blob: 96d07a8729ab6c7cbe749392f6f12afced4b571a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <hash_map>
#include "tools/string.hxx"
#include "tools/stream.hxx"
#include "vcl/dllapi.h"
#include "com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp"
#define PRINTER_PPDDIR "driver"
namespace psp {
class PPDParser;
class PPDTranslator;
enum PPDValueType { eInvocation, eQuoted, eSymbol, eString, eNo };
PPDValueType m_eType;
String m_aOption;
String m_aValue;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* PPDKey - a container for the available options (=values) of a PPD keyword
friend class PPDParser;
typedef ::std::hash_map< ::rtl::OUString, PPDValue, ::rtl::OUStringHash > hash_type;
typedef ::std::vector< PPDValue* > value_type;
String m_aKey;
hash_type m_aValues;
value_type m_aOrderedValues;
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultValue;
bool m_bQueryValue;
PPDValue m_aQueryValue;
enum UIType { PickOne, PickMany, Boolean };
enum SetupType { ExitServer, Prolog, DocumentSetup, PageSetup, JCLSetup, AnySetup };
bool m_bUIOption;
UIType m_eUIType;
int m_nOrderDependency;
SetupType m_eSetupType;
void eraseValue( const String& rOption );
PPDKey( const String& rKey );
PPDValue* insertValue( const String& rOption );
int countValues() const
{ return m_aValues.size(); }
// neither getValue will return the query option
const PPDValue* getValue( int n ) const;
const PPDValue* getValue( const String& rOption ) const;
const PPDValue* getValueCaseInsensitive( const String& rOption ) const;
const PPDValue* getDefaultValue() const { return m_pDefaultValue; }
const PPDValue* getQueryValue() const { return m_bQueryValue ? &m_aQueryValue : NULL; }
const String& getKey() const { return m_aKey; }
bool isUIKey() const { return m_bUIOption; }
UIType getUIType() const { return m_eUIType; }
SetupType getSetupType() const { return m_eSetupType; }
int getOrderDependency() const { return m_nOrderDependency; }
// define a hash for PPDKey
struct PPDKeyhash
size_t operator()( const PPDKey * pKey) const
{ return (size_t)pKey; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* PPDParser - parses a PPD file and contains all available keys from it
class PPDContext;
class CUPSManager;
friend class PPDContext;
friend class CUPSManager;
typedef ::std::hash_map< ::rtl::OUString, PPDKey*, ::rtl::OUStringHash > hash_type;
typedef ::std::vector< PPDKey* > value_type;
void insertKey( const String& rKey, PPDKey* pKey );
struct PPDConstraint
const PPDKey* m_pKey1;
const PPDValue* m_pOption1;
const PPDKey* m_pKey2;
const PPDValue* m_pOption2;
PPDConstraint() : m_pKey1( NULL ), m_pOption1( NULL ), m_pKey2( NULL ), m_pOption2( NULL ) {}
static ::std::list< PPDParser* > aAllParsers;
static ::std::hash_map< rtl::OUString, rtl::OUString, rtl::OUStringHash >*
hash_type m_aKeys;
value_type m_aOrderedKeys;
::std::list< PPDConstraint > m_aConstraints;
// some identifying fields
String m_aPrinterName;
String m_aNickName;
// the full path of the PPD file
String m_aFile;
// some basic attributes
bool m_bColorDevice;
bool m_bType42Capable;
sal_uLong m_nLanguageLevel;
rtl_TextEncoding m_aFileEncoding;
// shortcuts to important keys and their default values
// imageable area
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultImageableArea;
const PPDKey* m_pImageableAreas;
// paper dimensions
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultPaperDimension;
const PPDKey* m_pPaperDimensions;
// paper trays
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultInputSlot;
const PPDKey* m_pInputSlots;
// resolutions
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultResolution;
const PPDKey* m_pResolutions;
// duplex commands
const PPDValue* m_pDefaultDuplexType;
const PPDKey* m_pDuplexTypes;
// fonts
const PPDKey* m_pFontList;
// translations
PPDTranslator* m_pTranslator;
PPDParser( const String& rFile );
void parseOrderDependency( const ByteString& rLine );
void parseOpenUI( const ByteString& rLine );
void parseConstraint( const ByteString& rLine );
void parse( std::list< ByteString >& rLines );
String handleTranslation( const ByteString& i_rString, bool i_bIsGlobalized );
static void scanPPDDir( const String& rDir );
static void initPPDFiles();
static String getPPDFile( const String& rFile );
static const PPDParser* getParser( const String& rFile );
static String getPPDPrinterName( const String& rFile );
static void freeAll();
static void getKnownPPDDrivers( std::list< rtl::OUString >& o_rDrivers, bool bRefresh = false );
const String& getFilename() const { return m_aFile; }
const PPDKey* getKey( int n ) const;
const PPDKey* getKey( const String& rKey ) const;
