blob: d753a47112bc95ee8903ac9e5138bc63efec8681 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package ifc.frame;
import lib.MultiMethodTest;
import lib.TestEnvironment;
* Testing <code></code>
* interface methods:
* <ul>
* <li><code> getName() </code></li>
* <li><code> setName() </code></li>
* <li><code> activate() </code></li>
* <li><code> deactivate() </code></li>
* <li><code> isActive() </code></li>
* <li><code> addFrameActionListener() </code></li>
* <li><code> removeFrameActionListener() </code></li>
* <li><code> getCreator() </code></li>
* <li><code> getComponentWindow() </code></li>
* <li><code> getContainerWindow() </code></li>
* <li><code> getController() </code></li>
* <li><code> isTop() </code></li>
* <li><code> findFrame() </code></li>
* <li><code> contextChanged() </code></li>
* <li><code> setCreator() </code></li>
* <li><code> setComponent() </code></li>
* <li><code> initialize() </code></li>
* </ul><p>
* This test needs the following object relations :
* <ul>
* <li> <code>'XFrame'</code> (of type <code>XFrame</code>)
* <b>optional</b>: any frame named 'XFrame'.
* Could be used by <code>findFrame</code> method to try
* to find other frame than itself.</li>
* <li> <code>'Desktop'</code> (of type <code>Object</code>):
* if exsists, then desktop component is tested</li>
* </ul> <p>
* Test is <b> NOT </b> multithread compilant. <p>
* @see
public class _XFrame extends MultiMethodTest {
final FrameAction[] actionEvent = new FrameAction[1] ;
final boolean[] listenerCalled = new boolean[] {false} ;
final boolean[] activatedCalled = new boolean[] {false} ;
final boolean[] deactivatedCalled = new boolean[] {false} ;
final TestFrameActionListener listener =
new TestFrameActionListener() ;
public static XFrame oObj = null;
* Class used to test listeners.
private class TestFrameActionListener
implements XFrameActionListener {
public void frameAction(FrameActionEvent e) {
listenerCalled[0] = true ;
activatedCalled[0] |= e.Action == FrameAction.FRAME_ACTIVATED;
deactivatedCalled[0] |= e.Action == FrameAction.FRAME_DEACTIVATING;
actionEvent[0] = e.Action;
public void disposing(EventObject e) {}
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method does not return null.
public void _getName() {
String name = oObj.getName() ;
if (name == null)
log.println("getName() returned null: FAILED") ;
tRes.tested("getName()", name!=null) ;
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if set and gotten names are equal.
public void _setName() {
String sName = "XFrame" ;
String gName = oObj.getName();
boolean res = sName.equals(gName);
if (! res)
log.println("setName('" + sName +
"'), but getName() return '" + gName + "'") ;
tRes.tested("setName()", res);
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully returns
* and no exceptions were thrown.
public void _activate() {
oObj.activate() ;
tRes.tested("activate()", true) ;
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully returns
* and no exceptions were thrown.
public void _deactivate() {
oObj.deactivate() ;
oObj.activate() ;
tRes.tested("deactivate()", true) ;
* Test calls the method. Then frame is deactivated and method called
* again. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() returns true or if the method
* always display real status of a frame during activation/deactivation.
public void _isActive() {
boolean result = true;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop is always active");
tRes.tested("isActive()", oObj.isActive()) ;
result &= !oObj.isActive();
if (oObj.isActive())
log.println("after deactivate() method call, isActive() returned true");
result &= oObj.isActive();
if (!oObj.isActive())
log.println("after activate() method call, isActive() returned false") ;
boolean res = isDesktop(log,tEnv,"isActive()");
if (res) result=res;
tRes.tested("isActive()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. Then frame status (activated/deactivated) is
* changed, and the listener is checked.<p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returnes true, or if the
* listener was called and frame was activated.
