blob: ba85e15edc3b840b16cf2bd2e0759233a8e2882f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
#include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <viewimp.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx> // Zugriff auf TxtCache
#include <notxtfrm.hxx>
#include <fntcache.hxx>
#include <docufld.hxx>
#include <ptqueue.hxx>
#include <dview.hxx> // SdrView
#include <ndgrf.hxx>
#include <ndindex.hxx>
#include <accessibilityoptions.hxx>
#include <switerator.hxx>
|* ViewShell::Init()
void ViewShell::Init( const SwViewOption *pNewOpt )
RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLog, "SW", "JP93722", "ViewShell::Init" );
bDocSizeChgd = sal_False;
// Wir gehen auf Nummer sicher:
// Wir muessen die alten Fontinformationen wegschmeissen,
// wenn die Druckeraufloesung oder der Zoomfaktor sich aendert.
// Init() und Reformat() sind die sichersten Stellen.
pFntCache->Flush( );
// ViewOptions werden dynamisch angelegt
if( !pOpt )
pOpt = new SwViewOption;
// Ein ApplyViewOptions braucht nicht gerufen zu werden
if( pNewOpt )
*pOpt = *pNewOpt;
// Der Zoomfaktor muss eingestellt werden, weil in der CTOR-
// phase aus Performancegruenden kein ApplyViewOptions gerufen wird.
if( GetWin() && 100 != pOpt->GetZoom() )
MapMode aMode( pWin->GetMapMode() );
const Fraction aNewFactor( pOpt->GetZoom(), 100 );
aMode.SetScaleX( aNewFactor );
aMode.SetScaleY( aNewFactor );
pWin->SetMapMode( aMode );
SwDocShell* pDShell = pDoc->GetDocShell();
pDoc->set(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE, 0 != ::GetHtmlMode( pDShell ) );
// JP 02.02.99: Bug 61335 - Readonly-Flag an den ViewOptions setzen,
// bevor das Layout angelegt wird. Ansonsten muesste man
// nochmals durchformatieren!!
if( pDShell && pDShell->IsReadOnly() )
pOpt->SetReadonly( sal_True );
RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( aLog, "View::Init - before InitPrt" );
// --> FME 2007-11-06 #i82967#
OutputDevice* pPDFOut = 0;
if ( pOut && pOut->GetPDFWriter() )
pPDFOut = pOut;
// <--
// --> FME 2005-01-21 #i41075#
// Only setup the printer if we need one:
const bool bBrowseMode = pOpt->getBrowseMode();
if( pPDFOut )
InitPrt( pPDFOut );
// <--
// --> FME 2005-03-16 #i44963# Good occasion to check if page sizes in
// page descriptions are still set to (LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX) (html import)
if ( !bBrowseMode )
// <--
RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_TRACE( aLog, "View::Init - after InitPrt" );
if( GetWin() )
pOpt->Init( GetWin() );
// Create a new layout, if there is no one available
if( !pLayout )
// Here's the code which disables the usage of "multiple" layouts at the moment
// If the problems with controls and groups objects are solved,
// this code can be removed...
ViewShell *pCurrShell = GetDoc()->GetCurrentViewShell();
if( pCurrShell )
pLayout = pCurrShell->pLayout;
// end of "disable multiple layouts"
if( !pLayout )
// switched to two step construction because creating the layout in SwRootFrm needs a valid pLayout set
pLayout = SwRootFrmPtr(new SwRootFrm( pDoc->GetDfltFrmFmt(), this ));//swmod081016
pLayout->Init( pDoc->GetDfltFrmFmt() );
// mba: the layout refactoring overlooked an important detail
// prior to that change, the layout always was destroyed in the dtor of swdoc
// it is necessary to suppress notifications in the layout when the layout is discarded in its dtor
// unfortunately this was done by asking whether the doc is in dtor - though the correct question should
// have been if the rootfrm is in dtor (or even better: discard the layout before the SwRootFrm is destroyed!)
