blob: 41d040186b9e2116a89595a4982bf57be8bd3af0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include "doc.hxx"
#include "pagefrm.hxx"
#include "rootfrm.hxx"
#include "cntfrm.hxx"
#include "dview.hxx"
#include "dflyobj.hxx"
#include "dcontact.hxx"
#include "flyfrm.hxx"
#include "ftnfrm.hxx"
#include "frmtool.hxx"
#include "frmfmt.hxx"
#include "errhdl.hxx"
#include "hints.hxx"
#include "pam.hxx"
#include "sectfrm.hxx"
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <fmtornt.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include "ndole.hxx"
#include "tabfrm.hxx"
#include "flyfrms.hxx"
// OD 22.09.2003 #i18732#
#include <fmtfollowtextflow.hxx>
// OD 29.10.2003 #113049#
#include <environmentofanchoredobject.hxx>
// OD 2004-05-24 #i28701#
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>
#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <viewimp.hxx>
#include <svx/svdlegacy.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
|* SwFlyFreeFrm::SwFlyFreeFrm(), ~SwFlyFreeFrm()
|* Ersterstellung MA 03. Dec. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 09. Apr. 99
SwFlyFreeFrm::SwFlyFreeFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt, SwFrm* pSib, SwFrm *pAnch ) :
SwFlyFrm( pFmt, pSib, pAnch ),
pPage( 0 ),
// --> OD 2004-11-15 #i34753#
mbNoMakePos( false ),
// <--
// --> OD 2004-11-12 #i37068#
mbNoMoveOnCheckClip( false )
// <--
//und Tschuess.
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if( GetPageFrm() )
if( GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsInDtor() )
// --> OD 2004-06-04 #i29879# - remove also to-frame anchored Writer
// fly frame from page.
const bool bRemoveFromPage =
GetPageFrm()->GetSortedObjs() &&
( IsFlyAtCntFrm() ||
( GetAnchorFrm() && GetAnchorFrm()->IsFlyFrm() ) );
if ( bRemoveFromPage )
GetPageFrm()->GetSortedObjs()->Remove( *this );
SwRect aTmp( GetObjRectWithSpaces() );
SwFlyFreeFrm::NotifyBackground( GetPageFrm(), aTmp, PREP_FLY_LEAVE );
|* SwFlyFreeFrm::NotifyBackground()
|* Beschreibung Benachrichtigt den Hintergrund (alle CntntFrms die
|* gerade ueberlappt werden. Ausserdem wird das Window in einigen
|* Faellen direkt invalidiert (vor allem dort, wo keine CntntFrms
|* ueberlappt werden.
|* Es werden auch die CntntFrms innerhalb von anderen Flys
|* beruecksichtigt.
|* Ersterstellung MA 03. Dec. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 26. Aug. 93
void SwFlyFreeFrm::NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm *pPageFrm,
const SwRect& rRect, PrepareHint eHint )
::Notify_Background( GetVirtDrawObj(), pPageFrm, rRect, eHint, sal_True );
|* SwFlyFreeFrm::MakeAll()
|* Ersterstellung MA 18. Feb. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 03. Mar. 97
void SwFlyFreeFrm::MakeAll()
// OD 2004-01-19 #110582#
if ( !GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsVisibleLayerId( GetVirtDrawObj()->GetLayer() ) )
if ( !GetAnchorFrm() || IsLocked() || IsColLocked() )
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if( !GetPageFrm() && GetAnchorFrm() && GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFly() )
SwFlyFrm* pFly = AnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm();
SwPageFrm *pPageFrm = pFly ? pFly->FindPageFrm() : NULL;
if( pPageFrm )
pPageFrm->AppendFlyToPage( this );
if( !GetPageFrm() )
Lock(); //Der Vorhang faellt
//uebernimmt im DTor die Benachrichtigung
const SwFlyNotify aNotify( this );
if ( IsClipped() )
bValidSize = bHeightClipped = bWidthClipped = sal_False;
// --> OD 2004-11-03 #114798# - no invalidation of position,
// if anchored object is anchored inside a Writer fly frame,
// its position is already locked, and it follows the text flow.
// --> OD 2004-11-15 #i34753# - add condition:
// no invalidation of position, if no direct move is requested in <CheckClip(..)>
if ( !IsNoMoveOnCheckClip() &&
!( PositionLocked() &&
GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFly() &&
GetFrmFmt().GetFollowTextFlow().GetValue() ) )
// <--
bValidPos = sal_False;
// <--
// FME 2007-08-30 #i81146# new loop control
sal_uInt16 nLoopControlRuns = 0;
const sal_uInt16 nLoopControlMax = 10;
while ( !bValidPos || !bValidSize || !bValidPrtArea || bFormatHeightOnly )
SWRECTFN( this )
const SwFmtFrmSize *pSz;
{ //Zusaetzlicher Scope, damit aAccess vor dem Check zerstoert wird!
SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), this );
const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
pSz = &rAttrs.GetAttrSet().GetFrmSize();
//Nur einstellen wenn das Flag gesetzt ist!!
if ( !bValidSize )
bValidPrtArea = sal_False;
// This is also done in the Format function, so I think
// this code is not necessary anymore:
const Size aRelSize( CalcRel( *pSz ) );
const SwTwips nMin = MINFLY + rAttrs.CalcLeftLine()+rAttrs.CalcRightLine();
long nDiff = bVert ? aRelSize.Height() : aRelSize.Width();
if( nDiff < nMin )
nDiff = nMin;
nDiff -= (aFrm.*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
if( nDiff )
(aFrm.*fnRect->fnAddRight)( nDiff );
bValidPos = sal_False;
if ( !bValidPrtArea )
MakePrtArea( rAttrs );
if ( !bValidSize || bFormatHeightOnly )
bValidSize = sal_False;
Format( &rAttrs );
bFormatHeightOnly = sal_False;
if ( !bValidPos )
const Point aOldPos( (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)() );
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791# - use new method <MakeObjPos()>
// --> OD 2004-11-15 #i34753# - no positioning, if requested.
if ( IsNoMakePos() )
bValidPos = sal_True;
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791# - use new method <MakeObjPos()>
// <--
if( aOldPos == (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)() )
if( !bValidPos && GetAnchorFrm()->IsInSct() &&
!GetAnchorFrm()->FindSctFrm()->IsValid() )
bValidPos = sal_True;
bValidSize = sal_False;
if ( bValidPos && bValidSize )
ASSERT( nLoopControlRuns < nLoopControlMax, "LoopControl in SwFlyFreeFrm::MakeAll" )
if ( nLoopControlRuns < nLoopControlMax )
CheckClip( *pSz );
nLoopControlRuns = 0;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
SWRECTFN( this )
ASSERT( bHeightClipped || ( (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)() > 0 &&
(Prt().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)() > 0),
"SwFlyFreeFrm::Format(), flipping Fly." );
/** determines, if direct environment of fly frame has 'auto' size
OD 07.08.2003 #i17297#, #111066#, #111070#
start with anchor frame and search via <GetUpper()> for a header, footer,
row or fly frame stopping at page frame.
return <true>, if such a frame is found and it has 'auto' size.
otherwise <false> is returned.
@author OD
@return boolean indicating, that direct environment has 'auto' size
bool SwFlyFreeFrm::HasEnvironmentAutoSize() const
bool bRetVal = false;
const SwFrm* pToBeCheckedFrm = GetAnchorFrm();
while ( pToBeCheckedFrm &&
!pToBeCheckedFrm->IsPageFrm() )
if ( pToBeCheckedFrm->IsHeaderFrm() ||
pToBeCheckedFrm->IsFooterFrm() ||
pToBeCheckedFrm->IsRowFrm() ||
pToBeCheckedFrm->IsFlyFrm() )
bRetVal = ATT_FIX_SIZE !=
pToBeCheckedFrm = pToBeCheckedFrm->GetUpper();
return bRetVal;
|* SwFlyFreeFrm::CheckClip()
|* Ersterstellung MA 21. Feb. 94
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 03. Mar. 97
void SwFlyFreeFrm::CheckClip( const SwFmtFrmSize &rSz )
//Jetzt ist es ggf. an der Zeit geignete Massnahmen zu ergreifen wenn
//der Fly nicht in seine Umgebung passt.
//Zuerst gibt der Fly seine Position auf. Danach wird er zunaechst
//formatiert. Erst wenn er auch durch die Aufgabe der Position nicht
//passt wird die Breite oder Hoehe aufgegeben - der Rahmen wird soweit
//wie notwendig zusammengequetscht.
const SwVirtFlyDrawObj *pObj = GetVirtDrawObj();
SwRect aClip, aTmpStretch;
::CalcClipRect( pObj, aClip, sal_True );
::CalcClipRect( pObj, aTmpStretch, sal_False );
aClip._Intersection( aTmpStretch );
const long nBot = Frm().Top() + Frm().Height();
const long nRig = Frm().Left() + Frm().Width();
const long nClipBot = aClip.Top() + aClip.Height();
const long nClipRig = aClip.Left() + aClip.Width();
const sal_Bool bBot = nBot > nClipBot;
const sal_Bool bRig = nRig > nClipRig;
if ( bBot || bRig )
sal_Bool bAgain = sal_False;
// --> OD 2004-11-12 #i37068# - no move, if it's requested
if ( bBot && !IsNoMoveOnCheckClip() &&
!GetDrawObjs() && !GetAnchorFrm()->IsInTab() )
// <--
SwFrm* pHeader = FindFooterOrHeader();
// In a header, correction of the position is no good idea.
// If the fly moves, some paragraphs has to be formatted, this
// could cause a change of the height of the headerframe,
// now the flyframe can change its position and so on ...
if ( !pHeader || !pHeader->IsHeaderFrm() )
const long nOld = Frm().Top();
Frm().Pos().Y() = Max( aClip.Top(), nClipBot - Frm().Height() );
if ( Frm().Top() != nOld )
bAgain = sal_True;
bHeightClipped = sal_True;
if ( bRig )
const long nOld = Frm().Left();
Frm().Pos().X() = Max( aClip.Left(), nClipRig - Frm().Width() );
if ( Frm().Left() != nOld )
const SwFmtHoriOrient &rH = GetFmt()->GetHoriOrient();
// Links ausgerichtete duerfen nicht nach links verschoben werden,
// wenn sie einem anderen ausweichen.
if( rH.GetHoriOrient() == text::HoriOrientation::LEFT )
Frm().Pos().X() = nOld;
bAgain = sal_True;
bWidthClipped = sal_True;
if ( bAgain )
bValidSize = sal_False;
//Wenn wir hier ankommen ragt der Frm in unerlaubte Bereiche
//hinein, und eine Positionskorrektur ist nicht erlaubt bzw.
