blob: f41f61ee5308e97212fb5588f2cf538bd21e66c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::epmfile;
use Cwd;
use installer::converter;
use installer::existence;
use installer::exiter;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::logger;
use installer::packagelist;
use installer::pathanalyzer;
use installer::remover;
use installer::scriptitems;
use installer::systemactions;
use installer::worker;
use POSIX qw(uname);
# Reading the package map to find Solaris package names for
# the corresponding abbreviations
sub read_packagemap
my ($allvariables, $includepatharrayref, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
my $packagemapname = "";
if ( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEMAP'} ) { $packagemapname = $allvariables->{'PACKAGEMAP'}; }
if ( $packagemapname eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Property PACKAGEMAP must be defined!", "read_packagemap"); }
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("nCollected abbreviations and package names:\n");
# Can be a comma separated list. All files have to be found in include paths
my $allpackagemapnames = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_hash(\$packagemapname, ",");
foreach my $onepackagemapname ( keys %{$allpackagemapnames} )
my $packagemapref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$onepackagemapname, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ( $$packagemapref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find package map file \"$onepackagemapname\" (propery PACKAGEMAP)!", "read_packagemap"); }
my $packagemapcontent = installer::files::read_file($$packagemapref);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$packagemapcontent}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$packagemapcontent}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # comment line
if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } # empty line
if ( $line =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
my $abbreviation = $1;
my $packagename = $2;
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$abbreviation, $allvariables, 0);
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$packagename, $allvariables, 0);
# Special handling for language strings %LANGUAGESTRING
if (( $abbreviation =~ /\%LANGUAGESTRING/ ) || ( $packagename =~ /\%LANGUAGESTRING/ ))
foreach my $onelang ( @{$languagesarrayref} )
my $local_abbreviation = $abbreviation;
my $local_packagename = $packagename;
$local_abbreviation =~ s/\%LANGUAGESTRING/$onelang/g;
$local_packagename =~ s/\%LANGUAGESTRING/$onelang/g;
# Logging all abbreviations and packagenames
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("%s : %s : %s\n",
if ( exists($installer::globals::dependfilenames{$local_abbreviation}) )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Packagename for Solaris package $local_abbreviation already defined ($installer::globals::dependfilenames{$local_abbreviation})!", "read_packagemap");
$installer::globals::dependfilenames{$local_abbreviation} = $local_packagename;
# Logging all abbreviations and packagenames
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("%s : %s\n", $abbreviation, $packagename);
if ( exists($installer::globals::dependfilenames{$abbreviation}) )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Packagename for Solaris package $abbreviation already defined ($installer::globals::dependfilenames{$abbreviation})!", "read_packagemap");
$installer::globals::dependfilenames{$abbreviation} = $packagename;
my $errorline = $i + 1;
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Wrong syntax in file \"$onepackagemapname\" (line $errorline)!", "read_packagemap");
# The header file contains the strings for the epm header in all languages
sub get_string_from_headerfile
my ($searchstring, $language, $fileref) = @_;
my $returnstring = "";
my $onestring = "";
my $englishstring = "";
my $foundblock = 0;
my $foundstring = 0;
my $foundenglishstring = 0;
my $englishidentifier = "01";
$searchstring = "[" . $searchstring . "]";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$fileref}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$fileref}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\Q$searchstring\E\s*$/ )
$foundblock = 1;
my $counter = $i + 1;
$line = ${$fileref}[$counter];
# Beginning of the next block oder Dateiende
while ((!($line =~ /^\s*\[\s*\w+\s*\]\s*$/ )) && ( $counter <= $#{$fileref} ))
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\Q$language\E\s+\=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
$onestring = $1;
$foundstring = 1;
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\Q$englishidentifier\E\s+\=\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
$englishstring = $1;
$foundenglishstring = 1;
$line = ${$fileref}[$counter];
if ( $foundstring )
$returnstring = $onestring;
if ( $foundenglishstring )
$returnstring = $englishstring;
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No string found for $searchstring in epm header file (-h)", "get_string_from_headerfile");
return \$returnstring;
# Filling the epm file with directories, files and links
sub put_directories_into_epmfile
my ($directoriesarrayref, $epmfileref, $allvariables, $packagerootpath) = @_;
my $group = "bin";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild )
$group = "root";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$directoriesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onedir = ${$directoriesarrayref}[$i];
my $dir = "";
if ( $onedir->{'Dir'} ) { $dir = $onedir->{'Dir'}; }
# if (!($dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_/ ))
if ((!($dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_/ )) || ( $dir =~ /\bPREDEFINED_PROGDIR\b/ ))
my $hostname = $onedir->{'HostName'};
# not including simple directory "/opt"
# if (( $allvariables->{'SETSTATICPATH'} ) && ( $hostname eq $packagerootpath )) { next; }
my $line = "d 755 root $group $hostname -\n";
push(@{$epmfileref}, $line)
sub put_files_into_epmfile
my ($filesinproductarrayref, $epmfileref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesinproductarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesinproductarrayref}[$i];
my $unixrights = $onefile->{'UnixRights'};
my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'};
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
my $filetype = "f";
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bCONFIGFILE\b/ ) { $filetype = "c"; }
my $group = "bin";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) { $group = "root"; }
if (( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) && ( $onefile->{'SolarisGroup'} )) { $group = $onefile->{'SolarisGroup'}; }
my $line = "$filetype $unixrights root $group $destination $sourcepath\n";
push(@{$epmfileref}, $line);
sub put_links_into_epmfile
my ($linksinproductarrayref, $epmfileref) = @_;
my $group = "bin";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild )
$group = "root";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$linksinproductarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onelink = ${$linksinproductarrayref}[$i];
my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'};
my $destinationfile = $onelink->{'destinationfile'};
my $line = "l 000 root $group $destination $destinationfile\n";
push(@{$epmfileref}, $line)
sub put_unixlinks_into_epmfile
my ($unixlinksinproductarrayref, $epmfileref) = @_;
my $group = "bin";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) { $group = "root"; }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$unixlinksinproductarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onelink = ${$unixlinksinproductarrayref}[$i];
my $destination = $onelink->{'destination'};
my $target = $onelink->{'Target'};
my $line = "l 000 root $group $destination $target\n";
push(@{$epmfileref}, $line)
# Creating epm header file
sub create_epm_header
my ($variableshashref, $filesinproduct, $languagesref, $onepackage) = @_;
my @epmheader = ();
my ($licensefilename, $readmefilename);
my $foundlicensefile = 0;
my $foundreadmefile = 0;
my $line = "";
my $infoline = "";
# %product Apache OpenOffice Software
# %version 2.0
# %description A really great software
# %copyright 1999-2003 by OOo
# %vendor Apache OpenOffice project
# %license /test/replace/01/LICENSE01
# %readme /test/replace/01/README01
# %requires foo
# %provides bar
# The first language in the languages array determines the language of license and readme file
my $searchlanguage = ${$languagesref}[0];
# using the description for the %product line in the epm list file
my $productnamestring = $onepackage->{'description'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$productnamestring, $variableshashref, 0);
if ( $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTEXTENSION'} ) { $productnamestring = $productnamestring . " " . $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTEXTENSION'}; }
$line = "%product" . " " . $productnamestring . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
# Determining the release version
# This release version has to be listed in the line %version : %version versionnumber releasenumber
# if ( $variableshashref->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} ) { $installer::globals::packageversion = $variableshashref->{'PACKAGEVERSION'}; }
if ( ! $onepackage->{'packageversion'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No packageversion defined for package: $onepackage->{'module'}!", "create_epm_header"); }
$installer::globals::packageversion = $onepackage->{'packageversion'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$installer::globals::packageversion, $variableshashref, 0);
if ( $variableshashref->{'PACKAGEREVISION'} ) { $installer::globals::packagerevision = $variableshashref->{'PACKAGEREVISION'}; }
$line = "%version" . " " . $installer::globals::packageversion . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
$line = "%release" . " " . $installer::globals::packagerevision . "\n";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { $line = "%release" . " " . $installer::globals::buildid . "\n"; }
push(@epmheader, $line);
# Description, Copyright and Vendor are multilingual and are defined in
# the string file for the header file ($headerfileref)
my $descriptionstring = $onepackage->{'description'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$descriptionstring, $variableshashref, 0);
$line = "%description" . " " . $descriptionstring . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
my $copyrightstring = $onepackage->{'copyright'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$copyrightstring, $variableshashref, 0);
$line = "%copyright" . " " . $copyrightstring . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
my $vendorstring = $onepackage->{'vendor'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$vendorstring, $variableshashref, 0);
$line = "%vendor" . " " . $vendorstring . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
# License and Readme file can be included automatically from the file list
if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild || $installer::globals::isos2 )
$licensefilename = "LICENSE.txt";
$readmefilename = "readme.txt";
$licensefilename = "LICENSE";
$readmefilename = "README";
if (( $installer::globals::languagepack ) # in language packs the files LICENSE and README are removed, because they are not language specific
|| ( $variableshashref->{'NO_README_IN_ROOTDIR'} ))
if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild || $installer::globals::isos2 )
$licensefilename = "LICENSE.txt";
$readmefilename = "readme_$searchlanguage.txt";
$licensefilename = "LICENSE";
$readmefilename = "README_$searchlanguage";
my $license_in_package_defined = 0;
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild )
if ( $onepackage->{'solariscopyright'} )
$licensefilename = $onepackage->{'solariscopyright'};
$license_in_package_defined = 1;
