blob: d8519ed7488d67c0fd96dd88c5702f0cdfa88896 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "oox/xls/formulaparser.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/ComplexReference.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/ExternalReference.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/FormulaToken.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/ReferenceFlags.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/SingleReference.hpp>
#include "oox/core/filterbase.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/addressconverter.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/biffinputstream.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/defnamesbuffer.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/externallinkbuffer.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/tablebuffer.hxx"
#include "oox/xls/worksheethelper.hxx"
namespace oox {
namespace xls {
// ============================================================================
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet::ReferenceFlags;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::table;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using ::rtl::OUString;
// ============================================================================
namespace {
sal_uInt16 lclReadFmlaSize( BiffInputStream& rStrm, BiffType eBiff, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize )
return pnFmlaSize ? *pnFmlaSize : ((eBiff == BIFF2) ? rStrm.readuInt8() : rStrm.readuInt16());
} // namespace
// formula finalizer ==========================================================
FormulaFinalizer::FormulaFinalizer( const OpCodeProvider& rOpCodeProv ) :
OpCodeProvider( rOpCodeProv ),
ApiOpCodes( getOpCodes() )
maTokens.reserve( 0x2000 );
ApiTokenSequence FormulaFinalizer::finalizeTokenArray( const ApiTokenSequence& rTokens )
if( rTokens.hasElements() )
const ApiToken* pToken = rTokens.getConstArray();
processTokens( pToken, pToken + rTokens.getLength() );
return ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( maTokens );
const FunctionInfo* FormulaFinalizer::resolveBadFuncName( const OUString& ) const
return 0;
OUString FormulaFinalizer::resolveDefinedName( sal_Int32 ) const
return OUString();
const FunctionInfo* FormulaFinalizer::getFunctionInfo( ApiToken& orFuncToken )
// first, try to find a regular function info from token op-code
if( const FunctionInfo* pRegFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromApiToken( orFuncToken ) )
return pRegFuncInfo;
// try to recognize a function from an external library
if( (orFuncToken.OpCode == OPCODE_BAD) && orFuncToken.Data.has< OUString >() )
// virtual call to resolveBadFuncName()
if( const FunctionInfo* pLibFuncInfo = resolveBadFuncName( orFuncToken.Data.get< OUString >() ) )
// write function op-code to the OPCODE_BAD token
orFuncToken.OpCode = pLibFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode;
// if it is an external function, insert programmatic function name
if( (orFuncToken.OpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && (pLibFuncInfo->maExtProgName.getLength() > 0) )
orFuncToken.Data <<= pLibFuncInfo->maExtProgName;
orFuncToken.Data.clear(); // clear string from OPCODE_BAD
return pLibFuncInfo;
// no success - return null
return 0;
const FunctionInfo* FormulaFinalizer::getExternCallInfo( ApiToken& orFuncToken, const ApiToken& rECToken )
// try to resolve the passed token to a supported sheet function
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromApiToken( rECToken ) )
orFuncToken.OpCode = pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode;
// programmatic add-in function name
if( (pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && (pFuncInfo->maExtProgName.getLength() > 0) )
orFuncToken.Data <<= pFuncInfo->maExtProgName;
// name of unsupported function, convert to OPCODE_BAD to preserve the name
else if( (pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_BAD) && (pFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0) )
orFuncToken.Data <<= pFuncInfo->maOoxFuncName;
return pFuncInfo;
// macro call or unknown function name, move data to function token
if( (rECToken.OpCode == OPCODE_MACRO) || (rECToken.OpCode == OPCODE_BAD) )
orFuncToken = rECToken;
// defined name used as function call, convert to OPCODE_BAD to preserve the name
if( (rECToken.OpCode == OPCODE_NAME) && rECToken.Data.has< sal_Int32 >() )
OUString aDefName = resolveDefinedName( rECToken.Data.get< sal_Int32 >() );
if( aDefName.getLength() > 0 )
orFuncToken.OpCode = OPCODE_BAD;
orFuncToken.Data <<= aDefName;
return 0;
void FormulaFinalizer::processTokens( const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd )
while( pToken < pTokenEnd )
// push the current token into the vector
bool bValid = appendFinalToken( *pToken );
// try to process a function
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = bValid ? getFunctionInfo( maTokens.back() ) : 0 )
pToken = processParameters( *pFuncInfo, pToken + 1, pTokenEnd );
// otherwise, go to next token
const ApiToken* FormulaFinalizer::processParameters(
const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd )
// remember position of the token containing the function op-code
size_t nFuncNameIdx = maTokens.size() - 1;
// process a function, if an OPCODE_OPEN token is following
OSL_ENSURE( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN), "FormulaFinalizer::processParameters - OPCODE_OPEN expected" );
if( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN) )
// append the OPCODE_OPEN token to the vector
maTokens.append( OPCODE_OPEN );
// store positions of OPCODE_OPEN, parameter separators, and OPCODE_CLOSE
ParameterPosVector aParams;
pToken = findParameters( aParams, pToken, pTokenEnd );
OSL_ENSURE( aParams.size() >= 2, "FormulaFinalizer::processParameters - missing tokens" );
size_t nParamCount = aParams.size() - 1;
if( (nParamCount == 1) && isEmptyParameter( aParams[ 0 ] + 1, aParams[ 1 ] ) )
/* Empty pair of parentheses -> function call without parameters,
process parameter, there might be spaces between parentheses. */
processTokens( aParams[ 0 ] + 1, aParams[ 1 ] );
const FunctionInfo* pRealFuncInfo = &rFuncInfo;
ParameterPosVector::const_iterator aPosIt = aParams.begin();
/* Preprocess EXTERN.CALL functions. The actual function name is
contained as reference to a defined name in the first (hidden)
parameter. */
if( rFuncInfo.mnBiffFuncId == BIFF_FUNC_EXTERNCALL )
ApiToken& rFuncToken = maTokens[ nFuncNameIdx ];
rFuncToken.OpCode = OPCODE_NONAME;
// try to initialize function token from first parameter
if( const ApiToken* pECToken = getSingleToken( *aPosIt + 1, *(aPosIt + 1) ) )
if( const FunctionInfo* pECFuncInfo = getExternCallInfo( rFuncToken, *pECToken ) )
pRealFuncInfo = pECFuncInfo;
/* On success (something has been inserted into rFuncToken),
skip the first parameter. */
if( rFuncToken.OpCode != OPCODE_NONAME )
// process all parameters
FunctionParamInfoIterator aParamInfoIt( *pRealFuncInfo );
size_t nLastValidSize = maTokens.size();
size_t nLastValidCount = 0;
for( size_t nParam = 0; nParam < nParamCount; ++nParam, ++aPosIt, ++aParamInfoIt )
// add embedded Calc-only parameters
if( aParamInfoIt.isCalcOnlyParam() )
appendCalcOnlyParameter( *pRealFuncInfo, nParam );
while( aParamInfoIt.isCalcOnlyParam() ) ++aParamInfoIt;
const ApiToken* pParamBegin = *aPosIt + 1;
const ApiToken* pParamEnd = *(aPosIt + 1);
bool bIsEmpty = isEmptyParameter( pParamBegin, pParamEnd );
if( !aParamInfoIt.isExcelOnlyParam() )
// handle empty parameters
if( bIsEmpty )
// append leading space tokens from original token array
while( (pParamBegin < pParamEnd) && (pParamBegin->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) )
maTokens.push_back( *pParamBegin++ );
// add default values for some empty parameters, or the OPCODE_MISSING token
appendEmptyParameter( *pRealFuncInfo, nParam );
// reset bIsEmpty flag, if something has been appended in appendEmptyParameter()
bIsEmpty = maTokens.back().OpCode == OPCODE_MISSING;
// skip OPCODE_MISSING token in the original token array
OSL_ENSURE( (pParamBegin == pParamEnd) || (pParamBegin->OpCode == OPCODE_MISSING), "FormulaFinalizer::processParameters - OPCODE_MISSING expected" );
if( pParamBegin < pParamEnd ) ++pParamBegin;
// append trailing space tokens from original token array
while( (pParamBegin < pParamEnd) && (pParamBegin->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) )
maTokens.push_back( *pParamBegin++ );
// if parameter is not empty, process all tokens of the parameter
processTokens( pParamBegin, pParamEnd );
// append parameter separator token
maTokens.append( OPCODE_SEP );
/* #84453# Update size of new token sequence with valid parameters
to be able to remove trailing optional empty parameters. */
if( !bIsEmpty || (nParam < pRealFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount) )
nLastValidSize = maTokens.size();
nLastValidCount = nParam + 1;
// #84453# remove trailing optional empty parameters
maTokens.resize( nLastValidSize );
// add trailing Calc-only parameters
if( aParamInfoIt.isCalcOnlyParam() )
appendCalcOnlyParameter( *pRealFuncInfo, nLastValidCount );
// add optional parameters that are required in Calc
appendRequiredParameters( *pRealFuncInfo, nLastValidCount );
// remove last parameter separator token
if( maTokens.back().OpCode == OPCODE_SEP )
/* Append the OPCODE_CLOSE token to the vector, but only if there is
no OPCODE_BAD token at the end, this token already contains the
trailing closing parentheses. */
if( (pTokenEnd - 1)->OpCode != OPCODE_BAD )
maTokens.append( OPCODE_CLOSE );
/* Replace OPCODE_EXTERNAL with OPCODE_NONAME to get #NAME! error in cell,
if no matching add-in function was found. */
ApiToken& rFuncNameToken = maTokens[ nFuncNameIdx ];
if( (rFuncNameToken.OpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && !rFuncNameToken.Data.hasValue() )
rFuncNameToken.OpCode = OPCODE_NONAME;
return pToken;
bool FormulaFinalizer::isEmptyParameter( const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd ) const
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) ) ++pToken;
if( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_MISSING) ) ++pToken;
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) ) ++pToken;
return pToken == pTokenEnd;
const ApiToken* FormulaFinalizer::getSingleToken( const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd ) const
const ApiToken* pSingleToken = 0;
// skip leading whitespace tokens
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) ) ++pToken;
// remember first non-whitespace token
if( pToken < pTokenEnd ) pSingleToken = pToken++;
// skip trailing whitespace tokens
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_SPACES) ) ++pToken;
// return null, if other non-whitespace tokens follow
return (pToken == pTokenEnd) ? pSingleToken : 0;
const ApiToken* FormulaFinalizer::skipParentheses( const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd ) const
// skip tokens between OPCODE_OPEN and OPCODE_CLOSE
OSL_ENSURE( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN), "skipParentheses - OPCODE_OPEN expected" );
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode != OPCODE_CLOSE) )
if( pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN )
pToken = skipParentheses( pToken, pTokenEnd );
// skip the OPCODE_CLOSE token
OSL_ENSURE( ((pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE)) || ((pTokenEnd - 1)->OpCode == OPCODE_BAD), "skipParentheses - OPCODE_CLOSE expected" );
return (pToken < pTokenEnd) ? (pToken + 1) : pTokenEnd;
const ApiToken* FormulaFinalizer::findParameters( ParameterPosVector& rParams,
const ApiToken* pToken, const ApiToken* pTokenEnd ) const
// push position of OPCODE_OPEN
OSL_ENSURE( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN), "FormulaFinalizer::findParameters - OPCODE_OPEN expected" );
rParams.push_back( pToken++ );
// find positions of parameter separators
while( (pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode != OPCODE_CLOSE) )
if( pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_OPEN )
pToken = skipParentheses( pToken, pTokenEnd );
else if( pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_SEP )
rParams.push_back( pToken++ );
// push position of OPCODE_CLOSE
OSL_ENSURE( ((pToken < pTokenEnd) && (pToken->OpCode == OPCODE_CLOSE)) || ((pTokenEnd - 1)->OpCode == OPCODE_BAD), "FormulaFinalizer::findParameters - OPCODE_CLOSE expected" );
rParams.push_back( pToken );
return (pToken < pTokenEnd) ? (pToken + 1) : pTokenEnd;
void FormulaFinalizer::appendEmptyParameter( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParam )
// remember old size of the token array
size_t nTokenArraySize = maTokens.size();
switch( rFuncInfo.mnBiff12FuncId )
if( (nParam == 1) || (nParam == 2) )
maTokens.append< double >( OPCODE_PUSH, 0.0 );
// if no token has been added, append a OPCODE_MISSING token
if( nTokenArraySize == maTokens.size() )
maTokens.append( OPCODE_MISSING );
void FormulaFinalizer::appendCalcOnlyParameter( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParam )
(void)nParam; // prevent 'unused' warning
switch( rFuncInfo.mnBiff12FuncId )
OSL_ENSURE( nParam == 2, "FormulaFinalizer::appendCalcOnlyParameter - unexpected parameter index" );
