blob: 539dc08ad34a4f1b7bef722c41285c9427a668b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0410
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 1) /* disable warnings within system headers */
#include <windows.h>
#include <msiquery.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#define _tstring wstring
#define _tstring string
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <systools/win32/uwinapi.h>
#include <../tools/seterror.hxx>
#define WININIT_FILENAME "wininit.ini"
#define RENAME_SECTION "rename"
#ifdef DEBUG
inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( LPCTSTR pFormat, ... )
_TCHAR buffer[1024];
va_list args;
va_start( args, pFormat );
_vsntprintf( buffer, elementsof(buffer), pFormat, args );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
static inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( LPCTSTR, ... )
static std::_tstring GetMsiProperty( MSIHANDLE handle, const std::_tstring& sProperty )
std::_tstring result;
TCHAR szDummy[1] = TEXT("");
DWORD nChars = 0;
if ( MsiGetProperty( handle, sProperty.c_str(), szDummy, &nChars ) == ERROR_MORE_DATA )
DWORD nBytes = ++nChars * sizeof(TCHAR);
LPTSTR buffer = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca(nBytes));
ZeroMemory( buffer, nBytes );
MsiGetProperty(handle, sProperty.c_str(), buffer, &nChars);
result = buffer;
return result;
// The provided GUID must be without surrounding '{}'
static std::_tstring GetGuidPart(const std::_tstring& guid, int index)
assert((guid.length() == 36) && "No GUID or wrong format!");
assert(((index > -1) && (index < 5)) && "Out of range!");
if (index == 0) return std::_tstring(guid.c_str(), 8);
if (index == 1) return std::_tstring(guid.c_str() + 9, 4);
if (index == 2) return std::_tstring(guid.c_str() + 14, 4);
if (index == 3) return std::_tstring(guid.c_str() + 19, 4);
if (index == 4) return std::_tstring(guid.c_str() + 24, 12);
return std::_tstring();
static void Swap(char* p1, char* p2)
char tmp = *p1;
*p1 = *p2;
*p2 = tmp;
static std::_tstring Invert(const std::_tstring& str)
char* buff = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_alloca(str.length()));
strncpy(buff, str.c_str(), str.length());
char* front = buff;
char* back = buff + str.length() - 1;
while (front < back)
Swap(front++, back--);
return std::_tstring(buff, str.length());
// Convert the upgrade code (which is a GUID) according
// to the way the windows installer does when writing it
// to the registry
// The first 8 bytes will be inverted, from the the last
// 8 bytes always the nibbles will be inverted for further
// details look in the MSDN under compressed registry keys
static std::_tstring ConvertGuid(const std::_tstring& guid)
std::_tstring convertedGuid;
std::_tstring part = GetGuidPart(guid, 0);
convertedGuid = Invert(part);
part = GetGuidPart(guid, 1);
convertedGuid += Invert(part);
part = GetGuidPart(guid, 2);
convertedGuid += Invert(part);
part = GetGuidPart(guid, 3);
convertedGuid += Invert(std::_tstring(part.c_str(), 2));
convertedGuid += Invert(std::_tstring(part.c_str() + 2, 2));
part = GetGuidPart(guid, 4);
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
convertedGuid += Invert(std::_tstring(part.c_str() + pos, 2));
pos += 2;
return convertedGuid;
static inline bool IsSetMsiProperty(MSIHANDLE handle, const std::_tstring& sProperty)
std::_tstring value = GetMsiProperty(handle, sProperty);
return (value.length() > 0);
static inline void UnsetMsiProperty(MSIHANDLE handle, const std::_tstring& sProperty)
MsiSetProperty(handle, sProperty.c_str(), NULL);
static inline void SetMsiProperty(MSIHANDLE handle, const std::_tstring& sProperty)
MsiSetProperty(handle, sProperty.c_str(), TEXT("1"));
static BOOL MoveFileEx9x( LPCSTR lpExistingFileNameA, LPCSTR lpNewFileNameA, DWORD dwFlags )
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; // assume failure
// Windows 9x has a special mechanism to move files after reboot
CHAR szExistingFileNameA[MAX_PATH];
CHAR szNewFileNameA[MAX_PATH] = "NUL";
// Path names in WININIT.INI must be in short path name form
if (
GetShortPathNameA( lpExistingFileNameA, szExistingFileNameA, MAX_PATH ) &&