# Process for Linux packages, in which only a very basic license file is
# included into the package.
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild )
if ( $variableshashref->{'COPYRIGHT_INTO_LINUXPACKAGE'} )
$licensefilename = "linuxcopyrightfile";
$license_in_package_defined = 1;
# searching for and readme file
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesinproduct}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesinproduct}[$i];
my $filename = $onefile->{'Name'};
if ( $filename eq $readmefilename )
$foundreadmefile = 1;
$line = "%readme" . " " . $onefile->{'sourcepath'} . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
# searching for and license file
if ( $license_in_package_defined )
my $fileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$licensefilename, "" , 0);
if ( $$fileref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find license file $licensefilename (A)!", "create_epm_header"); }
# Special handling to add the content of the file "license_en-US" to the solaris copyrightfile. But not for all products
if (( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( ! $variableshashref->{'NO_LICENSE_INTO_COPYRIGHT'} ))
if ( ! $installer::globals::englishlicenseset ) { installer::worker::set_english_license() }
# The location for the new file
my $languagestring = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesref}; $i++ ) { $languagestring = $languagestring . "_" . ${$languagesref}[$i]; }
$languagestring =~ s/^\s*_//;
my $copyrightdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("copyright", \$languagestring);
my $copyrightfile = installer::files::read_file($$fileref);
# Adding license content to copyright file
push(@{$copyrightfile}, "\n");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$installer::globals::englishlicense}; $i++ ) { push(@{$copyrightfile}, ${$installer::globals::englishlicense}[$i]); }
# New destination for $$fileref
$$fileref = $copyrightdir . $installer::globals::separator . "solariscopyrightfile_" . $onepackage->{'module'};
if ( -f $$fileref ) { unlink $$fileref; }
installer::files::save_file($$fileref, $copyrightfile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Using license file: \"%s\"!\n", $$fileref);
$foundlicensefile = 1;
$line = "%license" . " " . $$fileref . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
# refer to the license in the matching AOO installation
# TODO: sync AOO dest license full path with lpacks/sdks/exts
my $licpath = "openoffice4/program/" . $licensefilename;
$foundlicensefile = 1;
$line = "%license " . $licpath . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
if (!($foundlicensefile))
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find license file $licensefilename (B)", "create_epm_header");
if (!($foundreadmefile))
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find readme file $readmefilename (C)", "create_epm_header");
# including %replaces
my $replaces = "";
if (( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::patch ))
$replaces = "solarisreplaces"; # the name in the packagelist
elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::patch ))
$replaces = "linuxreplaces"; # the name in the packagelist
if (( $replaces ) && ( ! $installer::globals::patch ))
if ( $onepackage->{$replaces} )
my $replacesstring = $onepackage->{$replaces};
my $allreplaces = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$replacesstring, ",");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allreplaces}; $i++ )
my $onereplaces = ${$allreplaces}[$i];
$onereplaces =~ s/\s*$//;
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$onereplaces, $variableshashref, 1);
if ( $installer::globals::linuxlinkrpmprocess ) { $onereplaces = $onereplaces . "u"; }
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $onereplaces =~ s/_/-/g; } # Debian allows no underline in package name
$line = "%replaces" . " " . $onereplaces . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
if ( $installer::globals::debian && $variableshashref->{'UNIXPRODUCTNAME'} eq 'openoffice' )
$line = "%provides" . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
$line = "%replaces" . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
# including the directives for %requires and %provides
my $provides = "";
my $requires = "";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
$provides = "solarisprovides"; # the name in the packagelist
$requires = "solarisrequires"; # the name in the packagelist
elsif ( $installer::globals::isfreebsdpkgbuild )
$provides = "freebsdprovides"; # the name in the packagelist
$requires = "freebsdrequires"; # the name in the packagelist
elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) &&
( $installer::globals::patch ) &&
( exists($onepackage->{'linuxpatchrequires'}) ))
$provides = "provides"; # the name in the packagelist
$requires = "linuxpatchrequires"; # the name in the packagelist
$provides = "provides"; # the name in the packagelist
$requires = "requires"; # the name in the packagelist
# if ( $installer::globals::patch )
# {
# $onepackage->{$provides} = "";
my $isdict = 0;
if ( $onepackage->{'packagename'} =~ /-dict-/ ) { $isdict = 1; }
# $onepackage->{$requires} = "";
# }
if ( $onepackage->{$provides} )
my $providesstring = $onepackage->{$provides};
my $allprovides = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$providesstring, ",");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allprovides}; $i++ )
my $oneprovides = ${$allprovides}[$i];
$oneprovides =~ s/\s*$//;
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$oneprovides, $variableshashref, 1);
if ( $installer::globals::linuxlinkrpmprocess ) { $oneprovides = $oneprovides . "u"; }
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $oneprovides =~ s/_/-/g; } # Debian allows no underline in package name
$line = "%provides" . " " . $oneprovides . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
if ( $onepackage->{$requires} )
my $requiresstring = $onepackage->{$requires};
if ( $installer::globals::add_required_package ) { $requiresstring = $requiresstring . "," . $installer::globals::add_required_package; }
# The requires string can contain the separator "," in the names (descriptions) of the packages
# (that are required for Solaris depend files). Therefore "," inside such a description has to
# masked with a backslash.
# This masked separator need to be found and replaced, before the stringlist is converted into an array.
# This replacement has to be turned back after the array is created.
my $replacementstring = "COMMAREPLACEMENT";
$requiresstring = installer::converter::replace_masked_separator($requiresstring, ",", "$replacementstring");
my $allrequires = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$requiresstring, ",");
installer::converter::resolve_masked_separator($allrequires, ",", $replacementstring);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allrequires}; $i++ )
my $onerequires = ${$allrequires}[$i];
$onerequires =~ s/\s*$//;
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables2(\$onerequires, $variableshashref, 0, $isdict);
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $onerequires =~ s/_/-/g; } # Debian allows no underline in package name
# Special handling for Solaris. In depend files, the names of the packages are required, not
# only the abbreviation. Therefore there is a special syntax for names in packagelist:
# solarisrequires = "SUNWcar (Name="Package name of SUNWcar"),SUNWkvm (Name="Package name of SUNWcar"), ...
# if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
# {
# if ( $onerequires =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s+\(\s*Name\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\)\s*$/ )
# {
# $onerequires = $1;
# $packagename = $2;
# $installer::globals::dependfilenames{$onerequires} = $packagename;
# }
# }
$line = "%requires" . " " . $onerequires . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
if ( $installer::globals::add_required_package )
my $requiresstring = $installer::globals::add_required_package;
my $replacementstring = "COMMAREPLACEMENT";
$requiresstring = installer::converter::replace_masked_separator($requiresstring, ",", "$replacementstring");
my $allrequires = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$requiresstring, ",");
installer::converter::resolve_masked_separator($allrequires, ",", $replacementstring);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allrequires}; $i++ )
my $onerequires = ${$allrequires}[$i];
$onerequires =~ s/\s*$//;
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$onerequires, $variableshashref, 0);
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $onerequires =~ s/_/-/g; } # Debian allows no underline in package name
# Special handling for Solaris. In depend files, the names of the packages are required, not
# only the abbreviation. Therefore there is a special syntax for names in packagelist:
# solarisrequires = "SUNWcar (Name="Package name of SUNWcar"),SUNWkvm (Name="Package name of SUNWcar"), ...
# if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
# {
# if ( $onerequires =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s+\(\s*Name\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\)\s*$/ )
# {
# $onerequires = $1;
# $packagename = $2;
# $installer::globals::dependfilenames{$onerequires} = $packagename;
# }
# }
$line = "%requires" . " " . $onerequires . "\n";
push(@epmheader, $line);
return \@epmheader;
# Adding header to epm file
sub adding_header_to_epm_file
my ($epmfileref, $epmheaderref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$epmheaderref}; $i++ )
push( @{$epmfileref}, ${$epmheaderref}[$i] );
push( @{$epmfileref}, "\n\n" );
# Replace one in shell scripts ( ${VARIABLENAME} )
sub replace_variable_in_shellscripts
my ($scriptref, $variable, $searchstring) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptref}; $i++ )
${$scriptref}[$i] =~ s/\$\{$searchstring\}/$variable/g;
# Replace one in shell scripts ( %VARIABLENAME )
sub replace_percent_variable_in_shellscripts
my ($scriptref, $variable, $searchstring) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptref}; $i++ )
${$scriptref}[$i] =~ s/\%$searchstring/$variable/g;
# Replacing many variables in shell scripts
sub replace_many_variables_in_shellscripts
my ($scriptref, $variableshashref) = @_;
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %{$variableshashref})
my $value = $variableshashref->{$key};
# $value = lc($value); # lowercase !
# if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild) { $value =~ s/\.org/org/g; } # openofficeorg instead of
replace_variable_in_shellscripts($scriptref, $value, $key);
# Adding shell scripts to epm file
sub adding_shellscripts_to_epm_file
my ($epmfileref, $shellscriptsfilename, $localrootpath, $allvariableshashref, $filesinpackage) = @_;
# $installer::globals::shellscriptsfilename
push( @{$epmfileref}, "\n\n" );
my $shellscriptsfileref = installer::files::read_file($shellscriptsfilename);
replace_variable_in_shellscripts($shellscriptsfileref, $localrootpath, "rootpath");
replace_many_variables_in_shellscripts($shellscriptsfileref, $allvariableshashref);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$shellscriptsfileref}; $i++ )
push( @{$epmfileref}, ${$shellscriptsfileref}[$i] );
push( @{$epmfileref}, "\n" );
# Determining the epm on the system
sub find_epm_on_system
my ($includepatharrayref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Check epm on system");
my $epmname = "epm";
