blob: 35277905b59a48d9b1c2ba03a84574991e997fc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1988, 1989 by Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
* This file may be freely copied and redistributed as long as:
* 1) This entire notice continues to be included in the file,
* 2) If the file has been modified in any way, a notice of such
* modification is conspicuously indicated.
* PostScript, Display PostScript, and Adobe are registered trademarks of
* Adobe Systems Incorporated.
* ************************************************************************
* ************************************************************************
* Changes made for
* 10/24/2000 pl - changed code to compile with c++-compilers
* - added namespace to avoid symbol clashes
* - replaced BOOL by bool
* - added function to free space allocated by parseFile
* 10/26/2000 pl - added additional keys
* - added ability to parse slightly broken files
* - added charwidth member to GlobalFontInfo
* 04/26/2001 pl - added OpenOffice header
* 10/19/2005 pl - changed parseFile to accept a file name instead of a stream
/* ParseAFM.h
* This header file is used in conjunction with the parseAFM.c file.
* Together these files provide the functionality to parse Adobe Font
* Metrics files and store the information in predefined data structures.
* It is intended to work with an application program that needs font metric
* information. The program can be used as is by making a procedure call to
* parse an AFM file and have the data stored, or an application developer
* may wish to customize the code.
* This header file defines the data structures used as well as the key
* strings that are currently recognized by this version of the AFM parser.
* This program is based on the document "Adobe Font Metrics Files,
* Specification Version 2.0".
* AFM files are separated into distinct sections of different data. Because
* of this, the parseAFM program can parse a specified file to only save
* certain sections of information based on the application's needs. A record
* containing the requested information will be returned to the application.
* AFM files are divided into five sections of data:
* 1) The Global Font Information
* 2) The Character Metrics Information
* 3) The Track Kerning Data
* 4) The Pair-Wise Kerning Data
* 5) The Composite Character Data
* Basically, the application can request any of these sections independent
* of what other sections are requested. In addition, in recognizing that
* many applications will want ONLY the x-width of characters and not all
* of the other character metrics information, there is a way to receive
* only the width information so as not to pay the storage cost for the
* unwanted data. An application should never request both the
* "quick and dirty" char metrics (widths only) and the Character Metrics
* Information since the Character Metrics Information will contain all
* of the character widths as well.
* There is a procedure in parseAFM.c, called parseFile, that can be
* called from any application wishing to get information from the AFM File.
* This procedure expects 3 parameters: a vaild file descriptor, a pointer
* to a (FontInfo *) variable (for which space will be allocated and then
* will be filled in with the data requested), and a mask specifying
* which data from the AFM File should be saved in the FontInfo structure.
* The flags that can be used to set the appropriate mask are defined below.
* In addition, several commonly used masks have already been defined.
* History:
* original: DSM Thu Oct 20 17:39:59 PDT 1988
* modified: DSM Mon Jul 3 14:17:50 PDT 1989
* - added 'storageProblem' return code
* - fixed typos
#include <stdio.h>
namespace psp {
/* your basic constants */
#define EOL '\n' /* end-of-line indicator */
#define MAX_NAME 4096 /* max length for identifiers */
#define FLAGS int
/* Flags that can be AND'ed together to specify exactly what
* information from the AFM file should be saved.
#define P_G 0x01 /* 0000 0001 */ /* Global Font Info */
#define P_W 0x02 /* 0000 0010 */ /* Character Widths ONLY */
#define P_M 0x06 /* 0000 0110 */ /* All Char Metric Info */
#define P_P 0x08 /* 0000 1000 */ /* Pair Kerning Info */
#define P_T 0x10 /* 0001 0000 */ /* Track Kerning Info */
#define P_C 0x20 /* 0010 0000 */ /* Composite Char Info */
/* Commonly used flags
#define P_GW (P_G | P_W)
#define P_GM (P_G | P_M)
#define P_GMP (P_G | P_M | P_P)
#define P_GMK (P_G | P_M | P_P | P_T)
#define P_ALL (P_G | P_M | P_P | P_T | P_C)
/* Possible return codes from the parseFile procedure.
* ok means there were no problems parsing the file.
* parseError means that there was some kind of parsing error, but the
* parser went on. This could include problems like the count for any given
* section does not add up to how many entries there actually were, or
* there was a key that was not recognized. The return record may contain
* vaild data or it may not.
* earlyEOF means that an End of File was encountered before expected. This
* may mean that the AFM file had been truncated, or improperly formed.
* storageProblem means that there were problems allocating storage for
* the data structures that would have contained the AFM data.
enum afmError { ok = 0, parseError = -1, earlyEOF = -2, storageProblem = -3 };
/************************* TYPES *********************************/
/* Below are all of the data structure definitions. These structures
* try to map as closely as possible to grouping and naming of data
* in the AFM Files.
