blob: 2e59afba8a8ec3c881a1f92c409e85f1c4a6990f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package ifc.xml.sax;
import lib.MultiMethodTest;
import lib.Status;
import lib.StatusException;
import util.XMLTools;
* Testing <code></code>
* interface methods :
* <ul>
* <li><code> startDocument()</code></li>
* <li><code> endDocument()</code></li>
* <li><code> startElement()</code></li>
* <li><code> endElement()</code></li>
* <li><code> characters()</code></li>
* <li><code> ignorableWhitespace()</code></li>
* <li><code> processingInstruction()</code></li>
* <li><code> setDocumentLocator()</code></li>
* </ul> <p>
* This test needs the following object relations :
* <ul>
* <li> <code>'XDocumentHandler.XMLData'</code> (of type <code>String[][]
* </code>):the XML data which will be passed to the handler. Each
* array of strings corresponds to some handler event. The fisrt
* string of event array is the type of the event they can have
* the following values :
* <ul>
* <li>'start' : startElement() event. The string with index 1
* is the name of element, the next array elements are attributes
* of XML element in order Name, Type, Value, Name, Type, Value, etc.
* </li>
* <li>'end' : endElement() event. The string with index 1
* is the name of element. </li>
* <li>'chars' : characters() event. The string with index 1
* is characters. </li>
* <li>'spaces' : ignorableWhitespace() event. The string with index 1
* is spaces. </li>
* <li>'instruct' : processingInstruction() event. The string with
* index 1 is the target of instruction. The string with index
* 2 is the data of instruction. </li>
* </ul> </li>
* <li> <code>'XDocumentHandler.ImportChecker'</code>
* (of type <code>ifc.xml.sax._XDocumentHandler.ImportChecker</code>) :
* this relation must be implementation of the interface above
* ant it must check if the XML data was successfully imported to
* the document. </li>
* </li>
* Test is <b> NOT </b> multithread compilant. <p>
* @see
public class _XDocumentHandler extends MultiMethodTest {
private static class DocumentLocator implements XLocator {
public boolean aMethodCalled = false ;
private PrintWriter log = null ;
public DocumentLocator(PrintWriter log) {
this.log = log ;
public int getColumnNumber() {
log.println("getColumnNumber() method called.") ;
aMethodCalled = true ;
return 10 ;
public int getLineNumber() {
log.println("getLineNumber() method called.") ;
aMethodCalled = true ;
return 9 ;
public String getPublicId() {
log.println("getPublicId() method called.") ;
aMethodCalled = true ;
return "file://d:/file.txt";
public String getSystemId() {
log.println("getSystemId() method called.") ;
aMethodCalled = true ;
return "system";
* This interface implementation must be passed by component test
* for checking the whole import process.
public static interface ImportChecker {
* Returns <code>true</code> if the XML data was successfully
* imported, <code>false</code> in other case.
boolean checkImport() ;
* This interface implementation must be passed by component test
* for setting a target document to the import process
public static interface TargetDocumentSetter {
void setTargetDocument();
public XDocumentHandler oObj = null;
private String[][] xmlData = null ;
private DocumentLocator locator = null ;
private ImportChecker checker = null ;
private boolean locatorResult = true ;
private SAXException locatorException = null ;
private boolean ToBeSkipped = false;
* Retrieves object relations.
* @throws StatusException If one of relations not found.
public void before() {
locator = new DocumentLocator(log) ;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("XMLSettingsImporter")) {
log.println("Settings can't be imported in the current Implementation");
ToBeSkipped = true;
xmlData = (String[][])tEnv.getObjRelation("XDocumentHandler.XMLData") ;
checker = (ImportChecker)
tEnv.getObjRelation("XDocumentHandler.ImportChecker") ;
TargetDocumentSetter targetDocSet = (TargetDocumentSetter)
if (xmlData == null || checker == null) throw new StatusException
(Status.failed("Relation wasn't found")) ;
if (targetDocSet != null){
log.println("object realtion 'XDocumentHandler.TargetDocumentSetter' not used.");
log.println("be shure that the test have a target to write throu");
* Sets document locator to dummy locator implementation and
* calls the <code>startDocument</code> method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if no runtime exceptions occurred.
public void _startDocument() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("startDocument()", Status.skipped(true));
try {
oObj.setDocumentLocator(locator) ;
} catch (SAXException e) {
locatorException = e ;
locatorResult = false ;
boolean result = true ;
try {
oObj.startDocument() ;
} catch (SAXException e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
log.println("Wrapped exception :" + e.WrappedException) ;
result = false ;
tRes.tested("startDocument()", result) ;
* This test is finally executed. It finishes XML data
* transferring with <code>endDocument</code> method call. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during
* the whole transferring and if the appropriate changes
* occurred in the document where XML data was trnsfered to.