# epm should be defined through the configure script but we need to
# check for it to be defined because of the Sun environment.
# Check the environment variable first and if it is not defined,
# or if it is but the location is not executable, search further.
# It has to be found in the solver or it has to be in the path
# (saved in $installer::globals::epm_in_path) or we get the specified
# one through the environment (i.e. when --with-epm=... is specified)
if ($ENV{'EPM'})
if (($ENV{'EPM'} ne "") && (-x "$ENV{'EPM'}"))
$epmname = $ENV{'EPM'};
elsif ( ($ENV{'EPM'} eq "no") || ($ENV{'EPM'} eq "internal") )
$epmname = "epm";
my $epmref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath( \$epmname, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$epmref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find program $epmname (EPM set to \"internal\" or \"no\")!", "find_epm_on_system"); }
$epmname = $$epmref;
installer::exiter::exit_program("Environment variable EPM set (\"$ENV{'EPM'}\"), but file does not exist or is not executable!", "find_epm_on_system");
my $epmfileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$epmname, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if (($$epmfileref eq "") && (!($installer::globals::epm_in_path))) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find program $epmname!", "find_epm_on_system"); }
if (($$epmfileref eq "") && ($installer::globals::epm_in_path)) { $epmname = $installer::globals::epm_path; }
if (!($$epmfileref eq "")) { $epmname = $$epmfileref; }
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Using epmfile: %s\n", $epmname);
return $epmname;
# Determining the epm patch state
# saved in $installer::globals::is_special_epm
sub set_patch_state
my ($epmexecutable) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
my $systemcall = "$epmexecutable |";
open (EPMPATCH, "$systemcall");
while (<EPMPATCH>)
if ( $_ =~ /Patched for ) { $installer::globals::is_special_epm = 1; }
close (EPMPATCH);
if ( $installer::globals::is_special_epm )
$installer::logger::Lang->print("Patch state: This is a patched version of epm!\n");
$installer::logger::Lang->print("Patch state: This is an unpatched version of epm!\n");
if ( ( $installer::globals::is_special_epm ) && (($installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild) || ($installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild)) )
# Special postprocess handling only for Linux RPM and Solaris packages
$installer::globals::postprocess_specialepm = 1;
$installer::globals::postprocess_standardepm = 0;
$installer::globals::postprocess_specialepm = 0;
$installer::globals::postprocess_standardepm = 1;
# LD_PRELOAD string for Debian packages
sub get_ld_preload_string
my ($includepatharrayref) = @_;
my $getuidlibraryname = "";
my $getuidlibraryref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$getuidlibraryname, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$getuidlibraryref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find $getuidlibraryname!", "get_ld_preload_string"); }
my $ldpreloadstring = "LD_PRELOAD=" . $$getuidlibraryref;
return $ldpreloadstring;
# Calling epm to create the installation sets
sub call_epm
my ($epmname, $epmlistfilename, $packagename, $includepatharrayref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("epm call for $packagename");
my $packageformat = $installer::globals::packageformat;
my $localpackagename = $packagename;
# Debian allows only lowercase letters in package name
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $localpackagename = lc($localpackagename); }
my $outdirstring = "";
if ( $installer::globals::epmoutpath ne "" ) { $outdirstring = " --output-dir $installer::globals::epmoutpath"; }
# Debian package build needs a LD_PRELOAD for correct rights
my $ldpreloadstring = "";
if ( $installer::globals::debian ) { $ldpreloadstring = get_ld_preload_string($includepatharrayref) . " "; }
my $extraflags = "";
if ($ENV{'EPM_FLAGS'}) { $extraflags = $ENV{'EPM_FLAGS'}; }
my $verboseflag = "-v";
if ( ! $installer::globals::quiet ) { $verboseflag = "-v2"; };
my $systemcall = $ldpreloadstring . $epmname . " -f " . $packageformat . " " . $extraflags . " " . $localpackagename . " " . $epmlistfilename . $outdirstring . " " . $verboseflag . " " . " 2\>\&1 |";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
my $maxepmcalls = 3;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxepmcalls; $i++ )
my @epmoutput = ();
open (EPM, "$systemcall");
while (<EPM>) {push(@epmoutput, $_); }
close (EPM);
my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall (Try %d): \n", $i, $systemcall);
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#epmoutput; $j++ )
if ( $i < $maxepmcalls ) { $epmoutput[$j] =~ s/\bERROR\b/PROBLEM/ig; }
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Try %d : Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $i, $systemcall);
if ( $i == $maxepmcalls ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$systemcall\"!", "call_epm"); }
$installer::logger::Info->printf("Success: Executed (Try %d): \"%s\" successfully\n", $i, $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed (Try %d): \"%s\" successfully\n", $i, $systemcall);
# Adding the new line for relocatables into pkginfo file (Solaris)
# or spec file (Linux) created by epm
sub add_one_line_into_file
my ($file, $insertline, $filename) = @_;
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
push(@{$file}, $insertline); # simply adding at the end of pkginfo file
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
# Adding behind the line beginning with: Group:
my $inserted_line = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
if ( ${$file}[$i] =~ /^\s*Group\:\s*/ )
$inserted_line = 1;
if (! $inserted_line) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find string \"Group:\" in file: $filename", "add_one_line_into_file"); }
$insertline =~ s/\s*$//; # removing line end for correct logging
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Added line %s into file !\n", $insertline, $filename);
# Setting the revision VERSION=1.9,REV=66 .
# Also adding the new line: "AutoReqProv: no"
sub set_revision_in_pkginfo
my ($file, $filename, $variables, $packagename) = @_;
my $revisionstring = "\,REV\=" . $installer::globals::packagerevision;
# Adding also a time string to the revision. Syntax: VERSION=8.0.0,REV=66.2005.01.24
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$mday = $mday;
$mon = $mon + 1;
$year = $year + 1900;
if ( $mday < 10 ) { $mday = "0" . $mday; }
if ( $mon < 10 ) { $mon = "0" . $mon; }
$datestring = $year . "." . $mon . "." . $mday;
$revisionstring = $revisionstring . "." . $datestring;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
if ( ${$file}[$i] =~ /^\s*(VERSION\=.*?)\s*$/ )
my $oldstring = $1;
my $newstring = $oldstring . $revisionstring; # also adding the date string
${$file}[$i] =~ s/$oldstring/$newstring/;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Changed in %s file: \"%s\" to \"\"!\n",
# For Update and Patch reasons, this string can also be kept constant
my $pkgversion = "SOLSPARCPKGVERSION";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $pkgversion = "SOLIAPKGVERSION"; }
if (( $variables->{$pkgversion} ) && ( $variables->{$pkgversion} ne "" ))
if ( $variables->{$pkgversion} ne "FINALVERSION" )
# In OOo 3.x timeframe, this string is no longer unique for all packages, because of the three layer.
# In the string: "3.0.0,REV=9.2008.09.30" only the part "REV=9.2008.09.30" can be unique for all packages
# and therefore be set as $pkgversion.
# The first part "3.0.0" has to be derived from the
my $version = $installer::globals::packageversion;
if ( $version =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ )
my $major = $1;
my $minor = $2;
my $micro = $3;
my $finalmajor = $major;
my $finalminor = $minor;
my $finalmicro = 0;
# if (( $packagename =~ /-ure\s*$/ ) && ( $finalmajor == 1 )) { $finalminor = 4; }
$version = "$finalmajor.$finalminor.$finalmicro";
my $datestring = $variables->{$pkgversion};
# Allowing some packages to have another date of creation.
# They can be defined in product definition using a key like "SOLSPARCPKGVERSION_$packagename"
my $additionalkey = $pkgversion . "_" . $packagename;
if (( $variables->{$additionalkey} ) && ( $variables->{$additionalkey} ne "" )) { $datestring = $variables->{$additionalkey}; }
my $versionstring = "$version,$datestring";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
if ( ${$file}[$i] =~ /^\s*(VERSION\=).*?\s*$/ )
my $start = $1;
my $newstring = $start . $versionstring . "\n"; # setting the complete new string
my $oldstring = ${$file}[$i];
${$file}[$i] = $newstring;
$oldstring =~ s/\s*$//;
$newstring =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Changed in %s file: \"%s\" to \"\"!\n", $filename, $oldstring, $newstring);
# Setting Patch information for Respin versions
# into pkginfo file. This prevents Respin versions
# from patching.
sub set_patchlist_in_pkginfo_for_respin
my ($changefile, $filename, $allvariables, $packagename) = @_;
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $patchlistname = "SOLIAPATCHLISTFORRESPIN"; }
if ( $allvariables->{$patchlistname} )
# patchlist separator is a blank
my $allpatchesstring = $allvariables->{$patchlistname};
my @usedpatches = ();
# Analyzing the patchlist
# Syntax: 120186-10 126411-01(+core-01) -> use 126411-01 only for core-01
# Syntax: 120186-10 126411-01(-core-01) -> use 126411-01 for all packages except for core-01
my $allpatches = installer::converter::convert_whitespace_stringlist_into_array(\$allpatchesstring);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allpatches}; $i++ )
my $patchdefinition = ${$allpatches}[$i];
my $patchid = "";
my $symbol = "";
my $constraint = "";
my $isusedpatch = 0;
if ( $patchdefinition =~ /^\s*(.+)\(([+-])(.+)\)\s*$/ )
$patchid = $1;
$symbol = $2;
$constraint = $3;
elsif (( $patchdefinition =~ /\(/ ) || ( $patchdefinition =~ /\)/ )) # small syntax check
# if there is a bracket in the $patchdefinition, but it does not
# match the if-condition, this is an erroneous definition.
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Unknown patch string: $patchdefinition", "set_patchlist_in_pkginfo_for_respin");
$patchid = $patchdefinition;
$isusedpatch = 1; # patches without constraint are always included
if ( $symbol ne "" )
if ( $symbol eq "+" )
if ( $packagename =~ /^.*\Q$constraint\E\s*$/ ) { $isusedpatch = 1; }
if ( $symbol eq "-" )
if ( ! ( $packagename =~ /^.*\Q$constraint\E\s*$/ )) { $isusedpatch = 1; }
if ( $isusedpatch ) { push(@usedpatches, $patchid); }
if ( $#usedpatches > -1 )
my $patchstring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_space_separated_string(\@usedpatches);
my $newline = "PATCHLIST=" . $patchstring . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Adding patch info for each used patch in the patchlist
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#usedpatches; $i++ )
my $patchid = $usedpatches[$i];
my $key = "PATCH_INFO_" . $patchid;
$key =~ s/\s*$//;
if ( ! $allvariables->{$key} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No Patch info available in zip list file for $key", "set_patchlist_in_pkginfo"); }
my $value = set_timestamp_in_patchinfo($allvariables->{$key});
$newline = $key . "=" . $value . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Solaris requires, that the time of patch installation
# must not be empty.
# Format: Mon Mar 24 11:20:56 PDT 2008
# Log file: Tue Apr 29 23:26:19 2008 (04:31 min.)
# Replace string: ${TIMESTAMP}
sub set_timestamp_in_patchinfo
my ($value) = @_;
my $currenttime = localtime();
if ( $currenttime =~ /^\s*(.+?)(\d\d\d\d)\s*$/ )
my $start = $1;
my $year = $2;
$currenttime = $start . "CET " . $year;
$value =~ s/\$\{TIMESTAMP\}/$currenttime/;
return $value;
# Setting MAXINST=1000 into the pkginfo file.
sub set_maxinst_in_pkginfo
my ($changefile, $filename) = @_;
my $newline = "MAXINST\=1000\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Setting several Solaris variables into the pkginfo file.
