blob: 0698b113ae09863f265decd0694854c2ae1e633b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "svtools/svtdllapi.h"
#include "svtools/table/tabletypes.hxx"
#include "svtools/table/tablerenderer.hxx"
#include "svtools/table/tableinputhandler.hxx"
#include "svtools/table/tablesort.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/util/Color.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/VerticalAlignment.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/HorizontalAlignment.hpp>
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
namespace svt { namespace table
//= ScrollbarVisibility
enum ScrollbarVisibility
/** enumeration value denoting that a scrollbar should never be visible, even
if needed normally
/** enumeration value denoting that a scrollbar should be visible when needed only
/** enumeration value denoting that a scrollbar should always be visible, even
if not needed normally
//= ITableModelListener
typedef sal_Int32 ColumnAttributeGroup;
#define COL_ATTRS_NONE (0x00000000)
/// denotes column attributes related to the width of the column
#define COL_ATTRS_WIDTH (0x00000001)
/// denotes column attributes related to the appearance of the column, i.e. those relevant for rendering
#define COL_ATTRS_APPEARANCE (0x00000002)
/// denotes the entirety of column attributes
//= ITableModelListener
/** declares an interface to be implemented by components interested in
changes in an ->ITableModel
class SAL_NO_VTABLE ITableModelListener : public ::boost::enable_shared_from_this< ITableModelListener >
/** notifies the listener that one or more rows have been inserted into
the table
@param first
the index of the first newly inserted row
@param last
the index of the last newly inserted row. Must not be smaller
than ->first
virtual void rowsInserted( RowPos first, RowPos last ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that one or more rows have been removed from
the table
@param first
the old index of the first removed row. If this is <code>-1</code>, then all
rows have been removed from the model.
@param last
the old index of the last removed row. Must not be smaller
than ->first
virtual void rowsRemoved( RowPos first, RowPos last ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that one or more columns have been inserted into
the table
@param first
the index of the first newly inserted row
@param last
the index of the last newly inserted row. Must not be smaller
than ->first
virtual void columnInserted( ColPos const i_colIndex ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that one or more columns have been removed from
the table
@param i_colIndex
the old index of the removed column
virtual void columnRemoved( ColPos const i_colIndex ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that all columns have been removed form the model
virtual void allColumnsRemoved() = 0;
/** notifies the listener that a rectangular cell range in the table
has been updated
Listeners are required to discard any possibly cached information
they have about the cells in question, in particular any possibly
cached cell values.
virtual void cellsUpdated( ColPos const i_firstCol, ColPos i_lastCol, RowPos const i_firstRow, RowPos const i_lastRow ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that attributes of a given column changed
@param i_column
the position of the column whose attributes changed
@param i_attributeGroup
a combination of one or more <code>COL_ATTRS_*</code> flags, denoting the attribute group(s)
in which changes occurred.
virtual void columnChanged( ColPos const i_column, ColumnAttributeGroup const i_attributeGroup ) = 0;
/** notifies the listener that the metrics of the table changed.
Metrics here include the column header height, the row header width, the row height, and the presence
of both the row and column header.
virtual void tableMetricsChanged() = 0;
/// deletes the listener instance
virtual ~ITableModelListener(){};
typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ITableModelListener > PTableModelListener;
//= IColumnModel
/** interface to be implemented by table column models
class SAL_NO_VTABLE IColumnModel
/** retrieves the ID of the column
The semantics of a column id is not defined. It's up to the
implementor of the ->IColumnModel, respectively the ->ITableModel
which provides the column models, to define such a semantics.
the ID of the column. May be 0 if the table which the column
belongs to does not need and support column ids.
@see setID
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Any
getID() const = 0;
/** sets a new column ID
<TRUE/> if setting the new ID was successful. A possible error
conditions is if you try to set an ID which is already used
by another column within the same table.
@see getID
virtual void setID( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _nID ) = 0;
/** returns the name of the column
Column names should be human-readable, but not necessarily unique
within a given table.
