blob: c6909d14076ddcb955ca94a547b341c7e9485c1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include <tools/bigint.hxx>
#include "pagefrm.hxx"
#include "cntfrm.hxx"
#include "flyfrm.hxx"
#include "txtfrm.hxx"
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include "viewsh.hxx"
#include "viewimp.hxx"
#include "pam.hxx"
#include "frmfmt.hxx"
#include "frmtool.hxx"
#include "dflyobj.hxx"
#include "hints.hxx"
#include "ndtxt.hxx"
#include "swundo.hxx"
#include "errhdl.hxx"
#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <fmtornt.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
#include <txatbase.hxx>
#include "tabfrm.hxx"
#include "flyfrms.hxx"
#include "crstate.hxx"
#include "sectfrm.hxx"
#include <tocntntanchoredobjectposition.hxx>
#include <dcontact.hxx>
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>
#include <layouter.hxx>
#include <objectformattertxtfrm.hxx>
#include <HandleAnchorNodeChg.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
|* SwFlyAtCntFrm::SwFlyAtCntFrm()
|* Ersterstellung MA 11. Nov. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 09. Apr. 99
SwFlyAtCntFrm::SwFlyAtCntFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt, SwFrm* pSib, SwFrm *pAnch ) :
SwFlyFreeFrm( pFmt, pSib, pAnch )
bAtCnt = sal_True;
bAutoPosition = (FLY_AT_CHAR == pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId());
|* SwFlyAtCntFrm::Modify()
|* Ersterstellung MA 08. Feb. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 23. Nov. 94
void SwFlyAtCntFrm::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew )
sal_uInt16 nWhich = pNew ? pNew->Which() : 0;
const SwFmtAnchor *pAnch = 0;
if( RES_ATTRSET_CHG == nWhich && SFX_ITEM_SET ==
((SwAttrSetChg*)pNew)->GetChgSet()->GetItemState( RES_ANCHOR, sal_False,
(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAnch ))
; // Beim GetItemState wird der AnkerPointer gesetzt !
else if( RES_ANCHOR == nWhich )
//Ankerwechsel, ich haenge mich selbst um.
//Es darf sich nicht um einen Wechsel des Ankertyps handeln,
//dies ist nur ueber die SwFEShell moeglich.
pAnch = (const SwFmtAnchor*)pNew;
if( pAnch )
ASSERT( pAnch->GetAnchorId() == GetFmt()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId(),
"Unzulaessiger Wechsel des Ankertyps." );
//Abmelden, neuen Anker besorgen und 'dranhaengen.
SwRect aOld( GetObjRectWithSpaces() );
SwPageFrm *pOldPage = FindPageFrm();
const SwFrm *pOldAnchor = GetAnchorFrm();
SwCntntFrm *pCntnt = (SwCntntFrm*)GetAnchorFrm();
AnchorFrm()->RemoveFly( this );
const sal_Bool bBodyFtn = (pCntnt->IsInDocBody() || pCntnt->IsInFtn());
//Den neuen Anker anhand des NodeIdx suchen, am alten und
//neuen NodeIdx kann auch erkannt werden, in welche Richtung
//gesucht werden muss.
const SwNodeIndex aNewIdx( pAnch->GetCntntAnchor()->nNode );
SwNodeIndex aOldIdx( *pCntnt->GetNode() );
//fix: Umstellung, ehemals wurde in der do-while-Schleife nach vorn bzw.
//nach hinten gesucht; je nachdem wie welcher Index kleiner war.
//Das kann aber u.U. zu einer Endlosschleife fuehren. Damit
//wenigstens die Schleife unterbunden wird suchen wir nur in eine
//Richtung. Wenn der neue Anker nicht gefunden wird koennen wir uns
//immer noch vom Node einen Frame besorgen. Die Change, dass dies dann
//der richtige ist, ist gut.
const bool bNext = aOldIdx < aNewIdx;
// --> OD 2006-02-28 #125892#
// consider the case that at found anchor frame candidate already a
// fly frame of the given fly format is registered.
// --> OD 2006-03-15 #133407# - consider, that <pCntnt> is the already
// the new anchor frame.
bool bFound( aOldIdx == aNewIdx );
// <--
while ( pCntnt && !bFound )
if ( bNext )
pCntnt = pCntnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
pCntnt = pCntnt->GetPrevCntntFrm();
} while ( pCntnt &&
!( bBodyFtn == ( pCntnt->IsInDocBody() ||
pCntnt->IsInFtn() ) ) );
if ( pCntnt )
aOldIdx = *pCntnt->GetNode();
// --> OD 2006-02-28 #125892#
// check, if at found anchor frame candidate already a fly frame
// of the given fly frame format is registered.
bFound = aOldIdx == aNewIdx;
if ( bFound && pCntnt->GetDrawObjs() )
SwFrmFmt* pMyFlyFrmFmt( &GetFrmFmt() );
SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *pCntnt->GetDrawObjs();
for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i)
SwFlyFrm* pFlyFrm = dynamic_cast<SwFlyFrm*>(rObjs[i]);
if ( pFlyFrm &&
&(pFlyFrm->GetFrmFmt()) == pMyFlyFrmFmt )
bFound = false;
// <--
// <--
if ( !pCntnt )
SwCntntNode *pNode = aNewIdx.GetNode().GetCntntNode();
pCntnt = pNode->getLayoutFrm( getRootFrm(), &pOldAnchor->Frm().Pos(), 0, sal_False );
ASSERT( pCntnt, "Neuen Anker nicht gefunden" );
//Flys haengen niemals an einem Follow sondern immer am
//Master, den suchen wir uns jetzt.
SwCntntFrm* pFlow = pCntnt;
while ( pFlow->IsFollow() )
pFlow = pFlow->FindMaster();
pCntnt = pFlow;
//und schwupp angehaengt das teil...
pCntnt->AppendFly( this );
if ( pOldPage && pOldPage != FindPageFrm() )
NotifyBackground( pOldPage, aOld, PREP_FLY_LEAVE );
// --> OD 2004-06-24 #i28701# - reset member <maLastCharRect> and
// <mnLastTopOfLine> for to-character anchored objects.