(!lpNewFileNameA || GetShortPathNameA( lpNewFileNameA, szNewFileNameA, MAX_PATH ))
CHAR szBuffer[32767]; // The buffer size must not exceed 32K
DWORD dwBufLen = GetPrivateProfileSectionA( RENAME_SECTION, szBuffer, elementsof(szBuffer), WININIT_FILENAME );
CHAR szRename[MAX_PATH]; // This is enough for at most to times 67 chracters
strcpy( szRename, szNewFileNameA );
strcat( szRename, "=" );
strcat( szRename, szExistingFileNameA );
size_t lnRename = strlen(szRename);
if ( dwBufLen + lnRename + 2 <= elementsof(szBuffer) )
CopyMemory( &szBuffer[dwBufLen], szRename, lnRename );
szBuffer[dwBufLen + lnRename ] = 0;
szBuffer[dwBufLen + lnRename + 1 ] = 0;
fSuccess = WritePrivateProfileSectionA( RENAME_SECTION, szBuffer, WININIT_FILENAME );
fSuccess = MoveFileA( lpExistingFileNameA, lpNewFileNameA );
if ( !fSuccess && GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED &&
BOOL bFailIfExist = 0 == (dwFlags & MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING);
fSuccess = CopyFileA( lpExistingFileNameA, lpNewFileNameA, bFailIfExist );
if ( fSuccess )
fSuccess = DeleteFileA( lpExistingFileNameA );
return fSuccess;
static BOOL MoveFileExImpl( LPCSTR lpExistingFileNameA, LPCSTR lpNewFileNameA, DWORD dwFlags )
if ( 0 > ((LONG)GetVersion())) // High order bit indicates Win 9x
return MoveFileEx9x( lpExistingFileNameA, lpNewFileNameA, dwFlags );
return MoveFileExA( lpExistingFileNameA, lpNewFileNameA, dwFlags );
static bool SwapFiles( const std::_tstring& sFileName1, const std::_tstring& sFileName2 )
std::_tstring sTempFileName = sFileName1 + TEXT(".tmp");
bool fSuccess = true;
//Try to move the original file to a temp file
fSuccess = MoveFileExImpl( sFileName1.c_str(), sTempFileName.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING);
std::_tstring mystr;
if ( fSuccess )
fSuccess = MoveFileExImpl( sFileName2.c_str(), sFileName1.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
if ( fSuccess )
fSuccess = MoveFileExImpl( sTempFileName.c_str(), sFileName2.c_str(),
if ( !fSuccess )
MoveFileExImpl( sFileName1.c_str(), sFileName2.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
MoveFileExImpl( sTempFileName.c_str(), sFileName1.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
//It could be that there is no original file and therefore copying the original to a temp
// file failed. Examine if there is no original and if so then move file2 to file1
HANDLE hdl = FindFirstFile(sFileName1.c_str(), &data);
fSuccess = MoveFileExImpl( sFileName2.c_str(), sFileName1.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
// if ( fSuccess )
// {
// mystr = "Success";
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
// }
// else
// {
// char buff[256];
// wsprintf(buff, "Failure %d", GetLastError());
// MessageBox( NULL, buff, "Titel", MB_OK );
// }
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("%s <-> %s: %s"), sFileName1.c_str(), sFileName2.c_str(), fSuccess ? TEXT("OK") : TEXT("FAILED") );
if (!fSuccess )
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
if ( FormatMessage(
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Error Code %d: %s"), dwError, lpMsgBuf );
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Error Code %d: Unknown"), dwError );
SetMsiErrorCode( dwError );
return fSuccess;
static std::_tstring strip( const std::_tstring& s, _TCHAR c )
std::_tstring result = s;
std::_tstring::size_type f;
f = result.find( c );
if ( f != std::_tstring::npos )
result.erase( f, 1 );
} while ( f != std::_tstring::npos );
return result;
static std::_tstring trim( const std::_tstring& rString )
std::_tstring temp = rString;
while ( temp.length() && temp[0] == ' ' || temp[0] == '\t' )
temp.erase( 0, 1 );
std::_tstring::size_type len = temp.length();
while ( len && temp[len-1] == ' ' || temp[len-1] == '\t' )
temp.erase( len - 1, 1 );
len = temp.length();
return temp;
static bool readLine( FILE *fp, std::_tstring& rLine )
_TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
bool bSuccess = false;
bool bEOL = false;
std::_tstring line;
while ( !bEOL && _fgetts( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), fp ) )
