blob: 2b45b581def97e272a472d7364eda3bc3cf8c660 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::scriptitems;
use installer::converter;
use installer::existence;
use installer::exiter;
use installer::globals;
use installer::languages;
use installer::logger;
use installer::pathanalyzer;
use installer::remover;
use installer::systemactions;
use File::Spec;
use SvnRevision;
use ExtensionsLst;
use strict;
# Resolving the GID for the directories defined in setup script
sub resolve_all_directory_names
my ($directoryarrayref) = @_;
# After this procedure the hash shall contain the complete language
# dependent path, not only the language dependent HostName.
my ($key, $value, $parentvalue, $parentgid, $parentdirectoryhashref);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$directoryarrayref}; $i++ )
my $directoryhashref = ${$directoryarrayref}[$i];
my $gid = $directoryhashref-> {'gid'};
my $parentid = $directoryhashref-> {'ParentID'};
if ( $parentid ne "PREDEFINED_PROGDIR" )
# find the array of the parentid, which has to be defined before in setup script
# and is therefore listed before in this array
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++ )
$parentdirectoryhashref = ${$directoryarrayref}[$j];
$parentgid = $parentdirectoryhashref->{'gid'};
if ( $parentid eq $parentgid)
# and now we can put the path together
# But take care of the languages!
my $dirismultilingual = $directoryhashref->{'ismultilingual'};
my $parentismultilingual = $parentdirectoryhashref->{'ismultilingual'};
# First: Both directories are language independent or both directories are language dependent
if ((( ! $dirismultilingual ) && ( ! $parentismultilingual )) ||
(( $dirismultilingual ) && ( $parentismultilingual )))
foreach $key (keys %{$directoryhashref})
# the key ("HostName (en-US)") must be usable for both hashes
if ( $key =~ /\bHostName\b/ )
$parentvalue = "";
$value = $directoryhashref->{$key};
if ( $parentdirectoryhashref->{$key} ) { $parentvalue = $parentdirectoryhashref->{$key}; }
# It is possible, that in scp project, a directory is defined in more languages than
# the directory parent (happened after automatic generation of
# Therefore this is checked now and written with a warning into the logfile.
# This is no error, because (in most cases) the concerned language is not build.
if ($parentvalue eq "")
$directoryhashref->{$key} = "FAILURE";
$installer::logger::Global->printf("WARNING: No hostname for %s with \"%s\". Needed by child directory %s !\n",
$parentid, $key, $gid);
$directoryhashref->{$key} = $parentvalue . $installer::globals::separator . $value;
# Second: The directory is language dependent, the parent not
if (( $dirismultilingual ) && ( ! $parentismultilingual ))
$parentvalue = $parentdirectoryhashref->{'HostName'}; # there is only one
foreach $key (keys %{$directoryhashref}) # the current directory
if ( $key =~ /\bHostName\b/ )
$value = $directoryhashref->{$key};
$directoryhashref->{$key} = $parentvalue . $installer::globals::separator . $value;
# Third: The directory is not language dependent, the parent is language dependent
if (( ! $dirismultilingual ) && ( $parentismultilingual ))
$value = $directoryhashref->{'HostName'}; # there is only one
foreach $key (keys %{$parentdirectoryhashref}) # the parent directory
if ( $key =~ /\bHostName\b/ )
$parentvalue = $parentdirectoryhashref->{$key}; # there is only one
$directoryhashref->{$key} = $parentvalue . $installer::globals::separator . $value;
$directoryhashref->{'ismultilingual'} = 1; # now this directory is also language dependent
# Files with flag DELETE_ONLY do not need to be packed into installation set
sub remove_delete_only_files_from_productlists
my ($productarrayref) = @_;
my @newitems = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$productarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$productarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if (!($styles =~ /\bDELETE_ONLY\b/))
push(@newitems, $oneitem);
return \@newitems;
# Files with flag NOT_IN_SUITE do not need to be packed into
# Suite installation sets
sub remove_notinsuite_files_from_productlists
my ($productarrayref) = @_;
my @newitems = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$productarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$productarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if (!($styles =~ /\bNOT_IN_SUITE\b/))
push(@newitems, $oneitem);
$installer::logger::Global->printf("INFO: Flag NOT_IN_SUITE \-\> Removing %s from file list.\n",
return \@newitems;
# Files with flag NOT_IN_SUITE do not need to be packed into
# Suite installation sets
sub remove_office_start_language_files
my ($productarrayref) = @_;
my @newitems = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$productarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$productarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if (!($styles =~ /\bSET_OFFICE_LANGUAGE\b/))
push(@newitems, $oneitem);
"INFO: Flag SET_OFFICE_LANGUAGE \-\> Removing %s from file list.\n",
return \@newitems;
# Registryitems for Uninstall have to be removed
sub remove_uninstall_regitems_from_script
my ($registryarrayref) = @_;
my @newitems = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$registryarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$registryarrayref}[$i];
my $subkey = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Subkey'} ) { $subkey = $oneitem->{'Subkey'}; }
if ( $subkey =~ /Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall/ ) { next; }
push(@newitems, $oneitem);
return \@newitems;
# Searching the language module for a specified language
sub get_languagespecific_module
my ( $lang, $modulestring ) = @_;
my $langmodulestring = "";
my $module;
foreach $module ( keys %installer::globals::alllangmodules )
if (( $installer::globals::alllangmodules{$module} eq $lang ) && ( $modulestring =~ /\b$module\b/ ))
$langmodulestring = "$langmodulestring,$module";
$langmodulestring =~ s/^\s*,//;
if ( $langmodulestring eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No language pack module found for language $lang in string \"$modulestring\"!", "get_languagespecific_module"); }
return $langmodulestring;
# Removing all items in product lists which do not have the correct languages
sub resolving_all_languages_in_productlists
my ($productarrayref, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
my @itemsinalllanguages = ();
my ($key, $value);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$productarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$productarrayref}[$i];
my $ismultilingual = $oneitem->{'ismultilingual'};
if (!($ismultilingual)) # nothing to do with single language items
$oneitem->{'specificlanguage'} = "";
push(@itemsinalllanguages, $oneitem);
else #all language dependent files
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $j++ ) # iterating over all languages
my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$j];
my %oneitemhash = ();
foreach $key (keys %{$oneitem})
if ( $key =~ /\(\S+\)/ ) # this are the language dependent keys
if ( $key =~ /\(\Q$onelanguage\E\)/ )
$value = $oneitem->{$key};
$oneitemhash{$key} = $value;
$value = $oneitem->{$key};
$oneitemhash{$key} = $value;
$oneitemhash{'specificlanguage'} = $onelanguage;
if ( $oneitemhash{'haslanguagemodule'} )
my $langmodulestring = get_languagespecific_module($onelanguage, $oneitemhash{'modules'});
$oneitemhash{'modules'} = $langmodulestring;
push(@itemsinalllanguages, \%oneitemhash);
return \@itemsinalllanguages;
# Removing all modules, that have the flag LANGUAGEMODULE, but do not
# have the correct language
sub remove_not_required_language_modules
my ($modulesarrayref, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
my @allmodules = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $module = ${$modulesarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $module->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $module->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEMODULE\b/ )
if ( ! exists($module->{'Language'}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$module->{'gid'}\" has flag LANGUAGEMODULE, but does not know its language!", "remove_not_required_language_modules"); }
my $modulelanguage = $module->{'Language'};
# checking, if language is required
my $doinclude = 0;
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $j++ )
my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$j];
if ( $onelanguage eq $modulelanguage )
$doinclude = 1;
if ( $doinclude ) { push(@allmodules, $module); }
push(@allmodules, $module);
return \@allmodules;
# Removing all modules, that have a spellchecker language that is not
# required for this product (spellchecker selection).
# All required spellchecker languages are stored in
# %installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash
sub remove_not_required_spellcheckerlanguage_modules
my ($modulesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
my @allmodules = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $module = ${$modulesarrayref}[$i];
if ( $module->{'Spellcheckerlanguage'} ) # selecting modules with Spellcheckerlanguage
if ( exists($installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash{$module->{'Spellcheckerlanguage'}}) )
push(@allmodules, $module);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Spellchecker selection: Removing module %s\n", $module->{'gid'});
# Collecting all files at modules that are removed
if ( $module->{'Files'} )
if ( $module->{'Files'} =~ /^\s*\((.*?)\)\s*$/ )
my $filelist = $1;
my $filelisthash = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_hash(\$filelist, ",");
foreach my $onefile ( keys %{$filelisthash} ) { $installer::globals::spellcheckerfilehash{$onefile} = 1; }
push(@allmodules, $module);
return \@allmodules;
# Removing all modules, that belong to a module that was removed
# in "remove_not_required_spellcheckerlanguage_modules" because of the
# spellchecker language. The files belonging to the modules are collected
# in %installer::globals::spellcheckerfilehash.
sub remove_not_required_spellcheckerlanguage_files
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my @filesarray = ();
my $infoline = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
if ( exists($installer::globals::spellcheckerfilehash{$onefile->{'gid'}}) )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Spellchecker selection: Removing file %s\n",
push(@filesarray, $onefile);
return \@filesarray;
=head3 add_bundled_extension_blobs(@filelist)
Add entries for extension blobs to the global file list.