maTokens.append< double >( OPCODE_PUSH, 1.0 );
maTokens.append( OPCODE_SEP );
void FormulaFinalizer::appendRequiredParameters( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParamCount )
switch( rFuncInfo.mnBiff12FuncId )
if( nParamCount == 1 )
maTokens.append< double >( OPCODE_PUSH, 1.0 );
maTokens.append( OPCODE_SEP );
bool FormulaFinalizer::appendFinalToken( const ApiToken& rToken )
// replace OPCODE_MACRO without macro name with #NAME? error code
bool bValid = (rToken.OpCode != OPCODE_MACRO) || rToken.Data.hasValue();
if( bValid )
maTokens.push_back( rToken );
maTokens.append( OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN );
maTokens.append( OPCODE_PUSH, BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( BIFF_ERR_NAME ) );
maTokens.append( OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE );
return bValid;
// parser implementation base =================================================
class FormulaParserImpl : public FormulaFinalizer, public WorkbookHelper
explicit FormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent );
/** Converts an OOXML formula string. */
virtual ApiTokenSequence importOoxFormula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddress,
const OUString& rFormulaString );
/** Imports and converts a BIFF12 token array from the passed stream. */
virtual ApiTokenSequence importBiff12Formula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddress,
FormulaType eType,
SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
/** Imports and converts a BIFF2-BIFF8 token array from the passed stream. */
virtual ApiTokenSequence importBiffFormula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddress,
FormulaType eType,
BiffInputStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize );
/** Tries to resolve the passed ref-id to an OLE target URL. */
OUString resolveOleTarget( sal_Int32 nRefId, bool bUseRefSheets ) const;
typedef ::std::pair< sal_Int32, bool > WhiteSpace;
typedef ::std::vector< WhiteSpace > WhiteSpaceVec;
/** Initializes the formula parser before importing a formula. */
void initializeImport( const CellAddress& rBaseAddress, FormulaType eType );
/** Finalizes the internal token storage after import. */
ApiTokenSequence finalizeImport();
// token array ------------------------------------------------------------
bool resetSpaces();
static void appendSpaces( WhiteSpaceVec& orSpaces, sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed );
void appendLeadingSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed );
void appendOpeningSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed );
void appendClosingSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed );
size_t getFormulaSize() const;
Any& appendRawToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode );
Any& insertRawToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nIndexFromEnd );
size_t appendWhiteSpaceTokens( const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces );
size_t insertWhiteSpaceTokens( const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces, size_t nIndexFromEnd );
size_t getOperandSize( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex ) const;
void pushOperandSize( size_t nSize );
size_t popOperandSize();
ApiToken& getOperandToken( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex, size_t nTokenIndex );
void removeOperand( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex );
void removeLastOperands( size_t nOpCountFromEnd );
bool pushOperandToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
bool pushAnyOperandToken( const Any& rAny, sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
template< typename Type >
bool pushValueOperandToken( const Type& rValue, sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
template< typename Type >
inline bool pushValueOperandToken( const Type& rValue, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 )
{ return pushValueOperandToken( rValue, OPCODE_PUSH, pSpaces ); }
bool pushParenthesesOperandToken( const WhiteSpaceVec* pOpeningSpaces = 0, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces = 0 );
bool pushUnaryPreOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
bool pushUnaryPostOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
bool pushBinaryOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces = 0 );
bool pushParenthesesOperatorToken( const WhiteSpaceVec* pOpeningSpaces = 0, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces = 0 );
bool pushFunctionOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nParamCount, const WhiteSpaceVec* pLeadingSpaces = 0, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces = 0 );
bool pushFunctionOperatorToken( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParamCount, const WhiteSpaceVec* pLeadingSpaces = 0, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces = 0 );
bool pushOperand( sal_Int32 nOpCode );
bool pushAnyOperand( const Any& rAny, sal_Int32 nOpCode );
template< typename Type >
bool pushValueOperand( const Type& rValue, sal_Int32 nOpCode );
template< typename Type >
inline bool pushValueOperand( const Type& rValue )
{ return pushValueOperand( rValue, OPCODE_PUSH ); }
bool pushBoolOperand( bool bValue );
bool pushErrorOperand( double fEncodedError );
bool pushBiffBoolOperand( sal_uInt8 nValue );
bool pushBiffErrorOperand( sal_uInt8 nErrorCode );
bool pushParenthesesOperand();
bool pushReferenceOperand( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool pushReferenceOperand( const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
template< typename Type >
bool pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const Type& rApiRef );
bool pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool pushNlrOperand( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef );
bool pushEmbeddedRefOperand( const DefinedNameBase& rName, bool bPushBadToken );
bool pushDefinedNameOperand( const DefinedNameRef& rxDefName );
bool pushExternalFuncOperand( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo );
bool pushDdeLinkOperand( const OUString& rDdeServer, const OUString& rDdeTopic, const OUString& rDdeItem );
bool pushExternalNameOperand( const ExternalNameRef& rxExtName, const ExternalLink& rExtLink );
bool pushSpecialTokenOperand( const BinAddress& rBaseAddr, bool bTable );
bool pushUnaryPreOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode );
bool pushUnaryPostOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode );
bool pushBinaryOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode );
bool pushParenthesesOperator();
bool pushFunctionOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nParamCount );
bool pushFunctionOperator( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParamCount );
// reference conversion ---------------------------------------------------
void initReference2d( SingleReference& orApiRef ) const;
void initReference3d( SingleReference& orApiRef, sal_Int32 nSheet, bool bSameSheet ) const;
void convertColRow( SingleReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference( SingleReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference2d( SingleReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference2d( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference3d( SingleReference& orApiRef, sal_Int32 nSheet, bool bSameSheet, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
void convertReference3d( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const;
// finalize token sequence ------------------------------------------------
virtual const FunctionInfo* resolveBadFuncName( const OUString& rTokenData ) const;
virtual ::rtl::OUString resolveDefinedName( sal_Int32 nTokenIndex ) const;
const sal_Int32 mnMaxApiCol; /// Maximum column index in own document.
const sal_Int32 mnMaxApiRow; /// Maximum row index in own document.
const sal_Int32 mnMaxXlsCol; /// Maximum column index in imported document.
const sal_Int32 mnMaxXlsRow; /// Maximum row index in imported document.
CellAddress maBaseAddr; /// Base address for relative references.
bool mbRelativeAsOffset; /// True = relative row/column index is (signed) offset, false = explicit index.
bool mb2dRefsAs3dRefs; /// True = convert all 2D references to 3D references in sheet specified by base address.
bool mbSpecialTokens; /// True = special handling for tExp and tTbl tokens, false = exit with error.
bool mbAllowNulChars; /// True = keep NUL characters in string tokens.
typedef ::std::vector< size_t > SizeTypeVector;
ApiTokenVector maTokenStorage; /// Raw unordered token storage.
SizeTypeVector maTokenIndexes; /// Indexes into maTokenStorage.
SizeTypeVector maOperandSizeStack; /// Stack with token sizes per operand.
WhiteSpaceVec maLeadingSpaces; /// List of whitespaces before next token.
WhiteSpaceVec maOpeningSpaces; /// List of whitespaces before opening parenthesis.
WhiteSpaceVec maClosingSpaces; /// List of whitespaces before closing parenthesis.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormulaParserImpl::FormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent ) :
FormulaFinalizer( rParent ),
WorkbookHelper( rParent ),
mnMaxApiCol( rParent.getAddressConverter().getMaxApiAddress().Column ),
mnMaxApiRow( rParent.getAddressConverter().getMaxApiAddress().Row ),
mnMaxXlsCol( rParent.getAddressConverter().getMaxXlsAddress().Column ),
mnMaxXlsRow( rParent.getAddressConverter().getMaxXlsAddress().Row ),
mbRelativeAsOffset( false ),
mb2dRefsAs3dRefs( false ),
mbAllowNulChars( false )
// reserve enough space to make resize(), push_back() etc. cheap
maTokenStorage.reserve( 0x2000 );
maTokenIndexes.reserve( 0x2000 );
maOperandSizeStack.reserve( 256 );
maLeadingSpaces.reserve( 256 );
maOpeningSpaces.reserve( 256 );
maClosingSpaces.reserve( 256 );
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParserImpl::importOoxFormula( const CellAddress&, const OUString& )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "FormulaParserImpl::importOoxFormula - not implemented" );
return ApiTokenSequence();
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParserImpl::importBiff12Formula( const CellAddress&, FormulaType, SequenceInputStream& )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "FormulaParserImpl::importBiff12Formula - not implemented" );
return ApiTokenSequence();
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParserImpl::importBiffFormula( const CellAddress&, FormulaType, BiffInputStream&, const sal_uInt16* )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "FormulaParserImpl::importBiffFormula - not implemented" );
return ApiTokenSequence();
OUString FormulaParserImpl::resolveOleTarget( sal_Int32 nRefId, bool bUseRefSheets ) const
const ExternalLink* pExtLink = getExternalLinks().getExternalLink( nRefId, bUseRefSheets ).get();
OSL_ENSURE( pExtLink && (pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_OLE), "FormulaParserImpl::resolveOleTarget - missing or wrong link" );
if( pExtLink && (pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_OLE) )
return getBaseFilter().getAbsoluteUrl( pExtLink->getTargetUrl() );
return OUString();
void FormulaParserImpl::initializeImport( const CellAddress& rBaseAddr, FormulaType eType )
maBaseAddr = rBaseAddr;
mbRelativeAsOffset = mb2dRefsAs3dRefs = mbSpecialTokens = mbAllowNulChars = false;
switch( eType )
mbSpecialTokens = true;
mbRelativeAsOffset = true;
mbRelativeAsOffset = true;
mbRelativeAsOffset = true;
// enable NUL characters in BIFF import, string list is single tStr token with NUL separators
mbAllowNulChars = getFilterType() == FILTER_BIFF;
mbRelativeAsOffset = true;
// BIFF2-BIFF4: convert 2D referebces to absolute 3D references
mb2dRefsAs3dRefs = (getFilterType() == FILTER_BIFF) && (getBiff() <= BIFF4);
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParserImpl::finalizeImport()
ApiTokenSequence aTokens( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( maTokenIndexes.size() ) );
if( aTokens.hasElements() )
ApiToken* pToken = aTokens.getArray();
for( SizeTypeVector::const_iterator aIt = maTokenIndexes.begin(), aEnd = maTokenIndexes.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++pToken )
*pToken = maTokenStorage[ *aIt ];
return finalizeTokenArray( aTokens );
// token array ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool FormulaParserImpl::resetSpaces()
return true;
void FormulaParserImpl::appendSpaces( WhiteSpaceVec& orSpaces, sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed )
OSL_ENSURE( nCount >= 0, "FormulaParserImpl::appendSpaces - negative count" );
if( nCount > 0 )
orSpaces.push_back( WhiteSpace( nCount, bLineFeed ) );
void FormulaParserImpl::appendLeadingSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed )
appendSpaces( maLeadingSpaces, nCount, bLineFeed );
void FormulaParserImpl::appendOpeningSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed )
appendSpaces( maOpeningSpaces, nCount, bLineFeed );
void FormulaParserImpl::appendClosingSpaces( sal_Int32 nCount, bool bLineFeed )
appendSpaces( maClosingSpaces, nCount, bLineFeed );
size_t FormulaParserImpl::getFormulaSize() const
return maTokenIndexes.size();
Any& FormulaParserImpl::appendRawToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode )
maTokenIndexes.push_back( maTokenStorage.size() );