//moeglich oder noetig.
//Fuer Flys mit OLE-Objekten als Lower sorgen wir dafuer, dass
//immer proportional Resized wird.
Size aOldSize( Frm().SSize() );
//Zuerst wird das FrmRect eingestellt, und dann auf den Frm
SwRect aFrmRect( Frm() );
if ( bBot )
long nDiff = nClipBot;
nDiff -= aFrmRect.Top(); //nDiff ist die verfuegbare Strecke.
nDiff = aFrmRect.Height() - nDiff;
aFrmRect.Height( aFrmRect.Height() - nDiff );
bHeightClipped = sal_True;
if ( bRig )
long nDiff = nClipRig;
nDiff -= aFrmRect.Left();//nDiff ist die verfuegbare Strecke.
nDiff = aFrmRect.Width() - nDiff;
aFrmRect.Width( aFrmRect.Width() - nDiff );
bWidthClipped = sal_True;
// OD 06.08.2003 #i17297#, #111066#, #111070# - no proportional
// scaling of graphics in environments, which determines its size
// by its content ('auto' size). Otherwise layout loops can occur and
// layout sizes of the environment can be incorrect.
// Such environment are:
// (1) header and footer frames with 'auto' size
// (2) table row frames with 'auto' size
// (3) fly frames with 'auto' size
// Note: section frames seems to be not critical - didn't found
// any critical layout situation so far.
if ( Lower() && Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() &&
( static_cast<SwCntntFrm*>(Lower())->GetNode()->GetOLENode() ||
!HasEnvironmentAutoSize() ) )
//Wenn Breite und Hoehe angepasst wurden, so ist die
//groessere Veraenderung massgeblich.
if ( aFrmRect.Width() != aOldSize.Width() &&
aFrmRect.Height()!= aOldSize.Height() )
if ( (aOldSize.Width() - aFrmRect.Width()) >
(aOldSize.Height()- aFrmRect.Height()) )
aFrmRect.Height( aOldSize.Height() );
aFrmRect.Width( aOldSize.Width() );
//Breite angepasst? - Hoehe dann proportional verkleinern
if( aFrmRect.Width() != aOldSize.Width() )
aFrmRect.Height( aFrmRect.Width() * aOldSize.Height() /
aOldSize.Width() );
bHeightClipped = sal_True;
//Hoehe angepasst? - Breite dann proportional verkleinern
else if( aFrmRect.Height() != aOldSize.Height() )
aFrmRect.Width( aFrmRect.Height() * aOldSize.Width() /
aOldSize.Height() );
bWidthClipped = sal_True;
// OD 07.08.2003 #i17297#, #111066#, #111070# - reactivate change
// of size attribute for fly frames containing an ole object.
// FME: 2004-05-19 Added the aFrmRect.HasArea() hack, because
// the environment of the ole object does not have to be valid
// at this moment, or even worse, it does not have to have a
// resonable size. In this case we do not want to change to
// attributes permanentely. Maybe one day somebody dares to remove
// this code.
if ( aFrmRect.HasArea() &&
static_cast<SwCntntFrm*>(Lower())->GetNode()->GetOLENode() &&
( bWidthClipped || bHeightClipped ) )
SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt = (SwFlyFrmFmt*)GetFmt();
SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSize( rSz );
aFrmSize.SetWidth( aFrmRect.Width() );
aFrmSize.SetHeight( aFrmRect.Height() );
pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aFrmSize );
//Jetzt die Einstellungen am Frm vornehmen, bei Spalten werden
//die neuen Werte in die Attribute eingetragen, weil es sonst
//ziemlich fiese Oszillationen gibt.
const long nPrtHeightDiff = Frm().Height() - Prt().Height();
const long nPrtWidthDiff = Frm().Width() - Prt().Width();
Frm().Height( aFrmRect.Height() );
Frm().Width ( Max( long(MINLAY), aFrmRect.Width() ) );
if ( Lower() && Lower()->IsColumnFrm() )
ColLock(); //Grow/Shrink locken.
const Size aTmpOldSize( Prt().SSize() );
Prt().Height( Frm().Height() - nPrtHeightDiff );
Prt().Width ( Frm().Width() - nPrtWidthDiff );
ChgLowersProp( aTmpOldSize );
SwFrm *pLow = Lower();
{ pLow->Calc();
// auch den (Column)BodyFrm mitkalkulieren
pLow = pLow->GetNext();
} while ( pLow );
::CalcCntnt( this );
if ( !bValidSize && !bWidthClipped )
bFormatHeightOnly = bValidSize = sal_True;
Prt().Height( Frm().Height() - nPrtHeightDiff );
Prt().Width ( Frm().Width() - nPrtWidthDiff );
// --> OD 2004-10-14 #i26945#
ASSERT( Frm().Height() >= 0,
"<SwFlyFreeFrm::CheckClip(..)> - fly frame has negative height now." );
// <--
/** method to determine, if a <MakeAll()> on the Writer fly frame is possible
OD 2005-03-03 #i43771#
@author OD
bool SwFlyFreeFrm::IsFormatPossible() const
return SwFlyFrm::IsFormatPossible() &&
( GetPageFrm() ||
( GetAnchorFrm() && GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFly() ) );
|* SwFlyLayFrm::SwFlyLayFrm()
|* Ersterstellung MA 25. Aug. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 09. Apr. 99
SwFlyLayFrm::SwFlyLayFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt, SwFrm* pSib, SwFrm *pAnch ) :
SwFlyFreeFrm( pFmt, pSib, pAnch )
bLayout = sal_True;
|* SwFlyLayFrm::Modify()
|* Ersterstellung MA 08. Feb. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 28. Aug. 93
void SwFlyLayFrm::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew )
sal_uInt16 nWhich = pNew ? pNew->Which() : 0;
SwFmtAnchor *pAnch = 0;
if( RES_ATTRSET_CHG == nWhich && SFX_ITEM_SET ==
((SwAttrSetChg*)pNew)->GetChgSet()->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch ))
; // Beim GetItemState wird der AnkerPointer gesetzt !