SwFlyFrm::Modify( pOld, pNew );
|* SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()
|* Beschreibung Bei einem Absatzgebunden Fly kann es durchaus sein,
|* das der Anker auf die Veraenderung des Flys reagiert. Auf diese
|* Reaktion hat der Fly natuerlich auch wieder zu reagieren.
|* Leider kann dies zu Oszillationen fuehren z.b. Der Fly will nach
|* unten, dadurch kann der Inhalt nach oben, der TxtFrm wird kleiner,
|* der Fly muss wieder hoeher woduch der Text wieder nach unten
|* verdraengt wird...
|* Um derartige Oszillationen zu vermeiden, wird ein kleiner Positions-
|* stack aufgebaut. Wenn der Fly ein Position erreicht, die er bereits
|* einmal einnahm, so brechen wir den Vorgang ab. Um keine Risiken
|* einzugehen, wird der Positionsstack so aufgebaut, dass er fuenf
|* Positionen zurueckblickt.
|* Wenn der Stack ueberlaeuft, wird ebenfalls abgebrochen.
|* Der Abbruch fuer dazu, dass der Fly am Ende eine unguenste Position
|* einnimmt. Damit es nicht durch einen wiederholten Aufruf von
|* Aussen zu einer 'grossen Oszillation' kommen kann wird im Abbruch-
|* fall das Attribut des Rahmens auf automatische Ausrichtung oben
|* eingestellt.
|* Ersterstellung MA 12. Nov. 92
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 20. Sep. 96
//Wir brauchen ein Paar Hilfsklassen zur Kontrolle der Ozillation und ein paar
//Funktionen um die Uebersicht zu gewaehrleisten.
// OD 2004-08-25 #i3317# - re-factoring of the position stack
class SwOszControl
static const SwFlyFrm *pStk1;
static const SwFlyFrm *pStk2;
static const SwFlyFrm *pStk3;
static const SwFlyFrm *pStk4;
static const SwFlyFrm *pStk5;
const SwFlyFrm *pFly;
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317#
sal_uInt8 mnPosStackSize;
std::vector<Point*> maObjPositions;
// <--
SwOszControl( const SwFlyFrm *pFrm );
bool ChkOsz();
static sal_Bool IsInProgress( const SwFlyFrm *pFly );
const SwFlyFrm *SwOszControl::pStk1 = 0;
const SwFlyFrm *SwOszControl::pStk2 = 0;
const SwFlyFrm *SwOszControl::pStk3 = 0;
const SwFlyFrm *SwOszControl::pStk4 = 0;
const SwFlyFrm *SwOszControl::pStk5 = 0;
SwOszControl::SwOszControl( const SwFlyFrm *pFrm )
: pFly( pFrm ),
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317#
mnPosStackSize( 20 )
// <--
if ( !SwOszControl::pStk1 )
SwOszControl::pStk1 = pFly;
else if ( !SwOszControl::pStk2 )
SwOszControl::pStk2 = pFly;
else if ( !SwOszControl::pStk3 )
SwOszControl::pStk3 = pFly;
else if ( !SwOszControl::pStk4 )
SwOszControl::pStk4 = pFly;
else if ( !SwOszControl::pStk5 )
SwOszControl::pStk5 = pFly;
if ( SwOszControl::pStk1 == pFly )
SwOszControl::pStk1 = 0;
else if ( SwOszControl::pStk2 == pFly )
SwOszControl::pStk2 = 0;
else if ( SwOszControl::pStk3 == pFly )
SwOszControl::pStk3 = 0;
else if ( SwOszControl::pStk4 == pFly )
SwOszControl::pStk4 = 0;
else if ( SwOszControl::pStk5 == pFly )
SwOszControl::pStk5 = 0;
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317#
while ( !maObjPositions.empty() )
Point* pPos = maObjPositions.back();
delete pPos;
// <--
sal_Bool SwOszControl::IsInProgress( const SwFlyFrm *pFly )
if ( SwOszControl::pStk1 && !pFly->IsLowerOf( SwOszControl::pStk1 ) )
return sal_True;
if ( SwOszControl::pStk2 && !pFly->IsLowerOf( SwOszControl::pStk2 ) )
return sal_True;
if ( SwOszControl::pStk3 && !pFly->IsLowerOf( SwOszControl::pStk3 ) )
return sal_True;
if ( SwOszControl::pStk4 && !pFly->IsLowerOf( SwOszControl::pStk4 ) )
return sal_True;
if ( SwOszControl::pStk5 && !pFly->IsLowerOf( SwOszControl::pStk5 ) )
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
bool SwOszControl::ChkOsz()
bool bOscillationDetected = false;
if ( maObjPositions.size() == mnPosStackSize )
// position stack is full -> oscillation
bOscillationDetected = true;
Point* pNewObjPos = new Point( pFly->GetObjRect().Pos() );
for ( std::vector<Point*>::iterator aObjPosIter = maObjPositions.begin();
aObjPosIter != maObjPositions.end();
++aObjPosIter )
if ( *(pNewObjPos) == *(*aObjPosIter) )
// position already occurred -> oscillation
bOscillationDetected = true;
delete pNewObjPos;
if ( !bOscillationDetected )
maObjPositions.push_back( pNewObjPos );
return bOscillationDetected;
void SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()
// OD 2004-01-19 #110582#
if ( !GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsVisibleLayerId( GetVirtDrawObj()->GetLayer() ) )
if ( !SwOszControl::IsInProgress( this ) && !IsLocked() && !IsColLocked() )
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if( !GetPageFrm() && GetAnchorFrm() && GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFly() )
SwFlyFrm* pFly = AnchorFrm()->FindFlyFrm();
SwPageFrm *pTmpPage = pFly ? pFly->FindPageFrm() : NULL;
if( pTmpPage )
pTmpPage->AppendFlyToPage( this );
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701# - use new method <GetPageFrm()>
if( GetPageFrm() )
bSetCompletePaintOnInvalidate = sal_True;
SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt = (SwFlyFrmFmt*)GetFmt();
const SwFmtFrmSize &rFrmSz = GetFmt()->GetFrmSize();
if( rFrmSz.GetHeightPercent() != 0xFF &&
rFrmSz.GetHeightPercent() >= 100 )
SwFmtSurround aMain( pFmt->GetSurround() );
if ( aMain.GetSurround() == SURROUND_NONE )
aMain.SetSurround( SURROUND_THROUGHT );
pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aMain );
SwOszControl aOszCntrl( this );
// --> OD 2005-02-22 #i43255#
// --> OD 2005-06-07 #i50356# - format the anchor frame, which
// contains the anchor position. E.g., for at-character anchored
// object this can be the follow frame of the anchor frame.
const bool bFormatAnchor =
!static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>( GetAnchorFrmContainingAnchPos() )->IsAnyJoinLocked() &&
!ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() &&
// <--
const SwFrm* pFooter = GetAnchorFrm()->FindFooterOrHeader();
if( pFooter && !pFooter->IsFooterFrm() )
pFooter = NULL;
bool bOsz = false;
sal_Bool bExtra = Lower() && Lower()->IsColumnFrm();
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317# - boolean, to apply temporarly the
// 'straightforward positioning process' for the frame due to its
// overlapping with a previous column.
bool bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToOverlapPrevCol( false );
// <--
// --> OD 2004-10-22 #i35911# - boolean, to apply temporarly the
// 'straightforward positioning process' for the frame due to fact
// that it causes the complete content of its layout environment
// to move forward.
