blob: c1811345449af4114e303b742c5443c34014a918 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# - wrap common childworkspace operations
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use Cwd;
use Benchmark;
#### module lookup
my @lib_dirs;
if ( !defined($ENV{SOLARENV}) ) {
die "No environment found (environment variable SOLARENV is undefined)";
push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules");
use lib (@lib_dirs);
use Cws;
#### script id #####
( my $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/;
#### globals ####
# TODO: replace dummy vales with actual source_config migration milestone
my $ooo320_source_config_milestone = 'm999';
# valid command with possible abbreviations
my @valid_commands = (
'help', 'h', '?',
'fetch', 'f',
'query', 'q',
'task', 't',
# list the valid options to each command
my %valid_options_hash = (
'help' => ['help'],
'create' => ['help', 'milestone', 'migration', 'hg'],
'fetch' => ['help', 'milestone', 'childworkspace','platforms','noautocommon',
'quiet', 'onlysolver', 'additionalrepositories'],
'query' => ['help', 'milestone','masterworkspace','childworkspace'],
'task' => ['help'],
'setcurrent' => ['help', 'milestone'],
'eisclone' => ['help']
my %valid_commands_hash;
for (@valid_commands) {
# set by --debug switch
my $debug = 0;
# set by --profile switch
my $profile = 0;
#### main ####
my ($command, $args_ref, $options_ref) = parse_command_line();
dispatch_command($command, $args_ref, $options_ref);
#### subroutines ####
# Parses the command line. does prelimiary argument and option verification
sub parse_command_line
if (@ARGV == 0) {
my %options_hash;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("no_auto_abbrev", "no_ignorecase");
my $success = GetOptions(\%options_hash, 'milestone|m=s',
my $command = shift @ARGV;
if (!exists $valid_commands_hash{$command}) {
print_error("Unknown command: '$command'\n");
if ($command eq 'h' || $command eq '?') {
$command = 'help';
elsif ($command eq 'f') {
$command = 'fetch';
elsif ($command eq 'q') {
$command = 'query';
elsif ($command eq 't') {
$command = 'task';
# An unknown option might be accompanied with a valid command.
# Show the command specific help
if ( !$success ) {
verify_options($command, \%options_hash);
return ($command, \@ARGV, \%options_hash);
# Verify options against the valid options list.
sub verify_options
my $command = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
my $valid_command_options_ref = $valid_options_hash{$command};
my %valid_command_options_hash;
foreach (@{$valid_command_options_ref}) {
# check all specified options against the valid options for the sub command
foreach (keys %{$options_ref}) {
if ( /debug/ ) {
$debug = 1;
if ( /profile/ ) {
$profile = 1;
if (!exists $valid_command_options_hash{$_}) {
print_error("can't use option '--$_' with subcommand '$command'.", 1);
# Dispatches to the do_xxx() routines depending on command.
sub dispatch_command
my $command = shift;
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
no strict 'refs';
&{"do_".$command}($args_ref, $options_ref);
# Returns the global cws object.
my $the_cws;
sub get_this_cws {
if (!defined($the_cws)) {
$the_cws = Cws->new();
return $the_cws;
else {
return $the_cws;
# Returns a list of the master workspaces.
sub get_master_workspaces
my $cws = get_this_cws();
my @masters = $cws->get_masters();
return wantarray ? @masters : \@masters;
# Checks if master argument is a valid MWS name.
my %master_hash;
sub is_master
my $master_name = shift;
if (!%master_hash) {
my @masters = get_master_workspaces();
foreach (@masters) {
return exists $master_hash{$master_name} ? 1 : 0;
# Fetches the current CWS from environment, returns a Cws object
sub get_cws_from_environment
my $child = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP};
my $master = $ENV{WORK_STAMP};
if ( !$child ) {
print_error("Environment variable CWS_WORK_STAMP is not set. Please set it to your CWS name.", 2);
if ( !$master ) {
print_error("Environment variable WORK_STAMP is not set. Please set it to the MWS name.", 2);
my $cws = get_this_cws();
# Check if we got a valid child workspace.
my $id = $cws->eis_id();
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... master: $master, child: $child, $id\n";
if ( !$id ) {
print_error("Child workspace $child for master workspace $master not found in EIS database.", 2);
return ($cws);
# Fetches the CWS by name, returns a Cws object
sub get_cws_by_name
my $child = shift;
my $cws = get_this_cws();
# Check if we got a valid child workspace.
my $id = $cws->eis_id();
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: child: $child, $id\n";
if ( !$id ) {
print_error("Child workspace $child not found in EIS database.", 2);
# Update masterws part of Cws object.
my $masterws = $cws->get_mws();
if ( $cws->master() ne $masterws ) {
# can this still happen?
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: get_cws_by_name(): fixup of masterws in cws object detected\n";
return ($cws);