else if( RES_ANCHOR == nWhich )
//Ankerwechsel, ich haenge mich selbst um.
//Es darf sich nicht um einen Wechsel des Ankertyps handeln,
//dies ist nur ueber die SwFEShell moeglich.
pAnch = (SwFmtAnchor*)pNew;
if( pAnch )
ASSERT( pAnch->GetAnchorId() ==
"8-) Unzulaessiger Wechsel des Ankertyps." );
//Abmelden, Seite besorgen, an den entsprechenden LayoutFrm
SwRect aOld( GetObjRectWithSpaces() );
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
SwPageFrm *pOldPage = GetPageFrm();
AnchorFrm()->RemoveFly( this );
if ( FLY_AT_PAGE == pAnch->GetAnchorId() )
sal_uInt16 nPgNum = pAnch->GetPageNum();
SwRootFrm *pRoot = getRootFrm();
SwPageFrm *pTmpPage = (SwPageFrm*)pRoot->Lower();
for ( sal_uInt16 i = 1; (i <= nPgNum) && pTmpPage; ++i,
pTmpPage = (SwPageFrm*)pTmpPage->GetNext() )
if ( i == nPgNum )
// --> OD 2005-06-09 #i50432# - adjust synopsis of <PlaceFly(..)>
pTmpPage->PlaceFly( this, 0 );
// <--
if( !pTmpPage )
SwNodeIndex aIdx( pAnch->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode );
SwCntntFrm *pCntnt = GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetNodes().GoNext( &aIdx )->
GetCntntNode()->getLayoutFrm( getRootFrm(), 0, 0, sal_False );
if( pCntnt )
SwFlyFrm *pTmp = pCntnt->FindFlyFrm();
if( pTmp )
pTmp->AppendFly( this );
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if ( pOldPage && pOldPage != GetPageFrm() )
NotifyBackground( pOldPage, aOld, PREP_FLY_LEAVE );
SwFlyFrm::Modify( pOld, pNew );
|* SwPageFrm::AppendFly()
|* Ersterstellung MA 10. Oct. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 08. Jun. 96
void SwPageFrm::AppendFlyToPage( SwFlyFrm *pNew )
if ( !pNew->GetVirtDrawObj()->IsObjectInserted() )
pNew->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetReferencedObj().GetNavigationPosition() );
InvalidateSmartTags(); // SMARTTAGS
if ( GetUpper() )
SdrObject* pObj = pNew->GetVirtDrawObj();
ASSERT( pNew->GetAnchorFrm(), "Fly without Anchor" );
const SwFlyFrm* pFly = pNew->GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm();
if ( pFly && pObj->GetNavigationPosition() < pFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition() )
//#i119945# set pFly's OrdNum to _rNewObj's. So when pFly is removed by Undo, the original OrdNum will not be changed.
sal_uInt32 nNewNum = pFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition();
if ( pObj->getParentOfSdrObject() )
pObj->getParentOfSdrObject()->SetNavigationPosition( pFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition(), nNewNum);
// TTTT: object should always be inserted into an ObjectList, thus this should not
// happen. Even if it happens, there is no use in setting an OrdNum since an object
// which is not member of an SdrObjLsit by definition has an OrdNum of 0 since it
// is not member of a Z-Order (see SdrObject::GetNavigationPosition())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "SwPageFrm::AppendFlyToPage tried to set OrdNum for non-inserted SdrObject (!)");
// former code: pFly->GetVirtDrawObj()->SetOrdNum( nNewNum );
//Flys die im Cntnt sitzen beachten wir nicht weiter.
if ( pNew->IsFlyInCntFrm() )
if ( !pSortedObjs )
pSortedObjs = new SwSortedObjs();
const bool bSucessInserted =
pSortedObjs->Insert( *pNew );
ASSERT( bSucessInserted, "Fly nicht in Sorted eingetragen." )
(void) bSucessInserted;
// --> OD 2008-04-22 #i87493#
ASSERT( pNew->GetPageFrm() == 0 || pNew->GetPageFrm() == this,
"<SwPageFrm::AppendFlyToPage(..)> - anchored fly frame seems to be registered at another page frame. Serious defect -> please inform OD." );
// <--
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <SetPageFrm(..)>
pNew->SetPageFrm( this );
pNew->InvalidatePage( this );
// OD 2004-05-17 #i28701#
// Notify accessible layout. That's required at this place for
// frames only where the anchor is moved. Creation of new frames
// is additionally handled by the SwFrmNotify class.
