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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include <swtypes.hxx>
// OD 2004-03-16 #i11860#
#include <frame.hxx>
class SdrObject;
class SwFrm;
class SwFlyFrm;
class SwContact;
class SwFrmFmt;
class SwRect;
class SvxLRSpaceItem;
class SvxULSpaceItem;
class SwFmtHoriOrient;
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26701#
class SwAnchoredObject;
namespace objectpositioning
class SwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject;
class SwAnchoredObjectPosition
// object to be positioned
SdrObject& mrDrawObj;
// information about object
// does the object represents a Writer fly frame
bool mbIsObjFly;
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791# - anchored object the object belongs to;
SwAnchoredObject* mpAnchoredObj;
// frame the object is anchored at
SwFrm* mpAnchorFrm;
// contact object
SwContact* mpContact;
// frame format
const SwFrmFmt* mpFrmFmt;
// --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
bool mbFollowTextFlow;
// <--
// --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
// for compatibility option <DoNotCaptureDrawObjsOnPage>
bool mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj;
// <--
/** determine information about object
OD 30.07.2003 #110978#
member <mbIsObjFly>, <mpAnchoredObj>, <mpAnchorFrm>, <mpContact>
and <mpFrmFmt> are set
@author OD
void _GetInfoAboutObj();
// --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
// --> OD 2009-09-01 #mongolianlayout# - add parameter <bVertL2R>
SwTwips _ImplAdjustVertRelPos( const SwTwips nTopOfAnch,
const bool bVert,
const bool bVertL2R,
const SwFrm& rPageAlignLayFrm,
const SwTwips nProposedRelPosY,
const bool bFollowTextFlow,
const bool bCheckBottom = true ) const;
SwTwips _ImplAdjustHoriRelPos( const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX ) const;
// <--
SwAnchoredObjectPosition( SdrObject& _rDrawObj );
virtual ~SwAnchoredObjectPosition();
// accessors for object and its corresponding data/information
inline SdrObject& GetObject() const
return mrDrawObj;
inline bool IsObjFly() const
return mbIsObjFly;
inline SwAnchoredObject& GetAnchoredObj() const
return *mpAnchoredObj;
inline SwFrm& GetAnchorFrm() const
return *mpAnchorFrm;
inline SwContact& GetContact() const
return *mpContact;
inline const SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt() const
return *mpFrmFmt;
// --> OD 2006-03-15 #i62875#
inline bool DoesObjFollowsTextFlow() const
return mbFollowTextFlow;
// <--
// virtual methods providing data for to character anchored objects.
virtual bool IsAnchoredToChar() const;
virtual const SwFrm* ToCharOrientFrm() const;
virtual const SwRect* ToCharRect() const;
// OD 12.11.2003 #i22341#
virtual SwTwips ToCharTopOfLine() const;
// *********************************************************************
/** helper method to determine top of a frame for the vertical
object positioning
OD 2004-03-11 #i11860#
@author OD
SwTwips _GetTopForObjPos( const SwFrm& _rFrm,
const SwRectFn& _fnRect,
const bool _bVert ) const;
// *********************************************************************
void _GetVertAlignmentValues( const SwFrm& _rVertOrientFrm,
const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
SwTwips& _orAlignAreaHeight,
SwTwips& _orAlignAreaOffset ) const;
// *********************************************************************
// --> OD 2004-06-17 #i26791# - add output parameter <_roVertOffsetToFrmAnchorPos>
SwTwips _GetVertRelPos( const SwFrm& _rVertOrientFrm,
const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
const sal_Int16 _eVertOrient,
const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
const SwTwips _nVertPos,
const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
SwTwips& _roVertOffsetToFrmAnchorPos ) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** adjust calculated vertical in order to keep object inside
'page' alignment layout frame.
OD 2004-07-22 #i31805# - add parameter <bCheckBottom>
OD 2004-10-08 #i26945# - add parameter <bFollowTextFlow>
OD 2006-03-15 #i62875# - made inline, intrinsic actions moved
to private method <_ImplAdjustVertRelPos>, which is only
called, if <mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj> not set.