# Register child workspace with eis.
sub register_child_workspace
my $cws = shift;
my $scm = shift;
my $is_promotion = shift;
my $milestone = $cws->milestone();
my $child = $cws->child();
my $master = $cws->master();
# TODO: introduce a EIS_USER in the configuration, which should be used here
my $config = CwsConfig->new();
my $vcsid = $config->vcsid();
# TODO: there is no real need for socustom anymore, should go ASAP
my $socustom = $config->sointernal();
if ( !$vcsid ) {
if ( $socustom ) {
print_error("Can't determine owner for CWS '$child'. Please set VCSID environment variable.", 11);
else {
print_error("Can't determine owner for CWS '$child'. Please set CVS_ID entry in \$HOME/.cwsrc.", 11);
if ( $is_promotion ) {
my $rc = $cws->set_scm($scm);
if ( !$rc ) {
print_error("Failed to set the SCM property '$scm' on child workspace '$child'.\nContact EIS administrator!\n", 12);
$rc = $cws->promote($vcsid, "");
if ( !$rc ) {
print_error("Failed to promote child workspace '$child' to status 'new'.\n", 12);
else {
print "\n***** Successfully ***** promoted child workspace '$child' to status 'new'.\n";
print "Milestone: '$milestone'.\n";
else {
my $eis_id = $cws->register($vcsid, "");
if ( !defined($eis_id) ) {
print_error("Failed to register child workspace '$child' for master '$master'.", 12);
else {
my $rc = $cws->set_scm($scm);
if ( !$rc ) {
print_error("Failed to set the SCM property '$scm' on child workspace '$child'.\nContact EIS administrator!\n", 12);
print "\n***** Successfully ***** registered child workspace '$child'\n";
print "for master workspace '$master' (milestone '$milestone').\n";
print "Child workspace Id: $eis_id.\n";
return 0;
sub print_time_elapsed
my $t_start = shift;
my $t_stop = shift;
my $time_diff = timediff($t_stop, $t_start);
print_message("... finished in " . timestr($time_diff));
sub hgrc_append_push_path_and_hooks
my $target = shift;
my $cws_source = shift;
$cws_source =~ s/http:\/\//ssh:\/\/hg@/;
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: hgrc_append_push_path_and_hooks(): default-push path: '$cws_source'\n";
if ( !open(HGRC, ">>$target/.hg/hgrc") ) {
print_error("Can't append to hgrc file of repository '$target'.\n", 88);
print HGRC "default-push = " . "$cws_source\n";
print HGRC "[extensions]\n";
print HGRC "hgext.win32text=\n";
print HGRC "[hooks]\n";
print HGRC "# Reject commits which would introduce windows-style CR/LF files\n";
print HGRC "pretxncommit.crlf = python:hgext.win32text.forbidcrlf\n";
sub hg_clone_cws_or_milestone
my $rep_type = shift;
my $cws = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $clone_milestone_only = shift;
my ($hg_local_source, $hg_lan_source, $hg_remote_source);
my $config = CwsConfig->new();
$hg_local_source = $config->get_hg_source(uc $rep_type, 'LOCAL');
$hg_lan_source = $config->get_hg_source(uc $rep_type, 'LAN');
$hg_remote_source = $config->get_hg_source(uc $rep_type, 'REMOTE');
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my ($master_local_source, $master_lan_source);
$master_local_source = "$hg_local_source/" . $masterws;
$master_lan_source = "$hg_lan_source/" . $masterws;
my $milestone_tag;
if ( $clone_milestone_only ) {
$milestone_tag = uc($masterws) . '_' . $clone_milestone_only;
else {
my @tags = $cws->get_tags();
$milestone_tag = $tags[3];
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: master_local_source: '$master_local_source'\n";
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: master_lan_source: '$master_lan_source'\n";
if ( !-d $master_local_source ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: not a directory '$master_local_source'\n";
my $pull_from_remote = 0;
my $cws_remote_source;
if ( !$clone_milestone_only ) {
if ($rep_type eq "ooo" || $rep_type eq "so")
$cws_remote_source = "$hg_remote_source/cws/" . $cws->child();
# e.g. cws_l10n
$cws_remote_source = "$hg_remote_source/cws_".$rep_type."/" . $cws->child();
# The outgoing repository might not yet be available. Which is not
# an error. Since pulling from the cws outgoing URL results in an ugly
# and hardly understandable error message, we check for availibility
# first. TODO: incorporate configured proxy instead of env_proxy. Use
# a dedicated request and content-type to find out if the repo is there
# instead of parsing the content of the page
print_message("... check availibility of 'outgoing' repository '$cws_remote_source'.");
require LWP::Simple;
my $content = LWP::Simple::get($cws_remote_source);
my $pattern = "<title>cws/". $cws->child();
my $pattern2 = "<title>cws_".$rep_type."/". $cws->child();
if ( $content && ($content =~ /$pattern/ || $content =~ /$pattern2/) ) {
$pull_from_remote = 1;
else {
print_message("... 'outgoing' repository '$cws_remote_source' is not accessible/available yet.");
# clone repository (without working tree if we still need to pull from remote)
my $clone_with_update = !$pull_from_remote;
hg_clone_repository($master_local_source, $master_lan_source, $target, $milestone_tag, $clone_with_update);
# now pull from the remote cws outgoing repository if its already available
if ( $pull_from_remote ) {
hg_remote_pull_repository($cws_remote_source, $target);
# if we fetched a CWS adorn the result with push-path and hooks
if ( $cws_remote_source ) {
hgrc_append_push_path_and_hooks($target, $cws_remote_source);
# update the result if necessary
if ( !$clone_with_update ) {
sub hg_clone_repository
my $local_source = shift;
my $lan_source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $milestone_tag = shift;
my $update = shift;
my $t1 = Benchmark->new();
my $source;
my $clone_option = $update ? '' : '-U ';
if ( -d $local_source && can_use_hardlinks($local_source, $dest) ) {
$source = $local_source;
if ( !hg_milestone_is_latest_in_repository($local_source, $milestone_tag) ) {
$clone_option .= "-r $milestone_tag";
print_message("... clone LOCAL repository '$local_source' to '$dest'");
else {
$source = $lan_source;
$clone_option .= "-r $milestone_tag";
print_message("... clone LAN repository '$lan_source' to '$dest'");
hg_clone($source, $dest, $clone_option);
my $t2 = Benchmark->new();
print_time_elapsed($t1, $t2) if $profile;
sub hg_remote_pull_repository
my $remote_source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $t1 = Benchmark->new();
print_message("... pull from REMOTE repository '$remote_source' to '$dest'");
hg_pull($dest, $remote_source);
my $t2 = Benchmark->new();
print_time_elapsed($t1, $t2) if $profile;
sub hg_update_repository
my $dest = shift;
my $t1 = Benchmark->new();
print_message("... update repository '$dest'");
my $t2 = Benchmark->new();
print_time_elapsed($t1, $t2) if $profile;
sub hg_milestone_is_latest_in_repository
my $repository = shift;
my $milestone_tag = shift;
# Our milestone is the lastest thing in the repository
# if the parent of the repository tip is adorned
# with the milestone tag.
my $tags_of_parent_of_tip = hg_parent($repository, 'tip', "--template='{tags}\\n'");
if ( $tags_of_parent_of_tip =~ /\b$milestone_tag\b/ ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Check if clone source and destination are on the same filesystem,