if( GetUpper() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->IsAnyShellAccessible() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell() )
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell()->Imp()
->AddAccessibleFrm( pNew );
// --> OD 2004-06-09 #i28701# - correction: consider also drawing objects
if ( pNew->GetDrawObjs() )
SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *pNew->GetDrawObjs();
for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i )
SwAnchoredObject* pTmpObj = rObjs[i];
SwFlyFrm* pTmpFly = dynamic_cast< SwFlyFrm* >(pTmpObj);
if ( pTmpFly )
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if ( pTmpFly->IsFlyFreeFrm() && !pTmpFly->GetPageFrm() )
AppendFlyToPage( pTmpFly );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SwAnchoredDrawObject* >(pTmpObj) )
// --> OD 2008-04-22 #i87493#
// AppendDrawObjToPage( *pTmpObj );
if ( pTmpObj->GetPageFrm() != this )
if ( pTmpObj->GetPageFrm() != 0 )
pTmpObj->GetPageFrm()->RemoveDrawObjFromPage( *pTmpObj );
AppendDrawObjToPage( *pTmpObj );
// <--
|* SwPageFrm::RemoveFly()
|* Ersterstellung MA 10. Oct. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 26. Aug. 96
void SwPageFrm::RemoveFlyFromPage( SwFlyFrm *pToRemove )
const sal_uInt32 nOrdNum = pToRemove->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition();
getRootFrm()->GetDrawPage()->RemoveObjectFromSdrObjList( nOrdNum );
SdrObject& rRefObj = pToRemove->GetVirtDrawObj()->ReferencedObj();
rRefObj.getParentOfSdrObject()->SetNavigationPosition(rRefObj.GetNavigationPosition(), nOrdNum );
if ( GetUpper() )
if ( !pToRemove->IsFlyInCntFrm() )
//Flys die im Cntnt sitzen beachten wir nicht weiter.
if ( pToRemove->IsFlyInCntFrm() )
// Notify accessible layout. That's required at this place for
// frames only where the anchor is moved. Creation of new frames
// is additionally handled by the SwFrmNotify class.
if( GetUpper() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->IsAnyShellAccessible() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell() )
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell()->Imp()
->DisposeAccessibleFrm( pToRemove, sal_True );
//Collections noch nicht loeschen. Das passiert am Ende
//der Action im RemoveSuperfluous der Seite - angestossen von gleich-
//namiger Methode der Root.
//Die FlyColl kann bereits weg sein, weil der DTor der Seite
//gerade 'laeuft'
if ( pSortedObjs )
pSortedObjs->Remove( *pToRemove );
if ( !pSortedObjs->Count() )
{ DELETEZ( pSortedObjs );
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <SetPageFrm(..)>
pToRemove->SetPageFrm( 0L );
|* SwPageFrm::MoveFly
|* Ersterstellung MA 25. Jan. 97
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 25. Jan. 97
void SwPageFrm::MoveFly( SwFlyFrm *pToMove, SwPageFrm *pDest )
if ( GetUpper() )
if ( !pToMove->IsFlyInCntFrm() && pDest->GetPhyPageNum() < GetPhyPageNum() )
pDest->InvalidateSmartTags(); // SMARTTAGS
if ( pToMove->IsFlyInCntFrm() )
// Notify accessible layout. That's required at this place for
// frames only where the anchor is moved. Creation of new frames
// is additionally handled by the SwFrmNotify class.
if( GetUpper() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->IsAnyShellAccessible() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell() )
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell()->Imp()
->DisposeAccessibleFrm( pToMove, sal_True );
//Die FlyColl kann bereits weg sein, weil der DTor der Seite
//gerade 'laeuft'
if ( pSortedObjs )
pSortedObjs->Remove( *pToMove );
if ( !pSortedObjs->Count() )
{ DELETEZ( pSortedObjs );
if ( !pDest->GetSortedObjs() )
pDest->pSortedObjs = new SwSortedObjs();
const bool bSucessInserted =
pDest->GetSortedObjs()->Insert( *pToMove );
ASSERT( bSucessInserted, "Fly nicht in Sorted eingetragen." )
(void) bSucessInserted;
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <SetPageFrm(..)>
pToMove->SetPageFrm( pDest );
pToMove->InvalidatePage( pDest );
// OD 2004-05-17 #i28701#
// Notify accessible layout. That's required at this place for
// frames only where the anchor is moved. Creation of new frames
// is additionally handled by the SwFrmNotify class.
if( GetUpper() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->IsAnyShellAccessible() &&
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell() )
static_cast< SwRootFrm * >( GetUpper() )->GetCurrShell()->Imp()
->AddAccessibleFrm( pToMove );
// --> OD 2004-06-09 #i28701# - correction: move lowers of Writer fly frame
if ( pToMove->GetDrawObjs() )
SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *pToMove->GetDrawObjs();
for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i )
SwAnchoredObject* pObj = rObjs[i];
SwFlyFrm* pFly = dynamic_cast< SwFlyFrm* >(pObj);
if ( pFly )
if ( pFly->IsFlyFreeFrm() )
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
SwPageFrm* pPageFrm = pFly->GetPageFrm();
if ( pPageFrm )
pPageFrm->MoveFly( pFly, pDest );
pDest->AppendFlyToPage( pFly );
else if ( dynamic_cast< SwAnchoredDrawObject* >(pObj) )
RemoveDrawObjFromPage( *pObj );
pDest->AppendDrawObjToPage( *pObj );
|* SwPageFrm::AppendDrawObjToPage(), RemoveDrawObjFromPage()
|* --> OD 2004-07-02 #i28701# - new methods
void SwPageFrm::AppendDrawObjToPage( SwAnchoredObject& _rNewObj )
if ( !dynamic_cast< SwAnchoredDrawObject* >(&_rNewObj) )
ASSERT( false,
"SwPageFrm::AppendDrawObjToPage(..) - anchored object of unexcepted type -> object not appended" );
if ( GetUpper() )
ASSERT( _rNewObj.GetAnchorFrm(), "anchored draw object without anchor" );
SwFlyFrm* pFlyFrm = (SwFlyFrm*)_rNewObj.GetAnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm();
if ( pFlyFrm &&
_rNewObj.GetDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition() < pFlyFrm->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition() )
//#i119945# set pFly's OrdNum to _rNewObj's. So when pFly is removed by Undo, the original OrdNum will not be changed.