Extension blobs, unlike preregistered extensions, are not
extracted before included into a pack set.
The set of extensions to include is taken from the BUNDLED_EXTENSION_BLOBS
environment variable (typically set in configure.)
If that variable is not defined then the content of main/extensions.lst defines
the default set.
Extension blobs are placed in gid_Brand_Dir_Share_Extensions_Install.
sub add_bundled_extension_blobs
my @filelist = @{$_[0]};
my @bundle_files = ();
my $bundleenv = $ENV{'BUNDLED_EXTENSION_BLOBS'};
my $bundlehttpsrc = $ENV{'TARFILE_LOCATION'} . $installer::globals::separator;
my $bundlefilesrc = $ENV{SOLARVERSION}
. $installer::globals::separator . $ENV{INPATH}
. $installer::globals::separator . "bin"
. $installer::globals::separator;
if ($installer::globals::product =~ /(SDK|URE)/i )
# No extensions for the SDK.
elsif (defined $bundleenv)
# Use the list of extensions that was explicitly given to configure.
for my $name (split(/\s+/, $bundleenv, -1))
push @bundle_files, $bundlehttpsrc . $name;
# Add the default extensions for the current language set.
# http:// extensions are taken from ext_sources/.
for my $name (ExtensionsLst::GetExtensionList("http|https", ($installer::globals::languageproduct)))
push @bundle_files, $bundlehttpsrc . $name;
# file:// extensions are added as pre-registered in add_bundled_prereg_extension().
"preparing %d extension blob%s for language %s:\n",
$#bundle_files + 1,
$#bundle_files!=0 ? "s" : "",
foreach my $filename ( @bundle_files)
my $basename = File::Basename::basename( $filename);
my $onefile = {
'Dir' => 'gid_Brand_Dir_Share_Extensions_Install',
'Name' => $basename,
'Styles' => '(PACKED)',
'UnixRights' => '444',
'sourcepath' => $filename,
'modules' => "gid_Module_Dictionaries",
'gid' => "gid_File_Extension_".$basename
push( @filelist, $onefile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("\tbundling \"%s\" extension\n", $filename);
$installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $basename);
return \@filelist;
=head3 add_bundled_prereg_extensions(@filelist)
Add entries for preregistered extensions to the global file list.
The set of extensions to include is taken from the BUNDLED_PREREG_EXTENSIONS
environment variable (typically set in configure.)
If that variable is not defined then the content of main/extensions.lst defines
the default set.
Preregistered extensions are placed in subdirectories of gid_Brand_Dir_Share_Prereg_Bundled.
sub add_bundled_prereg_extensions
my @filelist = @{$_[0]};
my $dirsref = $_[1];
my @bundle_files = ();
if ($installer::globals::product =~ /(SDK|URE)/i )
# No extensions for the SDK.
elsif (defined $bundleenv)
# Use the list of extensions that was explicitly given to configure.
@bundle_files = split(/\s+/, $bundleenv, -1);
# Add extensions from file:// URLs.
for my $name (ExtensionsLst::GetExtensionList("file", ($installer::globals::languageproduct)))
push @bundle_files, $name;
"preparing %d bundled extension%s for language %s:\n",
$#bundle_files + 1,
$#bundle_files!=0 ? "s" : "",
foreach my $filename (@bundle_files)
$installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $filename);
# Find the prereg directory entry so that we can create a new sub-directory.
my $parentdir_gid = "gid_Brand_Dir_Share_Prereg_Bundled";
my $parentdir = undef;
foreach my $dir (@{$dirsref})
if ($dir->{'gid'} eq $parentdir_gid)
$parentdir = $dir;
foreach my $filename ( @bundle_files)
my $basename = File::Basename::basename( $filename);
# Create a new directory into which the extension will be installed.
my $dirgid = $parentdir_gid . "_" . $basename;
my $onedir = {
'modules' => 'gid_Module_Root_Brand',
'ismultilingual' => 0,
'Styles' => '(CREATE)',
'ParentID' => $parentdir_gid,
'specificlanguage' => "",
'haslanguagemodule' => 0,
'gid' => $dirgid,
'HostName' => $parentdir->{'HostName'} . $installer::globals::separator . $basename
push (@{$dirsref}, $onedir);
# Create a new file entry for the extension.
my $onefile = {
'Dir' => $dirgid,
'Name' => $basename,
'Styles' => '(PACKED,ARCHIVE)',
'UnixRights' => '444',
'sourcepath' => File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'OUTDIR'}, "bin", $filename),
'specificlanguage' => "",
'modules' => "gid_Module_Dictionaries",
'gid' => "gid_File_Extension_".$basename
push( @filelist, $onefile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("\tbundling \"%s\" extension\n", $filename);
return (\@filelist, $dirsref);
# Looking for directories without correct HostName
sub checking_directories_with_corrupt_hostname
my ($dirsref, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $hostname = "";
if ( $onedir->{'HostName'} ) { $hostname = $onedir->{'HostName'}; }
if ( $hostname eq "" )
my $langstring = "";
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $j++ ) { $langstring .= ${$languagesarrayref}[$j] . " "; }
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: HostName not defined for $onedir->{'gid'} for specified language. Probably you wanted to create an installation set, in a language not defined in scp2 project. You selected the following language(s): $langstring", "checking_directories_with_corrupt_hostname");
if ( $hostname eq "FAILURE" )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not create HostName for $onedir->{'gid'} (missing language at parent). See logfile warning for more info!", "checking_directories_with_corrupt_hostname");
# Setting global properties
sub set_global_directory_hostnames
my ($dirsref, $allvariables) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bOFFICEDIRECTORY\b/ )
$installer::globals::officedirhostname = $onedir->{'HostName'};
$installer::globals::officedirgid = $onedir->{'gid'};
$allvariables->{'OFFICEDIRECTORYHOSTNAME'} = $installer::globals::officedirhostname;
# Recursively defined procedure to order
# modules and directories
sub get_children
my ($allitems, $startparent, $newitemorder) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allitems}; $i++ )
my $gid = ${$allitems}[$i]->{'gid'};
my $parent = "";
if ( ${$allitems}[$i]->{'ParentID'} ) { $parent = ${$allitems}[$i]->{'ParentID'}; }
if ( $parent eq $startparent )
push(@{$newitemorder}, ${$allitems}[$i]);
my $parent = $gid;
get_children($allitems, $parent, $newitemorder); # recursive!