# in that case hg clone can employ hard links.
sub can_use_hardlinks
my $source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
# no hard links on windows
return 0;
# st_dev is the first field return by stat()
my @stat_source = stat($source);
my @stat_dest = stat(dirname($dest));
if ( $debug ) {
my $source_result = defined($stat_source[0]) ? $stat_source[0] : 'stat failed';
my $dest_result = defined($stat_dest[0]) ? $stat_dest[0] : 'stat failed';
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: can_use_hardlinks(): source device: '$stat_source[0]', destination device: '$stat_dest[0]'\n";
if ( defined($stat_source[0]) && defined($stat_dest[0]) && $stat_source[0] == $stat_dest[0] ) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub query_cws
my $query_mode = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
# get master and child workspace
my $masterws = exists $options_ref->{'masterworkspace'} ? uc($options_ref->{'masterworkspace'}) : $ENV{WORK_STAMP};
my $childws = exists $options_ref->{'childworkspace'} ? $options_ref->{'childworkspace'} : $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP};
my $milestone = exists $options_ref->{'milestone'} ? $options_ref->{'milestone'} : 'latest';
if ( !defined($masterws) && $query_mode ne 'masters') {
print_error("Can't determine master workspace environment.\n", 30);
if ( ($query_mode eq 'integratedinto' || $query_mode eq 'incompatible' || $query_mode eq 'taskids' || $query_mode eq 'status' || $query_mode eq 'current' || $query_mode eq 'owner' || $query_mode eq 'qarep' || $query_mode eq 'issubversion' || $query_mode eq 'ispublic' || $query_mode eq 'build') && !defined($childws) ) {
print_error("Can't determine child workspace environment.\n", 30);
my $cws = Cws->new();
if ( defined($childws) ) {
if ( defined($masterws) ) {
no strict;
&{"query_".$query_mode}($cws, $milestone);
sub query_integratedinto
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $milestone = $cws->get_milestone_integrated();
print_message("Integrated into:");
print defined($milestone) ? "$milestone\n" : "unknown\n";
sub query_incompatible
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my @modules = $cws->incompatible_modules();
print_message("Incompatible Modules:");
foreach (@modules) {
if ( defined($_) ) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_taskids
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my @taskids = $cws->taskids();
print_message("Task ID(s):");
foreach (@taskids) {
if ( defined($_) ) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_status
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $status = $cws->get_approval();
if ( !$status ) {
print_error("Internal error: can't get approval status.", 3);
} else {
print_message("Approval status:");
print "$status\n";
sub query_scm
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my $childws = $cws->child();
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $scm = $cws->get_scm();
if ( !defined($scm) ) {
print_error("Internal error: can't retrieve scm info.", 3);
} else {
print_message("Child workspace uses '$scm'.");
sub query_ispublic
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my $childws = $cws->child();
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $ispublic = $cws->get_public_flag();
if ( !defined($ispublic) ) {
print_error("Internal error: can't get isPublic flag.", 3);
} else {
if ( $ispublic==1 ) {
print_message("Child workspace is public");
} else {
print_message("Child workspace is internal");
sub query_current
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $milestone = $cws->milestone();
if ( !$milestone ) {
print_error("Internal error: can't get current milestone.", 3);
} else {
print_message("Current milestone:");
print "$milestone\n";
sub query_owner
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $owner = $cws->get_owner();
if ( !$owner ) {
print "not set\n" ;
} else {
print "$owner\n";
sub query_qarep
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $qarep = $cws->get_qarep();
print_message("QA Representative:");
if ( !$qarep ) {
print "not set\n" ;
} else {
print "$qarep\n";
sub query_build
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $build = $cws->get_build();
if ( $build ) {
print "$build\n";
sub query_latest
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my $latest = $cws->get_current_milestone($masterws);
if ( $latest ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("Latest milestone available for update:");
print "$masterws $latest\n";
else {
print_error("Can't determine latest milestone of '$masterws' available for update.", 3);
sub query_masters
my $cws = shift;
my @mws = $cws->get_masters();
my $list="";
if ( @mws ) {
foreach (@mws) {
if ( $list ne "" ) {
$list .= ", ";
$list .= $_;
print_message("Master workspaces available: $list");
else {
print_error("Can't determine masterworkspaces.", 3);
sub query_milestones
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @milestones = $cws->get_milestones($masterws);
my $list="";
if ( @milestones ) {
foreach (@milestones) {
if ( $list ne "" ) {
$list .= ", ";
$list .= $_;
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("Milestones known on Master: $list");
else {
print_error("Can't determine milestones of '$masterws'.", 3);
sub query_ispublicmaster
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my $ispublic = $cws->get_publicmaster_flag();
my $list="";
if ( defined($ispublic) ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
if ( !defined($ispublic) ) {
print_error("Internal error: can't get isPublicMaster flag.", 3);
} else {
if ( $ispublic==1 ) {
print_message("Master workspace is public");
} else {
print_message("Master workspace is internal");
else {
print_error("Can't determine isPublicMaster flag of '$masterws'.", 3);
sub query_buildid
my $cws = shift;
my $milestone = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
if ( $milestone eq 'latest' ) {
$milestone = $cws->get_current_milestone($masterws);
if ( !$milestone ) {
print_error("Can't determine latest milestone of '$masterws'.", 3);
if ( !$cws->is_milestone($masterws, $milestone) ) {
print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is no a valid milestone of '$masterws'.", 3);
my $buildid = $cws->get_buildid($masterws, $milestone);