sal_uInt32 nNewNum = pFlyFrm->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition();
if ( _rNewObj.GetDrawObj()->getParentOfSdrObject() )
_rNewObj.DrawObj()->getParentOfSdrObject()->SetNavigationPosition(pFlyFrm->GetVirtDrawObj()->GetNavigationPosition(), nNewNum);
// TTTT: object should always be inserted into an ObjectList, thus this should not
// happen. Even if it happens, there is no use in setting an OrdNum since an object
// which is not member of an SdrObjLsit by definition has an OrdNum of 0 since it
// is not member of a Z-Order (see SdrObject::GetNavigationPosition())
OSL_ENSURE(false, "SwPageFrm::AppendDrawObjToPage try to set OrdNum for non-inserted SdrObject (!)");
// former code: pFlyFrm->GetVirtDrawObj()->SetOrdNum( nNewNum );
if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == _rNewObj.GetFrmFmt().GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() )
if ( !pSortedObjs )
pSortedObjs = new SwSortedObjs();
if ( !pSortedObjs->Insert( _rNewObj ) )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
ASSERT( pSortedObjs->Contains( _rNewObj ),
"Drawing object not appended into list <pSortedObjs>." );
// --> OD 2008-04-22 #i87493#
ASSERT( _rNewObj.GetPageFrm() == 0 || _rNewObj.GetPageFrm() == this,
"<SwPageFrm::AppendDrawObjToPage(..)> - anchored draw object seems to be registered at another page frame. Serious defect -> please inform OD." );
// <--
_rNewObj.SetPageFrm( this );
// invalidate page in order to force a reformat of object layout of the page.
void SwPageFrm::RemoveDrawObjFromPage( SwAnchoredObject& _rToRemoveObj )
if ( !dynamic_cast< SwAnchoredDrawObject* >(&_rToRemoveObj) )
ASSERT( false,
"SwPageFrm::RemoveDrawObjFromPage(..) - anchored object of unexcepted type -> object not removed" );
if ( pSortedObjs )
pSortedObjs->Remove( _rToRemoveObj );
if ( !pSortedObjs->Count() )
DELETEZ( pSortedObjs );
if ( GetUpper() )
if (FLY_AS_CHAR !=
_rToRemoveObj.SetPageFrm( 0 );
|* SwPageFrm::PlaceFly
|* Ersterstellung MA 08. Feb. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 27. Feb. 93
// --> OD 2005-06-09 #i50432# - adjust method description and synopsis.
void SwPageFrm::PlaceFly( SwFlyFrm* pFly, SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt )
// --> OD 2005-06-09 #i50432# - consider the case that page is an empty page:
// In this case append the fly frame at the next page
ASSERT( !IsEmptyPage() || GetNext(),
"<SwPageFrm::PlaceFly(..)> - empty page with no next page! -> fly frame appended at empty page" );
if ( IsEmptyPage() && GetNext() )
static_cast<SwPageFrm*>(GetNext())->PlaceFly( pFly, pFmt );
//Wenn ein Fly uebergeben wurde, so benutzen wir diesen, ansonsten wird
//mit dem Format einer erzeugt.
if ( pFly )
AppendFly( pFly );
{ ASSERT( pFmt, ":-( kein Format fuer Fly uebergeben." );
pFly = new SwFlyLayFrm( (SwFlyFrmFmt*)pFmt, this, this );
AppendFly( pFly );
::RegistFlys( this, pFly );
// <--
|* ::CalcClipRect
|* Ersterstellung AMA 24. Sep. 96
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 18. Dec. 96
// OD 22.09.2003 #i18732# - adjustments for following text flow or not
// AND alignment at 'page areas' for to paragraph/to character anchored objects
// OD 06.11.2003 #i22305# - adjustment for following text flow
// for to frame anchored objects
// OD 2004-06-02 #i29778# - Because the calculation of the position of the
// floating screen object (Writer fly frame or drawing object) doesn't perform
// a calculation on its upper frames and its anchor frame, a calculation of
// the upper frames in this method no longer sensible.