// SwDoc::IsInDtor() is used at several places all over the code that need to be checked whether
// "pDoc->IsInDtor()" means what is says or in fact should check for "pRootFrm->IsInDtor()". As this will take some time, I decided
// to postpone that investigations and the changes it will bring to the 3.5 release and for 3.4 make sure
// that the layout still gets destroyed in the doc dtor. This is done by sharing "the" layout (that we still have) with the doc.
GetDoc()->ShareLayout( pLayout );
SizeChgNotify(); //swmod 071108
// --> #i31958#
// XForms mode: initialize XForms mode, based on design mode (draw view)
// MakeDrawView() requires layout
if( GetDoc()->isXForms() )
if( ! HasDrawView() )
pOpt->SetFormView( ! GetDrawView()->IsDesignMode() );
// <-- #i31958#
|* ViewShell::ViewShell() CTor fuer die erste Shell.
ViewShell::ViewShell( SwDoc& rDocument, Window *pWindow,
const SwViewOption *pNewOpt, OutputDevice *pOutput,
long nFlags )
pSfxViewShell( 0 ),
pImp( new SwViewImp( this ) ),
pWin( pWindow ),
pOut( pOutput ? pOutput
: pWindow ? (OutputDevice*)pWindow
: (OutputDevice*)rDocument.getPrinter( true )),
mpTmpRef( 0 ),
pOpt( 0 ),
pAccOptions( new SwAccessibilityOptions ),
mpTargetPaintWindow(0), // #i74769#
mpBufferedOut(0), // #i74769#
pDoc( &rDocument ),
nStartAction( 0 ),
nLockPaint( 0 ),
mnPrePostPaintCount(0L), // #i72754#
mpPrePostOutDev(0), // #i72754#
RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLog, "SW", "JP93722", "ViewShell::SwViewShell" );
// OD 2004-06-01 #i26791# - in order to suppress event handling in
// <SwDrawContact::Changed> during construction of <ViewShell> instance
mbInConstructor = true;
bPaintInProgress = bViewLocked = bInEndAction = bFrameView =
bEndActionByVirDev = sal_False;
bPaintWorks = bEnableSmooth = sal_True;
bPreView = 0 !=( VSHELLFLAG_ISPREVIEW & nFlags );
// --> OD 2005-02-11 #i38810# - Do not reset modified state of document,
// if it's already been modified.
const bool bIsDocModified( pDoc->IsModified() );
// <--
pOutput = pOut;
Init( pNewOpt ); //verstellt ggf. das Outdev (InitPrt())
pOut = pOutput;
// OD 28.03.2003 #108470# - initialize print preview layout after layout
// is created in <ViewShell::Init(..)> - called above.
if ( bPreView )
// OD 12.12.2002 #103492# - init page preview layout
((SwHiddenTxtFieldType*)pDoc->GetSysFldType( RES_HIDDENTXTFLD ))->
SetHiddenFlag( !pOpt->IsShowHiddenField() );
//In Init wird ein Standard-FrmFmt angelegt.
// --> OD 2005-02-11 #i38810#
if ( !pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNoResetModified()
&& !bIsDocModified )
// <--
//Format-Cache erweitern.
if ( SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->GetCurMax() < 2550 )
SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->IncreaseMax( 100 );
if( pOpt->IsGridVisible() || getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetDrawModel() )
// OD 2004-06-01 #i26791#
mbInConstructor = false;
|* ViewShell::ViewShell() CTor fuer weitere Shells auf ein Dokument.