// --> OD 2005-01-14 #i40444# - extend usage of this boolean:
// apply temporarly the 'straightforward positioning process' for
// the frame due to the fact that the frame clears the area for
// the anchor frame, thus it has to move forward.
bool bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor( false );
// <--
do {
SWRECTFN( this )
Point aOldPos( (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)() );
const bool bPosChgDueToOwnFormat =
aOldPos != (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)();
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317#
if ( !ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() &&
OverlapsPrevColumn() )
bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToOverlapPrevCol = true;
// <--
// OD 2004-05-12 #i28701# - no format of anchor frame, if
// wrapping style influence is considered on object positioning
if ( bFormatAnchor )
SwTxtFrm* pAnchPosAnchorFrm =
ASSERT( pAnchPosAnchorFrm,
"<SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()> - anchor frame of wrong type -> crash" );
// --> OD 2006-01-27 #i58182# - For the usage of new method
// <SwObjectFormatterTxtFrm::CheckMovedFwdCondition(..)>
// to check move forward of anchor frame due to the object
// positioning it's needed to know, if the object is anchored
// at the master frame before the anchor frame is formatted.
const bool bAnchoredAtMaster( !pAnchPosAnchorFrm->IsFollow() );
// <--
// --> OD 2005-11-17 #i56300#
// perform complete format of anchor text frame and its
// previous frames, which have become invalid due to the
// fly frame format.
SwObjectFormatterTxtFrm::FormatAnchorFrmAndItsPrevs( *pAnchPosAnchorFrm );
// <--
// --> OD 2004-10-22 #i35911#
// --> OD 2005-01-14 #i40444#
// --> OD 2006-01-27 #i58182# - usage of new method
// <SwObjectFormatterTxtFrm::CheckMovedFwdCondition(..)>
sal_uInt32 nToPageNum( 0L );
bool bDummy( false );
if ( SwObjectFormatterTxtFrm::CheckMovedFwdCondition(
*this, GetPageFrm()->GetPhyPageNum(),
bAnchoredAtMaster, nToPageNum, bDummy ) )
bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor = true;
// --> OD 2005-09-29 #125370#,#125957# - mark anchor text frame
// directly, that it is moved forward by object positioning.
SwTxtFrm* pAnchorTxtFrm( static_cast<SwTxtFrm*>(AnchorFrm()) );
bool bInsert( true );
sal_uInt32 nAnchorFrmToPageNum( 0L );
const SwDoc& rDoc = *(GetFrmFmt().GetDoc());
if ( SwLayouter::FrmMovedFwdByObjPos(
rDoc, *pAnchorTxtFrm, nAnchorFrmToPageNum ) )
if ( nAnchorFrmToPageNum < nToPageNum )
SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrm( rDoc, *pAnchorTxtFrm );
bInsert = false;
if ( bInsert )
SwLayouter::InsertMovedFwdFrm( rDoc, *pAnchorTxtFrm,
nToPageNum );
// <--
// <--
if ( aOldPos != (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)() ||
( !GetValidPosFlag() &&
( pFooter || bPosChgDueToOwnFormat ) ) )
bOsz = aOszCntrl.ChkOsz();
// --> OD 2006-04-13 #b6403541#
// special loop prevention for dedicated document:
if ( bOsz &&
HasFixSize() && IsClipped() &&
GetAnchorFrm()->GetUpper()->IsCellFrm() )
SwFrmFmt* pFmt = GetFmt();
const SwFmtFrmSize& rFrmSz = pFmt->GetFrmSize();
if ( rFrmSz.GetWidthPercent() &&
rFrmSz.GetHeightPercent() == 0xFF )
SwFmtSurround aSurround( pFmt->GetSurround() );
if ( aSurround.GetSurround() == SURROUND_NONE )
aSurround.SetSurround( SURROUND_THROUGHT );
pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aSurround );
bOsz = false;
ASSERT( false,
"<SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeAll()> - special loop prevention for dedicated document of b6403541 applied" );
// <--
if ( bExtra && Lower() && !Lower()->GetValidPosFlag() )
// Wenn ein mehrspaltiger Rahmen wg. Positionswechsel ungueltige
// Spalten hinterlaesst, so drehen wir lieber hier eine weitere
// Runde und formatieren unseren Inhalt via FormatWidthCols nochmal.
bExtra = sal_False; // Sicherhaltshalber gibt es nur eine Ehrenrunde.
} while ( !IsValid() && !bOsz &&
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317#
!bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToOverlapPrevCol &&
// <--
// --> OD 2005-01-14 #i40444#
!bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor &&
// <--
GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsVisibleLayerId( GetVirtDrawObj()->GetLayer() ) );
// --> OD 2004-08-25 #i3317# - instead of attribute change apply
// temporarly the 'straightforward positioning process'.
// --> OD 2007-11-29 #i80924#
// handle special case during splitting of table rows
if ( bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor &&
GetAnchorFrm()->IsInTab() &&
GetAnchorFrm()->IsInFollowFlowRow() )
const SwFrm* pCellFrm = GetAnchorFrm();
while ( pCellFrm && !pCellFrm->IsCellFrm() )
pCellFrm = pCellFrm->GetUpper();
if ( pCellFrm )
SWRECTFN( pCellFrm )
if ( (pCellFrm->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetTop)() == 0 &&
(pCellFrm->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetHeight)() == 0 )
bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor = false;
// <--
if ( bOsz || bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToOverlapPrevCol ||
// --> OD 2005-01-14 #i40444#
bConsiderWrapInfluenceDueToMovedFwdAnchor )
// <--
SetTmpConsiderWrapInfluence( true );
SetRestartLayoutProcess( true );
// --> OD 2006-07-24 #b6449874#
SetTmpConsiderWrapInfluenceOfOtherObjs( true );
// <--
// <--
bSetCompletePaintOnInvalidate = sal_False;
/** method to determine, if a <MakeAll()> on the Writer fly frame is possible
OD 2004-05-11 #i28701#
@author OD
bool SwFlyAtCntFrm::IsFormatPossible() const
return SwFlyFreeFrm::IsFormatPossible() &&
!SwOszControl::IsInProgress( this );
|* FindAnchor() und Hilfsfunktionen.