int len = _tcslen(szBuffer);
bSuccess = true;
while ( len && szBuffer[len - 1] == '\n' )
szBuffer[--len] = 0;
bEOL = true;
line.append( szBuffer );
rLine = line;
return bSuccess;
static std::_tstring getProfileString(
const std::_tstring& aFileName,
const std::_tstring& aSectionName,
const std::_tstring& aKeyName,
const std::_tstring& aDefault = _T("") )
FILE *fp = _tfopen( aFileName.c_str(), _T("r") );
std::_tstring retValue = aDefault.length() ? aDefault : _T("");
if ( fp )
std::_tstring line;
std::_tstring section;
while ( readLine( fp, line ) )
line = trim( line );
if ( line.length() && line[0] == '[' )
line.erase( 0, 1 );
std::_tstring::size_type end = line.find( ']', 0 );
if ( std::_tstring::npos != end )
section = trim( line.substr( 0, end ) );
std::_tstring::size_type iEqualSign = line.find( '=', 0 );
if ( iEqualSign != std::_tstring::npos )
std::_tstring keyname = line.substr( 0, iEqualSign );
keyname = trim( keyname );
std::_tstring value = line.substr( iEqualSign + 1 /*, std::_tstring::npos */ );
value = trim( value );
if (
0 == _tcsicmp( section.c_str(), aSectionName.c_str() ) &&
0 == _tcsicmp( keyname.c_str(), aKeyName.c_str() )
retValue = value;
fclose( fp );
return retValue;
static std::queue< std::_tstring > getProfileSections( const std::_tstring& aFileName )
FILE *fp = _tfopen( aFileName.c_str(), _T("r") );
std::queue< std::_tstring > aResult;
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("*** Retrieving Section Names ****") );
if ( fp )
std::_tstring line;
std::_tstring section;
while ( readLine( fp, line ) )
line = trim( line );
if ( line.length() && line[0] == '[' )
line.erase( 0, 1 );
std::_tstring::size_type end = line.find( ']', 0 );
if ( std::_tstring::npos != end )
section = trim( line.substr( 0, end ) );
aResult.push( section );
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Section: %s"), section.c_str() );
fclose( fp );
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("*** Done Section Names ***") );
return aResult;
static std::queue< std::_tstring > getProfileKeys( const std::_tstring& aFileName, const std::_tstring& aSectionName )
FILE *fp = _tfopen( aFileName.c_str(), _T("r") );
std::queue< std::_tstring > aResult;
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("*** Retrieving Key Names for [%s] ***"), aSectionName.c_str() );
if ( fp )
std::_tstring line;
std::_tstring section;
while ( readLine( fp, line ) )
line = trim( line );
if ( line.length() && line[0] == '[' )
line.erase( 0, 1 );
std::_tstring::size_type end = line.find( ']', 0 );
if ( std::_tstring::npos != end )
section = trim( line.substr( 0, end ) );
std::_tstring::size_type iEqualSign = line.find( '=', 0 );
if ( iEqualSign != std::_tstring::npos )
std::_tstring keyname = line.substr( 0, iEqualSign );
keyname = trim( keyname );
if ( 0 == _tcsicmp( section.c_str(), aSectionName.c_str() ) )
aResult.push( keyname );
OutputDebugStringFormat( keyname.c_str() );
fclose( fp );
OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("*** Done Key Names for [%s] ***"), aSectionName.c_str() );
return aResult;
extern "C" UINT __stdcall InstallPatchedFiles( MSIHANDLE handle )
std::_tstring sInstDir = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION") );
// std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("Basis\\program\\");
std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\");
std::_tstring sPatchFile = sProgramDir + TEXT("patchlist.txt");
std::queue< std::_tstring > aSectionNames;
std::queue< std::_tstring > aKeyNames;
OutputDebugStringA( "Starting Custom Action" );
// std::_tstring mystr;
// mystr = "Patchfile: " + sPatchFile;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Patchfile", MB_OK );
aSectionNames = getProfileSections( sPatchFile );
while ( !aSectionNames.empty() )
std::_tstring sSectionName = aSectionNames.front();
if ( std::_tstring(TEXT("_root")) == sSectionName ) { sSectionName = TEXT(""); }
// mystr = "Section: " + sSectionName;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
aKeyNames = getProfileKeys( sPatchFile, sSectionName );
while ( !aKeyNames.empty() )
std::_tstring sKeyName = aKeyNames.front();
