder')
constructProjFile(outputFile, file, name[1], moduleDir, mainDir)
# I'm not sure how this is generated, but it looks like each VS Project has a unique identifier. This function should try to generate one.
# Could just use rand on each char in the sequence from 0-F
# Format is 8-4-4-4-12 hexadecimal characters (0-9A-F)
def ProjectGUID():
output = ""
for x in range(0,36):
if x == 8 or x == 12+1 or x == 16+2 or x == 20+3:
output += '-'
output += random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF')
return output
def printAndOutput(outputFile, out, indentationLevel):
for i in range(indentationLevel):
print ('\t')
print (out)
outputFile.write(out + '\r\n')
def loadLibFiles(projFile, mainPath, indentationLevel):
path = mainPath + '\\solver\\410\\\\lib\\' # This should always be the lib path
for file in os.listdir(path):
fileExt = file.split('.') # index 0 is name, 1 is ext
if (len(fileExt) > 1 and fileExt[1] in libExtensions):
printAndOutput(projFile, file + ';', indentationLevel)
def parseOutputFile(fileName):
file = open(fileName,"r")
outputString =
it = 0
while (1):
if (it > len(outputString)):
libArgs = ""
linkOut = ""
objOut = ""
exeArgs = ""
binName = ""
libOut = ""
mapName = ""
extraLibFiles = []
#Limit our processing to be between the first 'Making' output
#and the next: this should correspond to one Makefile/project
it = outputString.find(findModuleStr,it)
#Sometimes 'Making' commands are not matched at both ends;
#go until the next one in that case
#Find the first line containing the Making command: the rest
#of it should be the call to cl.exe or lib; we want the
#arguments to cl.exe to put under additional dependencies
makeStr = outputString[it:outputString.find("\n",it)]
end_it = outputString.find(makeStr,it+len(makeStr))
fileNames = []
compIt = it
#Process any files that were compiled and add their paths
#to an array: this ensures that only files that should
#actually be processed are used
while (1):
compIt = outputString.find("Compiling:",compIt,end_it)
if compIt == -1:
compIt += len("Compiling:")
endCompIt = outputString.find("\n",compIt,end_it)
filePath = outputString[compIt:endCompIt]
filePath = filePath.replace(" ","")
fileath = filePath.replace("\n","")
newFilePath = filePath.split("/",1)
#Automatically include header file directories
#where source files were found as a safeguard against
#improper header detection
dirPath = filePath.rsplit("/",1)
dirPath = dirPath[len(dirPath)-2]
if (not dirPath in extraIncludeDirs):
#Generally the compiling command includes the name
#of the directory that we are in, so we slice it off
#If we failed to find a 'Making' word then we are out of things
#to process
if (it == -1):
#Figure out which command we are dealing with
old_it = outputString.find("cl.exe",it)
lib_it = outputString.find("\nlib ",it,end_it)
link_it = outputString.find("\nlink ",it,end_it)
if (lib_it > 0 and link_it > 0):
print "Warning: both lib and link matched in output"
print "Defaulting to lib parsing"
#print outputString[old_it:lib_it]
#print end_it, it
if (lib_it != -1):
out_it = outputString.find("/OUT:")+len("/OUT:")
outDir = outputString[out_it:outputString.find(" ",out_it)]
moduleStart_it = outputString.find(findModuleStr,lib_it)
tmpString = outputString[lib_it+len("\nlib "):moduleStart_it]
#Remove any argument beginning with an @
at_it = tmpString.find("@")
if (at_it != -1):
tmpString = tmpString.replace(tmpString[at_it:tmpString.find("\n",at_it)],"")+"\n"
cmds = tmpString.split("\n")
for cmd in cmds:
doSkip = 0
#We don't want the output command included in additional
#options because Visual Studio does not like that
tmp_it = cmd.find(outStr)
if (tmp_it != -1):
libOut = cmd[tmp_it+len(outStr):cmd.find(" ",tmp_it)]
libOut = fixPaths(libOut)
cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[tmp_it:cmd.find(" ",tmp_it)],"")
for skipCmd in skipCommands:
if (cmd[0:len(skipCmd)]):
doSkip = 1
if (cmd != "" and doSkip == 0):
cmd = fixPaths(cmd)
libArgs+= cmd
#Find the next instance of lib in the output
#If there are multiple instances, we want to make
