blob: fbcae5d53d2225e2011f34c7a926b5688aafce41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <svl/whiter.hxx>
#include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/bolnitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <svx/xtable.hxx>
#include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
#include <pagedesc.hxx>
#include <charfmt.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <paratr.hxx> // fuer SetModifyAtAttr
#include <cellatr.hxx> // fuer SetModifyAtAttr
#ifndef _CMDID_H
#include <cmdid.h>
#include <istyleaccess.hxx>
#include <numrule.hxx>
#include <list.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpool.hxx>
#include <svx/sxenditm.hxx>
#include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
#include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
SwAttrPool::SwAttrPool( SwDoc* pD )
: SfxItemPool( String::CreateFromAscii(
aSlotTab, aAttrTab ),
pDoc( pD )
SetVersionMap( 1, 1, 60, pVersionMap1 );
SetVersionMap( 2, 1, 75, pVersionMap2 );
SetVersionMap( 3, 1, 86, pVersionMap3 );
SetVersionMap( 4, 1,121, pVersionMap4 );
// OD 2004-01-21 #i18732# - apply new version map
SetVersionMap( 5, 1,130, pVersionMap5 );
SetVersionMap( 6, 1,136, pVersionMap6 );
//UUUU create secondary pools immediately
//UUUU cleanup secondary pools first
void SwAttrPool::createAndAddSecondaryPools()
const SfxItemPool* pCheckAlreadySet = GetSecondaryPool();
OSL_ENSURE(false, "SwAttrPool already has a secondary pool (!)");
// create SfxItemPool and EditEngine pool and add these in a chain. These
// belomg us and will be removed/destroyed in removeAndDeleteSecondaryPools() used from
// the destructor
SfxItemPool *pSdrPool = new SdrItemPool(this);
// #75371# change DefaultItems for the SdrEdgeObj distance items
// to TWIPS.
// 1/100th mm in twips
const long nDefEdgeDist = ((500 * 72) / 127);
// #i33700# // Set shadow distance defaults as PoolDefaultItems
pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrMetricItem(SDRATTR_SHADOWXDIST, (300 * 72) / 127));
pSdrPool->SetPoolDefaultItem(SdrMetricItem(SDRATTR_SHADOWXDIST, (300 * 72) / 127));
SfxItemPool *pEEgPool = EditEngine::CreatePool(sal_False);
void SwAttrPool::removeAndDeleteSecondaryPools()
SfxItemPool *pSdrPool = GetSecondaryPool();
OSL_ENSURE(false, "SwAttrPool has no secondary pool, it's missing (!)");
SfxItemPool *pEEgPool = pSdrPool->GetSecondaryPool();
OSL_ENSURE(false, "i don't accept additional pools");
// first delete the items, then break the linking
// final cleanup of secondary pool(s)
SwAttrSet::SwAttrSet( SwAttrPool& rPool, sal_uInt16 nWh1, sal_uInt16 nWh2 )
: SfxItemSet( rPool, nWh1, nWh2 ), pOldSet( 0 ), pNewSet( 0 )
SwAttrSet::SwAttrSet( SwAttrPool& rPool, const sal_uInt16* nWhichPairTable )
: SfxItemSet( rPool, nWhichPairTable ), pOldSet( 0 ), pNewSet( 0 )
SwAttrSet::SwAttrSet( const SwAttrSet& rSet )
: SfxItemSet( rSet ), pOldSet( 0 ), pNewSet( 0 )
SfxItemSet* SwAttrSet::Clone( bool bItems, SfxItemPool *pToPool ) const
if ( pToPool && pToPool != GetPool() )
SwAttrPool* pAttrPool = dynamic_cast< SwAttrPool* >(pToPool);
SfxItemSet* pTmpSet = 0;
if ( !pAttrPool )
pTmpSet = SfxItemSet::Clone( bItems, pToPool );
pTmpSet = new SwAttrSet( *pAttrPool, GetRanges() );
if ( bItems )
SfxWhichIter aIter(*pTmpSet);
sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich();
while ( nWhich )
const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState( nWhich, sal_False, &pItem ) )
pTmpSet->Put( *pItem, pItem->Which() );
nWhich = aIter.NextWhich();
