blob: ec565b82d46f71476664c548ef7cac6678087cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#ifndef _NDNOTXT_HXX
#define _NDNOTXT_HXX
#include "node.hxx"
class PolyPolygon;
// --------------------
// SwNoTxtNode
// --------------------
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwNoTxtNode : public SwCntntNode
friend class SwNodes;
friend class SwNoTxtFrm;
// String aAlternateText; // alternativer Text (HTML)
PolyPolygon *pContour; // Polygon fuer Konturumlauf
sal_Bool bAutomaticContour : 1; // automatic contour polygon, not manipulated
sal_Bool bContourMapModeValid : 1; // contour map mode is not the graphics's
// preferred map mode, but either
// MM100 or or pixel
sal_Bool bPixelContour : 1; // contour map mode is invalid and pixel.
// erzeugt fuer alle Ableitungen einen AttrSet mit Bereichen
// fuer Frame- und Grafik-Attributen (wird nur vom SwCntntNode gerufen)
virtual void NewAttrSet( SwAttrPool& );
SwNoTxtNode( const SwNoTxtNode& ); //nicht erlaubt
SwNoTxtNode &operator=( const SwNoTxtNode& ); //nicht erlaubt
SwNoTxtNode( const SwNodeIndex &rWhere, const sal_uInt8 nNdType,
SwGrfFmtColl *pGrColl, SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr = 0 );
virtual SwCntntFrm *MakeFrm( SwFrm* );
inline SwGrfFmtColl *GetGrfColl() const { return (SwGrfFmtColl*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
virtual Size GetTwipSize() const = 0;
virtual sal_Bool SavePersistentData();
virtual sal_Bool RestorePersistentData();
const String GetTitle() const;
void SetTitle( const String& rTitle,
bool bBroadcast = false );
const String GetDescription() const;
void SetDescription( const String& rDescription,
bool bBroadcast = false );
// const String GetAlternateText() const;
// void SetAlternateText( const String& rTxt,
// sal_Bool bBroadcast=sal_False );
void SetContour( const PolyPolygon *pPoly,
sal_Bool bAutomatic = sal_False );
const PolyPolygon *HasContour() const;
sal_Bool _HasContour() const { return pContour!=0; };
void GetContour( PolyPolygon &rPoly ) const;
void CreateContour();
void SetAutomaticContour( sal_Bool bSet ) { bAutomaticContour = bSet; }
sal_Bool HasAutomaticContour() const { return bAutomaticContour; }
// set either a MM100 or pixel contour
void SetContourAPI( const PolyPolygon *pPoly );
// get either a MM100 or pixel contour, return sal_False if no contour is set.
sal_Bool GetContourAPI( PolyPolygon &rPoly ) const;
void SetPixelContour( sal_Bool bSet ) { bPixelContour = bSet; }
sal_Bool IsPixelContour() const;
sal_Bool IsContourMapModeValid() const { return bContourMapModeValid; }
//Besorgt die Graphic, mit SwapIn fuer GrfNode, per GetData fuer OLE.
Graphic GetGraphic() const;
// Inline Metoden aus Node.hxx - erst hier ist der TxtNode bekannt !!
inline SwNoTxtNode *SwNode::GetNoTxtNode()
return ND_NOTXTNODE & nNodeType ? (SwNoTxtNode*)this : 0;
inline const SwNoTxtNode *SwNode::GetNoTxtNode() const
return ND_NOTXTNODE & nNodeType ? (const SwNoTxtNode*)this : 0;
#endif // _NDNOTXT_HXX