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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>
#include "scdllapi.h"
const size_t nScCompressedArrayDelta = 4;
template< typename A, typename D > class ScCompressedArrayIterator;
/** Compressed array of row (or column) entries, e.g. heights, flags, ...
The array stores ranges of values such that consecutive values occupy only
one entry. Initially it consists of one DataEntry with an implied start
row/column of 0 and an end row/column of access type maximum value.
typename A := access type, e.g. SCROW or SCCOL, must be a POD.
typename D := data type, e.g. sal_uInt16 or sal_uInt8 or whatever, may also be a
struct or class.
D::operator==() and D::operator=() must be implemented. Force template
instantiation for a specific type in source/core/data/compressedarray.cxx
TODO: Currently the allocated memory never shrinks, must manually invoke
Resize() if needed.
template< typename A, typename D > class ScCompressedArray
struct DataEntry
A nEnd; // start is end of previous entry + 1
D aValue;
DataEntry() {} //! uninitialized
/** Construct with nMaxAccess=MAXROW, for example. */
ScCompressedArray( A nMaxAccess,
const D& rValue,
size_t nDelta = nScCompressedArrayDelta );
/** Construct from a plain array of D */
ScCompressedArray( A nMaxAccess,
const D* pDataArray, size_t nDataCount );
virtual ~ScCompressedArray();
void Resize( size_t nNewSize );
void Reset( const D& rValue );
void SetValue( A nPos, const D& rValue );
void SetValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValue );
const D& GetValue( A nPos ) const;
/** Get value for a row, and it's region end row */
const D& GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const;
/** Get value for a row, and it's region start row and end row */
const D& GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nStart, A& nEnd ) const;
/** Get next value and it's region end row. If nIndex<nCount, nIndex is
incremented first. If the resulting nIndex>=nCount, the value of the
last entry is returned again. */
const D& GetNextValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const;
/** Get previous value and it's region start row. If nIndex==0, nIndex is
not decremented and the value of the first entry is returned again. */
const D& GetPrevValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nStart ) const;
/** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
(aValue != rCompare). If no entry meets this condition
::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
A GetLastUnequalAccess( A nStart, const D& rCompare );
/** Insert rows before nStart and copy value for inserted rows from
nStart-1, return that value. */
const D& Insert( A nStart, size_t nCount );
void Remove( A nStart, size_t nCount );
/** Copy rArray.nStart+nSourceDy to this.nStart */
void CopyFrom( const ScCompressedArray& rArray,
A nStart, A nEnd, long nSourceDy = 0 );
// methods public for the coupled array sum methods
/** Obtain index into entries for nPos */
SC_DLLPUBLIC size_t Search( A nPos ) const;
/** Get number of entries */
size_t GetEntryCount() const;
/** Get data entry for an index */
const DataEntry& GetDataEntry( size_t nIndex ) const;
friend class ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>;
size_t nCount;
size_t nLimit;
size_t nDelta;
DataEntry* pData;
A nMaxAccess;
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArray<A,D>::Reset( const D& rValue )
// Create a temporary copy in case we got a reference passed that points to
// a part of the array to be reallocated.
D aTmpVal( rValue);
delete[] pData;
nCount = nLimit = 1;
pData = new DataEntry[1];
pData[0].aValue = aTmpVal;
pData[0].nEnd = nMaxAccess;
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArray<A,D>::SetValue( A nPos, const D& rValue )
SetValue( nPos, nPos, rValue);
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetValue( A nPos ) const
size_t nIndex = Search( nPos);
return pData[nIndex].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const
nIndex = Search( nPos);
nEnd = pData[nIndex].nEnd;
return pData[nIndex].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetValue( A nPos, size_t& nIndex, A& nStart,
A& nEnd ) const
nIndex = Search( nPos);
nStart = (nIndex > 0 ? pData[nIndex-1].nEnd + 1 : 0);
nEnd = pData[nIndex].nEnd;
return pData[nIndex].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetNextValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nEnd ) const
if (nIndex < nCount)
size_t nEntry = (nIndex < nCount ? nIndex : nCount-1);
nEnd = pData[nEntry].nEnd;
return pData[nEntry].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetPrevValue( size_t& nIndex, A& nStart ) const
if (nIndex > 0)
nStart = (nIndex > 0 ? pData[nIndex-1].nEnd + 1 : 0);
return pData[nIndex].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
size_t ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetEntryCount() const
return nCount;
template< typename A, typename D >
const typename ScCompressedArray<A,D>::DataEntry&
ScCompressedArray<A,D>::GetDataEntry( size_t nIndex ) const
return pData[nIndex];
// === ScCompressedArrayIterator =============================================
/** Iterator for ScCompressedArray.