# Using different HostName for language packs
sub use_langpack_hostname
my ($dirsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
if (( $onedir->{'LangPackHostName'} ) && ( $onedir->{'LangPackHostName'} ne "" )) { $onedir->{'HostName'} = $onedir->{'LangPackHostName'}; }
# Using different HostName for language packs
sub use_patch_hostname
my ($dirsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
if (( $onedir->{'PatchHostName'} ) && ( $onedir->{'PatchHostName'} ne "" )) { $onedir->{'HostName'} = $onedir->{'PatchHostName'}; }
# Using beta copy action for beta builds
sub use_beta_copy_scpaction
my ($scpactionsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scpactionsref}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$scpactionsref}[$i];
if (( $onescpaction->{'BetaCopy'} ) && ( $onescpaction->{'BetaCopy'} ne "" )) { $onescpaction->{'Copy'} = $onescpaction->{'BetaCopy'}; }
# Using langpack beta copy action for language packs
sub use_langbeta_copy_scpaction
my ($scpactionsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scpactionsref}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$scpactionsref}[$i];
if (( $onescpaction->{'LangBetaCopy'} ) && ( $onescpaction->{'LangBetaCopy'} ne "" )) { $onescpaction->{'Copy'} = $onescpaction->{'LangBetaCopy'}; }
# Using langpack copy action for language packs
sub use_langpack_copy_scpaction
my ($scpactionsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scpactionsref}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$scpactionsref}[$i];
if (( $onescpaction->{'LangPackCopy'} ) && ( $onescpaction->{'LangPackCopy'} ne "" )) { $onescpaction->{'Copy'} = $onescpaction->{'LangPackCopy'}; }
# Using copy patch action
sub use_patch_copy_scpaction
my ($scpactionsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scpactionsref}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$scpactionsref}[$i];
if (( $onescpaction->{'PatchCopy'} ) && ( $onescpaction->{'PatchCopy'} ne "" )) { $onescpaction->{'Copy'} = $onescpaction->{'PatchCopy'}; }
# Using dev copy patch action for developer snapshot builds
sub use_dev_copy_scpaction
my ($scpactionsref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scpactionsref}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$scpactionsref}[$i];
if (( $onescpaction->{'DevCopy'} ) && ( $onescpaction->{'DevCopy'} ne "" )) { $onescpaction->{'Copy'} = $onescpaction->{'DevCopy'}; }
# Shifting parent directories of URE and Basis layer, so that
# these directories are located below the Brand layer.
sub shift_basis_directory_parents
my ($dirsref) = @_;
my @alldirs = ();
my @savedirs = ();
my @shifteddirs = ();
my $officedirgid = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bOFFICEDIRECTORY\b/ ) { $officedirgid = $onedir->{'gid'}; }
if ( $officedirgid ne "" )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'}; }
if (( $styles =~ /\bBASISDIRECTORY\b/ ) || ( $styles =~ /\bUREDIRECTORY\b/ ))
$onedir->{'ParentID'} = $officedirgid;
# Sorting directories
my $startgid = "PREDEFINED_PROGDIR";
get_children($dirsref, $startgid, \@alldirs);
return \@alldirs;
# Setting the name of the directory with style OFFICEDIRECTORY.
# The name can be defined in property OFFICEDIRECTORYNAME.
sub set_officedirectory_name
my ($dirsref, $officedirname) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bOFFICEDIRECTORY\b/ )
$onedir->{'HostName'} = $officedirname;
# Simplifying the name for language dependent items from "Name (xy)" to "Name"
sub changing_name_of_language_dependent_keys
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
# Changing key for multilingual items from "Name ( )" to "Name" or "HostName ( )" to "HostName"
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $onelanguage = $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'};
if (!($onelanguage eq "" )) # language dependent item
my $itemkey;
foreach $itemkey (keys %{$oneitem})
if ( $itemkey =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\s+\(\S+\)\s*$/ )
my $newitemkey = $1;
my $itemvalue = $oneitem->{$itemkey};
$oneitem->{$newitemkey} = $itemvalue;
# Collecting language specific names for language packs
sub collect_language_specific_names
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bUSELANGUAGENAME\b/ )
my $language = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Language'} ) { $language = $oneitem->{'Language'}; }
my $specificlanguage = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'} ) { $specificlanguage = $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'}; }
if (( $language ne "" ) && ( $language eq $specificlanguage ))
if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($oneitem->{'Name'}, \@installer::globals::languagenames ))
push(@installer::globals::languagenames, $oneitem->{'Name'});
# Replacement of setup variables in ConfigurationItems and ProfileItems
# <productkey>, <buildid>, <sequence_languages>, <productcode>, <upgradecode>, <productupdate>
sub replace_setup_variables
my ($itemsarrayref, $languagestringref, $hashref) = @_;
my $languagesstring = $$languagestringref;
$languagesstring =~ s/\_/ /g; # replacing underscore with whitespace
# $languagesstring is "01 49" instead of "en-US de"
my $productname = $hashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
my $productversion = $hashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
my $userdirproductversion = "";
if ( $hashref->{'USERDIRPRODUCTVERSION'} ) { $userdirproductversion = $hashref->{'USERDIRPRODUCTVERSION'}; }
my $productkey = $productname . " " . $productversion;
my $scsrevision;
$scsrevision = "" unless ( $scsrevision = SvnRevision::DetectRevisionId(File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'SRC_ROOT'}, File::Spec->updir())) );
# string $buildid, which is used to replace the setup variable <buildid>
my $localminor = "flat";
if ( $installer::globals::minor ne "" ) { $localminor = $installer::globals::minor; }
else { $localminor = $installer::globals::lastminor; }
my $localbuild = $installer::globals::build;
if ( $localbuild =~ /^\s*(\w+?)(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $localbuild = $2; } # using "680" instead of "src680"
my $buildidstring = $localbuild . $localminor . "(Build:" . $installer::globals::buildid . ")";
# the environment variable CWS_WORK_STAMP is set only in CWS
if ( $ENV{'CWS_WORK_STAMP'} ) { $buildidstring = $buildidstring . "\[CWS\:" . $ENV{'CWS_WORK_STAMP'} . "\]"; }
if ( $localminor =~ /^\s*\w(\d+)\w*\s*$/ ) { $localminor = $1; }
# $updateid
my $updateid = $productname . "_" . $userdirproductversion . "_" . $$languagestringref;
$updateid =~ s/ /_/g;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $value = $oneitem->{'Value'};
$value =~ s/\<buildid\>/$buildidstring/;
$value =~ s/\<scsrevision\>/$scsrevision/;
$value =~ s/\<sequence_languages\>/$languagesstring/;
$value =~ s/\<productkey\>/$productkey/;
$value =~ s/\<productcode\>/$installer::globals::productcode/;
$value =~ s/\<upgradecode\>/$installer::globals::upgradecode/;
$value =~ s/\<alllanguages\>/$languagesstring/;
$value =~ s/\<productmajor\>/$localbuild/;
$value =~ s/\<productminor\>/$localminor/;
$value =~ s/\<productbuildid\>/$installer::globals::buildid/;
$value =~ s/\<sourceid\>/$installer::globals::build/;
$value =~ s/\<updateid\>/$updateid/;
$value =~ s/\<pkgformat\>/$installer::globals::packageformat/;
$oneitem->{'Value'} = $value;
# By defining variable LOCALUSERDIR in *.lst it is possible to change
# the standard destination of user directory defined in scp2 ($SYSUSERCONFIG).
sub replace_userdir_variable ($$)
my ($itemsarrayref, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
my $userdir = "";
if ($allvariableshashref->{'LOCALUSERDIR'})
$userdir = $allvariableshashref->{'LOCALUSERDIR'};
$userdir = $installer::globals::simpledefaultuserdir;
if ($userdir ne "")
foreach my $oneitem (@$itemsarrayref)
$oneitem->{'Value'} =~ s/\$SYSUSERCONFIG/$userdir/;
# Files and ConfigurationItems are not included for all languages.
# For instance asian fonts. These can be removed, if no "Name" is found.
# ConfigurationItems are not always defined in the linguistic configuration file.
# The "Key" cannot be found for them.
sub remove_non_existent_languages_in_productlists
my ($itemsarrayref, $languagestringref, $searchkey, $itemtype) = @_;
# Removing of all non existent files, for instance asian fonts
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Removing for this language $$languagestringref:");
my @allexistentitems = ();
my $infoline;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $oneitemname = ""; # $searchkey is "Name" for files and "Key" for ConfigurationItems
if ( $oneitem->{$searchkey} ) { $oneitemname = $oneitem->{$searchkey} }
my $itemtoberemoved = 0;
if ($oneitemname eq "") # for instance asian font in english installation set
$itemtoberemoved = 1;
if ($itemtoberemoved)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("WARNING: Language %s: No $itemtype packed for %s!\n",
push(@allexistentitems, $oneitem);
return \@allexistentitems;
# Input is the directory gid, output the "HostName" of the directory
sub get_Directoryname_From_Directorygid
my ($dirsarrayref ,$searchgid, $onelanguage, $oneitemgid) = @_;
my $directoryname = "";
my $onedirectory;
my $foundgid = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsarrayref}; $i++ )
$onedirectory = ${$dirsarrayref}[$i];
my $directorygid = $onedirectory->{'gid'};
if ($directorygid eq $searchgid)
$foundgid = 1;
if (!($foundgid))
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Gid $searchgid not defined in $installer::globals::setupscriptname", "get_Directoryname_From_Directorygid");
if ( ! ( $onedirectory->{'ismultilingual'} )) # the directory is not language dependent
$directoryname = $onedirectory->{'HostName'};
$directoryname = $onedirectory->{"HostName ($onelanguage)"};
# gid_Dir_Template_Wizard_Letter is defined as language dependent directory, but the file gid_Dir_Template_Wizard_Letter
# is not language dependent. Therefore $onelanguage is not defined. But which language is the correct language for the
# directory?
# Perhaps better solution: In scp it must be forbidden to have a language independent file in a language dependent directory.
