blob: fa0117a49afbf7c1be249066c3cf5cd7cc9619a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _UITOOL_HXX
#define _UITOOL_HXX
#include <tools/wintypes.hxx>
#include <vcl/field.hxx>
#include <swtypes.hxx>
#include "swdllapi.h"
class MetricFormatter;
class SfxItemSet;
class SfxMedium;
class SwPageDesc;
class SvxTabStopItem;
class SwWrtShell;
class ListBox;
class SwDocShell;
class SwFrmFmt;
class SwTabCols;
class DateTime;
class SfxViewFrame;
// Umschalten einer Metric
SW_DLLPUBLIC void SetMetric(MetricFormatter& rCtrl, FieldUnit eUnit);
// BoxInfoAttribut fuellen
SW_DLLPUBLIC void PrepareBoxInfo(SfxItemSet& rSet, const SwWrtShell& rSh);
// SfxItemSets <-> PageDesc
void ItemSetToPageDesc( const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwPageDesc& rPageDesc );
void PageDescToItemSet( const SwPageDesc& rPageDesc, SfxItemSet& rSet);
// Auffuellen der Tabs mit DefaultTabs
SW_DLLPUBLIC void MakeDefTabs(SwTwips nDefDist, SvxTabStopItem& rTabs);
// DefaultTabs loeschen aus dem TabStopArray
//void EraseDefTabs(SvxTabStopItem& rTabs);
// Abstand zwischen dem 1. und zweitem Element ermitteln
SW_DLLPUBLIC sal_uInt16 GetTabDist(const SvxTabStopItem& rTabs);
// erfrage ob im Set eine Sfx-PageDesc-Kombination vorliegt
// und setze diesen im Set und loesche die Transport Items
// (PageBreak & PageModel) aus dem Set
void SwToSfxPageDescAttr( SfxItemSet& rSet );
void SfxToSwPageDescAttr( const SwWrtShell& rShell, SfxItemSet& rSet );
SW_DLLPUBLIC FieldUnit GetDfltMetric(sal_Bool bWeb);
void SetDfltMetric(FieldUnit eMetric, sal_Bool bWeb);
// ListBox mit allen Zeichenvorlagen fuellen - ausser Standard!
SW_DLLPUBLIC void FillCharStyleListBox(ListBox& rToFill, SwDocShell* pDocSh, sal_Bool bSorted = sal_False, sal_Bool bWithDefault = sal_False);
//inserts a string sorted into a ListBox,
SW_DLLPUBLIC sal_uInt16 InsertStringSorted(const String& rEntry, ListBox& rToFill, sal_uInt16 nOffset);
// Tabellenbreite und Ausrichtung ermitteln
SwTwips GetTableWidth( SwFrmFmt* pFmt, SwTabCols& rCols, sal_uInt16 *pPercent,
SwWrtShell* pSh );
String GetAppLangDateTimeString( const DateTime& );
// search for a command string within the menu structure and execute it
// at the dispatcher if there is one, if executed return true
bool ExecuteMenuCommand( PopupMenu& rMenu, SfxViewFrame& rViewFrame, sal_uInt16 nId );
#endif // _UITOOL_HXX