sub set_solaris_parameter_in_pkginfo
my ($changefile, $filename, $allvariables) = @_;
my $newline = "";
my $productname = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$newline = "SUNW_PRODNAME=$productname\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
my $productversion = "";
if ( $allvariables->{'PRODUCTVERSION'} )
$productversion = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
if ( $allvariables->{'PRODUCTEXTENSION'} ) { $productversion = $productversion . "/" . $allvariables->{'PRODUCTEXTENSION'}; }
$newline = "SUNW_PRODVERS=$productversion\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
$newline = "SUNW_PKGVERS=1\.0\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
if ( $allvariables->{'SUNW_PKGTYPE'} )
$newline = "SUNW_PKGTYPE=$allvariables->{'SUNW_PKGTYPE'}\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
$newline = "SUNW_PKGTYPE=\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
$newline = "HOTLINE=Please contact your local service provider\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
$newline = "EMAIL=\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# epm uses as archtecture for Solaris x86 "i86pc". This has to be
# changed to "i386".
sub fix_architecture_setting
my ($changefile) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*ARCH=i86pc\s*$/ )
${$changefile}[$i] =~ s/i86pc/i386/;
# Adding a new line for topdir into specfile, removing old
# topdir if set.
sub set_topdir_in_specfile
my ($changefile, $filename, $newepmdir) = @_;
# $newepmdir =~ s/^\s*\.//; # removing leading "."
$newepmdir = cwd() . $installer::globals::separator . $newepmdir; # only absolute path allowed
# removing "%define _topdir", if existing
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*\%define _topdir\s+/ )
my $removeline = ${$changefile}[$i];
$removeline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Removed line \"%s\" from file %s!\n", $removeline, $filename);
# Adding "topdir" behind the line beginning with: Group:
my $inserted_line = 0;
my $topdirline = "\%define _topdir $newepmdir\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Group\:\s*/ )
$inserted_line = 1;
$topdirline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Added line %s into file %s!\n", $topdirline, $filename);
if (! $inserted_line) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find string \"Group:\" in file: $filename", "set_topdir_in_specfile"); }
# Setting the packager in the spec file
# Syntax: Packager: abc@def
sub set_packager_in_specfile
my ($changefile) = @_;
my $packager = $installer::globals::longmanufacturer;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Packager\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ )
my $oldstring = $1;
${$changefile}[$i] =~ s/\Q$oldstring\E/$packager/;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Changed Packager in spec file from %s to %s!\n",
# Setting the requirements in the spec file (i81494)
# Syntax: PreReq: "requirements" (only for shared extensions)
sub set_prereq_in_specfile
my ($changefile) = @_;
my $prereq = "PreReq:";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Requires:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ )
my $oldstring = ${$changefile}[$i];
${$changefile}[$i] =~ s/Requires:/$prereq/;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Changed requirements in spec file from %s to %s!\n",
# Setting the Auto[Req]Prov line and __find_requires
sub set_autoprovreq_in_specfile
my ($changefile, $findrequires, $bindir) = @_;
my $autoreqprovline;
if ( $findrequires )
$autoreqprovline = "AutoProv\: no\n%define __find_requires $bindir/$findrequires\n";
$autoreqprovline = "AutoReqProv\: no\n";
$autoreqprovline .= "%define _binary_filedigest_algorithm 1\n%define _binary_payload w9.gzdio\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
# Adding "autoreqprov" behind the line beginning with: Group:
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Group\:\s*/ )
$autoreqprovline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Added line %s into spec file!\n", $autoreqprovline);
# Replacing Copyright with License in the spec file
# Syntax: License: ALv2 (older usages were LGPL, SISSL)
sub set_license_in_specfile
my ($changefile, $variableshashref) = @_;
my $license = $variableshashref->{'LICENSENAME'};
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Copyright\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ )
${$changefile}[$i] = "License: $license\n";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Replaced Copyright with License: %s !\n", $license);
# Building relocatable Solaris packages means:
# 1. Add "BASEDIR=/opt" into pkginfo
# 2. Remove "/opt/" from all objects in prototype file
# For step2 this function exists
# Sample: d none /opt/openofficeorg20/help 0755 root other
# -> d none openofficeorg20/help 0755 root other
sub make_prototypefile_relocatable
my ($prototypefile, $relocatablepath) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$prototypefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*\w\s+\w+\s+\/\w+/ ) # this is an object line
${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ s/$relocatablepath//; # Important: $relocatablepath has a "/" at the end. Example "/opt/"
# If the $relocatablepath is "/opt/openoffice20/" the line "d none /opt/openoffice20" was not changed.
# This line has to be removed now
if ( $relocatablepath ne "/" ) { $relocatablepath =~ s/\/\s*$//; } # removing the ending slash
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$prototypefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*d\s+\w+\s+\Q$relocatablepath\E/ )
my $line = ${$prototypefile}[$i];
splice(@{$prototypefile},$i,1); # removing the line
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Removed line \"%s\" from prototype file!\n", $line);
# Making "\$" to "$" in prototype file. "\$" was created by epm.
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$prototypefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ /\\\$/ )
${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ s/\\\$/\$/g;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Changed line in prototype file: %s !\n", ${$prototypefile}[$i]);
# In scp the flag VOLATEFILE can be used. This shall lead to style "v"
# in Solaris prototype file. This is not supported by epm and has
# therefore to be included in prototypefile, not in epm list file.
sub set_volatilefile_into_prototypefile
my ($prototypefile, $filesref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\bVOLATILEFILE\b/ )
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$prototypefile}; $j++ )
if (( ${$prototypefile}[$j] =~ /^\s*f\s+none\s+/ ) && ( ${$prototypefile}[$j] =~ /\=\Q$sourcepath\E\s+/ ))
my $oldline = ${$prototypefile}[$j];
${$prototypefile}[$j] =~ s/^\s*f/v/;
my $newline = ${$prototypefile}[$j];
$oldline =~ s/\s*$//;
$newline =~ s/\s*$//;
"Volatile file: Changing content from \"%s\" to \"%s\" .\n",
# Replacing the variables in the Solaris patch shell scripts.
# Taking care, that multiple slashes are not always removed.
sub replace_variables_in_shellscripts_for_patch
my ($scriptfile, $scriptfilename, $oldstring, $newstring) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ /\Q$oldstring\E/ )
my $oldline = ${$scriptfile}[$i];
if (( $oldstring eq "PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME" ) && ( $newstring eq "" )) { $oldstring = $oldstring . "/"; }
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/\Q$oldstring\E/$newstring/g;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Substituting in %s %s by %s\n",
$scriptfilename, $oldstring, $newstring);
# Replacing the variables in the shell scripts or in the epm list file
# Linux: spec file
# Solaris: preinstall, postinstall, preremove, postremove
# If epm is used in the original version (not relocatable)
# the variables have to be exchanged in the list file,
# created for epm.
sub replace_variables_in_shellscripts
my ($scriptfile, $scriptfilename, $oldstring, $newstring) = @_;
my $debug = 0;
if ( $oldstring eq "PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME" ) { $debug = 1; }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ /\Q$oldstring\E/ )
my $oldline = ${$scriptfile}[$i];
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/\Q$oldstring\E/$newstring/g;
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/\/\//\//g; # replacing "//" by "/" , if path $newstring is empty!
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Substituting in %s %s by %s\n",
if ( $debug )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Old Line: %s", $oldline);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("New Line: %s", ${$scriptfile}[$i]);
# Determinig the directory created by epm, in which the
# RPMS or Solaris packages are created.
sub determine_installdir_ooo
# A simple "ls" command returns the directory name
my $dirname = "";
my $systemcall = "ls |";
open (LS, "$systemcall");
$dirname = <LS>;
close (LS);
$dirname =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Info: Directory created by epm: %s\n", $dirname);
return $dirname;
# Setting the tab content into the file container
sub set_tab_into_datafile
my ($changefile, $filesref) = @_;
my @newclasses = ();
my $newclassesstring = "";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
if ( $onefile->{'SolarisClass'} )
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$changefile}; $j++ )
if (( ${$changefile}[$j] =~ /^\s*f\s+none\s+/ ) && ( ${$changefile}[$j] =~ /\=\Q$sourcepath\E\s+/ ))
my $oldline = ${$changefile}[$j];
${$changefile}[$j] =~ s/f\s+none/e $onefile->{'SolarisClass'}/;
my $newline = ${$changefile}[$j];
$oldline =~ s/\s*$//;
$newline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("TAB: Changing content from \"%s\" to \"%s\" .\n",
$oldline, $newline);
# collecting all new classes
if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($onefile->{'SolarisClass'}, \@newclasses))
push(@newclasses, $onefile->{'SolarisClass'});
$newclassesstring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_space_separated_string(\@newclasses);
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
if ( $onefile->{'SpecFileContent'} )
my $destination = $onefile->{'destination'};
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$changefile}; $j++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$j] =~ /^\s*(\%attr\(.*\))\s+(\".*?\Q$destination\E\"\s*)$/ )
my $begin = $1;
my $end = $2;
my $oldline = ${$changefile}[$j];
${$changefile}[$j] = $begin . " " . $onefile->{'SpecFileContent'} . " " . $end;
my $newline = ${$changefile}[$j];
$oldline =~ s/\s*$//;
$newline =~ s/\s*$//;
"TAB: Changing content from \"%s\" to \"%s\" .\n", $oldline, $newline);
return $newclassesstring;
# Including additional classes into the pkginfo file
sub include_classes_into_pkginfo
my ($changefile, $classesstring) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$changefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$changefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*CLASSES\=none/ )
${$changefile}[$i] =~ s/\s*$//;
my $oldline = ${$changefile}[$i];
${$changefile}[$i] = ${$changefile}[$i] . " " . $classesstring . "\n";
my $newline = ${$changefile}[$i];
$newline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("pkginfo file: Changing content from \"%s\" to \"%s\" .\n",
$oldline, $newline);
# Checking, if an extension is included into the package (Linux).
# All extension files have to be installed into directory
# share/extension/install
# %attr(0444,root,root) "/opt/staroffice8/share/extension/install/SunSearchToolbar.oxt"
sub is_extension_package
my ($specfile) = @_;
my $is_extension_package = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$specfile}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$specfile}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /share\/extension\/install\/.*?\.oxt\"\s*$/ )
$is_extension_package = 1;
return $is_extension_package;