|* Beschreibung: Sucht ausgehend von pOldAnch einen Anker fuer
|* Absatzgebundene Objekte.
|* Wird beim Draggen von Absatzgebundenen Objekten zur Ankeranzeige sowie
|* fuer Ankerwechsel benoetigt.
|* Ersterstellung MA 22. Jun. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 30. Jan. 95
class SwDistance
SwTwips nMain, nSub;
SwDistance() { nMain = nSub = 0; }
SwDistance& operator=( const SwDistance &rTwo )
{ nMain = rTwo.nMain; nSub = rTwo.nSub; return *this; }
sal_Bool operator<( const SwDistance& rTwo )
{ return nMain < rTwo.nMain || ( nMain == rTwo.nMain && nSub &&
rTwo.nSub && nSub < rTwo.nSub ); }
sal_Bool operator<=( const SwDistance& rTwo )
{ return nMain < rTwo.nMain || ( nMain == rTwo.nMain && ( !nSub ||
!rTwo.nSub || nSub <= rTwo.nSub ) ); }
const SwFrm * MA_FASTCALL lcl_CalcDownDist( SwDistance &rRet,
const Point &rPt,
const SwCntntFrm *pCnt )
rRet.nSub = 0;
//Wenn der Point direkt innerhalb des Cnt steht ist die Sache klar und
//der Cntnt hat automatisch eine Entfernung von 0
if ( pCnt->Frm().IsInside( rPt ) )
rRet.nMain = 0;
return pCnt;
const SwLayoutFrm *pUp = pCnt->IsInTab() ? pCnt->FindTabFrm()->GetUpper() : pCnt->GetUpper();
// einspaltige Bereiche muessen zu ihrem Upper durchschalten
while( pUp->IsSctFrm() )
pUp = pUp->GetUpper();
const bool bVert = pUp->IsVertical();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
const bool bVertL2R = pUp->IsVertLR();
//Dem Textflus folgen.
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
// --> OD 2009-03-05 - adopted for Support for Classical Mongolian Script
const SwTwips nTopForObjPos =
? ( bVertL2R
? ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->Frm().Width() -
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() ) )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Top() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() );
// <--
if ( pUp->Frm().IsInside( rPt ) )
// OD 26.09.2003 - <rPt> point is inside environment of given content frame
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
if( bVert )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( bVertL2R )
rRet.nMain = rPt.X() - nTopForObjPos;
rRet.nMain = nTopForObjPos - rPt.X();
rRet.nMain = rPt.Y() - nTopForObjPos;
// <--
return pCnt;
else if ( rPt.Y() <= pUp->Frm().Top() )
// OD 26.09.2003 - <rPt> point is above environment of given content frame
// OD: correct for vertical layout?
rRet.nMain = LONG_MAX;
else if( rPt.X() < pUp->Frm().Left() &&
rPt.Y() <= ( bVert ? pUp->Frm().Top() : pUp->Frm().Bottom() ) )
// OD 26.09.2003 - <rPt> point is left of environment of given content frame
// OD: seems not to be correct for vertical layout!?
const SwFrm *pLay = pUp->GetLeaf( MAKEPAGE_NONE, sal_False, pCnt );
if( !pLay ||
(bVert && (pLay->Frm().Top() + pLay->Prt().Bottom()) <rPt.Y())||
(!bVert && (pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Prt().Right())<rPt.X()) )
// OD 26.09.2003 - <rPt> point is in left border of environment
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
if( bVert )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( bVertL2R )
rRet.nMain = rPt.X() - nTopForObjPos;
rRet.nMain = nTopForObjPos - rPt.X();
rRet.nMain = rPt.Y() - nTopForObjPos;
// <--
return pCnt;
rRet.nMain = LONG_MAX;
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
rRet.nMain = bVert
? ( bVertL2R
? ( (pUp->Frm().Left() + pUp->Prt().Right()) - nTopForObjPos )
: ( nTopForObjPos - (pUp->Frm().Left() + pUp->Prt().Left() ) ) )
: ( (pUp->Frm().Top() + pUp->Prt().Bottom()) - nTopForObjPos );
const SwFrm *pPre = pCnt;
const SwFrm *pLay = pUp->GetLeaf( MAKEPAGE_NONE, sal_True, pCnt );
SwTwips nFrmTop = 0;
SwTwips nPrtHeight = 0;
sal_Bool bSct = sal_False;
const SwSectionFrm *pSect = pUp->FindSctFrm();
if( pSect )
rRet.nSub = rRet.nMain;
rRet.nMain = 0;
if( pSect && !pSect->IsAnLower( pLay ) )
bSct = sal_False;
const SwSectionFrm* pNxtSect = pLay ? pLay->FindSctFrm() : 0;
if( pSect->IsAnFollow( pNxtSect ) )
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Frm().Width();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Top();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Height();
pSect = pNxtSect;
pLay = pSect->GetUpper();
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Right();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Prt().Left()
+ pLay->Prt().Width() - pSect->Frm().Left()
- pSect->Frm().Width();
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Left();
nPrtHeight = pSect->Frm().Left() - pLay->Frm().Left()
- pLay->Prt().Left();
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Bottom();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Frm().Top() + pLay->Prt().Top()
+ pLay->Prt().Height() - pSect->Frm().Top()
- pSect->Frm().Height();
pSect = 0;
else if( pLay )
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Frm().Width();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Top();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Height();
bSct = 0 != pSect;
while ( pLay && !pLay->Frm().IsInside( rPt ) &&
( pLay->Frm().Top() <= rPt.Y() || pLay->IsInFly() ||
( pLay->IsInSct() &&
pLay->FindSctFrm()->GetUpper()->Frm().Top() <= rPt.Y())) )
if ( pLay->IsFtnContFrm() )
if ( !((SwLayoutFrm*)pLay)->Lower() )
SwFrm *pDel = (SwFrm*)pLay;
delete pDel;
return pPre;
return 0;
if( bSct || pSect )
rRet.nSub += nPrtHeight;
rRet.nMain += nPrtHeight;
pPre = pLay;
pLay = pLay->GetLeaf( MAKEPAGE_NONE, sal_True, pCnt );
if( pSect && !pSect->IsAnLower( pLay ) )
{ // If we're leaving a SwSectionFrm, the next Leaf-Frm
// is the part of the upper below the SectionFrm.