@see setName
virtual String getName() const = 0;
/** sets a new name for the column
@see getName
virtual void setName( const String& _rName ) = 0;
/** retrieves the help text to be displayed for the column.
virtual String getHelpText() const = 0;
/** sets a new the help text to be displayed for the column.
virtual void setHelpText( const String& i_helpText ) = 0;
/** determines whether the column can be interactively resized
@see getMinWidth
@see getMaxWidth
@see getWidth
virtual bool isResizable() const = 0;
/** declares the column as resizable or fixed in width
@see getMinWidth
@see getMaxWidth
@see getWidth
virtual void setResizable( bool _bResizable ) = 0;
/** denotes the relative flexibility of the column
This flexibility is taken into account when a table control auto-resizes its columns, because the available
space changed. In this case, the columns grow or shrink according to their flexibility.
A value of 0 means the column is not auto-resized at all.
virtual sal_Int32 getFlexibility() const = 0;
/** sets a new flexibility value for the column
@see getFlexibility
virtual void setFlexibility( sal_Int32 const i_flexibility ) = 0;
/** returns the width of the column, in app-font unitss
The returned value must be a positive ->TableMetrics value.
@see setWidth
@see getMinWidth
@see getMaxWidth
virtual TableMetrics getWidth() const = 0;
/** sets a new width for the column
@param _nWidth
the new width, app-font units
@see getWidth
virtual void setWidth( TableMetrics _nWidth ) = 0;
/** returns the minimum width of the column, in app-font units, or 0 if the column
does not have a minimal width
@see setMinWidth
@see getMaxWidth
@see getWidth
virtual TableMetrics getMinWidth() const = 0;
/** sets the minimum width of the column, in app-font units
@see getMinWidth
@see setMaxWidth
@see setWidth
virtual void setMinWidth( TableMetrics _nMinWidth ) = 0;
/** returns the maximum width of the column, in app-font units, or 0 if the column
does not have a minimal width
@see setMaxWidth
@see getMinWidth
@see getWidth
virtual TableMetrics getMaxWidth() const = 0;
/** sets the maximum width of the column, in app-font units
@see getMaxWidth
@see setMinWidth
@see setWidth
virtual void setMaxWidth( TableMetrics _nMaxWidth ) = 0;
/** retrieves the horizontal alignment to be used for content in this cell
virtual ::com::sun::star::style::HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlign() = 0;
/** sets a new the horizontal alignment to be used for content in this cell
virtual void setHorizontalAlign(::com::sun::star::style::HorizontalAlignment _xAlign) = 0;
/// deletes the column model instance
virtual ~IColumnModel() { }
typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< IColumnModel > PColumnModel;
//= ITableModel
/** declares the interface to implement by an abtract table model
/** returns the number of columns in the table
virtual TableSize getColumnCount() const = 0;
/** returns the number of rows in the table
virtual TableSize getRowCount() const = 0;
/** determines whether the table has column headers
If this method returns <TRUE/>, the renderer returned by
->getRenderer must be able to render column headers.
@see IColumnRenderer
virtual bool hasColumnHeaders() const = 0;
/** determines whether the table has row headers
If this method returns <TRUE/>, the renderer returned by
->getRenderer must be able to render row headers.
@see IColumnRenderer
virtual bool hasRowHeaders() const = 0;
/** determines whether the given cell is editable
@see ICellEditor
virtual bool isCellEditable( ColPos col, RowPos row ) const = 0;
/** returns a model for a certain column
@param column
the index of the column in question. Must be greater than or
equal 0, and smaller than the return value of ->getColumnCount()
the model of the column in question. Must not be <NULL/>
virtual PColumnModel getColumnModel( ColPos column ) = 0;
/** returns a renderer which is able to paint the table represented
by this table model
@return the renderer to use. Must not be <NULL/>
virtual PTableRenderer getRenderer() const = 0;
/** returns the component handling input in a view associated with the model
virtual PTableInputHandler getInputHandler() const = 0;
/** determines the height of rows in the table.
the logical height of rows in the table, in app-font units. The height must be
greater 0.
virtual TableMetrics getRowHeight() const = 0;
/** determines the height of the column header row
This method is not to be called if ->hasColumnHeaders()
returned <FALSE/>.
the logical height of the column header row, in app-font units.