int getKeys() const { return m_aKeys.size(); }
bool hasKey( const PPDKey* ) const;
const ::std::list< PPDConstraint >& getConstraints() const { return m_aConstraints; }
const String& getPrinterName() const
{ return m_aPrinterName.Len() ? m_aPrinterName : m_aNickName; }
const String& getNickName() const
{ return m_aNickName.Len() ? m_aNickName : m_aPrinterName; }
bool isColorDevice() const { return m_bColorDevice; }
bool isType42Capable() const { return m_bType42Capable; }
sal_uLong getLanguageLevel() const { return m_nLanguageLevel; }
String getDefaultPaperDimension() const;
void getDefaultPaperDimension( int& rWidth, int& rHeight ) const
{ getPaperDimension( getDefaultPaperDimension(), rWidth, rHeight ); }
bool getPaperDimension( const String& rPaperName,
int& rWidth, int& rHeight ) const;
// width and height in pt
// returns false if paper not found
int getPaperDimensions() const
{ return m_pPaperDimensions ? m_pPaperDimensions->countValues() : 0; }
String getPaperDimension( int ) const;
String getPaperDimensionCommand( int ) const;
String getPaperDimensionCommand( const String & ) const;
// match the best paper for width and height
String matchPaper( int nWidth, int nHeight ) const;
bool getMargins( const String& rPaperName,
int &rLeft, int& rRight,
int &rUpper, int& rLower ) const;
// values in pt
// returns true if paper found
// values int pt
String getDefaultInputSlot() const;
int getInputSlots() const
{ return m_pInputSlots ? m_pInputSlots->countValues() : 0; }
String getSlot( int ) const;
String getSlotCommand( int ) const;
String getSlotCommand( const String& ) const;
void getDefaultResolution( int& rXRes, int& rYRes ) const;
int getResolutions() const;
void getResolution( int, int& rXRes, int& rYRes ) const;
String getResolutionCommand( int nXRes, int nYRes ) const;
// values in dpi
void getResolutionFromString( const String&, int&, int& ) const;
// helper function
String getDefaultDuplexType() const;
int getDuplexTypes() const
{ return m_pDuplexTypes ? m_pDuplexTypes->countValues() : 0; }
String getDuplex( int ) const;
String getDuplexCommand( int ) const;
String getDuplexCommand( const String& ) const;
int getFonts() const
{ return m_pFontList ? m_pFontList->countValues() : 0; }
void getFontAttributes( int,
String& rEncoding,
String& rCharset ) const;
void getFontAttributes( const String&,
String& rEncoding,
String& rCharset ) const;
String getFont( int ) const;
rtl::OUString translateKey( const rtl::OUString& i_rKey,
const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& i_rLocale = com::sun::star::lang::Locale() ) const;
rtl::OUString translateOption( const rtl::OUString& i_rKey,
const rtl::OUString& i_rOption,
const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& i_rLocale = com::sun::star::lang::Locale() ) const;
rtl::OUString translateValue( const rtl::OUString& i_rKey,
const rtl::OUString& i_rOption,
const rtl::OUString& i_rValue,
const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& i_rLocale = com::sun::star::lang::Locale() ) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* PPDContext - a class to manage user definable states based on the
* contents of a PPDParser.
typedef ::std::hash_map< const PPDKey*, const PPDValue*, PPDKeyhash > hash_type;
hash_type m_aCurrentValues;
const PPDParser* m_pParser;
// returns false: check failed, new value is constrained
// true: check succeeded, new value can be set
bool checkConstraints( const PPDKey*, const PPDValue*, bool bDoReset );
bool resetValue( const PPDKey*, bool bDefaultable = false );
PPDContext( const PPDParser* pParser = NULL );
PPDContext( const PPDContext& rContext ) { operator=( rContext ); }
PPDContext& operator=( const PPDContext& rContext );
void setParser( const PPDParser* );
const PPDParser* getParser() const { return m_pParser; }
const PPDValue* getValue( const PPDKey* ) const;
const PPDValue* setValue( const PPDKey*, const PPDValue*, bool bDontCareForConstraints = false );
int countValuesModified() const { return m_aCurrentValues.size(); }
const PPDKey* getModifiedKey( int n ) const;
// public wrapper for the private method
bool checkConstraints( const PPDKey*, const PPDValue* );
void getUnconstrainedValues( const PPDKey*, ::std::list< const PPDValue* >& rValues );
// for printer setup
void* getStreamableBuffer( sal_uLong& rBytes ) const;
void rebuildFromStreamBuffer( void* pBuffer, sal_uLong nBytes );
// convenience
int getRenderResolution() const;
// width, height in points, paper will contain the name of the selected
// paper after the call
void getPageSize( String& rPaper, int& rWidth, int& rHeight ) const;
} // namespace