# Checking, if an extension is included into the package (Solaris).
# All extension files have to be installed into directory
# share/extension/install
sub contains_extension_dir
my ($prototypefile) = @_;
my $contains_extension_dir = 0;
# d none opt/openoffice.org3/share/extensions/
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$prototypefile}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$prototypefile}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /^\s*d\s+none\s.*\/share\/extensions\// )
$contains_extension_dir = 1;
return $contains_extension_dir;
# A Solaris patch contains 7 specific scripts
sub add_scripts_into_prototypefile
my ($prototypefile, $prototypefilename, $languagestringref, $staticpath) = @_;
# The files are stored in the directory $installer::globals::patchincludepath
# The file names are available via @installer::globals::solarispatchscripts
my $path = $installer::globals::patchincludepath;
$path =~ s/\/\s*$//;
$path = $path . $installer::globals::separator;
my @newlines = ();
my $is_extension_package = contains_extension_dir($prototypefile);
if ( $is_extension_package )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::solarispatchscriptsforextensions; $i++ )
my $sourcefilename = $path . $installer::globals::solarispatchscriptsforextensions[$i];
my $destfile = $installer::globals::solarispatchscriptsforextensions[$i];
# If the sourcepath has "_extension" in its name, this has to be removed
$destfile =~ s/_extensions\s*$//; # hard coded renaming of script name
# Creating unique directory name with $prototypefilename
my $extensiondir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("extensionscripts", $languagestringref);
if ( $prototypefilename =~ /\/(\S*?)\s*$/ ) { $prototypefilename = $1; }
$prototypefilename =~ s/\./_/g;
my $destdir = $extensiondir . $installer::globals::separator . $prototypefilename;
if ( ! -d $destdir ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); }
my $destpath = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $destfile;
if ( -f $destpath ) { unlink($destpath); }
# Reading file
my $scriptfile = installer::files::read_file($sourcefilename);
# Replacing variables
replace_variables_in_shellscripts_for_patch($scriptfile, $destpath, $oldstring, $staticpath);
# Saving file
installer::files::save_file($destpath, $scriptfile);
# Writing file destination into prototype file
my $line = "i $destfile=" . $destpath . "\n";
push(@newlines, $line);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::solarispatchscripts; $i++ )
my $line = "i $installer::globals::solarispatchscripts[$i]=" . $path . $installer::globals::solarispatchscripts[$i] . "\n";
push(@newlines, $line);
# Including the new lines after the last line starting with "i"
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$prototypefile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*i\s+copyright/ )
splice(@{$prototypefile}, $i, 1); # ignoring old copyright text, using patch standard
if ( ${$prototypefile}[$i] =~ /^\s*i\s+/ ) { next; }
splice(@{$prototypefile}, $i, 0, @newlines);
# Adding patch infos in pkginfo file
sub include_patchinfos_into_pkginfo
my ( $changefile, $filename, $variableshashref ) = @_;
# SUNW_PATCHID=101998-10
# SUNW_OBSOLETES=114999-01 113999-01
# SUNW_REQUIRES=126411-01
my $patchidname = "SOLSPARCPATCHID";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $patchidname = "SOLIAPATCHID"; }
if ( ! $variableshashref->{$patchidname} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Variable $patchidname not defined in zip list file!", "include_patchinfos_into_pkginfo"); }
my $newline = "SUNW_PATCHID=" . $variableshashref->{$patchidname} . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
my $patchobsoletesname = "SOLSPARCPATCHOBSOLETES";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $patchobsoletesname = "SOLIAPATCHOBSOLETES"; }
my $obsoletes = "";
if ( $variableshashref->{$patchobsoletesname} ) { $obsoletes = $variableshashref->{$patchobsoletesname}; }
$newline = "SUNW_OBSOLETES=" . $obsoletes . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
my $patchrequiresname = "SOLSPARCPATCHREQUIRES";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $patchrequiresname = "SOLIAPATCHREQUIRES"; }
if ( $variableshashref->{$patchrequiresname} )
my $requires = $variableshashref->{$patchrequiresname};
$newline = "SUNW_REQUIRES=" . $requires . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
$newline = "SUNW_PATCH_PROPERTIES=\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# $newline = "SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr\n";
# add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# $newline = "SUNW_PKGVERS=1.0\n";
# add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Setting the correct Solaris locales
sub get_solaris_language_for_langpack
my ( $onelanguage ) = @_;
my $sollanguage = $onelanguage;
$sollanguage =~ s/\-/\_/;
if ( $sollanguage eq "de" ) { $sollanguage = "de"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "en_US" ) { $sollanguage = "en_AU,en_CA,en_GB,en_IE,en_MT,en_NZ,en_US,en_US.UTF-8"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "es" ) { $sollanguage = "es"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "fr" ) { $sollanguage = "fr"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "hu" ) { $sollanguage = "hu_HU"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "it" ) { $sollanguage = "it"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "nl" ) { $sollanguage = "nl_BE,nl_NL"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "pl" ) { $sollanguage = "pl_PL"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "sv" ) { $sollanguage = "sv"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "pt" ) { $sollanguage = "pt_PT"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "pt_BR" ) { $sollanguage = "pt_BR"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "ru" ) { $sollanguage = "ru_RU"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "ja" ) { $sollanguage = "ja,ja_JP,ja_JP.PCK,ja_JP.UTF-8"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "ko" ) { $sollanguage = "ko,ko.UTF-8"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "zh_CN" ) { $sollanguage = "zh,zh.GBK,zh_CN.GB18030,zh.UTF-8"; }
elsif ( $sollanguage eq "zh_TW" ) { $sollanguage = "zh_TW,zh_TW.BIG5,zh_TW.UTF-8,zh_HK.BIG5HK,zh_HK.UTF-8"; }
return $sollanguage;
# Adding language infos in pkginfo file
sub include_languageinfos_into_pkginfo
my ( $changefile, $filename, $languagestringref, $onepackage, $variableshashref ) = @_;
my $locallang = $onepackage->{'language'};
my $solarislanguage = get_solaris_language_for_langpack($locallang);
my $newline = "SUNW_LOC=" . $solarislanguage . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# SUNW_PKGLIST is required, if SUNW_LOC is defined.
if ( $onepackage->{'pkg_list_entry'} )
my $packagelistentry = $onepackage->{'pkg_list_entry'};
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$packagelistentry, $variableshashref, 1);
$newline = "SUNW_PKGLIST=" . $packagelistentry . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Using default package ooobasis30-core01.
installer::packagelist::resolve_packagevariables(\$packagelistentry, $variableshashref, 1);
$newline = "SUNW_PKGLIST=" . $packagelistentry . "\n";
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
# Collecting all files included in patch in
# @installer::globals::patchfilecollector
sub collect_patch_files
my ($file, $packagename, $prefix) = @_;
# $file is the spec file or the prototypefile
$prefix = $prefix . "/";
my $packagenamestring = "Package " . $packagename . " \:\n";
push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, $packagenamestring);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$file}[$i];
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
# %attr(0444,root,root) "/opt/openofficeorg20/program/about.bmp"
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\%attr\(.*\)\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*$/ )
my $filename = $1 . "\n";
$filename =~ s/^\s*\Q$prefix\E//;
push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, $filename);
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
# f none program/msomrl.rdb=/ab/SRC680/ 0444 root bin
if ( $line =~ /^\s*f\s+\w+\s+(.*?)\=/ )
my $filename = $1 . "\n";
push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, $filename);
push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, "\n");
# Including package names into the depend files.
# The package names have to be included into
# packagelist. They are already saved in
# %installer::globals::dependfilenames.
sub put_packagenames_into_dependfile
my ( $file ) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$file}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\w\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
my $abbreviation = $1;
if ( $abbreviation =~ /\%/ ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not resolve all properties in Solaris package abbreviation \"$abbreviation\"!", "read_packagemap"); }
if ( exists($installer::globals::dependfilenames{$abbreviation}) )
my $packagename = $installer::globals::dependfilenames{$abbreviation};
if ( $packagename =~ /\%/ ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not resolve all properties in Solaris package name \"$packagename\"!", "read_packagemap"); }
$line =~ s/\s*$//;
${$file}[$i] = $line . "\t" . $packagename . "\n";
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Missing packagename for Solaris package \"$abbreviation\"!", "put_packagenames_into_dependfile");
# Including the relocatable directory into
# spec file and pkginfo file
# Linux: set topdir in specfile
# Solaris: remove $relocatablepath (/opt/)
# for all objects in prototype file
# and changing "topdir" for Linux
sub prepare_packages
my ($loggingdir, $packagename, $staticpath, $relocatablepath, $onepackage, $variableshashref, $filesref, $languagestringref) = @_;
my $filename = "";
my $newline = "";
my $newepmdir = $installer::globals::epmoutpath . $installer::globals::separator;
my $localrelocatablepath = $relocatablepath;
if ( $localrelocatablepath ne "/" ) { $localrelocatablepath =~ s/\/\s*$//; }
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
$filename = $packagename . ".pkginfo";
$newline = "BASEDIR\=" . $localrelocatablepath . "\n";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
# if ( $localrelocatablepath =~ /^\s*$/ ) { $localrelocatablepath = "/"; }; # at least the "/"
$filename = $packagename . ".spec";
$newline = "Prefix\:\ " . $localrelocatablepath . "\n";
my $completefilename = $newepmdir . $filename;
if ( ! -f $completefilename) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find file: $completefilename", "prepare_packages"); }
my $changefile = installer::files::read_file($completefilename);
if ( $newline ne "" )
add_one_line_into_file($changefile, $newline, $filename);
installer::files::save_file($completefilename, $changefile);
# my $newepmdir = $completefilename;
# installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$newepmdir);
# adding new "topdir" and removing old "topdir" in specfile
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
set_topdir_in_specfile($changefile, $filename, $newepmdir);
set_autoprovreq_in_specfile($changefile, $onepackage->{'findrequires'}, "$installer::globals::unpackpath" . "/bin");
if ( is_extension_package($changefile) ) { set_prereq_in_specfile($changefile); }
set_license_in_specfile($changefile, $variableshashref);
set_tab_into_datafile($changefile, $filesref);
# check_requirements_in_specfile($changefile);
installer::files::save_file($completefilename, $changefile);
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { collect_patch_files($changefile, $packagename, $localrelocatablepath); }
# removing the relocatable path in prototype file
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
set_revision_in_pkginfo($changefile, $filename, $variableshashref, $packagename);
set_maxinst_in_pkginfo($changefile, $filename);
set_solaris_parameter_in_pkginfo($changefile, $filename, $variableshashref);
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { fix_architecture_setting($changefile); }
if ( ! $installer::globals::patch ) { set_patchlist_in_pkginfo_for_respin($changefile, $filename, $variableshashref, $packagename); }
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { include_patchinfos_into_pkginfo($changefile, $filename, $variableshashref); }
if (( $onepackage->{'language'} ) && ( $onepackage->{'language'} ne "" ) && ( $onepackage->{'language'} ne "en-US" )) { include_languageinfos_into_pkginfo($changefile, $filename, $languagestringref, $onepackage, $variableshashref); }
installer::files::save_file($completefilename, $changefile);
my $prototypefilename = $packagename . ".prototype";
$prototypefilename = $newepmdir . $prototypefilename;
if (! -f $prototypefilename) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find prototype file: $prototypefilename", "prepare_packages"); }
my $prototypefile = installer::files::read_file($prototypefilename);
make_prototypefile_relocatable($prototypefile, $relocatablepath);
set_volatilefile_into_prototypefile($prototypefile, $filesref);
my $classesstring = set_tab_into_datafile($prototypefile, $filesref);
if ($classesstring)
include_classes_into_pkginfo($changefile, $classesstring);
installer::files::save_file($completefilename, $changefile);
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { add_scripts_into_prototypefile($prototypefile, $prototypefilename, $languagestringref, $staticpath); }
installer::files::save_file($prototypefilename, $prototypefile);
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { collect_patch_files($prototypefile, $packagename, ""); }
# Adding package names into depend files for Solaris (not supported by epm)
my $dependfilename = $packagename . ".depend";
$dependfilename = $newepmdir . $dependfilename;
if ( -f $dependfilename)
my $dependfile = installer::files::read_file($dependfilename);
installer::files::save_file($dependfilename, $dependfile);
return $newepmdir;