OD 2009-09-01 #mongolianlayout# - add parameter <bVertL2R>
@param nTopOfAnch
input parameter - 'vertical' position, at which the relative
position of the object is calculated from.
@param bVert
input parameter - boolean, indicating, if object is in vertical
@param bVertL2R
input parameter - boolean, indicating, if object is in mongolian
layout (vertical left-to-right layout).
@param rPageAlignLayFrm
input parameter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
the object has to be vertical positioned in.
@param nProposedRelPosY
input parameter - proposed relative vertical position, which
will be adjusted.
@param bFollowTextFlow
input parameter - value of attribute 'Follow text flow' of the
anchored object.
@param bCheckBottom
input parameter - boolean indicating, if bottom of anchored
object has to be checked and thus, (if needed) the proposed
relative position has to be adjusted. default value <true>
@author OD
inline SwTwips _AdjustVertRelPos( const SwTwips nTopOfAnch,
const bool bVert,
const bool bVertL2R,
const SwFrm& rPageAlignLayFrm,
const SwTwips nProposedRelPosY,
const bool bFollowTextFlow,
const bool bCheckBottom = true ) const
return !mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj
? _ImplAdjustVertRelPos( nTopOfAnch, bVert, bVertL2R,
bCheckBottom )
: nProposedRelPosY;
// *********************************************************************
/** calculate relative horizontal position
--> OD 2004-06-17 #i26791# - add output parameter
@author OD
@param _rHoriOrientFrm
input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
is oriented at.
@param _rEnvOfObj
input parameter - object instance to retrieve environment
information about the object
@param _rHoriOrient
input parameter - horizontal positioning and alignment, for which
the relative position is calculated.
@param _rLRSpacing
input parameter - left and right spacing of the object to the text
@param _rULSpacing
input parameter - upper and lower spacing of the object to the text
@param _bObjWrapThrough
input parameter - boolean indicating, if object has wrap mode
'wrap through'.
@param _nRelPosY
input parameter - relative vertical position
@param _roHoriOffsetToFrmAnchorPos
output parameter - 'horizontal' offset to frame anchor position
according to the alignment
@return relative horizontal position in SwTwips
SwTwips _CalcRelPosX( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
const SwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject& _rEnvOfObj,
const SwFmtHoriOrient& _rHoriOrient,
const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
const bool _bObjWrapThrough,
const SwTwips _nRelPosY,
SwTwips& _roHoriOffsetToFrmAnchorPos
) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** adjust calculated horizontal in order to keep object inside
'page' alignment layout frame for object type position TO_CNTNT
OD 2006-03-15 #i62875# - made inline, intrinsic actions moved
to private method <_ImplAdjustHoriRelPos>, which is only
called, if <mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj> not set.
@author OD
@param _rPageAlignLayFrm
input parameter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
the object has to be horizontal positioned in.
@param _nProposedRelPosX
input parameter - proposed relative horizontal position, which
will be adjusted.
@return adjusted relative horizontal position in SwTwips.
inline SwTwips _AdjustHoriRelPos( const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX ) const
return !mbDoNotCaptureAnchoredObj
? _ImplAdjustHoriRelPos( _rPageAlignLayFrm, _nProposedRelPosX )
: _nProposedRelPosX;
// *********************************************************************
/** toggle given horizontal orientation and relative alignment
@author OD
@param _bToggleLeftRight
input parameter - boolean indicating, if horizontal orientation
and relative alignment has to be toggled.
@param _ioeHoriOrient
input/output parameter - horizontal orientation, that is toggled,
if needed.
@param _iopeRelOrient
optional input/output parameter (default value NULL)
- if set, relative alignment, that is toggled, if needed.
void _ToggleHoriOrientAndAlign( const bool _bToggleLeftRight,
sal_Int16& _ioeHoriOrient,
sal_Int16& _iopeRelOrient
) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** determine alignment values for horizontal position of object
@author OD
@param _rHoriOrientFrm
input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
is oriented at.