public void _addFrameActionListener() {
boolean result = true ;
oObj.addFrameActionListener(listener) ;
oObj.activate() ;
oObj.deactivate() ;
oObj.activate() ;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("No actions supported by Desktop");
tRes.tested("addFrameActionListener()", true) ;
try {
}catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
if (!listenerCalled[0]) {
log.println("listener was not called.") ;
result = false ;
} else {
if (!activatedCalled[0]) {
log.println("Listener was called, FRAME_ACTIVATED was not") ;
result = false ;
if (!deactivatedCalled[0]) {
log.println("Listener was called, FRAME_DEACTIVATING was not") ;
result = false ;
boolean res = isDesktop(log, tEnv, "addFrameActionListener()");
if (res) result=res;
tRes.tested("addFrameActionListener()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. Then frame status (activated/deactivated) is
* changed, and the listener is checked.<p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returns true, or if the
* method actually removes listener so it does not react on
* activate/deactivate events. <p>
* The following method tests are to be completed successfully before :
* <ul>
* <li> <code> addFrameActionListener() </code>: adds action listener
* to a frame </li>
* </ul>
public void _removeFrameActionListener() {
boolean result = true;
listenerCalled[0] = false;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("No actions supported by Desktop");
tRes.tested("removeFrameActionListener()", true) ;
if (listenerCalled[0])
log.println("Listener wasn't removed, and was called");
boolean res = isDesktop(log, tEnv, "removeFrameActionListener()");
if (res) result=res; else result = (!listenerCalled[0]);
tRes.tested("removeFrameActionListener()", result);
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returns true or if the method
* does not return null.
public void _getCreator() {
boolean result = true;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop has no creator");
tRes.tested("getCreator()", true) ;
XFramesSupplier creator = oObj.getCreator() ;
if (creator == null)
log.println("getCreator() returns null") ;
boolean res = isDesktop(log,tEnv,"getCreator()");
if (res) result=res; else result = (creator != null);
tRes.tested("getCreator()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returns true or if the method
* does not return null.
public void _getComponentWindow() {
boolean result = true;
XWindow win = oObj.getComponentWindow() ;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop has no component window");
tRes.tested("getComponentWindow()", true) ;
if (win == null)
log.println("getComponentWindow() returns null") ;
boolean res = isDesktop(log,tEnv,"getComponentWindow()");
if (res) result=res; else result = (win != null);
tRes.tested("getComponentWindow()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returns true or if the method
* does not return null.
public void _getContainerWindow() {
boolean result = true;
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop has no container window");
tRes.tested("getContainerWindow()", true) ;
XWindow win = oObj.getContainerWindow() ;
if (win == null)
log.println("getContainerWindow() returns null") ;
boolean res = isDesktop(log,tEnv,"getContainerWindow()");
if (res) result=res; else result = (win != null);
tRes.tested("getContainerWindow()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. Then returned controller is checked. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returns true or
* if the method returns non-null controller, having frame that's equal to
* a (XFrame) oObj.
public void _getController() {
boolean result = true;
XController ctrl = oObj.getController();
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop has no controller");
tRes.tested("getController()", true) ;
if (ctrl == null) {
log.println("getController() returns null");
result = false;
} else {
XFrame frm = ctrl.getFrame();
if (!oObj.equals(frm)) {
log.println("Frame returned by controller not " +
"equals to frame testing");
result = false;
boolean res = isDesktop(log, tEnv, "getController()");
if (res) result=res;
tRes.tested("getController()", result) ;
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully returns
* and no exceptions were thrown.
public void _isTop() {
log.println("isTop() = " + oObj.isTop());
tRes.tested("isTop()", true) ;
* After obtaining an object relation 'XFrame', test tries to find a frame
* named 'XFrame'. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method returns non-null object that's equal
* to previously obtained object relation.
public void _findFrame() {
boolean result = true ;
XFrame aFrame = (XFrame) tEnv.getObjRelation("XFrame");
if (aFrame != null) {
log.println("Trying to find a frame with name 'XFrame' ...");
XFrame frame = oObj.findFrame("XFrame", ;
if (frame == null) {
log.println("findFrame(\"XFrame,\") returns null") ;
result = false ;
} else if ( !aFrame.equals(frame) ) {
log.println("findFrame(\"XFrame,\") "
+ " returns frame which is not equal to passed in relation") ;
result = false ;
log.println("Trying to find a frame with name '_self' ...");
XFrame frame = oObj.findFrame("_self", ;
if (frame == null) {
log.println("findFrame(\"_self\") returns null") ;
result = false ;
} else if ( !oObj.equals(frame) ) {
log.println("findFrame(\"_self\") "
+ " returns frame which is not equal to tested") ;
result = false ;
tRes.tested("findFrame()", result) ;
* At first new listener is added, then test calls the method and result
* is checked. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if isDesktop() method returnes true or if the
* listener was called and proper event past to listener.