Must be greater than 0.
virtual TableMetrics getColumnHeaderHeight() const = 0;
/** determines the width of the row header column
This method is not to be called if ->hasRowHeaders()
returned <FALSE/>.
the logical width of the row header column, in app-font units.
Must be greater than 0.
virtual TableMetrics getRowHeaderWidth() const = 0;
/** returns the visibilit mode of the vertical scrollbar
virtual ScrollbarVisibility getVerticalScrollbarVisibility() const = 0;
/** returns the visibilit mode of the horizontal scrollbar
virtual ScrollbarVisibility getHorizontalScrollbarVisibility() const = 0;
/** adds a listener to be notified of changes in the table model
virtual void addTableModelListener( const PTableModelListener& i_listener ) = 0;
/** remove a listener to be notified of changes in the table model
virtual void removeTableModelListener( const PTableModelListener& i_listener ) = 0;
/** retrieves the content of the given cell
virtual void getCellContent( ColPos const i_col, RowPos const i_row, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& o_cellContent ) = 0;
/** returns an object which should be displayed as tooltip for the given cell
At the moment, only string-convertible values are supported here. In the future, one might imagine displaying
scaled-down versions of a graphic in a cell, and a larger version of that very graphic as tooltip.
If no tooltip object is provided, then the cell content is used, and displayed as tooltip for the cell
if and only if it doesn't fit into the cell's space itself.
@param i_col
The column index of the cell in question. COL_ROW_HEADERS is a valid argument here.
@param i_row
The row index of the cell in question.
@param o_cellToolTip
takes the tooltip object upon return.
virtual void getCellToolTip( ColPos const i_col, RowPos const i_row, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any & o_cellToolTip ) = 0;
/** retrieves title of a given row
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Any getRowHeading( RowPos const i_rowPos ) const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for rendering the grid lines.
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getLineColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for rendering the header background.
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getHeaderBackgroundColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for rendering the header text.
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getHeaderTextColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for the background of selected cells, when the control has the focus
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getActiveSelectionBackColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for the background of selected cells, when the control does not have the focus
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getInactiveSelectionBackColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for the text of selected cells, when the control has the focus
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getActiveSelectionTextColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for the text of selected cells, when the control does not have the focus
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getInactiveSelectionTextColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for rendering cell texts.
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getTextColor() const = 0;
/** returns the color to be used for text lines (underline, strikethrough) when rendering cell text.
If this value is not set, a default color from the style settings will be used.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::Color > getTextLineColor() const = 0;
/** returns the colors to be used for the row backgrounds.
If this value is not set, every second row will have a background color derived from the style settings's
selection color, the other rows will not have a special background at all.
If this value is an empty sequence, the rows will not have a special background at all, instead the
normal background of the complete control will be used.
If value is a non-empty sequence, then rows will have the background colors as specified in the sequence,
in alternating order.
virtual ::boost::optional< ::std::vector< ::Color > >
getRowBackgroundColors() const = 0;
/** determines the vertical alignment of content within a cell
virtual ::com::sun::star::style::VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlign() const = 0;
/** returns an adapter to the sorting functionality of the model
It is legitimate to return <NULL/> here, in this case, the table model does not support sorting.
virtual ITableDataSort* getSortAdapter() = 0;
/** returns enabled state.
virtual bool isEnabled() const = 0;
/// destroys the table model instance
virtual ~ITableModel() { }
typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ITableModel > PTableModel;
} } // namespace svt::table