const SwSectionFrm* pNxtSect = pLay ?
pLay->FindSctFrm() : NULL;
bSct = sal_False;
if( pSect->IsAnFollow( pNxtSect ) )
pSect = pNxtSect;
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Frm().Width();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Top();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Height();
pLay = pSect->GetUpper();
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Right();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Frm().Left()+pLay->Prt().Left()
+ pLay->Prt().Width() - pSect->Frm().Left()
- pSect->Frm().Width();
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Left();
nPrtHeight = pSect->Frm().Left() -
pLay->Frm().Left() - pLay->Prt().Left();
nFrmTop = pSect->Frm().Bottom();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Frm().Top()+pLay->Prt().Top()
+ pLay->Prt().Height() - pSect->Frm().Top()
- pSect->Frm().Height();
pSect = 0;
else if( pLay )
if( pLay->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pLay->IsVertLR() )
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Left() + pLay->Frm().Width();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Width();
nFrmTop = pLay->Frm().Top();
nPrtHeight = pLay->Prt().Height();
bSct = 0 != pSect;
if ( pLay )
if ( pLay->Frm().IsInside( rPt ) )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
SwTwips nDiff = pLay->IsVertical() ? ( pLay->IsVertLR() ? ( rPt.X() - nFrmTop ) : ( nFrmTop - rPt.X() ) )
: ( rPt.Y() - nFrmTop );
if( bSct || pSect )
rRet.nSub += nDiff;
rRet.nMain += nDiff;
if ( pLay->IsFtnContFrm() && !((SwLayoutFrm*)pLay)->Lower() )
SwFrm *pDel = (SwFrm*)pLay;
delete pDel;
return 0;
return pLay;
rRet.nMain = LONG_MAX;
return 0;
sal_uLong MA_FASTCALL lcl_FindCntDiff( const Point &rPt, const SwLayoutFrm *pLay,
const SwCntntFrm *& rpCnt,
const sal_Bool bBody, const sal_Bool bFtn )
//Sucht unterhalb von pLay den dichtesten Cnt zum Point. Der Bezugspunkt
//der Cntnts ist immer die linke obere Ecke.
//Der Cnt soll moeglichst ueber dem Point liegen.
Point arPoint( rPt );
rpCnt = 0;
sal_uLong nDistance = ULONG_MAX;
sal_uLong nNearest = ULONG_MAX;
const SwCntntFrm *pCnt = pLay->ContainsCntnt();
while ( pCnt && (bBody != pCnt->IsInDocBody() || bFtn != pCnt->IsInFtn()))
pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
if ( !pLay->IsAnLower( pCnt ) )
pCnt = 0;
const SwCntntFrm *pNearest = pCnt;
if ( pCnt )
//Jetzt die Entfernung zwischen den beiden Punkten berechnen.
//'Delta' X^2 + 'Delta'Y^2 = 'Entfernung'^2
sal_uInt32 dX = Max( pCnt->Frm().Left(), rPt.X() ) -
Min( pCnt->Frm().Left(), rPt.X() ),
dY = Max( pCnt->Frm().Top(), rPt.Y() ) -
Min( pCnt->Frm().Top(), rPt.Y() );
BigInt dX1( dX ), dY1( dY );
dX1 *= dX1; dY1 *= dY1;
const sal_uLong nDiff = ::SqRt( dX1 + dY1 );
if ( pCnt->Frm().Top() <= rPt.Y() )
if ( nDiff < nDistance )
{ //Der ist dichter dran
nDistance = nNearest = nDiff;
rpCnt = pNearest = pCnt;
else if ( nDiff < nNearest )
nNearest = nDiff;
pNearest = pCnt;
pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
while ( pCnt &&
(bBody != pCnt->IsInDocBody() || bFtn != pCnt->IsInFtn()))
pCnt = pCnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
} while ( pCnt && pLay->IsAnLower( pCnt ) );
if ( nDistance == ULONG_MAX )
{ rpCnt = pNearest;
return nNearest;
return nDistance;
const SwCntntFrm * MA_FASTCALL lcl_FindCnt( const Point &rPt, const SwCntntFrm *pCnt,
const sal_Bool bBody, const sal_Bool bFtn )
//Sucht ausgehen von pCnt denjenigen CntntFrm, dessen linke obere
//Ecke am dichtesten am Point liegt.
//Liefert _immer_ einen CntntFrm zurueck.
//Zunaechst wird versucht den dichtesten Cntnt innerhalt derjenigen
//Seite zu suchen innerhalb derer der Cntnt steht.
//Ausgehend von der Seite muessen die Seiten in beide
//Richtungen beruecksichtigt werden.
//Falls moeglich wird ein Cntnt geliefert, dessen Y-Position ueber der
//des Point sitzt.
const SwCntntFrm *pRet, *pNew;
const SwLayoutFrm *pLay = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
sal_uLong nDist;
nDist = ::lcl_FindCntDiff( rPt, pLay, pNew, bBody, bFtn );
if ( pNew )
pRet = pNew;
{ pRet = pCnt;
nDist = ULONG_MAX;
const SwCntntFrm *pNearest = pRet;
sal_uLong nNearest = nDist;
if ( pLay )
const SwLayoutFrm *pPge = pLay;
sal_uLong nOldNew = ULONG_MAX;
for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; pPge->GetPrev() && (i < 3); ++i )
pPge = (SwLayoutFrm*)pPge->GetPrev();
const sal_uLong nNew = ::lcl_FindCntDiff( rPt, pPge, pNew, bBody, bFtn );
if ( nNew < nDist )
if ( pNew->Frm().Top() <= rPt.Y() )
pRet = pNearest = pNew;
nDist = nNearest = nNew;
else if ( nNew < nNearest )
pNearest = pNew;
nNearest = nNew;
else if ( nOldNew != ULONG_MAX && nNew > nOldNew )
nOldNew = nNew;
pPge = pLay;
nOldNew = ULONG_MAX;
for ( sal_uInt16 j = 0; pPge->GetNext() && (j < 3); ++j )
pPge = (SwLayoutFrm*)pPge->GetNext();
const sal_uLong nNew = ::lcl_FindCntDiff( rPt, pPge, pNew, bBody, bFtn );
if ( nNew < nDist )
if ( pNew->Frm().Top() <= rPt.Y() )
pRet = pNearest = pNew;
nDist = nNearest = nNew;
else if ( nNew < nNearest )
pNearest = pNew;
nNearest = nNew;
else if ( nOldNew != ULONG_MAX && nNew > nOldNew )
nOldNew = nNew;
if ( (pRet->Frm().Top() > rPt.Y()) )
return pNearest;
return pRet;
void lcl_PointToPrt( Point &rPoint, const SwFrm *pFrm )
SwRect aTmp( pFrm->Prt() );
aTmp += pFrm->Frm().Pos();
if ( rPoint.X() < aTmp.Left() )
rPoint.X() = aTmp.Left();
else if ( rPoint.X() > aTmp.Right() )
rPoint.X() = aTmp.Right();
if ( rPoint.Y() < aTmp.Top() )
rPoint.Y() = aTmp.Top();
else if ( rPoint.Y() > aTmp.Bottom() )
rPoint.Y() = aTmp.Bottom();
const SwCntntFrm *FindAnchor( const SwFrm *pOldAnch, const Point &rNew,
const sal_Bool bBodyOnly )
//Zu der angegebenen DokumentPosition wird der dichteste Cnt im
//Textfluss gesucht. AusgangsFrm ist der uebergebene Anker.