#note of this and copy the first file to be build
#to the second location
old_lib_it = lib_it
#lib_it = outputString.find("\nlib ",lib_it+1,end_it)
while (lib_it != -1 and 0):
tmp_it = outputString.find("/OUT:", lib_it,end_it)+len("/OUT:")
end_tmp_it = outputString.find(" ",tmp_it,end_it)
#print tmp_it
#print outputString[tmp_it:end_it]
extraLib = fixPaths(outputString[tmp_it:end_tmp_it])
old_lib_it = lib_it
lib_it = outputString.find("\nlib ",lib_it+1,end_it)
print "Extra build locations for lib file: "
print extraLibFiles
lib_it = old_lib_it
it = old_it
#Offset the index of 'cl.exe' to beyond it so we
#don't find it again
old_it += len("cl.exe")
if (it == -1):
#Get the index of the end of the string
it = outputString.find("\n",it)
if (it == -1):
cmd = outputString[old_it:it]
#These strings generally need to be changed
#due to differences in the working directory
cmd = fixPaths(cmd)
cmd = str.split(cmd)
#Get rid of the last element since it specifies the filename
newArg = []
for arg in cmd:
#Replace full paths
if arg.find(":") != -1:
#Don't want absolute paths
arg = arg.replace(mainPath,"..")
#We need to split off the filename in the output
#parameter as we are running multiple files
#and therefore just need the directory name
if arg.find("-Fo") != -1:
temp = arg.rsplit("/",1)
arg = temp[0] + "/"
objOut = arg[3:]
objOut = objOut.strip(" \t\n\r")
#print objOut
#We tend to not need these paths
if arg.find("~") == -1:
if (link_it != -1):
print "here"
#First go back and figure out what our output filename is
old_it = link_it + len("\nlink ")
out_it = outputString.rfind("-out:",it+len("-out:"),end_it)+len("-out:")
out_file = outputString[out_it:outputString.find(" ",out_it,end_it)]
out_file = fixPaths(out_file)
#Then use the type to select what type of project we are using
extensionType = out_file[out_file.rfind(".")+1:]
if (extensionType == "exe"):
cfgType = "Application"
elif (extensionType == "dll"):
cfgType = "DynamicLibrary"
print "Linking with unknown output file extension type: " + extensionType
print "Defaulting to dll project type"
cfgType = "DynamicLibrary"
tmp_it = outputString.find("linking ",old_it)
tmpString = outputString[old_it:tmp_it]
print tmpString
at_it = tmpString.find("@")
if (at_it != -1):
tmpString = tmpString.replace(tmpString[at_it:tmpString.find("\n",at_it)],"")+"\n"
cmds = tmpString.split("\n")
#Also we need to move the -map: command into the XML proper
#Remove any argument beginning with an @
for cmd in cmds:
doSkip = 0
tmp_it = cmd.find("-out:")
if (tmp_it != -1):
cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[tmp_it:cmd.find(" ",tmp_it)],"")
tmp_it = cmd.find(badMapStr)
if (tmp_it != -1):
#The map argument needs to go in the XML in order to
#work properly, and should be removed from the
#additional options field
mapName = cmd[tmp_it+len(badMapStr):cmd.find(" ",tmp_it)]
cmd = cmd.replace(cmd[tmp_it:cmd.find(" ",tmp_it)],"")
mapName = fixPaths(mapName)
for skipCmd in skipCommands:
if (cmd[0:len(skipCmd)] == skipCmd):
doSkip = 1
if (cmd != "" and doSkip == 0):
cmd = fixPaths(cmd)
exeArgs += cmd
#Possible Issue: Detect multiple link operations in one file
#and copy previously built output file to new file location
#Take off the last two slashes to get the deepest directory name
#(plus the first filename) and set the project name to that
prjName = fileNames[0].rsplit("/",2)
prjName = prjName[1]
#print prjName
if (lib_it != -1):
elif (link_it != -1):
print "Neither lib nor linking commands found, vcProj will not be generated"
it = end_it+1
#print "Restarting with remaining output of: " + outputString[end_it:]
def tryToFindFile(inStr,repCmd):
return ""
def fixPaths(cmd):
newCmds = cmd.split()
retCmd = ""
repCmd = ""
for newCmd in newCmds:
build_it = newCmd.find(buildFolder)
if (build_it == -1):
repCmd = newCmd[:build_it]
repCmd = repCmd[repCmd.find("."):]
#print "RepCmd found: " + repCmd
for newCmd in newCmds:
newerCmd = newCmd
newerCmd = newerCmd.replace(repCmd,"")
if newerCmd.find("../") != -1:
print "Trying to decipher: " + newerCmd
newerCmd = newerCmd.replace(mainPath,"..")