// --> OD 2004-07-06 #i28701# - if document compatibility option 'Consider
// wrapping style influence on object positioning' is ON, the clip area
// corresponds to the one as the object doesn't follows the text flow.
sal_Bool CalcClipRect( const SdrObject *pSdrObj, SwRect &rRect, sal_Bool bMove )
sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
if ( dynamic_cast< const SwVirtFlyDrawObj* >(pSdrObj) )
const SwFlyFrm* pFly = ((const SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pSdrObj)->GetFlyFrm();
const bool bFollowTextFlow = pFly->GetFmt()->GetFollowTextFlow().GetValue();
// --> OD 2004-07-06 #i28701#
const bool bConsiderWrapOnObjPos =
// <--
const SwFmtVertOrient &rV = pFly->GetFmt()->GetVertOrient();
if( pFly->IsFlyLayFrm() )
const SwFrm* pClip;
// OD 06.11.2003 #i22305#
// --> OD 2004-07-06 #i28701#
if ( !bFollowTextFlow || bConsiderWrapOnObjPos )
pClip = pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->FindPageFrm();
pClip = pFly->GetAnchorFrm();
rRect = pClip->Frm();
//Vertikales clipping: Top und Bottom, ggf. an PrtArea
if( rV.GetVertOrient() != text::VertOrientation::NONE &&
rV.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA )
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetTop)( (pClip->*fnRect->fnGetPrtTop)() );
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetBottom)( (pClip->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
//Horizontales clipping: Left und Right, ggf. an PrtArea
const SwFmtHoriOrient &rH = pFly->GetFmt()->GetHoriOrient();
if( rH.GetHoriOrient() != text::HoriOrientation::NONE &&
rH.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA )
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetLeft)( (pClip->*fnRect->fnGetPrtLeft)() );
else if( pFly->IsFlyAtCntFrm() )
// OD 22.09.2003 #i18732# - consider following text flow or not
// AND alignment at 'page areas'
const SwFrm* pVertPosOrientFrm = pFly->GetVertPosOrientFrm();
if ( !pVertPosOrientFrm )
ASSERT( false,
"::CalcClipRect(..) - frame, vertical position is oriented at, is missing .");
pVertPosOrientFrm = pFly->GetAnchorFrm();
if ( !bFollowTextFlow || bConsiderWrapOnObjPos )
const SwLayoutFrm* pClipFrm = pVertPosOrientFrm->FindPageFrm();
rRect = bMove ? pClipFrm->GetUpper()->Frm()
: pClipFrm->Frm();
// --> OD 2004-10-14 #i26945# - consider that a table, during
// its format, can exceed its upper printing area bottom.
// Thus, enlarge the clip rectangle, if such a case occurred
if ( pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->IsInTab() )
const SwTabFrm* pTabFrm = const_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(pFly)
SwRect aTmp( pTabFrm->Prt() );
aTmp += pTabFrm->Frm().Pos();
rRect.Union( aTmp );
// --> OD 2005-03-30 #i43913# - consider also the cell frame
const SwFrm* pCellFrm = const_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(pFly)
while ( pCellFrm && !pCellFrm->IsCellFrm() )
pCellFrm = pCellFrm->GetUpper();
if ( pCellFrm )
aTmp = pCellFrm->Prt();
aTmp += pCellFrm->Frm().Pos();
rRect.Union( aTmp );
// <--
else if ( rV.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME ||
rV.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA )
// OD 29.10.2003 #113049# - new class <SwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject>
aEnvOfObj( bFollowTextFlow );
const SwLayoutFrm& rVertClipFrm =
aEnvOfObj.GetVertEnvironmentLayoutFrm( *pVertPosOrientFrm );
if ( rV.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME )
rRect = rVertClipFrm.Frm();
else if ( rV.GetRelationOrient() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA )
if ( rVertClipFrm.IsPageFrm() )
rRect = static_cast<const SwPageFrm&>(rVertClipFrm).PrtWithoutHeaderAndFooter();
rRect = rVertClipFrm.Frm();
const SwLayoutFrm* pHoriClipFrm =
SWRECTFN( pFly->GetAnchorFrm() )
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetLeft)( (pHoriClipFrm->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)() );
// --> OD 2004-10-11 #i26945#
const SwFrm *pClip =
// <--
const SwLayoutFrm *pUp = pClip->GetUpper();
const SwFrm *pCell = pUp->IsCellFrm() ? pUp : 0;
sal_uInt16 nType = bMove ? FRM_ROOT | FRM_FLY | FRM_HEADER |
while ( !(pUp->GetType() & nType) || pUp->IsColBodyFrm() )
pUp = pUp->GetUpper();
if ( !pCell && pUp->IsCellFrm() )
pCell = pUp;
if ( bMove )
if ( pUp->IsRootFrm() )
rRect = pUp->Prt();
rRect += pUp->Frm().Pos();
pUp = 0;
if ( pUp )
if ( pUp->GetType() & FRM_BODY )
const SwPageFrm *pPg;
if ( pUp->GetUpper() != (pPg = pFly->FindPageFrm()) )
pUp = pPg->FindBodyCont();
rRect = pUp->GetUpper()->Frm();
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetTop)( (pUp->*fnRect->fnGetPrtTop)() );
if( ( pUp->GetType() & (FRM_FLY | FRM_FTN ) ) &&
!pUp->Frm().IsInside( pFly->Frm().Pos() ) )
if( pUp->IsFlyFrm() )
SwFlyFrm *pTmpFly = (SwFlyFrm*)pUp;
while( pTmpFly->GetNextLink() )
pTmpFly = pTmpFly->GetNextLink();
if( pTmpFly->Frm().IsInside( pFly->Frm().Pos() ) )
pUp = pTmpFly;
else if( pUp->IsInFtn() )
const SwFtnFrm *pTmp = pUp->FindFtnFrm();
while( pTmp->GetFollow() )
pTmp = pTmp->GetFollow();
if( pTmp->Frm().IsInside( pFly->Frm().Pos() ) )
pUp = pTmp;
rRect = pUp->Prt();
rRect.Pos() += pUp->Frm().Pos();
if ( pUp->GetType() & (FRM_HEADER | FRM_FOOTER) )
rRect.Left ( pUp->GetUpper()->Frm().Left() );
rRect.Width( pUp->GetUpper()->Frm().Width());
else if ( pUp->IsCellFrm() ) //MA_FLY_HEIGHT
const SwFrm *pTab = pUp->FindTabFrm();
(pTab->GetUpper()->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
// OD 08.08.2003 #110978# - expand to left and right
// cell border
rRect.Left ( pUp->Frm().Left() );
rRect.Width( pUp->Frm().Width() );
if ( pCell )
//CellFrms koennen auch in 'unerlaubten' Bereichen stehen, dann
//darf der Fly das auch.