std::_tstring sValue = getProfileString( sPatchFile, sSectionName, sKeyName );
if ( sValue.length() )
std::_tstring sFileName1 = sKeyName;
std::_tstring sExtension = sValue;
std::_tstring sFileName2;
sFileName1 = strip( sFileName1, '\"' );
sExtension = strip( sExtension, '\"' );
sFileName1 = sInstDir + sSectionName + sFileName1;
sFileName2 = sFileName1 + sExtension;
// mystr = "Convert: " + sFileName1 + " to " + sFileName2;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
SwapFiles( sFileName1, sFileName2 );
extern "C" UINT __stdcall UninstallPatchedFiles( MSIHANDLE handle )
TCHAR szValue[8192];
DWORD nValueSize = sizeof(szValue);
HKEY hKey;
std::_tstring sInstDir;
std::_tstring sProductKey = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("FINDPRODUCT") );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
sInstDir = szValue;
RegCloseKey( hKey );
else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sProductKey.c_str(), &hKey ) )
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValue, &nValueSize ) )
sInstDir = szValue;
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("Basis\\program\\");
std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\");
std::_tstring sPatchFile = sProgramDir + TEXT("patchlist.txt");
std::queue< std::_tstring > aSectionNames;
std::queue< std::_tstring > aKeyNames;
// std::_tstring mystr;
// mystr = "Patchfile: " + sPatchFile;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
aSectionNames = getProfileSections( sPatchFile );
while ( !aSectionNames.empty() )
std::_tstring sSectionName = aSectionNames.front();
if ( std::_tstring(TEXT("_root")) == sSectionName ) { sSectionName = TEXT(""); }
// mystr = "Section: " + sSectionName;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
aKeyNames = getProfileKeys( sPatchFile, sSectionName );
while( !aKeyNames.empty() )
std::_tstring sKeyName = aKeyNames.front();
std::_tstring sValue = getProfileString( sPatchFile, sSectionName, sKeyName );
if ( sValue.length() )
std::_tstring sFileName1 = sKeyName;
std::_tstring sExtension = sValue;
std::_tstring sFileName2;
sFileName1 = strip( sFileName1, '\"' );
sExtension = strip( sExtension, '\"' );
sFileName1 = sInstDir + sSectionName + sFileName1;
sFileName2 = sFileName1 + sExtension;
// mystr = "Convert: " + sFileName1 + " to " + sFileName2;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Titel", MB_OK );
SwapFiles( sFileName2, sFileName1 );
extern "C" UINT __stdcall IsOfficeRunning( MSIHANDLE handle )
std::_tstring sInstDir = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION") );
// std::_tstring sResourceDir = sInstDir + TEXT("Basis\\program\\resource\\");
std::_tstring sResourceDir = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\resource\\");
std::_tstring sPattern = sResourceDir + TEXT("vcl*.res");
WIN32_FIND_DATA aFindFileData;
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile( sPattern.c_str(), &aFindFileData );
if ( IsValidHandle(hFind) )
BOOL fSuccess = false;
bool fRenameSucceeded;
std::_tstring sResourceFile = sResourceDir + aFindFileData.cFileName;
std::_tstring sIntermediate = sResourceFile + TEXT(".tmp");
fRenameSucceeded = MoveFileExImpl( sResourceFile.c_str(), sIntermediate.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
if ( fRenameSucceeded )
MoveFileExImpl( sIntermediate.c_str(), sResourceFile.c_str(), 0 );
fSuccess = FindNextFile( hFind, &aFindFileData );
} while ( fSuccess && fRenameSucceeded );
if ( !fRenameSucceeded )
MsiSetProperty(handle, TEXT("OFFICERUNS"), TEXT("1"));
FindClose( hFind );
extern "C" UINT __stdcall SetFeatureState( MSIHANDLE handle )
std::_tstring mystr;
// 1. Reading Product Code from setup.ini of installed Office
std::_tstring sInstallPath = GetMsiProperty(handle, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION"));
// MessageBox(NULL, sInstallPath.c_str(), "INSTALLLOCATION", MB_OK);
std::_tstring sSetupiniPath = sInstallPath + TEXT("program\\setup.ini");
TCHAR szProductCode[32767];
if ( !_tcsicmp( szProductCode, TEXT("NOTFOUND") ) )
// No setup.ini or no "ProductCode" in setup.ini. This is an invalid directory.