if (( ! $directoryname ) && ( $onelanguage eq "" ))
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR (in scp): Directory $searchgid is language dependent, but not $oneitemgid inside this directory", "get_Directoryname_From_Directorygid");
return \$directoryname;
# Getting destination directory for links, files and profiles
sub get_Destination_Directory_For_Item_From_Directorylist # this is used for Files, Profiles and Links
my ($itemarrayref, $dirsarrayref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemarrayref}[$i];
my $oneitemgid = $oneitem->{'gid'};
my $directorygid = $oneitem->{'Dir'}; # for instance gid_Dir_Program
my $netdirectorygid = "";
my $onelanguage = $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'};
my $ispredefinedprogdir = 0;
my $ispredefinedconfigdir = 0;
my $oneitemname = $oneitem->{'Name'};
if ( $oneitem->{'NetDir'} ) { $netdirectorygid = $oneitem->{'NetDir'}; }
installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$oneitemname); # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
my $searchdirgid;
if ( $netdirectorygid eq "" ) # if NetDir is defined, it is privileged
$searchdirgid = $directorygid
$searchdirgid = $netdirectorygid
if ($searchdirgid =~ /PREDEFINED_PROGDIR/) # the root directory is not defined in setup script
$ispredefinedprogdir = 1;
if ($searchdirgid =~ /PREDEFINED_CONFIGDIR/) # the root directory is not defined in setup script
$ispredefinedconfigdir = 1;
my $destfilename;
if ((!( $ispredefinedprogdir )) && (!( $ispredefinedconfigdir )))
my $directorynameref = get_Directoryname_From_Directorygid($dirsarrayref, $searchdirgid, $onelanguage, $oneitemgid);
$destfilename = $$directorynameref . $installer::globals::separator . $oneitemname;
$destfilename = $oneitemname;
$oneitem->{'destination'} = $destfilename;
# Searching a file in a list of paths
sub get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath_classic
my ($searchfilenameref, $includepatharrayref, $write_logfile) = @_;
my ($onefile, $includepath, $infoline);
my $foundsourcefile = 0;
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$includepatharrayref}; $j++ )
$includepath = ${$includepatharrayref}[$j];
$onefile = $includepath . $installer::globals::separator . $$searchfilenameref;
if ( -f $onefile )
$foundsourcefile = 1;
if (!($foundsourcefile))
$onefile = ""; # the sourcepath has to be empty
if ( $write_logfile)
$infoline = "WARNING: Source for $$searchfilenameref not found!\n"; # Important message in log file
$infoline = "ERROR: Source for $$searchfilenameref not found!\n"; # Important message in log file
if ( $write_logfile)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("SUCCESS: Source for %s: %s\n",
return \$onefile;
# Input is one file name, output the complete absolute path of this file
sub get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath
my ($searchfilenameref, $unused, $write_logfile) = @_;
my ($onefile, $includepath, $infoline);
my $foundsourcefile = 0;
my $foundnewname = 0;
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#installer::globals::allincludepathes; $j++ )
my $allfiles = $installer::globals::allincludepathes[$j];
if ( exists( $allfiles->{$$searchfilenameref} ))
$onefile = $allfiles->{'includepath'} . $installer::globals::separator . $$searchfilenameref;
$foundsourcefile = 1;
if (!($foundsourcefile)) # testing with lowercase filename
# Attention: README01.html is copied for Windows to readme01.html, not case sensitive
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#installer::globals::allincludepathes; $j++ )
my $allfiles = $installer::globals::allincludepathes[$j];
my $newfilename = $$searchfilenameref;
$newfilename =~ s/readme/README/; # special handling for readme files
$newfilename =~ s/license/LICENSE/; # special handling for license files
if ( exists( $allfiles->{$newfilename} ))
$onefile = $allfiles->{'includepath'} . $installer::globals::separator . $newfilename;
$foundsourcefile = 1;
$foundnewname = 1;
if (!($foundsourcefile))
$onefile = ""; # the sourcepath has to be empty
if ( $write_logfile)
$infoline = "WARNING: Source for $$searchfilenameref not found!\n"; # Important message in log file
$infoline = "ERROR: Source for $$searchfilenameref not found!\n"; # Important message in log file
if ( $write_logfile)
if (!($foundnewname))
$infoline = "SUCCESS: Source for $$searchfilenameref: $onefile\n";
$infoline = "SUCCESS/WARNING: Special handling for $$searchfilenameref: $onefile\n";
return \$onefile;
# Determining, whether a specified directory is language
# dependent
sub determine_directory_language_dependency
my($directorygid, $dirsref) = @_;
my $is_multilingual = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $gid = $onedir->{'gid'};
if ( $gid eq $directorygid )
$is_multilingual = $onedir->{'ismultilingual'};
return $is_multilingual;
# Getting all source paths for all files to be packed
# $item can be "Files" or "ScpActions"
sub get_Source_Directory_For_Files_From_Includepathlist
my ($filesarrayref, $includepatharrayref, $dirsref, $item) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $onelanguage = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'};
if ( ! $onefile->{'Name'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: $item without name ! GID: $onefile->{'gid'} ! Language: $onelanguage", "get_Source_Directory_For_Files_From_Includepathlist"); }
my $onefilename = $onefile->{'Name'};
if ( $item eq "ScpActions" ) { $onefilename =~ s/\//$installer::globals::separator/g; }
$onefilename =~ s/^\s*\Q$installer::globals::separator\E//; # filename begins with a slash, for instance /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs
my $styles = "";
my $file_can_miss = 0;
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bFILE_CAN_MISS\b/ ) { $file_can_miss = 1; }
if (( $installer::globals::languagepack ) && ( ! $onefile->{'ismultilingual'} ) && ( ! ( $styles =~ /\bFORCELANGUAGEPACK\b/ ))) { $file_can_miss = 1; }
my $sourcepathref = "";
if ( $file_can_miss ) { $sourcepathref = get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onefilename, $includepatharrayref, 0); }
else { $sourcepathref = get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onefilename, $includepatharrayref, 1); }
$onefile->{'sourcepath'} = $$sourcepathref; # This $$sourcepathref is empty, if no source was found
# defaulting to english for multilingual files if DEFAULT_TO_ENGLISH_FOR_PACKING is set
if (( ! $onefile->{'sourcepath'} ) && ( $onefile->{'ismultilingual'} ))
my $oldname = $onefile->{'Name'};
my $oldlanguage = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'};
my $newlanguage = "en-US";
# $onefile->{'Name'} =~ s/$oldlanguage\./$newlanguage\./; # Example: ->
$onefilename = $onefile->{'Name'};
$onefilename =~ s/$oldlanguage\./$newlanguage\./; # Example: ->
$onefilename =~ s/^\s*\Q$installer::globals::separator\E//; # filename begins with a slash, for instance /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs
$sourcepathref = get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onefilename, $includepatharrayref, 1);
$onefile->{'sourcepath'} = $$sourcepathref; # This $$sourcepathref is empty, if no source was found
if ($onefile->{'sourcepath'}) # defaulting to english was successful
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("WARNING: Using %s instead of %s\n", $onefilename, $oldname);
$installer::logger::Info->printf("WARNING: Using %s instead of %s\n", $onefilename, $oldname);