ViewShell::ViewShell( ViewShell& rShell, Window *pWindow,
OutputDevice *pOutput, long nFlags ) :
Ring( &rShell ),
aBrowseBorder( rShell.aBrowseBorder ),
pSfxViewShell( 0 ),
pImp( new SwViewImp( this ) ),
pWin( pWindow ),
pOut( pOutput ? pOutput
: pWindow ? (OutputDevice*)pWindow
: (OutputDevice*)rShell.GetDoc()->getPrinter( true )),
mpTmpRef( 0 ),
pOpt( 0 ),
pAccOptions( new SwAccessibilityOptions ),
mpTargetPaintWindow(0), // #i74769#
mpBufferedOut(0), // #i74769#
pDoc( rShell.GetDoc() ),
nStartAction( 0 ),
nLockPaint( 0 ),
mnPrePostPaintCount(0L), // #i72754#
mpPrePostOutDev(0), // #i72754#
RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLog, "SW", "JP93722", "ViewShell::SwViewShell" );
// OD 2004-06-01 #i26791# - in order to suppress event handling in
// <SwDrawContact::Changed> during construction of <ViewShell> instance
mbInConstructor = true;
bPaintWorks = bEnableSmooth = sal_True;
bPaintInProgress = bViewLocked = bInEndAction = bFrameView =
bEndActionByVirDev = sal_False;
bPreView = 0 !=( VSHELLFLAG_ISPREVIEW & nFlags );
if( nFlags & VSHELLFLAG_SHARELAYOUT ) //swmod 080125
pLayout = rShell.pLayout;//swmod 080125
sal_Bool bModified = pDoc->IsModified();
pOutput = pOut;
Init( rShell.GetViewOptions() ); //verstellt ggf. das Outdev (InitPrt())
pOut = pOutput;
// OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
if ( bPreView )
((SwHiddenTxtFieldType*)pDoc->GetSysFldType( RES_HIDDENTXTFLD ))->
SetHiddenFlag( !pOpt->IsShowHiddenField() );
// in Init wird ein Standard-FrmFmt angelegt
if( !bModified && !pDoc->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNoResetModified() )
//Format-Cache erweitern.
if ( SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->GetCurMax() < 2550 )
SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->IncreaseMax( 100 );
if( pOpt->IsGridVisible() || getIDocumentDrawModelAccess()->GetDrawModel() )
// OD 2004-06-01 #i26791#
mbInConstructor = false;
|* ViewShell::~ViewShell()
bPaintWorks = sal_False;
// FME 2004-06-21 #i9684# Stopping the animated graphics is not
// necessary during printing or pdf export, because the animation
// has not been started in this case.
if( pDoc && GetWin() )
SwNodes& rNds = pDoc->GetNodes();
SwGrfNode *pGNd;
SwStartNode *pStNd;
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *rNds.GetEndOfAutotext().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 );
while ( 0 != (pStNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode()) )
if ( 0 != ( pGNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetGrfNode() ) )
if( pGNd->IsAnimated() )
SwIterator<SwFrm,SwGrfNode> aIter( *pGNd );
for( SwFrm* pFrm = aIter.First(); pFrm; pFrm = aIter.Next() )
ASSERT( pFrm->IsNoTxtFrm(), "GraphicNode with Text?" );
((SwNoTxtFrm*)pFrm)->StopAnimation( pOut );
aIdx.Assign( *pStNd->EndOfSectionNode(), +1 );
GetDoc()->StopNumRuleAnimations( pOut );
delete pImp; //Erst loeschen, damit die LayoutViews vernichtet werden.
pImp = 0; // Set to zero, because ~SwFrm relies on it.
if ( pDoc )
if( !pDoc->release() )
delete pDoc, pDoc = 0;
}//swmod 080317
delete pOpt;
//Format-Cache zurueckschrauben.
if ( SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->GetCurMax() > 250 )
SwTxtFrm::GetTxtCache()->DecreaseMax( 100 );
//Ggf. aus der PaintQueue entfernen lassen
SwPaintQueue::Remove( this );
ASSERT( !nStartAction, "EndAction() pending." );
if ( pDoc )
GetLayout()->DeRegisterShell( this );
pDoc->SetCurrentViewShell( this->GetNext()!=this ?
(ViewShell*)this->GetNext() : NULL );
delete mpTmpRef;
delete pAccOptions;
sal_Bool ViewShell::HasDrawView() const
return Imp() ? Imp()->HasDrawView() : 0;
void ViewShell::MakeDrawView()
Imp()->MakeDrawView( );
SdrView* ViewShell::GetDrawView()
return Imp()->GetDrawView();
SdrView* ViewShell::GetDrawViewWithValidMarkList()
SwDrawView* pDView = Imp()->GetDrawView();
return pDView;