const SwCntntFrm* pCnt;
if ( pOldAnch->IsCntntFrm() )
pCnt = (const SwCntntFrm*)pOldAnch;
Point aTmp( rNew );
SwLayoutFrm *pTmpLay = (SwLayoutFrm*)pOldAnch;
if( pTmpLay->IsRootFrm() )
SwRect aTmpRect( aTmp, Size(0,0) );
pTmpLay = (SwLayoutFrm*)::FindPage( aTmpRect, pTmpLay->Lower() );
pCnt = pTmpLay->GetCntntPos( aTmp, sal_False, bBodyOnly );
//Beim Suchen darauf achten, dass die Bereiche sinnvoll erhalten
//bleiben. D.h. in diesem Fall nicht in Header/Footer hinein und
//nicht aus Header/Footer hinaus.
const sal_Bool bBody = pCnt->IsInDocBody() || bBodyOnly;
const sal_Bool bFtn = !bBodyOnly && pCnt->IsInFtn();
Point aNew( rNew );
if ( bBody )
//#38848 Vom Seitenrand in den Body ziehen.
const SwFrm *pPage = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
::lcl_PointToPrt( aNew, pPage->GetUpper() );
SwRect aTmp( aNew, Size( 0, 0 ) );
pPage = ::FindPage( aTmp, pPage );
::lcl_PointToPrt( aNew, pPage );
if ( pCnt->IsInDocBody() == bBody && pCnt->Frm().IsInside( aNew ) )
return pCnt;
else if ( pOldAnch->IsInDocBody() || pOldAnch->IsPageFrm() )
//Vielleicht befindet sich der gewuenschte Anker ja auf derselben
//Seite wie der aktuelle Anker.
//So gibt es kein Problem mit Spalten.
Point aTmp( aNew );
const SwCntntFrm *pTmp = pCnt->FindPageFrm()->
GetCntntPos( aTmp, sal_False, sal_True, sal_False );
if ( pTmp && pTmp->Frm().IsInside( aNew ) )
return pTmp;
//Ausgehend vom Anker suche ich jetzt in beide Richtungen bis ich
//den jeweils dichtesten gefunden habe.
//Nicht die direkte Entfernung ist relevant sondern die Strecke die
//im Textfluss zurueckgelegt werden muss.
const SwCntntFrm *pUpLst;
const SwCntntFrm *pUpFrm = pCnt;
SwDistance nUp, nUpLst;
::lcl_CalcDownDist( nUp, aNew, pUpFrm );
SwDistance nDown = nUp;
sal_Bool bNegAllowed = sal_True;//Einmal aus dem negativen Bereich heraus lassen.
pUpLst = pUpFrm; nUpLst = nUp;
pUpFrm = pUpLst->GetPrevCntntFrm();
while ( pUpFrm &&
(bBody != pUpFrm->IsInDocBody() || bFtn != pUpFrm->IsInFtn()))
pUpFrm = pUpFrm->GetPrevCntntFrm();
if ( pUpFrm )
::lcl_CalcDownDist( nUp, aNew, pUpFrm );
//Wenn die Distanz innnerhalb einer Tabelle waechst, so lohnt es
//sich weiter zu suchen.
if ( pUpLst->IsInTab() && pUpFrm->IsInTab() )
while ( pUpFrm && ((nUpLst < nUp && pUpFrm->IsInTab()) ||
bBody != pUpFrm->IsInDocBody()) )
pUpFrm = pUpFrm->GetPrevCntntFrm();
if ( pUpFrm )
::lcl_CalcDownDist( nUp, aNew, pUpFrm );
if ( !pUpFrm )
nUp.nMain = LONG_MAX;
if ( nUp.nMain >= 0 && LONG_MAX != nUp.nMain )
bNegAllowed = sal_False;
if ( nUpLst.nMain < 0 ) //nicht den falschen erwischen, wenn der Wert
//gerade von negativ auf positiv gekippt ist.
{ pUpLst = pUpFrm;
nUpLst = nUp;
} while ( pUpFrm && ( ( bNegAllowed && nUp.nMain < 0 ) || ( nUp <= nUpLst ) ) );
const SwCntntFrm *pDownLst;
const SwCntntFrm *pDownFrm = pCnt;
SwDistance nDownLst;
if ( nDown.nMain < 0 )
nDown.nMain = LONG_MAX;
pDownLst = pDownFrm; nDownLst = nDown;
pDownFrm = pDownLst->GetNextCntntFrm();
while ( pDownFrm &&
(bBody != pDownFrm->IsInDocBody() || bFtn != pDownFrm->IsInFtn()))
pDownFrm = pDownFrm->GetNextCntntFrm();
if ( pDownFrm )
::lcl_CalcDownDist( nDown, aNew, pDownFrm );
if ( nDown.nMain < 0 )
nDown.nMain = LONG_MAX;
//Wenn die Distanz innnerhalb einer Tabelle waechst, so lohnt es
//sich weiter zu suchen.
if ( pDownLst->IsInTab() && pDownFrm->IsInTab() )
while ( pDownFrm && ( ( nDown.nMain != LONG_MAX && nDownLst < nDownLst
&& pDownFrm->IsInTab()) || bBody != pDownFrm->IsInDocBody() ) )
pDownFrm = pDownFrm->GetNextCntntFrm();
if ( pDownFrm )
::lcl_CalcDownDist( nDown, aNew, pDownFrm );
if ( nDown.nMain < 0 )
nDown.nMain = LONG_MAX;
if ( !pDownFrm )
nDown.nMain = LONG_MAX;
} while ( pDownFrm && nDown <= nDownLst &&
nDown.nMain != LONG_MAX && nDownLst.nMain != LONG_MAX );
//Wenn ich in beide Richtungen keinen gefunden habe, so suche ich mir
//denjenigen Cntnt dessen linke obere Ecke dem Point am naechsten liegt.