if ( $buildid ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("BuildId for milestone '$milestone':");
sub query_integrated
my $cws = shift;
my $milestone = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
if ( $milestone eq 'latest' ) {
$milestone = $cws->get_current_milestone($masterws);
if ( !$milestone ) {
print_error("Can't determine latest milestone of '$masterws'.", 3);
if ( !$cws->is_milestone($masterws, $milestone) ) {
print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is no a valid milestone of '$masterws'.", 3);
my @integrated_cws = $cws->get_integrated_cws($masterws, $milestone);
if ( @integrated_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("Integrated CWSs for milestone '$milestone':");
foreach (@integrated_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_approved
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @approved_cws = $cws->get_cws_with_state($masterws, 'approved by QA');
if ( @approved_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("CWSs approved by QA:");
foreach (@approved_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_nominated
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @nominated_cws = $cws->get_cws_with_state($masterws, 'nominated');
if ( @nominated_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("Nominated CWSs:");
foreach (@nominated_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_ready
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @ready_cws = $cws->get_cws_with_state($masterws, 'ready for QA');
if ( @ready_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("CWSs ready for QA:");
foreach (@ready_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_new
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @ready_cws = $cws->get_cws_with_state($masterws, 'new');
if ( @ready_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("CWSs with state 'new':");
foreach (@ready_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub query_planned
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my @ready_cws = $cws->get_cws_with_state($masterws, 'planned');
if ( @ready_cws ) {
print_message("Master workspace '$masterws':");
print_message("CWSs with state 'planned':");
foreach (@ready_cws) {
print "$_\n";
sub is_valid_cws
my $cws = shift;
my $masterws = $cws->master();
my $childws = $cws->child();
# check if we got a valid child workspace
my $id = $cws->eis_id();
if ( !$id ) {
print_error("Child workspace '$childws' for master workspace '$masterws' not found in EIS database.", 2);
print STDERR "Master workspace '$masterws', child workspace '$childws'\n";
return 1;
sub query_release
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $release = $cws->get_release();
print_message("Release target:");
if ( !$release ) {
print "not set\n";
} else {
print "$release\n";
sub query_due
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $due = $cws->get_due_date();
print_message("Due date:");
if ( !$due ) {
print "not set\n";
} else {
print "$due\n";
sub query_due_qa
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $due_qa = $cws->get_due_date_qa();
print_message("Due date (QA):");
if ( !$due_qa ) {
print "not set\n";
} else {
print "$due_qa\n";
sub query_help
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $help = $cws->is_helprelevant();
print_message("Help relevant:");
if ( !$help ) {
print "false\n";
} else {
print "true\n";
sub query_ui
my $cws = shift;
if ( is_valid_cws($cws) ) {
my $help = $cws->is_uirelevant();
print_message("UI relevant:");
if ( !$help ) {
print "false\n";
} else {
print "true\n";
sub verify_milestone
my $cws = shift;
my $qualified_milestone = shift;
my $invalid = 0;
my ($master, $milestone);
$invalid++ if $qualified_milestone =~ /-/;
if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) {
($master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone);
$invalid++ unless ( $master && $milestone );
else {
$milestone = $qualified_milestone;
if ( $invalid ) {
print_error("Invalid milestone", 0);
$master = $cws->master() if !$master;
if ( !$cws->is_milestone($master, $milestone) ) {
print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is not registered with master workspace '$master'.", 21);
return ($master, $milestone);
sub relink_workspace {
my $linkdir = shift;
my $restore = shift;
# The list of obligatorily added modules, build will not work
# if these are not present.
my %added_modules_hash;
if (defined $ENV{ADDED_MODULES}) {
for ( split(/\s/, $ENV{ADDED_MODULES}) ) {
# clean out pre-existing linkdir
my $bd = dirname($linkdir);
if ( !opendir(DIR, $bd) ) {
print_error("Can't open directory '$bd': $!.", 44);
my @old_link_dirs = grep { /^src.m\d+/ } readdir(DIR);
if ( @old_link_dirs > 1 ) {
print_error("Found more than one old link directories:", 0);
foreach (@old_link_dirs) {
print STDERR "@old_link_dirs\n";
if ( $restore ) {
print_error("Please remove all old link directories but the last one", 67);
# Originally the extension .lnk indicated a linked module. This turned out to be
# not an overly smart choice. Cygwin has some heuristics which regards .lnk
# files as Windows shortcuts, breaking the build. Use .link instead.
# When in restoring mode still consider .lnk as link to modules (for old CWSs)
my $old_link_dir = "$bd/" . $old_link_dirs[0];
if ( $restore ) {
if ( !opendir(DIR, $old_link_dir) ) {
print_error("Can't open directory '$old_link_dir': $!.", 44);
my @links = grep { !(/\.lnk/ || /\.link/) } readdir(DIR);
# everything which is not a link to a directory can't be an "added" module
foreach (@links) {
next if /^\./;
my $link = "$old_link_dir/$_";
if ( -s $link && -d $link ) {
$added_modules_hash{$_} = 1;
print_message("... removing '$old_link_dir'");
rmtree([$old_link_dir], 0);
print_message("... (re)create '$linkdir'");
if ( !mkdir("$linkdir") ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$linkdir': $!.", 44);
if ( !opendir(DIR, "$bd/ooo") ) {
print_error("Can't open directory '$bd/sun': $!.", 44);
my @ooo_top_level_dirs = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DIR);
if ( !opendir(DIR, "$bd/sun") ) {
print_error("Can't open directory '$bd/sun': $!.", 44);
my @so_top_level_dirs = grep { !/^\./ } readdir(DIR);
my $savedir = getcwd();
if ( !chdir($linkdir) ) {
print_error("Can't chdir() to directory '$linkdir': $!.", 44);
my $suffix = '.link';
foreach(@ooo_top_level_dirs) {