return maTokenStorage.append( nOpCode );
Any& FormulaParserImpl::insertRawToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nIndexFromEnd )
maTokenIndexes.insert( maTokenIndexes.end() - nIndexFromEnd, maTokenStorage.size() );
return maTokenStorage.append( nOpCode );
size_t FormulaParserImpl::appendWhiteSpaceTokens( const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
if( pSpaces && !pSpaces->empty() )
for( WhiteSpaceVec::const_iterator aIt = pSpaces->begin(), aEnd = pSpaces->end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_SPACES ) <<= aIt->first;
return pSpaces ? pSpaces->size() : 0;
size_t FormulaParserImpl::insertWhiteSpaceTokens( const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces, size_t nIndexFromEnd )
if( pSpaces && !pSpaces->empty() )
for( WhiteSpaceVec::const_iterator aIt = pSpaces->begin(), aEnd = pSpaces->end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
insertRawToken( OPCODE_SPACES, nIndexFromEnd ) <<= aIt->first;
return pSpaces ? pSpaces->size() : 0;
size_t FormulaParserImpl::getOperandSize( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex ) const
OSL_ENSURE( (nOpIndex < nOpCountFromEnd) && (nOpCountFromEnd <= maOperandSizeStack.size()),
"FormulaParserImpl::getOperandSize - invalid parameters" );
return maOperandSizeStack[ maOperandSizeStack.size() - nOpCountFromEnd + nOpIndex ];
void FormulaParserImpl::pushOperandSize( size_t nSize )
maOperandSizeStack.push_back( nSize );
size_t FormulaParserImpl::popOperandSize()
OSL_ENSURE( !maOperandSizeStack.empty(), "FormulaParserImpl::popOperandSize - invalid call" );
size_t nOpSize = maOperandSizeStack.back();
return nOpSize;
ApiToken& FormulaParserImpl::getOperandToken( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex, size_t nTokenIndex )
OSL_ENSURE( getOperandSize( nOpCountFromEnd, nOpIndex ) > nTokenIndex,
"FormulaParserImpl::getOperandToken - invalid parameters" );
SizeTypeVector::const_iterator aIndexIt = maTokenIndexes.end();
for( SizeTypeVector::const_iterator aEnd = maOperandSizeStack.end(), aIt = aEnd - nOpCountFromEnd + nOpIndex; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
aIndexIt -= *aIt;
return maTokenStorage[ *(aIndexIt + nTokenIndex) ];
void FormulaParserImpl::removeOperand( size_t nOpCountFromEnd, size_t nOpIndex )
OSL_ENSURE( (nOpIndex < nOpCountFromEnd) && (nOpCountFromEnd <= maOperandSizeStack.size()),
"FormulaParserImpl::removeOperand - invalid parameters" );
// remove indexes into token storage, but do not touch storage itself
SizeTypeVector::iterator aSizeEnd = maOperandSizeStack.end();
SizeTypeVector::iterator aSizeIt = aSizeEnd - nOpCountFromEnd + nOpIndex;
size_t nRemainingSize = 0;
for( SizeTypeVector::iterator aIt = aSizeIt + 1; aIt != aSizeEnd; ++aIt )
nRemainingSize += *aIt;
maTokenIndexes.erase( maTokenIndexes.end() - nRemainingSize - *aSizeIt, maTokenIndexes.end() - nRemainingSize );
maOperandSizeStack.erase( aSizeIt );
void FormulaParserImpl::removeLastOperands( size_t nOpCountFromEnd )
for( size_t nOpIndex = 0; nOpIndex < nOpCountFromEnd; ++nOpIndex )
removeOperand( 1, 0 );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushOperandToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
size_t nSpacesSize = appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces );
appendRawToken( nOpCode );
pushOperandSize( nSpacesSize + 1 );
return true;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushAnyOperandToken( const Any& rAny, sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
size_t nSpacesSize = appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces );
appendRawToken( nOpCode ) = rAny;
pushOperandSize( nSpacesSize + 1 );
return true;
template< typename Type >
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushValueOperandToken( const Type& rValue, sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
size_t nSpacesSize = appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces );
appendRawToken( nOpCode ) <<= rValue;
pushOperandSize( nSpacesSize + 1 );
return true;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushParenthesesOperandToken( const WhiteSpaceVec* pOpeningSpaces, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces )
size_t nSpacesSize = appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pOpeningSpaces );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_OPEN );
nSpacesSize += appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pClosingSpaces );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_CLOSE );
pushOperandSize( nSpacesSize + 2 );
return true;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushUnaryPreOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
bool bOk = maOperandSizeStack.size() >= 1;
if( bOk )
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nSpacesSize = insertWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces, nOpSize );
insertRawToken( nOpCode, nOpSize );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + nSpacesSize + 1 );
return bOk;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushUnaryPostOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
bool bOk = maOperandSizeStack.size() >= 1;
if( bOk )
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nSpacesSize = appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces );
appendRawToken( nOpCode );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + nSpacesSize + 1 );
return bOk;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushBinaryOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, const WhiteSpaceVec* pSpaces )
bool bOk = maOperandSizeStack.size() >= 2;
if( bOk )
size_t nOp2Size = popOperandSize();
size_t nOp1Size = popOperandSize();
size_t nSpacesSize = insertWhiteSpaceTokens( pSpaces, nOp2Size );
insertRawToken( nOpCode, nOp2Size );
pushOperandSize( nOp1Size + nSpacesSize + 1 + nOp2Size );
return bOk;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushParenthesesOperatorToken( const WhiteSpaceVec* pOpeningSpaces, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces )
bool bOk = maOperandSizeStack.size() >= 1;
if( bOk )
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nSpacesSize = insertWhiteSpaceTokens( pOpeningSpaces, nOpSize );
insertRawToken( OPCODE_OPEN, nOpSize );
nSpacesSize += appendWhiteSpaceTokens( pClosingSpaces );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_CLOSE );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + nSpacesSize + 2 );
return bOk;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushFunctionOperatorToken( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nParamCount, const WhiteSpaceVec* pLeadingSpaces, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces )
/* #i70925# if there are not enough tokens available on token stack, do
not exit with error, but reduce parameter count. */
nParamCount = ::std::min( maOperandSizeStack.size(), nParamCount );
// convert all parameters on stack to a single operand separated with OPCODE_SEP
bool bOk = true;
for( size_t nParam = 1; bOk && (nParam < nParamCount); ++nParam )
bOk = pushBinaryOperatorToken( OPCODE_SEP );
// add function parentheses and function name
return bOk &&
((nParamCount > 0) ? pushParenthesesOperatorToken( 0, pClosingSpaces ) : pushParenthesesOperandToken( 0, pClosingSpaces )) &&
pushUnaryPreOperatorToken( nOpCode, pLeadingSpaces );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushFunctionOperatorToken( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParamCount, const WhiteSpaceVec* pLeadingSpaces, const WhiteSpaceVec* pClosingSpaces )
bool bOk = pushFunctionOperatorToken( rFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode, nParamCount, pLeadingSpaces, pClosingSpaces );
if( bOk )
// create an external add-in call for the passed built-in function
if( (rFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) && (rFuncInfo.maExtProgName.getLength() > 0) )
getOperandToken( 1, 0, 0 ).Data <<= rFuncInfo.maExtProgName;
// create a bad token with unsupported function name
else if( (rFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_BAD) && (rFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName.getLength() > 0) )
getOperandToken( 1, 0, 0 ).Data <<= rFuncInfo.maOoxFuncName;
return bOk;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushOperand( sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushOperandToken( nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushAnyOperand( const Any& rAny, sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushAnyOperandToken( rAny, nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
template< typename Type >
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushValueOperand( const Type& rValue, sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushValueOperandToken( rValue, nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushBoolOperand( bool bValue )
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( bValue ? BIFF_FUNC_TRUE : BIFF_FUNC_FALSE ) )
return pushFunctionOperator( pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode, 0 );
return pushValueOperand< double >( bValue ? 1.0 : 0.0 );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushErrorOperand( double fEncodedError )
// HACK: enclose all error codes into an 1x1 matrix
// start token array with opening brace and leading spaces
pushOperand( OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN );
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nOldArraySize = maTokenIndexes.size();
// push a double containing the Calc error code
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= fEncodedError;
// close token array and set resulting operand size
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + maTokenIndexes.size() - nOldArraySize );
return true;
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushBiffBoolOperand( sal_uInt8 nValue )
return pushBoolOperand( nValue != BIFF_TOK_BOOL_FALSE );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushBiffErrorOperand( sal_uInt8 nErrorCode )
return pushErrorOperand( BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( nErrorCode ) );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushParenthesesOperand()
return pushParenthesesOperandToken( &maOpeningSpaces, &maClosingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushReferenceOperand( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
SingleReference aApiRef;
convertReference2d( aApiRef, rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushValueOperand( aApiRef );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushReferenceOperand( const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
ComplexReference aApiRef;
convertReference2d( aApiRef, rRef.maRef1, rRef.maRef2, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushValueOperand( aApiRef );
template< typename Type >
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const Type& rApiRef )
if( rSheetRange.isExternal() )
ExternalReference aApiExtRef;
aApiExtRef.Index = rSheetRange.getDocLinkIndex();
aApiExtRef.Reference <<= rApiRef;
return pushValueOperand( aApiExtRef );
return pushValueOperand( rApiRef );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
if( rSheetRange.is3dRange() )
// single-cell-range over several sheets, needs to create a ComplexReference
ComplexReference aApiRef;
convertReference3d( aApiRef, rSheetRange, rRef, rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( rSheetRange, aApiRef );
SingleReference aApiRef;
convertReference3d( aApiRef, rSheetRange.getFirstSheet(), rSheetRange.isSameSheet(), rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( rSheetRange, aApiRef );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushReferenceOperand( const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
ComplexReference aApiRef;
convertReference3d( aApiRef, rSheetRange, rRef.maRef1, rRef.maRef2, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( rSheetRange, aApiRef );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushNlrOperand( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef )
SingleReference aApiRef;
convertReference2d( aApiRef, rRef, false, false );
return pushValueOperand( aApiRef, OPCODE_NLR );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushEmbeddedRefOperand( const DefinedNameBase& rName, bool bPushBadToken )
Any aRefAny = rName.getReference( maBaseAddr );
if( aRefAny.hasValue() )
return pushAnyOperand( aRefAny, OPCODE_PUSH );
if( bPushBadToken && (rName.getModelName().getLength() > 0) && (rName.getModelName()[ 0 ] >= ' ') )
return pushValueOperand( rName.getModelName(), OPCODE_BAD );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushDefinedNameOperand( const DefinedNameRef& rxDefName )
if( !rxDefName || (rxDefName->getModelName().getLength() == 0) )
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
if( rxDefName->isMacroFunction() )
return pushValueOperand( rxDefName->getModelName(), OPCODE_MACRO );
if( rxDefName->getTokenIndex() >= 0 )
return pushValueOperand( rxDefName->getTokenIndex(), OPCODE_NAME );
return pushEmbeddedRefOperand( *rxDefName, true );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushExternalFuncOperand( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo )
return (rFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode == OPCODE_EXTERNAL) ?