# Linux requirement for perl is changed by epm from
# /usr/bin/perl to perl .
# Requires: perl
sub check_requirements_in_specfile
my ( $specfile ) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$specfile}; $i++ )
if (( ${$specfile}[$i] =~ /^\s*Requires/ ) && ( ${$specfile}[$i] =~ /\bperl\b/ ) && ( ! ( ${$specfile}[$i] =~ /\/usr\/bin\/perl\b/ )))
my $oldline = ${$specfile}[$i];
${$specfile}[$i] =~ s/perl/\/usr\/bin\/perl/;
my $newline = ${$specfile}[$i];
$oldline =~ s/\s*$//;
$newline =~ s/\s*$//;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Spec File: Changing content from \"%s\" to \"%s\".\n",
$oldline, $newline);
# epm list file.
# The complete rootpath is stored in $installer::globals::rootpath
# or for each package in $onepackage->{'destpath'}
# The static rootpath is stored in $staticpath
# The relocatable path is stored in $relocatablepath
# PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION is the relocatable part ("/opt") and
# PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME the static path ("openofficeorg20").
# In standard epm process:
# No usage of package specific variables like $BASEDIR, because
# 1. These variables would be replaced in epm process
# 2. epm version 3.7 does not support relocatable packages
sub resolve_path_in_epm_list_before_packaging
my ($listfile, $listfilename, $variable, $path) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Replacing variables in epm list file:");
$path =~ s/\/\s*$//;
replace_variables_in_shellscripts($listfile, $listfilename, $variable, $path);
# Determining the rpm version. Beginning with rpm version 4.0
# the tool to create RPMs is "rpmbuild" and no longer "rpm"
sub determine_rpm_version
my $rpmversion = 0;
my $rpmout = "";
my $systemcall = "";
# my $systemcall = "rpm --version |";
# "rpm --version" has problems since LD_LIBRARY_PATH was removed. Therefore the content of $RPM has to be called.
# "rpm --version" and "rpmbuild --version" have the same output. Therefore $RPM can be used. Its value
# is saved in $installer::globals::rpm
if ( $installer::globals::rpm ne "" )
$systemcall = "$installer::globals::rpm --version |";
$systemcall = "rpm --version |";
open (RPM, "$systemcall");
$rpmout = <RPM>;
close (RPM);
if ( $rpmout ne "" )
$rpmout =~ s/\s*$//g;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ( $rpmout eq "" )
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not find file \"rpm\" !\n");
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: rpm version: %s\n", $rpmout);
if ( $rpmout =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) { $rpmversion = $1; }
elsif ( $rpmout =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) { $rpmversion = $1; }
elsif ( $rpmout =~ /(\d+)/ ) { $rpmversion = $1; }
else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Unknown format: $rpmout ! Expected: \"a.b.c\", or \"a.b\", or \"a\"", "determine_rpm_version"); }
return $rpmversion;
# Writing some info about rpm into the log file
sub log_rpm_info
my $systemcall = "";
my $infoline = "";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Logging rpmrc content using --showrc\n");
if ( $installer::globals::rpm ne "" )
$systemcall = "$installer::globals::rpm --showrc |";
$systemcall = "rpm --showrc |";
my @fullrpmout = ();
open (RPM, "$systemcall");
while (<RPM>) {push(@fullrpmout, $_); }
close (RPM);
if ( $#fullrpmout > -1 )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#fullrpmout; $i++ )
my $rpmout = $fullrpmout[$i];
$rpmout =~ s/\s*$//g;
$infoline = "$rpmout\n";
$infoline =~ s/error/e_r_r_o_r/gi; # avoiding log problems
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Problem in systemcall: %s : No return value\n", $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("End of logging rpmrc\n");
# Systemcall to start the packaging process
sub create_packages_without_epm
my ($epmdir, $packagename, $includepatharrayref, $allvariables, $languagestringref) = @_;
# Solaris: pkgmk -o -f solaris-2.8-sparc/SUNWso8m34.prototype -d solaris-2.8-sparc
# Solaris: pkgtrans solaris-2.8-sparc SUNWso8m34.pkg SUNWso8m34
# Solaris: tar -cf - SUNWso8m34 | gzip > SUNWso8m34.tar.gz
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
my $prototypefile = $epmdir . $packagename . ".prototype";
if (! -f $prototypefile) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find file: $prototypefile", "create_packages_without_epm"); }
my $destinationdir = $prototypefile;
$destinationdir =~ s/\/\s*$//; # removing ending slashes
# my $systemcall = "pkgmk -o -f $prototypefile -d $destinationdir \> /dev/null 2\>\&1";
my $systemcall = "pkgmk -l 1073741824 -o -f $prototypefile -d $destinationdir 2\>\&1 |";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
my $maxpkgmkcalls = 3;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxpkgmkcalls; $i++ )
my @pkgmkoutput = ();
open (PKGMK, "$systemcall");
while (<PKGMK>) {push(@pkgmkoutput, $_); }
close (PKGMK);
my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall (Try %d): %s\n", $i, $systemcall);
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#pkgmkoutput; $j++ )
if ( $i < $maxpkgmkcalls ) { $pkgmkoutput[$j] =~ s/\bERROR\b/PROBLEM/ig; }
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Try %s : Could not execute \"%s\"!\n",
$i, $systemcall);
if ( $i == $maxpkgmkcalls ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$systemcall\"!", "create_packages_without_epm"); }
$installer::logger::Info->printf("Success: (Try %d): Executed \"%s\" successfully\n",
$i, $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: (Try %d): Executed \"%s\" successfully\n",
$i, $systemcall);
# It might be necessary to save uncompressed Solaris packages
if ( $allvariables->{'JDSBUILD'} )
if ( ! $installer::globals::jds_language_controlled )
my $correct_language = installer::worker::check_jds_language($allvariables, $languagestringref);
$installer::globals::correct_jds_language = $correct_language;
$installer::globals::jds_language_controlled = 1;
if ( $installer::globals::correct_jds_language )
if ( $installer::globals::saved_packages_path eq "" )
$packagestempdir = installer::systemactions::create_directories("jds", $languagestringref);
$installer::globals::saved_packages_path = $packagestempdir;
push(@installer::globals::jdsremovedirs, $packagestempdir);
$systemcall = "cd $destinationdir; cp -p -R $packagename $installer::globals::saved_packages_path;";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
# Setting unix rights to "775" for all created directories inside the package,
# that is saved in temp directory
$systemcall = "cd $packagestempdir; find $packagename -type d -exec chmod 775 \{\} \\\;";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
$returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $systemcall);
# compressing packages
if ( ! $installer::globals::solarisdontcompress )
my $faspac = "";
my $compressorref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$faspac, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$compressorref ne "")
# Saving original pkginfo, to set time stamp later
my $pkginfoorig = "$destinationdir/$packagename/pkginfo";
my $pkginfotmp = "$destinationdir/$packagename" . ".pkginfo.tmp";
$systemcall = "cp -p $pkginfoorig $pkginfotmp";
$faspac = $$compressorref;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Found compressor: %s\n", $faspac);
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $faspac);
$installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Starting $faspac");
$systemcall = "/bin/sh $faspac -a -q -d $destinationdir $packagename"; # $faspac has to be the absolute path!