if ( $_ eq 'REBASE.LOG' || $_ eq 'REBASE.CONFIG_DONT_DELETE' ) {
my $target = $_;
if ( -d "../ooo/$_" && !exists $added_modules_hash{$_} ) {
$target .= $suffix;
if ( !symlink("../ooo/$_", $target) ) {
print_error("Can't symlink directory '../ooo/$_ -> $target': $!.", 44);
foreach(@so_top_level_dirs) {
if ( $_ eq 'REBASE.LOG' || $_ eq 'REBASE.CONFIG_DONT_DELETE' ) {
my $target = $_;
if ( -d "../sun/$_" && !exists $added_modules_hash{$_} ) {
$target .= $suffix;
if ( !symlink("../sun/$_", $target) ) {
print_error("Can't symlink directory '../sun/$_ -> $target': $!.", 44);
if ( !chdir($savedir) ) {
print_error("Can't chdir() to directory '$linkdir': $!.", 44);
sub fetch_external_tarballs
my $source_root_dir = shift;
my $external_tarballs_source = shift;
my $ooo_external_file = "$source_root_dir/ooo/ooo.lst";
my $sun_external_file = "$source_root_dir/sun/sun.lst";
my $sun_path = "$source_root_dir/sun";
my @external_sources_list;
push(@external_sources_list, read_external_file($ooo_external_file));
if ( -d $sun_path ) {
if ( -e $sun_external_file ) {
push(@external_sources_list, read_external_file($sun_external_file));
else {
print_error("Can't find external file list '$sun_external_file'.", 8);
my $ext_sources_dir = "$source_root_dir/ext_sources";
print_message("Copy external tarballs to '$ext_sources_dir'");
if ( ! -d $ext_sources_dir) {
if ( !mkdir($ext_sources_dir) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$ext_sources_dir': $!.", 44);
foreach (@external_sources_list) {
if ( ! copy("$external_tarballs_source/$_", $ext_sources_dir) ) {
print_error("Can't copy file '$external_tarballs_source' -> '$ext_sources_dir': $!", 0);
sub read_external_file
my $external_file = shift;
my @external_sources;
open(EXT, "<$external_file") or print_error("Can't open file '$external_file' for reading: $!", 98);
while(<EXT>) {
if ( !/^http:/ ) {
push(@external_sources, $_);
return @external_sources;
sub update_solver
my $platform = shift;
my $source = shift;
my $solver = shift;
my $milestone = shift;
my $source_config = shift;
my @zip_sub_dirs = ('bin', 'doc', 'idl', 'inc', 'lib', 'par', 'pck', 'pdb', 'pus', 'rdb', 'res', 'xml', 'sdf');
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
my $platform_solver = "$solver/$platform";
if ( -d $platform_solver ) {
print_message("... removing old solver for platform '$platform'");
if ( !rmtree([$platform_solver]) ) {
print_error("Can't remove directory '$platform_solver': $!.", 44);
if ( !mkdir("$platform_solver") ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$platform_solver': $!.", 44);
my $platform_source = "$source/$platform/zip.$milestone";
if ( !opendir(DIR, "$platform_source") ) {
print_error("Can't open directory '$platform_source': $!.", 44);
my @zips = grep { /\.zip$/ } readdir(DIR);
my $nzips = @zips;
print_message("... unzipping $nzips zip archives for platform '$platform'");
foreach(@zips) {
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
unless ( $zip->read( "$platform_source/$_" ) == AZ_OK ) {
print_error("Can't read zip file '$platform_source/$_': $!.", 44);
# TODO: check for erorrs
foreach (@zip_sub_dirs) {
my $extract_destination = $source_config ? "$platform_solver/$_" : "$platform_solver/$_.$milestone";
unless ( $zip->extractTree($_, $extract_destination) == AZ_OK ) {
print_error("Can't extract stream from zip file '$platform_source/$_': $!.", 44);
# TODO: special provisions for "source_config" migration, remove this
# some time after migration
sub get_source_config_for_milestone
my $masterws = shift;
my $milestone = shift;
my $milestone_sequence_number = extract_milestone_sequence_number($milestone);
my $ooo320_migration_sequence_number = extract_milestone_sequence_number($ooo320_source_config_milestone);
my $source_config = 1;
if ( $masterws eq 'OOO320' ) {
if ( $milestone_sequence_number < $ooo320_migration_sequence_number ) {
$source_config = 0;
return $source_config;
sub extract_milestone_sequence_number
my $milestone = shift;
my $milestone_sequence_number;
if ( $milestone =~ /m(\d+)/ ) {
$milestone_sequence_number = $1;
else {
print_error("can't extract milestone sequence number from milestone '$milestone'", 99);
return $milestone_sequence_number;
# Executes the help command.
sub do_help
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
if (@{$args_ref} == 0) {
print STDERR "usage: cws <subcommand> [options] [args]\n";
print STDERR "Type 'cws help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "Available subcommands:\n";
print STDERR "\thelp (h,?)\n";
print STDERR "\tcreate\n";
print STDERR "\tfetch (f)\n";
print STDERR "\tquery (q)\n";
print STDERR "\ttask (t)\n";
print STDERR "\tsetcurrent\n";
print STDERR "\teisclone *** release engineers only ***\n";
my $arg = $args_ref->[0];
if (!defined($arg) || $arg eq 'help') {
print STDERR "help (h, ?): Describe the usage of this script or its subcommands\n";
print STDERR "usage: help [subcommand]\n";
elsif ($arg eq 'create') {
print STDERR "create: Create a new child workspace\n";
print STDERR "usage: create [-m milestone] <master workspace> <child workspace>\n";
print STDERR "\t-m milestone: Milestone to base the child workspace on. If omitted the\n";
print STDERR "\t last published milestone will be used.\n";
print STDERR "\t--milestone milestone: Same as -m milestone.\n";
elsif ($arg eq 'task') {
print STDERR "task: Add a task to a child workspace\n";
print STDERR "usage: task <task id> [task id ...]\n";
elsif ($arg eq 'query') {
print STDERR "query: Query child workspace for miscellaneous information\n";
print STDERR "usage: query [-M master] [-c child] <current|integratedinto|incompatible|owner|qarep|status|taskids>\n";
print STDERR " query [-M master] [-c child] <release|due|due_qa|help|ui|ispublic|scm|build>\n";
print STDERR " query [-M master] <latest|milestones|ispublicmaster>\n";
print STDERR " query <masters>\n";
print STDERR " query [-M master] [-m milestone] <integrated|buildid>\n";
print STDERR " query [-M master] <planned|new|approved|nominated|ready>\n";
print STDERR "\t-M master:\t\toverride MWS specified in environment\n";
print STDERR "\t-c child:\t\toverride CWS specified in environment\n";
print STDERR "\t-m milestone:\t\toverride latest milestone with specified one\n";
print STDERR "\t--master master:\tSame as -M master\t\n";
print STDERR "\t--child child:\t\tSame -c child\n";