@ATTENTION: the iterator is not persistent if the underlying
ScCompressedArray happens to be changed by any means, for example by
setting new values or adding or removing or combining entries. If you do
such things inside a loop you MUST resynchronize the iterator by calling
<method>Resync()</method> with the row where resynchronization should
start. After doing so, <method>GetRangeStart()</method> and
<method>GetRangeEnd()</method> may not point to the previous access points
anymore. Use with care.
template< typename A, typename D > class ScCompressedArrayIterator
const ScCompressedArray<A,D> & rArray,
A nStart, A nEnd );
/// Set new start and end, position on start.
void NewLimits( A nStart, A nEnd );
A GetIterStart() const;
A GetIterEnd() const;
/// Advance by a single access point (e.g. row).
bool operator ++();
A GetPos() const;
operator bool() const;
const D& operator *() const;
/// Advance an entire range, one entry of the array.
bool NextRange();
A GetRangeStart() const;
A GetRangeEnd() const;
/// Resync to underlying array, calling Search().
void Resync( A nPos );
/** Set position without resyncing, avoid calling Search() if possible.
Position obtained from steering coupled iterator is NOT checked for
iterator bounds. */
template< typename X >
void Follow( const ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,X>& );
const ScCompressedArray<A,D> & rArray;
size_t nIndex;
A nIterStart;
A nIterEnd;
A nCurrent;
bool bEnd;
template< typename A, typename D >
const ScCompressedArray<A,D> & rArrayP, A nStart, A nEnd )
: rArray( rArrayP )
// other values set in NewLimits()
NewLimits( nStart, nEnd);
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::NewLimits( A nStart, A nEnd )
nIterStart = nStart;
nIterEnd = nEnd;
nIndex = rArray.Search( nStart);
nCurrent = GetRangeStart();
bEnd = (nIterEnd < nIterStart);
template< typename A, typename D >
A ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::GetIterStart() const
return nIterStart;
template< typename A, typename D >
A ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::GetIterEnd() const
return nIterEnd;
template< typename A, typename D >
bool ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::operator++()
if (nCurrent < GetRangeEnd())
return true;
return NextRange();
template< typename A, typename D >
A ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::GetPos() const
return nCurrent;
template< typename A, typename D >
bool ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::NextRange()
if (!operator bool())
return false;
if (rArray.pData[nIndex].nEnd >= nIterEnd)
bEnd = true;
else if (++nIndex >= rArray.GetEntryCount())
nIndex = rArray.GetEntryCount() - 1;
bEnd = true;
nCurrent = bEnd ? nIterEnd : GetRangeStart();
return operator bool();
template< typename A, typename D >
ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::operator bool() const
return !bEnd;
template< typename A, typename D >
const D& ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::operator*() const
return rArray.pData[nIndex].aValue;
template< typename A, typename D >
A ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::GetRangeStart() const
if (nIndex == 0)
return nIterStart > 0 ? nIterStart : 0;
return nIterStart > rArray.pData[nIndex-1].nEnd ? nIterStart :
rArray.pData[nIndex-1].nEnd + 1;
template< typename A, typename D >
A ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::GetRangeEnd() const
return nIterEnd < rArray.pData[nIndex].nEnd ? nIterEnd :
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D>::Resync( A nPos )
if (nPos < nIterStart)
nPos = nIterStart;
else if (nPos > nIterEnd)
nPos = nIterEnd;
nCurrent = nPos;
bEnd = (nIterEnd < nIterStart);
nIndex = rArray.Search( nPos);
// === ScSummableCompressedArray =============================================
/** Data type D must be of a type that is convertable to unsigned long. The
advantage is that specialized methods exist to act on a region of values
for performance reasons.
template< typename A, typename D > class ScSummableCompressedArray : public ScCompressedArray<A,D>
ScSummableCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
const D& rValue,
size_t nDeltaP = nScCompressedArrayDelta )
: ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP,
rValue, nDeltaP)
ScSummableCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
const D* pDataArray, size_t nDataCount )
: ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP,
pDataArray, nDataCount)
/** Returns the sum of all values for a region. If an overflow would occur,
::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() is returned. */
unsigned long SumValues( A nStart, A nEnd ) const;
/** Returns the sum of all values for a region. If an overflow would occur,
::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() is returned.
The caller has to assure that nIndex matches an entry belonging to
nStart, for example, by calling Search(nStart) first! */
unsigned long SumValuesContinuation( A nStart, A nEnd,
size_t& nIndex ) const;
/** Returns the sum of all scaled values for a region. If an overflow would
occur, ::std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() is returned.
Summed values are treated as if for each row the expression
(sum += (unsigned long) (scale * value)) had been applied.