pushValueOperand( rFuncInfo.maExtProgName, OPCODE_EXTERNAL ) :
pushOperand( rFuncInfo.mnApiOpCode );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushDdeLinkOperand( const OUString& rDdeServer, const OUString& rDdeTopic, const OUString& rDdeItem )
// create the function call DDE("server";"topic";"item")
pushValueOperandToken( rDdeServer ) &&
pushValueOperandToken( rDdeTopic ) &&
pushValueOperandToken( rDdeItem ) &&
pushFunctionOperator( OPCODE_DDE, 3 );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushExternalNameOperand( const ExternalNameRef& rxExtName, const ExternalLink& rExtLink )
if( rxExtName.get() ) switch( rExtLink.getLinkType() )
return pushEmbeddedRefOperand( *rxExtName, false );
// TODO: need support for localized addin function names
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( rxExtName->getUpcaseModelName() ) )
return pushExternalFuncOperand( *pFuncInfo );
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( rxExtName->getUpcaseModelName() ) )
if( (pFuncInfo->meFuncLibType != FUNCLIB_UNKNOWN) && (pFuncInfo->meFuncLibType == rExtLink.getFuncLibraryType()) )
return pushExternalFuncOperand( *pFuncInfo );
OUString aDdeServer, aDdeTopic, aDdeItem;
if( rxExtName->getDdeLinkData( aDdeServer, aDdeTopic, aDdeItem ) )
return pushDdeLinkOperand( aDdeServer, aDdeTopic, aDdeItem );
OSL_ENSURE( rExtLink.getLinkType() != LINKTYPE_SELF, "FormulaParserImpl::pushExternalNameOperand - invalid call" );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushSpecialTokenOperand( const BinAddress& rBaseAddr, bool bTable )
CellAddress aBaseAddr( maBaseAddr.Sheet, rBaseAddr.mnCol, rBaseAddr.mnRow );
ApiSpecialTokenInfo aTokenInfo( aBaseAddr, bTable );
return mbSpecialTokens && (getFormulaSize() == 0) && pushValueOperand( aTokenInfo, OPCODE_BAD );
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushUnaryPreOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushUnaryPreOperatorToken( nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushUnaryPostOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushUnaryPostOperatorToken( nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushBinaryOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode )
return pushBinaryOperatorToken( nOpCode, &maLeadingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushParenthesesOperator()
return pushParenthesesOperatorToken( &maOpeningSpaces, &maClosingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushFunctionOperator( sal_Int32 nOpCode, size_t nParamCount )
return pushFunctionOperatorToken( nOpCode, nParamCount, &maLeadingSpaces, &maClosingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
bool FormulaParserImpl::pushFunctionOperator( const FunctionInfo& rFuncInfo, size_t nParamCount )
return pushFunctionOperatorToken( rFuncInfo, nParamCount, &maLeadingSpaces, &maClosingSpaces ) && resetSpaces();
// reference conversion -------------------------------------------------------
void FormulaParserImpl::initReference2d( SingleReference& orApiRef ) const
if( mb2dRefsAs3dRefs )
initReference3d( orApiRef, maBaseAddr.Sheet, false );
orApiRef.Flags = SHEET_RELATIVE;
// #i10184# absolute sheet index needed for relative references in shared formulas
orApiRef.Sheet = maBaseAddr.Sheet;
orApiRef.RelativeSheet = 0;
void FormulaParserImpl::initReference3d( SingleReference& orApiRef, sal_Int32 nSheet, bool bSameSheet ) const
orApiRef.Flags = SHEET_3D;
if( nSheet < 0 )
orApiRef.Sheet = 0;
orApiRef.Flags |= SHEET_DELETED;
else if( bSameSheet )
OSL_ENSURE( nSheet == 0, "FormulaParserImpl::initReference3d - invalid sheet index" );
orApiRef.Flags |= SHEET_RELATIVE;
orApiRef.RelativeSheet = 0;
orApiRef.Sheet = nSheet;
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference( SingleReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
if( bDeleted )
orApiRef.Column = 0;
orApiRef.Row = 0;
// no explicit information about whether row or column is deleted
// column/row indexes and flags
setFlag( orApiRef.Flags, COLUMN_RELATIVE, rRef.mbColRel );
setFlag( orApiRef.Flags, ROW_RELATIVE, rRef.mbRowRel );
(rRef.mbColRel ? orApiRef.RelativeColumn : orApiRef.Column) = rRef.mnCol;
(rRef.mbRowRel ? orApiRef.RelativeRow : orApiRef.Row) = rRef.mnRow;
// convert absolute indexes to relative offsets used in API
if( !bRelativeAsOffset )
if( rRef.mbColRel )
orApiRef.RelativeColumn -= maBaseAddr.Column;
if( rRef.mbRowRel )
orApiRef.RelativeRow -= maBaseAddr.Row;
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
convertReference( orApiRef.Reference1, rRef1, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
convertReference( orApiRef.Reference2, rRef2, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
/* Handle references to complete rows or columns (e.g. $1:$2 or C:D),
need to expand or shrink to limits of own document. */
if( !bDeleted && !rRef1.mbColRel && !rRef2.mbColRel && (orApiRef.Reference1.Column == 0) && (orApiRef.Reference2.Column == mnMaxXlsCol) )
orApiRef.Reference2.Column = mnMaxApiCol;
if( !bDeleted && !rRef1.mbRowRel && !rRef2.mbRowRel && (orApiRef.Reference1.Row == 0) && (orApiRef.Reference2.Row == mnMaxXlsRow) )
orApiRef.Reference2.Row = mnMaxApiRow;
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference2d( SingleReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
initReference2d( orApiRef );
convertReference( orApiRef, rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference2d( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
initReference2d( orApiRef.Reference1 );
initReference2d( orApiRef.Reference2 );
convertReference( orApiRef, rRef1, rRef2, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
// remove sheet name from second part of reference
setFlag( orApiRef.Reference2.Flags, SHEET_3D, false );
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference3d( SingleReference& orApiRef, sal_Int32 nSheet, bool bSameSheet, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
initReference3d( orApiRef, nSheet, bSameSheet );
convertReference( orApiRef, rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
void FormulaParserImpl::convertReference3d( ComplexReference& orApiRef, const LinkSheetRange& rSheetRange, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef1, const BinSingleRef2d& rRef2, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset ) const
bool bSameSheet = rSheetRange.isSameSheet();
initReference3d( orApiRef.Reference1, rSheetRange.getFirstSheet(), bSameSheet );
initReference3d( orApiRef.Reference2, rSheetRange.getLastSheet(), bSameSheet );
convertReference( orApiRef, rRef1, rRef2, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
// remove sheet name from second part of reference
setFlag( orApiRef.Reference2.Flags, SHEET_3D, rSheetRange.is3dRange() );
// finalize token sequence ----------------------------------------------------
const FunctionInfo* FormulaParserImpl::resolveBadFuncName( const OUString& rTokenData ) const
/* Try to parse calls to library functions. The format of such a function
call is "[n]!funcname", n>0 being the link identifier of the function
library spreadsheet file. */
sal_Int32 nBracketOpen = rTokenData.indexOf( '[' );
sal_Int32 nBracketClose = rTokenData.indexOf( ']' );
sal_Int32 nExclamation = rTokenData.indexOf( '!' );
if( (0 == nBracketOpen) && (nBracketOpen + 1 < nBracketClose) && (nBracketClose + 1 == nExclamation) && (nExclamation + 1 < rTokenData.getLength()) )
sal_Int32 nRefId = rTokenData.copy( nBracketOpen + 1, nBracketClose - nBracketOpen - 1 ).toInt32();
const ExternalLink* pExtLink = getExternalLinks().getExternalLink( nRefId ).get();
if( pExtLink && (pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_LIBRARY) )
OUString aFuncName = rTokenData.copy( nExclamation + 1 ).toAsciiUpperCase();
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromOoxFuncName( aFuncName ) )
if( (pFuncInfo->meFuncLibType != FUNCLIB_UNKNOWN) && (pFuncInfo->meFuncLibType == pExtLink->getFuncLibraryType()) )
return pFuncInfo;
return 0;
OUString FormulaParserImpl::resolveDefinedName( sal_Int32 nTokenIndex ) const
if( const DefinedName* pDefName = getDefinedNames().getByTokenIndex( nTokenIndex ).get() )
return pDefName->getCalcName();
return OUString();
// OOXML/BIFF12 parser implementation =========================================
class OoxFormulaParserImpl : public FormulaParserImpl
explicit OoxFormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent );
virtual ApiTokenSequence importOoxFormula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddr,
const OUString& rFormulaString );
virtual ApiTokenSequence importBiff12Formula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddr,
FormulaType eType,
SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
// import token contents and create API formula token ---------------------
bool importAttrToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importSpaceToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importTableToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importArrayToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importRefToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importAreaToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importRef3dToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importArea3dToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importMemAreaToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bAddData );
bool importMemFuncToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNameToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNameXToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncVarToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
bool importExpToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
LinkSheetRange readSheetRange( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
void swapStreamPosition( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
void skipMemAreaAddData( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
// convert BIN token and push API operand or operator ---------------------
bool pushBiff12Name( sal_Int32 nNameId );
bool pushBiff12ExtName( sal_Int32 nRefId, sal_Int32 nNameId );
bool pushBiff12Function( sal_uInt16 nFuncId );
bool pushBiff12Function( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, sal_uInt8 nParamCount );
ApiParserWrapper maApiParser; /// Wrapper for the API formula parser object.
sal_Int64 mnAddDataPos; /// Current stream position for additional data (tExp, tArray, tMemArea).