retCmd += newerCmd + " "
#enteringIt = "Entering: "
#cmd = cmd.replace("../../","")
#cmd = cmd.replace("../","source")
return retCmd
def addExtraDirs(arguments):
newArg = ""
for includeDir in extraIncludeDirs:
includeDir = includeDir.split("/",1)[1]
includeDir = " -I" + includeDir + " "
newArg += " " + includeDir
return arguments
def patchVCProjExeDll(prjName,files,arguments,exeArgs,cfgType,objOut,outputFile,mapName):
print "EXE/DLL Project"
print outputFile
prjName = sanitizeArg(prjName)
#Remove any file extenions from the project name
if (prjName.find(".") != -1):
prjName = prjName[0:prjName.find(".")]
rootFile = "exeProj.vcxproj"
cfgStr = "^CFG_TYPE^"
compileStr = "^BEGIN_CLCOMPILE^"
endCompileStr = "^END_CLCOMPILE^"
clFileName = "^CLFILENAME^"
guidStr = "^GUID^"
nameStr = "^PROJ_NAME^"
outputStr = "^OUTPUT^"
linkStr = "^LINK_OPTIONS^"
linkOutStr = "^LINK_OUT^"
objStr = "^OBJ_FILE_NAME^"
preStr = "^PREBUILD^"
postStr = "^POSTBUILD^"
libDirStr = "^LIBRARY_DIR^"
doMapStr = "^BOOL_DO_MAP^"
mapFileStr = "^MAP_NAME^"
arguments = addExtraDirs(arguments)
if mapName != "":
doMap = "true"
doMap = ""
libraryPath = "..\\solver\\410\\\\lib"
#Fix Me: Dynamically find if exe or dll
if (cfgType == "Application"):
linkOut = "\\bin\\"+ prjName+ ".exe"
elif (cfgType == "DynamicLibrary"):
linkOut = "\\bin\\"+prjName + ".dll"
f = open(rootFile,"r")
origFile =
it = origFile.find(compileStr)+len(compileStr)
end_it = origFile.find(endCompileStr,it)
compileLine = origFile[it:end_it]
fileOut = ""
for fName in files:
fileOut += compileLine.replace(clFileName,sanitizeArg(fName)) + "\n\t"
origFile = origFile.replace(origFile[it-len(compileStr):end_it+len(endCompileStr)],fileOut)
origFile = origFile.replace(guidStr,ProjectGUID())
origFile = origFile.replace(addStr, ' '.join(map(str, arguments)))
origFile = origFile.replace(nameStr,sanitizeArg(prjName))
origFile = origFile.replace(linkStr,sanitizeArg(exeArgs))
origFile = origFile.replace(objStr,sanitizeArg(objOut))
origFile = origFile.replace(preStr,"")
origFile = origFile.replace(postStr,"")
origFile = origFile.replace(cfgStr,sanitizeArg(cfgType))
origFile = origFile.replace(outputStr,sanitizeArg(objOut))
origFile = origFile.replace(linkOutStr,sanitizeArg(linkOut))
origFile = origFile.replace(libDirStr,sanitizeArg(libraryPath))
origFile = origFile.replace(doMapStr,sanitizeArg(doMap))
origFile = origFile.replace(mapFileStr,sanitizeArg(mapName))
outFile = open(moduleName + "\\" + prjName + ".vcxproj","w")
print moduleName + "\\" + prjName + ".vcxproj"
if (len(origFile) > FILESIZE_LIMIT):
print "Warning: string size exceeds 500kb, file will not be written"
def sanitizeArg(arg):
arg = arg.replace("\n","")
arg = arg.replace("\r","")
arg = arg.strip()
return arg
def patchVCProjLib(prjName,files,arguments,libArgs,linkOut,objOut,extraLibFiles,libOut):
#extraLibFiles needs to be added as a copy command in postbuild from the
#output of the original build
print "Lib project"
rootFile = "libProj.vcxproj"
prjName = sanitizeArg(prjName)
#Remove any file extenions from the project name
if (prjName.find(".") != -1):
prjName = prjName[0:prjName.find(".")]