The caller has to assure that nIndex matches an entry belonging to
nStart, for example, by calling Search(nStart) first! */
unsigned long SumScaledValuesContinuation( A nStart, A nEnd,
size_t& nIndex, double fScale ) const;
// === ScBitMaskCompressedArray ==============================================
/** The data type represents bits, managable by bitwise operations.
template< typename A, typename D > class ScBitMaskCompressedArray : public ScCompressedArray<A,D>
ScBitMaskCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
const D& rValue,
size_t nDeltaP = nScCompressedArrayDelta )
: ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP, rValue, nDeltaP)
ScBitMaskCompressedArray( A nMaxAccessP,
const D* pDataArray, size_t nDataCount )
: ScCompressedArray<A,D>( nMaxAccessP,
pDataArray, nDataCount)
void AndValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToAnd );
void OrValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToOr );
void AndValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToAnd );
void OrValue( A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToOr );
/** Copy values from rArray and bitwise AND them with rValueToAnd. */
void CopyFromAnded(
const ScBitMaskCompressedArray& rArray,
A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToAnd,
long nSourceDy = 0 );
/** Copy values from rArray and bitwise OR them with rValueToOr. */
void CopyFromOred(
const ScBitMaskCompressedArray& rArray,
A nStart, A nEnd, const D& rValueToOr,
long nSourceDy = 0 );
/** Return the start row of a region where all entries meet the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). If not even nEnd meets
this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
A GetBitStateStart( A nEnd, const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Return the end row of a region where all entries meet the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). If not even nStart meets
this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
A GetBitStateEnd( A nStart, const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Return the first row where an entry meets the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare), searching between nStart and
nEnd. If no entry meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max()
is returned. */
SC_DLLPUBLIC A GetFirstForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare), searching between nStart and
nEnd. If no entry meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max()
is returned. */
SC_DLLPUBLIC A GetLastForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Count rows between nStart and nEnd where entries meet the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare) */
A CountForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Whether there is any entry between nStart and nEnd where the condition
is met: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare) */
SC_DLLPUBLIC bool HasCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare ) const;
/** Fill an array with row numbers between nStart and nEnd where entries
meet the condition: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare).
@return the count of used elements in array. */
size_t FillArrayForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare,
A * pArray, size_t nArraySize ) const;
/** Count rows between nStart and nEnd where entries meet the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) != 0) */
A CountForAnyBitCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask ) const;
/** Return the last row where an entry meets the condition:
((aValue & rBitMask) != 0), start searching at nStart. If no entry
meets this condition, ::std::numeric_limits<A>::max() is returned. */
A GetLastAnyBitAccess( A nStart,
const D& rBitMask ) const;
/** Sum values of a ScSummableCompressedArray for each row where in *this*
array the condition is met: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). */
template< typename S >
SC_DLLPUBLIC unsigned long SumCoupledArrayForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare,
const ScSummableCompressedArray<A,S>& rArray ) const;
/** Sum scaled values of a ScSummableCompressedArray for each row where in
*this* array the condition is met: ((aValue & rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare). */
template< typename S >
SC_DLLPUBLIC unsigned long SumScaledCoupledArrayForCondition( A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask, const D& rMaskedCompare,
const ScSummableCompressedArray<A,S>& rArray,
double fScale ) const;
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::AndValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToAnd )
const D& rValue = this->GetValue( nPos);
if ((rValue & rValueToAnd) != rValue)
this->SetValue( nPos, rValue & rValueToAnd);
template< typename A, typename D >
void ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D>::OrValue( A nPos, const D& rValueToOr )
const D& rValue = this->GetValue( nPos);
if ((rValue | rValueToOr) != rValue)
this->SetValue( nPos, rValue | rValueToOr);
// === ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator ======================================
/** Iterate over a ScBitMaskCompressedArray and retrieve values from a coupled
array for positions where in the bit mask array the condition ((*aIter1 &
rBitMask) == rMaskedCompare) is met.
template< typename A, typename D, typename S > class ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator
SC_DLLPUBLIC ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator(
const ScBitMaskCompressedArray<A,D> & rArray1,
A nStart, A nEnd,
const D& rBitMask,
const D& rMaskedCompare,
const ScCompressedArray<A,S> & rArray2 );
void NewLimits( A nStart, A nEnd );
A GetIterStart() const;
A GetIterEnd() const;
bool operator ++();
A GetPos() const;
operator bool() const;
const S& operator *() const;
SC_DLLPUBLIC bool NextRange();
A GetRangeStart() const;
A GetRangeEnd() const;
void Resync( A nPos );
ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,D> aIter1;
ScCompressedArrayIterator<A,S> aIter2;
const D& rBitMask;
const D& rMaskedCompare;
void InitLimits();
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
A ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::GetIterStart() const
return aIter1.GetIterStart();
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
A ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::GetIterEnd() const
return aIter1.GetIterEnd();
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::operator bool() const
return aIter1 && aIter2;
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
const S& ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::operator*() const
return *aIter2;
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
bool ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::operator ++()
if (aIter1.GetPos() < aIter1.GetRangeEnd())
return operator bool();
return NextRange();
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
A ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::GetPos() const
return aIter2.GetPos();
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
A ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::GetRangeStart() const
return ::std::max( aIter1.GetRangeStart(), aIter2.GetRangeStart());
template< typename A, typename D, typename S >
A ScCoupledCompressedArrayIterator<A,D,S>::GetRangeEnd() const
return ::std::min( aIter1.GetRangeEnd(), aIter2.GetRangeEnd());