//Eine derartige Situation tritt z.b. auf, wenn der Point nicht im Text-
//fluss sondern in irgendwelchen Raendern steht.
if ( nDownLst.nMain == LONG_MAX && nUpLst.nMain == LONG_MAX )
// #102861# If an OLE objects, which is contained in a fly frame
// is resized in inplace mode and the new Position is outside the
// fly frame, we do not want to leave our fly frame.
if ( pCnt->IsInFly() )
return pCnt;
return ::lcl_FindCnt( aNew, pCnt, bBody, bFtn );
return nDownLst < nUpLst ? pDownLst : pUpLst;
|* SwFlyAtCntFrm::SetAbsPos()
|* Ersterstellung MA 22. Jun. 93
|* Letzte Aenderung MA 11. Sep. 98
void SwFlyAtCntFrm::SetAbsPos( const Point &rNew )
SwPageFrm *pOldPage = FindPageFrm();
const SwRect aOld( GetObjRectWithSpaces() );
Point aNew( rNew );
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if( ( GetAnchorFrm()->IsVertical() && !GetAnchorFrm()->IsVertLR() ) || GetAnchorFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
aNew.X() += Frm().Width();
SwCntntFrm *pCnt = (SwCntntFrm*)::FindAnchor( GetAnchorFrm(), aNew );
if( pCnt->IsProtected() )
pCnt = (SwCntntFrm*)GetAnchorFrm();
SwPageFrm *pTmpPage = 0;
const bool bVert = pCnt->IsVertical();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
const bool bVertL2R = pCnt->IsVertLR();
const sal_Bool bRTL = pCnt->IsRightToLeft();
if( ( !bVert != !GetAnchorFrm()->IsVertical() ) ||
( !bRTL != !GetAnchorFrm()->IsRightToLeft() ) )
if( bVert || bRTL )
aNew.X() += Frm().Width();
aNew.X() -= Frm().Width();
if ( pCnt->IsInDocBody() )
//#38848 Vom Seitenrand in den Body ziehen.
pTmpPage = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
::lcl_PointToPrt( aNew, pTmpPage->GetUpper() );
SwRect aTmp( aNew, Size( 0, 0 ) );
pTmpPage = (SwPageFrm*)::FindPage( aTmp, pTmpPage );
::lcl_PointToPrt( aNew, pTmpPage );
//RelPos einstellen, nur auf Wunsch invalidieren.
//rNew ist eine Absolute Position. Um die RelPos korrekt einzustellen
//muessen wir uns die Entfernung von rNew zum Anker im Textfluss besorgen.
//!!!!!Hier kann Optimiert werden: FindAnchor koennte die RelPos mitliefern!
const SwFrm *pFrm = 0;
SwTwips nY;
if ( pCnt->Frm().IsInside( aNew ) )
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
const SwTwips nTopForObjPos =
? ( bVertL2R
? ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->Frm().Width() -
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() ) )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Top() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() );
if( bVert )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( bVertL2R )
nY = rNew.X() - nTopForObjPos;
nY = nTopForObjPos - rNew.X() - Frm().Width();
nY = rNew.Y() - nTopForObjPos;
// <--
SwDistance aDist;
pFrm = ::lcl_CalcDownDist( aDist, aNew, pCnt );
nY = aDist.nMain + aDist.nSub;
SwTwips nX = 0;
if ( pCnt->IsFollow() )
//Flys haengen niemals an einem Follow sondern immer am
//Master, den suchen wir uns jetzt.
const SwCntntFrm *pOriginal = pCnt;
const SwCntntFrm *pFollow = pCnt;
while ( pCnt->IsFollow() )
{ pCnt = pCnt->GetPrevCntntFrm();
} while ( pCnt->GetFollow() != pFollow );
pFollow = pCnt;
SwTwips nDiff = 0;
{ const SwFrm *pUp = pFollow->GetUpper();
if( pUp->IsVertical() )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( pUp->IsVertLR() )
nDiff += pUp->Prt().Width() - pFollow->GetRelPos().X();
nDiff += pFollow->Frm().Left() + pFollow->Frm().Width()
- pUp->Frm().Left() - pUp->Prt().Left();
nDiff += pUp->Prt().Height() - pFollow->GetRelPos().Y();
pFollow = pFollow->GetFollow();
} while ( pFollow != pOriginal );
nY += nDiff;
if( bVert )
nX = pCnt->Frm().Top() - pOriginal->Frm().Top();
nX = pCnt->Frm().Left() - pOriginal->Frm().Left();
if ( nY == LONG_MAX )
// --> OD 2009-01-12 #i70582#
const SwTwips nTopForObjPos =
? ( bVertL2R
? ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Left() +
pCnt->Frm().Width() -
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() ) )
: ( pCnt->Frm().Top() +
pCnt->GetUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid() );
if( bVert )
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( bVertL2R )
nY = rNew.X() - nTopForObjPos;
nY = nTopForObjPos - rNew.X();
nY = rNew.Y() - nTopForObjPos;
// <--
SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt = (SwFlyFrmFmt*)GetFmt();
const SwFmtSurround& rSurround = pFmt->GetSurround();
const sal_Bool bWrapThrough =
rSurround.GetSurround() == SURROUND_THROUGHT;
SwTwips nBaseOfstForFly = 0;
const SwFrm* pTmpFrm = pFrm ? pFrm : pCnt;
if ( pTmpFrm->IsTxtFrm() )
nBaseOfstForFly =
((SwTxtFrm*)pTmpFrm)->GetBaseOfstForFly( !bWrapThrough );
if( bVert )
if( !pFrm )
nX += rNew.Y() - pCnt->Frm().Top() - nBaseOfstForFly;
nX = rNew.Y() - pFrm->Frm().Top() - nBaseOfstForFly;
if( !pFrm )
if ( pCnt->IsRightToLeft() )
nX += pCnt->Frm().Right() - rNew.X() - Frm().Width() +
nX += rNew.X() - pCnt->Frm().Left() - nBaseOfstForFly;
if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
nX += pFrm->Frm().Right() - rNew.X() - Frm().Width() +
nX = rNew.X() - pFrm->Frm().Left() - nBaseOfstForFly;
GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( UNDO_START, NULL );
if( pCnt != GetAnchorFrm() || ( IsAutoPos() && pCnt->IsTxtFrm() &&
GetFmt()->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE)) )
//Das Ankerattribut auf den neuen Cnt setzen.