print STDERR "\t--milestone milestone:\tSame as -m milestone\n";
print STDERR "Modes:\n";
print STDERR "\tcurrent\t\tquery current milestone of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tincompatible\tquery modules which should be build incompatible\n";
print STDERR "\towner\t\tquery CWS owner\n";
print STDERR "\tqarep\t\tquery CWS QA Representative\n";
print STDERR "\tstatus\t\tquery approval status of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\ttaskids\t\tquery taskids to be handled on the CWS\n";
print STDERR "\trelease\t\tquery for target release of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tdue\t\tquery for due date of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tdue_qa\t\tquery for due date (QA) of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\thelp\t\tquery if the CWS is help relevant\n";
print STDERR "\tui\t\tquery if the CWS is UI relevant\n";
print STDERR "\tbuild\t\tquery build String for CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tlatest\t\tquery the latest milestone available for resync\n";
print STDERR "\tbuildid\t\tquery build ID for milestone\n";
print STDERR "\tintegrated\tquery integrated CWSs for milestone\n";
print STDERR "\tintegratedinto\tquery milestone which CWS was integrated into\n";
print STDERR "\tplanned\t\tquery for planned CWSs\n";
print STDERR "\tnew\t\tquery for new CWSs\n";
print STDERR "\tapproved\tquery CWSs approved by QA\n";
print STDERR "\tnominated\tquery nominated CWSs\n";
print STDERR "\tready\t\tquery CWSs ready for QA\n";
print STDERR "\tispublic\tquery public flag of CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tscm\t\tquery Source Control Management (SCM) system used for CWS\n";
print STDERR "\tmasters\t\tquery available MWS\n";
print STDERR "\tmilestones\tquery which milestones are know on the given MWS\n";
print STDERR "\tispublicmaster\tquery public flag of MWS\n";
elsif ($arg eq 'fetch') {
print STDERR "fetch: fetch a milestone or CWS\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] [-p platforms] [-r additionalrepositories] [-o] <-m milestone> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] [-p platforms] [-r additionalrepositories] [-o] <-c cws> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] [-x platforms] [-r additionalrepositories] [-o] <-m milestone> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] [-x platforms] [-r additionalrepositories] [-o] <-c cws> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] <-m milestone> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "usage: fetch [-q] <-c cws> <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "\t-m milestone: Checkout milestone <milestone> to workspace <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "\t Use 'latest' for the for lastest published milestone on the current master\n";
print STDERR "\t For cross master checkouts use the form <MWS>:<milestone>\n";
print STDERR "\t--milestone milestone: Same as -m milestone\n";
print STDERR "\t-c childworkspace: Checkout CWS <childworkspace> to workspace <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "\t--child childworkspace: Same as -c childworkspace\n";
print STDERR "\t-p platform: Copy one or more prebuilt platforms 'platform'. \n";
print STDERR "\t Separate multiple platforms with commas.\n";
print STDERR "\t Automatically adds 'common[.pro]' as required.\n";
print STDERR "\t--platforms platform: Same as -p\n";
print STDERR "\t-x platform: Copy one or more prebuilt platforms 'platform'. \n";
print STDERR "\t Separate multiple platforms with commas.\n";
print STDERR "\t Does not automatically adds 'common[.pro]'.\n";
print STDERR "\t-r additionalrepositories Checkout additional repositories. \n";
print STDERR "\t Separate multiple repositories with commas.\n";
print STDERR "\t--noautocommon platform: Same as -x\n";
print STDERR "\t-o: Omit checkout of sources, copy only solver. \n";
print STDERR "\t--onlysolver: Same as -o\n";
print STDERR "\t-q: Silence some of the output of the command.\n";
print STDERR "\t--quiet: Same as -q\n";
elsif ($arg eq 'setcurrent') {
print STDERR "setcurrent: Set the current milestone for the CWS (only hg based CWSs)\n";
print STDERR "usage: setcurrent [-m milestone]\n";
print STDERR "\t-m milestone: Set milestone to <milestone> to workspace <workspace>\n";
print STDERR "\t Use 'latest' for the for lastest published milestone on the current master\n";
print STDERR "\t For cross master change use the form <MWS>:<milestone>\n";
print STDERR "\t--milestone milestone: Same as -m milestone\n";
else {
print STDERR "'$arg': unknown subcommand\n";
# Executes the create command.
sub do_create
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
if ( exists $options_ref->{'help'} || @{$args_ref} != 2) {
if ( exists $options_ref->{'hg'} ) {
print_warning("All childworkspaces are now hosted on Mercurial. The switch --hg is obsolete.");
my $master = uc $args_ref->[0];
my $cws_name = $args_ref->[1];
if (!is_master($master)) {
print_error("'$master' is not a valid master workspace.", 7);
# check if cws name fits the convention
if ( $cws_name !~ /^\w[\w\.\#]*$/ ) {
print_error("Invalid child workspace name '$cws_name'.\nCws names should consist of alphanumeric characters, preferable all lowercase and starting with a letter.\nThe characters . and # are allowed if they are not the first character.", 7);
my $cws = get_this_cws();
# check if child workspace already exists
my $eis_id = $cws->eis_id();
if ( !defined($eis_id) ) {
print_error("Connection with EIS database failed.", 8);
my $is_promotion = 0;
if ( $eis_id > 0 ) {
if ( $cws->get_approval() eq 'planned' ) {
print "Promote child workspace '$cws_name' from 'planned' to 'new'.\n";
else {
print_error("Child workspace '$cws_name' already exists.", 7);
else {
# check if child workspace name is still available
if ( !$cws->is_cws_name_available()) {
print_error("Child workspace name '$cws_name' is already in use.", 7);
my $milestone;
# verify milestone or query latest milestone
if ( exists $options_ref->{'milestone'} ) {
# check if milestone exists
if ( !$cws->is_milestone($master, $milestone) ) {
print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is not registered with master workspace '$master'.", 8);
else {
# set milestone
register_child_workspace($cws, 'hg', $is_promotion);