// MessageBox(NULL, "NOTFOUND set", "DEBUG", MB_OK);
// 2. Converting Product code
std::_tstring productCode = TEXT(szProductCode);
productCode = ConvertGuid(std::_tstring(productCode.c_str() + 1, productCode.length() - 2));
mystr = TEXT("Changed product code: ") + productCode;
// MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ProductCode", MB_OK);
// 3. Setting path in the Windows registry to find installed features
std::_tstring registryKey;
HKEY registryRoot;
if ( IsSetMsiProperty(handle, TEXT("ALLUSERS")) )
registryRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
registryKey = TEXT("Software\\Classes\\Installer\\Features\\") + productCode;
mystr = registryKey;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ALLUSERS", MB_OK );
registryRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
registryKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Installer\\Features\\") + productCode;
mystr = registryKey;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ALLUSERS", MB_OK );
// 4. Collecting all installed features from Windows registry
HKEY hKey;
if (RegOpenKey(registryRoot, registryKey.c_str(), &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
int counter = 0;
// DWORD counter = 0;
LONG lEnumResult;
TCHAR szValueName[8192];
DWORD nValueNameSize = sizeof(szValueName);
LPDWORD pValueNameSize = &nValueNameSize;
TCHAR szValueData[8192];
DWORD nValueDataSize = sizeof(szValueData);
lEnumResult = RegEnumValue( hKey, counter, szValueName, pValueNameSize, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szValueData, &nValueDataSize);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lEnumResult )
std::_tstring sValueName = szValueName;
std::_tstring sValueData = szValueData;
// mystr = sValueName;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ValueName", MB_OK );
// mystr = sValueData;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ValueData", MB_OK );
// Does this feature exist in this patch?
if ( IsSetMsiProperty(handle, sValueName) )
// Feature is not installed, if szValueData starts with a "square" (ascii 6)
if ( 6 == szValueData[0] )
MsiSetFeatureState(handle,sValueName.c_str(),INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT); // do not install this feature
// mystr = TEXT("Do NOT install: ") + sValueName;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ValueName", MB_OK );
MsiSetFeatureState(handle,sValueName.c_str(),INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); // do install this feature
// mystr = TEXT("Do install: ") + sValueName;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "ValueName", MB_OK );
counter = counter + 1;
} while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lEnumResult );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
extern "C" UINT __stdcall SetNewFeatureState( MSIHANDLE handle )
std::_tstring mystr;
std::_tstring sValueName;
sValueName = TEXT("gm_o_Onlineupdate");
if (IsSetMsiProperty(handle, TEXT("SELECT_OU_FEATURE")))
MsiSetFeatureState(handle,sValueName.c_str(),INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL); // do install this feature
// mystr = TEXT("OnlineUpdate wird installiert!");
// MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL", MB_OK);
MsiSetFeatureState(handle,sValueName.c_str(),INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT); // do not install this feature
// mystr = TEXT("OnlineUpdate wird NICHT installiert!");
// MessageBox(NULL, mystr.c_str(), "INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT", MB_OK);
extern "C" UINT __stdcall ShowOnlineUpdateDialog( MSIHANDLE handle )
// Checking existence of file "", which shows, that
// Online Update functionality is always available. Then the dialog
// that offers the Online Update is superfluous.
std::_tstring sInstDir = GetMsiProperty( handle, TEXT("INSTALLLOCATION") );
// std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("Basis\\program\\");
std::_tstring sProgramDir = sInstDir + TEXT("program\\");
std::_tstring sSearchFile = sProgramDir + TEXT("");
HANDLE hdl = FindFirstFile(sSearchFile.c_str(), &data);
if (hdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // the file exists
// std::_tstring mystr;
// mystr = "Found file: " + sSearchFile;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "Found file", MB_OK );
// And finally setting property SHOW_ONLINEUPDATE_DIALOG
// to hide this dialog
UnsetMsiProperty(handle, TEXT("SHOW_ONLINEUPDATE_DIALOG"));
// Setting SELECT_OU_FEATURE to 1, which is probably superfluous
// because this is already the default value. But only this
// guarantees, that CustomAction SetNewFeatureState always sets
// the correct FeatureState for "gm_o_Onlineupdate", if it is
// already installed.
SetMsiProperty(handle, TEXT("SELECT_OU_FEATURE"));
// std::_tstring mystr;
// mystr = "Did not find file: " + sSearchFile;
// MessageBox( NULL, mystr.c_str(), "File not found", MB_OK );
// If the file does not exist, the Online Update dialog
// has to be shown.