SwFmtAnchor aAnch( pFmt->GetAnchor() );
SwPosition *pPos = (SwPosition*)aAnch.GetCntntAnchor();
if( IsAutoPos() && pCnt->IsTxtFrm() )
SwCrsrMoveState eTmpState( MV_SETONLYTEXT );
Point aPt( rNew );
if( pCnt->GetCrsrOfst( pPos, aPt, &eTmpState )
&& pPos->nNode == *pCnt->GetNode() )
if ( pCnt->GetNode()->GetTxtNode() != NULL )
const SwTxtAttr* pTxtInputFld =
pCnt->GetNode()->GetTxtNode()->GetTxtAttrAt( pPos->nContent.GetIndex(), RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD, SwTxtNode::PARENT );
if ( pTxtInputFld != NULL )
pPos->nContent = *(pTxtInputFld->GetStart());
if( text::RelOrientation::CHAR == pFmt->GetVertOrient().GetRelationOrient() )
if( text::RelOrientation::CHAR == pFmt->GetHoriOrient().GetRelationOrient() )
pPos->nNode = *pCnt->GetNode();
pPos->nContent.Assign( pCnt->GetNode(), 0 );
pPos->nNode = *pCnt->GetNode();
pPos->nContent.Assign( pCnt->GetNode(), 0 );
// handle change of anchor node:
// if count of the anchor frame also change, the fly frames have to be
// re-created. Thus, delete all fly frames except the <this> before the
// anchor attribute is change and re-create them afterwards.
SwHandleAnchorNodeChg aHandleAnchorNodeChg( *pFmt, aAnch, this );
pFmt->GetDoc()->SetAttr( aAnch, *pFmt );
else if ( pTmpPage && pTmpPage != GetPageFrm() )
GetPageFrm()->MoveFly( this, pTmpPage );
const Point aRelPos = bVert ? Point( -nY, nX ) : Point( nX, nY );
ChgRelPos( aRelPos );
GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( UNDO_END, NULL );
if ( pOldPage != FindPageFrm() )
::Notify_Background( GetVirtDrawObj(), pOldPage, aOld, PREP_FLY_LEAVE, sal_False );
// OD 2004-08-12 #i32795# - Note: method no longer used in <flyincnt.cxx>
//void DeepCalc( const SwFrm *pFrm )
// if( pFrm->IsSctFrm() ||
// ( pFrm->IsFlyFrm() && ((SwFlyFrm*)pFrm)->IsFlyInCntFrm() ) )
// return;
// const SwFlowFrm *pFlow = SwFlowFrm::CastFlowFrm( pFrm );
// if( pFlow && pFlow->IsAnyJoinLocked() )
// return;
// sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0;
// sal_Bool bContinue = sal_False;
// do
// {
// if ( ++nCnt == 10 )
// {
// ASSERT( !nCnt, "DeepCalc: Loop detected1?" );
// break;
// }
// const sal_Bool bSetComplete = !pFrm->IsValid();
// const SwRect aOldFrm( pFrm->Frm() );
// const SwRect aOldPrt( pFrm->Prt() );
// const SwFrm *pUp = pFrm->GetUpper();
// if ( pUp )
// {
// //Nicht weiter wenn der Up ein Fly mit Spalten ist.
// if( ( !pUp->IsFlyFrm() || !((SwLayoutFrm*)pUp)->Lower() ||
// !((SwLayoutFrm*)pUp)->Lower()->IsColumnFrm() ) &&
// !pUp->IsSctFrm() )
// {
// SWRECTFN( pUp )
// const Point aPt( (pUp->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)() );
// ::DeepCalc( pUp );
// bContinue = aPt != (pUp->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetPos)();
// }
// }
// else
// pUp = pFrm;
// pFrm->Calc();
// if ( bSetComplete && (aOldFrm != pFrm->Frm() || aOldPrt != pFrm->Prt()))
// pFrm->SetCompletePaint();
// if ( pUp->IsFlyFrm() )
// {
// if ( ((SwFlyFrm*)pUp)->IsLocked() ||
// (((SwFlyFrm*)pUp)->IsFlyAtCntFrm() &&
// SwOszControl::IsInProgress( (const SwFlyFrm*)pUp )) )
// {
// bContinue = sal_False;
// }
// }
// } while ( bContinue );
/** method to assure that anchored object is registered at the correct
page frame
OD 2004-07-02 #i28701#
takes over functionality of deleted method <SwFlyAtCntFrm::AssertPage()>
@author OD
void SwFlyAtCntFrm::RegisterAtCorrectPage()
SwPageFrm* pPageFrm( 0L );
if ( GetVertPosOrientFrm() )
pPageFrm = const_cast<SwPageFrm*>(GetVertPosOrientFrm()->FindPageFrm());
if ( pPageFrm && GetPageFrm() != pPageFrm )
if ( GetPageFrm() )
GetPageFrm()->MoveFly( this, pPageFrm );
pPageFrm->AppendFlyToPage( this );
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791#
//void SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeFlyPos()
void SwFlyAtCntFrm::MakeObjPos()
// OD 02.10.2002 #102646#
// if fly frame position is valid, nothing is to do. Thus, return
if ( bValidPos )
// OD 2004-03-24 #i26791# - validate position flag here.
bValidPos = sal_True;
// --> OD 2004-10-22 #i35911# - no calculation of new position, if
// anchored object is marked that it clears its environment and its
// environment is already cleared.
// --> OD 2006-01-02 #125977# - before checking for cleared environment
// check, if member <mpVertPosOrientFrm> is set.
if ( GetVertPosOrientFrm() &&
ClearedEnvironment() && HasClearedEnvironment() )
// <--
// OD 29.10.2003 #113049# - use new class to position object
aObjPositioning( *GetVirtDrawObj() );
SetVertPosOrientFrm ( aObjPositioning.GetVertPosOrientFrm() );
// OD 2004-05-12 #i28701#
bool SwFlyAtCntFrm::_InvalidationAllowed( const InvalidationType _nInvalid ) const
bool bAllowed( SwFlyFreeFrm::_InvalidationAllowed( _nInvalid ) );
// forbiddance of base instance can't be over ruled.
if ( bAllowed )
if ( _nInvalid == INVALID_POS ||
_nInvalid == INVALID_ALL )
bAllowed = InvalidationOfPosAllowed();
return bAllowed;