/* Bounding box definition. Used for the Font BBox as well as the
* Character BBox.
typedef struct
int llx; /* lower left x-position */
int lly; /* lower left y-position */
int urx; /* upper right x-position */
int ury; /* upper right y-position */
} BBox;
/* Global Font information.
* The key that each field is associated with is in comments. For an
* explanation about each key and its value please refer to the AFM
* documentation (full title & version given above).
typedef struct
char *afmVersion; /* key: StartFontMetrics */
char *fontName; /* key: FontName */
char *fullName; /* key: FullName */
char *familyName; /* key: FamilyName */
char *weight; /* key: Weight */
float italicAngle; /* key: ItalicAngle */
bool isFixedPitch; /* key: IsFixedPitch */
BBox fontBBox; /* key: FontBBox */
int underlinePosition; /* key: UnderlinePosition */
int underlineThickness; /* key: UnderlineThickness */
char *version; /* key: Version */
char *notice; /* key: Notice */
char *encodingScheme; /* key: EncodingScheme */
int capHeight; /* key: CapHeight */
int xHeight; /* key: XHeight */
int ascender; /* key: Ascender */
int descender; /* key: Descender */
int charwidth; /* key: CharWidth */
} GlobalFontInfo;
/* Ligature definition is a linked list since any character can have
* any number of ligatures.
typedef struct _t_ligature
char *succ, *lig;
struct _t_ligature *next;
} Ligature;
/* Character Metric Information. This structure is used only if ALL
* character metric information is requested. If only the character
* widths is requested, then only an array of the character x-widths
* is returned.
* The key that each field is associated with is in comments. For an
* explanation about each key and its value please refer to the
* Character Metrics section of the AFM documentation (full title
* & version given above).
typedef struct
int code, /* key: C */
wx, /* key: WX */
w0x, /* key: W0X */
wy; /* together wx and wy are associated with key: W */
char *name; /* key: N */
BBox charBBox; /* key: B */
Ligature *ligs; /* key: L (linked list; not a fixed number of Ls */
} CharMetricInfo;
/* Track kerning data structure.
* The fields of this record are the five values associated with every
* TrackKern entry.
* For an explanation about each value please refer to the
* Track Kerning section of the AFM documentation (full title
* & version given above).
typedef struct
int degree;
float minPtSize,
} TrackKernData;
/* Pair Kerning data structure.
* The fields of this record are the four values associated with every
* KP entry. For KPX entries, the yamt will be zero.
* For an explanation about each value please refer to the
* Pair Kerning section of the AFM documentation (full title
* & version given above).
typedef struct
char *name1;
char *name2;
int xamt,
} PairKernData;
/* PCC is a piece of a composite character. This is a sub structure of a
* compCharData described below.
* These fields will be filled in with the values from the key PCC.
* For an explanation about each key and its value please refer to the
* Composite Character section of the AFM documentation (full title
* & version given above).
typedef struct
char *pccName;
int deltax,
} Pcc;
/* Composite Character Information data structure.
* The fields ccName and numOfPieces are filled with the values associated
* with the key CC. The field pieces points to an array (size = numOfPieces)
* of information about each of the parts of the composite character. That
* array is filled in with the values from the key PCC.
* For an explanation about each key and its value please refer to the
* Composite Character section of the AFM documentation (full title
* & version given above).
typedef struct
char *ccName;
int numOfPieces;
Pcc *pieces;
} CompCharData;
/* FontInfo
* Record type containing pointers to all of the other data
* structures containing information about a font.
* A a record of this type is filled with data by the
* parseFile function.
typedef struct
GlobalFontInfo *gfi; /* ptr to a GlobalFontInfo record */
int *cwi; /* ptr to 256 element array of just char widths */
int numOfChars; /* number of entries in char metrics array */
CharMetricInfo *cmi; /* ptr to char metrics array */
int numOfTracks; /* number to entries in track kerning array */
TrackKernData *tkd; /* ptr to track kerning array */
int numOfPairs; /* number to entries in pair kerning array */
PairKernData *pkd; /* ptr to pair kerning array */
int numOfComps; /* number to entries in comp char array */
CompCharData *ccd; /* ptr to comp char array */
} FontInfo;
/************************* PROCEDURES ****************************/
/* Call this procedure to do the grunt work of parsing an AFM file.
* "fp" should be a valid file pointer to an AFM file.
* "fi" is a pointer to a pointer to a FontInfo record structure
* (defined above). Storage for the FontInfo structure will be
* allocated in parseFile and the structure will be filled in
* with the requested data from the AFM File.
* "flags" is a mask with bits set representing what data should
* be saved. Defined above are valid flags that can be used to set
* the mask, as well as a few commonly used masks.
* The possible return codes from parseFile are defined above.
int parseFile( const char* pFilename, FontInfo **fi, FLAGS flags );
void freeFontInfo(FontInfo *fi);
} // namespace