return pTmpSet;
return bItems
? new SwAttrSet( *this )
: new SwAttrSet( *GetPool(), GetRanges() );
int SwAttrSet::Put_BC( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr,
SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew )
pNewSet = pNew;
pOldSet = pOld;
int nRet = 0 != SfxItemSet::Put( rAttr );
pOldSet = pNewSet = 0;
return nRet;
int SwAttrSet::Put_BC( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew )
pNewSet = pNew;
pOldSet = pOld;
int nRet = 0 != SfxItemSet::Put( rSet );
pOldSet = pNewSet = 0;
return nRet;
sal_uInt16 SwAttrSet::ClearItem_BC( sal_uInt16 nWhich,
SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew )
pNewSet = pNew;
pOldSet = pOld;
sal_uInt16 nRet = SfxItemSet::ClearItem( nWhich );
pOldSet = pNewSet = 0;
return nRet;
sal_uInt16 SwAttrSet::ClearItem_BC( sal_uInt16 nWhich1, sal_uInt16 nWhich2,
SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew )
ASSERT( nWhich1 <= nWhich2, "kein gueltiger Bereich" );
pNewSet = pNew;
pOldSet = pOld;
sal_uInt16 nRet = 0;
for( ; nWhich1 <= nWhich2; ++nWhich1 )
nRet = nRet + SfxItemSet::ClearItem( nWhich1 );
pOldSet = pNewSet = 0;
return nRet;
int SwAttrSet::Intersect_BC( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
SwAttrSet* pOld, SwAttrSet* pNew )
pNewSet = pNew;
pOldSet = pOld;
SfxItemSet::Intersect( rSet );
pOldSet = pNewSet = 0;
return pNew ? pNew->Count() : ( pOld ? pOld->Count() : 0 );
// Notification-Callback
void SwAttrSet::Changed( const SfxPoolItem& rOld,
const SfxPoolItem& rNew )
if( pOldSet )
pOldSet->PutChgd( rOld );
if( pNewSet )
pNewSet->PutChgd( rNew );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sonderbehandlung fuer einige Attribute
// Setze den Modify-Pointer (alten pDefinedIn) bei folgenden Attributen:
// - SwFmtDropCaps
// - SwFmtPageDesc
// (Wird beim Einfuegen in Formate/Nodes gerufen)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool SwAttrSet::SetModifyAtAttr( const SwModify* pModify )
bool bSet = false;
const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState( RES_PAGEDESC, sal_False, &pItem ) &&
((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetDefinedIn() != pModify )
((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->ChgDefinedIn( pModify );
bSet = true;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState( RES_PARATR_DROP, sal_False, &pItem ) &&
((SwFmtDrop*)pItem)->GetDefinedIn() != pModify )
// CharFormat gesetzt und dann noch in unterschiedlichen
// Attribut Pools, dann muss das CharFormat kopiert werden!
SwCharFmt* pCharFmt;
if( 0 != ( pCharFmt = ((SwFmtDrop*)pItem)->GetCharFmt() )
&& GetPool() != pCharFmt->GetAttrSet().GetPool() )
pCharFmt = GetDoc()->CopyCharFmt( *pCharFmt );
((SwFmtDrop*)pItem)->SetCharFmt( pCharFmt );
((SwFmtDrop*)pItem)->ChgDefinedIn( pModify );
bSet = true;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA, sal_False, &pItem ) &&
((SwTblBoxFormula*)pItem)->GetDefinedIn() != pModify )
((SwTblBoxFormula*)pItem)->ChgDefinedIn( pModify );
bSet = true;
return bSet;
void SwAttrSet::CopyToModify( SwModify& rMod ) const
// kopiere die Attribute ggfs. ueber Dokumentgrenzen
SwCntntNode* pCNd = dynamic_cast< SwCntntNode* >( &rMod );
SwFmt* pFmt = dynamic_cast< SwFmt* >( &rMod );
if( pCNd || pFmt )
if( Count() )
// --> OD 2008-08-15 #i92811#
SfxStringItem* pNewListIdItem( 0 );
// <--
const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
const SwDoc *pSrcDoc = GetDoc();
SwDoc *pDstDoc = pCNd ? pCNd->GetDoc() : pFmt->GetDoc();
// muss die NumRule kopiert werden?