# if ( $onefile->{'destination'} ) { $onefile->{'destination'} =~ s/\Q$oldname\E/$onefile->{'Name'}/; }
# If the directory, in which the new file is installed, is not language dependent,
# the filename has to be changed to avoid installation conflicts
# No mechanism for resource files!
# -> implementing for the content of ARCHIVE files
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} =~ /\bARCHIVE\b/ )
my $directorygid = $onefile->{'Dir'};
my $islanguagedependent = determine_directory_language_dependency($directorygid, $dirsref);
if ( ! $islanguagedependent )
$onefile->{'Styles'} =~ s/\bARCHIVE\b/ARCHIVE, RENAME_TO_LANGUAGE/; # Setting new flag RENAME_TO_LANGUAGE
"Setting flag RENAME_TO_LANGUAGE: File %s in directory: %s\n",
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("WARNING: Using %s instead of %s was not successful\n",
$onefile->{'Name'}, $oldname);
$onefile->{'Name'} = $oldname; # Switching back to old file name
# empty line after listing of all files
# Removing files, that shall not be included into languagepacks
# (because of rpm conflicts)
sub remove_Files_For_Languagepacks
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $gid = $oneitem->{'gid'};
# scp Todo: Remove asap after removal of old setup
if (( $gid eq "gid_File_Extra_Fontunxpsprint" ) ||
( $gid eq "gid_File_Extra_Migration_Lang" ))
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ATTENTION: Removing item %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Files, whose source directory is not found, are removed now (this is an ERROR)
sub remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my $error_occured = 0;
my @missingfiles = ();
push(@missingfiles, "ERROR: The following files could not be found: \n");
my @newfilesarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
if ($sourcepath eq "")
my $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'};
my $filename = $onefile->{'Name'};
if ( ! $installer::globals::languagepack )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: No sourcepath -> Removing file %s from file list.\n",
push(@missingfiles, "ERROR: File not found: $filename\n");
$error_occured = 1;
next; # removing this file from list, if sourcepath is empty
else # special case for language packs
if (( $onefile->{'ismultilingual'} ) || ( $styles =~ /\bFORCELANGUAGEPACK\b/ ))
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Removing file %s from file list.\n", $filename);
push(@missingfiles, "ERROR: File not found: $filename\n");
$error_occured = 1;
next; # removing this file from list, if sourcepath is empty
"INFO: Removing file %s from file list. It is not language dependent.\n",
"INFO: It is not language dependent and can be ignored in language packs.\n");
next; # removing this file from list, if sourcepath is empty
push(@newfilesarray, $onefile);
if ( $error_occured )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#missingfiles; $i++ ) { print "$missingfiles[$i]"; }
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Missing files", "remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory");
return \@newfilesarray;
# License and Readme files in the default language have to be installed
# in the directory with flag OFFICEDIRECTORY. If this is not defined
# they have to be installed in the installation root.
sub get_office_directory_gid_and_hostname
my ($dirsarrayref) = @_;
my $foundofficedir = 0;
my $gid = "";
my $hostname = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsarrayref}[$i];
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} )
my $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'};
if ( $styles =~ /\bOFFICEDIRECTORY\b/ )
$foundofficedir = 1;
$gid = $onedir->{'gid'};
$hostname = $onedir->{'HostName'};
return ($foundofficedir, $gid, $hostname);
# License and Readme files in the default language have to be installed
# in the installation root (next to the program dir). This is in scp
# project done by a post install basic script
sub add_License_Files_into_Installdir
my ($filesarrayref, $dirsarrayref, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newfilesarray = ();
my $defaultlanguage = installer::languages::get_default_language($languagesarrayref);
my ($foundofficedir, $officedirectorygid, $officedirectoryhostname) = get_office_directory_gid_and_hostname($dirsarrayref);
# copy all files from directory share/readme, that contain the default language in their name
# without default language into the installation root. This makes the settings of the correct
# file names superfluous. On the other hand this requires a dependency to the directory
# share/readme
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'};
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( ( $destination =~ /share\Q$installer::globals::separator\Ereadme\Q$installer::globals::separator\E(\w+?)_?$defaultlanguage\.?(\w*)\s*/ )
|| (( $styles =~ /\bROOTLICENSEFILE\b/ ) && ( $destination =~ /\Q$installer::globals::separator\E?(\w+?)_?$defaultlanguage\.?(\w*?)\s*$/ )) )
my $filename = $1;
my $extension = $2;
my $newfilename;
if ( $extension eq "" ) { $newfilename = $filename; }
else { $newfilename = $filename . "\." . $extension; }
my %newfile = ();
my $newfile = \%newfile;
installer::converter::copy_item_object($onefile, $newfile);
$newfile->{'gid'} = $onefile->{'gid'} . "_Copy";
$newfile->{'Name'} = $newfilename;
$newfile->{'ismultilingual'} = "0";
$newfile->{'specificlanguage'} = "";
$newfile->{'haslanguagemodule'} = "0";
if ( defined $newfile->{'InstallName'} )
if ( $newfile->{'InstallName'} =~ /^\s*(.*?)_$defaultlanguage\.?(\w*?)\s*$/ )
my $localfilename = $1;
my $localextension = $2;
if ( $localextension eq "" ) { $newfile->{'InstallName'} = $localfilename; }
else { $newfile->{'InstallName'} = $localfilename . "\." . $localextension; }
$newfile->{'removelangfromfile'} = "1"; # Important for files with an InstallName, because language also has to be removed there.
if ( $foundofficedir )
$newfile->{'Dir'} = $officedirectorygid;
$newfile->{'destination'} = $officedirectoryhostname . $installer::globals::separator . $newfilename;
$newfile->{'Dir'} = "PREDEFINED_PROGDIR";
$newfile->{'destination'} = $newfilename;
# Also setting "modules=gid_Module_Root_Brand" (module with style: ROOT_BRAND_PACKAGE)
if ( $installer::globals::rootbrandpackageset )
$newfile->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::rootbrandpackage;
push(@newfilesarray, $newfile);
"New files: Adding file %s for the installation root to the file list. Language: %s\n",
if ( defined $newfile->{'InstallName'} )
"New files: Using installation name: %s\n", $newfile->{'InstallName'});
# Collecting license and readme file for the installation set
push(@installer::globals::installsetfiles, $newfile);
"New files: Adding file %s to the file collector for the installation set. Language: %s\n",
push(@newfilesarray, $onefile);
return \@newfilesarray;
# Removing files with flag ONLY_ASIA_LANGUAGE, only if no asian
# language is part of the product.
# This special files are connected to the root module and are not
# included into a language pack (would lead to conflicts!).
# But this files shall only be included into the product, if the
# product contains at least one asian language.
sub remove_onlyasialanguage_files_from_productlists
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newfilesarray = ();
my $returnfilesarrayref;
my $containsasianlanguage = installer::languages::detect_asian_language($installer::globals::alllanguagesinproductarrayref);
my $alllangstring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_comma_separated_string($installer::globals::alllanguagesinproductarrayref);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Languages in complete product: %s\n", $alllangstring);
if ( ! $containsasianlanguage )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Product does not contain asian language -> removing files\n");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bONLY_ASIA_LANGUAGE\b/ )
"Flag ONLY_ASIA_LANGUAGE: Removing file %s from files collector!\n",
push(@newfilesarray, $onefile);
$returnfilesarrayref = \@newfilesarray;
$returnfilesarrayref = $filesarrayref;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Product contains asian language -> Nothing to do\n");
return $returnfilesarrayref;
# Removing files with flag ONLY_WESTERN_LANGUAGE, only if no western
# language is part of the product.
# This special files are connected to the root module and are not
# included into a language pack (would lead to conflicts!).
# But this files shall only be included into the product, if the
# product contains at least one western language.
sub remove_onlywesternlanguage_files_from_productlists
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newfilesarray = ();
my $returnfilesarrayref;
my $containswesternlanguage = installer::languages::detect_western_language($installer::globals::alllanguagesinproductarrayref);
my $alllangstring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_comma_separated_string($installer::globals::alllanguagesinproductarrayref);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Languages in complete product: %s\n", $alllangstring);
if ( ! $containswesternlanguage )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Product does not contain western language -> removing files\n");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bONLY_WESTERN_LANGUAGE\b/ )
"Flag ONLY_WESTERN_LANGUAGE: Removing file %s from files collector!\n",
push(@newfilesarray, $onefile);
$returnfilesarrayref = \@newfilesarray;
$returnfilesarrayref = $filesarrayref;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Product contains western language -> Nothing to do\n");
return $returnfilesarrayref;
# Some files are included for more than one language and have the same
# name and the same destination directory for all languages. This would
# lead to conflicts, if the filenames are not changed.
# In scp project this files must have the flag MAKE_LANG_SPECIFIC
# For this files, the language is included into the filename.
sub make_filename_language_specific
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
if ( $onefile->{'ismultilingual'} )
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bMAKE_LANG_SPECIFIC\b/ )
my $language = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'};
my $olddestination = $onefile->{'destination'};
my $oldname = $onefile->{'Name'};