# Setting time stamp for pkginfo, because changed the pkginfo file,
# updated the size and checksum, but not the time stamp.
$systemcall = "touch -r $pkginfotmp $pkginfoorig";
if ( -f $pkginfotmp ) { unlink($pkginfotmp); }
$installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("End of $faspac");
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Not found: %s\n", $faspac);
# Setting unix rights to "775" for all created directories inside the package
$systemcall = "cd $destinationdir; find $packagename -type d -exec chmod 775 \{\} \\\;";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
$returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $systemcall);
# Linux: rpm -bb so8m35.spec ( -> dependency check abklemmen? )
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
my $specfilename = $epmdir . $packagename . ".spec";
if (! -f $specfilename) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Did not find file: $specfilename", "create_packages_without_epm"); }
# my $rpmcommand = "rpm";
my $rpmcommand = $installer::globals::rpm;
my $rpmversion = determine_rpm_version();
# if ( $rpmversion >= 4 ) { $rpmcommand = "rpmbuild"; }
# saving globally for later usage
$installer::globals::rpmcommand = $rpmcommand;
$installer::globals::rpmquerycommand = "rpm";
my $target = "";
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngi/) { $target = "i586"; }
elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlng/) {$target = (POSIX::uname())[4]; }
# rpm 4.6 ignores buildroot tag in spec file
my $buildrootstring = "";
if ( $rpmversion >= 4 )
my $dir = getcwd;
my $buildroot = $dir . "/" . $epmdir . "buildroot/";
$buildrootstring = "--buildroot=$buildroot";
mkdir($buildroot = $dir . "/" . $epmdir . "BUILD/");
if ( ! $installer::globals::rpminfologged )
$installer::globals::rpminfologged = 1;
my $systemcall = "$rpmcommand -bb --define \"_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0\" $specfilename --target $target $buildrootstring 2\>\&1 |";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
my $maxrpmcalls = 3;
my $rpm_failed = 0;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $maxrpmcalls; $i++ )
my @rpmoutput = ();
open (RPM, "$systemcall");
while (<RPM>) {push(@rpmoutput, $_); }
close (RPM);
my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall (Try %d): %s\n", $i, $systemcall);
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#rpmoutput; $j++ )
# if ( $i < $maxrpmcalls ) { $rpmoutput[$j] =~ s/\bERROR\b/PROBLEM/ig; }
$rpmoutput[$j] =~ s/\bERROR\b/PROBLEM/ig;
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Try %d : Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $i, $systemcall);
$rpm_failed = 1;
$installer::logger::Info->printf("Success (Try %d): Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $i, $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success (Try %d): Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $i, $systemcall);
$rpm_failed = 0;
if ( $rpm_failed )
# Because of the problems with LD_LIBARY_PATH, a direct call of local "rpm" or "rpmbuild" might be successful
my $rpmprog = "";
if ( -f "/usr/bin/rpmbuild" ) { $rpmprog = "/usr/bin/rpmbuild"; }
elsif ( -f "/usr/bin/rpm" ) { $rpmprog = "/usr/bin/rpm"; }
if ( $rpmprog ne "" )
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $rpmprog);
my $helpersystemcall = "$rpmprog -bb $specfilename --target $target $buildrootstring 2\>\&1 |";
my @helperrpmoutput = ();
open (RPM, "$helpersystemcall");
while (<RPM>) {push(@helperrpmoutput, $_); }
close (RPM);
my $helperreturnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Last try: Using %s directly (problem with LD_LIBARY_PATH)\n",
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $helpersystemcall);
foreach my $line (@helperrpmoutput)
if ($helperreturnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $helpersystemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $helpersystemcall);
$installer::logger::Info->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $helpersystemcall);
$rpm_failed = 0;
# Now it is really time to exit this packaging process, if the error still occurs
if ( $rpm_failed ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$systemcall\"!", "create_packages_without_epm"); }
# Removing all temporary files created by epm
sub remove_temporary_epm_files
my ($epmdir, $loggingdir, $packagename) = @_;
# saving the files into the loggingdir
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
my @extensions = ();
push(@extensions, ".pkginfo");
push(@extensions, ".prototype");
push(@extensions, ".postinstall");
push(@extensions, ".postremove");
push(@extensions, ".preinstall");
push(@extensions, ".preremove");
push(@extensions, ".depend");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#extensions; $i++ )
my $removefile = $epmdir . $packagename . $extensions[$i];
my $destfile = $loggingdir . $packagename . $extensions[$i] . ".log";
if (! -f $removefile) { next; }
my $systemcall = "mv -f $removefile $destfile";
system($systemcall); # ignoring the return value
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
my $removefile = $epmdir . $packagename . ".spec";
my $destfile = $loggingdir . $packagename . ".spec.log";
# if (! -f $removefile) { next; }
my $systemcall = "mv -f $removefile $destfile";
system($systemcall); # ignoring the return value
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
# removing the directory "buildroot"
my $removedir = $epmdir . "buildroot";
$systemcall = "rm -rf $removedir";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$removedir = $epmdir . "BUILD";
$systemcall = "rm -rf $removedir";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
$returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $systemcall);
# Making the systemcall
sub make_systemcall
my ($systemcall) = @_;
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $systemcall);
# Creating a better directory structure in the solver.
sub create_new_directory_structure
my ($newepmdir) = @_;
my $newdir = $installer::globals::epmoutpath;
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
my $rpmdir;
my $machine = "";
if ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlngi/) {
$rpmdir = "$installer::globals::epmoutpath/RPMS/i586";
elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxlng/) {
$machine = (POSIX::uname())[4];
$rpmdir = "$installer::globals::epmoutpath/RPMS/$machine";
else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: rpmdir undefined !", "create_new_directory_structure"); }
my $systemcall = "mv $rpmdir/* $newdir"; # moving the rpms into the directory "RPMS"
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $systemcall);
if ($returnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not move content of \"%s\" to \"%s\"!\n",
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Moved content of \"%s\" to \"%s\"!\n",
$rpmdir, $newdir);
# and removing the empty directory
if ( $machine ne "" )
# Setting unix rights to "775" for $newdir ("RPMS" or "packages")
my $localcall = "chmod 775 $newdir \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
my $callreturnvalue = system($localcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Systemcall: %s\n", $localcall);
if ($callreturnvalue)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR: Could not execute \"%s\"!\n", $localcall);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Success: Executed \"%s\" successfully!\n", $localcall);
# Collect modules with product specific styles.
sub collect_modules_with_style
my ($style, $modulesarrayref) = @_;
my @allmodules = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesarrayref}; $i++ )
my $onemodule = ${$modulesarrayref}[$i];
my $styles = "";
if ( $onemodule->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onemodule->{'Styles'}; }
if ( $styles =~ /\b\Q$style\E\b/ )
push(@allmodules, $onemodule);
return \@allmodules;
# Remove modules without packagecontent.
sub remove_modules_without_package
my ($allmodules) = @_;
my @allmodules = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allmodules}; $i++ )
my $onemodule = ${$allmodules}[$i];
my $packagename = "";
if ( $onemodule->{'PackageName'} ) { $packagename = $onemodule->{'PackageName'}; }
if ( $packagename ne "" )
push(@allmodules, $onemodule);
return \@allmodules;
# Unpacking tar.gz file and setting new packagename.
sub unpack_tar_gz_file
my ($packagename, $destdir) = @_;
my $newpackagename = "";
if ( $packagename =~ /\.tar\.gz\s*$/ )
# Collecting all packages in directory "packages"
my $oldcontent = installer::systemactions::read_directory($destdir);
# unpacking gunzip
my $systemcall = "cd $destdir; cat $packagename | gunzip | tar -xf -";
# deleting the tar.gz files
$systemcall = "cd $destdir; rm -f $packagename";
# Finding new content -> that is the package name
my ($newcontent, $allcontent ) = installer::systemactions::find_new_content_in_directory($destdir, $oldcontent);
$newpackagename = ${$newcontent}[0];
if ( $newpackagename ne "" ) { $packagename = $newpackagename; }
return $packagename;
# Copying files of child projects.
sub copy_childproject_files
my ($allmodules, $sopackpath, $destdir, $modulesarrayref, $allvariables, $subdir, $includepatharrayref, $use_sopackpath) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allmodules}; $i++ )
my $localdestdir = $destdir;
my $onemodule = ${$allmodules}[$i];
my $packagename = $onemodule->{'PackageName'};
my $sourcefile = "";
if ( $use_sopackpath )
$sourcefile = $sopackpath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::compiler . $installer::globals::separator . $subdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
my $sourcepathref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$packagename, $includepatharrayref, 1);
$sourcefile = $$sourcepathref;
if ( ! -f $sourcefile ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: File not found: $sourcefile ($packagename) !", "copy_childproject_files"); }
if ( $onemodule->{'Subdir'} )
$localdestdir = $localdestdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onemodule->{'Subdir'};
if ( ! -d $localdestdir ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($localdestdir); }
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $localdestdir);
# Solaris: unpacking tar.gz files and setting new packagename
if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) { $packagename = unpack_tar_gz_file($packagename, $localdestdir); }
if (( $installer::globals::isxpdplatform ) && ( $allvariables->{'XPDINSTALLER'} ))
installer::xpdinstaller::create_xpd_file_for_childproject($onemodule, $localdestdir, $packagename, $allvariableshashref, $modulesarrayref);
# Copying files for system integration.
sub copy_and_unpack_tar_gz_files
my ($sourcefile, $destdir) = @_;
my $systemcall = "cd $destdir; cat $sourcefile | gunzip | tar -xf -";
# Including child packages into the
# installation set.
sub put_childprojects_into_installset
my ($newdir, $allvariables, $modulesarrayref, $includepatharrayref) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
my $sopackpath = "";
if ( $ENV{'SO_PACK'} ) { $sopackpath = $ENV{'SO_PACK'}; }
else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Environment variable SO_PACK not set!", "put_childprojects_into_installset"); }
my $destdir = "$newdir";
# adding Java
my $sourcefile = "";
# Finding the modules defined in scp (with flag JAVAMODULE, ADAMODULE, ...)
# Getting name of package from scp-Module
# Copy file into installation set
# Create xpd file and put it into xpd directory
# xpd file has to be created completely from module and package itself (-> no packagelist!)
if ( $allvariables->{'JAVAPRODUCT'} )
# Collect all modules with flag "JAVAMODULE"
my $allmodules = collect_modules_with_style("JAVAMODULE", $modulesarrayref);
$allmodules = remove_modules_without_package($allmodules);
copy_childproject_files($allmodules, $sopackpath, $destdir, $modulesarrayref, $allvariables, "jre", $includepatharrayref, 1);
# Adding additional required packages (freetype).
# This package names are stored in global array @installer::globals::requiredpackages
if ( $allvariables->{'ADDREQUIREDPACKAGES'} )
# Collect all modules with flag "REQUIREDPACKAGEMODULE"
my $allmodules = collect_modules_with_style("REQUIREDPACKAGEMODULE", $modulesarrayref);
$allmodules = remove_modules_without_package($allmodules);
copy_childproject_files($allmodules, $sopackpath, $destdir, $modulesarrayref, $allvariables, "requiredpackages", $includepatharrayref, 1);
# Collect all modules with flag "USERLANDMODULE"
my $alluserlandmodules = collect_modules_with_style("USERLANDMODULE", $modulesarrayref);
$alluserlandmodules = remove_modules_without_package($alluserlandmodules);
copy_childproject_files($alluserlandmodules, $sopackpath, $destdir, $modulesarrayref, $allvariables, "", $includepatharrayref, 0);
# Checking whether the new content is a directory and
# not a package. If it is a directory, the complete
# content of the directory has to be added to the
# array newcontent.
sub control_subdirectories
my ($content, $subdir) = @_;
my @newcontent = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$content}; $i++ )
if ( -d ${$content}[$i] )
$subdir = ${$content}[$i];
my $allpackages = installer::systemactions::read_directory(${$content}[$i]);
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$allpackages}; $j++ )
# Currently only Linux rpm is supported, debian packages cannot be installed via xpd installer
if (( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) && ( ! ( ${$allpackages}[$j] =~ /\.rpm\s*$/ ))) { next; }
push(@newcontent, ${$allpackages}[$j]);
push(@newcontent, ${$content}[$i]);
return (\@newcontent, $subdir);
# Including the system integration files into the
# installation sets.
sub put_systemintegration_into_installset
my ($newdir, $includepatharrayref, $allvariables, $modulesarrayref) = @_;
my $destdir = $newdir;
# adding System integration files
my $sourcefile = "";