# Executes the fetch command.
sub do_fetch
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
my $time_fetch_start = Benchmark->new();
if ( exists $options_ref->{'help'} || @{$args_ref} != 1) {
my $milestone_opt = $options_ref->{'milestone'};
my $additional_repositories_opt = $options_ref->{'additionalrepositories'};
$additional_repositories_opt = "", if ( !defined $additional_repositories_opt );
my $child = $options_ref->{'childworkspace'};
my $platforms = $options_ref->{'platforms'};
my $noautocommon = $options_ref->{'noautocommon'};
my $quiet = $options_ref->{'quiet'} ? 1 : 0 ;
my $switch = $options_ref->{'switch'} ? 1 : 0 ;
my $onlysolver = $options_ref->{'onlysolver'} ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( !defined($milestone_opt) && !defined($child) ) {
print_error("Specify one of these options: -m or -c", 0);
if ( defined($milestone_opt) && defined($child) ) {
print_error("Options -m and -c are mutally exclusive", 0);
if ( defined($platforms) && defined($noautocommon) ) {
print_error("Options -p and -x are mutally exclusive", 0);
if ( $onlysolver && !(defined($platforms) || defined($noautocommon)) ) {
print_error("Option '-o' is Only usuable combination with option '-p' or '-x'.", 0);
my $cws = get_this_cws();
my $masterws = $ENV{WORK_STAMP};
if ( !defined($masterws) ) {
print_error("Can't determine current master workspace: check environment variable WORK_STAMP", 21);
my $milestone;
if( defined($milestone_opt) ) {
if ( $milestone_opt eq 'latest' ) {
my $latest = $cws->get_current_milestone($masterws);
if ( !$latest ) {
print_error("Can't determine latest milestone of master workspace '$masterws'.", 22);
$milestone = $cws->get_current_milestone($masterws);
else {
($masterws, $milestone) = verify_milestone($cws, $milestone_opt);
elsif ( defined($child) ) {
$cws = get_cws_by_name($child);
$masterws = $cws->master(); # CWS can have another master than specified in ENV
$milestone = $cws->milestone();
else {
my $config = CwsConfig->new();
# $so_svn_server is still required to determine if we are in SO environment
# TODO: change this configuration setting to something more meaningful
my $so_svn_server = $config->get_so_svn_server();
my $prebuild_dir = $config->get_prebuild_binaries_location();
my $external_tarball_source = $prebuild_dir;
# Check early for platforms so we can bail out before anything time consuming is done
# in case of a missing platform
my @platforms;
if ( defined($platforms) || defined($noautocommon) ) {
use Archive::Zip; # warn early if module is missing
if ( !defined($prebuild_dir ) ) {
print_error("PREBUILD_BINARIES not configured, can't find platform solvers", 99);
$prebuild_dir = "$prebuild_dir/$masterws";
if ( defined($platforms) ) {
@platforms = split(/,/, $platforms);
my $added_product = 0;
my $added_nonproduct = 0;
foreach(@platforms) {
if ( $_ eq '' ) {
$added_product = 1;
print_warning("'$_' is added automatically to the platform list, don't specify it explicit");
if ( $_ eq 'common' ) {
$added_nonproduct = 1;
print_warning("'$_' is added automatically to the platform list, don't specify it explicit");
# add to platform list
if ( $so_svn_server ) {
my $product = 0;
my $nonproduct = 0;
foreach(@platforms) {
if ( /\.pro$/ ) {
$product = 1;
else {
$nonproduct = 1;
unshift(@platforms, '') if ($product && !$added_product);
unshift(@platforms, 'common') if ($nonproduct && !$added_nonproduct);
else {
@platforms = split(/,/, $noautocommon);
foreach(@platforms) {
if ( ! -d "$prebuild_dir/$_") {
print_error("Can't find prebuild binaries for platform '$_'.", 22);
my $cwsname = $cws->child();
my $linkdir = $milestone_opt ? "src.$milestone" : "src." . $cws->milestone;
my $workspace = $args_ref->[0];
if ( !$onlysolver ) {
if ( -e $workspace ) {
print_error("File or directory '$workspace' already exists.", 8);
my $clone_milestone_only = $milestone_opt ? $milestone : 0;
if ( defined($so_svn_server) ) {
if ( !mkdir($workspace) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$workspace': $!.", 8);
my $work_master = "$workspace/$masterws";
if ( !mkdir($work_master) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$work_master': $!.", 8);
my %unique = map { $_ => 1 } split( /,/ , $additional_repositories_opt);
my @unique_repo_list = keys %unique;
if (defined($additional_repositories_opt))
foreach my $repo(@unique_repo_list)
# do not double clone ooo and sun
hg_clone_cws_or_milestone($repo, $cws, "$work_master/".$repo, $clone_milestone_only), if $repo ne "ooo" && $repo ne "sun";
hg_clone_cws_or_milestone('ooo', $cws, "$work_master/ooo", $clone_milestone_only);
hg_clone_cws_or_milestone('so', $cws, "$work_master/sun", $clone_milestone_only);
if ( get_source_config_for_milestone($masterws, $milestone) ) {
# write source_config file
my $source_config_file = "$work_master/source_config";
if ( !open(SOURCE_CONFIG, ">$source_config_file") ) {
print_error("Can't create source_config file '$source_config_file': $!.", 8);
print SOURCE_CONFIG "[repositories]\n";
print SOURCE_CONFIG "ooo=active\n";
print SOURCE_CONFIG "sun=active\n";
foreach my $repo(@unique_repo_list)
print SOURCE_CONFIG $repo."=active\n", if $repo ne "ooo" || $repo ne "sun";
else {
my $linkdir = "$work_master/src.$milestone";
if ( !mkdir($linkdir) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$linkdir': $!.", 8);
else {
hg_clone_cws_or_milestone('ooo', $cws, $workspace, $clone_milestone_only);
if ( !$onlysolver && defined($external_tarball_source) ) {
my $source_root_dir = "$workspace/$masterws";
$external_tarball_source .= "/$masterws/ext_sources";
if ( -e "$source_root_dir/ooo/ooo.lst" && -d $external_tarball_source ) {
fetch_external_tarballs($source_root_dir, $external_tarball_source);
if ( defined($platforms) || defined($noautocommon) ) {
if ( !-d $workspace ) {
if ( !mkdir($workspace) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$workspace': $!.", 8);
my $solver = defined($so_svn_server) ? "$workspace/$masterws" : "$workspace/solver";
if ( !-d $solver ) {
if ( !mkdir($solver) ) {
print_error("Can't create directory '$solver': $!.", 8);
my $source_config = get_source_config_for_milestone($masterws, $milestone);
foreach(@platforms) {
my $time_solver_start = Benchmark->new();
print_message("... copying platform solver '$_'.");
update_solver($_, $prebuild_dir, $solver, $milestone, $source_config);
my $time_solver_stop = Benchmark->new();
print_time_elapsed($time_solver_start, $time_solver_stop) if $profile;
my $time_fetch_stop = Benchmark->new();
my $time_fetch = timediff($time_fetch_stop, $time_fetch_start);
print_message("cws fetch: total time required " . timestr($time_fetch));
sub do_query
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
# list of available query modes
my @query_modes = qw(integratedinto incompatible taskids status latest current owner qarep build buildid integrated approved nominated ready new planned release due due_qa help ui milestones masters scm ispublic ispublicmaster);
my %query_modes_hash = ();
foreach (@query_modes) {
if ( exists $options_ref->{'help'} || @{$args_ref} != 1) {
my $mode = lc($args_ref->[0]);
# cwquery mode 'state' has been renamed to 'status' to be more consistent
# with CVS etc. 'state' is still an alias for 'status'
$mode = 'status' if $mode eq 'state';
# cwquery mode 'vcs' has been renamed to 'scm' to be more consistent
# with general use etc. 'vcs' is still an alias for 'scm'
$mode = 'scm' if $mode eq 'vcs';
# there will be more query modes over time
if ( !exists $query_modes_hash{$mode} ) {
query_cws($mode, $options_ref);