# Including the language into the file name.
# But be sure, to include the language before the file extension.
my $fileextension = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Name'} =~ /(\.\w+?)\s*$/ ) { $fileextension = $1; }
if ( $fileextension ne "" )
$onefile->{'Name'} =~ s/\Q$fileextension\E\s*$/_$language$fileextension/;
$onefile->{'destination'} =~ s/\Q$fileextension\E\s*$/_$language$fileextension/;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Flag MAKE_LANG_SPECIFIC:\n");
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Changing name from %s to %s !\n", $oldname, $onefile->{'Name'});
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Changing destination from %s to %s !\n",
$olddestination, $onefile->{'destination'});
# Removing all scpactions, that have no name.
# See: FlatLoaderZip
sub remove_scpactions_without_name
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $name = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Name'} ) { $name = $oneitem->{'Name'}; }
if ( $name eq "" )
"ATTENTION: Removing scpaction %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Because of the item "File" the source name must be "Name". Therefore
# "Copy" is changed to "Name" and "Name" is changed to "DestinationName".
sub change_keys_of_scpactions
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $key;
# First Name to DestinationName, then deleting Name
foreach $key (keys %{$oneitem})
if ( $key =~ /\bName\b/ )
my $value = $oneitem->{$key};
my $oldkey = $key;
$key =~ s/Name/DestinationName/;
$oneitem->{$key} = $value;
# Second Copy to Name, then deleting Copy
foreach $key (keys %{$oneitem})
if ( $key =~ /\bCopy\b/ )
my $value = $oneitem->{$key};
my $oldkey = $key;
$key =~ s/Copy/Name/;
$oneitem->{$key} = $value;
# Removing all xpd only items from installation set (scpactions with
# the style XPD_ONLY), except an xpd installation set is created
sub remove_Xpdonly_Items
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bXPD_ONLY\b/ )
"Removing \"xpd only\" item %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Removing all language pack files from installation set (files with
# the style LANGUAGEPACK), except this is a language pack.
sub remove_Languagepacklibraries_from_Installset
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEPACK\b/ )
"Removing language pack file %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Removing all files with flag PATCH_ONLY from installation set.
# This function is not called during patch creation.
sub remove_patchonlyfiles_from_Installset
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bPATCH_ONLY\b/ )
"Removing file with flag PATCH_ONLY %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Removing all files with flag TAB_ONLY from installation set.
# This function is not called during tab creation.
sub remove_tabonlyfiles_from_Installset
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bTAB_ONLY\b/ )
"Removing tab only file %s from the installation set.\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Removing all files with flag ONLY_INSTALLED_PRODUCT from installation set.
# This function is not called for PKGFORMAT installed and archive.
sub remove_installedproductonlyfiles_from_Installset
my ($itemsarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
my @newitemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bONLY_INSTALLED_PRODUCT\b/ )
"Removing file from the installation set. This file is only required for PKGFORMAT archive or installed).\n",
push(@newitemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemsarray;
# Some files cotain a $ in their name. epm conflicts with such files.
# Solution: Renaming this files, converting "$" to "$$"
sub quoting_illegal_filenames
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
# This function has to be removed as soon as possible!
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Renaming illegal filenames:");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $filename = $onefile->{'Name'};
if ( $filename =~ /\$/ )
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
my $destpath = $onefile->{'destination'};
# sourcepath and destination have to be quoted for epm list file
$destpath =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
$sourcepath =~ s/\$/\$\$/g;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ATTENTION: Files: Quoting sourcepath %s to %s\n",
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ATTENTION: Files: Quoting destination path %s to %s\n",
# $onefile->{'Name'} = $filename;
$onefile->{'sourcepath'} = $sourcepath;
$onefile->{'destination'} = $destpath;
# Removing multiple occurrences of same module.
sub optimize_list
my ( $longlist ) = @_;
my $shortlist = "";
my $hashref = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_hash(\$longlist, ",");
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hashref} ) { $shortlist = "$shortlist,$key"; }
$shortlist =~ s/^\s*\,//;
return $shortlist;
# Collecting all directories needed for the epm list
# 1. Looking for all destination paths in the files array
# 2. Looking for directories with CREATE flag in the directory array
# Collecting directories: Part 1
sub collect_directories_from_filesarray
my ($filesarrayref) = @_;
my @alldirectories = ();
my %alldirectoryhash = ();
my $predefinedprogdir_added = 0;
my $alreadyincluded = 0;
# Preparing this already as hash, although the only needed value at the moment is the HostName
# But also adding: "specificlanguage" and "Dir" (for instance gid_Dir_Program)
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$i];
my $destinationpath = $onefile->{'destination'};
$destinationpath =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; # removing ending slashes or backslashes
$alreadyincluded = 0;
if ( exists($alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}) ) { $alreadyincluded = 1; }
if (!($alreadyincluded))
my %directoryhash = ();
$directoryhash{'HostName'} = $destinationpath;
$directoryhash{'specificlanguage'} = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'};
$directoryhash{'Dir'} = $onefile->{'Dir'};
$directoryhash{'modules'} = $onefile->{'modules'}; # NEW, saving modules
# NEVER!!! if ( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $directoryhash{'Styles'} = "(CREATE)"; } # this directories must be created
if ( $onefile->{'Dir'} eq "PREDEFINED_PROGDIR" ) { $predefinedprogdir_added = 1; }
$alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath} = \%directoryhash;
# Problem: The $destinationpath can be share/registry/schema/org/openoffice
# but not all directories contain files and will be added to this list.
# Therefore the path has to be analyzed.
while ( $destinationpath =~ /(^.*\S)\Q$installer::globals::separator\E(\S.*?)\s*$/ ) # as long as the path contains slashes
$destinationpath = $1;
$alreadyincluded = 0;
if ( exists($alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}) ) { $alreadyincluded = 1; }
if (!($alreadyincluded))
my %directoryhash = ();
$directoryhash{'HostName'} = $destinationpath;
$directoryhash{'specificlanguage'} = $onefile->{'specificlanguage'};
$directoryhash{'Dir'} = $onefile->{'Dir'};
$directoryhash{'modules'} = $onefile->{'modules'}; # NEW, saving modules
# NEVER!!! if ( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $directoryhash{'Styles'} = "(CREATE)"; } # this directories must be created
$alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath} = \%directoryhash;
# Adding the modules to the module list!
$alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} . "," . $onefile->{'modules'};
# Adding the modules to the module list!
$alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} . "," . $onefile->{'modules'};
# Also adding the module to all parents
while ( $destinationpath =~ /(^.*\S)\Q$installer::globals::separator\E(\S.*?)\s*$/ ) # as long as the path contains slashes
$destinationpath = $1;
$alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash{$destinationpath}->{'modules'} . "," . $onefile->{'modules'};
# if there is no file in the root directory PREDEFINED_PROGDIR, it has to be included into the directory array now
# HostName= specificlanguage= Dir=PREDEFINED_PROGDIR
if (! $predefinedprogdir_added )
my %directoryhash = ();
$directoryhash{'HostName'} = "";
$directoryhash{'specificlanguage'} = "";
$directoryhash{'modules'} = ""; # ToDo?