public void _contextChanged() {
boolean result = true;
TestFrameActionListener listener = new TestFrameActionListener();
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop cann't change context");
tRes.tested("contextChanged()", true) ;
listenerCalled[0] = false;
try {
if ( !listenerCalled[0] ) {
log.println("listener was not called on contextChanged() call.") ;
result = false;
} else if (actionEvent[0] != FrameAction.CONTEXT_CHANGED) {
log.println("listener was called, but Action != CONTEXT_CHANGED") ;
result = false;
} finally {
boolean res = isDesktop(log, tEnv, "contextChanged()");
if (res) result = res;
tRes.tested("contextChanged()", result);
* Test calls the method. Remembered old creater is restored at the end. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully set new value to (XFrame)
* oObj object.
public void _setCreator() {
if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("Desktop")) {
log.println("Desktop has no creator");
tRes.tested("setCreator()", true) ;
XFramesSupplier oldCreator = oObj.getCreator() ;
oObj.setCreator(null) ;
tRes.tested("setCreator()", oObj.getCreator() == null) ;
oObj.setCreator(oldCreator) ;
* Test calls the method, then result is checked.<p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if method returns true, and values, set by the
* method are nulls, or if method returns false, and values are not changed.
* This method destroy the object. Therfore all other methods have to be
* executed before :
* <ul>
* <li> <code> getName() </code>
* <li> <code> setName() </code>
* <li> <code> activate() </code>
* <li> <code> deactivate() </code>
* <li> <code> isActive() </code>
* <li> <code> addFrameActionListener() </code>
* <li> <code> getComponentWindow() </code>
* <li> <code> getContainerWindow() </code>
* <li> <code> getController() </code>
* <li> <code> isTop() </code>
* <li> <code> findFrame() </code>
* <li> <code> contextChanged() </code>
* <li> <code> setCreator() </code>
* object</li>
* </ul>
public void _setComponent() {
// setComponent() destr
requiredMethod("getName()") ;
requiredMethod("setName()") ;
requiredMethod("activate()") ;
requiredMethod("deactivate()") ;
requiredMethod("isActive()") ;
requiredMethod("addFrameActionListener()") ;
requiredMethod("getComponentWindow()") ;
requiredMethod("getContainerWindow()") ;
requiredMethod("getController()") ;
requiredMethod("isTop()") ;
requiredMethod("findFrame()") ;
requiredMethod("contextChanged()") ;
requiredMethod("setCreator()") ;
boolean result = true;
XWindow oldWindow = oObj.getComponentWindow();
XController oldController = oObj.getController();
boolean rs = oObj.setComponent(null, null);
if (rs) { // component must be changed
result &= oObj.getComponentWindow() == null;
result &= oObj.getController() == null;
if (!result)
log.println("setComponent() returns true, but component is " +
"not changed.");
} else { // frame is not allowed to change component
result &= oObj.getComponentWindow() == oldWindow ;
result &= oObj.getController() == oldController ;
if (!result)
log.println("setComponent() returns false, but component is" +
tRes.tested("setComponent()", result);
* Test calls the method. <p>
* Has <b> OK </b> status if the method successfully returns.
* In case a frame should initialised twice, a
* <CODE></CODE> was thron. This is ok. But since
* a could thrown in any state the message of
* the exception must contain a defined string. In this case the test get an
* <CODE>OK</CODE> status.
* The following method tests are to be completed successfully before :
* <ul>
* <li> <code> setComponent() </code> : sets window and controller to the
* object</li>
* </ul>
public void _initialize() {
requiredMethod("setComponent()") ;
XWindow win = oObj.getContainerWindow() ;
boolean bOK = true;
try {
oObj.initialize(win) ;
} catch ( e){
String message="Frame::initialized() is called more then once, which isn't useful nor allowed.";
if (e.toString().indexOf(message) != -1){
log.println("methods throws exception, but it's OK");
tRes.tested("initialize()", bOK) ;
* Checks does relation 'Desktop' exist. Returns true if exist.
public static boolean isDesktop(PrintWriter log,
TestEnvironment env, String method) {
Object isD = env.getObjRelation("Desktop");
if (isD != null) {
log.println("The Desktop doesn't support the method " + method);
log.println("It will always return true");
return true;
else {
return false;
* Forces environment recreation.
public void after() {