@param _rPageAlignLayFrm
input parameter - layout frame, which determines the 'page area'
the object has to be horizontal positioned in.
@param _eRelOrient
input parameter - horizontal relative alignment, for which
the relative position is calculated.
@param _bToggleLeftRight
input parameter - boolean indicating, if left/right alignments
have to be toggled.
@param _bObjWrapThrough
input parameter - boolean indicating, if object has wrap mode
'wrap through'.
important note: value is only relevant, if _rHoriOrientFrm is
a text frame.
@param _orAlignAreaWidth
output parameter - width in SwTwips of the area the horizontal
position is aligned to.
@param _orAlignAreaOffset
output parameter - offset in SwTwips of the area the horizontal
position is aligned to. offset is given to the 'left' of the
anchor position.
@param _obAlignedRelToPage
output parameter - boolean indicating, that object is aligned
to 'page area'.
void _GetHoriAlignmentValues( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
const SwFrm& _rPageAlignLayFrm,
const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
const bool _bObjWrapThrough,
SwTwips& _orAlignAreaWidth,
SwTwips& _orAlignAreaOffset,
bool& _obAlignedRelToPage ) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** adjust calculated horizontal position in order to draw object
aside other objects with same positioning
@author OD
@param _rHoriOrientFrm
input parameter - frame the horizontal position of the object
is oriented at.
@param _nProposedRelPosX
input parameter - proposed relative horizontal position, which
will be adjusted.
@param _nRelPosY
input parameter - relative vertical position
@param _eHoriOrient
input parameter - horizontal position of object
@param _eRelOrient
inpt parameter - alignment of object
@param _rLRSpacing
input parameter - left and right spacing of the object to the text
@param _rULSpacing
input parameter - upper and lower spacing of the object to the text
@param _bEvenPage
input parameter - boolean indicating, if object is on an even page.
@return adjusted relative horizontal position in SwTwips
SwTwips _AdjustHoriRelPosForDrawAside( const SwFrm& _rHoriOrientFrm,
const SwTwips _nProposedRelPosX,
const SwTwips _nRelPosY,
const sal_Int16 _eHoriOrient,
const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient,
const SvxLRSpaceItem& _rLRSpacing,
const SvxULSpaceItem& _rULSpacing,
const bool _bEvenPage
) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** detemine, if object has to draw aside given fly frame
method used by <_AdjustHoriRelPosForDrawAside(..)>
@author OD
@param _pFly
input parameter - fly frame the draw aside check is done for.
@param _rObjRect
input parameter - proposed object rectangle
@param _pObjContext
input parameter - context of the object
@param _nObjIndex
input parameter - index of the anchor frame of the object
@param _bEvenPage
input parameter - boolean indicating, if object is on an even page.
@param _eHoriOrient
input parameter - horizontal position of object
@param _eRelOrient
inpt parameter - alignment of object
@return boolean indicating, if object has to be drawn aside
given fly frame.
bool _DrawAsideFly( const SwFlyFrm* _pFly,
const SwRect& _rObjRect,
const SwFrm* _pObjContext,
const sal_uLong _nObjIndex,
const bool _bEvenPage,
const sal_Int16 _eHoriOrient,
const sal_Int16 _eRelOrient
) const;
// *********************************************************************
/** determine, if object has to draw aside another object
the different alignments of the objects determines, if one has
to draw aside another one. Thus, the given alignment are checked
against each other, which one has to be drawn aside the other one.
depending on parameter _bLeft check is done for left or right
method used by <_DrawAsideFly(..)>
@author OD
@param _eRelOrient1
input parameter - alignment 1
@param _eRelOrient2
input parameter - alignment 2
@param _bLeft
input parameter - boolean indicating, if check is done for left
or for right positioning.
@return boolean indicating, if an object with an alignment
<_eRelOrient1> has to be drawn aside an object with an
alignment <_eRelOrient2>
bool _Minor( sal_Int16 _eRelOrient1,
sal_Int16 _eRelOrient2,
bool _bLeft ) const;
virtual void CalcPosition() = 0;
} // namespace objectpositioning