$directoryhash{'Dir'} = "PREDEFINED_PROGDIR";
push(@alldirectories, \%directoryhash);
# Creating directory array
foreach my $destdir ( sort keys %alldirectoryhash )
$alldirectoryhash{$destdir}->{'modules'} = optimize_list($alldirectoryhash{$destdir}->{'modules'});
push(@alldirectories, $alldirectoryhash{$destdir});
return (\@alldirectories, \%alldirectoryhash);
# Collecting directories: Part 2
sub collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray ($$)
my ($directoryarrayref, $alldirectoryhash) = @_;
my $alreadyincluded = 0;
my @alldirectories = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$directoryarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$directoryarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
my $newdirincluded = 0;
if ( $onedir->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onedir->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bCREATE\b/ )
my $directoryname = "";
if ( $onedir->{'HostName'} ) { $directoryname = $onedir->{'HostName'}; }
else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No directory name (HostName) set for specified language in gid $onedir->{'gid'}", "collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray"); }
$alreadyincluded = 0;
if ( exists($alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}) ) { $alreadyincluded = 1; }
if (!($alreadyincluded))
my %directoryhash = ();
$directoryhash{'HostName'} = $directoryname;
$directoryhash{'specificlanguage'} = $onedir->{'specificlanguage'};
# $directoryhash{'gid'} = $onedir->{'gid'};
$directoryhash{'Dir'} = $onedir->{'gid'};
$directoryhash{'Styles'} = $onedir->{'Styles'};
# saving also the modules
if ( ! $onedir->{'modules'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No assigned modules found for directory $onedir->{'gid'}", "collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray"); }
$directoryhash{'modules'} = $onedir->{'modules'};
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname} = \%directoryhash;
$newdirincluded = 1;
# Problem: The $destinationpath can be share/registry/schema/org/openoffice
# but not all directories contain files and will be added to this list.
# Therefore the path has to be analyzed.
while ( $directoryname =~ /(^.*\S)\Q$installer::globals::separator\E(\S.*?)\s*$/ ) # as long as the path contains slashes
$directoryname = $1;
$alreadyincluded = 0;
if ( exists($alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}) ) { $alreadyincluded = 1; }
if (!($alreadyincluded))
my %directoryhash = ();
$directoryhash{'HostName'} = $directoryname;
$directoryhash{'specificlanguage'} = $onedir->{'specificlanguage'};
$directoryhash{'Dir'} = $onedir->{'gid'};
if ( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $directoryhash{'Styles'} = "(CREATE)"; } # Exeception for Windows?
# saving also the modules
$directoryhash{'modules'} = $onedir->{'modules'};
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname} = \%directoryhash;
$newdirincluded = 1;
# Adding the modules to the module list!
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} . "," . $onedir->{'modules'};
# Adding the modules to the module list!
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} . "," . $onedir->{'modules'};
while ( $directoryname =~ /(^.*\S)\Q$installer::globals::separator\E(\S.*?)\s*$/ ) # as long as the path contains slashes
$directoryname = $1;
# Adding the modules to the module list!
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} = $alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'modules'} . "," . $onedir->{'modules'};
# Saving the styles for already added directories in function collect_directories_from_filesarray
if (( ! $newdirincluded ) && ( $styles ne "" ))
$styles =~ s/\bWORKSTATION\b//;
$styles =~ s/\bCREATE\b//;
if (( ! ( $styles =~ /^\s*\(\s*\)\s*$/ )) && ( ! ( $styles =~ /^\s*\(\s*\,\s*\)\s*$/ )) && ( ! ( $styles =~ /^\s*$/ ))) # checking, if there are styles left
my $directoryname = "";
if ( $onedir->{'HostName'} ) { $directoryname = $onedir->{'HostName'}; }
else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No directory name (HostName) set for specified language in gid $onedir->{'gid'}", "collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray"); }
if ( exists($alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}) )
$alldirectoryhash->{$directoryname}->{'Styles'} = $styles;
# Creating directory array
foreach my $destdir ( sort keys %{$alldirectoryhash} )
$alldirectoryhash->{$destdir}->{'modules'} = optimize_list($alldirectoryhash->{$destdir}->{'modules'});
push(@alldirectories, $alldirectoryhash->{$destdir});
return (\@alldirectories, $alldirectoryhash);
# Determining the destination file of a link
sub get_destination_file_path_for_links ($$)
my ($linksarrayref, $filesarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksarrayref}; $i++ )
my $fileid = "";
my $onelink = ${$linksarrayref}[$i];
if ( $onelink->{'FileID'} ) { $fileid = $onelink->{'FileID'}; }
if (!( $fileid eq "" ))
my $foundfile = 0;
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$filesarrayref}; $j++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesarrayref}[$j];
my $filegid = $onefile->{'gid'};
if ( $filegid eq $fileid )
$foundfile = 1;
$onelink->{'destinationfile'} = $onefile->{'destination'};
if (!($foundfile))
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Warning: FileID %s for Link %s not found!\n",
# Determining the destination link of a link
sub get_destination_link_path_for_links ($)
my ($linksarrayref) = @_;
my $infoline;
foreach my $onelink (@$linksarrayref)
my $shortcutid = "";
if ($onelink->{'ShortcutID'})
$shortcutid = $onelink->{'ShortcutID'};
if ($shortcutid ne "")
my $foundlink = 0;
foreach my $destlink (@$linksarrayref)
if ($destlink->{'gid'} eq $shortcutid)
$foundlink = 1;
$onelink->{'destinationfile'} = $destlink->{'destination'}; # making key 'destinationfile'
if ( ! $foundlink)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Warning: ShortcutID %s for Link %s not found!\n",
# Items with flag WORKSTATION are not needed (here: links and configurationitems)
sub remove_workstation_only_items
my ($itemarrayref) = @_;
my @newitemarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemarrayref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'};
if (( $styles =~ /\bWORKSTATION\b/ ) &&
(!( $styles =~ /\bNETWORK\b/ )) &&
(!( $styles =~ /\bSTANDALONE\b/ )))
next; # removing this link, it is only needed for a workstation installation
push(@newitemarray, $oneitem);
return \@newitemarray;
# Resolving relative path in links
sub resolve_links_with_flag_relative
my ($linksarrayref) = @_;
# Before this step is:
# destination=program/, this will be the name of the link
# destinationfile=program/, this will be the linked file or name
# If the flag RELATIVE is set, the paths have to be analyzed. If the flag is not set
# (this will not occur in the future?) destinationfile has to be an absolute path name
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onelink = ${$linksarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = $onelink->{'Styles'};
if ( $styles =~ /\bRELATIVE\b/ )
# ToDo: This is only a simple not sufficient mechanism
my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'};
my $destinationfile = $onelink->{'destinationfile'};
my $destinationpath = $destination;
my $destinationfilepath = $destinationfile;
# it is possible, that the destinationfile is no longer part of the files collector
if ($destinationfilepath) { installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$destinationfilepath); }
else { $destinationfilepath = ""; }
if ( $destinationpath eq $destinationfilepath )
# link and file are in the same directory
# Therefore the path of the file can be removed
my $newdestinationfile = $destinationfile;
$onelink->{'destinationfile'} = $newdestinationfile;
# This function is a helper of function "assigning_modules_to_items"
sub insert_for_item ($$$)
my ($hash, $item, $id) = @_;
# print STDERR "insert '$id' for '$item'\n";
if (!defined $hash->{$item})
my @gids = ();
$hash->{$item} = \@gids;
my $gid_list = $hash->{$item};
push @{$gid_list}, $id;
$hash->{$item} = $gid_list;
sub build_modulegids_table ($$)
my ($modulesref, $itemname) = @_;
my %module_lookup_table = ();
# build map of item names to list of respective module gids
# containing these items
foreach my $onemodule (@$modulesref)
next if ! defined $onemodule->{$itemname};
# these are the items contained in this module
# eg. Files = (gid_a_b_c,gid_d_e_f)
my $module_gids = $onemodule->{$itemname};
# prune outer brackets
$module_gids =~ s|^\s*\(||g;
$module_gids =~ s|\)\s*$||g;
for my $id (split (/,/, $module_gids))
chomp $id;
insert_for_item(\%module_lookup_table, lc ($id), $onemodule->{'gid'});
return \%module_lookup_table;
# Items like files do not know their modules
# This function is a helper of function "assigning_modules_to_items"
sub get_string_of_modulegids_for_itemgid ($$)
my ($module_lookup_table, $itemgid) = @_;
my $haslanguagemodule = 0;
my %foundmodules = ();
my $gid_list = $module_lookup_table->{lc($itemgid)};
foreach my $gid (@$gid_list)
$foundmodules{$gid} = 1;