bool mbNeedExtRefs; /// True = parser needs initialization of external reference info.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OoxFormulaParserImpl::OoxFormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent ) :
FormulaParserImpl( rParent ),
maApiParser( rParent.getBaseFilter().getModelFactory(), rParent ),
mnAddDataPos( 0 ),
mbNeedExtRefs( true )
ApiTokenSequence OoxFormulaParserImpl::importOoxFormula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddr, const OUString& rFormulaString )
if( mbNeedExtRefs )
maApiParser.getParserProperties().setProperty( PROP_ExternalLinks, getExternalLinks().getLinkInfos() );
mbNeedExtRefs = false;
return finalizeTokenArray( maApiParser.parseFormula( rFormulaString, rBaseAddr ) );
ApiTokenSequence OoxFormulaParserImpl::importBiff12Formula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddr, FormulaType eType, SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
initializeImport( rBaseAddr, eType );
sal_Int32 nFmlaSize = rStrm.readInt32();
sal_Int64 nFmlaPos = rStrm.tell();
sal_Int64 nFmlaEndPos = nFmlaPos + nFmlaSize; nFmlaEndPos );
sal_Int32 nAddDataSize = rStrm.readInt32();
mnAddDataPos = rStrm.tell();
sal_Int64 nAddDataEndPos = mnAddDataPos + nAddDataSize; nFmlaPos );
bool bOk = (nFmlaSize >= 0) && (nAddDataSize >= 0);
bool bRelativeAsOffset = mbRelativeAsOffset;
while( bOk && !rStrm.isEof() && (rStrm.tell() < nFmlaEndPos) )
sal_uInt8 nTokenId;
rStrm >> nTokenId;
sal_uInt8 nTokenClass = nTokenId & BIFF_TOKCLASS_MASK;
sal_uInt8 nBaseId = nTokenId & BIFF_TOKID_MASK;
if( nTokenClass == BIFF_TOKCLASS_NONE )
// base tokens
switch( nBaseId )
case BIFF_TOKID_EXP: bOk = importExpToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ADD: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_ADD ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_SUB: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_SUB ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MUL: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_MULT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_DIV: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_DIV ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_POWER: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_POWER ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_CONCAT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_CONCAT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LESS ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LESS_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_EQ: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_GE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_GREATER_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_GT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_GREATER ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_NOT_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ISECT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_INTERSECT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LIST: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LIST ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_RANGE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_RANGE ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_UPLUS: bOk = pushUnaryPreOperator( OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_UMINUS: bOk = pushUnaryPreOperator( OPCODE_MINUS_SIGN ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_PERCENT: bOk = pushUnaryPostOperator( OPCODE_PERCENT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_PAREN: bOk = pushParenthesesOperator(); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MISSARG: bOk = pushOperand( OPCODE_MISSING ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_STR: bOk = pushValueOperand( BiffHelper::readString( rStrm, false ) ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NLR: bOk = importTableToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ATTR: bOk = importAttrToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ERR: bOk = pushBiffErrorOperand( rStrm.readuInt8() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_BOOL: bOk = pushBiffBoolOperand( rStrm.readuInt8() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_INT: bOk = pushValueOperand< double >( rStrm.readuInt16() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NUM: bOk = pushValueOperand( rStrm.readDouble() ); break;
default: bOk = false;
// classified tokens
switch( nBaseId )
case BIFF_TOKID_ARRAY: bOk = importArrayToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_FUNC: bOk = importFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_FUNCVAR: bOk = importFuncVarToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NAME: bOk = importNameToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REF: bOk = importRefToken( rStrm, false, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREA: bOk = importAreaToken( rStrm, false, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREA: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMERR: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEM: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMFUNC: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFERR: bOk = importRefToken( rStrm, true, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR: bOk = importAreaToken( rStrm, true, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFN: bOk = importRefToken( rStrm, false, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAN: bOk = importAreaToken( rStrm, false, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREAN: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEMN: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NAMEX: bOk = importNameXToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REF3D: bOk = importRef3dToken( rStrm, false, bRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREA3D: bOk = importArea3dToken( rStrm, false, bRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFERR3D: bOk = importRef3dToken( rStrm, true, bRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR3D: bOk = importArea3dToken( rStrm, true, bRelativeAsOffset ); break;
default: bOk = false;
// build and finalize the token sequence
ApiTokenSequence aFinalTokens;
if( bOk && (rStrm.tell() == nFmlaEndPos) && (mnAddDataPos == nAddDataEndPos) )
aFinalTokens = finalizeImport();
// seek behind token array
if( (nFmlaSize >= 0) && (nAddDataSize >= 0) ) nAddDataEndPos );
// return the final token sequence
return aFinalTokens;
// import token contents and create API formula token -------------------------
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importAttrToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
bool bOk = true;
sal_uInt8 nType;
rStrm >> nType;
// equal flags in all BIFFs
switch( nType )
case 0: // sometimes, tAttrSkip tokens miss the type flag
rStrm.skip( 2 );
rStrm.skip( 2 * rStrm.readuInt16() + 2 );
rStrm.skip( 2 );
bOk = pushBiff12Function( BIFF_FUNC_SUM, 1 );
bOk = importSpaceToken( rStrm );
bOk = false;
return bOk;
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
// equal constants in BIFF and OOX
sal_uInt8 nType, nCount;
rStrm >> nType >> nCount;
switch( nType )
appendLeadingSpaces( nCount, false );
appendLeadingSpaces( nCount, true );
appendOpeningSpaces( nCount, false );
appendOpeningSpaces( nCount, true );
appendClosingSpaces( nCount, false );
appendClosingSpaces( nCount, true );
return true;
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nFlags, nTableId, nCol1, nCol2;
rStrm.skip( 3 );
rStrm >> nFlags >> nTableId;
rStrm.skip( 2 );
rStrm >> nCol1 >> nCol2;
TableRef xTable = getTables().getTable( nTableId );
sal_Int32 nTokenIndex = xTable.get() ? xTable->getTokenIndex() : -1;
if( nTokenIndex >= 0 )
sal_Int32 nWidth = xTable->getWidth();
sal_Int32 nHeight = xTable->getHeight();
sal_Int32 nStartCol = 0;
sal_Int32 nEndCol = nWidth - 1;
sal_Int32 nStartRow = 0;
sal_Int32 nEndRow = nHeight - 1;
bool bFixedStartRow = true;
bool bFixedHeight = false;
bool bSingleCol = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_COLUMN );
bool bColRange = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_COLRANGE );
bool bValidRef = !bSingleCol || !bColRange;
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - illegal combination of single column and column range" );
if( bValidRef )
if( bSingleCol )
nStartCol = nEndCol = nCol1;
else if( bColRange )
{ nStartCol = nCol1; nEndCol = nCol2; }
bValidRef = (nStartCol <= nEndCol) && (nEndCol < nWidth);
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - invalid column range" );
if( bValidRef )
bool bAllRows = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_ALL );
bool bHeaderRows = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_HEADERS );
bool bDataRows = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_DATA );
bool bTotalsRows = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_TOTALS );
bool bThisRow = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_TOK_TABLE_THISROW );
sal_Int32 nStartDataRow = xTable->getHeaderRows();
sal_Int32 nEndDataRow = nEndRow - xTable->getTotalsRows();
bValidRef = (nStartRow <= nStartDataRow) && (nStartDataRow <= nEndDataRow) && (nEndDataRow <= nEndRow);
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - invalid data row range" );
if( bValidRef )
if( bAllRows )
bValidRef = !bHeaderRows && !bDataRows && !bTotalsRows && !bThisRow;
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - unexpected flags in [#All] table token" );
else if( bHeaderRows )
bValidRef = !bTotalsRows && !bThisRow;
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - unexpected flags in [#Headers] table token" );
nEndRow = bDataRows ? nEndDataRow : (nStartDataRow - 1);
bFixedHeight = !bDataRows;
else if( bDataRows )
bValidRef = !bThisRow;
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - unexpected flags in [#Data] table token" );
nStartRow = nStartDataRow;
if( !bTotalsRows ) nEndRow = nEndDataRow;
else if( bTotalsRows )
bValidRef = !bThisRow;
OSL_ENSURE( bValidRef, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importTableToken - unexpected flags in [#Totals] table token" );
nStartRow = nEndDataRow + 1;
bFixedStartRow = false;
bFixedHeight = !bDataRows;
else if( bThisRow )
nStartRow = nEndRow = maBaseAddr.Row - xTable->getRange().StartRow;
bFixedHeight = true;
// nothing is the same as [#Data]
nStartRow = nStartDataRow;
nEndRow = nEndDataRow;
if( bValidRef )
bValidRef = (0 <= nStartRow) && (nStartRow <= nEndRow) && (nEndRow < nHeight);
if( bValidRef )
// push single database area token, if table token refers to entire table
if( (nStartCol == 0) && (nEndCol + 1 == nWidth) && (nStartRow == 0) && (nEndRow + 1 == nHeight) )
return pushValueOperand( nTokenIndex, OPCODE_DBAREA );
// create an OFFSET function call to refer to a subrange of the table
const FunctionInfo* pRowsInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( BIFF_FUNC_ROWS );
const FunctionInfo* pColumnsInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( BIFF_FUNC_COLUMNS );
pRowsInfo && pColumnsInfo &&
pushValueOperandToken( nTokenIndex, OPCODE_DBAREA ) &&
(bFixedStartRow ?
pushValueOperandToken< double >( nStartRow ) :
(pushValueOperandToken( nTokenIndex, OPCODE_DBAREA ) &&
pushFunctionOperatorToken( *pRowsInfo, 1 ) &&
pushValueOperandToken< double >( nHeight - nStartRow ) &&
pushBinaryOperatorToken( OPCODE_SUB ))) &&
pushValueOperandToken< double >( nStartCol ) &&
(bFixedHeight ?
pushValueOperandToken< double >( nEndRow - nStartRow + 1 ) :
(pushValueOperandToken( nTokenIndex, OPCODE_DBAREA ) &&
pushFunctionOperatorToken( *pRowsInfo, 1 ) &&
(((nStartRow == 0) && (nEndRow + 1 == nHeight)) ||
(pushValueOperandToken< double >( nHeight - (nEndRow - nStartRow + 1) ) &&
pushBinaryOperatorToken( OPCODE_SUB ))))) &&
(((nStartCol == 0) && (nEndCol + 1 == nWidth)) ?
(pushValueOperandToken( nTokenIndex, OPCODE_DBAREA ) &&
pushFunctionOperatorToken( *pColumnsInfo, 1 )) :
pushValueOperandToken< double >( nEndCol - nStartCol + 1 )) &&
pushBiff12Function( BIFF_FUNC_OFFSET, 5 );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_REF );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 14 );
// start token array with opening brace and leading spaces
pushOperand( OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN );
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nOldArraySize = getFormulaSize();
// read array size
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
sal_Int32 nRows = rStrm.readInt32();
sal_Int32 nCols = rStrm.readInt32();
OSL_ENSURE( (nCols > 0) && (nRows > 0), "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken - empty array" );
// read array values and build token array
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; !rStrm.isEof() && (nRow < nRows); ++nRow )
if( nRow > 0 )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_ROWSEP );
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; !rStrm.isEof() && (nCol < nCols); ++nCol )
if( nCol > 0 )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_COLSEP );
switch( rStrm.readuInt8() )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= rStrm.readDouble();
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= BiffHelper::readString( rStrm, false );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= static_cast< double >( (rStrm.readuInt8() == BIFF_TOK_BOOL_FALSE) ? 0.0 : 1.0 );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( rStrm.readuInt8() );
rStrm.skip( 3 );
OSL_ENSURE( false, "OoxFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken - unknown data type" );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( BIFF_ERR_NA );
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
// close token array and set resulting operand size
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + getFormulaSize() - nOldArraySize );
return true;
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff12Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff12Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importRef3dToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange( rStrm );
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff12Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importArea3dToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange( rStrm );
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff12Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importMemAreaToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm, bool bAddData )
rStrm.skip( 6 );
if( bAddData )
skipMemAreaAddData( rStrm );
return true;
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importMemFuncToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 2 );
return true;
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importNameToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
return pushBiff12Name( rStrm.readInt32() );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importNameXToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int32 nRefId = rStrm.readInt16();
sal_Int32 nNameId = rStrm.readInt32();
return pushBiff12ExtName( nRefId, nNameId );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nFuncId;
rStrm >> nFuncId;
return pushBiff12Function( nFuncId );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nParamCount;
sal_uInt16 nFuncId;
rStrm >> nParamCount >> nFuncId;
return pushBiff12Function( nFuncId, nParamCount );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::importExpToken( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
BinAddress aBaseAddr;
rStrm >> aBaseAddr.mnRow;
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
rStrm >> aBaseAddr.mnCol;
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
return pushSpecialTokenOperand( aBaseAddr, false );
LinkSheetRange OoxFormulaParserImpl::readSheetRange( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
return getExternalLinks().getSheetRange( rStrm.readInt16() );
void OoxFormulaParserImpl::swapStreamPosition( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int64 nRecPos = rStrm.tell(); mnAddDataPos );
mnAddDataPos = nRecPos;
void OoxFormulaParserImpl::skipMemAreaAddData( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
rStrm.skip( 16 * rStrm.readInt32() );
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
// convert BIN token and push API operand or operator -------------------------
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::pushBiff12Name( sal_Int32 nNameId )
// one-based in BIFF12 formulas
return pushDefinedNameOperand( getDefinedNames().getByIndex( nNameId - 1 ) );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::pushBiff12ExtName( sal_Int32 nRefId, sal_Int32 nNameId )
if( const ExternalLink* pExtLink = getExternalLinks().getExternalLink( nRefId ).get() )
if( pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_SELF )
return pushBiff12Name( nNameId );
// external name indexes are one-based in BIFF12
ExternalNameRef xExtName = pExtLink->getNameByIndex( nNameId - 1 );
return pushExternalNameOperand( xExtName, *pExtLink );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::pushBiff12Function( sal_uInt16 nFuncId )
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( nFuncId ) )
if( pFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount == pFuncInfo->mnMaxParamCount )
return pushFunctionOperator( *pFuncInfo, pFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount );
return pushFunctionOperator( OPCODE_NONAME, 0 );
bool OoxFormulaParserImpl::pushBiff12Function( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, sal_uInt8 nParamCount )
if( getFlag( nFuncId, BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD ) )
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiff12FuncId( nFuncId ) )
return pushFunctionOperator( *pFuncInfo, nParamCount );
return pushFunctionOperator( OPCODE_NONAME, nParamCount );
// BIFF parser implementation =================================================
namespace {
/** A natural language reference struct with relative flag. */
struct BiffNlr
sal_Int32 mnCol; /// Column index.
sal_Int32 mnRow; /// Row index.
bool mbRel; /// True = relative column/row reference.
explicit BiffNlr();
void readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
BiffNlr::BiffNlr() :
mnCol( 0 ),
mnRow( 0 ),
mbRel( false )
void BiffNlr::readBiff8Data( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nRow, nCol;
rStrm >> nRow >> nCol;
mnCol = nCol & BIFF_TOK_NLR_MASK;
mnRow = nRow;
mbRel = getFlag( nCol, BIFF_TOK_NLR_REL );
bool lclIsValidNlrStack( const BinAddress& rAddr1, const BinAddress& rAddr2, bool bRow )
return bRow ?