SwRect aTmp( pCell->Prt() );
aTmp += pCell->Frm().Pos();
rRect.Union( aTmp );
const SwFrm *pUp = pFly->GetAnchorFrm()->GetUpper();
SWRECTFN( pFly->GetAnchorFrm() )
while( pUp->IsColumnFrm() || pUp->IsSctFrm() || pUp->IsColBodyFrm())
pUp = pUp->GetUpper();
rRect = pUp->Frm();
if( !pUp->IsBodyFrm() )
rRect += pUp->Prt().Pos();
rRect.SSize( pUp->Prt().SSize() );
if ( pUp->IsCellFrm() )
const SwFrm *pTab = pUp->FindTabFrm();
(pTab->GetUpper()->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)() );
else if ( pUp->GetUpper()->IsPageFrm() )
// #111909# Objects anchored as character may exceed right margin
// of body frame:
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetRight)( (pUp->GetUpper()->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetRight)() );
long nHeight = (9*(rRect.*fnRect->fnGetHeight)())/10;
long nTop;
const SwFmt *pFmt = ((SwContact*)findConnectionToSdrObject(pSdrObj))->GetFmt();
const SvxULSpaceItem &rUL = pFmt->GetULSpace();
if( bMove )
nTop = bVert ? ((SwFlyInCntFrm*)pFly)->GetRefPoint().X() :
nTop = (*fnRect->fnYInc)( nTop, -nHeight );
long nWidth = (pFly->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetLeftAndWidth)( bVert ?
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)pFly)->GetRefPoint().Y() :
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)pFly)->GetRefPoint().X(), nWidth );
nHeight = 2*nHeight - rUL.GetLower() - rUL.GetUpper();
nTop = (*fnRect->fnYInc)( (pFly->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetBottom)(),
rUL.GetLower() - nHeight );
nHeight = 2*nHeight - (pFly->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)()
- rUL.GetLower() - rUL.GetUpper();
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetTopAndHeight)( nTop, nHeight );
const SwDrawContact *pC = (const SwDrawContact*)findConnectionToSdrObject(pSdrObj);
const SwFrmFmt *pFmt = (const SwFrmFmt*)pC->GetFmt();
const SwFmtAnchor &rAnch = pFmt->GetAnchor();
if ( FLY_AS_CHAR == rAnch.GetAnchorId() )
const SwFrm* pAnchorFrm = pC->GetAnchorFrm( pSdrObj );
if( !pAnchorFrm )
ASSERT( false, "<::CalcClipRect(..)> - missing anchor frame." );
pAnchorFrm = pC->GetAnchorFrm();
const SwFrm* pUp = pAnchorFrm->GetUpper();
rRect = pUp->Prt();
rRect += pUp->Frm().Pos();
SWRECTFN( pAnchorFrm )
long nHeight = (9*(rRect.*fnRect->fnGetHeight)())/10;
long nTop;
const SvxULSpaceItem &rUL = pFmt->GetULSpace();
SwRect aSnapRect( sdr::legacy::GetSnapRect(*pSdrObj) );
long nTmpH = 0;
if( bMove )
const Point aObjAnchor(sdr::legacy::GetAnchorPos(*pSdrObj));
nTop = (*fnRect->fnYInc)( bVert ? aObjAnchor.X() : aObjAnchor.Y(), -nHeight );
long nWidth = (aSnapRect.*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetLeftAndWidth)( bVert ? aObjAnchor.Y() : aObjAnchor.X(), nWidth );
// OD 2004-04-13 #i26791# - value of <nTmpH> is needed to
// calculate value of <nTop>.
nTmpH = bVert ? sdr::legacy::GetBoundRect(*pSdrObj).GetWidth() :
nTop = (*fnRect->fnYInc)( (aSnapRect.*fnRect->fnGetTop)(),
rUL.GetLower() + nTmpH - nHeight );
nHeight = 2*nHeight - nTmpH - rUL.GetLower() - rUL.GetUpper();
(rRect.*fnRect->fnSetTopAndHeight)( nTop, nHeight );
// OD 23.06.2003 #108784# - restrict clip rectangle for drawing
// objects in header/footer to the page frame.
// OD 2004-03-29 #i26791#
const SwFrm* pAnchorFrm = pC->GetAnchorFrm( pSdrObj );
if ( pAnchorFrm && pAnchorFrm->FindFooterOrHeader() )
// clip frame is the page frame the header/footer is on.
const SwFrm* pClipFrm = pAnchorFrm->FindPageFrm();
rRect = pClipFrm->Frm();
bRet = sal_False;
return bRet;