# Is this module a language module? This info should be stored at the file.
if ( exists($installer::globals::alllangmodules{$gid}) )
$haslanguagemodule = 1;
my $allmodules = join(",", keys %foundmodules);
# Check: All modules or no module must have flag LANGUAGEMODULE
if ( $haslanguagemodule )
my $isreallylanguagemodule = installer::worker::key_in_a_is_also_key_in_b(
if ( ! $isreallylanguagemodule )
"ERROR: \"%s\" is assigned to modules with flag "
."\"LANGUAGEMODULE\" and also to modules without this flag! Modules: %s",
return ($allmodules, $haslanguagemodule);
# Items like files do not know their modules
# This function add the {'modules'} to these items
sub assigning_modules_to_items
my ($modulesref, $itemsref, $itemname) = @_;
my $languageassignmenterror = 0;
my @languageassignmenterrors = ();
my $module_lookup_table = build_modulegids_table($modulesref, $itemname);
for my $oneitem (@{$itemsref})
my $itemgid = $oneitem->{'gid'};
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if (( $itemname eq "Dirs" ) && ( ! ( $styles =~ /\bCREATE\b/ ))) { next; }
if ( $itemgid eq "" )
sprintf("ERROR in item collection: No gid for item %s", $oneitem->{'Name'}),
# every item can belong to many modules
my ($modulegids, $haslanguagemodule) = get_string_of_modulegids_for_itemgid(
if ($modulegids eq "")
sprintf("ERROR in file collection: No module found for %s %s",
$oneitem->{'modules'} = $modulegids;
$oneitem->{'haslanguagemodule'} = $haslanguagemodule;
# Important check: "ismultilingual" and "haslanguagemodule" must have the same value !
if ($oneitem->{'ismultilingual'} && ! $oneitem->{'haslanguagemodule'})
my $infoline = sprintf(
"Error: \"%s\" is multi lingual, but not in language pack (Assigned module: %s)\n",
push(@languageassignmenterrors, $infoline);
$languageassignmenterror = 1;
elsif ($oneitem->{'haslanguagemodule'} && ! $oneitem->{'ismultilingual'})
my $infoline = sprintf(
"Error: \"%s\" is in language pack, but not multi lingual (Assigned module: %s)\n",
push(@languageassignmenterrors, $infoline);
$languageassignmenterror = 1;
if ($languageassignmenterror)
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#languageassignmenterrors; $i++ ) { print "$languageassignmenterrors[$i]"; }
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Incorrect assignments for language packs.", "assigning_modules_to_items");
# Root path (for instance /opt/openofficeorg20) needs to be added to directories, files and links
sub add_rootpath_to_directories
my ($dirsref, $rootpath) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dirsref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$dirsref}[$i];
my $dir = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Dir'} ) { $dir = $onedir->{'Dir'}; }
if (!($dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_/ ))
my $hostname = $onedir->{'HostName'};
$hostname = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $hostname;
$onedir->{'HostName'} = $hostname;
# added
if ( $dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_PROGDIR\b/ )
my $hostname = $onedir->{'HostName'};
if ( $hostname eq "" ) { $onedir->{'HostName'} = $rootpath; }
else { $onedir->{'HostName'} = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $hostname; }
sub add_rootpath_to_files
my ($filesref, $rootpath) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'};
$destination = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $destination;
$onefile->{'destination'} = $destination;
sub add_rootpath_to_links
my ($linksref, $rootpath) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksref}; $i++ )
my $onelink = ${$linksref}[$i];
my $styles = $onelink->{'Styles'};
my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'};
$destination = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $destination;
$onelink->{'destination'} = $destination;
if (!($styles =~ /\bRELATIVE\b/ )) # for absolute links
my $destinationfile = $onelink->{'destinationfile'};
$destinationfile = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $destinationfile;
$onelink->{'destinationfile'} = $destinationfile;
# Collecting all parent gids
sub collect_all_parent_feature
my ($modulesref) = @_;
my @allparents = ();
my $found_root_module = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $parentgid = "";
if ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} )
$parentgid = $onefeature->{'ParentID'};
if ( $parentgid ne "" )
if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($parentgid, \@allparents))
push(@allparents, $parentgid);
# Setting the global root module
if ( $parentgid eq "" )
if ( $found_root_module ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Only one module without ParentID or with empty ParentID allowed ($installer::globals::rootmodulegid, $onefeature->{'gid'}).", "collect_all_parent_feature"); }
$installer::globals::rootmodulegid = $onefeature->{'gid'};
$found_root_module = 1;
$installer::logger::Global->printf("Setting Root Module: %s\n", $installer::globals::rootmodulegid);
if ( ! $found_root_module ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not define root module. No module without ParentID or with empty ParentID exists.", "collect_all_parent_feature"); }
return \@allparents;
# Checking for every feature, whether it has children
sub set_children_flag
my ($modulesref) = @_;
my $allparents = collect_all_parent_feature($modulesref);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $gid = $onefeature->{'gid'};
# is this gid a parent?
if ( installer::existence::exists_in_array($gid, $allparents) )
$onefeature->{'has_children'} = 1;
$onefeature->{'has_children'} = 0;
# All modules, that use a template module, do now get the assignments of
# the template module.
sub resolve_assigned_modules
my ($modulesref) = @_;
# collecting all template modules
my %directaccess = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bTEMPLATEMODULE\b/ ) { $directaccess{$onefeature->{'gid'}} = $onefeature; }
# also looking for module with flag ROOT_BRAND_PACKAGE, to save is for further usage
if ( $styles =~ /\bROOT_BRAND_PACKAGE\b/ )
$installer::globals::rootbrandpackage = $onefeature->{'gid'};
$installer::globals::rootbrandpackageset = 1;
# looking, where template modules are assigned
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
if ( $onefeature->{'Assigns'} )
my $templategid = $onefeature->{'Assigns'};
if ( ! exists($directaccess{$templategid}) )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find definition of assigned template module \"$templategid\"", "resolve_assigned_modules");
# Currently no merging of Files, Dirs, ...
# This has to be included here, if it is required
my $item;
foreach $item (@installer::globals::items_at_modules)
if ( exists($directaccess{$templategid}->{$item}) ) { $onefeature->{$item} = $directaccess{$templategid}->{$item}; }
# Removing the template modules from the list, after all
# assignments are transferred to the "real" modules.
sub remove_template_modules
my ($modulesref) = @_;
my @modules = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bTEMPLATEMODULE\b/ ) { next; }
push(@modules, $onefeature);
return \@modules;
# Collecting all modules with flag LANGUAGEMODULE in a global
# collector.
sub collect_all_languagemodules
my ($modulesref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEMODULE\b/ )
if ( ! exists($onefeature->{'Language'}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$onefeature->{'gid'}\" has flag LANGUAGEMODULE, but does not know its language!", "collect_all_languagemodules"); }
$installer::globals::alllangmodules{$onefeature->{'gid'}} = $onefeature->{'Language'};
# Collecting also the english names, that are used for nsis unpack directory for language packs
my $lang = $onefeature->{'Language'};
my $name = "";
foreach my $localkey ( keys %{$onefeature} )
if ( $localkey =~ /^\s*Name\s*\(\s*en-US\s*\)\s*$/ )
$installer::globals::all_english_languagestrings{$lang} = $onefeature->{$localkey};
# Selecting from all collected english language strings those, that are really
# required in this installation set.
sub select_required_language_strings
my ($modulesref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEMODULE\b/ )
if ( ! exists($onefeature->{'Language'}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$onefeature->{'gid'}\" has flag LANGUAGEMODULE, but does not know its language!", "select_required_language_strings"); }
my $lang = $onefeature->{'Language'};
if (( exists($installer::globals::all_english_languagestrings{$lang}) ) && ( ! exists($installer::globals::all_required_english_languagestrings{$lang}) ))
$installer::globals::all_required_english_languagestrings{$lang} = $installer::globals::all_english_languagestrings{$lang};
# Unixlinks are not always required. For Linux RPMs and Solaris Packages they are
# created dynamically. Exception: For package formats "installed" or "archive".
# In scp2 this unixlinks have the flag LAYERLINK.
sub filter_layerlinks_from_unixlinks
my ( $unixlinksref ) = @_;
my @alllinks = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$unixlinksref}; $i++ )
my $isrequired = 1;
my $onelink = ${$unixlinksref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onelink->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onelink->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bLAYERLINK\b/ )
# Platforms, that do not need the layer links
if (( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ))
$isrequired = 0;
# Package formats, that need the layer link (platform independent)
if (( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "installed" ) || ( $installer::globals::packageformat eq "archive" ))
$isrequired = 1;
if ( $isrequired ) { push(@alllinks, $onelink); }
return \@alllinks;
=head2 print_script_item($item)
For debugging.
Print the contents of the given script item to $installer::logger::Lang.
sub print_script_item ($)
my ($item) = @_;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("script item %s\n", $item->{'uniquename'});
foreach my $key (sort keys %$item)
my $value = $item->{$key};
$value = "<undef>" unless defined $value;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf(" %20s -> %s\n", $key, $value);