((rAddr1.mnRow == rAddr2.mnRow) && (rAddr1.mnCol + 1 == rAddr2.mnCol)) :
((rAddr1.mnCol == rAddr2.mnCol) && (rAddr1.mnRow + 1 == rAddr2.mnRow));
bool lclIsValidNlrRange( const BiffNlr& rNlr, const BinRange& rRange, bool bRow )
return bRow ?
((rNlr.mnRow == rRange.maFirst.mnRow) && (rNlr.mnCol + 1 == rRange.maFirst.mnCol) && (rRange.maFirst.mnRow == rRange.maLast.mnRow)) :
((rNlr.mnCol == rRange.maFirst.mnCol) && (rNlr.mnRow + 1 == rRange.maFirst.mnRow) && (rRange.maFirst.mnCol == rRange.maLast.mnCol));
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiffFormulaParserImpl : public FormulaParserImpl
explicit BiffFormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent );
virtual ApiTokenSequence importBiffFormula(
const CellAddress& rBaseAddr,
FormulaType eType,
BiffInputStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize );
// import token contents and create API formula token ---------------------
bool importTokenNotAvailable( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importRefTokenNotAvailable( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importStrToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importStrToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importAttrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importSpaceToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importSpaceToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importSheetToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importSheetToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importEndSheetToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importEndSheetToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNlrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importArrayToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importRefToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importRefToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importAreaToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importAreaToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importRef3dToken5( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importRef3dToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importArea3dToken5( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importArea3dToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool importMemAreaToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bAddData );
bool importMemFuncToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNameToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNameXToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncVarToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncVarToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importFuncCEToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importExpToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importTblToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNlrAddrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow );
bool importNlrRangeToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNlrSAddrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow );
bool importNlrSRangeToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool importNlrErrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSkip );
sal_Int32 readRefId( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
sal_uInt16 readNameId( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
LinkSheetRange readSheetRange5( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
LinkSheetRange readSheetRange8( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
void swapStreamPosition( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
void skipMemAreaAddData( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
bool readNlrSAddrAddData( BiffNlr& orNlr, BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow );
bool readNlrSRangeAddData( BiffNlr& orNlr, bool& orbIsRow, BiffInputStream& rStrm );
// convert BIFF token and push API operand or operator --------------------
bool pushBiffReference( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool pushBiffReference( const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset );
bool pushBiffNlrAddr( const BiffNlr& rNlr, bool bRow );
bool pushBiffNlrRange( const BiffNlr& rNlr, const BinRange& rRange );
bool pushBiffNlrSAddr( const BiffNlr& rNlr, bool bRow );
bool pushBiffNlrSRange( const BiffNlr& rNlr, const BinRange& rRange, bool bRow );
bool pushBiffName( sal_uInt16 nNameId );
bool pushBiffExtName( sal_Int32 nRefId, sal_uInt16 nNameId );
bool pushBiffFunction( sal_uInt16 nFuncId );
bool pushBiffFunction( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, sal_uInt8 nParamCount );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef bool (BiffFormulaParserImpl::*ImportTokenFunc)( BiffInputStream& );
typedef bool (BiffFormulaParserImpl::*ImportRefTokenFunc)( BiffInputStream&, bool, bool );
ImportTokenFunc mpImportStrToken; /// Pointer to tStr import function (string constant).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportSpaceToken; /// Pointer to tAttrSpace import function (spaces/line breaks).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportSheetToken; /// Pointer to tSheet import function (external reference).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportEndSheetToken; /// Pointer to tEndSheet import function (end of external reference).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportNlrToken; /// Pointer to tNlr import function (natural language reference).
ImportRefTokenFunc mpImportRefToken; /// Pointer to tRef import function (2d cell reference).
ImportRefTokenFunc mpImportAreaToken; /// Pointer to tArea import function (2d area reference).
ImportRefTokenFunc mpImportRef3dToken; /// Pointer to tRef3d import function (3d cell reference).
ImportRefTokenFunc mpImportArea3dToken; /// Pointer to tArea3d import function (3d area reference).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportNameXToken; /// Pointer to tNameX import function (external name).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportFuncToken; /// Pointer to tFunc import function (function with fixed parameter count).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportFuncVarToken; /// Pointer to tFuncVar import function (function with variable parameter count).
ImportTokenFunc mpImportFuncCEToken; /// Pointer to tFuncCE import function (command macro call).
sal_Int64 mnAddDataPos; /// Current stream position for additional data (tArray, tMemArea, tNlr).
sal_Int32 mnCurrRefId; /// Current ref-id from tSheet token (BIFF2-BIFF4 only).
sal_uInt16 mnAttrDataSize; /// Size of one tAttr data element.
sal_uInt16 mnArraySize; /// Size of tArray data.
sal_uInt16 mnNameSize; /// Size of tName data.
sal_uInt16 mnMemAreaSize; /// Size of tMemArea data.
sal_uInt16 mnMemFuncSize; /// Size of tMemFunc data.
sal_uInt16 mnRefIdSize; /// Size of unused data following a reference identifier.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BiffFormulaParserImpl::BiffFormulaParserImpl( const FormulaParser& rParent ) :
FormulaParserImpl( rParent ),
mnAddDataPos( 0 ),
mnCurrRefId( 0 )
switch( getBiff() )
case BIFF2:
mpImportStrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken2;
mpImportSpaceToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSheetToken2;
mpImportEndSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importEndSheetToken2;
mpImportNlrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportRefToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken2;
mpImportAreaToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken2;
mpImportRef3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportArea3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportNameXToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportFuncToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken2;
mpImportFuncVarToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken2;
mpImportFuncCEToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncCEToken;
mnAttrDataSize = 1;
mnArraySize = 6;
mnNameSize = 5;
mnMemAreaSize = 4;
mnMemFuncSize = 1;
mnRefIdSize = 1;
case BIFF3:
mpImportStrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken2;
mpImportSpaceToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken3;
mpImportSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSheetToken3;
mpImportEndSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importEndSheetToken3;
mpImportNlrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportRefToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken2;
mpImportAreaToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken2;
mpImportRef3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportArea3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportNameXToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportFuncToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken2;
mpImportFuncVarToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken2;
mpImportFuncCEToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncCEToken;
mnAttrDataSize = 2;
mnArraySize = 7;
mnNameSize = 8;
mnMemAreaSize = 6;
mnMemFuncSize = 2;
mnRefIdSize = 2;
case BIFF4:
mpImportStrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken2;
mpImportSpaceToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken4;
mpImportSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSheetToken3;
mpImportEndSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importEndSheetToken3;
mpImportNlrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportRefToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken2;
mpImportAreaToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken2;
mpImportRef3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportArea3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportNameXToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportFuncToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken4;
mpImportFuncVarToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken4;
mpImportFuncCEToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mnAttrDataSize = 2;
mnArraySize = 7;
mnNameSize = 8;
mnMemAreaSize = 6;
mnMemFuncSize = 2;
mnRefIdSize = 2;
case BIFF5:
mpImportStrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken2;
mpImportSpaceToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken4;
mpImportSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportEndSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportNlrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportRefToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken2;
mpImportAreaToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken2;
mpImportRef3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRef3dToken5;
mpImportArea3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArea3dToken5;
mpImportNameXToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNameXToken;
mpImportFuncToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken4;
mpImportFuncVarToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken4;
mpImportFuncCEToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mnAttrDataSize = 2;
mnArraySize = 7;
mnNameSize = 12;
mnMemAreaSize = 6;
mnMemFuncSize = 2;
mnRefIdSize = 8;
case BIFF8:
mpImportStrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken8;
mpImportSpaceToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken4;
mpImportSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportEndSheetToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mpImportNlrToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrToken;
mpImportRefToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken8;
mpImportAreaToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken8;
mpImportRef3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRef3dToken8;
mpImportArea3dToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArea3dToken8;
mpImportNameXToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNameXToken;
mpImportFuncToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken4;
mpImportFuncVarToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken4;
mpImportFuncCEToken = &BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable;
mnAttrDataSize = 2;
mnArraySize = 7;
mnNameSize = 2;
mnMemAreaSize = 6;
mnMemFuncSize = 2;
mnRefIdSize = 0;
case BIFF_UNKNOWN: break;
ApiTokenSequence BiffFormulaParserImpl::importBiffFormula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddr,
FormulaType eType, BiffInputStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize )
initializeImport( rBaseAddr, eType );
mnCurrRefId = 0;
sal_uInt16 nFmlaSize = lclReadFmlaSize( rStrm, getBiff(), pnFmlaSize );
sal_Int64 nEndPos = mnAddDataPos = rStrm.tell() + nFmlaSize;
bool bOk = true;
while( bOk && !rStrm.isEof() && (rStrm.tell() < nEndPos) )
sal_uInt8 nTokenId;
rStrm >> nTokenId;
sal_uInt8 nTokenClass = nTokenId & BIFF_TOKCLASS_MASK;
sal_uInt8 nBaseId = nTokenId & BIFF_TOKID_MASK;
bOk = !getFlag( nTokenId, BIFF_TOKFLAG_INVALID );
if( bOk )
if( nTokenClass == BIFF_TOKCLASS_NONE )
// base tokens
switch( nBaseId )
case BIFF_TOKID_EXP: bOk = importExpToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_TBL: bOk = importTblToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ADD: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_ADD ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_SUB: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_SUB ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MUL: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_MULT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_DIV: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_DIV ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_POWER: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_POWER ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_CONCAT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_CONCAT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LESS ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LESS_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_EQ: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_GE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_GREATER_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_GT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_GREATER ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_NOT_EQUAL ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ISECT: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_INTERSECT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_LIST: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_LIST ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_RANGE: bOk = pushBinaryOperator( OPCODE_RANGE ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_UPLUS: bOk = pushUnaryPreOperator( OPCODE_PLUS_SIGN ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_UMINUS: bOk = pushUnaryPreOperator( OPCODE_MINUS_SIGN ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_PERCENT: bOk = pushUnaryPostOperator( OPCODE_PERCENT ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_PAREN: bOk = pushParenthesesOperator(); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MISSARG: bOk = pushOperand( OPCODE_MISSING ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_STR: bOk = (this->*mpImportStrToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NLR: bOk = (this->*mpImportNlrToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ATTR: bOk = importAttrToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_SHEET: bOk = (this->*mpImportSheetToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ENDSHEET: bOk = (this->*mpImportEndSheetToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_ERR: bOk = pushBiffErrorOperand( rStrm.readuInt8() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_BOOL: bOk = pushBiffBoolOperand( rStrm.readuInt8() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_INT: bOk = pushValueOperand< double >( rStrm.readuInt16() ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NUM: bOk = pushValueOperand( rStrm.readDouble() ); break;