if( pSrcDoc != pDstDoc && SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState(
RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, sal_False, &pItem ) )
const String& rNm = ((SwNumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
if( rNm.Len() )
SwNumRule* pDestRule = pDstDoc->FindNumRulePtr( rNm );
if( pDestRule )
pDestRule->SetInvalidRule( sal_True );
pDstDoc->MakeNumRule( rNm,
pSrcDoc->FindNumRulePtr( rNm ) );
// --> OD 2008-03-19 #refactorlists#
// copy list and if needed also the corresponding list style
// for text nodes
if ( pSrcDoc != pDstDoc &&
pCNd && pCNd->IsTxtNode() &&
GetItemState( RES_PARATR_LIST_ID, sal_False, &pItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET )
const String& sListId =
dynamic_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
if ( sListId.Len() > 0 &&
!pDstDoc->getListByName( sListId ) )
const SwList* pList = pSrcDoc->getListByName( sListId );
// copy list style, if needed
const String sDefaultListStyleName =
// --> OD 2008-08-15 #i92811#
const SwNumRule* pDstDocNumRule =
pDstDoc->FindNumRulePtr( sDefaultListStyleName );
if ( !pDstDocNumRule )
pDstDoc->MakeNumRule( sDefaultListStyleName,
pSrcDoc->FindNumRulePtr( sDefaultListStyleName ) );
const SwNumRule* pSrcDocNumRule =
pSrcDoc->FindNumRulePtr( sDefaultListStyleName );
// If list id of text node equals the list style's
// default list id in the source document, the same
// should be hold in the destination document.
// Thus, create new list id item.
if ( sListId == pSrcDocNumRule->GetDefaultListId() )
pNewListIdItem = new SfxStringItem (
pDstDocNumRule->GetDefaultListId() );
// check again, if list exist, because <SwDoc::MakeNumRule(..)>
// could have also created it.
if ( pNewListIdItem == 0 &&
!pDstDoc->getListByName( sListId ) )
// copy list
pDstDoc->createList( sListId, sDefaultListStyleName );
// <--
// <--
// JP 04.02.99: Task #61467# Seitenvorlagenwechsel mit kopieren
// Gegenueber dem alten Verhalten, sie zu entfernen
const SwPageDesc* pPgDesc;
if( pSrcDoc != pDstDoc && SFX_ITEM_SET == GetItemState(
RES_PAGEDESC, sal_False, &pItem ) &&
0 != ( pPgDesc = ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetPageDesc()) )
SfxItemSet aTmpSet( *this );
SwPageDesc* pDstPgDesc = pDstDoc->FindPageDescByName(
pPgDesc->GetName() );
if( !pDstPgDesc )
// dann kopieren, ansonsten den benutzen
pDstPgDesc = &pDstDoc->_GetPageDesc( pDstDoc->MakePageDesc(
pPgDesc->GetName() ));
pDstDoc->CopyPageDesc( *pPgDesc, *pDstPgDesc );
SwFmtPageDesc aDesc( pDstPgDesc );
aDesc.SetNumOffset( ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetNumOffset() );
aTmpSet.Put( aDesc );
if( pCNd )
// --> OD 2008-08-15 #i92811#
if ( pNewListIdItem != 0 )
aTmpSet.Put( *pNewListIdItem );
// <--
pCNd->SetAttr( aTmpSet );
pFmt->SetFmtAttr( aTmpSet );
else if( pCNd )
// --> OD 2008-08-15 #i92811#
if ( pNewListIdItem != 0 )
SfxItemSet aTmpSet( *this );
aTmpSet.Put( *pNewListIdItem );
pCNd->SetAttr( aTmpSet );
pCNd->SetAttr( *this );
// <--
pFmt->SetFmtAttr( *this );
// --> OD 2008-08-15 #i92811#
delete pNewListIdItem;
pNewListIdItem = 0;
// <--
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
ASSERT( !this, "weder Format noch ContentNode - keine Attribute kopiert");
// check if ID is InRange of AttrSet-Ids
sal_Bool IsInRange( const sal_uInt16* pRange, const sal_uInt16 nId )
while( *pRange )
if( *pRange <= nId && nId <= *(pRange+1) )
return sal_True;
pRange += 2;
return sal_False;