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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.openoffice.ooxml.viewer.tokenview;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
public class Run<TokenType>
Run (
final String sText,
final TokenType eTokenType,
final Style aStyle,
final int nOffset)
msText = sText;
meTokenType = eTokenType;
maStyle = aStyle!=null ? aStyle : Style.DefaultStyle;
mnStreamOffset = nOffset;
mnWidth = -1;
mnHeight = -1;
mnOffset = nOffset;
maParent = null;
maGroupEnd = null;
maLine = null;
public void Format (
final Graphics2D aG2)
final FontMetrics aMetrics = aG2.getFontMetrics(maStyle.GetFont());
mnWidth = aMetrics.stringWidth(msText);
mnHeight = aMetrics.getHeight();
mnOffset = -aMetrics.getDescent();
public void Paint (
final Graphics2D aG2,
final int nX,
final int nY,
final Color aBackgroundColor)
if (mnWidth < 0)
mnWidth = aG2.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(msText);
mnHeight = aG2.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
if (aBackgroundColor != null)
final Color aSavedColor = aG2.getColor();
aG2.fillRect(nX,nY-mnHeight, mnWidth, mnHeight);
aG2.drawString(msText, nX, nY+mnOffset);
if (msToolTipText != null)
aG2.drawLine(nX, nY-1, nX+mnWidth, nY-1);
public String GetText()
return msText;
public Style GetStyle ()
return maStyle;
public int GetStreamOffset ()
return mnStreamOffset;
public int GetStreamEndOffset ()
return mnStreamOffset + msText.length();
public int GetWidth()
return mnWidth;
public int GetHeight ()
return mnHeight;
public void SetGroupParent (final Run<TokenType> aParent)
maParent = aParent;
public void SetGroupEnd (final Run<TokenType> aRun)
maGroupEnd = aRun;
public Run<TokenType> GetGroupEnd()
return maGroupEnd;
public boolean IsGroup ()
if (maGroupEnd == null)
return false;
else if (maLine == maGroupEnd.maLine)
return true;
return true;
public Run<TokenType> GetParent ()
return maParent;
public Line<TokenType> GetLine ()
return maLine;
public void SetLine (final Line<TokenType> aLine)
maLine = aLine;
public void SetToolTipText (final String sText)
msToolTipText = sText;
public String GetToolTipText ()
return msToolTipText;
public TokenType GetTokenType ()
return meTokenType;
public String toString ()
return "run '"+msText+"' @ "+mnOffset;
private final String msText;
private final TokenType meTokenType;
private final Style maStyle;
private final int mnStreamOffset;
private int mnWidth;
private int mnHeight;
private int mnOffset;
private Run<TokenType> maParent;
private Run<TokenType> maGroupEnd;
private Line<TokenType> maLine;
private String msToolTipText;