default: bOk = false;
// classified tokens
switch( nBaseId )
case BIFF_TOKID_ARRAY: bOk = importArrayToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_FUNC: bOk = (this->*mpImportFuncToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_FUNCVAR: bOk = (this->*mpImportFuncVarToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NAME: bOk = importNameToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REF: bOk = (this->*mpImportRefToken)( rStrm, false, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREA: bOk = (this->*mpImportAreaToken)( rStrm, false, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREA: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMERR: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEM: bOk = importMemAreaToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMFUNC: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFERR: bOk = (this->*mpImportRefToken)( rStrm, true, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR: bOk = (this->*mpImportAreaToken)( rStrm, true, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFN: bOk = (this->*mpImportRefToken)( rStrm, false, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAN: bOk = (this->*mpImportAreaToken)( rStrm, false, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMAREAN: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_MEMNOMEMN: bOk = importMemFuncToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_FUNCCE: bOk = (this->*mpImportFuncCEToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_NAMEX: bOk = (this->*mpImportNameXToken)( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REF3D: bOk = (this->*mpImportRef3dToken)( rStrm, false, mbRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREA3D: bOk = (this->*mpImportArea3dToken)( rStrm, false, mbRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_REFERR3D: bOk = (this->*mpImportRef3dToken)( rStrm, true, mbRelativeAsOffset ); break;
case BIFF_TOKID_AREAERR3D: bOk = (this->*mpImportArea3dToken)( rStrm, true, mbRelativeAsOffset ); break;
default: bOk = false;
// build and finalize the token sequence
ApiTokenSequence aFinalTokens;
if( bOk && (rStrm.tell() == nEndPos) )
aFinalTokens = finalizeImport();
// seek behind additional token data of tArray, tMemArea, tNlr tokens mnAddDataPos );
// return the final token sequence
return aFinalTokens;
// import token contents and create API formula token -------------------------
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTokenNotAvailable( BiffInputStream& )
// dummy function for pointer-to-member-function
return false;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefTokenNotAvailable( BiffInputStream&, bool, bool )
// dummy function for pointer-to-member-function
return false;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
return pushValueOperand( rStrm.readByteStringUC( false, getTextEncoding(), mbAllowNulChars ) );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importStrToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
// read flags field for empty strings also
return pushValueOperand( rStrm.readUniStringBody( rStrm.readuInt8(), mbAllowNulChars ) );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAttrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
bool bOk = true;
sal_uInt8 nType;
rStrm >> nType;
switch( nType )
case 0: // sometimes, tAttrSkip tokens miss the type flag
rStrm.skip( mnAttrDataSize );
rStrm.skip( mnAttrDataSize * (1 + ((getBiff() == BIFF2) ? rStrm.readuInt8() : rStrm.readuInt16())) );
rStrm.skip( mnAttrDataSize );
bOk = pushBiffFunction( BIFF_FUNC_SUM, 1 );
bOk = (this->*mpImportSpaceToken)( rStrm );
bOk = false;
return bOk;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 2 );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSpaceToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nType, nCount;
rStrm >> nType >> nCount;
switch( nType )
appendLeadingSpaces( nCount, false );
appendLeadingSpaces( nCount, true );
appendOpeningSpaces( nCount, false );
appendOpeningSpaces( nCount, true );
appendClosingSpaces( nCount, false );
appendClosingSpaces( nCount, true );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSheetToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 4 );
mnCurrRefId = readRefId( rStrm );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importSheetToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 6 );
mnCurrRefId = readRefId( rStrm );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importEndSheetToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 3 );
mnCurrRefId = 0;
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importEndSheetToken3( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 4 );
mnCurrRefId = 0;
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
bool bOk = true;
sal_uInt8 nNlrType;
rStrm >> nNlrType;
switch( nNlrType )
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_ERR: bOk = importNlrErrToken( rStrm, 4 ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_ROWR: bOk = importNlrAddrToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_COLR: bOk = importNlrAddrToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_ROWV: bOk = importNlrAddrToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_COLV: bOk = importNlrAddrToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_RANGE: bOk = importNlrRangeToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SRANGE: bOk = importNlrSRangeToken( rStrm ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SROWR: bOk = importNlrSAddrToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SCOLR: bOk = importNlrSAddrToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SROWV: bOk = importNlrSAddrToken( rStrm, true ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SCOLV: bOk = importNlrSAddrToken( rStrm, false ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_RANGEERR: bOk = importNlrErrToken( rStrm, 13 ); break;
case BIFF_TOK_NLR_SXNAME: bOk = importNlrErrToken( rStrm, 4 ); break;
default: bOk = false;
return bOk;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( mnArraySize );
// start token array with opening brace and leading spaces
pushOperand( OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN );
size_t nOpSize = popOperandSize();
size_t nOldArraySize = getFormulaSize();
bool bBiff8 = getBiff() == BIFF8;
// read array size
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
sal_uInt16 nCols = rStrm.readuInt8();
sal_uInt16 nRows = rStrm.readuInt16();
if( bBiff8 ) { ++nCols; ++nRows; } else if( nCols == 0 ) nCols = 256;
OSL_ENSURE( (nCols > 0) && (nRows > 0), "BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken - empty array" );
// read array values and build token array
for( sal_uInt16 nRow = 0; !rStrm.isEof() && (nRow < nRows); ++nRow )
if( nRow > 0 )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_ROWSEP );
for( sal_uInt16 nCol = 0; !rStrm.isEof() && (nCol < nCols); ++nCol )
if( nCol > 0 )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_COLSEP );
switch( rStrm.readuInt8() )
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= OUString();
rStrm.skip( 8 );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= rStrm.readDouble();
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= bBiff8 ?
rStrm.readUniString( mbAllowNulChars ) :
rStrm.readByteStringUC( false, getTextEncoding(), mbAllowNulChars );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= static_cast< double >( (rStrm.readuInt8() == BIFF_TOK_BOOL_FALSE) ? 0.0 : 1.0 );
rStrm.skip( 7 );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( rStrm.readuInt8() );
rStrm.skip( 7 );
OSL_ENSURE( false, "BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArrayToken - unknown data type" );
appendRawToken( OPCODE_PUSH ) <<= BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( BIFF_ERR_NA );
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
// close token array and set resulting operand size
appendRawToken( OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE );
pushOperandSize( nOpSize + getFormulaSize() - nOldArraySize );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff2Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushBiffReference( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRefToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff8Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushBiffReference( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff2Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushBiffReference( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importAreaToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff8Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushBiffReference( aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRef3dToken5( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange5( rStrm );
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff2Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importRef3dToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange8( rStrm );
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff8Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArea3dToken5( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange5( rStrm );
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff2Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importArea3dToken8( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
LinkSheetRange aSheetRange = readSheetRange8( rStrm );
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.readBiff8Data( rStrm, bRelativeAsOffset );
return pushReferenceOperand( aSheetRange, aRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importMemAreaToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bAddData )
rStrm.skip( mnMemAreaSize );
if( bAddData )
skipMemAreaAddData( rStrm );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importMemFuncToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( mnMemFuncSize );
return true;
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNameToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nNameId = readNameId( rStrm );
return (mnCurrRefId > 0) ? pushBiffExtName( mnCurrRefId, nNameId ) : pushBiffName( nNameId );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNameXToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int32 nRefId = readRefId( rStrm );
sal_uInt16 nNameId = readNameId( rStrm );
return pushBiffExtName( nRefId, nNameId );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nFuncId;
rStrm >> nFuncId;
return pushBiffFunction( nFuncId );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nFuncId;
rStrm >> nFuncId;
return pushBiffFunction( nFuncId );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken2( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nParamCount, nFuncId;
rStrm >> nParamCount >> nFuncId;
return pushBiffFunction( nFuncId, nParamCount );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncVarToken4( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nParamCount;
sal_uInt16 nFuncId;
rStrm >> nParamCount >> nFuncId;
return pushBiffFunction( nFuncId, nParamCount & BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_COUNTMASK );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importFuncCEToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt8 nParamCount, nFuncId;
rStrm >> nParamCount >> nFuncId;
sal_uInt16 nCmdId = nFuncId;
setFlag( nCmdId, BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD );
return pushBiffFunction( nCmdId, nParamCount );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importExpToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
BinAddress aBaseAddr; rStrm );
return pushSpecialTokenOperand( aBaseAddr, false );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importTblToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
BinAddress aBaseAddr; rStrm );
return pushSpecialTokenOperand( aBaseAddr, true );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrAddrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow )
BiffNlr aNlr;
aNlr.readBiff8Data( rStrm );
return pushBiffNlrAddr( aNlr, bRow );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrRangeToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
BiffNlr aNlr;
aNlr.readBiff8Data( rStrm );
rStrm.skip( 1 );
BinRange aRange;
rStrm >> aRange;
return pushBiffNlrRange( aNlr, aRange );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrSAddrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow )
rStrm.skip( 4 );
BiffNlr aNlr;
return readNlrSAddrAddData( aNlr, rStrm, bRow ) ? pushBiffNlrSAddr( aNlr, bRow ) : pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_REF );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrSRangeToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
rStrm.skip( 5 );
BinRange aRange;
rStrm >> aRange;
BiffNlr aNlr;
bool bRow;
return readNlrSRangeAddData( aNlr, bRow, rStrm ) ? pushBiffNlrSRange( aNlr, aRange, bRow ) : pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_REF );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::importNlrErrToken( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nIgnore )
rStrm.skip( nIgnore );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
sal_Int32 BiffFormulaParserImpl::readRefId( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int16 nRefId;
rStrm >> nRefId;
rStrm.skip( mnRefIdSize );
return nRefId;
sal_uInt16 BiffFormulaParserImpl::readNameId( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_uInt16 nNameId;
rStrm >> nNameId;
rStrm.skip( mnNameSize );
return nNameId;
LinkSheetRange BiffFormulaParserImpl::readSheetRange5( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int32 nRefId = readRefId( rStrm );
sal_Int16 nTab1, nTab2;
rStrm >> nTab1 >> nTab2;
return getExternalLinks().getSheetRange( nRefId, nTab1, nTab2 );
LinkSheetRange BiffFormulaParserImpl::readSheetRange8( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
return getExternalLinks().getSheetRange( readRefId( rStrm ) );
void BiffFormulaParserImpl::swapStreamPosition( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
sal_Int64 nRecPos = rStrm.tell(); mnAddDataPos );
mnAddDataPos = nRecPos;
void BiffFormulaParserImpl::skipMemAreaAddData( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
sal_Int32 nCount = rStrm.readuInt16();
rStrm.skip( ((getBiff() == BIFF8) ? 8 : 6) * nCount );
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::readNlrSAddrAddData( BiffNlr& orNlr, BiffInputStream& rStrm, bool bRow )
bool bIsRow;
return readNlrSRangeAddData( orNlr, bIsRow, rStrm ) && (bIsRow == bRow);
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::readNlrSRangeAddData( BiffNlr& orNlr, bool& orbIsRow, BiffInputStream& rStrm )
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
// read number of cell addresses and relative flag
sal_uInt32 nCount;
rStrm >> nCount;
bool bRel = getFlag( nCount, BIFF_TOK_NLR_ADDREL );
sal_Int64 nEndPos = rStrm.tell() + 4 * nCount;
// read list of cell addresses
bool bValid = false;
if( nCount >= 2 )
// detect column/row orientation
BinAddress aAddr1, aAddr2;
rStrm >> aAddr1 >> aAddr2;
orbIsRow = aAddr1.mnRow == aAddr2.mnRow;
bValid = lclIsValidNlrStack( aAddr1, aAddr2, orbIsRow );
// read and verify additional cell positions
for( sal_uInt32 nIndex = 2; bValid && (nIndex < nCount); ++nIndex )
aAddr1 = aAddr2;
rStrm >> aAddr2;
bValid = !rStrm.isEof() && lclIsValidNlrStack( aAddr1, aAddr2, orbIsRow );
// check that last imported position (aAddr2) is not at the end of the sheet
bValid = bValid && (orbIsRow ? (aAddr2.mnCol < mnMaxApiCol) : (aAddr2.mnRow < mnMaxApiRow));
// fill the NLR struct with the last imported position
if( bValid )
orNlr.mnCol = aAddr2.mnCol;
orNlr.mnRow = aAddr2.mnRow;
orNlr.mbRel = bRel;
// seek to end of additional data for this token nEndPos );
swapStreamPosition( rStrm );
return bValid;
// convert BIFF token and push API operand or operator ------------------------
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffReference( const BinSingleRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
return (mnCurrRefId > 0) ?
