blob: 0ebec5fbe0ffcf9e1b4a0e55b2b5b5cb377288ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <canvas/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.hxx>
#include "event.hxx"
#include "animationnode.hxx"
#include "slideshowcontext.hxx"
#include "shapesubset.hxx"
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace slideshow {
namespace internal {
/** Context for every node.
Besides the global AnimationNodeFactory::Context data,
this struct also contains the current DocTree subset
for this node. If start and end index of the
DocTreeNode are equal, the node should use the
complete shape.
struct NodeContext
NodeContext( const SlideShowContext& rContext,
const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize )
: maContext( rContext ),
maSlideSize( rSlideSize ),
mbIsIndependentSubset( true )
void dispose()
/// Context as passed to createAnimationNode()
SlideShowContext maContext;
/// Size in user coordinate space of the corresponding slide
::basegfx::B2DVector maSlideSize;
/// Shape to be used (provided by parent, e.g. for iterations)
ShapeSubsetSharedPtr mpMasterShapeSubset;
/// Additional delay to node begin (to offset iterate effects)
double mnStartDelay;
/// When true, subset must be created during slide initialization
bool mbIsIndependentSubset;
class BaseContainerNode;
/** This interface extends AnimationNode with some
file-private accessor methods.
class BaseNode : public AnimationNode,
public ::osl::DebugBase<BaseNode>,
private ::boost::noncopyable
BaseNode( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode> const& xNode,
::boost::shared_ptr<BaseContainerNode> const& pParent,
NodeContext const& rContext );
/** Provide the node with a shared_ptr to itself.
Since implementation has to create objects which need
a shared_ptr to this node, and a pointee cannot
retrieve a shared_ptr to itself internally, have to
set that from the outside.
void setSelf( const ::boost::shared_ptr< BaseNode >& rSelf );
#if defined(VERBOSE) && defined(DBG_UTIL)
virtual void showState() const;
virtual const char* getDescription() const;
void showTreeFromWithin() const;
const ::boost::shared_ptr< BaseContainerNode >& getParentNode() const
{ return mpParent; }
// Disposable:
virtual void dispose();
// AnimationNode:
virtual bool init();
virtual bool resolve();
virtual bool activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void end();
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode> getXAnimationNode() const;
virtual NodeState getState() const;
virtual bool registerDeactivatingListener(
const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNotifee );
// nop:
virtual void notifyDeactivating( const AnimationNodeSharedPtr& rNotifier );
bool isMainSequenceRootNode() const { return mbIsMainSequenceRootNode; }
void scheduleDeactivationEvent( EventSharedPtr const& pEvent =
EventSharedPtr() );
SlideShowContext const& getContext() const { return maContext; }
::boost::shared_ptr<BaseNode> const& getSelf() const { return mpSelf; }
bool checkValidNode() const {
ENSURE_OR_THROW( mpSelf, "no self ptr set!" );
bool const bRet = (meCurrState != INVALID);
OSL_ENSURE( bRet, "### INVALID node!" );
return bRet;
// all state affecting methods have "_st" counterparts being called at
// derived classes when in state transition: no-ops here at BaseNode...
virtual bool init_st();
virtual bool resolve_st();
virtual void activate_st();
virtual void deactivate_st( NodeState eDestState );
/// notifies
/// - all registered deactivation listeners
/// - single animation end (every node)
/// - slide animations (if main sequence root node)
void notifyEndListeners() const;
/// Get the node's restart mode
sal_Int16 getRestartMode();
/** Get the default restart mode
If this node's default mode is
AnimationRestart::DEFAULT, this method recursively
calls the parent node.
sal_Int16 getRestartDefaultMode() const;
/// Get the node's fill mode
sal_Int16 getFillMode();
/** Get the default fill mode.
If this node's default mode is AnimationFill::DEFAULT,
this method recursively calls the parent node.
sal_Int16 getFillDefaultMode() const;
bool isTransition( NodeState eFromState, NodeState eToState,
bool debugAssert = true ) const {
(void) debugAssert; // avoid warning
bool const bRet =((mpStateTransitionTable[eFromState] & eToState) != 0);
OSL_ENSURE( !debugAssert || bRet, "### state unreachable!" );
return bRet;
bool inStateOrTransition( int mask ) const {
return ((meCurrState & mask) != 0 ||
(meCurrentStateTransition & mask) != 0);
class StateTransition;
friend class StateTransition;
SlideShowContext maContext;
typedef ::std::vector< AnimationNodeSharedPtr > ListenerVector;
ListenerVector maDeactivatingListeners;
::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode > mxAnimationNode;
::boost::shared_ptr< BaseContainerNode > mpParent;
::boost::shared_ptr< BaseNode > mpSelf;
const int* mpStateTransitionTable;
const double mnStartDelay;
NodeState meCurrState;
int meCurrentStateTransition;
EventSharedPtr mpCurrentEvent;
const bool mbIsMainSequenceRootNode;
typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< BaseNode > BaseNodeSharedPtr;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace slideshow