# Finding the modules defined in scp (with flag SYSTEMMODULE)
# Getting name of package from scp-Module
# Search package in list off all include files
# Copy file into installation set and unpack it (always tar.gz)
# Create xpd file and put it into xpd directory
# tar.gz can contain a different number of packages -> automatically create hidden sub modules
# xpd file has to be created completely from module and package itself (-> no packagelist!)
# Collect all modules with flag "SYSTEMMODULE"
my $allmodules = collect_modules_with_style("SYSTEMMODULE", $modulesarrayref);
$allmodules = remove_modules_without_package($allmodules);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allmodules}; $i++ )
my $onemodule = ${$allmodules}[$i];
my $packagetarfilename = $onemodule->{'PackageName'};
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Including into installation set: %s\n", $packagetarfilename);
my $sourcepathref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$packagetarfilename, $includepatharrayref, 1);
if ( $$sourcepathref eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Source path not found for $packagetarfilename!", "copy_systemintegration_files"); }
# Collecting all packages in directory "packages" or "RPMS"
my $oldcontent = installer::systemactions::read_directory($destdir);
copy_and_unpack_tar_gz_files($$sourcepathref, $destdir);
# Finding new content -> that is the package name
my ($newcontent, $allcontent ) = installer::systemactions::find_new_content_in_directory($destdir, $oldcontent);
# special handling, if new content is a directory
my $subdir = "";
if ( ! $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) { ($newcontent, $subdir) = control_subdirectories($newcontent); }
# Adding license content into Solaris packages
if (( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::englishlicenseset ) && ( ! $variableshashref->{'NO_LICENSE_INTO_COPYRIGHT'} )) { installer::worker::add_license_into_systemintegrationpackages($destdir, $newcontent); }
if (( $installer::globals::isxpdplatform ) && ( $allvariables->{'XPDINSTALLER'} ))
installer::xpdinstaller::create_xpd_file_for_systemintegration($onemodule, $newcontent, $modulesarrayref, $subdir);
# Analyzing the Unix installation path.
# From the installation path /opt/openofficeorg20
# is the part /opt relocatable and the part
# openofficeorg20 static.
sub analyze_rootpath
my ($rootpath, $staticpathref, $relocatablepathref, $allvariables) = @_;
$rootpath =~ s/\/\s*$//; # removing ending slash
# Version 1: "/opt" is variable and "openofficeorg20" fixed
# my $staticpath = $rootpath;
# installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$staticpath);
# $$staticpathref = $staticpath; # will be "openofficeorg20"
# my $relocatablepath = $rootpath;
# installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$relocatablepath);
# $$relocatablepathref = $relocatablepath; # will be "/opt/"
# Version 2: "/opt/openofficeorg20" is variable and "" fixed
# if ( $$relocatablepathref eq "" ) # relocatablepath is not defined in package list
# {
# $$staticpathref = ""; # will be ""
# $$relocatablepathref = $rootpath . "\/"; # relocatable path must end with "/", will be "/opt/openofficeorg20/"
# # setting the static path to the hostname of the directory with style OFFICEDIRECTORY
# if ( $allvariables->{'SETSTATICPATH'} ) { $$staticpathref = $installer::globals::officedirhostname; }
# }
# else # relocatablepath is defined in package list
# {
# $$relocatablepathref =~ s/\/\s*$//; # removing ending slash
# $$relocatablepathref = $$relocatablepathref . "\/"; # relocatable path must end with "/"
# my $staticpath = $rootpath;
# $staticpath =~ s/\Q$$relocatablepathref\E//;
# $staticpath =~ s/\/\s*$//;
# $$staticpathref = $staticpath;
# }
# Version 3: "/" is variable and "/opt/openofficeorg20" fixed
$$relocatablepathref = "/";
# Static path has to contain the office directory name. This is replaced in shellscripts.
$$staticpathref = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::officedirhostname;
# For RPM version 3.x it is required, that Prefix is not "/" in spec file. In this case --relocate will not work,
# because RPM 3.x says, that the package is not relocatable. Therefore we have to use Prefix=/opt and for
# all usages of --relocate this path has to be on both sides of the "=": --relocate /opt=<myselectdir>/opt .
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
$$relocatablepathref = $rootpath . "\/"; # relocatable path must end with "/", will be "/opt/"
$$staticpathref = $installer::globals::officedirhostname; # to be used as replacement in shell scripts
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxdebbuild )
$$relocatablepathref = "";
# $$staticpathref is already "/opt/openoffice.org3", no additional $rootpath required.
# $$staticpathref = $rootpath . $installer::globals::separator . $$staticpathref; # no relocatibility for Debian
# Including license and readme into
# Unix installation sets.
sub put_installsetfiles_into_installset
my ($destdir) = @_;
# All files for the installation set are saved in the global
# array @installer::globals::installsetfiles
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::installsetfiles; $i++ )
my $onefile = $installer::globals::installsetfiles[$i];
my $sourcefile = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
my $destfile = "";
if ( $installer::globals::addjavainstaller ) { $destfile = $onefile->{'Name'}; }
else { $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onefile->{'Name'}; }
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Adding to installation set \"%s\" from source \"%s\".\n",
$destfile, $sourcefile);
# Replacing one variable in patchinfo file
sub replace_one_variable_in_file
my ( $file, $placeholder, $value ) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$file}; $i++ )
${$file}[$i] =~ s/$placeholder/$value/g;
# Setting variables in the patchinfo file
sub set_patchinfo
my ( $patchinfofile, $patchid, $allvariables ) = @_;
replace_one_variable_in_file($patchinfofile, "PATCHIDPLACEHOLDER", $patchid);
my $architecture = "";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild ) { $architecture = "sparc"; }
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $architecture = "i386"; }
replace_one_variable_in_file($patchinfofile, "ARCHITECTUREPLACEHOLDER", $architecture);
if ( ! $allvariables->{'SOLARISPATCHCORRECTS'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No setting for PATCH_CORRECTS in zip list file!", "set_patchinfo"); }
my $patchcorrects = $allvariables->{'SOLARISPATCHCORRECTS'};
replace_one_variable_in_file($patchinfofile, "PATCHCORRECTSPLACEHOLDER", $patchcorrects);
# Setting also PATCH_REQUIRES in patch info file, if entry in zip list file exists
my $requiresstring = "";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild ) { $requiresstring = "SOLSPARCPATCHREQUIRES"; }
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $requiresstring = "SOLIAPATCHREQUIRES"; }
if ( $allvariables->{$requiresstring} )
my $newline = "PATCH_REQUIRES=\"" . $allvariables->{$requiresstring} . "\"" . "\n";
push(@{$patchinfofile}, $newline);
# Finalizing patch: Renaming directory and
# including additional patch files.
sub finalize_patch
my ( $newepmdir, $allvariables ) = @_;
my $patchidname = "SOLSPARCPATCHID";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build ) { $patchidname = "SOLIAPATCHID"; }
if ( ! $allvariables->{$patchidname} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Variable $patchidname not defined in zip list file!", "finalize_patch"); }
my $patchid = $allvariables->{$patchidname};
installer::systemactions::rename_directory($newepmdir, $patchid);
# Copying all typical patch files into the patch directory
# All patch file names are stored in @installer::globals::solarispatchfiles
# Location of the file is $installer::globals::patchincludepath
my $sourcepath = $installer::globals::patchincludepath;
$sourcepath =~ s/\/\s*$//;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::solarispatchfiles; $i++ )
my $sourcefile = $sourcepath . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::solarispatchfiles[$i];
my $destfile = $patchid . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::solarispatchfiles[$i];
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile);
# And editing the patchinfo file
my $patchinfofilename = $patchid . $installer::globals::separator . "patchinfo";
my $patchinfofile = installer::files::read_file($patchinfofilename);
set_patchinfo($patchinfofile, $patchid, $allvariables);
installer::files::save_file($patchinfofilename, $patchinfofile);
# Finalizing Linux patch: Renaming directory and
# including additional patch files.
sub finalize_linux_patch
my ( $newepmdir, $allvariables, $includepatharrayref ) = @_;
# Copying the setup into the patch directory
# and including the list of RPMs into it
print "... creating patch setup ...\n";
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating Linux patch setup:");
# find and read setup script template
my $scriptfilename = "";
my $scriptref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$scriptfilename, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$scriptref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find patch script template $scriptfilename!", "finalize_linux_patch"); }
my $scriptfile = installer::files::read_file($$scriptref);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Found script file %s: %s \n", $scriptfilename, $$scriptref);
# Collecting all RPMs in the patch directory
my $fileextension = "rpm";
my $rpmfiles = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension($fileextension, $newepmdir);
if ( ! ( $#{$rpmfiles} > -1 )) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find rpm in directory $newepmdir!", "finalize_linux_patch"); }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$rpmfiles}; $i++ ) { installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\${$rpmfiles}[$i]); }
# my $installline = "";
# for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$rpmfiles}; $i++ )
# {
# $installline = $installline . " rpm --prefix \$PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION -U $newepmdir/${$rpmfiles}[$i]\n";
# }
# $installline =~ s/\s*$//;
# for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$scriptfile}; $j++ )
# {
# ${$scriptfile}[$j] =~ s/INSTALLLINES/$installline/;
# }
# Searching packagename containing -core01
my $found_package = 0;
my $searchpackagename = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$rpmfiles}; $i++ )
if ( ${$rpmfiles}[$i] =~ /-core01-/ )
$searchpackagename = ${$rpmfiles}[$i];
$found_package = 1;
if ( $searchpackagename =~ /^\s*(.*?-core01)-.*/ ) { $searchpackagename = $1; }
if ( ! $found_package ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No package containing \"-core01\" found in directory \"$newepmdir\"", "finalize_linux_patch"); }
# Replacing the searchpackagename
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$scriptfile}; $j++ ) { ${$scriptfile}[$j] =~ s/SEARCHPACKAGENAMEPLACEHOLDER/$searchpackagename/; }
# Setting the PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME to $installer::globals::officedirhostname
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$scriptfile}; $j++ ) { ${$scriptfile}[$j] =~ s/PRODUCTDIRECTORYNAME/$installer::globals::officedirhostname/; }
# Replacing the productname
my $productname = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$productname = lc($productname);
$productname =~ s/ /_/g; # abc office -> abc_office
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Adding productname %s into Linux patch script\n", $productname);
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$scriptfile}; $j++ ) { ${$scriptfile}[$j] =~ s/PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER/$productname/; }
# Saving the file
my $newscriptfilename = "setup"; # $newepmdir . $installer::globals::separator . "setup";
installer::files::save_file($newscriptfilename, $scriptfile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Saved Linux patch setup %s\n", $newscriptfilename);
# Setting unix rights 755
my $localcall = "chmod 775 $newscriptfilename \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";