pushReferenceOperand( getExternalLinks().getSheetRange( mnCurrRefId, 0, 0 ), rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset ) :
pushReferenceOperand( rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffReference( const BinComplexRef2d& rRef, bool bDeleted, bool bRelativeAsOffset )
return (mnCurrRefId > 0) ?
pushReferenceOperand( getExternalLinks().getSheetRange( mnCurrRefId, 0, 0 ), rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset ) :
pushReferenceOperand( rRef, bDeleted, bRelativeAsOffset );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffNlrAddr( const BiffNlr& rNlr, bool bRow )
BinSingleRef2d aRef;
aRef.mnCol = rNlr.mnCol;
aRef.mnRow = rNlr.mnRow;
aRef.mbColRel = !bRow;
aRef.mbRowRel = bRow;
return pushNlrOperand( aRef );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffNlrRange( const BiffNlr& rNlr, const BinRange& rRange )
bool bRow = rNlr.mnRow == rRange.maFirst.mnRow;
return lclIsValidNlrRange( rNlr, rRange, bRow ) ?
pushBiffNlrAddr( rNlr, bRow ) : pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_REF );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffNlrSAddr( const BiffNlr& rNlr, bool bRow )
BinRange aRange;
aRange.maFirst.mnCol = rNlr.mnCol + (bRow ? 1 : 0);
aRange.maFirst.mnRow = rNlr.mnRow + (bRow ? 0 : 1);
aRange.maLast.mnCol = bRow ? mnMaxApiCol : rNlr.mnCol;
aRange.maLast.mnRow = bRow ? rNlr.mnRow : mnMaxApiRow;
return pushBiffNlrSRange( rNlr, aRange, bRow );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffNlrSRange( const BiffNlr& rNlr, const BinRange& rRange, bool bRow )
if( lclIsValidNlrRange( rNlr, rRange, bRow ) )
BinComplexRef2d aRef;
aRef.maRef1.mnCol = rRange.maFirst.mnCol;
aRef.maRef1.mnRow = rRange.maFirst.mnRow;
aRef.maRef2.mnCol = rRange.maLast.mnCol;
aRef.maRef2.mnRow = rRange.maLast.mnRow;
aRef.maRef1.mbColRel = aRef.maRef2.mbColRel = !bRow && rNlr.mbRel;
aRef.maRef1.mbRowRel = aRef.maRef2.mbRowRel = bRow && rNlr.mbRel;
return pushReferenceOperand( aRef, false, false );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_REF );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffName( sal_uInt16 nNameId )
// one-based in BIFF formulas
return pushDefinedNameOperand( getDefinedNames().getByIndex( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nNameId ) - 1 ) );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffExtName( sal_Int32 nRefId, sal_uInt16 nNameId )
if( const ExternalLink* pExtLink = getExternalLinks().getExternalLink( nRefId ).get() )
if( pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_SELF )
return pushBiffName( nNameId );
// external name indexes are one-based in BIFF
ExternalNameRef xExtName = pExtLink->getNameByIndex( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nNameId ) - 1 );
return pushExternalNameOperand( xExtName, *pExtLink );
return pushBiffErrorOperand( BIFF_ERR_NAME );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffFunction( sal_uInt16 nFuncId )
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( nFuncId ) )
if( pFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount == pFuncInfo->mnMaxParamCount )
return pushFunctionOperator( *pFuncInfo, pFuncInfo->mnMinParamCount );
return pushFunctionOperator( OPCODE_NONAME, 0 );
bool BiffFormulaParserImpl::pushBiffFunction( sal_uInt16 nFuncId, sal_uInt8 nParamCount )
if( getFlag( nFuncId, BIFF_TOK_FUNCVAR_CMD ) )
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( nFuncId ) )
return pushFunctionOperator( *pFuncInfo, nParamCount );
return pushFunctionOperator( OPCODE_NONAME, nParamCount );
// ============================================================================
namespace {
/** Extracts the reference identifier and the remaining data from a formula in
the format '[RefID]Remaining'. */
bool lclExtractRefId( sal_Int32& rnRefId, OUString& rRemainder, const OUString& rFormulaString )
if( (rFormulaString.getLength() >= 4) && (rFormulaString[ 0 ] == '[') )
sal_Int32 nBracketClose = rFormulaString.indexOf( ']', 1 );
if( nBracketClose >= 2 )
rnRefId = rFormulaString.copy( 1, nBracketClose - 1 ).toInt32();
rRemainder = rFormulaString.copy( nBracketClose + 1 );
return rRemainder.getLength() > 0;
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormulaParser::FormulaParser( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ) :
FormulaProcessorBase( rHelper )
switch( getFilterType() )
case FILTER_OOXML: mxImpl.reset( new OoxFormulaParserImpl( *this ) ); break;
case FILTER_BIFF: mxImpl.reset( new BiffFormulaParserImpl( *this ) ); break;
case FILTER_UNKNOWN: break;
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::importFormula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddress, const OUString& rFormulaString ) const
return mxImpl->importOoxFormula( rBaseAddress, rFormulaString );
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::importFormula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddress, FormulaType eType, SequenceInputStream& rStrm ) const
return mxImpl->importBiff12Formula( rBaseAddress, eType, rStrm );
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::importFormula( const CellAddress& rBaseAddress, FormulaType eType, BiffInputStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize ) const
return mxImpl->importBiffFormula( rBaseAddress, eType, rStrm, pnFmlaSize );
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::convertBoolToFormula( bool bValue ) const
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( bValue ? BIFF_FUNC_TRUE : BIFF_FUNC_FALSE ) )
ApiTokenSequence aTokens( 3 );
aTokens[ 0 ].OpCode = pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode;
aTokens[ 1 ].OpCode = OPCODE_OPEN;
aTokens[ 2 ].OpCode = OPCODE_CLOSE;
return aTokens;
return ApiTokenSequence();
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::convertErrorToFormula( sal_uInt8 nErrorCode ) const
ApiTokenSequence aTokens( 3 );
// HACK: enclose all error codes into an 1x1 matrix
aTokens[ 0 ].OpCode = OPCODE_ARRAY_OPEN;
aTokens[ 1 ].OpCode = OPCODE_PUSH;
aTokens[ 1 ].Data <<= BiffHelper::calcDoubleFromError( nErrorCode );
aTokens[ 2 ].OpCode = OPCODE_ARRAY_CLOSE;
return aTokens;
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::convertNameToFormula( sal_Int32 nTokenIndex ) const
if( nTokenIndex < 0 )
return convertErrorToFormula( BIFF_ERR_REF );
ApiTokenSequence aTokens( 1 );
aTokens[ 0 ].OpCode = OPCODE_NAME;
aTokens[ 0 ].Data <<= nTokenIndex;
return aTokens;
ApiTokenSequence FormulaParser::convertNumberToHyperlink( const OUString& rUrl, double fValue ) const
OSL_ENSURE( rUrl.getLength() > 0, "FormulaParser::convertNumberToHyperlink - missing URL" );
if( const FunctionInfo* pFuncInfo = getFuncInfoFromBiffFuncId( BIFF_FUNC_HYPERLINK ) )
ApiTokenSequence aTokens( 6 );
aTokens[ 0 ].OpCode = pFuncInfo->mnApiOpCode;
aTokens[ 1 ].OpCode = OPCODE_OPEN;
aTokens[ 2 ].OpCode = OPCODE_PUSH;
aTokens[ 2 ].Data <<= rUrl;
aTokens[ 3 ].OpCode = OPCODE_SEP;
aTokens[ 4 ].OpCode = OPCODE_PUSH;
aTokens[ 4 ].Data <<= fValue;
aTokens[ 5 ].OpCode = OPCODE_CLOSE;
return aTokens;
return ApiTokenSequence();
OUString FormulaParser::importOleTargetLink( const OUString& rFormulaString )
sal_Int32 nRefId = -1;
OUString aRemainder;
if( lclExtractRefId( nRefId, aRemainder, rFormulaString ) && (aRemainder.getLength() >= 3) &&
(aRemainder[ 0 ] == '!') && (aRemainder[ 1 ] == '\'') && (aRemainder[ aRemainder.getLength() - 1 ] == '\'') )
return mxImpl->resolveOleTarget( nRefId, false );
return OUString();
OUString FormulaParser::importOleTargetLink( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
OUString aTargetLink;
sal_Int32 nFmlaSize = rStrm.readInt32();
sal_Int64 nFmlaEndPos = rStrm.tell() + ::std::max< sal_Int32 >( nFmlaSize, 0 );
if( (nFmlaSize == 7) && (rStrm.getRemaining() >= 7) )
sal_uInt8 nToken;
sal_Int16 nRefId;
sal_Int32 nNameId;
rStrm >> nToken >> nRefId >> nNameId;
aTargetLink = mxImpl->resolveOleTarget( nRefId, true );
} nFmlaEndPos );
return aTargetLink;
OUString FormulaParser::importOleTargetLink( BiffInputStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16* pnFmlaSize ) const
OUString aTargetLink;
sal_uInt16 nFmlaSize = lclReadFmlaSize( rStrm, getBiff(), pnFmlaSize );
rStrm.skip( nFmlaSize );
return aTargetLink;
OUString FormulaParser::importMacroName( const OUString& rFormulaString )
/* Valid macros are either sheet macros or VBA macros. OOXML and all BIFF
documents store defined names for sheet macros, but OOXML documents do
not store any defined name for VBA macros (while BIFF documents do).
Sheet macros may be defined locally to a sheet, or globally to the
document. As a result, all of the following macro specifiers are valid:
1) Macros located in the own document:
[0]!MySheetMacro (global sheet macro 'MySheetMacro')
Macro1!MyMacro (sheet-local sheet macro 'MyMacro')
[0]!MyVBAProc (VBA macro 'MyVBAProc')
[0]!Mod1.MyVBAProc (VBA macro 'MyVBAProc' from code module 'Mod1')
2) Macros from an external document:
[2]!MySheetMacro (global external sheet macro 'MySheetMacro')
[2]Macro1!MyMacro (sheet-local external sheet macro 'MyMacro')
[2]!MyVBAProc (external VBA macro 'MyVBAProc')
[2]!Mod1.MyVBAProc (external VBA macro from code module 'Mod1')
This implementation is only interested in VBA macros from the own
document, ignoring the valid syntax 'Macro1!MyMacro' for sheet-local
sheet macros.
sal_Int32 nRefId = -1;
OUString aRemainder;
if( lclExtractRefId( nRefId, aRemainder, rFormulaString ) && (aRemainder.getLength() > 1) && (aRemainder[ 0 ] == '!') )
/* In BIFF12 documents, the reference identifier is always the
one-based index of the external link as it is in OOXML documents
(it is not an index into the list of reference sheets as used in
cell formulas). Index 0 is an implicit placeholder for the own
document. In BIFF12 documents, the reference to the own document is
stored explicitly, mostly at the top of the list, so index 1 may
resolve to the own document too.
Passing 'false' to getExternalLink() specifies to ignore the
reference sheets list (if existing) and to access the list of
external links directly. */
const ExternalLink* pExtLink = getExternalLinks().getExternalLink( nRefId, false ).get();
OSL_ENSURE( pExtLink, "FormulaParser::importMacroName - missing link" );
// do not accept macros in external documents (not supported)
if( pExtLink && (pExtLink->getLinkType() == LINKTYPE_SELF) )
// ignore sheet macros (defined name for VBA macros may not exist, see above)
OUString aMacroName = aRemainder.copy( 1 );
const DefinedName* pDefName = getDefinedNames().getByModelName( aMacroName ).get();
if( !pDefName || pDefName->isVBName() )
return aMacroName;
return OUString();
// ============================================================================
} // namespace xls
} // namespace oox