sub do_task
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
if ( exists $options_ref->{'help'} ) {
# CWS states for which adding tasks are blocked.
my @states_blocked_for_adding = (
"approved by QA",
my $cws = get_cws_from_environment();
# register taskids with EIS database;
# checks taksids for sanity, will notify user
# if taskid is already registered.
my $status = $cws->get_approval();
my $child = $cws->child();
my $master = $cws->master();
my @registered_taskids = $cws->taskids();
# if called without ids to register just query for tasks
if ( @{$args_ref} == 0 ) {
print_message("Task ID(s):");
foreach (@registered_taskids) {
if ( defined($_) ) {
print "$_\n";
if ( !defined($status) ) {
print_error("Can't determine status of child workspace `$child`.", 20);
if ( grep($status eq $_, @states_blocked_for_adding) ) {
print_error("Can't add tasks to child workspace '$child' with state '$status'.", 21);
# Create hash for easier searching.
my %registered_taskids_hash = ();
for (@registered_taskids) {
my @new_taskids = ();
foreach (@{$args_ref}) {
if ( $_ !~ /^([ib]?\d+)$/ ) {
print_error("'$_' is an invalid task ID.", 22);
if ( exists $registered_taskids_hash{$1} ) {
print_warning("Task ID '$_' already registered, skipping.");
push(@new_taskids, $_);
# TODO: introduce a EIS_USER in the configuration, which should be used here
my $config = CwsConfig->new();
my $vcsid = $config->vcsid();
my $added_taskids_ref = $cws->add_taskids($vcsid, @new_taskids);
if ( !$added_taskids_ref ) {
my $taskids_str = join(" ", @new_taskids);
print_error("Couldn't register taskID(s) '$taskids_str' with child workspace '$child'.", 23);
my @added_taskids = @{$added_taskids_ref};
if ( @added_taskids ) {
my $taskids_str = join(" ", @added_taskids);
print_message("Registered taskID(s) '$taskids_str' with child workspace '$child'.");
sub do_setcurrent
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
if ( exists $options_ref->{'help'} || @{$args_ref} != 0) {
if ( !exists $options_ref->{'milestone'} ) {
my $cws = get_cws_from_environment();
my $old_masterws = $cws->master();
my $new_masterws;
my $new_milestone;
my $milestone = $options_ref->{'milestone'};
if ( $milestone eq 'latest' ) {
my $latest = $cws->get_current_milestone($old_masterws);
if ( !$latest ) {
print_error("Can't determine latest milestone of '$old_masterws'.", 22);
$new_masterws = $old_masterws;
$new_milestone = $latest;
else {
($new_masterws, $new_milestone) = verify_milestone($cws, $milestone);
print_message("... updating EIS database");
my $push_return = $cws->set_master_and_milestone($new_masterws, $new_milestone);
# sanity check
if ( $$push_return[1] ne $new_milestone) {
print_error("Couldn't push new milestone '$new_milestone' to database", 0);
sub do_eisclone
my $args_ref = shift;
my $options_ref = shift;
print_error("not yet implemented.", 2);
sub print_message
my $message = shift;
print "$message\n";
sub print_warning
my $message = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
print STDERR "WARNING: $message\n";
sub print_error
my $message = shift;
my $error_code = shift;
print STDERR "$script_name: ";
print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n";
if ( $error_code ) {
print STDERR "\nFAILURE: $script_name aborted.\n";
sub usage
print STDERR "Type 'cws help' for usage.\n";
### HG glue ###
sub hg_clone
my $source = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $options = shift;
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... hg clone: '$source -> $dest', options: '$options'\n";
# The to be cloned revision might not yet be available. In this case clone
# the available tip.
my @result = execute_hg_command(0, 'clone', $options, $source, $dest);
if ( defined($result[0]) && $result[0] =~ /abort: unknown revision/ ) {
$options =~ s/-r \w+//;
@result = execute_hg_command(1, 'clone', $options, $source, $dest);
return @result;
sub hg_parent
my $repository = shift;
my $rev_id = shift;
my $options = shift;
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... hg parent: 'repository', revision: '$rev_id', options: $options\n";
my @result = execute_hg_command(0, 'parent', "--cwd $repository", "-r $rev_id", $options);
my $line = $result[0];
return $line;
sub hg_pull
my $repository = shift;
my $remote = shift;
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... hg pull: 'repository', remote: '$remote'\n";
my @result = execute_hg_command(0, 'pull', "--cwd $repository", $remote);
my $line = $result[0];
if ($line =~ /abort: /) {
return undef;
sub hg_update
my $repository = shift;
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... hg update: 'repository'\n";
my @result = execute_hg_command(1, 'update', "--cwd $repository");
return @result;
sub hg_show
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... hg show\n";
my $result = execute_hg_command(0, 'show', '');
return $result;
sub execute_hg_command
my $terminate_on_rc = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $options = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $args_str = join(" ", @args);
# we can only parse english strings, hopefully a C locale is available everywhere
$command = "hg $command $options $args_str";
if ( $debug ) {
print STDERR "CWS-DEBUG: ... execute command line: '$command'\n";
my @result;
open(OUTPUT, "$command 2>&1 |") or print_error("Can't execute mercurial command line client", 98);
while (<OUTPUT>) {
push(@result, $_);
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if ( $rc > 0 && $terminate_on_rc) {
print STDERR @result;
print_error("The mercurial command line client failed with exit status '$rc'", 99);
return wantarray ? @result : \@result;
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