* This check is performed by checker relation.
public void _endDocument() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("endDocument()", Status.skipped(true));
requiredMethod("startElement()") ;
executeMethod("endElement()") ;
executeMethod("characters()") ;
executeMethod("ignorableWhitespace()") ;
executeMethod("processingInstruction()") ;
boolean result = true ;
try {
oObj.endDocument() ;
} catch (SAXException e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
log.println("Wrapped exception :" + e.WrappedException) ;
result = false ;
log.println("Check if import was successful ...") ;
result &= checker.checkImport() ;
tRes.tested("endDocument()", result) ;
* Transfers XML data obtained from relation
* <code>'XDocumentHandler.XMLData'</code>. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests. <p>
* Exact checking of XML transfer is made in <code>endDocument</code>
public void _startElement() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("startElement()", Status.skipped(true));
boolean result = true ;
try {
log.println("StartElement Processing XML data ...") ;
for(int i = 0; i < xmlData.length; i++) {
String[] elem = xmlData[i] ;
String xmlTag = "" ;
if ("start".equals(elem[0])) {
xmlTag += "<" ;
String tagName = elem[1] ;
xmlTag += tagName ;
XMLTools.AttributeList attr = new XMLTools.AttributeList() ;
for (int j = 2; j < elem.length; j+=3) {
attr.add(elem[j], elem[j+1], elem[j+2]);
xmlTag += " " + elem[j] + "(" + elem[j+1] +
")=\"" + elem[j+2] + "\"" ;
xmlTag += ">" ;
log.println(xmlTag) ;
oObj.startElement(tagName, attr) ;
} else
if ("end".equals(elem[0])) {
log.println("</" + elem[1] + ">") ;
oObj.endElement(elem[1]) ;
} else
if ("chars".equals(elem[0])) {
log.println("'" + elem[1] + "'") ;
oObj.characters(elem[1]) ;
} else
if ("spaces".equals(elem[0])) {
log.println("(spaces)'" + elem[1] + "'") ;
oObj.ignorableWhitespace(elem[1]) ;
} else
if ("instruct".equals(elem[0])) {
log.println("<?" + elem[1] + " " + elem[2] + "?>") ;
oObj.processingInstruction(elem[1], elem[2]) ;
} else {
log.println("!!! Bad object relation !!!") ;
throw new StatusException(Status.failed("Bad relation")) ;
} catch (SAXException e) {
e.printStackTrace(log) ;
log.println("Wrapped exception :" + e.WrappedException) ;
result = false ;
tRes.tested("startElement()", result) ;
* Does nothing. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests.
public void _endElement() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("endElement()", Status.skipped(true));
requiredMethod("startElement()") ;
boolean result = true ;
tRes.tested("endElement()", result) ;
* Does nothing. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests.
public void _characters() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("characters()", Status.skipped(true));
requiredMethod("startElement()") ;
boolean result = true ;
tRes.tested("characters()", result) ;
* Does nothing. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests.
public void _ignorableWhitespace() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("ignorableWhitespace()", Status.skipped(true));
requiredMethod("startElement()") ;
boolean result = true ;
tRes.tested("ignorableWhitespace()", result) ;
* Does nothing. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests.
public void _processingInstruction() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("processingInstruction()", Status.skipped(true));
requiredMethod("startElement()") ;
boolean result = true ;
tRes.tested("processingInstruction()", result) ;
* Does nothing. <p>
* Has <b>OK</b> status if no exceptions occurred during XML data
* transferring in <code>startDocument</code> and
* <code>startElement</code> method tests.
public void _setDocumentLocator() {
if (ToBeSkipped) {
tRes.tested("setDocumentLocator()", Status.skipped(true));
executeMethod("endDocument()") ;
boolean result = locatorResult ;
if (locatorException != null) {
log.println("Exception occurred during setDocumentLocator() call:") ;
locatorException.printStackTrace(log) ;
log.println("Wrapped exception :"
+ locatorException.WrappedException) ;
result = false ;
tRes.tested("setDocumentLocator()", result) ;