print prjName
#print "##########################################"
#print prjName
#print files
#print arguments
#print outDir
compileStr = "^BEGIN_CLCOMPILE^"
endCompileStr = "^END_CLCOMPILE^"
clFileName = "^CLFILENAME^"
guidStr = "^GUID^"
nameStr = "^PROJ_NAME^"
outputStr = "^OUTPUT^"
libStr = "^LIB_OPTIONS^"
linkOut = "^LINK_OUT^"
objStr = "^OBJ_FILE_NAME^"
libStrOut = "^LIB_OUTPUT_FILE^"
arguments = addExtraDirs(arguments)
f = open(rootFile,"r")
origFile =
it = origFile.find(compileStr)+len(compileStr)
end_it = origFile.find(endCompileStr,it)
compileLine = origFile[it:end_it]
fileOut = ""
for fName in files:
fName = fName.replace("\n","")
fName = fName.replace("\r","")
fileOut += compileLine.replace(clFileName,fName) + "\n\t"
origFile = origFile.replace(origFile[it-len(compileStr):end_it+len(endCompileStr)],sanitizeArg(fileOut))
origFile = origFile.replace(guidStr,sanitizeArg(ProjectGUID()))
origFile = origFile.replace(addStr, ' '.join(map(str, arguments)))
origFile = origFile.replace(nameStr,sanitizeArg(prjName))
origFile = origFile.replace(libStr,sanitizeArg(libArgs))
origFile = origFile.replace(objStr,sanitizeArg(objOut))
origFile = origFile.replace(libStrOut,sanitizeArg(libOut))
print "Lib out: " + libOut
outFile = open(moduleName + "\\" + prjName + ".vcxproj","w")
print moduleName + "\\" + prjName + ".vcxproj"
if (len(origFile) > FILESIZE_LIMIT):
print "Warning: string size exceeds 500kb, file will not be written"
def loadFileTypes(extensions, path, matchName, projFile, extType, indentationLevel):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for name in files:
tempName = name.rsplit('\\',1)
p = os.path.join(root,name)
if checkFilename(tempName[len(tempName)-1], matchName, extensions):
if (extType == 0): # 0 is headers
printAndOutput(projFile, '<ClInclude Include="..\\..\\..\\' + p.replace(path+"\\","") + '" />', indentationLevel)
elif (extType == 1): # 1 is sources
printAndOutput(projFile, '<ClCompile Include="..\\..\\..\\' + p.replace(path+"\\","") + '" />', indentationLevel)
else: # 2/otherwise is libs
printAndOutput(projFile, name + ';', indentationLevel) # Is lib file
def checkFilename(inputName, names, extensions):
temp = inputName.split(".")
if temp[0] in names:
return True
elif (len(temp) > 1 and temp[1] in extensions):
return True
return False
def directories(path):
for file in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, file)):
yield file
def runEveryFolder(startDir):
os.mkdir(startDir + '\\' + outputDir)
for d in directories(startDir):
print ('######################')
main(os.path.join(startDir + '\\' + d),startDir)
print ('######################')
# Run the script from the AOO main directory - alternatively, pass in the path to the main directory below
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "Usage: python moduleName"
moduleName = sys.argv[1]
#moduleName = "canvas"
print ###############################################
os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "\\" + moduleName)
parseOutputFile(moduleName + ".txt")
print ###############################################